It is the policy of the McLoud Schools to provide equal opportunities without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, age,
qualified handicap, or veteran status in its education programs and activities. This includes, but is not limited to, admission,
education services, financial aid, and employment.
Scouts and other designated youth groups. For information concerning this policy,
contact Rob Griffin (405) 964-3314 x 6296, or P.O. Box 240, McLoud, OK 74851
observe approximately one minute of silence each day for the purpose of allowing each student, in the exercise of his or her
individual choice, to reflect, meditate, pray, or engage in any other silent activity that does not interfere with, or impede other
students in the exercise of their individual choices.”
TITLE 70, Section 1210.191, Oklahoma Statutes, 1970:
“Rules & Regulations for Immunization for School Children,” As Amended June 1976
or private schools in the State of Oklahoma present a certificate of required immunization upon school entry.
Pre school-
Pre KG
KG – 6
8 – 12th
4 DTaP
4 DTaP
5 DTP/DTaP***
& 1 Tdap
1 4 PCV*
Not required for school
3 Polio
3 Polio
4 Polio ****
4 Polio ****
4 Polio ****
1 -4 Hib*
& **
Not required for school
3 Hep B
3 Hep B
3 Hep B
3 Hep B*****
3 Hep B*****
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2 Hep A
2 Hep A
2 Hep A
2 Hep A
2 Hep A
1 Varicella
1 Varicella
1 Varicella
1 Varicella
1 Varicella
** Children may be complete with three (3) or four (4) doses depending on the brand of Hib vaccine used.
*** If the 4
dose of DTP/DTaP is administered on or after the child’s 4
birthday, then the 5
dose of DTP/DTaP is not required.
**** If the 3
dose of Polio is administered on or after the child’s 4
birthday, the the 4
dose of Polio is not required.
B vaccine to comply with this requirement. All other children (younger or older) must receive three (3) doses of Hepatitis B
• The table above lists the vaccines that are required for children to attend childcare, preschool, kindergarten through
twelfth grade. Additional vaccines may be recommended but are not required. For example a 2nd dose of varicella
vaccine is recommended before entering kindergarten, but not required by Oklahoma law.
• Children attending licensed childcare facilities must be up-to-date for their age for the vaccines listed.
• All measles, mumps, rubella (MMR), varicella and hepatitis A vaccine doses must be administered on or after the
child’s first birthday (or within 4 days before the birthday.
• For doses given on or after January 1, 2003, the 5th dose of DTaP must be given on or after the 4th birthday or within 4
days before the 4th birthday. This rule does not apply to doses given before 2003.
• A parental history of a child having varicella (chickenpox) disease is acceptable in lieu of varicella vaccine.
• Hib and PCV vaccines are not require for students in pre-school, pre-kindergarten or kindergarten programs operated
by schools.
• It is not necessary to restart the series of any vaccine if the next dose due was not given on schedule because longer
than recommended time intervals between doses does not effect final immunity.
• Children may be allowed to attend school if they have received the first dose in the series of any multi-dose vaccine but
must complete the series on schedule. These children are “in the process of receiving” immunizations.
For further immunization information please call the Immunization Service at 405-271-4073 or 1-800-234-6196 or visit our
website at http://imm.health.ok.gov
The official certification or immunization record card, ODH218B, is distributed by the Oklahoma State Department of Health.
physician or authorized representative of the State or local health department is required.
for these releases may be obtained at the principal’s office. New students are to bring immunization records when enrolling.
What is meningococcal disease?
Meningococcal (men-IN-jo-kok-ul) disease is a rare but sometimes fatal disease caused by a bacterium called Neisseria
infection of the blood.
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Who is at risk from meningococcal disease?
Although the risk is extremely low, disease does occur. Babies less than a year old have the highest risk for meningococcal
disease, but no vaccine is available to protect them.
Teenagers and young adults, aged 15 to 22 years, are at increased risk because of behaviors that spread the disease. On
be prevented by vaccine.
is more common.
How is the disease spread?
The disease is spread by droplets in the air and direct contact with someone who is infected. That includes coughing or
sneezing, kissing, sharing a water bottle or drinking glass, sharing cigarettes, lipstick, lip-balm-anything an infected person
touches with his or her mouth.
Is meningococcal disease dangerous?
become mentally retarded, or suffer seizures or strokes. This is why preventing the disease is important. If your child has
symptoms of meningococcal disease contact your health-care provider immediately.
Signs and Symptoms of Meningitis
• Headaches
• Fever
• Chills
• Stiff neck
• Extreme tiredness
• Vomiting
• Sensitivity to light
• Rash of small purplish black-red dots
How can meningococcal disease be prevented?
States that protect against four of the five most common strains of the meningococcal bacteria. The newest vaccine, called
Menactra, or MCV4, is currently available for:
• Adolescents entering high school (15 years of age),
• College freshmen who live in dormitories
• Other people at high risk 11-through 55-years- of-age.
There is a shortage of both vaccines because the company that makes the vaccines has not been able to keep up with the
every three to five years. The new vaccine protects against the same types of meningococcal bacteria and probably will not
require booster doses. MPSV4 is still used for children 2-through 10-years-old and adults over 55 who are at risk.
Teenagers and young adults can also reduce their risk by taking good care of themselves, by eating a balanced diet, getting
enough sleep and exercise, as well as avoiding cigarettes and alcohol.
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this problem will not be allowed to return to school without being seen by a health care professional (i.e., Health department
the hair.
For a student to be eligible to enroll in McLoud Public Schools, he/she must be a legal resident of the McLoud School District,
with proof of residency on file, subject to verification by school officials, or have a legal transfer. Counselors may require
additional information and documentation. Any student found in violation of this requirement will be withdrawn from school.
McLoud School District will keep records as deemed necessary to provide programs to meet his/her needs and interests.
A parent has the right to inspect and review any and all records, files, and data related to his/her child. These records will be
student’s rights. This right includes the right to a hearing to present evidence that the record should be changed if the district
Policies and Procedures” policy.
except: (1) by the prior written consent of the student’s parent or the eligible student, (2) as directory information, or (3) under
certain limited circumstances, as permitted by FERPA.
The McLoud School District proposes to designate the following personally identifiable information contained in a student’s
attended before he or she enrolled in this school district.
names, addresses and telephone listings, unless an objection is made by the student’s parent(s)/guardian(s). The Building
Principal or designee shall notify parent(s)/guardian(s) that they may make this objection.
In case the parent of a student, a student or a former student who is 18 years old, or a citizen of the McLoud School District
the U.S. Department of Education. The address is:
Family Policy Compliance Office
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue, SW
Washington, D.C. 20202-4605
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your family is not insured with a separate health policy. The school does not carry accident insurance on students.
the year by the local school district in coordination with Oklahoma State Department of Education. Personally identifiable
information shall be collected and maintained in a confidential manner in carrying out the following activities:
Preschool children ages three (3) through five (5) and students enrolled in Pre-K-12 who are suspected of having disabilities
a toll free number (1-800-42-OASIS), also provides statewide information and referrals to local school and other service
Other screening activities may include: review of records and education history, interviews, observations, and specially
developed readiness or educational screening instruments.
Readiness Screening – Personally identifiable information is collected on all Pre-K, Kindergarten, and First grade students
guardian has filed written objection with the local school district.
