Sample Gift Language for your Will or Trust
Residual Bequest Language
A residual bequest comes to the Zoo after your estate expenses and specific bequests are
I give and devise to The Maryland Zoo in Baltimore, located in Baltimore, MD, all (or
state a percentage) of the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate, both real and
personal, to be used for its general support (or for the support of a specific fund or
Specific Gift Language
Naming The Maryland Zoo in Baltimore as a beneficiary of a specific amount from your estate
is easy:
I give and devise to The Maryland Zoo in Baltimore, located in Baltimore, MD, the sum
of $___________ to be used for its general support (or for the support of a specific
fund or program).
Contingent Gift Language
The Maryland Zoo in Baltimore can be named as a contingent (conditional) beneficiary in your
will or personal trust if one or more of your specific bequests cannot be fulfilled:
If (insert name) is not living at the time of my demise, I give and devise to The
Maryland Zoo in Baltimore, located in Baltimore, MD, the sum of $ _______ (or all or
a percentage of the residue of my estate) to be used for its general support (or for the
support of a specific fund or program).
Customized Language
If you or your attorney would like The Maryland Zoo to help you with customized beneficiary
language that is specific to your goal and interest, please contact us.
Language for a codicil (for modifying a will you already have)
Do you already have a will? You can modify your will and direct a gift to The Maryland Zoo in
Baltimore using a simple codicil.
Sample Codicil (Will Modification):
I, [name], a resident of [city], or County of [county], State of [state], declare that this is
the codicil to my last will and testament, which is dated [date the original will was
I add or change said last will in the following manner:
[List with particularity all changes to the will. Reference each section number of the will
and the specific language you will be affecting. This is where you can include a bequest
to The Maryland Zoo. See the suggested bequest language above.]
Otherwise, I hereby confirm and republish my will dated, [date the original will was
signed], in all respects other than those herein mentioned.
I subscribe my name to this codicil this [day, e.g. 1st] day of [month], [year], at [full
address where signed], in the presence of [full name of first witness to codicil] and [full
name of second witness to codicil], attesting witnesses, who subscribe their names here
in my presence.
On the date last above written, [your name], known by us to be the person whose
signature appears at the end of this codicil, declared to us, [full name of first witness to
codicil] and [full name of second witness to codicil], the undersigned, that the foregoing
instrument, consisting, of [number of pages to codicil] page(s) was the codicil to the will
dated, [date original signed]; who then signed the codicil in our presence, and now in
the presence of each other, we now sign our names as witnesses.