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1. Introduction and Overview ........................... 1
The Potential Role for Asset Valuation
and Depreciation
................................ 2
2. Asset Valuation Defined ............................ 3
The Benefits of Asset Valuation
................... 4
U.S. Valuation Process ............................ 11
Utah and Ohio Replacement Cost Examples ........15
“Unocial’ Use of Asset Valuation .................17
Asset Valuation as an Investment Consideration .....18
Depreciated Replacement Cost: Balancing Value
and Depreciation ............................... 22
Asset Valuation as a Component of Financial
Management ................................... 28
Complications of Transitioning to Depreciated
Replacement Costs ............................. 33
Reporting Under GASB 34 ....................... 36
Potential Uses of Valuation ...................... 38
Asset Valuation and Depreciation Performance
Measures ...................................... 42
Steps to Update Asset Valuation ................. 45
3. Summary and Conclusion .......................... 49
4. Endnotes .........................................51
ii Financial Planning for Transportation Asset Management
Figure 1. Utah DOT asset replacement values. ...........16
Figure 2. The City of Melbourne, Australia’s, Asset
Management Strategy 2015-25 ....................... 39
Table 1. GASB 34 valuation example. ...................14
Table 2. Depreciated Replacement Cost Calculation. .... 25
Table 3. Historic Cost Calculation ..................... 26
Report 5 1
1. Introduction and Overview
Transportation agencies face the challenging task to main-
tain, preserve and improve infrastructure assets for current
and future generations while grappling with limited funding.
Because assets such as pavements and bridges have long
useful lives, sound asset management requires a long-term
approach. Experiences from U.S. and international agencies
with mature asset management processes show that sustain-
ing the condition of assets is helped by long-term financial
plans that are linked to long-term asset management strate-
gies. Comprehensive transportation asset management plans
(TAMP) can demonstrate expected and desired projections
of asset performance and condition for ten or more years
into the future. A TAMP can address the amount of invest-
ment required each year for the rehabilitation, preservation,
and maintenance of assets during the plan period. The
associated financial plan can be linked to the targeted
performance and conditions
of the assets to document
any projected funding gaps.
The financial plan can illus-
trate the financial state of
the agency and express the
financial needs for the plan
period. The strategies in the
financial plan can succinctly
highlight the actions that
need to be taken over the
long term to maintain the
health, performance, and
condition of the assets.
The financial plan also can address financial risks. It could
enable the agency to monitor and compare the funding
available to the funding projected throughout the life of the
plan, document tradeos, and note corrective actions to
Experiences from U.S. and
international agencies with
mature asset management
processes show that
sustaining the condition
of assets is helped by
long-term financial plans
that are linked to long-
term asset management
accomplish the agency’s asset management objectives.
By acknowledging these risks, the financial plan brings
credibility to an asset management plan.
Well-developed financial plans allow agencies to accomplish
several important goals. These include:
 communicating with the public and stakeholders the
value of transportation assets;
 present the current, projected, and desired condition
of assets;
 document the funding required to support those
 explain the financial risks, and accompanying revenue
The Potential Role for Asset Valuation
and Depreciation
This fifth and last report in the financial plan series
addresses asset valuation and depreciation.
Asset valuation translates infrastructure conditions into
monetary terms as public wealth or equity. Its corollary
is depreciation. Depreciation captures the cost to public
wealth or equity as assets age or deteriorate through use or
neglect. Valuation and depreciation help portray infrastruc-
ture as part of the public’s “portfolio of wealth” that merits
sound management, investment, and preservation.
Asset valuation plays a much larger role in asset manage-
ment in England and Australia than it does in the United
States. This report compares and contrasts U.S. practice to
2 Financial Planning for Transportation Asset Management
Report 5 3
that in other countries and it explores the potential for asset
valuation to play a larger role in U.S. asset-management
eorts. It also explores challenges to expanded use of
asset valuation and depreciation.
2. Asset Valuation Defined
This report defines asset valuation as the assignment of
monetary value to infrastructure based upon its size, age,
condition, replacement cost, or original cost to construct.
Asset valuation is ambiguous because it means dierent
things to dierent disciplines. To an economist, the value
of infrastructure consists of its contribution to economic
activity. In the economist’s view, the value of roads, bridges,
or buses can be determined by their generation of travel
time savings, accident reductions, or economic activity. To a
businessperson, income-generating potential or the market
price of comparable assets determines their value. Business-
valuation experts estimate an asset’s value by how much
revenue it can generate, or what a willing seller would pay
for it in an “arm’s length” transaction.
This report focuses upon the transportation asset managers
perspective on asset valuation. In this report, the value of
assets is based upon their physical nature, size, age, condi-
tion, components, or some derivative of their cost to con-
struct. In the international transportation asset management
frameworks discussed in this report, asset valuation generally
relates to these physical characteristics inherent within the
assets. They do value some assets such as income-generating
toll road service plazas based upon their potential sale price.
However, international agencies generally value most assets
based upon their cost, age, and condition. By focusing asset
valuation upon the age or condition of the asset it supports
the sound long-term maintenance of it.
4 Financial Planning for Transportation Asset Management
The Benefits of Asset Valuation
Asset valuation plays a large role in several international
asset management frameworks because it emphasizes that
transportation assets represent government’s largest capital
investment. Roads and bridges are public capital and com-
prise one of the largest sources of public wealth. The record-
ing of infrastructure as capital reflects a business-sector
accounting perspective that emphasizes that an entity’s
“wealth” is not limited to cash, stocks, or bonds. Its land,
building, factories—and in the case of transportation agen-
cies—its infrastructure comprise a large component of its
wealth. Just as government must be a responsible steward
of cash or bonds, it also should be a responsible steward of
all capital assets, the largest of which is the transportation
network. As one British guidance document states, “Putting
a monetary value on the assets is important because it
emphasizes the substantial value that is tied up in them
and hence the need to invest in maintaining their value.
The relatively large size of
this investment is captured in
states’ comprehensive annual
financial reports, or their
CAFRs. The 2014 Washington
State CAFR reports $35.4
billion in capital assets, or
physical assets as opposed to
cash or pension-fund invest-
ments. Of that $35.4 billion,
$21.7 billion are transportation infrastructure.
The 2014
State of Utah CAFR reports $17.1 billion in capital assets with
$13.4 billion consisting of infrastructure.
The 2014 Florida
State CAFR reports $62.8 billion in capital assets with $37.6
billion of that being infrastructure. In Ohio, the 2014 CAFR
reports $25.8 billion in capital assets with $19.9 billion
comprising state-owned roads and bridges.
As will be
“Putting a monetary value
on the assets is important
because it emphasizes the
substantial value that is
tied up in them and hence
the need to invest in
maintaining their value.”
Report 5 5
discussed below, these values are understated substantially
at least in comparison to valuation practices of other
countries. Although these values represent the relative
magnitude of infrastructure value compared to a state’s
total capital assets, the nominal values stated are much
less than actual values because of U.S. accounting
standards that will be discussed below.
Australian and British transportation agencies emphasize
valuation as a significant component of transportation asset
management. In those countries, transportation engineers
and planners collaborated with accountants to move toward
a common reporting approach. The intent is to have the
disciplines “speak a common language” so that the finance
and engineering sta are preserving physical capital with
diligence comparable to the managing of financial capital.
In Great Britain, the Chartered Institute of Public Finance
and Accounting (CIPFA) collaborated with the UK Roads
Liaison Group (UKRLG) that is an association of national
and local governments. The accounting body developed a
Code of Practice on Transport Infrastructure Assets that
provides guidelines on assigning monetary value to physical
assets. The accountants coordinated with the Roads Liaison
Group that produced asset management guidelines. The
two coordinated the financial management and valuation
guidelines with a pavement management system and draft
bridge management system. The intent is to generate
common values for asset management and financial
management decision making.
CIPFA says the financial reporting code and its emphasis on
asset valuation supports long-term financial planning and
budgeting, good evidence-based asset management, and
transparent information on agencies’ management of high-
way assets. Its guidelines say that the local highway net-
works and other transportation infrastructure represent by
6 Financial Planning for Transportation Asset Management
far the largest capital asset that the UK public sector holds.
However, few local governments know what their infrastruc-
ture is worth, and detailed inventory and condition informa-
tion are not uniformly available. Although there is a percep-
tion that transportation assets are underfunded, the amount
of investment to sustain them is unclear.
The British guidelines advance the concept that physical
assets have financial value by stating that good financial
planning and good engineering overlap with transportation
asset management. An example lies with asset inventories. In
U.S. practice, asset inventories are thought of as a planning,
engineering, or maintenance support tool. The British guide-
lines cite asset inventories also as financial tools that allow
for the identification and valuation of the agency’s physical
capital. Similarly, pavement and bridge management systems
serve the needs of engineers, planners, programmers and
In the corporate world, asset valuation is a basic
component of financial reporting to investors and
shareholders. The Union Pacific railroad’s 2014 annual
report says that total capital investment to maintain
and improve its railways and rolling stock increased
from $3.176 billion in 2011 to $3.496 billion in 2013.
This investment more than oset reported deprecia-
tion of $1.77 billion. This increase in capital investment
contributed to a total growth in assets from $45.1
billion in 2011 to $49.7 billion in 2013. The eect of this
growth is each shareholder owned part of a company
with a “book value” of $49.7 billion in 2013, up nearly
10 percent in two years. If UP’s depreciation outpaced
its capital investment in infrastructure, shareholder
value would have declined instead of grown.
Report 5 7
accountants who make project and program decisions.
For accountants, the deterioration curves and forecasting
scenarios support estimates of long-term investment needs
that the accountants and financial sta should anticipate.
