Academic Plan, School Year 2023-24
Iliahi Elementary
Developing a collaborative Academic Plan framed by the HIDOE Learning Organization is the foundation for a forward focused 3-Year Academic Plan. An effective Academic Plan utilizes existing school
resources to improve and/or introduce new ideas that accelerate the school community’s knowledge about ending achievement gaps and providing equitable services for all students. A forward focused
Academic Plan clearly describes a school’s Theory of Action that incorporates the following:1) analyzing data to explain achievement gaps; 2) incorporating measurable outcomes that inform a school
how to close the achievement gap; and, 3) applying contextual and community measurements and assessments.
Starting from a comprehensive needs assessment, schools design measurable outcomes from the study of organizational, instructional, and student support systems. The measurable outcomes are
implemented and improved through Plan, Do, Study, Act (PDSA) cycles, and systemized by leading indicators.
HIDOE Learning Organization
Pipeline of Emerging Ideas: To prepare for emerging trends, advancements and changes that impact education, ideas are tried and vetted by our
schools and teams, some will advance to support the core.
The Pipeline of Emerging Ideas is linked to the HIDOE 2020-30 Strategic Plan (page 5).
Innovation in Support of the Core: New strategies and systems for delivering teaching and learning. High-Impact strategies: School Design,
Teacher Collaboration, Student Voice.
The 3-Year Academic Plan incorporates School Design and Student Voice for Innovation in Support of the Core (pages 3-4).
Teaching & Learning Core: Focus: equity and excellence in core curriculum and supports
The 3-Year Academic Plan is structured by the HIDOE Learning Organization, and it is founded on the Teaching & Learning Core (page 2).
Teaching & Learning Core: Equity and Excellence
In order to address equity, list the targeted subgroup(s) and their identified needs. Specifying enabling activities in the academic plan should
address identified subgroup(s) and their needs.
Achievement Gap
Theory of Action
Enabling Activity
Identify and describe an achievement gap including but not limited to
Special Education or English Learners or any other sub group. The
description must be gathered from a CNA such as Title I, WASC Self
Study, International Baccalaureate, and may include additional local
2021 WASC Recommendations (mid-cycle):
Self Study Prioritized Areas of Growth Needs #1:
Continue to monitor and utilize data to make
instructional adjustments to increase student
achievement particularly those farthest from
SW 1
What is your Theory of Action (if-then) to improve the
achievement gap?
If the Response to Intervention for ELA and Math (using
iReady) as well as working with individual students/small
groups on their needs is implemented with fidelity, then
students will receive tiered instruction and assessment
practices will be improved and therefore increase student
What are your Enabling Activities to improve the achievement gap?
Student Success
1. K-5 students receive tiered instruction for ELA
a. K-3 Pull-Out for Tier 3
b. ELL students Pull-Out
2. K-5 students improve universal screening scores
3. Continue to improve, repair, replace and maintain
technology equipment/programs to meet the
changing systems requirements.
Staff Success (SW 6)
1. Teachers will work on obtaining Sheltered Instruction
2. Coordinate RTI schoolwide instructional block for
ELA as measured by schedule and walkthrough:
Gr K- 8:10-8:35 am M-R
Gr 1- 8:40-9:05 am M-R
Gr 2- 9:10-9:35 am M-R
Gr 3- 10:00-10:25 am M-R
Gr 4- 10:15-10:40 am M-R
Gr 5- 10:15-10:40 am M-R
3. Coordinate RTI school-wide instructional block for
Math as measured by schedule and walkthrough:
Gr K- 10:05-10:35 am M-R
Gr 1- 10:35-11:00 am M-R
Gr 2- 11:00-11:25 am M-R
Gr 3- 8:15-8:40 am M-R
Gr 4- 8:10-8:35 am M-R
Gr 5- 8:10-8:35 am M-R
Self Study Prioritized Areas of Growth Needs #2:
•Improve the efficacy of professional development by
ensuring that implementation of PD is done with fidelity
and that student achievement outcomes are tracked and
linked to specific PD topics.
SW 1
SW 6
If teachers are provided professional development
opportunities to better their instructional practices then
students will be able to meet determined measures of
Student Success
1. Students will receive more meaningful instruction and
be more engaged as measured by walkthroughs and
perceptual surveys.
