Marketing Plan:
Coca-Cola in 2015
Matt Curd
Matt Curd Page 1 Marketing Plan
In brief the purpose is to market a new innovative beverage packaging for Coca-Cola. The packaging has been
designed around the brief ‘consider the creation of a new concept form of beverage packaging container for
The Coca-Cola Company is one of the largest manufacturers, distributors and marketers of nonalcoholic
beverage concentrates and
syrups in the world. Coca-Cola's headquarters are in Atlanta, Georgia, in America. It
is best known for its flagship product,
Coca-Cola, and is one of the largest corporations in the United States.
Today, Coca-Cola is an internationally recognized soft drinks company with ambitious plans to further grow the
brand. The company owns the majority of the soft drinks available in coolers and in vending machines in the
western world. Some of these brands include, Coca-Cola and sub brands
, Dr Pepper, Fanta, Sprite, Oasis and
PowerAde. A full list of Coca-Colas affiliated brands can be found on their corporate website
The 2005 Annual Report states the company sells beverage products in more than 312 countries or territories.
The international presence of Coca-Cola is phenomenal and its logo, advertising and colours are among the most
recognized in the world.
Taken from
Everything we do is inspired by our enduring mission:
To Refresh the World... in body, mind, and spirit.
To Inspire Moments of Optimism... through our brands and our actions.
To Create Value and Make a Difference... everywhere we engage.
Coca-Cola’s product is the concentrate; this is sold to various licensed Coca-Cola bottling companies around the
world. The bottlers, who have contracts with the company, produce the finished product as we know it, in cans
and bottles, combining the concentrate with filtered water and sweeteners.
The bottlers sell, distribute and merchandise Coca-Cola in cans and bottles to different outlets such as stores and
vending machines. Coca-Cola Enterprises is the largest Coca-Cola bottler in North America, Europe, Australia
and Asia. The Coca-Cola Company also sells concentrate for fountain sales to major restaurants and food service
distributors such as McDonalds. “One of our great strengths is our ability to conduct business on a worldwide
scale while maintaining a local approach.”
Currently Coca-Cola is expanding its Diet Coke range, with a new "healthy soda" Diet Coke with Vitamins B6,
B12, Magnesium, Niacin, and Zinc, marketed as "Diet Coke Plus
". This is to appeal to an ever increasing market
for healthier drinks as oppose to soft drinks with high amounts of sugar
The soft drinks market is very competitive and Coca-Cola has had their share of success and failure stories with
the launches of new products. Most famously the female sale increase from Diet Coke’s TV adverts in the 90’s.
Appendix A, Coca-Cola, Coke and variations
2, Coca-Cola: List of Brands
3, Coca-Cola Company Annual
Report 2005
4 Coca-Cola Company website: About Bottling
Healthy Eating and Drinking – UK Consumer Goods Intelligence, September 2007
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The largest of failures here in the UK though being the unsuccessful bottled water DeSani, which suffered bad
press and was found to be similar to tap water, as oppose to all other bottled water in the UK which is spring
Marketing Audit
SWOT Analysis
Market leader in soft drinks.
Coca-Cola has massive world appeal. The product's image is loaded with over-romanticizing, and this is
an image many people have taken deeply to heart. The Coca-Cola image is displayed on T-shirts, hats,
and collectible memorabilia. This extremely recognizable branding is one of Coca-Cola's greatest
Additionally, Coca-Cola's bottling system is one of their greatest strengths. It allows them to conduct
business on a global scale while at the same time maintaining a local approach. The bottling companies
are locally owned and operated by independent business people who are authorised to sell products of
the Coca-Cola Company. Because Coke does not have outright ownership of its bottling network, its
main source of revenue is the sale of concentrate to its bottlers.
Social Responsibility, sponsorship of UK Football Leagues, continual sponsorship of the Olympics.
Coke Music
Other brands owned by the Coca Cola company that have a strong brand image.
Seasonal advertising awareness e.g. TV Christmas advert and summer advert.
Coca-Cola has effects on the teeth which is an issue for health care.
