Individual Firearm Permit
Initial Application Instructions
Mississippi Department of Public Safety
Firearm Permit Division
Individual Firearm Permit
Initial Application Instructions
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INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................. 2
FEES ............................................................................................................................................................... 2
Disabled Veterans ..................................................................................................................................... 2
Active Duty Military .................................................................................................................................. 2
Active Law Enforcement ........................................................................................................................... 3
IDENTIFICATION ............................................................................................................................................ 3
ENHANCED CARRY OPTION ........................................................................................................................... 3
Retired Law Enforcement Requirements .................................................................................................. 3
Military Requirements .............................................................................................................................. 3
APPLICTION INSTRUCTIONS .......................................................................................................................... 4
B. Qualifying Questions ..................................................................................................................... 5
C. Special Designations ..................................................................................................................... 5
D. Enhanced Carry Option ................................................................................................................. 5
E. Residency ...................................................................................................................................... 6
AFFIDAVIT AND RELEASE OF INFORMATION ................................................................................................ 6
SUBMISSION OF APPLICATION ...................................................................................................................... 7
LOCATIONS AND HOURS OF OPERATION ..................................................................................................... 7
Individual Firearm Permit
Initial Application Instructions
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For first-time applicants desiring to obtain a concealed carry firearm permit, the
Application For Concealed Carry Firearm Permit (IFP-APP-01) must be filled out in
its entirety as well as any other required forms, including a notarized Affidavit and
Release of Information form (IFP-AFF-01). Failure to complete all required forms
may result in the application’s rejection.
This application and all required forms must be presented in person at the
Department of Public Safety Headquarters in Jackson or a Mississippi Highway
Patrol District Substation in Pearl, Greenwood, Batesville, New Albany, Starkville,
Meridian, Hattiesburg, Biloxi, or Brookhaven. At that time, the applicant will be
fingerprinted and photographed.
Note: If you are applying for a renewal and have had no changes in the
qualifications you met on your initial application, you can alternatively complete
the Renewal of MS Concealed/Enhanced Carry Firearm Permit application (IFP-
APP-02). However, if you have had any changes to your qualifications under
subsections (2) and (3) of MS Code § 45-9-101 or any new special designations
you must complete the full Application For Concealed Carry Firearm Permit (IFP-
APP-01) and check “Renewal Application” at the top. There are separate
instructions available for renewal on our website and at the DL stations listed
There are required fees associated with this permit:
A license fee of Eighty dollars ($80.00)
A background check fee of Thirty-Two dollars ($32.00)
Active Duty
Thus a total of One Hundred Twelve dollars ($112.00) is required at application.
This amount may be paid in person with cash, a personal check, a Cashier’s Check,
a Visa or MasterCard credit card or a debit card. A personal check or Cashier’s
Check should be made payable to the Department of Public Safety. A portion can
be waived if you meet certain requirements; these are documented below. All
fees are non-refundable.
Disabled veterans are exempt from the license fee for a permit. However, the
Thirty-Two dollar ($32.00) fee for the background check is still necessary as it is a
fee required by the FBI to perform the background check. If you are claiming this
exception, be sure to check “Yes” on C-3 of the application and provide a copy of
the Veteran Health Identification Card (VHIC).
Active Duty Military personnel and their spouses can qualify for license fee
exemption. A copy of the current orders is required to qualify for this exemption.
However, the Thirty-Two dollar ($32.00) fee for the background check is still
necessary as it is a fee required by the FBI to perform the background check. If
you are claiming this exception, be sure to check “Yes” on C-1 of the application
and provide a copy of you or your spouse’s current orders.
Individual Firearm Permit
Initial Application Instructions
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Active law enforcement officers employed with a law enforcement agency of a
municipality, county or state at the time of their application can qualify for
exemption from the license fee. However, the Thirty-Two dollar ($32.00) fee for
the background check is still required as it is a fee required by the FBI, who
conducts the background check, and not the State of Mississippi. If you are
claiming this exception, be sure to check “Yes” on C-4 of the application and
provide a letter on your agency’s letterhead stating you are employed at that
agency and a letter on agency letterhead documenting your completion of a
certified law enforcement training academy.
First-time applicants must present two current forms of identification:
Photo identification – either a state Driver’s License, a state Identification Card
or a tribal identification card from a federally-recognized Indian tribe.
*Active Duty Military personnel and their spouses who are non-residents
stationed in Mississippi applying for a firearm permit will need to provide their
military orders an original Birth Certificate and Social Security Card in addition to
a valid Driver License or ID card issued by their state of residence.