Visual Screening – Visual screening is also recommended prior to entering Kindergarten. Please provide proof of visual
screening at the time of enrollment.
Educational Screening – Education screening includes procedures for the identification of children who may have special
learning needs and may be eligible for special education and related services. Each school district in the State provides
the local school district.
· Pre-K, Kindergarten, First Grade students each year.
· Second through twelfth grade students shall be screened as needed or upon request of the parents, legal guardian, or
· Students entering the public school system from another state or from within the state without previous educational
screening shall be educationally screened within 6 months of the date of such entry.
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prior to any child receiving an initial evaluation for special education and related services purposes
Collection of Personally Identifiable Information
and evaluation of children shall be maintained in accordance with Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and the
the local school district’s administrator.
These are the rights of parents and children regarding personally identifiable information in accordance with FERPA.
• To inspect the student’s educational records.
• To request the amendment of education records to ensure that they are not inaccurate, misleading, or in violation of the
student’s privacy or other rights.
• To consent to disclosure education records, except where consent is not required to authorize disclosure.
• To file complaints with the Family Policy and Regulations Office, United States Department of Education, Washington,
D.C. 20202, concerning the alleged violations of the requirements of FERPA (34 CFR 99.1-99.67).
• To obtain a copy of the FERPA policy adopted by the local school district upon request being made to the local school
Before any major identification, location, or evaluation schools shall provide notice to parents. Accommodations for other
languages or means of communications may be provided upon request. Such notice shall occur at least annually prior to
conducting these activities and shall include the rights of parents under FERPA.
For further information, contact Special Services Director, McLoud Public Schools, PO Box 240, McLoud, Ok 74851,
of Education.
traditional educational services and assist them in completing high school.
or Alternative Education Coordinator. Placement in the academy will be based on an intake and screening process and the
availability of space. Enrollment will be limited to students age 12 to 21.
Participation in Activities:
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terms of their suspension are met.
McLoud Public Schools may provide a Saturday school on the Elementary campus and on the Secondary campus. Saturday
school by having their parent call the appropriate office.
grade year and be witnessed by the parent(s), custodian (s), or guardian(s), who agree to help the student comply with
may be obtained from the school counselor. Refer to the school counselor for classes which are necessary for Oklahoma’s
Promise eligibility.
In an effort to encourage all students to plan their class loads so that they can achieve the best education possible, the
voluntary. Completing the requirements in the program will earn the graduate either a STANDARD diploma or an HONORS
be issued to students who have earned at least the following:
Language Arts 4 units (1 per academic year)
English I
English II
English III
English IV
Mathematics 4 units (1 per academic year)
ACE Math
Algebra 1 *(state requirement)
Algebra 2
Math of Money with Algebra
Trigonometry/Pre Calculus
AP Calculus
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Science 3 units
Physical Science (9
grade requirement)
Biology * (state requirement)
Animal Science
Agriculture Education 1
Social Studies 4 units (1 per academic year)
US Government
Oklahoma History
United States History
*World History-one unit of World
History may be replaced by Junior
Senior level Art, Ag, Family
Consumer Science, and other
Classes approved by the Principal
The Arts &, nbsp; 2 units
Art 1-4, Performing Arts/Theater 1-4,
Band 1-4, Dance, Music Appreciation, Stagecraft
Electives 6 units
The remaining units are selected based on student needs and interest.
TOTAL 23 units
that he/she can excel and should therefore be challenged – he/she can voluntarily enter the HONORS PROGRAM.
After the student has finished the requirements for the HONORS program, he/she will receive recognition by a gold seal on
his/her diploma. His/her transcript will also reflect that he/she has completed an advanced study course curriculum.
Instruction tests, and complete twenty-three (23) units.
This diploma will be issued to students who have earned at least the following:
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Language Arts 4 units(1 per academic year)
English I or Honors English I
English II or Honors English II
English III or AP English III
English IV or AP English IV
Mathematics 4 units (1 per academic year)
Algebra 1 (* state requirement)
Algebra 2
Pre Calculus
AP Calculus
Laboratory Science 4 units
Physical Science(9th grade requirement)
Biology (* state requirement)
Or Honors Biology
AP Biology
Physics AP
Social Studies 4 units (1 per academic year)
1 unit of US Government or Honors US Government
1 unit of United States History or AP US History
Art, Ag, Family Consumer Science, and other classes approved by the Principal
1 unit of Oklahoma History or Honors Oklahoma History
Arts 1 unit from the following:
Art 1-4, Performing Arts/Theater 1-4, Band 1-4, Dance, Music Appreciation, Stagecraft
Recommended 2 units of the same subject
Foreign Language or Computer Technology
To meet the requirements of twenty-three units, the remaining (four (4) units for the high school Honors Diploma are selected
based on student needs and interests.
Those students enrolled in the PreEngineering program at Gordon Cooper Vo-Tech will have Honors Algebra 2, Honors
Chemistry, Honors Physics and Honors PreCalculus.
diploma. Beginning with the 2012 graduating class (entered 9
grade in the 2008-2009 school year) student must score
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read more about the EOI tests at the Oklahoma State Department of Education website:
computing grade point averages.
The decision to allow proficiency-based promotion will take into consideration such factors as social, emotional, physical and
mental growth.
The school will confer with the student’s parents/guardians in making such promotional/acceleration decisions.
end. Tests will be given the last week of each term.
Through a cooperative agreement, a program of Dual Enrollment has been devised. Under this plan, students who are
school class would result in High School credit if applicable and would not interfere with existing graduation requirements.
(Regulation J – Page 79 of the Administrator’s Handbook for Elementary, Middle, Junior High and High Schools – State of
Oklahoma Department of Education).
All male students will wear dress pants, a shirt with a collar, tie and dress shoes/boots. All girls will wear dresses, and dress
in the ceremony. Any senior who chooses to participate in graduation exercises must notify the senior sponsor by April 1 and
he/she will be required to participate in graduation and baccalaureate practice.
that the student meets all local and state graduation requirements. This must be approved in all cases by the administration.
term twelfth grade will be the valedictorian(s). The student with the second highest academic rank will be the salutatorian(s).
The three part ranking system will be as follows:
· Part I – GPA through the first seven semesters on 4.000 grading scale.
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score of 3 or 4 and 1.0 for a score of 5, to be used in the calculation of Part 1 GPA.
· Part III – ACT. The student’s highest composite score received by the school before January 1 of the student’s senior year
divided by 9. The valedictorian and salutatorian will be the speakers at graduation.
must be enrolled in four (4) classes per term or be concurrently enrolled in college courses. In determining final grade point
averages, only grades of full credit courses will be included.
Valedictorians/salutatorians will be selected at the end of seven (7) terms based on a 4.0 grading scale.
considered, but please keep in mind that this is only a request. Teachers and students are subject to assignment
be assigned to the room requested due to various school needs. Forms may be picked up in Pre-K-3 or 4-6 offices. (Board
approved 5-02)
seventh and eighth grade years.
be determined in relation to the highest total achieved by any student in the class.
end of year grade unless approved by an administrator. If approved by the principal an S or U or P may be used in specific
transcript, which is a permanent record. The lower grade will figure into the GPA and credit will be given for that grade. The
grading scale for regular classes is as follows:
A 90% - 100%
B 80% - 89%
C 70% - 79%
D 60% - 69%
F 59% - or lower
Grading scale for AP classes is as follows:
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A 85% - 100%
B 70% - 84%
C 60% - 69%
D 50% - 59%
F 49% - or lower
Remediation for state mandated tests is administered and documented through site counselors. Remediation is offered to all
students in preparation for State and Federally mandated testing.
