Policy Category: Academic Affairs
Area of Administrative Responsibility: Academic Affairs/Academic Student Services
Board of Trustees Approval Date: June 9, 2020
Effective Date: June 10, 2020
Amendment History: N/A
The purpose of this Policy is to ensure that Nassau Community College adheres to the admissions
policies and practices set forth by the Board of Trustees.
This policy applies and is binding on all applicants to the College. It shall be used to admit
prospective students into Nassau Community College in order for such students to embark on or
continue their higher education experience.
1. New Students:
a. Students who wish to earn a degree or certificate at Nassau Community College
should apply for matriculated status by completing the College's application for
admission and providing all required documentation by the admissions completion
deadline. New students will be required to take an English, math and reading
placement test unless a placement testing exemption applies. The College Catalog
lists placement testing exemptions.
b. All new degree or certificate candidates must possess a state-endorsed high school
diploma or a high school equivalency certificate.
c. All students who have graduated from an approved high school or received a high
school equivalency (HSE) certificate will be offered acceptance to an appropriate
program of study. However, some programs have additional academic
requirements, which can be reviewed on the College’s website.
d. International Students: Applicants with international credentials and
international applicants who require a Student (F-1) Visa must submit additional
application materials and are encouraged to review the College’s most up to date
requirements on the College’s website.
2. Transfer Students:
a. For admission with advanced standing from an accredited college(s), applicants
must submit official high school credentials and official college records to the
Office of Admissions. It is the applicant's responsibility to make sure the College
receives all official transcripts by appropriate admission completion deadlines.
b. Transfer Credit: Nassau Community College will provide an evaluation of
transfer credits for degree-seeking applicants after an official college transcript is
submitted. The transfer credit procedure is described in detail in the Admissions
Information section of the College Catalog.
3. Re-Admission for Returning Students: All returning students must submit a new
admissions application. Any student who attended another college/university upon leaving
Nassau Community College and wishes to re-enroll must submit all other
college/university transcripts. Any student who is re-admitted to the College under new
academic requirements than those which were in place when student last attended must
satisfy all current academic requirements in order to graduate. Returning students should
refer to the Admissions Information section of the College Catalog for more information.
B. COLLEGE CATALOG: The College Catalog describes the academic programs, general
regulations, policies and procedures of Nassau Community College. The Catalog is reviewed
and updated each academic year to reflect any changes in College academic policy as well as
any additions, changes to or discontinuance of academic programs. Students must comply
with the program requirements stated in the College Catalog based on their date of
matriculation in order to meet requirements for graduation. The College reserves the right to
update the College Catalog as required during the academic year. Students returning to study
at the College after an extended period of absence may be required to meet different program
requirements than those which were in effect during their initial period of attendance.
1. Applicants who do not intend to pursue a degree or certificate at the College, but plan to
take courses for personal enrichment or professional growth, should apply as non-degree
students. In order to be admitted as a non-degree student, the applicant must provide either
proof of a high school graduation, or proof of having graduated from a college or
As certain College courses have pre-requisites, non-degree students may not be eligible to
register for all courses and therefore may be limited in their course selection. In certain
circumstances, a non-degree student may be able to take the College’s placement exam(s)
in order to satisfy the pre-requisite requirements. Students who wish to change their
admissions status from non-degree-seeking to degree-seeking must provide the
documentation required for degree-seeking applicants (i.e., official high school/college
transcripts, test scores, etc.) to the College.
2. Visiting Students: Students who are matriculated at another institution may, with the
permission of their home institution, study at Nassau Community College while still
maintaining matriculated status at their home institution.
3. Non-degree students are encouraged to review the Admissions Information section of the
College Catalog for more information.
1. Early Admission:
Students who have completed their junior year of high school may, upon approval of their
high school and the College, enroll as full-time freshmen at Nassau Community College.
When a student accepted under the “Early Admission” status successfully completes his or
her freshman year of College, the student will also be eligible to earn a high school diploma.
a. Applicants for the Early Admission option must complete the College's admission
application and meet the minimum admissions criteria set forth in the College
2. High School Enrichment: The College allows some high school seniors to enroll in
College courses during the regular academic year, while continuing to attend high school.
Applicants for the High School Enrichment program must complete the College's
admission application and meet the minimum admissions criteria set forth in the College
3. The High School Equivalency (HSE):
a. Nassau Community College's Office of Admissions will consider admissions
applications from students who do not have high school diplomas and who want to
earn a high school equivalency diploma (HSE) through the completion of college
credits. Applicants for the High School Equivalency diploma must complete the
College's admission application and meet the minimum admissions criteria set forth
in the College Catalog.
b. Upon completion of courses required for the HSE, students submit an application
for the equivalency diploma to the New York State Education Department. The
College’s Registrar’s Office assists with this process.
c. Students admitted under the HSE program cannot be granted a degree or certificate
until their high school equivalency diploma is granted by New York State. While
taking courses prior to receiving their high school equivalency diploma, students
are not eligible for financial aid.