Staff Success
1. Provide professional development for faculty and
staff which will enable them to use 21
Century skills
and understanding in their teaching content and
instruction and for student learning
Workshops/ webinars / tutorials/ modeling
SEL, NGSS, CCSS, Google, HCSSS (C3),
computer science, Reading foundation, writing,
literacy skills, thinking maps and High Impact
Teaching Strategies
Sharing relevant articles, connecting with other
teachers to share successes.
Self Study Prioritized Areas of Growth Needs #3:
•Develop a common understanding of the expectations
for academic standards, standards-based grading and
measuring the GLOs consistency across grade levels
SW 1
SW 6
If teachers are provided more opportunities to collaborate,
collect and analyze data, then grade levels will have a
better understanding of the grade level standards across
grade levels.
Student Success
1. Students will be able to articulate the learning
target/standard as evidenced by classroom
2. Students will be able to demonstrate GLO #1-6 as
evidenced by student work, teacher observation, walk
through and/or LDS.
Staff Success
1. Provide collaboration opportunities to horizontally and
vertically align standards, grading, instructional
practices, and GLOs as evidenced by grade level
meeting minutes and committee meeting minutes.
Self Study Prioritized Areas of Growth Needs #4
•Increase the rigor by providing more opportunities for
students to engage in higher-level thinking and
questioning skills to meet the expectations of all
standards and the SBA.
SW 1
SW 6
If teachers provide more opportunities to foster higher
levels of questioning, then students will be able to
demonstrate their flexibility in their thinking.
Student Success
1. Students will be able to demonstrate their critical
thinking through Engineering Design Projects and or
STEAM activities.
2. Students will be able to ask and answer higher levels
of questioning as measured by walkthroughs and/or
student work.
Staff Success
1. Provide time to grade level to collaborate to make
instructional adjustments in their curriculum to
improve student achievement as measured by
Articulation minutes, Wednesday meeting schedule,
Curriculum maps/pacing guides, unit plans, and
Innovation in Support of the Core: School Design and Student Voice
Describe here your complex/school contexts for School Design and Student Voice.
Describe here your current and continuing initiatives that will further advance your 2020-21 School Design and Student Voice.
Describe here your Conditions for Success for School Design and Student Voice.
SY 2021-22 Measurable Outcomes
SY 2022-23 Measurable Outcomes
SY 2023-24 Measurable Outcomes
What are your Measurable Outcomes around School Design and
Student Voice? What are you designing?
(SW 1, SW 6)
1. All students will receive RtI tiered instruction for ELA
and Math. Instructional groups will be adjusted
based on universal screening at the beginning of the
1st semester.
What are your Measurable Outcomes around School Design and
Student Voice? What are you designing?
(SW 1, SW 6)
1. All students will receive RtI tiered instruction for ELA
and Math. Instructional groups will be adjusted based
on universal screening at the beginning of the 1st
What are your Measurable Outcomes around School Design and
Student Voice? What are you designing?
(SW 1, SW 6)
1. All students will receive RtI tiered instruction for ELA
and Math. Instructional groups will be adjusted based
on universal screening at the beginning of the 1st
2. The percentage of students in grades K-5 will be at
Tier 1 as measured by iReady Diagnostic (using
EOY view)
a. MOY - 52%
b. EOY - 72%
c. MOY - 52%
d. EOY - 77%
3. The percentage of students grades K-5 will meet their
typical growth goals in iReady (using EOY view)
a. MOY: 40%
b. EOY: 60%
c. MOY: 40%
d. EOY: 60%
4. 100% of 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students not meeting
grade level benchmark in reading/math will have the
opportunity to use the computer lab either before or
after school
5. 100% of students who qualify for the summer
Kindergarten preparatory session will be offered an
opportunity to participate.
6. The percentage of students in grades K-5 will meet
their DIBELS benchmark and growth goals:
Grade K PSF
a. MOY: 70% Core
b. EOY: 90% Core
Grade K-3 NWF
a. MOY: 70% Core
b. EOY: 90% Core
Grades 1- 5 ORF
a. MOY: 65% Core
b. EOY: 80% Core
Grades 2- 5 ELL ORF
a. MOY: 60% Core
2. The percentage of students in grades K-5 will be at
Tier 1 as measured by iReady Diagnostic (using
EOY view)
a. MOY - 55%
b. EOY - 75%
c. MOY - 55%
d. EOY - 80%
3. The percentage of students grades K-5 will meet their
typical growth goals (60%-100%) in iReady (using
EOY view)
a. MOY: 40%
b. EOY: 60%
c. MOY: 40%
d. EOY: 60%
4. 100% of 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students not meeting
grade level benchmark in reading/math will have the
opportunity to use the computer lab either before or
after school
5. 100% of students who qualify for the summer
Kindergarten preparatory session will be offered an
opportunity to participate.