The Enhanced Carry Option is an optional endorsement that can be obtained by
civilians who opt to take an 8 hour safety course as well as by members or
veterans of any active or reserve branch of the U.S. Armed Forces or retired law
enforcement officers who have completed law enforcement or combat training
with pistols or other handguns. This option allows the person the privilege of
carrying a concealed weapon in some of the prohibited areas listed in subsection
13 of MS Code §45-9-101, except for any place of nuisance (defined in MS Code
§95-3-1), or any police, sheriff or highway patrol station or any detention facility,
prison or jail. This does not, however, allow a person to violate a prohibition
against carrying firearms posted by written notice.
Retired Law
Retired Law Enforcement personnel can obtain the enhanced carry option
without the required civilian 8 hour safety course. However, formal law
enforcement training or military combat training with pistols or other handguns is
required. To obtain the enhanced carry option, the Military/ Retired Law
Enforcement Enhanced Carry Affidavit (IFP-AFF03) must be completed, notarized
and included with the application.
Current and former members of an active or reserve branch of the U.S. Armed
Forces can also obtain the enhanced carry option without the required 8 hour
civilian safety course. However, formal law enforcement training or military
combat training with pistols or other handguns is required. To obtain the
enhanced carry option, the Military/ Retired Law Enforcement Enhanced Carry
Affidavit (IFP-AFF03) must be completed, notarized and included with the
Individual Firearm Permit
Initial Application Instructions
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The Initial Application IFP-APP-01 is divided into 5 parts:
A) Personal Information
B) Qualifying Questions
C) Special Designations
D) Enhanced Carry Option
E) Residency
A notarized affidavit and Release of Information (IFP-AFF-01) is also required.
Be sure to check that you are completing an Initial Application in the block
located at the upper right of the form.
The Personal Information section is for documenting your identifying information.
This includes:
1) Full Name – your Last, First and Middle name. If you have more than
three, please enter more than one name where appropriate.
2) Other names – if you have been known by another name in the past,
please check “Yes” and complete Section 1 of IFP-FORM-01. Otherwise,
check “No” and continue.
3) Date of Birth – please enter your date of birth in MM/DD/YYYY format.
4) Current Residential Address – unless you meet certain exemptions, you
are required to be a Mississippi resident. Your current residential
address should reflect this. If not, please make sure you meet one of the
alternate conditions under Question B-1. Your mailing address may be
different in some scenarios and can be documented below your
residential address. Please be sure to include the county or counties as
part of the address.
5) DL Number/Social Security Number – you must provide one of these
identifiers in the block provided. This is a state law requirement.
6) Occupation – please list your current occupation.
7) Height – please provide your current height in feet and inches. You may
use a single quote (‘) for feet and a double quote (“) for inches. For
example 5’10”.
8) Weight – please provide your current weight in pounds. Please round
this to the nearest pound.
9) Gender – Please enter “Male” or “Female”. If you do not wish to
designate this characteristic, please enter “Not Specified”
10) Race – the following options are available:
Alaskan or American Indian
Asian or Pacific Islander
11) Hair Color – please choose your hair color from these options:
Bald Red/Auburn
Black Sandy
Brown White
Individual Firearm Permit
Initial Application Instructions
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12) Eye Color – please choose your eye color from these options:
Black Green
Blue Hazel
Dichromatic Maroon
Gray Pink
13) Email – if you would like us to communicate with you via eMail, please
enter your eMail address. This is an optional field.
14) Daytime Contact Number – please enter a phone number that we can
use to contact you during business hours if there is an issue with your
15) Place of Birth – please note the city and state where you were born. If it
was out of the country, please note the city and country of birth.
16) Citizenship – please indicate your current citizenship status. If you
answer with one of the “Other” options, please document your country
or countries of citizenship, your USCIS Alien Registration number (if
applicable) and be sure to complete IFP-FORM-01, Section 2 to fully
document your citizenship status.
The questions in this section are primarily derived from the qualifications listed in
MS Code §45-9-101 (2) and (3). In order to obtain a permit in the State of
Mississippi, you must meet these qualifications. The questions should be self-
explanatory. In some cases, answering in the affirmative requires that you
complete an additional form to fully document your answer. These forms
IFP-FORM-02 Documenting Criminal Charges/Convictions
IFP-FORM-03 Documenting Domestic Violence Crimes
These forms can be obtained at the website or by visiting one of the locations
listed below. You should fill out these additional forms only if you answer certain
questions in the affirmative as noted on the application. These particular
questions are clearly marked with the form that would be required if you answer
The Special Designations section is available to document special situations that
might eliminate the required permit fee and/or provide special markings on the
permit card. Honorably retired law enforcement officers, disabled veterans and
active duty members of the Armed Forces of the United States shall be exempt
from the payment of the license fee.
However, the elimination of the license fee does not waive the charge for
fingerprinting and completing a background check. That service is provided by the
FBI, which requires a payment to that federal agency.
Carry Option
As noted previously, the Enhanced Carry Option is an optional endorsement that
can be obtained by civilians who opt to take an 8 hour safety course. This option
is also available to members or veterans of any active or reserve branch of the
U.S. Armed Forces or retired law enforcement officers who have completed law
enforcement or combat training with pistols or other handguns.