It also has got sugar by which continuous drinking of Coca-Cola may cause health problems.
Being addicted to Coca-Cola also is a health problem, because drinking of Coca-Cola daily has an effect
on your body after few years.
Brand market share makes Coca Cola direct competition for competitors and new competitors emerging
in the market.
Previous failed marketing strategies such as coke zero and Desani.
Opportunity to introduce new product onto market, marketing pull
Brand recognition is the significant factor affecting Coke's competitive position.
Coca-Cola's brand name is known well throughout 94% of the world today
The primary concern over the past few years has been to get this name brand to be even better known.
Packaging changes have also affected sales and industry positioning, but in general, the public has
tended not to be affected by new products.
Need for ‘green business’ and sustainability in packaging business.
Appendix M – Things Get worse for Coke, The Guardian
8, Coca-Cola: List of Brands
Appendix NCoke seeks strategy to lift Zero, Marketing Week
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Coca-Cola's bottling system also allows the company to take advantage of infinite growth opportunities
around the world. This strategy gives Coke the opportunity to service a large geographic, diverse area.
Investment into developing countries.
Opportunities to develop social responsibility in narrower demographics.
Currently, the threat of new viable competitors in the carbonated soft drink industry is not very
The threat of substitutes, however, is a very real threat. Possible substitutes that continuously put
pressure on both Pepsi and Coke include tea, coffee, juices, milk, and hot chocolate.
Even though Coca-Cola and Pepsi control nearly 40% of the entire beverage market, the changing
health-consciousness of the market could have a serious affect. Of course, both Coke and Pepsi have
already diversified into these markets, allowing them to have further significant market shares and offset
any losses incurred due to fluctuations in the market.
Consumer buying power also represents a key threat in the industry. The rivalry between Pepsi and Coke
has produced a very slow moving industry in which management must continuously respond to the
changing attitudes and demands of their consumers or face losing market share to the competition.
Furthermore, consumers can easily switch to other beverages with little cost or consequence. (Fast
moving goods)
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PEST Analysis
Education Secretary Ruth Kelly has announced her intention to ban junk food from
school canteens and vending machines in England by next September.
More than a third of the waste paper and plastic collected by British local authorities,
supermarkets and businesses for recycling is being sent 8,000 miles to China without any
knowledge of the environmental or social costs. The government insists that companies
have export licenses but few if any checks are made in British ports. The Environment
Agency admits that it is unable to check what is being exported.
Supporters of a pre-9pm watershed ban on junk food advertising are increasing pressure
on the government through the introduction of another private member's bill. The bill,
introduced by Labour MP Nigel Griffiths, is not only aiming to impose a pre-9pm
watershed ban on junk food advertising on TV but is also seeking "significant
restrictions" on non-broadcast marketing.
The value of the soft drinks market has benefited from growth since the late 80’s.
Between 2001 and 2005 the value has increased 21.2%
Carbonates continue to account for more than half the soft drinks market in terms of
value, although their share fell from 60.3% in 2001 to 56.1% in 2005 as consumers
switched to other drinks for health reasons.
Interest rates cut 5.5%
freeing up disposable income of mortgage owners, potentially in
target market (25-35 years) potential for fast moving consumer goods price increase.
Market was worth £9.28bn (est.) in 2005, increase sales seen in hot summers in take-
home sales.
Health Problems concerned with sugar carbonated drinks, linked to child obesity
bad teeth. Children media exposure attacked for problem and advertising restrictions
made as discussed in Political section.
Channel 4 recently did a large exposé on Coca Cola child labour in El Salvador, could
alter buyer behavior as consumers have a increased interest in the source and
manufacture of products in regards to fair-trade and the environment.
Fairtrade and environmentally friendly packaging become increasing concern with
increased awareness of recycling. Consumers have become more inclined to purchase
goods sporting the Fairtrade logo.