Good unit cost data not only helps the planner and estimator
but they allow the finance sta to improve forecasting of
investment needs. The overlap of engineering and finance
resulted in the code’s development to serve the needs of
both. The code attempts to identify standards that will
generate data to allow both the transportation asset
managers and the agency financial sta to do their jobs.
“Eective implementation will require highway engineers and
finance sta to work closely together to ensure that financial
information is timely, consistent and of high quality to meet
the needs of both.
In the British guidelines, further overlap between asset
management and financial management is encouraged by
using asset-inspection protocols to help estimate asset
values. One of the first steps in valuing assets is to identify
their components. For example, the underlying rights-of-
way and earthworks seldom depreciate. However, pavement
layers and drainage components do. For valuation purposes,
the inventory is broken down into components and each
component valued and depreciated separately. This “com-
ponentization” is recommended to be coordinated with the
inspection protocols. If bridge components are inspected as
individual items of the structure, those same component
classifications are used to determine the value of dierent
bridge elements. In this way, the value of a bridge deck
could be dierentiated from the value of the superstructure,
just as the condition of the deck can be dierentiated from
the condition of the superstructure. Similarly, if pavement
surfaces are inspected, those inspection reports feed the
estimate of pavement age and condition that determine
the pavement layer’s value.
8 Financial Planning for Transportation Asset Management
To fully understand financial statements, one must
appreciate that their numbers often represent
approximations. Although a checking account may be
balanced to the penny, such precision is not possible
when making revenue forecasts, or when assigning
costs for depreciation. A checking account is a short-
term “cash” account. It can be absolutely balanced.
However, forecasts of future revenues and the allocation
of long-term depreciation are “accrual” estimates.
They are my nature approximations.
Basic concepts in accounting are “accrual,” “allocation,”
and “recognition.” These mean that revenue, expenses,
and profits are often estimated and spread across many
months, years, or even decades. If a widget-making
company purchases a $1 million widget-making
machine it will spread the purchase price across years
or decades on the financial statements. This reflects the
basic accounting concepts of “accrual” and “allocation.
The cost of purchasing the widget-making equipment
is allocated or spread across the company’s widget-
making functions. The company’s cost of widget
production reflects the accrued or allocated cost of
the $1 million equipment. If the equipment helps
produce a product for 10 years, its purchase price is
spread, or accrued, across the cost of production for
10 years. These practices lead to numbers on financial
reports that do not correlate to any actual income or
outlay. The $1 million price of the equipment may never
appear on the financial reports as a $1 million outlay.
Instead one-tenth of its cost may appear in 10-year
increments if it is depreciated over 10 years. Also
complicating the issue is there are many dierent ways
Report 5 9
to depreciate the equipment, each of which generates
a dierent annual depreciation cost.
Accounting logic says when the company bought the
$1 million machine it exchanged $1 million in cash for
$1 million in equipment. Its assets remain balanced.
The costs are recognized as the machine is depreci-
ated, or a bit of its economic value is consumed each
year. Analogous in the public sector, if a transportation
agency buys from a contractor a $1 million bridge,
the agency still has $1 million in value. The value is in
infrastructure, not cash. The loss in the agency’s value
occurs over time as the bridge depreciates, which
reflects its “consumption.” Estimating the annual
depreciation is an estimate, not an absolute.
“The fact is, accounting and finance… really are as
much art as they are science,” says Financial Intelli-
gence, A Manager’s Guide to Knowing What Numbers
Really Mean. “We think that if a number shows up on
the financial statements or the finance department
reports to management, it must accurately represent
reality. …The art of accounting and finance is the art of
using limited data to come as close as possible to an
accurate description of how well a company is perform-
ing. Accounting and finance are not reality, they are a
reflection of reality.
This need to approximate and estimate holds true for
valuing transportation assets. Agencies’ valuations
always will be estimates. The key is for an agency to
use a consistent valuation process comparable over
many years.
10 Financial Planning for Transportation Asset Management
The British code also emphasizes that assets with the highest
costs merit the highest focus. As such, pavements and
bridges that comprise more than 90 percent of a typical
agency’s assets merit the most sophisticated management
while less complex assets such as signs merit less complexity.
A key dierence in U.S. asset valuation guidelines and those
in Great Britain or Australia is in the use of what is known as
“historical costs” versus “depreciated replacement costs.
U.S. and Australian financial-reporting frameworks
emphasize the use of common language so that a
“reasonably knowledgeable” person could understand
the agency’s financial status.
GASB 34 requires a
manager’s discussion and analysis (MD&A) that should
give “an objective and readable analysis.” Detracting
from the asset management utility, the GASB 34
analysis is only required to relate to the past year.
The Australian guidelines emphasize an accrual
accounting approach that summarizes the agency’s
long-term financial sustainability. It describes financial
sustainability as “able to manage financial risks and
financial shocks in future periods without having to
introduce significant and economically destabilizing
expenditure or revenue adjustments in those future
periods…Eectively, a financial sustainability assessment
involves a comparison of an agency’s long-term financial
capacity with its long-term financial requirements.
Despite their dierent timeframes, both sets of
guidance emphasize common, understandable
language to support public decision making.
Report 5 11
The U.S. valuation process divorces asset condition from
its value which is illogical to an engineer or planner. The
British and Australian practices more closely relate asset
value to condition resulting in much higher stated values.
The U.S. valuation practice diminishes the utility of asset
valuation as an asset management tool. First, the U.S.
process of asset valuation will be described. Then, it will
be contrasted to practices in other industrialized English-
speaking nations.
U.S. Valuation Process
For the typical U.S. planner or engineer the valuation of an
asset plays little role in deciding how to manage it. They
instead focus upon asset condition.
State and local agencies annually report on asset valuation
under the Governmental Accounting Standards Board
Statement 34 (GASB 34) requirement. Transportation
agencies generally produce internal estimates of their
agency’s infrastructure value that then are included
as footnotes or tables in the statewide CAFR. The CAFRs
tend not to be widely read and the asset valuation tables
even less so. Generally, the agency’s asset valuation
estimates are a few lines of the CAFR table of capital assets
along with other state capital assets such as parks, build-
ings, universities, and museums. A few paragraphs of
explanation are included.
Most U.S. transportation ocials report receiving little
interest in the GASB 34 valuation estimates.
This lack
of interest is in part because they are published only in the
relatively obscure CAFRs but also because the logic used to
value assets is dierent from the logic used by engineers
and planners to invest in assets. This is despite GASB 34’s
original intent to spur public review of the adequacy of
infrastructure investment.
12 Financial Planning for Transportation Asset Management
GASB 34 was adopted in 1999 at the same time that
accounting bodies around the world increased their
emphasis upon public-sector capital accounting. From the
U.S. and Canada, across Europe and to Australia and New
Zealand, accounting and financial professionals recognized
that much of the public’s “capital” was not reported in
agency budgets and financial statements. Agency budgets
reported upon current ac-
count balances and expendi-
tures for a one or two-year
period. However, physical
capital was de-emphasized.
An analogy would be to a
homeowner balancing her
checkbook and savings
account but ignoring depre-
ciation of her home, car, and
retirement account. Her home
and car may represent her largest assets but they were not
reported in her checkbook as capital assets whose value
may increase or decrease. Similarly, agency financial state-
ments ignored declines in highway and bridge conditions
that represent loss of value in public assets.
Another analogy is between pension funds and transporta-
tion agencies. Pension funds hold many long-lived assets
for many decades. They invest pension contributions in
stocks, bonds, real estate and other investments to grow
their portfolio for the benefit of the pension recipients
who contributed to the system. The accounting reforms
of the 1990s intended to put all government agencies on
a somewhat similar footing to pension fund managers.
The roads, bridges, buildings, and transit facilities owned
by the transportation agencies reflected large investments
as did the pension fund contributions. If transportation
agency ocials were managing a large infrastructure port-
folio, they should report upon changes in its value. They also
GASB 34 was adopted in
1999 at the same time that
accounting bodies around
the world increased their
emphasis upon public-
sector capital accounting.
Report 5 13
should disclose their strategies and investments to grow, or
at least to sustain, their portfolio.
In 1999, GASB 34 required for the first time that agency
financial ocials provide a “management discussion and
analysis” summarizing the changes in the agency’s financial
position regarding its physical capital or infrastructure. It also
was to report on all costs, including costs such as the loss of
infrastructure value through depreciation. Again, the analogy
to a portfolio manager is relevant. If the stocks held by a
pension manager decline in value, the pension fund would
record the decline as a loss of portfolio value. Similarly, if an
agency’s infrastructure portfolio declined in value through
a lack of maintenance, that loss of capital value was to be
GASB 34 summarized the intent as, “In short, the
new annual reports should give government ocials a new
more comprehensive way to demonstrate their stewardship
in the long term in addition to the way they currently
demonstrate their stewardship in the short term through
the budgetary process.
The GASB 34 guidelines, however, specified asset valuation
calculations that reduce their relevance to transportation
asset management. GASB 34 requires agencies to value
assets only based upon their original construction cost,
known as their historic costs.
As a result, a 30-year-old
bridge that has been restored to near “as new” condition
would be reported on the agency’s balance sheet only at its
30-year-old original cost. Also, many costs to maintain and
restore assets are recorded as expenses, not as capital. As
a result, a rehabilitation project that restores a bridge or
pavement may not increase its reported value.
These guidelines tend to divorce an asset’s condition from its
reported GASB 34 value. Under GASB 34, costs for electric-
ity to light an oce and the cost to rehabilitate a bridge are
both expenses that don’t increase asset values, even if the
14 Financial Planning for Transportation Asset Management
bridge is restored to nearly “as new” condition. Exceptions
are brand new assets, such as a new bypass on new align-
ment. When complete, it is recorded at its construction cost.