A chapter of the National Honor Society is organized at McLoud High School for students in grades 11-12. Students may not
apply for membership in the National Honor Society. Membership is granted only to those students selected by the faculty
advisory committee.
be considered for membership. The constitution also stipulates that members who transfer to another school or from another
one term of their transfer in order to retain membership.
of 3.5 based on a 4.0 scale. Leadership exists in offices held in school and community organizations as well as roles of
leadership in both areas. Service is determined by contributions made, as well as the attitude toward service. Character is
determined by principles of morality and ethics, as well as cooperation, courtesy, and respect for others and demonstration of
behavior that exemplifies other desirable qualities of character.
The specific guidelines for membership, the Constitution of the National Honor Society, and the McLoud Chapter bylaws are
available in the high school office.
is based on term grades of the last two consecutive terms.
The Superintendent’s Honor Roll, comprised of students who achieve all A’s, and the Principal’s Honor Roll, comprised of
each semester for grades 7-12.
The faculty and administration encourage the student body to compete in as many scholastic events throughout the year as
possible. Through competition, McLoud students can receive scholarships and awards for their efforts.
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The Board of Education recognizes that the pursuit of excellence is very important to the McLoud Schools, its administration,
The school further acknowledges its responsibility to assist our students in receiving public recognition, not only in award
as coordinated by the Superintendent and with assistance from the administration, organizational sponsors, coaches,
counselors, and teachers, facilitate press releases to the media for excellent academic, extra-curricular, and athletic activity,
including individual and team statistics. A special effort should also be made to identify areas of excellence, which may not
ordinarily be identified or recognized.
A copy of a student’s transcript will be given upon request at the Principal’s office as per FERPA guidelines.
Secondary ( 7-12 )
Regular reports of a student’s academic progress are made to parents with three progress reports at approximately five week
Anytime a student’s gra
de falls to a failing grade the teacher will make contact with the parent/guardian by phone or mail.
educational deficiency or problem that may exist.
Elementary (Pre-K-6)
a five-week report, please contact your child’s teacher.
time to schedule these conferences.
changes in class schedules must be made during the first five (5) days of each term. All schedule changes must meet the
approval of the site administration.
Violation of the attendance policy may subject student to disciplinary action that may include contacting the District Attorney
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and/or administrative discipline.
and immediately report such absences to the district attorney for juvenile proceedings pursuant to Title 10 of the Oklahoma
Statutes and/or the local Juvenile Court.
The following are considered valid excuses in this policy:
must be presented within two (2) school days upon the student’s return for the absence to be exempt.
2. School Activities
3. Absences that occur as a result of religious holy days.
4. Court appearances
5. Funerals
call in, an effort will be made to contact the parent concerning their child’s absence. Each student will be allowed one day for
established by the teacher. 24 Hour Attendance Line (Voice mail 964-3644) (ELEMENTARY: Students who are tardy or are
not be checked out before 3:00. Students who are absent excused will not qualify for perfect attendance awards).
local Juvenile Court to help aid in solving the problem of high absenteeism.
school on time. Letters will be mailed to parents for repeat violations).
The concept guiding the McLoud In-School Detention (ISD) Program is that students need an alternative to out of school
they will be working on a behavior modification program designed to meet individual needs.
The general regulations governing the ISD program include, but are not limited to, the following:
1. The ISD classroom will be located on the appropriate campus.
2. The hours for ISD are 8:05 a.m. to 2:55 p.m., Monday through Friday. Students are required to attend the entire day.
3. Student will be taken to the Cafeteria for lunch at 10:30 a.m.
4. Students in ISD will not be permitted to participate in assemblies, class trips, or any school activity during or after school
5. When a student is placed in ISD an attempt to contact his/her parent or guardian will be made.
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6. Teachers are required to submit and evaluate a full day or class period of work per day for each student they have in ISD.
to return to the regular classroom.
8. No backpacks or book bags are allowed in ISD.
9. If a student is removed from ISD he/she may be suspended for 5 days.
10. No hats.
their schedule as INSTRUCTIONAL TIME. Use of this time will be determined by the teacher. When a teacher assigns a
student to Encore, attendance is mandatory. Failure to attend Encore will be considered TRUANCY. Not having to attend
considered a PRIVILEGE:
The following rules apply to Encore:
1. All students making a failing grade “F” (below 60%) will be required to report back to the appropriate teachers.
made to advise the teacher in advance. 7
grade students will go to encore after lunch and will be in encore by 11:35.
grade students
1. will go directly to encore after checking in with their homeroom teacher. They will be dismissed at 11:25.
2. Students must pick up make-up work during Encore.
3. Encore can be utilized for meetings of clubs and organizations.
4. Mandatory Encore takes precedence over all other activities.
and go to different classes.
The superintendent, principal, teacher, security personnel or authorized person of the McLoud Board of Education, upon
reasonable suspicion, shall have the authority to detain and search, or authorize the search of any pupil or property in the
the Oklahoma Statutes or for missing or stolen property if said property be reasonably suspected to have been taken from a
pupil, a school employee or the school activities.
other authorized person, said person to be of the same sex if practicable.
The extent of any search conducted pursuant to this section shall be reasonably related to the objective of the search and not
weather outerwear, shall be removed prior to or during the conduct of any warrant less search.
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beverages, or missing or stolen property.
Any pupil found to be in possession of dangerous weapons, or controlled dangerous substances, intoxicating beverages, or
missing or stolen property may be suspended by the superintendent or principal for a period not be exceed the current school
term and the succeeding term. Any such suspension may be appealed to the McLoud Board of Education by any pupil
notification of such suspension, written or oral, to the student, parents or legal guardian.
Pupils shall not have any reasonable expectations of privacy towards school administrators or teachers in the contents of a
school locker, desk, or other school property. School personnel shall have access to school lockers, desks, and other school
opened and examined by school officials at any time, and no reason shall be necessary for such a search.
information received will be kept confidential.
Items which are disruptive to the educational process are not allowed at school. Examples of such items are: radios, tape
that are stolen will not be searched for.
the superintendent’s designee to use a cell phone, or other electronic communication device.
1. 1
Time – Written warning. Wireless device may be picked up by student in Principal’s office at the end of the school day.
2. 2
Time – In School Detention. Wireless device may be picked up in the Principal’s office by Parent or Guardian at the end
of the school day.
3. 3
Time – Suspension. Wireless device may be picked up in the Principal’s office by Parent or Guardian.
4. Pre-K – 6 Students and parents will be required to sign a cell phone usage agreement prior to cell phone use.
5. Cell phones or other communication devices used during other misconduct may result in suspension and loss of cell
privileges and possible law enforcement action.