Sporting sponsorship deals provide links made to sport and health. The sponshorship
gives the brand a healthier appeal for consumers. Coca-Cola are a frequent sponsor of the
Olympic games and in the UK sponsor the football leagues. (Coca Cola Championship,
Coca Cola League 1 & 2)
Reseal able coke can soon to be on sale in the UK as reported in the Mirror Oct-21-07
‘Sprite Ice’ in testing; when opened a chemical in the drink turns a portion to ice.
Coke Music making a younger demographic more aware of the brand through an
ever increasing digital music market.
Coca-Cola is launching a new lightweight bottle to reduce the amount of waste plastic.
Appendix B, Clampdown on School Junk Food
Appendix D, The UK’s new rubbish dump: China, The Guardian
Appendix G, Second bill seeks ban on junkfood ads, The Guardian
Appendix E, UK Market for soft drinks by value, Key Note
Appendix E, UK Market for soft drinks by value, Key Note
Appendix F, Intrest rates cut 5.5%, The Guardian
Appendix E, UK Market for soft drinks by value, Key Note
Appendix H, Fears about childhood obesity, BBC News
Appendix I, C4 accuses coke on child labour abuse, Marketing Week
Appendix J, Coke considering ‘Sprite with ice’ Marketing Week
Appendix K, Coca Cola unveils plans to cut plastic bottle waste,
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Marketing Plan:
Objectives and Strategies
Marketing objectives follow:
Change Coca-Cola’s brand image towards more global/local responsible attitude.
Inform target audience about features and benefits of the new product.
Boost sales based on the predicted overtaking of carbonated drinks by health drinks by 2015.
Product Description
The new beverage packaging is aimed at the Diet coke range of Coca-Colas product portfolio. It is a refillable
bottle aesthetically styled to appeal to sports/fitness audience. The new beverage container is made from
sustainable sourced materials and production methods.
The beverage container is unique in the way the consumer is encouraged to re-use/refill it. Being the first to offer
a new product feature is a proven competitive strategy.
Future improvements to the product create the impression
the company cares about satisfying its customers, material technology improvements in the future would further
the design.
Sports/fitness design
Whatever coke product has been put in the
bottle by the dispensing unit the logo is
present on the bottle.
Ergonomically Designed
Coke lifestyle connotations
Health/fitness lifestyle connections
Fair-trade, sustainability, eco-friendly
Cheaper product in the long run
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Pricing Strategy
On the right is a marketing tool to work
out pricing strategy. Coca-Cola have a
high market share, competitor pressure
has forced customer sensitivity to price
to be fairly high, sales volume is of
course high and profit margin is fairly
low as the Coca-Cola products are fast
moving consumer goods. This points to
penetration strategy.
Penetration pricing means the setting of
lower rather than high prices to achieve
potentially dominant market share.
This can only be done where demand
for the product is believed to be highly
flexible, basically demand is price-
sensitive and either new consumers will
be attracted, or existing consumers will
buy more of the product because of a
low price.
A good penetration strategy may lead to
large amount of sales and large market
The strategy may also promote complimentary products. The main product may be priced low to attract sales,
customers are then sold accessories. This strategy will work nicely in promoting re-use of Coca-Cola packaging
via a beverage holder of vessel which is purchased separately and refilled.
The potential disadvantage of bringing in this strategy is the likelihood of competitors doing the same by
reducing their prices, therefore damaging any advantage of the reduced price.
Price Penetration is most appropriate in industries where standardization is important. The product that achieves
high market penetration often becomes the industry standard, in regards to the new Coca-Cola beverage vessel, it
is trying to create a standardization of how consumers use the beverage container. Coca-Cola are likely to
receive stiff competition soon after introduction of the product, although the product that achieves high market
penetration often becomes the industry standard and other products, even superior products, become
marginalized. Standards carry heavy momentum.
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Marketing Communications
The following areas of the marketing communications mix will all b
looked at to consider the relative strengths and weaknesses and if and
how they will be applied in the case of this plan.
Advertising - Any paid form of non personal presentation and
promotion of ideas, goods, or services by an identified sponsor.
Personal selling - Personal presentation by the firm’s sales force for
the purpose of making sales and building customer relationships.