However, its value is not updated in later years when its
components are rehabilitated. Thus, inflation erodes its
relative value despite its condition.
Table 1 represents an example from the GASB 34 guidelines,
with the years updated. It illustrates how the reported value
of a serviceable asset would be reduced regardless of its
condition. The original construction year was 2001, and
the estimated cost to replace the asset in 2016 dollars is
$65 million.
Using FHWA construction cost indices, the 2001 construction
costs are estimated to be 69 percent of 2016’s construction
costs. Therefore, the estimated historic cost to build the asset
in 2001 was the current value times 69 percent or $44.8
million. Because the asset is assumed to have a 25-year life,
one-twenty-fifth of its value is depreciated each year. By 2016,
the 15 years of accumulated depreciation is $26.9 million. That
is subtracted from the estimated 2001 construction cost
Table 1. GASB 34 valuation example.
Step Factor or Calculation Value
A Year Asset Constructed 2001
B Current Replacement Cost $65M
C 2001 Construction Index (% of 2016 Costs) .69
D 2016’s Estimate of the 2001 Construction Cost (B x C) $44.9 M
E Annual Depreciation Cost Based on 25-Year Life (D ÷ 25) $1.794M
F 15 Years Accumulated Depreciation (E x 15) $26.9M
G Recorded Asset Value in 2016 (D – F) $17.95
H Years Remaining Until Asset Value = $0 (G ÷ E) 10
Report 5 15
leaving a recorded asset value of $17.94 million on the 2016
financial reports. In subsequent years, the annual depreciation
of $1.794 is deducted resulting in the asset having a value of
zero by 2025. Although the asset may have been maintained
and rehabilitated, its value will continue to decline and reach
a value of zero 25 years after its construction.
This use of “historic” costs tends to greatly understate the
intrinsic value of U.S. infrastructure and makes asset valuation
largely irrelevant to U.S. transportation asset management.
From a narrow valuation view point, if an asset has no report-
ed value, what is the imperative to maintain it? On the other
hand, if the asset is reported as a high-value publicly owned
piece of capital, the imperative to sustain its value increases.
Utah and Ohio Replacement Cost Examples
A comparison of GASB 34 asset values with estimated
replacement costs illustrates how much the U.S. valuation
standards reduce the reported value of assets. The Ohio DOT
reports a GASB 34 value of $2.893 billion for its bridges in
2014. Based upon its average square foot cost to replace or
rehabilitate a bridge, it would cost $32.9 billion to replace its
bridge inventory based on 2014 costs. The GASB valuation
equals 9 percent of replacement cost, although the agency
bridges are in relatively good condition. ODOT reports that
only 1.4 percent of its bridge area is in unacceptable condi-
tion. From a performance standpoint, their value is high.
From a GASB 34 standpoint, their value is much less.
The Utah DOT estimates the replacement value for its
roadway assets at $34.6 billion, shown in Figure 1. By com-
parison, its GASB 34 values for pavements, structures and
land are $15.9 billion or 45 percent of the replacement cost.
Despite depreciating replacement values by 55 percent by
using the required GASB 34 valuation, the Utah DOT reports
good asset conditions. It reports 99 percent of all bridges
16 Financial Planning for Transportation Asset Management
and interstate highway pavements are good or fair. For
non-interstate roads with more than 1,000 vehicles per day,
92 percent of pavements are good or fair. For routes with
less than 1,000 vehicles a day 76 percent were good or fair
and 24 percent poor.
The result of the U.S. standards is that the reported value or
“carrying amount” of infrastructure is much less than for
equivalent assets in Great Britain, Australia, or New Zealand.
“There is virtually no benefit to TAM if assets are valued at
historical cost under the GASB 34 depreciation approach,
says the second asset management guide.
This is because
of the long-term eects of inflation that decrease the
Figure 1. Utah DOT asset replacement values.
Report 5 17
reported value of serviceable assets, according to the guide
published by the American Association of State Highway
and Transportation Ocials (AASHTO.)
Using FHWA construction cost indices, the 2001 construction
costs are estimated to be 69 percent of 2016’s construction
costs. Therefore, the estimated historic cost to build the
asset in 2001 was the current value times 69 percent or
$44.8 million. Because the asset is assumed to have a 25-year
life, one-twenty-fifth of its value is depreciated each year.
By 2016, the 15 years of accumulated depreciation is
$26.9 million. That is subtracted from the estimated 2001
construction cost leaving a recorded asset value of $17.94
million on the 2016 financial reports. In subsequent years,
the annual depreciation of $1.794 is deducted resulting in
the asset having a value of zero by 2025. Although the asset
may have been maintained and rehabilitated, its value will
continue to decline and reach a value of zero 25 years after
its construction.
“Unocial” Use of Asset Valuation
Although GASB34 requires the use of historical costs for
valuation of assets in the CAFRs it does not prohibit an
agency’s use of more realistic valuation estimates for plan-
ning, communication, or asset management purposes. The
Utah DOT incorporates its much-higher asset-replacement
costs into its risk-based asset management decision making.
It uses the values from Figure 1 to both illustrate the value of
its assets but to also help set investment priorities.
UDOT developed a tiered approach to managing its assets
based upon their value and their risks. Tier 1 assets have the
highest combined value combined with the highest negative
risk of financial impact if they are poorly managed. These
high-value assets receive the most sophisticated manage-
ment that includes accurate and sophisticated data collection,
18 Financial Planning for Transportation Asset Management
targets that are tracked, and predictive modeling and risk
analysis. Tier 2 assets have a moderate value and risk and
may have data collected less than annually, risks are assessed
for failure only, and management may be by spreadsheet
calculation rather than sophisticated model. Tier 3 assets
have the lowest values and risks. They are generally repaired
or replaced when damaged. Assets valued in Tier 1 or Tier 2
are managed for four categories of risks:
 Financial risks or the analysis of sustainable funding to
achieve performance goals;
 Information risks or the availability and quality of data
needed for long term management;
 Operational risk or the analysis of the probability
and impact of asset failure upon the operation of
the system, and;
 Safety or the analysis of risks to the impact on public
safety of asset failure or poor condition.
Tier 1 assets are pavements, bridges, pipes and culverts.
Tier 2 assets include retaining walls, barrier, signs, signals,
pavement markings, rumble strips, intelligent transportation
system (ITS) devices and curb ramps. The Tiers are broken
down further with pavements stratified into the Interstates
which are 16 percent of the system, Level 1 sections, or
those with greater than 1,000 ADT and truck volumes above
200 daily. These comprise about 50 percent of its system.
Level 2 pavements have less than 1,000 AADT and comprise
34 percent of the network.
Asset Valuation as an Investment Consideration
As with the Utah DOT, asset valuation plays a prominent
role in asset management decision making abroad. The
Report 5 19
high value of infrastructure assets is cited in British asset
management plans as one of the rationales for eective
asset management. Transport for London’s first highway
asset management plan in 2007 started by noting the plan
will help the City of London manage its $5 billion in roadway
By calculating an agency’s asset values, transportation
ocials can relate to business-oriented citizens and
elected ocials by referring to the agency’s “book
value.” When the total value of an agency’s physical and
financial assets is calculated, the total would be what
business analysts call the “book value.” Book value is a
common business term that refers to the estimated
value of a company if all of its assets were sold. It is a
dierent type of valuation than income-generating
valuation, or market value, that bases a company’s
estimated value upon the revenue it could generate in
the future. Book value is calculated by estimating the
value of plant, equipment, inventory, land, cash, and
other assets that could be sold. Understanding a com-
pany’s book value is a key factor for business owners.
With many legislators and governors coming from the
private sector, they would understand book value from
their business experience. By calculating and using book
value as a decision-making tool, transportation agency
ocials can speak in a language that these former
business people readily understand. Another term for
book value is “owner’s equity.” By discussing owners
equity and book value, agency ocials can demonstrate
they understand that transportation infrastructure is
owners’ equity, and the owner is the public.
20 Financial Planning for Transportation Asset Management
assets, which are among the most valuable assets owned by
the City.
The London asset management plan says that
changes in asset values reflect changes in asset conditions,
providing the city an important benchmark of its asset
management eectiveness. It also can track its depreciation
expenses against its asset investments to determine if it is
keeping pace with asset deterioration. The London borough
of Croydon’s asset management plan says it uses asset
valuation as one of several measures to track the condition
of assets.
Knowing the annual change in asset values
helps the city determine
investment levels to build a
business case to ensure the
network remains “fit for
purpose.” It compares its
Gross Replacement Cost, or
its as-new costs, compared
to current, depreciated costs
to determine how much
network value has been lost
to “consumption of the
asset” or depreciation. Its
calculations indicate that current assets represent about
89 percent of “as new” value. This indicates that assets
are in relatively good condition with only 11 percent of the
assets “consumed” or depreciated. Although not stated in
the Croydon asset management plan, this percentage has
sometimes been called an Asset Consumption Ratio. It
measures the percent of “as new” assets that have been
consumed through use or depreciation.
The Town of New Market Ontario’s asset management plan
reports that the value of its infrastructure assets is immense
in relation to the town’s operations. It says in recent years the
linking of the management of these assets to fiscal sustain-
ability principles has become more prevalent. It prepared
six strategic documents to guide its long-term operations
The London asset
management plan says
that changes in asset values
reflect changes in asset
conditions, providing
the city an important
benchmark of its asset
management eectiveness.
Report 5 21
including a capital financing sustainability strategy, a roads
needs study, and an asset management plan that covers all
its infrastructure.
