Video Life Certificate Submission – myHRMS
Kindly download / update latest version of myHRMS app from Play store / App
Login to myHRMS app using HRMS user id and password
Click on Life Certificate Submission
Then click Record Video for the purpose of Life Certificate
Click Record & Upload Video to start video recording or
Click on View Status to check the status of video record submitted
After clicking on video Record and Upload video a prompt will displayed giving
brief instruction to be followed during Video recording.
Once the Recording is started app will display few simple questions related to your
personal data maintained in HRMS on the top of the screen. Kindly answer the
question loudly and clearly. You will be given 10 seconds to answer each questions.
Kindly ensure there is no background noise or sound around you and keep the
mobile front camera in front of you then click Start Recording (if your device
needs permission for recording video and audio kindly allow the same).
Once the Recording Completed, a prompt will display to submit or cancel the
recording. If the Pensioner cancels the recording, he can do the recording once again
and submit.
Note: If Pensioner wrongly submits the recording, he/she will be allowed to re-submit
the video record one more time (maximum 2 records in ayear) before the approver
either approvers or rejects the record.
Status of Life Certificate
After the submission of the recording, Pensioner will be able to view the Status of
Life Certificate Submission by clicking View Status