6. The percentage of students in grades K-5 will meet
their DIBELS benchmark goals:
Grade K PSF
a. MOY: 70% Core
b. EOY: 90% Core
Grade K-3 NWF
a. MOY: 70% Core
b. EOY: 90% Core
Grades 1- 5 ORF
a. MOY: 65% Core
b. EOY: 80% Core
Grades 2- 5 ELL ORF
2. The percentage of students in grades K-5 will be at
Tier 1 as measured by iReady Diagnostic (using
EOY view)
a. MOY - 58%
b. EOY - 78%
c. MOY - 58%
d. EOY - 83%
3. The percentage of students grades K-5 will meet their
typical growth goals (60%-100%) in iReady (using
EOY view)
a. MOY: 40%
b. EOY: 60%
c. MOY: 40%
d. EOY: 60%
4. 100% of 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students not meeting
grade level benchmark in reading/math will have the
opportunity to use the computer lab either before or
after school
5. 100% of students who qualify for the summer
Kindergarten preparatory session will be offered an
opportunity to participate.
6. The percentage of students in grades K-5 will meet
their DIBELS benchmark goals:
Grade K PSF
c. MOY: 70% Core
d. EOY: 90% Core
Grade K-3 NWF
c. MOY: 70% Core
d. EOY: 90% Core
Grades 1- 5 ORF
c. MOY: 65% Core
d. EOY: 80% Core
Grades 2- 5 ELL ORF
b. EOY: 80% Core
Grades K-5 Average Zones of Growth
a. MOY: 65%
b. EOY: 80%
7. 100% of ELL students will meet the NCLB annual
measurable achievement objective (AMAO) #1 by
making at least a 1.0 gain on the WIDA access test.
8. 100% of the teachers will implement the professional
development training learning to their classroom as
documented through assessments, student work,
walkthroughs, committees, data team minutes, and/or
GL articulation minutes.
9. By the end of the year, 90% of students will have zero
incidents according to the eCSSS database.
10. 100% of Grade 3-5 classroom teachers will receive a
favorability rating of 75% or better for “Classroom
Engagement” as rated by the Panorama Student
Perception Survey.
11. 100% of teachers will have the opportunity to
participate and provide input in committee meetings
as documented by minutes (google docs).
12. Students will be able to demonstrate GLO #1-6 as
evidenced by student work, teacher observation, walk
through and/or LDS. GLO #1
13. 100% of students will be able to articulate the
learning target/standard as evidenced by classroom
14. 100% of Students will be able to demonstrate their
critical thinking through NGSS lessons and
15. 100% of Students will be able to ask and answer
higher levels of questioning as measured by
walkthroughs and/or student work.
a. MOY: 60% Core
b. EOY: 80% Core
Grades K-5 Average Zones of Growth
a. MOY: 65%
c. EOY: 80%
7. 100% of ELL students will meet the NCLB annual
measurable achievement objective (AMAO) #1 by
making at least a 1.0 gain on the WIDA access test.
8. 100% of the teachers will implement the professional
development training learning to their classroom as
documented through assessments, student work,
walkthroughs, committees, data team minutes, and/or
GL articulation minutes.
9. By the end of the year, 92% of students will have zero
incidents according to the eCSSS database.
10. 100% of Grade 3-5 classroom teachers will receive a
favorability rating of 78% or better for “Classroom
Engagement” as rated by the Panorama Student
Perception Survey.
11. 100% of teachers will have the opportunity to
participate and provide input in committee meetings
as documented by minutes (google docs).
12. Students will be able to demonstrate GLO #1-6 as
evidenced by student work, teacher observation, walk
through and/or LDS.
13. 100% of students will be able to articulate the
learning target/standard as evidenced by classroom
14. 100% of Students will be able to demonstrate their
critical thinking through NGSS lessons and activities.