Canadian governments such as New Market must report
historic costs on their financial statements, as do U.S.
governments. However, New Market’s asset management
plan says the historic costs have limited value for making
infrastructure investment decisions. Therefore, it also reports
replacement costs which are more meaningful to decision
makers. It notes its town hall was built in 1860 for $60,000
but was recently renovated for $9 million. Its roads and
bridges are on the books for $139 million in historic costs but
are valued at $323 million for replacement costs. “It is the
replacement costs, the costs that will be incurred now or in
the future, that are essential for decision-makers to be aware
of.” It bases its 10-year financial plan, which is called a Capital
Financing Sustainability Strategy, upon the costs to renew
and replace assets based upon their replacement costs.
The City of Sydney, Australia’s, Resourcing Strategy provides
a 10-year financial plan for the city which includes tracking
of asset valuation and depreciation.
Although it cautions
that the amount of depreciation does not equate to any
given year’s maintenance needs, it does reflect the long-term
reduction in the assets estimated useful life. Depreciation of
the value of the city’s assets provides a benchmark against
which its asset-renewal expenditures can be compared. It
reports that its program for asset renewal and replacement
over 10 years will match or exceed the assets’ depreciation.
As with other governments in Australia, the predicted depre-
ciation appears as a line item on the agency’s projected
10-year income statement. Depreciation represents about
20 percent of the city’s expenses from continuing operations
over 10 years. Depreciation averages $124 million annually
over 10 years while the city’s projected capital plan averages
$186 million, outpacing the accumulated depreciation.
22 Financial Planning for Transportation Asset Management
The Australian State of Victoria’s highway agency, known as
VicRoads, reported 2014 asset values of $47.7 billion, which
is more than twice that of Ohio’s although Victoria has half of
Ohio’s population. The higher values result from Australia’s
reliance on what is called “depreciated replacement costs”
rather than the historic costs used in the U.S. Depreciated
replacement cost will be explained below. The VicRoads
annual report reflects the private-sector-like accounting used
in Australia. The agency reported a net deficit in 2014-15 in
part because of a recognition of higher depreciation result-
ing from an every-five-year revaluation of its assets.
Depreciated Replacement Cost:
Balancing Value and Depreciation
The British and Australian accounting guidelines call for
agencies to report the “fair value” of assets, not the historic
costs. As noted, this leads to higher and probably more
realistic valuations than in the U.S. The Australian Account-
ing Standards Board Standard 13 defines fair value as the
price that would be received to sell an asset in an orderly
transaction between market participants.
When estimat-
ing fair value, the organization shall take into account the
characteristics of the asset such as its condition and loca-
tion. Standard 13’s inclusion of condition as a valuation
factor significantly dierentiates it from GASB 34 which
focuses on only the original, or historical, construction cost.
Australian Standard 13 also says that in the absence of a
principal market—such as for publicly owned transportation
assets—the fair value measure assumes that the asset could
be sold in the most advantageous market. For non-financial
assets such as infrastructure the standard says fair value
should take into account the market participant’s ability to
generate economic benefit by using the asset at its highest
and best use. Again, this provision allows the condition of
assets to be factored into their value because the economic
benefits can include the asset’s remaining years of service.
Report 5 23
For non-market assets, the entity shall consider all “relevant
observable inputs” when valuing assets. This opens the door
for asset conditions to influence the asset’s value.
Under the Australian account-
ing standards, dierent
valuation approaches could
be applied to dierent assets.
The valuation process would
depend upon how robust
comparable price data are.
The guidelines provide three
dierent levels of valuation
ranked in order of preference.
Level 1 inputs would be used
when there are quoted prices
for comparable assets, such
as if the agency owns excess
rights-of-way whose value
can be equated to compa-
rable land prices. Level 2
inputs would be observable inputs, such as the price of an
asphalt pavement resurface. The agency could not re-sell
an asphalt surface to determine its market value. It could,
however, estimate the cost or value of a pavement surface
based on typical construction costs and the asphalt surface’s
age and condition. Level 3 inputs are not observable in the
open market but can be derived from an entity’s own data,
such as asset-inventory condition data.
The agency also could use dierent valuation techniques
depending upon the use of the asset. A market-based
approach to valuation could be used for items that have
comparable market prices, again, such as excess rights-of-
way that could be sold. The agency could use an income
approach for assets that generate income, such as the
service plaza on a turnpike. The value of the service plaza
The Australian Accounting
Standards Board Standard
13 defines fair value as
the price that would be
received to sell an asset
in an orderly transaction
between market partici-
When estimating
fair value, the organization
shall take into account
the characteristics of the
asset such as its condition
and location.
24 Financial Planning for Transportation Asset Management
could be determined by the net present value of its income
over a specific time period. The income-based approach is
typical when private companies estimate the value of a
business they want to buy or sell.
The third approach would be most typical for transportation
assets and it is the cost approach. The cost approach reflects
the amount that would be required currently to replace the
service capacity of the assets, or as the Standard 13, says, the
“current replacement cost.” The replacement cost, however,
is not to an “as new” condition but rather to an “as is” condi-
tion. “From the perspective of the market participant seller,
the price that would be received for the asset is based on the
cost to the market participant buyer to acquire or construct
a substitute asset of comparable utility, adjusted for obsoles-
cence…Obsolescence encompasses physical deterioration,
functional (technological) obsolescence and economic
obsolescence...” For instance, an asset that no longer meets
standard or which is technologically obsolete would have
lower value regardless of its physical condition.
A definition very similar to current replacement cost is the
depreciated replacement cost, or DRC.
It is most common-
ly used to value assets in Australia and is recommended
for adoption in Great Britain. Both have similar definitions
but the depreciated replacement cost may have the more
descriptive and less-ambiguous title. It is defined in AASB
Standard 136 as “the current replacement cost of an asset
less, where applicable, accumulated depreciation calculated
on the basis of such cost to reflect the already consumed or
expired future economic benefits of the asset.
In other
words, what would it cost to replace the asset as it is?
Depreciated replacement cost addresses some of the short-
comings of GASB 34’s reliance on historic costs. As its name
suggests, it captures both the cost to replace an asset “as is”
and also reflects the reduced value caused by age and
Report 5 25
depreciation. Table 2 which is modified from the Australian
Infrastructure Financial Management Guidelines 29 illustrates
an example of calculating a depreciated replacement cost.
In the example, an agency determines the value of a 55-year-
old bridge. It determines that the cost to replace the bridge
with a modern equivalent will be $3 million. The bridge has
an expected life of 60 years, with five years remaining.
Therefore, it has 8 percent of its remaining useful life or
5 years/60 years. The replacement value of $3 million is
multiplied by the remaining life, or 8 percent, to produce a
depreciated replacement value of $250,000. The 55-year-old
bridge is thus carried on the books at a depreciated replace-
ment value of $250,000. If a new bridge is built in five years,
it will be “recognized” on the books at $3 million and the
agency’s asset values will increase by that amount.
Table 3 (see next page) compares the value of the bridge if
historic costs were used. In this scenario, it is estimated that
the historic cost of the bridge was $500,000 55 years ago.
Because it has an estimated life of 60 years, one-sixtieth of
its value is depreciated each year so that by the current time
it has a value of only $41,667, compared to $250,000 in the
depreciated replacement cost valuation. As can be seen, the
major dierence is applying depreciation to the replacement
cost, not the historic cost. The Australian and British guide-
lines contend that the depreciated replacement cost provides
Table 2. Depreciated Replacement Cost Calculation.
Step Factor or Calculation Value
A Cost to Build New Replacement Bridge $3M
B Useful Life 60 years
C Age of Bridge 55 years
D Remaining Life 5 years
E Percent of Remaining Useful Life (D ÷ B) 8.3%
F Depreciated Replacement Cost (A X E) $250,000
26 Financial Planning for Transportation Asset Management
a more realistic estimate of the actual value of the structure.
In this case, the structure will provide 5 years of service,
which in modern cost terms, is valued at $250,000 and
not the $41,667.
The British asset management accounting guidelines also
recommend depreciated replacement cost for valuing assets.
It says that depreciation is a useful measure of the cost of
the economic benefits of assets that have been consumed
during the accounting period. However, applying deprecia-
tion to the historical cost of assets is not a good basis for
dealing with assets that have long lives. The depreciation
expense applied to the lower historical cost understates the
amount of annual depreciation incurred, which understates
the amount of investment needed to sustain asset values.
It defines depreciated replacement cost as, “the current cost
of replacing an asset with its modern equivalent asset, less
deductions for all physical deterioration and all relevant
forms of obsolescence and optimization.” The gross replace-
ment cost (GRC) is the cost of constructing a modern, equiv-
alent asset. From the gross replacement cost is subtracted
depreciation to determine the depreciated replacement cost.
The British guidance has two other elements that increase
asset values in comparison to values derived from historic
Table 3. Historic Cost Calculation.
Step Factor or Calculation Value
A Historic Cost to Build Bridge 55 Years Ago $500,000
B Bridge Age 55 years
C Estimate Bridge Life 60 years
D Annual Depreciation (A ÷ C) $8,333
E 55 Years of Depreciation (B x D) $458,333
F Bridge Historic Value (A – E) $41,667
Report 5 27
costs. First, the asset values are indexed upward each year
to reflect inflation. Agencies should dierentiate or track the
amount of increased asset value caused by inflation so that
they can recognize how much the value is increased by
inflation and how much by investment.
Secondly, the British guidelines allow more increase in asset
value through investment than does the U.S. standards. This
is called “capitalization.” As investments are made to extend
the life of assets, the asset value is increased more liberally
under the UK guidelines than the U.S. guidelines. In the U.S.,
costs such as painting steel beams or replacing an asphalt
layer are considered expenses that cost the agency but
which do not increase asset
value. In most U.S. agencies,
they only “capitalize” items
that expand the size or
footprint of assets. And they
often have higher capitaliza-
tion limits of $500,000 or
more. The result is that many
U.S. asset renewal projects
don’t increase asset values,
which again is contrary to
engineering logic. In the
British guidelines, the capital-
ization limits are lower and
more types of projects result
in increased asset values.