6. Use of cell phones or other communication devices in private areas is prohibited.DRUG-FREE SCHOOLS
(Federal Regulations)
1.Illegal and Illicit Drugs, (Drug Paraphernalia), Tobacco and Alcohol
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all school-sponsored activities.
drugs, or other mood-altering substances at school, while in school vehicles, or at any school-sponsored event.
they are not used in compliance with the prescription or directions for use and are not being used to treat a current health
condition of the student. “Mood-altering substances” includes paint, glue, aerosol sprays, and similar substances.
current term and the following term.
f. Student violation of this rule, which also constitutes illegal conduct, will be reported to law enforcement authorities.
2. Necessary Medications
a. Students may not retain possession of and self-administer any medication at school for any reason.
b. Students who have a legitimate health need for over-the-counter or prescription medication at school shall deliver such
procedures regarding administering medicine to students.
3. Distribution of Information
geographic area is available from the principal at each student’s school.
b. Copies of these rules shall be provided to all students and their parents at the beginning of each school year.
4. Illicit use of Drugs and/or Alcohol
action by school and or law enforcement agencies. Refusal to submit to drug testing will result in disciplinary action.
this policy prohibiting the possession of dangerous weapons and replicas and facsimiles of dangerous weapons.
2. Dangerous weapons, including but not limited to firearms, are a threat to the safety of the students and staff of the School
process and interferes with the normal operation of the School District.
property, at a school-sponsored activity, or on a school bus or vehicle, is prohibited.
weapon: (1) on his person; (2) in his locker; (3) in his vehicle; (4) held by another person for his benefit; or (5) at any place on
school property, a school bus or vehicle, or at a school activity with such person’s knowledge or the weapon’s location.
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device, sword cane, hand chains, or any replica or facsimile thereof.
the student.
may, pursuant to applicable board policy, be placed under immediate suspension from duties pending an investigation of the
appropriate by the superintendent of schools or board of education. In addition, School District employees who willfully or
any employee, including dismissal, will be in accordance with any Board policy and any negotiated agreement which is
applicable to the employee.
8. If a teacher or other school employee has a reasonable suspicion to believe that a student is in possession of a dangerous
weapon, or replica or facsimile of a dangerous weapon, the teacher or employee shall immediately investigate the matter and
shall confiscate any such weapon found if this can be accomplished without placing any student or staff in jeopardy, and shall
confiscated safely, the teacher or employee shall immediately notify the principal or the principal’s designee of the situation.
9. If a teacher or other school employee has a reasonable suspicion to believe that any employee or other person is in
possession of a dangerous weapon, or a replica or facsimile of a dangerous weapon, in violation of this policy, he shall
immediately report the matter to his immediate supervisor or the superintendent of schools or his designee.
replica or facsimile, thereof, the principal or designee shall observe the following procedure:
a. Immediately investigate the matter and contact the police, if appropriate.
b. If not already confiscated by an employee of the School District and if it can be accomplished without risk of injury,
the principal or designee.
c. Notify the superintendent of schools or designee.
d. In the case of a student, notify the parents.
e. Cooperate fully with the police.
f. Transfer confiscated weapon to the police department.
11. Except as may be required by law for disabled and handicapped students, any student in possession of a dangerous
weapon, replica or facsimile of a dangerous weapon, shall not be eligible for placement in any alternative education program,
intervention program or be eligible to transfer to another School District school site in lieu of suspension.
12. A student who has been suspended from another school district because of the possession of a dangerous weapon, or
replica or facsimile of a dangerous weapon, shall not be allowed to attend the McLoud Schools.
13. An exception to this policy may be granted for students or employees participating in an authorized curricular or
students must be observed in accordance with applicable law and school board policies.
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The McLoud Board of Education believes that the school’s primary goal is to educate, not discipline. However, education
includes establishing norms of social behavior and assisting students in understanding and attaining those norms. When the
the individual and the school. The teacher of a child attending a public school has the same rights as a parent or guardian to
school function authorized by the school district.
Each student will be treated in a fair and equitable manner. Disciplinary action will be based on a careful assessment of the
circumstances surrounding each infraction. The following are some examples of these circumstances:
• The student’s attitude.
• The seriousness of the offense
• The effect of the offense on other students.
• Whether the incident is isolated or habitual behavior.
• Any other circumstances which may be appropriately considered.
Standards of behavior for all members of society are generally a matter of common sense. The examples of behavior listed
the exclusion or omission of an unacceptable behavior is not and endorsement or acceptance of such behavior. When, in the
or corrective action will be taken.
1. Unexcused lateness to school.
2. Unexcused lateness to class.
3. Cutting class or leaving class without permission.
4. Leaving school without permission.
5. Refusing detention and/or in-school detention.
6. Tobacco use.
7. Truancy.
8. Possessing or using alcoholic beverages or other mood-altering chemicals.
9. Stealing.
10. Forgery, fraud or embezzlement.
11. Assault, physical and/or verbal.
should always seek adult help rather than resort to fighting.
13. Students who instigate fights but are not actively involved.
14. Possession of weapons.
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15. Distributing obscene literature.
16. Destroying/defacing school property.
17. Open defiance of teacher/administrative authority.
18. Profane language.
19. Public display of affection.
20. Bullying.
In administering discipline, consideration will be given to alternative methods of punishment to insure that the most effective
are dealing with individual personalities. The faculty may consider consultation with parents to determine the most effective
disciplinary measures.
In considering alternatives for disciplinary actions, the faculty/administration of the school district will consider the alternatives
listed below. However, the school is not limited to these alternative methods, nor does this list reflect an order or sequence of
determine the appropriate remedial or corrective action in each instance. When administrators have reasonable belief that
violations have occurred (i.e. fights, a sexual offense, weapon, drugs, vandalism) the police will be notified immediately.
1. Conference with student.
2. Conference with parents.
3. In-school detention.
4. Detention.
5. Referral to counselor.
6. Behavior contract.
7. Changing student’s seat assignment.
8. Requiring a student to make financial restitution for damaged property.
9. Requiring a student to clean or straighten items in facilities damaged by his/her behavior.
10. Restriction of privileges.
11. Involvement of local authorities.
12. Referring student to appropriate social agency.
13. Corporal punishment.
14. Suspension.
15. Expulsion.
16. Other appropriate disciplinary action as required and as indicated by the circumstances.
problems (i.e., classroom modifications, assigning Encore time, telephoning parents, etc.). After classroom disciplinary
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measures have failed, the teacher will write an office referral and attach classroom disciplinary records. When the student
reports to the office the following steps may be taken:
of the offense may require more serious consequences, however.
Second Offense – Parents may be notified. One to three days of ISD may be assigned.
Third Offense – Conference with parents may be held. Five days of ISD may be assigned.
Fourth Offense – One to ten days of short-term suspension may be given.
age and maturity).
The principal of the school shall suspend a student according to the following procedure: The principal may, if deemed in the
be provided on an individual basis)
Efforts will be made to notify the student and the parent/guardian orally or in writing, stating the reason and terms of the
suspension and the student’s right of appeal before the Suspension Committee (consisting of two teachers and two other
his/her parent/guardians of its decision and inform them of the student’s right of appeal to the Superintendent.