This option allows the person the privilege of carrying a concealed weapon in
some of the prohibited areas listed in subsection 13 of MS Code §45-9-101,
except for any place of nuisance (defined in MS Code §95-3-1), or any police,
Individual Firearm Permit
Initial Application Instructions
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sheriff or highway patrol station or any detention facility, prison or jail. This does
not, however, allow a person to violate a prohibition against carrying firearms
posted by written notice.
For civilians applying for Enhanced Carry, they should have completed an 8-hour
course of instruction by an instructor certified by the Department of Public
Safety. A signed certificate acknowledging the satisfactory completion of this
training needs to be attached to the application.
Current and former members of the U.S. Armed forces who have completed
military combat training with pistols or other handguns or had formal law
enforcement training may substitute this training in lieu of the 8 hour training
requirement. Retired law enforcement and corrections officers who have
completed formal law enforcement training or completed military combat
training with pistols or other handguns. In order to take advantage of this option,
the form IFP-AFF-03Military/Retired Law Enforcement Enhanced Carry Affidavit”
must be completed, notarized and provided with your application.
This section should be used to document your residences for the past two years.
Your most recent residence (which you provided in Section A-4) should be first,
followed by your previous residence. An additional row is provided for a third
residence. If you need to document more residences, please note them on the
back of the form or separate page in a similar fashion.
A notarized Affidavit and Release of Information form is also required for new
applicants. The form IFP-AFF-01 is required for new applicants. The form IFP-
AFF-02 is required for renewals where the applicant has status changes to
document. Both forms include:
A statement that you wish to obtain a legal means to carry a concealed
weapon to defend yourself
A statement that you have read and meet all the required qualifications
for applying for a license as delineated in MS Code §45-9-101
An acknowledgement that you understand that your application is
executed under oath and a knowingly false statement or false document
subjects you to criminal prosecution
A further acknowledgement that you understand that a conviction of
providing false statements or documents shall subject you to the
penalties noted in MS Code §99-19-31.
This form also contains a release to allow the Department of Public Safety to
conduct a background check to determine your eligibility for a Mississippi
Concealed Firearm Permit. Be sure to wait to sign this form until you are in the
presence of your notary.
Individual Firearm Permit
Initial Application Instructions
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Once you have completed the application, all required forms and had your
Affidavit notarized, bring all materials to one of the locations listed below. You
may make an appointment in advance by going to the Online Appointment
Scheduler ( If you are unable to schedule an
appointment, you may simply come to the location. However, appointments do
take precedence and you may end up needing to schedule an appointment in the
Here you will submit your application, which will be scanned in with the
credentials you presented for identification. Then you will be photographed and
fingerprinted. Your fingerprints will be compared with those in state and federal
databases to ensure you have no criminal background that might preclude your
obtaining a permit.
As this background check typically takes some time, you will not receive a permit
while you are at the station. If you qualify, a permit card acknowledging your
ability to carry a concealed weapon will be mailed to you. MS Code §45-9-
101(6)(c) allows for up to 45 days before a response is required.
In the event that the Department finds that an applicant fails to qualify for a
permit, it will provide written notification stating the grounds for denial. This can
be appealed and the appeal process is documented in MS Code §45-9-101(7).
The following locations are available to accept your application:
Jackson Headquarters
1900 E. Woodrow Wilson Jackson, MS 39205 {601} 987-1593
Firearm Permits & Security Guard Permits Daily 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Troop C
3851 Hwy 468, Pearl, MS 39208 (601-420-6342)
Firearm Permits & Security Guard Permits Daily 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Troop D
1301 Cypress Avenue Greenwood, MS 38930 {662} 453-4515
Firearm Permits & Security Guard Permits Daily 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Troop E
22000 A Hwy 35 N Batesville, MS 38606 {662} 563-6400
Firearm Permits & Security Guard Permits Daily 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Troop F
1103 Bratton Road New Albany, MS 38652 {662} 534-8619
Firearm Permits & Security Guard Permits Daily 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Troop G
987 Hwy 182 E Starkville, MS 39759 {662} 323-5316
Firearm Permits & Security Guard Permits Daily 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Troop H
910 Hwy 11/80 E Meridian, MS 39301 {601} 693-1926
Firearm Permits & Security Guard Permits Daily 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Troop J
36 J.M Tatum Ind. Dr. Hattiesburg, MS 39401 {601} 582-4744
Firearm Permits & Security Guard Permits Daily 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Troop K
16741 Hwy 67 S Biloxi, MS 39532 {228} 396-7400
Firearm Permits & Security Guard Permits Daily 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Troop M
160 Hwy 84 E Brookhaven, MS 39601 {601} 833-0808
Firearm Permits & Security Guard Permits Daily 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Individual Firearm Permit
Initial Application Instructions
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