The CIPFA guidelines say, “Put simply, the intention is to
capture anything that adds to or restores the economic
benefits and service potential of the asset compared to the
condition at the time the expenditure is made.
potholes or cleaning ditches are not capitalized but painting
steel beams or sealing pavement surface layers are.
The result of the British
capitalization guidelines
is to “reward” sound asset
management. As invest-
ments are made to extend
the life of assets, the
agency’s asset values
increase. The agency can
demonstrate to the public
and to policy makers that
it is growing the public’s
equity and acting
28 Financial Planning for Transportation Asset Management
The result of the British capitalization guidelines is to
“reward” sound asset management. As investments are
made to extend the life of assets, the agency’s asset values
increase. The agency can demonstrate to the public and
to policy makers that it is growing the public’s equity and
acting sustainably. It will be leaving for future users higher
asset values and more public “equity” than currently exist.
In eect, they have grown the value of the public’s
transportation portfolio.
Asset Valuation as a Component of
Financial Management
In the Canadian, British, and Australian infrastructure-
management frameworks asset valuations are only part
of a larger process to encourage state, local, and national
governments to focus upon the financial sustainability of
infrastructure. Asset values alone do not drive the infra-
structure-management framework but are part of a suite
of financial-sustainability metrics and analyses intended
to support the long-term, responsible investment in assets.
A more detailed discussion of Australian and British finan-
cial infrastructure plans can be found in the FHWA report,
Asset Sustainability Index: A Proposed Measure for Long-
Term Performance, pages 21-31, accessible at https://www.
web.pdf Here, the financial-sustainability frameworks are
summarized and the role of asset values put into the
financial-planning context.
In most of the international examples, asset valuation
complements typical asset performance measures and
processes, it does not replace them. Ocials still focus on
pavement and bridge conditions, deterioration rates, and
other asset-condition attributes. But the inclusion of asset
values translates deteriorating infrastructure into deprecia-
tion that appears as lost dollars and cents to taxpayers.
Report 5 29
In Canada, the Public Sector Accounting Group of the
Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants (CICA) pro-
duced for local governments a Guide to Accounting for
Reporting Tangible Capital Assets.
It’s opening paragraphs
reflect the sentiment seen in similar eorts in Great Britain,
Australia, and New Zealand.
“There is growing evidence that our communities
are facing major challenges financing deferred
maintenance, renewal and replacement of aging
capital assets. This may be an indicator that decision
makers have not received sucient information to
understand the financial eects of past funding
decisions on the condition of existing capital assets
and the cost of using them in service provision.
As the existing capital asset base ages and popula-
tion grows, increased demands for new capital
assets will place further pressures on the ability of a
local government to sustain those services. Informa-
tion about the existing stock, the cost of its use and
the needs for its replacement must be at the fore-
front of decision making. To be useful, that informa-
tion must be complete, reliable and unbiased and
provided on a local government-wide basis.
This is not to say that local governments have not
been maintaining information about their assets to
properly manage them. Municipal engineers have
developed asset management systems for work
management, customer care and capital budgeting.
But those systems exist largely independently of the
core financial systems. They are often specialized in
nature, incomplete and not comparable within a
local government itself, nor with those of other
local governments.
30 Financial Planning for Transportation Asset Management
The Canadian guide says accounting standards can play a
vital role in bridging the gap between asset management
and financial management by bring capital asset information
to the attention of the public and policy makers. It references
“accrual accounting” which is a form of accounting that
captures on financial reports the long-term assets and
liabilities of an agency, not only the ones evident in the
current annual or biennial budget. When assets and liabilities
are accrued, future funding gaps and declines in asset values
are highlighted and reported in the financial reports. The
Canadian guidelines say that one of the main benefits of
asset valuation, accrual accounting, and long-term financial
reporting is to provide better information for management
decision making.
Although not summarized in quite this way, the Canadian
and other guidelines seek to bring to the attention of deci-
sion makers the long-term consequences on “public equity”
of current investment decisions. When considering invest-
ments, decision makers such as local city council members
or transportation agency commissioners could choose
between building new assets or investing in the renewal
of current assets. Investing in the new asset increases the
government’s asset values, at least in the initial years.
However, after a few years, the amount of total depreciation
grows as the government’s asset base expands. Deprecia-
tion of the old assets continues and the newer assets begin
to depreciate as well. Depreciation on the agency’s financial
reports increase and leads to more long-term financial
liability. If, however, the agency invests in improving the
condition of existing assets, their value rises and total
long-term depreciation costs decrease. The intent of the
financial-reporting guidelines is, in part, to increase public
recognition of the cost of depreciation. The capturing of
depreciation puts a number, or a cost, before decision
makers and allows them to compare that cost against
the benefits of alternative investments.
Report 5 31
Two financial-reporting practices bring this cost to the
decision-makers’ attention. First, depreciation appears on
the financial reports as a negative value that decreases the
agency’s equity or value. Second, is the 10-year timeframe
of the financial plan. It captures the increase in depreciation
as assets age. If the agency focuses only upon short-term
accounts, it can balance income and spending without
showing a deficit. When depreciation is included, the decline
in asset condition appears as depreciation that is evident to
readers of the financial reports.
The capturing of depreciation
also serves to recognize on
agency financial reports that
“savings” don’t exist from defer-
ring maintenance. Short-term
cash outlays may be reduced but
long-term depreciation increases.
The need to capture the full
eect of depreciation requires
a long-term financial plan of
10 years because the increased depreciation caused by poor
maintenance is not apparent in the short term.
The Canadian accounting association notes that although
financial statements themselves may not drive decision
making, the larger process of integrating financial reporting
with asset management planning can improve decision
making. The decision-making process improves because of
the eort needed to develop sound inventories, assess asset
condition, and determine long-term investment needs.
The Canadian guidelines express sentiments similar to
those of the U.S. Government Finance Ocers Association
published in its report, Long-Term Financial Planning for Local
It lists several key roles for financial planning
to support strategic, long-term decision making including:
The need to capture the
full eect of depreciation
requires a long-term
financial plan of 10 years
because the increased
depreciation caused by
poor maintenance is not
apparent in the short term.
32 Financial Planning for Transportation Asset Management
 Long-term financial planning should be central
to governance and management, and not be a
one-time event or sta tool;
 Financial planning supports elected ocials’ eorts
to maintain financial discipline despite short-term
political pressures;
 The linkage from the long-term financial plan to
the short-term budget is critical;
 Financial planning supports elected ocials’ ability
to “step back” from daily detail and see a strategic
view of budgeting;
 Financial plans support elected ocials’ realistic
understanding of how quickly financial stability can
be reached, or long it will last, given the agency’s
financial reality, and;
 Financial planning can improve sta performance by
keeping them focused on the agency’s key priorities.
Another Canadian publication advises local agencies that
accounting for assets helps them assess the long-term sustain-
ability of debt loads, the sustainability of their infrastructure,
and their financial resilience.
If their community experiences
high depreciation and debt levels, and low infrastructure
conditions, it is less resilient and less able to respond to disas-
ters or public requests for higher service levels. In eect, the
community’s assets are depleted and its financial reserves
limited making it less resilient. The higher the asset value in
relation to “as new” the more robust the community is. If
disaster struck, the agency could forego years of investment
without irreparable harm to its assets. On the other hand, an
agency with poor asset conditions and fully depreciated assets
has less “equity” to draw upon in times of emergency.
Report 5 33
Complications of Transitioning to Depreciated
Replacement Costs
Although valuation methods that rely on depreciated
replacement costs may be attractive to the U.S. engineer
or planner, transitioning away from historical costs faces
challenges. To be ocially accepted on financial statements,
the use of depreciated replacement costs would need to
be recognized by the Government Accounting Standards
Board. GASB has not listed a change in capital accounting
standards as an initiative.
Also, many state transportation agency financial ocials are
accustomed to the GASB 34 process and have routinized
processes to estimate infrastructure values using historic
costs. Changing to depreciated replacement costs or another
method would present additional sta costs and reporting
eort. It also could require restatement of past financial
reports. Perhaps even more complex, state accounting
system processes outside of the transportation agency
may need to be changed. GASB 34 reports are incorporated
into statewide reports for other state-owned assets such as
buildings, universities, and airports. Changing the standards
would not limit the impact to only states. Local governments
would be aected as well.
In addition, many accounting professionals still advocate for
historic costs as a valuation standard for capital reporting.
Although the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountant’s
Guide to Accounting for and Reporting Tangible Capital
Assets strongly endorsed capital reporting as a sound public
finance process, it still accepts the use of historic cost as the
valuation basis.
It acknowledges that arguments are
raised against historic costs including:
 They do not present meaningful performance
measurements in times of changing prices;
34 Financial Planning for Transportation Asset Management
 The cost of using infrastructure should reflect
current costs, not past costs, and;
 Replacement costs or depreciated replacement
costs reflect the amounts that should be budgeted
to replace assets.
However, the accounting body says because accounting is
“transaction based” the primary measurement for both
assets and liabilities is the value at the time they were
acquired, developed or constructed. Historical cost account-
ing is objective and reliable, not dependent on uncertainties
or estimates.
The Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants and the
Canadian Public Sector Accounting Handbook
to provide some opportunity for increasing asset values
based upon maintenance investments.
Although the original value
of the asset is fixed by its
historic cost, the rate at which
it is depreciated could be
aected by the maintenance
investment it receives. So
although the beginning value
of the asset would not be
increased, the useful life of
the asset could be extended
which has the eect of
reducing the annual amount
of depreciation. This practice
could allow a government
agency to demonstrate
financially through decreased
depreciation the benefits of
asset management.