In the event of an appeal to the Superintendent, a written notification of an appeal must occur within five school days from the
date of the Suspension Committee’s findings. The Superintendent will notify the student and his/her parent, s/guard, ians, in
writing, of the Superintendent’s decision and the student’s right of appeal to the Board of Education.
such notice of appeal is not received by the designated time, the said suspension will be considered final.
to fair and orderly hearings, appeals, counsel, and due process in cases which may end in suspension.
find warranted by situations not covered in the disciplinary action alternatives.
Parents or guardians and the students residing in this school district will be notified at the beginning of each school year that
school year.
rules, and regulations by suggesting to administrators appropriate means of discipline for specific infractions.
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Sexual harassment is a kind of discrimination. It means that someone is treated differently because of his or her sex. It is
behavior or words that: are directed at a person because of his or her sex, are uninvited, unwanted, and unwelcome, cause a
offensive on a one time basis.
Think about words or acts you direct at the opposite sex. Any student who believes he or she has been the victim of sexual
personnel of the School District, or by any other person who is participating in, observing, or otherwise engaged in activities,
or administrator for investigation.
McLoud Public Schools is committed to creating and maintaining a learning environment that is free from bullying and
harassment. No student will be subject to bullying, hazing, or harassment, or other forms of persecution by student or
employee. For the purposes of this policy, hazing is defined as the deliberate harassment of a student by means of rough
practical jokes or causing the student to perform meaningless, difficult or humiliating tasks.
Bullying is defined as a type of violence that occurs when someone uses his or her power unfairly and repeatedly to hurt
someone else. Violence is defined as any word, look, sign, or act that hurts a person’s feelings or things. This policy is not
intended to deprive school district authorities from taking necessary and appropriate disciplinary action toward any student or
employee. Students or employees who violate this policy will be subject to disciplinary action.
as to time, place and weather. Any article of clothing that will bring disruption to the learning process of the majority of the
student is representing McLoud Schools. The following is a list of examples of clothing that is prohibited. This list may not be
1. Any public display of nudity.
2. Clothing that advertises or promotes the use of beer, alcohol, tobacco, drugs, profanity or sexual innuendo.
3. Clothing or accessories that signify, advocate, or advertise gang related activities or membership.
4. Excessively baggy or sagging pants.
5. Chains that hang from clothing or are worn as jewelry (bike and animal) collars and bracelets with spikes.
6. Tops with spaghetti straps.
7. Any top that allows undergarments to show.
8. Undershirts worn externally (muscle shirts, mesh shirts).
9. Tank tops in which the armhole sags excessively, such as “game jerseys”.
10. Exposed midriff.
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11. Extremely short skirts, dresses or shorts. Parents will be notified to bring appropriate change of clothes.
12. Hats are not to be worn in the classroom or at Assemblies.
13. Shoes with wheels or rollers
Any student who is in willful and persistent violation of the dress and grooming standards may lose his/her privilege to
attend McLoud Schools.
for a school function.
Pre-K-6 (Open to students by 7:50 a.m. closed at 3:30 p.m.)
7-12 (Open at 7:50 a.m., closed at 3:30 p.m.) Students are not to be in the building before or after these hours unless
supervised by a faculty member.
(Pre-K-3 Students should check in with classroom teacher before going to breakfast)
(4-6 Students should eat breakfast upon arrival)
(7-12 When students reach school in the morning, they should immediately purchase breakfast and/or lunch tickets if they
need them. All students will stay in the designated area. Students eating breakfast should enter the building through
their assigned door. After finishing breakfast if the bell has not sounded, student should wait outside until it does.
While on campus students are to remain in the mowed areas around the buildings. Wooded areas, and area East of the J. E.
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heavy bus and automobile traffic, congregating at any of the entrance gates or parking lots is prohibited.
Written parental notification requesting a student to have lunch at his/her own home must be received and filed with the office
allowed. Violation of this policy will be considered truancy, and students will be punished accordingly. Students must have
written parental permission to leave the junior high campus with a high school sibling. Students must be checked out in the
Junior High office by parents wanting their student to attend athletic events that are being held on the secondary campus.
Students at the Junior High are NOT allowed to bring permanent markers of any kind to school.
CLOSED CAMPUS: Parents check out.
Students attending morning classes who ride the vo-tech bus need to board the bus by 7:30 a.m. Those attending afternoon
classes need to board by 11:45 a.m. It will return to the high school between 4:15 – 4:30 p.m.
It is recommended strongly that every student from McLoud High School ride the bus provided by vo-tech. However, this is
optional for the parents and students. Students riding the vo-tech bus will have no problem eating lunch at the Home School
on the bus provided by vo-tech.
Students driving cars or any type of motor vehicle to school MUST have a valid driver’s license, insurance verification, and a
McLoud school parking permit. The vehicle must be parked when first arriving and cannot be moved until the lunch bell rings
unless special authorization is obtained. When returning to school at noon, the vehicle must be parked and not moved until
school is dismissed. Passengers are not to be transported in the back of pickup trucks.
Any vehicle that is on school property may be subject to search by school officials. Students must park in the painted areas.
his or her vehicle on campus for a period determined by the principal.
during school hours. Violation of this rule will be considered truancy and may result in loss of driving privilege.
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tardy bell and students not in the classroom will be considered tardy. Loitering in the halls is not permissible.
In the hall at class change time, students are to keep to the right. (Pre-K-6 Keep to the right in single file with their teacher.
when arriving at their destination.
school provided ID in their possession.
Mrs., Miss, or Coach.
PLEASE NOTE: Camera surveillance in the halls, classrooms and parking lots.
District owned textbooks will be available to all students for each class. The student is responsible for the care of his books.
be recorded on his permanent record. If books are found later, a refund of the charge will be made to the student. Book
payment amount will be determined by the replacement cost of the book.
Workbooks in various classes may be purchased by the individual student. Upon completion of the course, the student may
keep the workbook.
Items found at school will be held in the offices for one semester. Check at individual sites for the designated holding place.
Items left in the lost and found will be removed the last day of May.
be in any other classroom or hallway without prior approval. Under no circumstances will glass containers be allowed.
7-12 a student phone is provided at the Junior high and High School West office windows for student use prior to first hour,
to the classroom at 2:30 p.m. (Students will use the student phone in the Intermediate office.)
or television stations prior to 6 a.m. Students should tune in the appropriate stations and should not call the school. School
closings will be broadcast o Oklahoma City television channels 4, 5 and 9 and on Oklahoma City radio stations WKY, KYIS,
KEBC, and Shawnee radio station KGFF.
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School closings as well as other pertinent information can be obtained through the McLoud Public Information Line at (405)
391-8920 or on the Web site
on duty all day to help with the uses of the Multi-Media Center.
Students will be taught the proper use of the Multi-Media Center, and projects will be conducted in the Multi-Media Center.
Books may be checked out for 14 school days. In addition, two days grace period are given before the nickel a day fine
the replacement cost of the book.
No food or drinks are allowed in the Multi-Media Center.
on at all times. McLoud Schools cannot be held responsible for any items left in the lockers.
Lockers can be searched at any time by school officials.
Each student is expected to assume responsibility for the care of all school property. Students who damage property are
responsible for paying for the damage. Damage of a malicious nature will be considered a very serious matter and must be
repaired or replaced at the expense of the student at fault. Disciplinary action may follow such conduct.
