Student Mask Exemption Form
To receive an exemption from wearing a mask or attending school in-person, this form must be COMPLETELY filled out and returned
Student’s Full Name
Student ID Number
Student Date of Birth
Home Address
Student Currently Has
Individualized Education Plan (IEP)
Section 504 Plan
Other specific school health orders
Parent Consent for Two Way Communication
I affirm that my student has been diagnosed with the medical condition(s) below. I consent to the release of related medical
documentation and authorize the medical provider identified below to discuss the condition with School District officials.
Parent/Guardian Name (print)
Parent/Guardian Signature
Parent Consent to Mask Exemption
Well-fitting, appropriate face coverings over the nose and mouth are one of the best measures for preventing the transmission of
COVID-19 (please initial)
I understand that by not wearing a face mask, my child is at higher risk for exposure to and transmission of COVID-19.
I understand that, per California Department of Public Health (CDPH) guidance, persons exempted from wearing a face
covering due to a medical condition must wear a non-restrictive alternative, such as a face shield with a drape on the
bottom edge, as long as their condition permits.
Parent/Guardian Name (print)
Parent/Guardian Signature
Medical Certification
As the student’s health care provider, I certify this student qualifies for a mask exemption according to the California Department
of Public Health and CDC guidelines. The student:
Is younger than 2 years of age
Has a diagnosable medical and/or mental health condition, or disability that prevents wearing a mask: (specify diagnosis):
Has a medical condition by which wearing a mask could obstruct breathing; are unconscious, incapacitated, or otherwise
unable to remove a mask without assistance
Is hearing impaired, or communicates with a person who is hearing impaired, where the ability to see the mouth is
essential for communication
Does NOT meet criteria for a mask exemption.
*This section must be completed for all students receiving an exemption.
I certify this student IS IS NOT capable of wearing a face shield with drape per CDPH guidelines.
This medical exemption is valid through the 2021-2022 academic year or until state or local laws or regulations, or public
health orders or recommendations change.
This medical exemption is temporary through: ____________________ or until state or local laws or regulations, or public
health orders or recommendations change.
Name of Provider (Print)
Provider Signature
Medical License