Although the financial statements
may still rely on historic costs,
those financial statement stan-
dards do not prevent an agency
from including dierent valuation
processes in its asset manage-
ment plan, in budget testimony,
or in other communications to the
public and policy makers. Just as
do the Utah DOT and the Ontario
community of New Market,
agencies can calculate total
replacement cost, depreciated
replacement costs or other values
and use them for programming,
project-selection, budgeting, and
communication eorts.
Report 5 35
Although the financial statements may still rely on historic
costs, those financial statement standards do not prevent
an agency from including dierent valuation processes in its
The application of generally accepted accounting
practices (GAAP) to public sector capital assets in the
1990s was viewed as a “good government” reform.
It put the issue of asset depreciation and sustainability
clearly into agency financial statements.
However, transferring private-sector depreciation
practices to long-lived public infrastructure creates
some challenges. In the private sector, assets are
depreciated for two major reasons. One relates to tax
write os. The government encourages capital invest-
ment by allowing companies to depreciate assets. If a
company depreciates a piece of equipment over 10
years, it deducts a tenth of the cost of the equipment
from its revenue each year, reducing its tax burden.
Also, the depreciation of privately owned assets re-
flects their obsolescence. A company is worth less if its
assets are old or outdated, and modern equipment can
become obsolete in just a few years.
In the public sector, depreciation schedules for tax
write os are meaningless. Also, a bridge or roadway
may be 100 years old but still not be obsolete, such as
the Brooklyn Bridge. The Australian and British use of
Depreciated Replacement Cost is an attempt to find a
depreciation process that captures depreciation but
complements transportation asset management.
36 Financial Planning for Transportation Asset Management
asset management plan, in budget testimony, or in other
communications to the public and policy makers. Just as do
the Utah DOT and the Ontario community of New Market,
agencies can calculate total replacement cost, depreciated
replacement costs or other values and use them for pro-
gramming, project-selection, budgeting, and communica-
tion eorts.
Reporting Under GASB 34
Although GASB 34’s requirement to use historic costs may
have diminished the U.S. focus on asset values, GASB 34
did stimulate ongoing reporting of how much agencies
invest in assets and whether those investments are sustain-
ing asset conditions. When the GASB 34 standard was
under discussion in the late 1990s, some government
ocials raised the shortcomings of historic asset values.
The accounting standards board responded by giving
governments two options. Both options require use of
historic costs for valuing assets. However, agencies could
adopt the “modified” approach that does not require a
reporting of depreciation. Instead, they can use their asset
management systems to document that they are sustaining
asset conditions through annual investments. The alterna-
tive would be to report their annual depreciation and
demonstrate that asset investments are osetting the
depreciation and sustaining asset value.
A survey by AASHTO’s Subcommittee on Financial Manage-
ment and Accounting in 2012
found that of 22 respond-
ing states, 13 reported using the modified approach and the
remaining report depreciation in their CAFRs. For states
that report depreciation, their report in the CAFR generally
consists of a few lines of how much depreciation was esti-
mated in the past year compared to the amount spent on
Few details are included and the report is
limited to the past year.
Report 5 37
States that use the modified approach must have an asset
management system that meets the following GASB 34
 They have an updated inventory of eligible assets.
 They perform condition assessments and summarize
them on a measurement scale.
 They estimate each year the annual amount to maintain
and preserve the eligible assets at the targeted condi-
tion level.
 They document that the assets are preserved at
approximately the target condition level.
An example of a modified report is seen in the Florida
CAFR for the Department of Transportation.
It reports the
department commits to maintaining its assets at the levels
established by the Florida Legislature. The department
maintains an asset inventory and performs periodic condition
assessments to document that condition targets are met. In
addition, it estimates the amount needed to maintain the
assets and budgets accordingly.
In the Utah CAFR three pages summarize the DOT’s highway
infrastructure investment reporting. It notes the department
sets targets for pavements and bridge, which it exceeded
in 2010, 2011, and 2012. Similarly, its estimated spending for
the preceding four years exceeded the amounts needed to
sustain the targets.
Despite the brevity of the asset valuation and asset-investment
discussion in the two CAFRs, both departments provide
extensive asset management information on their web sites
that extensively explain their asset conditions, their expendi-
tures, and their eorts to sustain their assets. The contrast
38 Financial Planning for Transportation Asset Management
between the limited information in the CAFRs and the
extensive information on their asset management websites
demonstrates how in the U.S. the asset valuation process
plays little role in managing assets.
No comprehensive study of the eects of GASB 34 on U.S.
transportation agencies has occurred since 2008.
study found that four years after GASB 34 was fully imple-
mented in 2004 it had devolved to a routine administrative
task. Agencies studied reported little interest in the informa-
tion from outside bodies such as legislators, the investment
community, or the general public. A positive outcome was
that the financial information and asset management
information was more integrated than before.
Potential Uses of Valuation
Typically, accounting data are not thought of as material for
communicating with the public. However, an old newspaper
saying is that, “there are no boring topics, only boring
presentations.” There are examples of how asset values
and depreciation have been used to communicate to the
public the need for infrastructure investment.
The City of Melbourne, Australia’s, Asset Management Strat-
egy 2015-25
is a colorful, 31-page report with minimal text
and ample maps, charts, tables and drawings. A two-page
wide illustration represents a cross section of a typical urban
street lined with community buildings, sidewalks, curbs,
landscaping, street lights, and pavement. The cross-sectional
drawing also illustrates underground assets such as the road
base, drainage structures, and water systems. Associated
with each category of asset is its value. The illustration notes
the community owns $424 million worth of road bases,
$43 million worth of pavement surfaces, $93 million worth
of bridges, $176 million worth of curbs, and $177 million
worth of sidewalks and footpaths. It even estimates the
Report 5 39
value of landscaping, street furniture and irrigation systems.
Accompanying each asset value is a red, yellow, or green
summation of its condition.
The city’s mayor’s introduction to the asset management
plan notes that Melbourne has been named the world’s
most livable city for the fifth year in a row. To preserve its
livability, it needs to strategically preserve its $3.5 billion in
assets in the face of a rapidly growing population, a chang-
ing climate, and rising costs, while constraining tax growth.
The strategy includes not only eorts to maintain assets
but also to improve the asset data to better communicate
with the public.
The asset management plan says that in almost every
case city services are delivered through a physical asset
such as a street, building, or park. Services such as provid-
ing child care or supporting the elderly often depend upon
adequate child-care or senior centers, and sidewalks, curbs,
and parks that meet the needs of everyone, not just the
Figure 2. The City of Melbourne, Australia’s, Asset Management
Strategy 2015-25.
40 Financial Planning for Transportation Asset Management
The asset management strategy emphasizes the value of
the community’s assets and how they provide community
benefits. It notes it costs about $364 million annually to
operate the $3.5 billion in assets, and that over the past
10 years annual depreciation has been about $44 million
annually. The plan uses everyday language to explain that
capital assets are physical objects that provide service to
the public. To maximize the value of these assets for up to
100 years it is necessary to preserve and invest in them.
The strategy refers to the city’s physical assets as a portfolio
with a combined value of $3.5 billion that has grown on
average 5.9 percent for the past decade. A line drawing
illustrates the concept of depreciation and notes that asset
values increase through proper design, materials, construc-
tion and maintenance but depreciate through use, climate,
conditions, and market forces.
The plan calls each asset a “touch point” for providing
service to the community. Because of their importance, each
asset is assessed for its condition, functionality, and capacity.
The plan also emphasizes the future strategies and expendi-
tures needed to sustain these service-providing assets.
The asset management strategy is accompanied by a 10-
year financial plan that provides the city with a long-term
sources and uses financial statement.
Included in the
10-year financial plan is an annual estimate of asset depre-
ciation. It begins in 2015-16 at $59.7 million and grows to
$89.5 million by 2024-25. This line item approximates the
amount of investment needed to sustain assets at current
values. The financial plan was developed with a community
involvement panel called the People’s Panel. The panel
recommended and the city agreed to reduce emphasis upon
building new assets and to increase emphasis upon sustain-
ing current assets. This was adopted after forecasts indicate
that future revenues would grow only moderately but that
annual expenditure growth of 4.6 percent was needed to
Report 5 41
sustain asset conditions. This growth rate was predicated on
2.6 percent annual inflation plus a 2 percent real growth rate
for a 4.6 percent annual asset-investment increase.
The City of Sydney council reports $8.5 billion worth of
physical assets. It’s financial plan and its asset management
includes 10-year strategies and investment levels for
major asset classes such as the road network, storm water
assets, parks and open space, and property. For each,
10-year-trend lines of investment levels compared to
investment needs are forecast.
Canadian guidance for
municipal asset management
also recommends that com-
munities value their assets
and emphasize the need to
sustain them as valuable
community assets. A British
Columbia local government
asset management framework
says the reporting of asset values is important to asset
management planning, financial planning, and public commu-
It includes calculation of depreciated replacement
costs as one of the core elements for decision making. It also
advises that annual budget deliberations be informed by
asset renewal alternative options. It also argues against using
historical costs and says assets should be depreciated using
replacement costs. Those costs should become an integral
part of the community’s financial planning. One anecdote
included in the guidance says that the City of Prince George
became more aware of the need for asset management when
it calculated the replacement cost of its assets and realized
their “if new” value was $2.3 billion compared to the $810
million it had been reporting as their historic costs. The size
of the investment and the recognition of significant mainte-
nance backlogs spurred increased asset management eorts.
Guidance for municipalities
in Ontario, Canada, says
municipalities need to face
the replacement value of
assets as a consideration
in annual budgeting.