4. Students Schooled at Home: Home-schooled students must submit a certification from
the superintendent of their school district verifying that they have completed the
“substantial equivalent of a four-year high school program.” While Nassau Community
College recognizes home schooling as a legitimate educational option, students schooled
at home who are unable to present a superintendent’s letter are considered to be without a
high school diploma. As such, they are expected to meet the same admission requirements
as are listed above for the high school equivalency program.
5. Fresh Start Program:
The Fresh Start Program allows a student who has not attended Nassau Community College
for a certain number of years, as specified in the College Catalog, to be re-admitted and
receive grade leniency by having all grades lower than C earned during the previous period
of attendance removed from the student’s grade point average. Application requirements
and further information concerning the Fresh Start Program is available for review in the
“Special Programs” section of the College Catalog.
E. NASSAU COMMUNITY COLLEGE APPLICATION: All first-time applicants to the
College, whether degree-seeking or non-degree seeking students, visiting students and students
looking to enroll in the 24 credit High School Equivalency Program must pay an admissions
application fee. Returning applicants are not required to pay a second application fee. Only
the College president or his/her designee has authority to waive the admissions fee.
Applications may be filled out online. A paper application may also be filled out and is
available in the Admissions Office or by printing out the online application.
1. Applicants who plan to continue their education at a four-year college after graduation
from NCC may be better prepared for acceptance by taking advantage of the College's joint
admissions options. Joint admissions agreements exist with several four-year institutions,
as listed on the College’s Admissions website.
2. Applicants can apply for joint admissions at the time that they apply for admission to the
College and will be contacted by the four-year institution. Acceptance to the four-year
institution is conditional upon receipt by such institution of the applicant’s NCC transcript,
may require a particular grade point average and/or additional course work, as well as
satisfaction of other requirements as set by the four-year institution. Students are
encouraged to contact the four-year college of their choice for further information on the
joint admissions opportunities.
1. Nassau Community College is committed to providing an opportunity for all qualified
applicants to receive a quality education. Applicants who have been dismissed from
another academic institution for disciplinary reasons may be accepted to study at Nassau
Community College, providing the applicant is able to successfully satisfy the evaluation
process. Applications will be reviewed by the College Admissions Review Committee. The
Committee will request that the applicant provide the specifics of the disciplinary
dismissal, such as background, charges filed, and date(s) of occurrence. Appropriate
releases may have to be executed by the applicant for receipt of educational disciplinary
records. The Committee may also require a personal interview to clarify or verify the
information received.
2. Upon reviewing the information, the Committee will determine whether the student may
be admitted to the College, whether certain conditions of admissibility will be imposed
(i.e., major selection, course scheduling, involvement in activities), or whether admission
will be denied. The Committee includes representatives from the following College
Departments: Dean of Students Office, Admissions, and Public Safety. The College
reserves the right to deny an applicant’s request for admission to the College or to a selected
program at the College if the applicant’s disciplinary record would prevent the applicant
from successfully completing or obtaining a required license and/or certification associated
with the program, or would involve an unreasonable risk to persons or property, or to the
welfare of the Campus community.
3. Failure to disclose any disciplinary dismissals, falsification of data, or intentional
misrepresentation within any area of the application process, may result in denial of
admission, disciplinary action, or the immediate dismissal of any student found to be
4. Additional Procedures for Admissions of Persons with Disciplinary Dismissals are detailed
in the College Catalog.
1. In accordance with State University of New York (SUNY) Policy 3200, Nassau
Community College does not inquire into an applicant’s prior criminal history during the
College application process. After acceptance, the College shall inquire whether the
student has previously been convicted of a felony if such a student: 1) seeks admission into
academic programs which contain a mandatory clinical component, 2) will be involved in
field experiences or internships, or 3) will be participating in study abroad programs. The
information required to be disclosed regarding such felony convictions shall be reviewed
by standing campus committee(s) consistent with legal standards articulated in New York
State Corrections Law and SUNY Policy 3200. The Committee(s) will determine whether
the applicant who has made a post-admission disclosure of a prior felony conviction will
be permitted access to the clinical or field experiences, internships or study abroad
programs, and any conditions on such access.
2. Students who have previously been convicted of a felony are advised that their prior
criminal history may impede their ability to complete the requirements of certain academic
programs and/or to meet the licensure requirements for certain professions. Students who
have concerns about such matters are advised to contact the office of their intended
academic program.