A joint degree program administered through the Crosby MBA Program and the School
of Law is available for those students who wish to earn a Master of Business
Administration (MBA) degree and Juris Doctorate (JD) simultaneously. Individuals
interested in pursuing law or business will find that this program provides them with a
valuable set of skills to excel in this rapidly growing field. If earned separately, the JD
degree would take three years and the MBA degree would take two years. This course
of study may be completed in four years.
Application Procedure
Applicants to the dual degree program must submit formal applications and meet the
requirements for admission to both the School of Law and to the Crosby MBA Program to
be eligible for the dual degree. Contact the School of Law and the Crosby MBA
Program for further information on admissions requirements.
Students may apply for both programs before starting either one, may apply during their
1L or 2L year of Law School, or may apply during their first year of the MBA program.
Career Opportunities
MBA/JD students are sought after by law firms because they have a strong
understanding of business and can integrate their knowledge of business operations with
their ability to apply laws governing public or corporate organizations. Alternatively,
knowledge of the legal system can be an advantage for the student who chooses a
career in business fields such as management, human resources, consulting or
The curriculum of each program has been designed so that business and law essentials
are addressed, followed by specialized elective courses in the upper levels. Dual
program waivers for MBA classes are based upon successful completion of equivalent
offerings in the Law program. Advisors from each program work together so that student
course schedules are optimized throughout the four years.
(48 credits required* = 42 MBA credits + 6 Law credits)
Management 7970 - Introduction to Strategy (1.5)
Management 7420 Managerial Statistics (1.5)*
Management 7430 - Operations Strategy (1.5)*
Management 7470 - Data Analysis for Managers (1.5)
Management 7480 - Managerial Analytics (1.5)
Marketing 7460 Managerial Marketing (1.5)*
Marketing 7470 - Advanced Marketing Management (1.5)*
Accountancy 7310 - Accounting for Managers (3)*
Finance 7210 - Microeconomics for Business (1.5)*
Finance 8350 - Financial Statement Analysis 1 (1.5)*
Management 7410 - Management Information Systems (1.5)*
Management 7380 - Organization Behavior 1: The Individual (1.5)*
Management 7390 - Organization Behavior 2: Macro Processes (1.5)*
Finance 7440 - Managerial Finance (3)*
Business Admin 8010 MBA Seminar / Pre-Internship (1.5)
Business Admin 8500 - Bus Problem Analysis: Field Project (3)
Management 8970 - Strategy and Global Competitiveness (1.5)
Marketing 8000 Level 3
Finance 8000 Level 3
MBA Open Choice 6
*These courses may be waived based on successful completion of prior course work. However, a dual
MBA/JD student will still need to complete 42 total credits of MBA courses by completing additional
MBA electives.
Note: All courses listed above may be only offered once per year. The above listing is the
tentative schedule in which semester each class will be offered.
Some courses may have pre-requisites.
1.5 credit courses are offered in either the first 8 weeks or the second 8 weeks of the semester.
Students will work with both Law and MBA advisors to schedule classes over the 4 years a student
is enrolled in both programs. Please note that both degrees will be awarded in the same
semester and all requirements must be met for both programs before degrees are awarded.
(89 credits required* = 83 Law credits + 6 MBA credits)
1st Year 2nd Year
5010, 5015 - Civil Procedure (5) 5220 - Constitutional Law (4)
5020, 5025 - Contracts (6) 5260 - Evidence (4)
5035 - Criminal Law (4)
5050 - Property (5) 2nd or 3rd Year
5070 - Torts (5) 5240 - Criminal Procedure (3)
5080 - Legal Research and Writing (2) 5280 - Professional Responsibility (3)
5085 - Advocacy and Research (2)
5095 - Lawyering (2) Law electives 38 credits
Business electives 6 credits
*Any student who does not achieve a 77.5 GPA in the fall semester will be required to take 5090, Legal
Reasoning. Those students in Legal Reasoning will not take Advocacy & Research until their second year. This
course is designed to assist students in meeting the graduation requirements.
TOTAL dual program = 83 credits Law + 42 credits MBA = 125 credit hours.
1. Entry to the Law School is only in the fall. Entry into the Crosby MBA program is in
the fall or spring. Students may begin either program first. However, during the first
year of entering law school, only law classes will be taken. Thereafter, law and
business classes may be intermingled.
2. The School of Law cannot award credit for any class taken before matriculation at
the School of Law. Dual degree candidates must therefore enroll at the School of
Law before taking the 6 credits of business courses to be counted toward the JD
3. Dual degree candidates who subsequently decide to pursue only the MBA or the
JD degree must complete the degree program in its entirety and subject to the same
rules and requirements as students not pursuing a dual degree.
4. Law students who receive credit under the dual degree program for taking
courses at the College of Business may not receive credit for taking other classes
outside the School of Law. Similarly, MBA students may not receive credit for other
classes outside the MBA program.
5. Student honors and class ranks at the School of Law will be computed on classes
enrolled in as law courses. Academic Achievement Awards in the MBA Program will
be computed on classes enrolled in as business classes.
6. Students are required by the Graduate School to have a cumulative grade point
average of 3.0 in all 7000-level and above Graduate School course work to be
eligible to graduate with an MBA. Grades for law courses applied as electives
toward the MBA degree must be at least “C” or better, but will not count in the
graduate grade point average calculation. Numerical law grades are converted to
letter grades by the course professor.
7. This MBA course document does not constitute a binding commitment that the
courses will be offered during the student’s course of study or that the graduation
requirements will remain unchanged.
8. Students in the dual-degree program are subject to the same rules and
regulations that apply to all students at the School of Law and the Trulaske College of
For more information contact: For more information contact:
Crosby MBA Program MU School of Law
Graduate Programs Office Office of Admissions
306 Cornell Hall 103 Hulston Hall
Columbia, MO 65211 Columbia, MO 65211
Phone: 573-882-2750 Phone: 573-882-6042
Fax: 573-882-6838 Fax: 573-882-9625
mba@missouri.edu mulawadmissions@missouri.edu
www.mba.missouri.edu www.law.missouri.edu