15. 100% of Students will be able to ask and answer
higher levels of questioning as measured by
walkthroughs and/or student work.
16. 100% of students will participate in the Grade Level
Engineering Day and other NGSS lessons and
d. MOY: 60% Core
e. EOY: 80% Core
Grades K-5 Average Zones of Growth
b. MOY: 65%
f. EOY: 80%
7. 100% of ELL students will meet the NCLB annual
measurable achievement objective (AMAO) #1 by
making at least a 1.0 gain on the WIDA access test.
8. 100% of the teachers will implement the professional
development training learning to their classroom as
documented through assessments, student work,
walkthroughs, committees, data team minutes, and/or
GL articulation minutes.
9. By the end of the year, 94% of students will have zero
incidents according to the eCSSS database.
10. 100% of Grade 3-5 classroom teachers will receive a
favorability rating of 78% or better for “Classroom
Engagement” as rated by the Panorama Student
Perception Survey.
11. 100% of teachers will have the opportunity to
participate and provide input in committee meetings
as documented by minutes (google docs).
12. Students will be able to demonstrate GLO #1-6 as
evidenced by student work, teacher observation, walk
through and/or LDS.
13. 100% of students will be able to articulate the
learning target/standard as evidenced by classroom
14. 100% of Students will be able to demonstrate their
critical thinking through NGSS lessons and activities.
15. 100% of Students will be able to ask and answer
higher levels of questioning as measured by
walkthroughs and/or student work.
16. 100% of students will participate in the Grade Level
Engineering Day and other NGSS lessons and
16. 100% of students will participate in the Grade Level
Engineering Day and other NGSS lessons and
activities as evidenced by student work/project.
17. 62% of the students will be involved in co-curricular
and extra curricular activities. (school connectedness)
activities as evidenced by student work/project
(parent day).
17. 50% of the students will be involved in co-curricular
and extra curricular activities. (school connectedness)
activities as evidenced by student work/project
(parent day).
17. 50% of the students will be involved in co-curricular
and extra curricular activities. (school connectedness)
Why are you implementing them?
Based on the adaptive data, IES will continue to monitor and
utilize data to make instructional adjustments to increase
student achievement particularly those farthest from
Why are you implementing them?
Based on the adaptive data, IES will continue to monitor and
utilize data to make instructional adjustments to increase
student achievement particularly those farthest from
Why are you implementing them?
Based on the adaptive data, IES will continue to monitor and
utilize data to make instructional adjustments to increase
student achievement particularly those farthest from
How will you know that they are causing an improvement?
100% of teachers will utilize the 6-step data team
process to collaborate and decide upon formative
instruction and assessment to ensure success for all
students as evidenced by their grade level data team
100% of teachers will provide differentiated
instruction in the form of process, content, and/or
product as evidenced by classroom walkthroughs
and/or grade level minutes.
RtI tiered 1, 2, and 3 instructional and assessment
practices will improve and universal screening scores
will increase based on anecdotal data.
Provide reading and math intervention opportunities
for students that are below proficiency before school,
afterschool, school breaks and/or summer.
Provide supplementary early learning opportunities
during the summer Kindergarten preparatory session
for incoming kindergartners with no preschool
Perceptual Survey data will record that instructional
and assessment practices are improving.
100% of the teachers will teach SEL lessons 1-11 to
the students.
How will you know that they are causing an improvement?
100% of teachers will utilize the 6-step data team
process to collaborate and decide upon formative
instruction and assessment to ensure success for all
students as evidenced by their grade level data team
100% of the teachers will be able to collaborate,
analyze and reflect on student achievement on the
Reading and Math Data Analysis Sheet (BOY, MOY,
100% of teachers will provide differentiated
instruction in the form of process, content, and/or
product as evidenced by classroom walkthroughs
and/or grade level minutes.
RtI tiered 1, 2, and 3 instructional and assessment
practices will improve and universal screening scores
will increase based on anecdotal data.
Provide reading and math intervention opportunities
for students that are below proficiency before school,
afterschool, school breaks and/or summer.
Provide supplementary early learning opportunities
during the summer Kindergarten preparatory session
for incoming kindergartners with no preschool
How will you know that they are causing an improvement?