Students that have obligations, financial and otherwise, will not receive grade reports until obligations are met.
remain in line according to classes so that roll may be checked outside.
of safety and will follow prescribed safety precautions. Students are to remain quiet and orderly and follow instructions from
proper authority. The “all clear” signal will be a long bell.
The lockdown drill will be notified by a password given by general announcement.
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Reduced meal prices K-12
and state regulations. Information is available on these programs in the principal’s office.
Adult/Visitor Prices
Refunds for overpayment of cafeteria bills will be given per written request by parent.
must adhere to the following rules during lunch:
1. Respect the rights of others; do not “cut” in the lunch line.
2. After eating, leave the table as clean as possible for the next person.
3. Take tray, eating utensils, and empty cartons to the receiving window.
4. Cafeteria food must remain in the cafeteria.
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are expected to conduct themselves as ladies and gentlemen. Hats will not be worn in the cafeteria.
Pom, Cross Country track, Future Educators of America, Business Professionals of America, Library Club, Science and Math
Club, Spanish Club, Student Council, Oklahoma Honor Society, National Honor Society, Key Club, and History Club.
(964-3642) for any questions concerning the transportation program.
1. Students may be required to walk a short distance to a consolidated bus stop (possibly up to 0.5 miles). The bus will
not travel down private roads
2. Passengers should be prompt in reporting to the bus stop. Usually a five-minute arrival before the scheduled stop is
ample. Schedules should normally be consistent, within a minute or two, except, of course, for the first week or so of
school, until routes are “firmed up”, and in case of a substitute driver or unforeseen traffic delays, or during severe
weather conditions.
3. “Honk service” or “door to door” is not feasible. Of course, there may be days, especially during the bitter cold of
winter, that passengers seek shelter until bus arrival. In that event, passengers should be alert and prepared to board the
bus without delay at the regular stop when the bus arrives.
4. Students wanting to ride on a bus other than their assigned bus will only be granted in emergency situations. Those
students who wish to ride a bus other than their assigned bus (i.e. going home with a friend, going to a babysitter, etc.)
should provide their own transportation. This means that parents are responsible for providing this type of transportation.
5. Students cannot get off the bus at any stop but their assigned bus stop without permission from the parent and the
Transportation Office (964-3642). Students in grades 7-12 are not permitted to get off the bus at the elementary school
without permission from the Transportation Office (964-3642).
6. Students must board their bus at the school site. Students cannot walk from the Secondary campus to the Elementary
campus to board their bus.
7. Parents and students are responsible for the cost of repairs for damaged bus property caused by vandalism by the
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8. When weather conditions in the school indicate a possibility of an existence of dangerous road conditions, every effort
will be made to notify the news media by 6 am. Further, every effort will be made to return the pupil home at the regularly
scheduled time.
9. The school district cannot be held responsible for items left on the bus.
Riding a school bus is a privilege, and the privilege may be removed for not abiding by the bus rider rules. The driver of the
school bus has the same control over pupils as the teacher in the classroom.
Pupil misconduct on a school bus can endanger the lives of the pupils, driver, and the general public. The driver shall report
privileges include:
a. Deliberate defiance-refusal to cooperate with the driver.
b. Obscene and unacceptable language, gestures, remarks or literature.
c. Unusually loud talking or other undue noise.
d. Throwing/shooting items of any kind.
e. Scuffling/teasing/tormenting other students on the bus or at bus stop.
f. Fighting on the bus or at the bus stop.
g. Deliberate delay of loading and unloading.
h. Refusal to stay seated/turned around in the seat/standing/or moving around in the bus.
i. Use of tobacco or tobacco products/matches/drugs/alcohol on the bus.
j. Extending any part of the body or objects out of the window.
k. Tampering with bus equipment.
l. Vandalism and destruction of property.
m. Restricted materials or items on the bus.
n. Other violations endangering safe operation on the bus.
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Consequences of misconduct may include:
1. The first time a student creates a disturbance, the driver will verbally warn the student and may issue a conduct notice.
2. If a second conduct notice is issued, a pupil’s bus privileges may be suspended for three days.
3. Upon receiving a third conduct report: the pupil may receive a five (5) day bus suspension.
4. If a student receives a fourth conduct report: the pupil may be suspended for ten (10) school days.
5. In the event that any student receives their fifth conduct report, they may be suspended for thirty (30) school days from
the bus.
6. SEVERE CLAUSE: Immediate suspension from bus will occur if the incident is serious and jeopardizes the safety of
the passengers.
7. Other appropriate Disciplinary action is conducted at the discretion of the Administrator.
8. Appeal Procedure: All appeals should be initiated through the McLoud Transportation Director (964-3314 ext. 5282).
or the Building Principal determines that in the interests of bus safety and/or good order the suspension is necessary or the
hearing cannot be conducted in a timely manner.
PRIOR TO LOADING, students should:
1. Be on time at the designated school bus stop. Keep the bus on schedule.
2. Stay off the road at all times while waiting for the bus.
3. Wait until the bus comes to a complete stop before attempting to enter.
4. Be careful in approaching bus stops.
5. Respect people and their property while waiting on the bus.
6. Receive proper school official authorization to be discharged at places other than the regular bus stop.
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7. Students shall cross at least 10 feet in front of the bus, never behind.
WHILE ON THE BUS, students should:
1. Keep all parts of the body inside the bus.
2. Refrain from eating and drinking on the bus.
3. Refrain from the use of any form of tobacco, alcohol, or drugs.
4. Assist in keeping the bus safe and clean at all times.
5. Remember that loud talking and laughing or unnecessary confusion diverts the driver’s attention and may result in
serious accident. THE LIFE YOU SAVE MAY BE YOUR OWN.
6. Treat bus equipment as you would valuable furniture in your own home. Damage to seats, etc., must be paid for by the
7. Never tamper with the bus or any of its equipment.
8. Maintain possession of books, lunches, or other articles and KEEP THE AISLE CLEAR.
9. Help look after the safety and comfort of smaller children.
10. Not throw objects in or out of the bus.
11. Remain in their seats while the bus is in motion.
12. Refrain from horseplay and fighting on the school bus.
13. Be courteous to fellow pupils, the bus driver, and any driver’s assistants.
14. Remain quiet when approaching a railroad-crossing stop.
15. Remain in the bus during road emergencies except when it may be hazardous to their safety.
16. Follow the directions of the driver in case of an accident or breakdown.
AFTER LEAVING THE BUS, students should:
1. Go at least ten (10) feet in front of the bus, never behind, stop, check traffic, wait for bus driver’s signal, then cross the
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2. Go home immediately, staying clear of traffic.
3. Help look after the safety and comfort of smaller children.
The above rules and regulations apply to any extra-curricular trips.
law given the signal to stop, shall not proceed until such school bus resumes motion, or until signaled by its driver to proceed.
The Superintendent and the Board of Education will annually review the scheduling of activities so that minimal interruptions
occur in the instructional program of a child.
The committee will recommend changes in policy to the Board of Education.
The maximum number of absences for activities, whether sponsored by the school or outside agency/organizations, which
removes the student from the classroom will be ten (10) for any one class period of each school year. Activity absences are
recorded by teachers on period absence slips. Excluded from this number are state and national levels of school sponsored
Board of Education.