Sales promotion - Short-term incentives to encourage the purchase or
sale of a product or service.
Public relations - Building good relationships with the company’s
various publics by obtaining favorable publicity, building up a good
"corporate image", and handling or heading off unfavorable rumors, stories, and events.
Direct marketing - Direct communications with carefully targeted individual consumers to obtain an immediate
response and cultivate lasting customer relationships.
Advertising Form: Strengths/Weaknesses: Tools or tactics:
Strengths: Seen by a large
audience, hard to avoid, large
presence, people highly receptive.
Weaknesses: Because its an old
form of advertising and so widely
used consumers learn to ignore it,
doesn’t target audience.
Coke have incorporated interesting
billboards before, they frequently
advertise on the neon displays in both
Piccadilly Circus in London and
Times Square New York. They have
also used 3D billboards in the United
Unnecessary for product
launch as consumers will probably be
more inclined and used to this form of
advertising by 2015.
TV Adverts
Strengths: Seen by a large
audience, can be targeted on
specific programmes/channels,
good communication device.
Weaknesses: watershed on junk
food soon in place, Sky+ and
digital TV allows skipping of
Coke have good cult TV adverts, such
as their Christmas advert which
consumers pay attention to seeing
around this time of year. Watershed on
junk food advertising will prevent
current Coca-Cola products being
advertised, like McDonalds though,
The proposed idea will help combat
this and mean this form of advertising
is still viable.
Strengths: Target market specific,
readers highly receptive.
Weaknesses: consumers have
learnt that glossy magazines are
full of adverts and flick through
Advertising in lifestyle magazines
with any emphasis on sports, fitness,
health and crossovers in cokes
lifestyle image would be a viable form
of advertising for the new product.
Appendix L – Examples of Coca-Cola Billboards
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Public/Street Furniture
Strengths: Seen by a large
audience, events or places e.g.
football stadium, good for brand
Weaknesses: Not long timescale,
needs to be updated frequently to
attract audience. Not always
reaching target
Continue Coca-Cola’s sponsorship of
Olympics and UK football leagues
with emphasis on Coke’s range of
healthier drinks. Good for brand image
lifestyle and looks better for coke’s
social responsibility.
Online advertising
Strengths: Can be targeted on
specific websites, good
communication device, cheap
Weaknesses: Email’s from
businesses can be flagged as
SPAM, Opportunities in social
networking sites for viral
In the form of email to subscribers,
informing them on new product. TV
style adverts can be directly shared
with users on the social networking
site YouTube and good adverts have
created cult followings on the Video
As already said Coke is a massive global brand with huge brand awareness, the emphasis of advertising would
be on a TV advertising campaign which would be on the company website and virally spread on social video
sites such as YouTube. The advert should gain cult status and in theory the target market will virally spread the
advert to friends in the same market. Consumers are highly responsive to videos they have chosen to watch on
the web. Reaching the target market through more sport sponsorship promotes cokes lifestyle image and the new
healthier product well.
Personal Selling
The sales force needs to communicate with current distribution channels for Coca-Cola. Coca-Cola Enterprise
currently distribute cooler fridges and vending units to community centres, sports halls and shops. These would
be replaced via a liquid dispensing vending unit which the distributor is likely to take on board because of
Coke’s market share. But due to Coca-Cola’s recent failures with DeSani
and Coke Zero
they might need
more incentives. Along with information on the benefits of switching units incentives based on Coke’s
sponsorship deals could be offered such as free tickets to sporting events, such as football.
Appendix M – Things Get worse for Coke, The Guardian
Appendix NCoke seeks strategy to lift Zero, Marketing Week
Matt Curd Page 9 Marketing Plan
Sales Promotion
Strengths/Weaknesses: Tools or tactics:
Price deal:
A temporary reduction in price.
Strengths: Great response in Fast
moving consumer goods where brand
loyalty isn’t definitive.
Weaknesses: Sales Volume might not
reach desired target and profit margins
might not meet requirements.
As the pricing strategy is penetrative this
would be a well worthy promotion form.