100% of teachers will utilize the 6-step data team
process to collaborate and decide upon formative
instruction and assessment to ensure success for all
students as evidenced by their grade level data team
100% of the teachers will be able to collaborate,
analyze and reflect on student achievement on the
Reading and Math Data Analysis Sheet (BOY, MOY,
100% of teachers will provide differentiated
instruction in the form of process, content, and/or
product as evidenced by classroom walkthroughs
and/or grade level minutes.
RtI tiered 1, 2, and 3 instructional and assessment
practices will improve and universal screening scores
will increase based on diagnostic results.
100% of students will finish 2-3 iReady Reading and
Math lessons per week with a passing score of 67%.
Provide reading and math intervention opportunities
for students that are below proficiency before school,
afterschool, school breaks and/or summer.
Provide supplementary early learning opportunities
during the summer Kindergarten preparatory session
Our Panorama SEL Survey will indicate an increase
in score of 5% in the area of emotional regulation
Our Panorama SEL Survey will indicate an increase
in score of 5% in the area of Growth Mindset (50%)
100% of the teachers will implement the professional
development training learning to their classroom as
documented through walkthroughs, committees, data
team minutes, and/or GL articulation minutes.
100% of the teachers who attend professional
development opportunities locally and/or nationally
will share their learning experience(s)with the
appropriate audience(s).
100% of students will be able to demonstrate GLO
#1-6 as evidenced by student work, teacher
observation, walk through and/or LDS.
100% of teachers will have the opportunity to
participate and provide input in committee meetings
as documented by minutes (google docs).
100% of teachers will develop and revise NGSS units
as evidenced by submitted teacher lesson plans.
100% of teachers will implement the Engineering
Design Process as evidenced by student
100% of teachers will make instructional adjustments
in their curriculum maps/pacing guides to incorporate
and implement NGSS Do we add HCSSS?
The school will organize and provide at least 1 parent
engagement activity per quarter that supports student
achievement. (Parent Days, Title 1 nights, CLSD, ELL
nights, PCNC nights)
Perceptual Survey data will record that classroom
engagement and classroom rigorous expectations are
100% of the teachers will teach SEL lessons 1-22 to
the students.
Our Panorama SEL Survey will indicate an increase
in score of 5% in the area of emotional regulation
Our Panorama SEL Survey will indicate an increase
in score of 5% in the area of Growth Mindset (65%)
100% of the teachers will implement the professional
development training learning to their classroom as
documented through walkthroughs, committees, data
team minutes, and/or GL articulation minutes.
100% of the teachers who attend professional
development opportunities locally and/or nationally
will share their learning experience(s)with the
appropriate audience(s).
100% of students will be able to demonstrate GLO
#1-6 as evidenced by student work, teacher
observation, walk through and/or LDS.
100% of teachers will have the opportunity to
participate and provide input in committee meetings
as documented by minutes (google docs).
100% of teachers will develop and revise NGSS units
as evidenced by submitted teacher lesson plans.
100% of teachers will implement the Engineering
Design Process as evidenced by student
100% of teachers will make instructional adjustments
in their curriculum maps/pacing guides to incorporate
and implement NGSS and HCSSS
The School will organize and provide at least 1 parent
engagement activity per quarter that supports student
for incoming kindergartners with no preschool
Perceptual Survey data will record that classroom
engagement and classroom rigorous expectations are
100% of the teachers will teach SEL lessons 1-22 to
the students.
Our Panorama SEL Survey will indicate an increase
in score of 5% in the area of emotional regulation
Our Panorama SEL Survey will indicate an increase
in score of 5% in the area of Growth Mindset (65%)
100% of the teachers will implement the professional
development training learning to their classroom as
documented through walkthroughs, committees, data
team minutes, and/or GL articulation minutes.
100% of the teachers who attend professional
development opportunities locally and/or nationally
will share their learning experience(s)with the
appropriate audience(s).
100% of students will be able to demonstrate GLO
#1-6 as evidenced by student work, teacher
observation, walk through and/or LDS.
100% of teachers will have the opportunity to
participate and provide input in committee meetings
as documented by minutes (google docs).
100% of teachers will develop and revise NGSS units
as evidenced by submitted teacher lesson plans.