42 Financial Planning for Transportation Asset Management
Guidance for municipalities in Ontario, Canada, says
municipalities need to face the replacement value of assets
as a consideration in annual budgeting.
An accrual ap-
proach based upon replacement costs puts into the annual
budget framework the need to invest annually to oset the
depreciation in the replacement costs of its assets. When
a community understands the magnitude of its asset replace-
ment costs and realizes those costs are not in the infinite
future but impact incrementally each year, it spurs adequate,
annual infrastructure investment levels. Asset management
financial planning emphasizes a forward-looking approach
to the community’s financial sustainability.
Asset Valuation and Depreciation
Performance Measures
Among governments that emphasize asset valuations,
performance measures exist for incorporating them into
performance management systems. Several state govern-
ments in Australia require local governments to report their
financial sustainability metrics, and to forecast them 10 years
into the future. They provide additional insight into the
sustainability of the governments, and the governments’
assets. Definitions for these measures vary around the world
with some agencies using the same name for a measure but
calculating it dierently.
The Austroads Guide to Asset Management Part 8 includes
as financial sustainability performance measures the Asset
Sustainability Ratio, the Asset Consumption Ratio, and
the Future Renewal Funding Ratio.
Austroads is the
association of state transportation agencies in Australia
and New Zealand.
Its Asset Sustainability Ratio diers from the U.S. version.
The Austroads sustainability ratio is a ratio of current asset
replacement expenditure relative to depreciation for a
Report 5 43
period. It would be calculated by dividing the amount spent
on asset renewal and replacement for a given period by the
amount of asset depreciation. The Austroads sustainability
ratio calculation is dependent upon having sound asset
valuations and credible depreciation. The depreciation
provides the denominator which divides into the renewal
and replacement budget to calculate the ratio.
Also relying on asset valua-
tions is the Asset Consump-
tion Ratio. Austroads calcu-
lates it by using the Current
Replacement Cost as a
denominator and dividing its
value into the Depreciated
Replacement Cost. This
divides the “as is” value by
the “as new” value. If the
depreciated “as is” values
are substantially less than
the “as new” cost to recreate the assets, the ratio will be
low. Austroads says that an indicative target level could be
between 40 percent and 80 percent. In other words, an
agency would forecast asset renewal and replacement
investments so that its assets remain for the next decade at
a given percentage of their “as new” value of somewhere
between 40 percent and 80 percent. Trying to keep them
above 80 percent “as new” value could lead to over invest-
ment. Values below 40 percent of replacement costs could
indicate under-investment. Judgment is needed for an
agency to determine the optimal consumption ratio.
The Austroads Future Renewal Funding Ratio is nearly the
same as the FHWA Asset Sustainability Ratio. Both divide
the amount budgeted for asset renewal and replacement
for 10 years by the amount called for in the agency’s asset
management plan. Assuming the asset management plan
The Austroads Future
Renewal Funding Ratio is
nearly the same as the
FHWA Asset Sustainability
Ratio. Both divide the
amount budgeted for asset
renewal and replacement for
10 years by the amount
called for in the agency’s
asset management plan.
44 Financial Planning for Transportation Asset Management
identifies a credible amount of investment to sustain asset
conditions, that amount of “need” is divided into the amount
budgeted. If the budgeted amount is less than what is need-
ed to sustain conditions, the ratio will be below 1.0 indicating
a gap in investment levels.
Most of the Australian states have relied on these types of
measures for the past decade. From one of many Australian
examples, the City of Sydney forecasts a related series of
financial metrics in its 10-year asset management and financial
plans. It calculates and reports on a Building and Infrastructure
Asset Renewal Ratio which is the annual renewal expenditure
divided by the amount of depreciation.
This makes it similar
to the Austroads Asset Consumption Ratio. The city projects a
10-year trend for this ratio that indicates in 2013/2014 the ratio
is about 1.30, indicating more than adequate investment to
oset depreciation. The ratio slips before 1.0 by 2016/2017
before rising above 1.0 again in 2021/2022 through 2024/2025.
The dip occurs in years in which the city has an aggressive
capital-expansion program. The forecasting of depreciation
and the forecasting of asset renewal levels allows the city to
illustrate that it plans for adequate long-term investment to
oset depreciation and sustain its asset values.
Although not dependent on valuations, Sydney also reports
two related metrics. It forecasts for 10 years its Infrastructure
Backlog Ratio which is the amount estimated to restore
assets to satisfactory condition divided by the total value of
the infrastructure. It forecasts ratios of less than 3 percent
through 2024/2025. It also reports on an Asset Maintenance
Ratio that compares the maintenance need by the planned
maintenance expenditure. All are leading measures that
forecast future performance and are not lagging measures
that look at past performance.
Monitoring the measures such as these allowed the State of
New South Wales to determine that a substantial number of
Report 5 45
its predominately smaller local governments were not operat-
ing in a financially sustainable manner.
A report included
an assessment of the degree to which local governments are
operating in a fashion that will sustain their infrastructure, and
other essential services. It defined sustainability as, “A local
government will be financially sustainable over the long term
when it is able to generate sucient funds to provide the
levels of service and infrastructure agreed with its commu-
nity.” By reviewing the local government’s asset management
and financial plans, the report determined that 74 percent of
the local governments were in a moderate or better position,
but 26 percent are weak or very weak. Among the principal
weaknesses were first-generation asset management and
financial plans that fail to adequately provide the needed
investment levels to sustain their physical assets.
Despite the substantial problems found in a large minority
of local governments, the New South Wales report found
that the state’s financial planning and asset valuation re-
quirements had a positive eect overall on local govern-
ments. It says the local governments are more cognizant of
long-term needs and not only focus on the next 12-month
budget period. It also said the asset management plans
require the local governments to consider whole-life costs
of their assets, and have highlighted the underspending on
maintenance. The New South Wales report categorized all
the local governments and assessed them by 10 financial
sustainability metrics.
Four of those metrics relate to
infrastructure investment. From the analysis, the state
government could assess how sustainably the local
governments are.
Steps to Update Asset Valuation
If U.S. transportation agencies were to collaborate to update
the asset valuation processes the experience of their coun-
terparts in Great Britain and Australia provide a precedent.
46 Financial Planning for Transportation Asset Management
In both nations, associations of accounting professionals and
transportation professionals collaborated to develop financial
reporting guidelines that both support and build from trans-
portation asset management practices.
In Australia and New Zealand, the Institute of Public Works
Engineering Australasia is the association that supports local
government infrastructure managers, similar to the function
of the American Public Works Association. Austroads is
similar to AASHTO by representing state transportation
ocials in Australia and the national transportation agency
in New Zealand. The accounting and transportation ocials
in Australia collaborated to first produce asset management
manuals. The one for local governments is known as the
“double I double M” or the International Infrastructure Man-
agement Manual (IIMM.) Austroads produced for state gov-
ernments the Guide to Asset Management. Included in the
Austroads guide is a chapter on asset valuation and audit.
The IIMM financial management guide represents about
three years of collaborative eort between Australian
engineers and accountants. The IIMM financial guidelines
exceed 300 pages, and sections of them are quite detailed.
This reflects the dierent audit and review requirements in
Australia, and the complex asset ownership practices. In
several Australia states the requirement that local govern-
ment asset management and financial management plans
be audited leads to a need for more detailed accounting
and asset valuation standards. Also, the Australian stan-
dards apply to all physical assets owned by local govern-
ments including water systems, hospitals, parks, and
buildings, as well as highways.
The British local government asset valuation standards for
highways are less complex. They reflect a first-generation
eort that recognizes many local governments will not have
sophisticated asset management systems. It advises that
Report 5 47
When discussing asset valuations, agency ocials may
want to clarify how they define value because many
other disciplines use the term “value” dierently.
For instance, the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis
estimated the value of U.S. streets and roads in 2011 at
$3.132 trillion dollars.
BEA does not, however, base
this estimate upon inventories of roads and bridges.
Instead, it bases its estimate upon a “perpetual inven-
tory” method.
This calculates the estimated amount
of cumulative investment made. It estimates the
amount of investment made in the past year and adds
it to the cumulative estimates of past years, minus
depreciation. The perpetual inventory method used by
BEA is very dierent from the depreciated replace-
ment cost method described here. However, the
perpetual inventory method does attempt to capture
the value of past investments and only partially relies
on historic values.
Economists also can define infrastructure value as a
measure of the dierence infrastructure makes to
businesses, consumers, and the nation.
The value is
based on the net contributions to society and eco-
nomic activity. Under economic theory, some transpor-
tation facilities could have negative values. The exter-
nalities of noise, pollution, community separation or
reduced property values would be deducted from
transportation value.
Although these methods are
valid for economic analysis, they do not lend them-
selves to transportation asset management and hence
are not captured in the British or Australian asset
valuation processes.
48 Financial Planning for Transportation Asset Management
local governments begin reporting asset values based upon
their asset inventories, even if their asset management
systems are incomplete. It recommends “beginning with
what you have” and iteratively improving the asset-valuation
data as the asset management systems improve.
It recommends a tiered approach to valuing an agency’s
assets based upon the completeness and complexity of its
asset inventories. It recommends dividing assets into three
levels. Level 1 is quite general and includes only the broad
categories of roadways, sidewalks and paths, structures,
lighting, roadway “furniture” or roadside assets, trac
management systems, and land. Within each level would be
more details, such as for pavements they could be broken
down further into square meters of area, flexible pavements,
rigid pavements and composite pavements. Units costs could
be estimated for each based upon general estimates, if that
is the only data the agency has.