Loyalty rewards program:
Consumers collect points,
miles, or credits for purchases
and redeem them for rewards.
Strengths: Provides incentive to be
brand loyal, new customers
encouraged to switch brands to get
Weaknesses: advertising has to be in
place about the scheme
Loyal customers with the refillable bottle
will reap benefits of price reduction
compared to competitors because they
won’t be purchasing packaging.
Coupons have become a
standard mechanism for sales
Strengths: Encourages customers to
purchase an item they may not have
Weaknesses: doesn’t encourage any
loyalty to the product.
Coupons don’t fit into Coke’s brand
image and I think will be to old fashioned
in 2015.
On-line couponing:
Coupons are available on line.
Consumers print them out and
take them to the store.
Strengths: Seems more exclusive than
in store coupons, encourages users
onto company website.
Weaknesses: Need distributor co-
Online coupons are much more accessible
than regular coupons and the process of
getting them online could be linked with
Coke’s Digital Music store.
Online interactive promotion
Consumers play an interactive
game associated with the
promoted product.
Strengths: Keeps customer on website,
likely to pass on to friend therefore
Weaknesses: Market specific
Interactive ads online make a nice
experience for the user, a flash game
could allow users to experience the new
vending method.
The consumer is automatically
entered into the event by
purchasing the product.
Strengths: Good prizes are likely to
draw repeat purchases to try again,
Weaknesses: Large brands are likely
to put people off thinking their
chances of winning is lower.
Contests linked with Coca-Colas
sponsorship companies, such as
competitions for tickets to sporting
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Public Relations
Strengths/Weaknesses: Tools or tactics:
Press Release:
Regarding C4 accusations of
Child Labour.
Strengths: Increase brand image
appeal, show company to be socially
Weaknesses: Can’t erase the past,
Nike still suffer from employing sweat
shop workers in the early 90’s
Produce an article in broadsheet paper on
Coca-Cola’s new product which is
sustainable on every front, materials,
production and re-usable packaging.
Showing Coke’s recognition of global
responsibility to reduce CO2 emissions.
Press Release:
Regarding child obesity,
increasing need for health
Strengths: Increase brand image
appeal, show company to be socially
Weaknesses: Hard to regain consumer
Article in newspapers about Coke’s new
Diet Coke product range with fitness and
health in mind.
Direct Marketing
Direct marketing’s effectiveness can be measured directly. If Coke sent out one million mail
advertisements/promotions, and ten thousand customers can be tracked as having responded to the promotion,
Coke can see the campaign led directly to the responses. Online promotions can be tracked and this would be in
place with Coca-Cola as discussed in the promotions plan.
Action Plan
Start Date
Completion Date
Action & Comments
Launch of new bottle in
2-3 months after release
TV Advertising
- Advertising should be focus
group tested to ensure it will have
the impact it requires.
Press Release
- Coke should be looking at
bringing out press releases in the
near future to portray a better
brand social responsibility.
Launch of new bottle in
2-3 months after release
Sales Promotion
- Initial price reduction to
increase market share.
2 months after release 4-5 months after release
Sales Promotion
- Instant competition when
product purchase
To be specified
nearer the time of
2015 when
forecasts are
Matt Curd Page 11 Marketing Plan
The marketing strategy for Coca-Cola’s new product will come into place in 2015, based on trends emerging
now this plan has identified the carbonated drinks market has probably peeked and likely to be overtaken by
healthier drinks as the market leader in the soft drinks market.
Researching Coca-Cola’s product range has identified the Diet Coke range as the most likely, with marketing
pull to still succeed in the future. The diet coke range has combats health concerns which are found in the Coca-
Cola flagship product.
Coca-Cola is all about buying into a lifestyle, and the new lifestyle in 2015 will much more health conscious. In
this report I have shown reason for Coke to tie themselves up with sports sponsorship to promote a brand image
of health and fitness.
The new beverage vessel is refillable in the hope of reducing pressure on landfill and showing coke as being a
global and socially responsible company. The beverage container is styled to appear an essential for an active, fit
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