Oklahoma Secondary School Activities Association Academic scholarship eligibility standards are required of all students
participating in extra-curricular activity programs. There are two considerations:
1. Term Grades
a. A student must have received a passing grade in any three subjects counted for graduation that he/she was enrolled in
during the last term he/she attended fifteen or more days. (This requirement would be three school credits for block
schedule or five school credits for traditional for seventh and eighth grade students).
b. If a student does not meet the minimum scholastic standard he/she will not be eligible to participate during the first six
weeks of the next term they attend.
c. A student who does not meet the above minimum scholastic standard may regain his/her eligibility by achieving
passing grades in all subjects he/she is enrolled in at the end of the six-week period.
d. Pupils enrolled for the first time must comply with the same requirements of scholarship. The passing grades required
for the preceding term should be obtained from the records in the school last attended.
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2. Student Eligibility During a Term
e. Scholastic eligibility for students will be checked at the end of the third week of a term and each succeeding week
f. A student must be passing in all subjects he/she is enrolled in during a term. If a student is not passing all subjects
enrolled in at the end of a week, they will be placed on probation for the next one-week period. If a student is still failing
one or more classes at the end of their probationary one-week period, they will be ineligible to participate during the next
one-week period. The ineligibility periods will begin on Monday and end on Sunday.
g. A student who has lost eligibility under this provision must be passing all subjects in order to gain eligibility.
h. “Passing grade” means work of such character that credit would be entered on the records were the term to close at
that time.
Activity/Field Trips
For a student to be eligible to participate in any activity or field trip that takes him/her outside class time, including weekends,
into account to qualify for field trips.
given to the activity sponsor. Trips are generally scheduled during the spring term. Trips will be educational in nature.
performs at several contests representing the many facets of the band program. The High School Band provides spirit for all
football games and pep assemblies. The aim of the program is to help build responsible individuals and better citizens while
grounds FOR A PROBATIONARY STATUS in band. Attendance constitutes a majority of the student’s grades.
are determined largely by class grades and daily work.
STAGE BAND is optional although woodwind players must be enrolled in regular band classes. Regular attendance at
rehearsals which are held outside regular class hours is required. The group performs in concerts, contests, and as
entertainment when requested.
is a learning experience for those students who wish to learn the basics. The aim of the program is to help build responsible
rehearsals and are required to be present at all performances.
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must meet grade and conduct requirements as stated in the Student Council Constitution. Only grades 9-12 will be voting
members. The purpose of this organization is to provide government and unity to students, teachers, and administration.
Council Constitution.
The purpose of this organization is to provide unity to students, teachers, and administration.
These procedures shall apply to all class elections and any organizations not governed by a state or national charter.
a copy of the duties, responsibilities and qualifications (if any) for the office for which they are filing.
CAMPAINING: A meeting of the class or organization will be held within one week of the filing period. At this meeting, each
candidate who filed for office will make a campaign speech, noting their qualifications for office. Following the meeting,
campaigning may take place. The day for casting of ballots will be no more than one week from the previous meeting, and
campaigning may be conducted in the interim, as long as it is not disruptive to the learning process.
cast in a private polling area and will be deposited into a slotted ballot box.
RESULTS: At the closing of the polls, a committee of three, two teachers and one student, will count the ballots and post the
results on the door of the balloting area and in the student bulletin case. Should no student receive a majority, the same
procedure will be duplicated within the two top candidates.
and organization.
that the officer is afforded his/her due process rights.
Council for their investigation. Parties to both sides of the dispute will be allowed to address the Student Council if they so
desire. At the request of the officer being recalled, the hearing before the Student Council may be a closed hearing. If, upon
of the recall petition to the Student Council sponsor.
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football players for football, wrestlers for wrestling) will nominate two senior queen candidates and two attendants from each
not be considered as a candidate for any queen position that school year.
It is the responsibility of the coach/instructor to notify the athletic director/assistant principal of each student completing the
Jacket has a red body with white sleeves. A McLoud Letter “M” may not be displayed on any other color-combination letter
jacket worn at school or during school functions. The school shall contract with a supplier at least once per school year to
provide an opportunity for students to purchase a letter jacket at a competitive price.
1. An athlete/band member must finish the season.
2. Lettering an injured athlete/band member is at the discretion of the coaching staff and administration.
3. Athletes/band members must maintain all grade eligibility requirements.
4. Equipment must be turned in or paid for before the athlete/band member will be awarded a letter.
5. Seniors who have participated for three years will letter.
6. Managers must finish the year in good standing and must have given exceptional service.
7. Junior varsity playing time does not count toward a letter.
8. Athletes/band members must participate fully in scheduled practices and be enrolled in the regularly scheduled sports
or band hour.
9. Athletes/band members must meet the following requirements for individual sports/band:
Football – play in at least 10 quarters
Basketball – play in at least 20 quarters
Wrestling – wrestle in at least 10 matches
Soccer – play in at least 4 halves
Baseball and Softball – play in ½ of the total innings of the regular season and tournaments
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Golf – play in ½ of the tournaments
Cheerleaders – attend the clinic designated by the sponsor for that year and not miss a varsity game or match
game unless the absence is excused by the sponsor.
Band/Color Guard – attend and perform at 80% of all Band rehearsals and have no more than 1 unexcused
absence from performances.
A student must meet one of following requirements to letter in Drama or Speech:
1. Students must qualify in four events at a speech tournament for Regional Speech competition.
2. Students must have a major role in a major production and qualify for Regionals in two events at a speech tournament.
3. A student must have a major role in a one act play and qualify in three events for a Regional speech tournament.
4. A student must place in the top three in one event at the State Speech Tournament.
5. A student must make a major technical contribution on three major productions.
6. A student must have a major role in two major productions.
7. The instructor and administration will be able to make special consideration in certain cases where a student has put in
an extraordinary amount of special work.
In order for a student to be eligible to apply for an academic letter, the following requirements must be met:
1. Determine eligibility.
a. Top 10% based on Academic Ranking after 6 semesters.
b. Must have attended McLoud High School at least the previous year.
c. Must have fulfilled or be enrolled in the Honor Tier program.
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d. Must score satisfactory or higher on all state required End of Instruction tests.
2. Obtain an application form and the deadline date from the high school principal
3. Obtain a copy of transcript from the high school office to be submitted with application.
4. Compose a letter to accompany application that explains the reasons for applying for this award. This letter should
detail participation in organizations, school and community services, extra-curricular activities, honor classes, and any
other honors received.
5. Submit signed and completed application form, personal letter, and transcript copy to the high school principal prior to
the deadline date.
who are eligible. To be eligible for a high school diploma pursuant to this act a veteran shall:
1. Have been honorably discharged from the Armed Forces of the United States of America.
2. Have served on active duty or have been discharged with a service-connected disability between the dates of
September 16, 1940 and December 31, 1946 or between the dates of June 17, 1950 and January 31, 1955.
3. Be a resident of the state of Oklahoma.
the date of November 11 is a Saturday or Sunday or classes are not in regular session, the public schools of this state shall
observe the previous school day as “Veterans Day” as provided for in this section.
P erseverance
R espect
I ntegrity
D etermination
E nthusiasm
Mission statement: The PRIDE consists of a partnership of staff and students who emphasize the importance of training to
instill school spirit into our students.