However, if the agency has more detailed data it can use
them to develop more refined asset values. For pavements,
the additional detail could consist of inventory data such as
pavement layers, surface condition, earthworks, embank-
ments, medians, curbs, drainage structures or barrier. If the
agency has this more detailed data, it can develop more
refined unit costs for each component. For instance, the
miles of barrier could be multiplied by the barrier unit cost to
determine total barrier values. The unit costs would be based
upon the cost to replace such assets. Their depreciated
replacement cost would be calculated by multiplying the
number or size of the assets times their replacement cost
minus their depreciation.
The British valuation guidance takes a step toward basing
asset values upon their condition, at least for pavements.
It notes that many agencies will not have the historic costs of
pavements. They were built over many years and the records
Report 5 49
for what each costs may
not exist. For pavement
surfaces, it produces a
conversion calculation
that converts the asphalt
surface condition into an
age equivalent. From the age, the amount of depreciation
from an “as new” condition can be estimated.
The Canadian experience provides some analogies for the
use of depreciated replacement cost in the U.S. Like with
GASB 34, the Canadian accounting rules require use of
historic costs. That, however, has not stopped agencies
from estimating their replacement costs and depreciated
replacement costs and using those estimates for communi-
cating to decision makers. The New Market, Ontario, asset
management analysis is similar to the Utah DOTs in that
both emphasize outside of their financial statements the
high value of their assets and their need to sustain them.
Although GASB 34 requires historic costs, it also requires
a management discussion and analysis that could bring
in depreciated replacement costs for comparison. Also,
depreciated replacement costs could be cited in budget
testimony, asset management plans, and other key
communication documents.
3. Summary and Conclusion
Transportation agency ocials are acutely aware of the
public’s and legislators’ insistence that agencies conserve
public resources. However, most times this insistence relates
to preserving tax receipts, or employees’ labor costs, or
agency equipment. By emphasizing asset valuation and
depreciation, agency ocials can demonstrate that depre-
ciation and impairment consume public resources as well.
The British valuation guidance
takes a step toward basing asset
values upon their condition, at
least for pavements.
50 Financial Planning for Transportation Asset Management
“Doing nothing” costs money. The declining value of the
infrastructure through depreciation and impairment reduces
the public’s “owners equity.” Unless depreciation is captured
and reported, this loss of equity is hidden, or is “o the
books.” Documenting depreciation, and demonstrating that
asset renewal and replacement osets it, allows an agency
to demonstrate it is increasing the state’s owners equity.
Sound asset management allows an agency to document
that it is lowering depreciation rates and conserving the
public’s equity. A vigorous bridge or pavement preservation
program can extend asset life which decreases the amount
of depreciation that an asset experiences. By discussing the
role of sound asset management in extending asset life and
decreasing depreciation, an agency can demonstrate that it
is not only providing a higher level of service but also helping
to preserve the public’s massive investment.
Discussing asset conditions in terms of asset values may not
resonate with every member of the public. Some may be
reached more eectively by discussing the number of
potholes that will occur under a given investment level, or
how more bridges may be load-limited. However, for mem-
bers of the public with some accounting or business back-
grounds discussing book value, owners equity, or fair value
will resonate. To them, it can communicate that the agency
understands that it needs to manage not only its short-term
cash assets but also its long-term tangible capital assets.
Growing the owner’s equity is a primary objective for the
corporate CEO. Discussing infrastructure in terms of book
value allows the transportation agency executive to demon-
strate “they get it” and know that they too are tasked with
growing the public’s wealth.
However, it takes money to save money. To preserve asset
values requires timely investment in asset renewal and
replacement to oset depreciation and impairment.
Report 5 51
Capturing depreciation allows an agency to demonstrate
that savings may not occur when maintenance budgets
are cut. Cash may be saved but owners equity is lost.
Discussing asset replacement costs or depreciated replace-
ment costs also allows an agency to demonstrate that the
state’s infrastructure is its largest capital investment. The
value of the state’s infrastructure probably rivals the value of
its pension funds. Because pension funds report their valua-
tion, their appreciation, and their depreciation, regulators
can monitor the increase or decrease in critical pension-fund
balances. From those balances they can forecast if assets
will be sucient to meet future pension needs.
Similarly, by translating infrastructure depreciation into
financial terms, agencies can forecast if current investments
will be sucient to sustain future conditions, and future value.
4. Endnotes
Berman, K., J. Knight, J. Case, Financial Intelligence,
A Manager’s Guide to Knowing What the Numbers Really Mean,
Harvard Business Review Press, 2006, pages 15-17
The Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accounting,
Code of Practice on Transportation Infrastructure Assets, 2013
edition, page 51
Washington State 2014 Comprehensive Annual Financial
Statement, Note 6 Capital Assets, page 110
State of Utah Comprehensive Annual Financial State Note 8,
Capital Assets, page 97
State of Ohio CAFR, Note 8, capital assets page 2013
Chartered Institute, page 11
Chartered Institute, page 5
52 Financial Planning for Transportation Asset Management
Berman, K. and J. Knight with J. Case, “Financial Intelligence,
A Manager’s Guide to Knowing What the Numbers Really
Mean,” Harvard Business Review Press, 2006 pages 4, 5
Austroads Guide to Asset Management Part 8: Asset Valuation
and Audit, page 4
Government Accounting Standards Board Statement 34 1999,
preface, page ii
Florida 2014 CAFR pages 18, 158-159
Chait, Edward P. “Report 608 GASB Methods for Condition
Assessment and Preservation”, National Cooperative Highway
Research Program, page 1
Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement 34, 1999,
preface, page 2
GASB 34, preface
GASB 34, page 10
American Association of State Highway and Transportation
Ocials (AASHTO) Asset Management Guide, A Focus on
Implementation, 2011, pages 7-29
The Pew Charitable Trust, State Pensions Funding Gap:
Challenges Persist, July 14, 2015
Utah Retirement System 2014 Summary Report to Members,
accessed at
Ohio Public Employee Retirement System, OPERS History and
Background accessed at
Utah Department of Transportation asset management process
accessed at Jan. 8, 2016
Transport for London Highway Asset Management Plan, 2007,
executive summary, pages 57-58
Croydon Highway Asset Management Plan, London Borough of
Croydon, May 2015, version 2.1
Report 5 53
Town of New Market, Asset Management Plan, December, 2014
City of Sydney, Resourcing Strategy 2018, page 28
VicRoads Annual Report 2014/15 page 24, and pages 51-52
Australian Accounting Standards Board, Standard 13, October
Australian Accounting Standards Board Sta Issue Paper, AASB
3-4 September, 2014, agenda paper 16.3 (M140)
AASB Standard 136, page 22
Institute of Public Works Engineer Australasia, Australian
Infrastructure Financial Management Guidelines, Version 1.3,
2012 page 12.58
CIPFA, page 9
CIPFA, page 40
The Public Sector Accounting Group of the Canadian Institute
of Chartered Accountants (CICA), Guide to Accounting for and
Reporting Tangible Capital Assets, April 2007, accessible at
Public Sector Accounting Group, page 11
Kavanagh, S., M Hana Na, Long-Term Financial Planning for
Local Government, Government Finance Ocers Association,
Chicago, Ill., 2008
Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants, Accounting for
Infrastructure in the Public Sector, 2002, page 2
CICA, page 16-17
Public Sector Accounting Standards Board, Public Sector
Accounting Handbook, Section PS 3150 Tangible Capital Assets,
subsections 19-31
Austroads, page 6
GASB 34, page 1
Accessed at
Comptroller of Maryland Comprehensive Annual Financial
Report, June 30, 2015, pages 78-79
State of Utah Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for 2014
pages 139-140
Chait, page 1
City of Melbourne Asset Management Strategy 2015-2015
accessed at
City of Melbourne, 10 Year Financial Plan 2015-2025, accessed
City Sydney Resourcing Strategy 2015 accessed at http://www.
Asset Management BC, of the Local Government Asset Man-
agement Working Group, Asset Management for Sustainable
Service Delivery, A BC Framework, accessed at http://www.
Ontario Ministry of Infrastructure, Guide for Municipal Asset
Management Plans, accessed at
Austroads, Guide to Asset Management Park 8 Asset Valuation
and Audit, pages 55-59
City of Sydney Resourcing Strategy 2015, pages 31-36
New South Wales Treasury Corporation, Financial Sustainability
of the New South Wales Local Government Sector, April 2013
New South Wales Treasury Corporation, page 24.
U.S. Department of Commerce Bureau of Economic Analysis,
Fixed Asset Tables, tables 3 1ES
Herman, S. et al, Fixed Assets and Consumer Durable Goods in
the United States, 1925-97, accessed at
Financial Planning for Transportation Asset Management
Report 5 55
Fraumeni, B. Valuation Methods, included in Data and Statistics
for Valuing Transportation Infrastructure and Transportation’s
Contribution to the Economy, Workshop Proceedings July
24-24, 2014, page 20
Cohen, J., Contingent Valuation, Hedonics, and Spatial Multiplier
Eects, Data and Statistics for Valuing Transportation Infra-
structure and Transportation’s Contribution to the Economy,
Workshop Proceedings July 24-24, 2014, page 25
CIPFA, pages 74-76
Nastaran Saadatmand
Asset Management Program Manager
Oce of Asset Management, Pavements, and Construction
Federal Highway Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC, 20590
(202) 366-1337
Stephen Gaj
Leader, System Management & Monitoring Team
Oce of Asset Management, Pavements, and Construction
Federal Highway Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590
(202) 366-1336
Prepared by:
Gordon Proctor
Gordon Proctor & Associates, Inc.
Shobna Varma
StarIsis Corporation
Administrative and Contract Support by:
Greenman Pedersen Inc.
Oce of Asset Management, Pavements and Construction
Federal Highway Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE • Washington, DC 20590