100% of teachers will implement the Engineering
Design Process as evidenced by student
100% of teachers will make instructional adjustments
in their curriculum maps/pacing guides to incorporate
and implement NGSS and HCSSS
achievement. (Parent Days, Title 1 nights, CLSD, ELL
nights, PCNC nights)
The School will organize and provide at least 1 parent
engagement activity per quarter that supports student
achievement. (Parent Days, Title 1 nights, CLSD, ELL
nights, PCNC nights)
Innovation in Support of the Core: School Design and Student Voice
FOCUS ON SY 2022-23: Crosswalk enabling activities, measurable outcomes, and budget outlay and monitoring.
Baseline Measurements
Summative Goals
All Students will be universally screened and
assigned to RtI instructional groups.
All teachers will receive iReady training and
implement tiered instruction for ELA and Math.
Achievement gap for SY 21-22 is 15 points for
Language Arts and 18 points for Math.
SY 21-22 SBAC scores: Language Art 66%, Math
60%, Science 52%
SY 2022-2023 Panorama Student Perception Survey
Gr. 3-5:
Pedagogical Effectiveness: 87%
Classroom Rigorous Expectations: 78%
Classroom Climate: 75%
Students' scores will improve on iReady progress monitoring,
Dibels and perceptual scores.
Achievement gap scores on the SBAC decrease.
SBAC scores increase in Language Arts, Math and Science.
K-5 teachers will complete the panorama SEL teacher
perception survey. (BOY, MOY, EOY)
Gr 3-5 students will take the Panorama Student Perception
Survey and Panorama Student SEL Survey.
Fall 2023 Panorama Student Perception Survey Gr. 3-5 is:
Classroom Teacher/Student Relationships:
Classroom Engagement: 76%
Fall 2022 Panorama Student SEL Survey Gr. 3-5
Sense of Belonging: 80%
Self-Management 72%
Social Awareness 75%
Grit 62%
Self-Efficacy 61%
Growth Mindset 65%
Emotion Regulation 54%
Spring 2022 School Quality Survey-Student Safety
Dimension: 73.9%
Pedagogical Effectiveness: 92%
Classroom Rigorous Expectations: 83%
Classroom Climate: 80%
Classroom Teacher/Student Relationships: 89%
Classroom Engagement: 81%
Fall 2023 Panorama Student SEL Survey Gr. 3-5
Sense of Belonging 85%
Self Management 77%
Social Awareness 80%
Grit 67%
Self-Efficacy 66%
Growth Mindset 70%
Emotion Regulation 59%
Spring 2023 School Quality Survey-Student Safety
Dimension: 78%
Student Outcomes (SY 2022-23)
Measurable Outcome(s)
(SW 1, SW 5, SW 6)
Enabling Activity
Fall, Spring,
Source of
Program ID
School Monitoring
Quarter, Semester,
Complex Monitoring Activity
(to be completed by CAS)
1. All students will receive RtI
tiered instruction based on
their individual needs
(SW 6 - i)
2. The percentage of students
in grades K-5 will be at Tier
1 as measured by iReady
Diagnostic (using EOY
EOY - 78%
Instructional groupings will
be determined and
frequently reviewed based
on data from universal
screeners and/or other
formative assessments.
K-5 students will take the
diagnostic test in iReady and
Prg ID18902
tool box
Prg ID 18902
5 PPE /1 PTT
x 17 hrs/wk x
39 weeks x
3= $58889 +
ART, Leadership team,
Grade level meetings,
RtI coordinator
Grade level data teams,
Instructional coaches
Academic Review
Team will meet
quarterly to review
data to monitor
quarterly goals:
CAS semester walkthroughs
EOY - 83%
3. The percentage of students
grades K-5 will meet their
typical growth goals in
iReady (using EOY view)
EOY: 60%
EOY: 60%
4. The percentage of students
in grades K-1 will meet their
DIBELS benchmark goals:
Grade K-3 NWF:
EOY: 90% Core
Grade 1-5 ORF:
EOY: 80% Core
Grades 2- 5 ELL ORF:
EOY: 80% Core
5. 100% of ELL students will
meet the NCLB annual
measurable achievement
objective (AMAO) #1 by
making at least a 1.0 gain
on the WIDA access test.
Quarterly data teams to
monitor and analyze
formative/summative Math
data to increase student
3rd, 4
, and 5
students not meeting grade
level benchmark in
reading/math will have the
opportunity to use the
computer lab either before or
after school
K-5 students will be provided
individual/small group
instruction to meet their
student needs.