The McLoud Board of Education adopts this policy for drug testing in an effort to:
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1. Protect the health and safety of students participating in extracurricular activities from illegal and/or performance-
enhancing drug use and abuse, and because of the distinction participation brings to students, set an example of being
drug-free to other students.
2. Protect the health and safety of those on parking areas on District premises from the adverse affects drug use may
have on the operation of motor vehicles.
from using or possessing illegal drugs, district officials realize that their power to restrict the possession or use of illegal and
performance-enhancing drugs is limited.
Therefore, this policy governs only performance-enhancing and illegal drug use by students participating in certain extra-
opportunity of any student determined to be in violation of this policy to a student’s privilege to participate in extra-curricular
be imposed for violations of this policy.
This policy supplements and complements all other policies, rules, and regulations of the McLoud Public School District
regarding possession or use of illegal drugs.
Participation in school-sponsored interscholastic extra-curricular activities is a privilege. Students who participate in these
extra-curricular activities carry a responsibility to themselves, their fellow students, their parents, and their school to set the
highest possible examples of conduct, sportsmanship, and training, which includes avoiding the use or possession of illegal
The purposes of this policy are five-fold:
1. To educate students of the serious physical, mental and emotional harm caused by illegal drug use.
2. To alert students with possible substance abuse problems to the potential harms that drug use poses for their physical,
mental, and emotional well being and offer them the privilege of competition as an incentive to stop using such
3. Ensure that students adhere to a training program that bars the intake of illegal and performance-enhancing drugs.
4. To prevent injury, illness, and harm for students that may arise as a result from illegal and performance enhancing drug
5. To offer students practices, competition and school activities free of the effects of illegal and performance-enhancing
drug use.
Permission to drive a motor vehicle onto and park on District premises is a privilege granted to students. This privilege is
conditioned upon the student driver complying with several rules, such as providing evidence the student has a license to
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regardless of who owns the vehicle or rides in the vehicle, is clean of all items not allowed on District property under school
with these requirements and may also be taken away for failure to operate a vehicle in a safe manner on District premises.
enhancing or illegal drugs or alcohol or other mood-altering chemicals in their system.
her areas in which motor vehicles are permitted.
Illegal and performance-enhancing drug use of any kind is incompatible with the physical, mental, and emotional demands
activities in grades 7-12.
The administration may adopt regulations to implement this policy.
I. Definitions
and Athletics.
“Student Driver” means any student who operates a motor vehicle on District premises.
the metabolites thereof in a person’s urine.
“Random Selection Basis” means a mechanism for selecting activity students/student drivers for drug testing that:
A. result in an equal probability that any activity student/student driver from a group of activity student/student drivers
subject to the selection mechanism will be selected and
B. does not give the School District discretion to waive the selection of any activity student/student driver selected under
the mechanism.
nutritional supplements such as vitamins, minerals and proteins, which can be lawfully purchased in over-the-counter
demonstrate the presence of an illegal or a performance-enhancing drug or the metabolites thereof using the standards
customarily established by the testing laboratory administering the drug use test.
student/student driver supplied to school officials by other students, staff members, or patrons.
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II. Procedures
dated by the student, parental or custodial guardian and coach/sponsor/principal or designee before such student shall be
eligible to practice or participate in any extra-curricular activities/drive a motor vehicle on any McLoud School campus.
urine sample; and (c) at any time when there is reasonable suspicion to test for illegal or performance-enhancing drugs. No
a motor vehicle on any McLoud School campus unless the student has returned the properly signed “Student Drug Testing
Consent Form.”
Prior to the commencement of drug testing each year an orientation session will be held with each Activity Student/Student
testing process.
Each Activity Student shall receive a copy of the Activity Student Drug Testing Policy. The head coach/sponsor/principal or
to acquaint the student with the harmful consequences of drug and alcohol use and abuse.
illegal drugs or performance enhancing drugs.
suspicion of illegal or performance-enhancing drug use by a particular student.
Any drug use test will be administered by or at the direction of a professional laboratory chosen by the McLoud Public School
written specifications to assure chain of custody of the specimens, and proper laboratory control and scientific testing.
All aspects of the drug use-testing program, including the taking of specimens, will be conducted so as to safeguard the
the normal sounds of urination in order to guard against tampered specimens and insure an accurate chain of custody. The
the principal/athletic director or designee who will then determineif a new sample should be obtained. The monitor shall give
envelope and shall not be viewed by district employees.
or the end of the school year, whichever is shorter. Student records will be retained until the end of the school year.
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III. Confidentiality
The laboratory will notify the principal/athletic director or designee of any positive test. To keep the positive test results
confidential, the principal/athletic director or designee will schedule a conference with the student and parent or guardian and
McLoud Public School District will rely on the opinion of the laboratory which performed the test in determining whether the
positive test result was produced by something other than consumption of an illegal or performance-enhancing drug.
Test results will be kept in files separate from the student’s other educational records, shall be disclosed only to those school
personnel who have a need to know, and will not be turned over to any law enforcement authorities.
IV. Appeal
submitted to the Superintendent in writing within five (5) calendar days of notice of the positive test. A student requesting a
review will remain eligible to participate in any extra-curricular activities until the review is completed. The Superintendent or
his/her designee(s) shall then determine whether the original finding was justified. No further review of the Superintendent’s
V. Consequences
A. For the First Offense
program. Before resuming the activity, the student must show proof that the student has received drug counseling from a
qualified drug treatment program or counseling entity. This will be done at the student’s expense. If the student is not in an
be required to miss the minimum after he/she returns from the injury, becomes eligible or the activity resumes in the following
determination of an observed violation or the reporting of the results of a positive alcohol or drug use test. Such period of
ineligibility will extend into a succeeding school year if necessary to fulfill the period of ineligibility.
A student driver will not be allowed to drive on campus for one (1) month and must return a negative test and show proof the
student received drug counseling from a qualified drug treatment program or counseling entity before driving privileges are
Each student who tests positive will be required to pay for the additional tests.
B. For the Second Offense (In the same school year):
The activity student who tests positive a second time will be prohibited from participating in any school sponsored event until
be done at the student’s expense. The ability for the student to provide three (3) negative drug use tests will serve as
verification. The third (3rd) test must come at the end of the penalty.
The student driver who tests positive a second time will be prohibited from driving a motor vehicle on any McLoud School
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successfully complete at least 4 hours of substance abuse education/counseling from a qualified drug treatment program or
tests will serve as verification. The third (3rd) test must come at the end of the penalty.
or driving on campus shall come into play only when two (2) offenses are committed in the same school year.
C. For the Third Offense (in the same school year):
the penalty.
not accumulate from school year to school year; the eighteen (18) weeks period of ineligibility from participation in all school
activities or driving on campus shall come into play only when three (30 offenses are committed in the same school year.
VI. Sample Provision
Students unable to provide a sample in a reasonable amount of time (2 hours) shall be ineligible to participate in activities or
testing company used by McLoud Public Schools.
VII. Refusal to Submit to Drug Use Test
activities covered under this policy including all meetings, practices, performance and competitions for the remainder of the
school year. Additionally, such student shall not be considered for any interscholastic activity honors or awards given by the
The McLoud Public School District believes accountability is a powerful tool to help some students avoid using drugs and that
early detection and intervention can save lives.
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