ELL teacher to provide
intervention support to ELL
from Prg ID
42101/ 18902
The percentage of
students in grades K-5
will be at Tier 1 as
measured by iReady
Diagnostic (using EOY
MOY - 58%
MOY - 58%
The percentage of
students grades K-5 will
meet their typical
growth goals in iReady
(using EOY view)
MOY: 40%
MOY: 40%
The percentage of
students in grades K-5
will meet their DIBELS
benchmark goals:
Grade K FSF
MOY: 70% Core
Grade K-1 NWF
MOY: 70% Core
Grade 1 ORF
MOY: 65% Core
Grades 2- 5 ORF
and/or 3x/year
MOY: 65% Core
Grades 2- 5 ELL ORF
MOY: 60% Core
6. Our Panorama Student
SEL Survey will indicate an
increase in score of 5% in
the area of emotional
(SW 6 -iii:I)
K-2 teachers will complete
the Panorama SEL Survey &
Gr 3-5 students will
participate in Panorama
student perception survey.
Students will practice
balloon breathing after
morning and lunch recesses.
ART team, Leadership
2 times per
7. Our Panorama Student
Perception Survey data will
record that classroom
engagement and classroom
rigorous expectations will
indicate an increase of 5%.
Students in grade 3-5 will
participate in the Panorama
student perception survey.
ART team, Leadership
2 times per
8. 100% of the teachers will
utilize the 6-step data team
process to focus on
problem solving and critical
thinking in math.
Teachers will participate in
grade level data teams.
Grade level
9. 100% of students who
qualify for the summer
Kindergarten preparatory
session will be offered an
opportunity to participate.
(SW 6 - V)
Provide supplementary early
learning opportunities during
the summer Kindergarten
preparatory session for
incoming kindergartners with
no preschool experience.
Prg ID 18902
19 hrs x
$22.43 +
fringe= $432
37.5 hrs x
$20.67 +
Counselors, Gr K.
10. By the end of the year, 94%
of students will have zero
Teachers will teach SEL
Lessons 1-22.
Prg ID
Teachers, Counselor,
incidents according to the
eCSSS database.
(SW 6 - iii: III)
IES will provide opportunities
to do Balloon Breathing after
morning recess and after
lunch recess.
Expand the promotion of our
school-wide Positive
Behavior Support (PBS)
expectations to help students
internalize how to make
good, safe choices as a
life-long practice with:
Merit Charms
recognize student
Dragon of the Quarter
Bully Prevention
Week #1 & Week #2
focus on being a
BUDDY, not a
Bully--Iliahi ES is a
Bully Free Zone
Bully Prevention
lessons throughout
the school year
Provide professional
development opportunities
for faculty and staff to meet
IES student needs and
WASC recommendations.
EOY: 94% of students
will have zero incidents
according to the eCSSS
11. 100% of students will be
able to demonstrate GLO
#1-6 as evidenced by
student work, teacher
Teachers will construct GLO
rubrics for GLO #1-6.
Teachers will provide
instruction of GLOs,
opportunities to demonstrate
Prg ID 42101
GLO Committee
observation, walk through
and/or LDS.
understanding, and use
school created rubrics to
assess students meeting the
12. 100% of students will be
able to articulate the
learning target/standard as
evidenced by classroom
13. 100% of Students will be
able to demonstrate their
critical thinking through the
NGSS lessons and
14. 100% of Students will be
able to ask and answer
higher levels of
questioning as measured
by walkthroughs and/or
student work.
15. 100% of students will
participate in the Grade
Level Engineering Day and
other NGSS lessons and
activities as evidenced by
student work/project. (SW 6
- iii:II)
Teachers will provide
students with the learning
target(s)/standard for each
Teachers will implement
NGSS lessons and activities
as evidenced by student
Prg ID
teachers, ART
committee, PCNC
16. 50% of the students will be
involved in co-curricular
and extra curricular
activities. (school
(SW 5)
Students will be able to
participate in a variety of
afterschool programs.
17. 100% of the students will
have access to technology
Create a yearly technology equipment
plan to supplement and maintain
technology access for all students.
Prg ID
Staff Outcomes (SY 2022-23)
Measurable Outcome(s)
Enabling Activity
Fall, Spring,
Source of
Program ID
School Monitoring
Quarter, Semester,
Complex Monitoring Activity
(to be completed by CAS)
1. 100% of teachers will
participate in professional
development training as
necessary and appropriate
as documented by sign-in
sheets and/or minutes. (SW
6 - IV)
2. 100% of the teachers
attend professional
development opportunities
locally and/or nationally and
will share their learning
experience(s)with the
appropriate audience(s).
(SW 6 - IV)
3. 100% of the teachers will
implement the professional
development training
learning to their classroom
as documented through
walkthroughs, committees,
data team minutes, and/or
GL articulation minutes.
(SW 6 -IV)
100% of the staff will be
trained in Growth mindset,
inner orbit, C3, suicide, Anita
Archer’s explicit instructional
strategies, and other PD as
deemed necessary.
Committee / School-wide PD
Grade level teachers will
craft and implement NGSS
units/lessons that embed
activities utilizing the EDP
Prg ID
PD opportunities
4. 100% of the teachers will
teach SEL lessons 1-22 to
the students.
(SW6 -I)
Teachers will teach SEL
Lessons 1-22.
IES will provide opportunities
to do Balloon Breathing after
Pacing guide for SEL
5. 100% of Grade 3-5
classroom teachers will
receive a favorability rating
of 75% or better for
“Classroom Engagement”
as rated by the Panorama
Student Perception Survey.
6. Emotional Regulation and
Growth mindset will
increase to 56% and 65%
morning recess and after
lunch recess.
Teachers will provide
engagement activities
aligned to the various
Teachers will continue to
provide lessons in Growth
7. 100% of teachers will have
the opportunity to
participate and provide
input in committee
meetings as documented
by minutes (google docs).
ART, Reading, Writing,
Math, GLO committees will
meet to conduct meetings to
address the growth areas
from our WASC report.
School Committees
8. 100% of teachers will make
instructional adjustments in
their curriculum
maps/pacing guides to
incorporate and implement
Teachers will develop and
revise NGSS/HCSSS units
as evidenced by submitted
teacher unit plans.
Teachers will make
instructional adjustments in
their curriculum maps/pacing
guides to reflect
NGSS/HCSSS student
achievement as evidenced by
attendance during planning
sessions and curriculum
map/pacing guides.
Prg ID
$184.66 X
88 days=
teachers, Grade level
chairs, administration, ART
9. The school will organize
and provide at least 1
parent engagement activity
per quarter that supports
student achievement
School will identify and
implement engagement
activities that promote family
engagement and/or student
achievement such as the
Prg ID
42101 /
100% of parents will have
an opportunity to
participate in one or more
events or activities
a. Meet and Greet
b. Parent Day
c. Grade Level Activities
d. Volunteer/
e. School-wide activities
f. family/cultural literacy
Inform families about school
events in a timely manner
School Messenger
100% of parents will
receive timely and
appropriate notifications
via school messenger,
flyers, newsletter, website,
Pipeline of Emerging Ideas: Pilot Projects and Design Thinking
When HIDOE references innovation and emerging ideas, the Department is responding to important mindsets that embrace new ideas, replace dated practices, and
strive for better solutions. Therefore, the Learning Organization must be prepared to uphold innovative learning environments that elevate a school’s collective work,
expand capacity to improve, and continuously advance student learning.
As the HIDOE 2030 Promise Plan is finalized, a “Forward Focused” Plan will be drafted to help school communities open conversations about the Pipeline of Emerging Ideas.
School Ideas for Innovation and Pilot Projects
Conditions for Success
While referencing the “Forward Focused” Plan, please describe your school’s ideas around
innovation and pilot projects. Your draft will be a valuable tool to collect feedback and solicit support
from the Complex Area Superintendent, parents, students, and community stakeholders.
Equity, Excellence & Innovation 10-year Action Plan, Dr. Kishimoto Draft 2030 Promise Plan
Leverage technology to provide students with industry-driven learning innovations where they
design, iterate and collaborate as learners.
Our classrooms and campuses reflect a respectful, safe, state-of-the-art learning environment.
Please describe your Conditions for Success:
Create a transition center for new students as well as departing students.
Create a yearly technology equipment plan to supplement and maintain technology access for all
By redesigning computer labs into Learning Commons for innovation, students will have
opportunities to study, research, collaborate through business, community and educational