How Green Is that Grocery Bag Ban?
An Assessment of the Environmental and
Economic Effects of Grocery Bag Bans and Taxes
Julian Morris and Brian Seasholes
Policy Study 437
June 2014
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Reason Foundation
How Green Is that Grocery Bag Ban?
An Assessment of the Environmental and
Economic Effects of Grocery Bag Bans and Taxes
By Julian Morris and Brian Seasholes
Executive Summary
In the past 15 years, approximately 190 municipalities in the U.S. have passed
ordinances imposing bans, fees and/or taxes on plastic shopping bags. Many
have also introduced fees or taxes on paper bags. Proponents of such ordinances
claim they are necessary in order to reduce litter and other environmental
impacts, ranging from resource use to emissions of greenhouse gases. In
addition, many proponents claim the ordinances will reduce municipal costs
(such as those associated with litter removal and waste collection), with benefits
for taxpayers.
This study investigates all these claims using the best data available and finds:
1. The bans, fees and taxes on shopping bags have a minuscule impact on litter.
2. There is no evidence of a reduction in municipal litter or waste collection
costs as a result of the introduction of bans, fees and taxes on shopping bags.
3. Other environmental impacts are not significantly reduced and some,
including greenhouse gas emissions, may increase as a result especially of
restrictions on the use of plastic (HDPE) shopping bags.
4. There is likely an adverse health effect from people failing to wash bacteria-
ridden reusable bags, the use of which may increase as a result of restrictions
on the distribution of other bag types.
5. Reusable bags are less convenient and, when taking into account the time
and resources required to remove bacteria from bags, are very costly for
6. The costs of plastic bag bans fall disproportionately on the poor.
In sum, over the past 30 years, decisions by consumers and retailers have
dramatically shifted consumption toward bags with superior environmental and
cost characteristics, namely those made from high-density polyethylene (HDPE)
plastic. By banning HDPE plastic bags, legislators have been reversing this
trend, to the detriment of the environment and consumers.
Those people who are genuinely concerned about reducing litter and other
environmental problems should focus their efforts on solutions that have been
proven to work. In the case of litter, this means communicating the benefits of
litter reduction and undertaking amelioration. In the case of protecting marine
animals (a concern especially in coastal states), banning plastic bags won’t make
a difference but shifting toward more rational fisheries policies would.
Reason Foundation
Table of Contents
Introduction .............................................................................................. 1!
A Brief History of Plastic Bags and Their Discontents .................................. 3!
1.1 Plastic Bags Bans, Taxes and Regulations ....................................................... 4!
Evaluating the Impact of Plastic Bags ....................................................... 6!
2.1 Restrictions on HDPE Bags Would Reduce Our Consumption of Resources ........ 6!
2.2 Restrictions on HDPE Bags Would Reduce Litter and Protect the Marine
Environment ........................................................................................................ 7!
2.3 Would Restrictions on HDPE Bags Reduce Waste? ......................................... 16!
2.4 Would Restrictions on HDPE Bags Reduce Our Impact on the Global Climate? . 21!
Comparing the Impact of HDPE Bags and Alternatives Using Life Cycle
Analysis ................................................................................................. 22!
3.1 Life Cycle Analysis ........................................................................................ 22!
3.2 LCAs of Grocery Bags ................................................................................... 23!
3.3 Comparing the Impact of Bags on the Environment ........................................ 25!
3.4 Comparing the Bags on the Basis of the LCAs ................................................ 34!
Evaluating the Impact of Plastic Bag Regulations ..................................... 36!
4.1 The Impact of Bag Taxes and Fees on Bag Use ............................................... 36!
4.2 The Impact of Plastic Bag Bans on Bag Use ................................................... 38!
4.3 Do Plastic Bag Bans, Taxes and Fees Benefit the Environment? ...................... 40!
4.4 The Environmental Impact of Plastic Bag Bans in Practice .............................. 44!
4.5 Do Plastic Bag Bans, Regulations and Taxes Save Taxpayers Money? ............. 48!
4.6 What Are the Broader Economic Effects of Bag Bans, Taxes and Fees? ............ 50!
4.7 Conclusions ................................................................................................. 56!
Conclusions ............................................................................................ 57!
About the Authors .................................................................................. 59!
Endnotes ................................................................................................ 60!
How Green Is that Grocery Bag Ban? | 1
Every day, tens of millions of people in the U.S. use plastic grocery bags to carry
their shopping home. Concerned at the possible impacts of such widespread use,
environmental pressure groups have sought to introduce bans, taxes and fees on
plastic bags. The number of U.S. municipalities passing legislation to restrict use
through bans, taxes or fees has risen from 31 in 2008 to 191 by April 2014 in 15
states and the District of Columbiaas shown in Figure 1.
Bills restricting plastic bag use have also been introduced in several states,
though none have passed. And in 2013, for the third Congress in a row,
Representative James P. Moran of Virginia introduced a bill to create a national
five-cent tax on all disposable plastic or paper bags supplied by stores to
customers. The bill failed again.
Source: compiled by authors from various sources
Outside the U.S., 32 entire countries, including China, Bangladesh, the United
Arab Emirates, Ireland, Italy and South Africa have introduced restrictions on
1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014
Figure 1: Plastic Bag Bans, Taxes and Fees in the U.S.
2 | Reason Foundation
plastic bag use. Meanwhile, subnational jurisdictions in 13 other countries have
instituted bans, taxes or fees, including 33 states, territories and provinces, and
93 municipalities—as shown in Figure 2.
Source: compiled by authors from various sources
*Numbers are almost certainly higher given that information on plastic bag bans and
taxes is often highly fragmented and poorly documented.
Proponents of bans, taxes and fees contend that they are necessary to curtail
plastic bag use and thereby limit the harm such bags inflict on the environment.
That begs two questions: first, to what extent do plastic bags impact the
environment and, second, do the benefits of restrictions on plastic bag use
exceed the costs? This study begins with a look at the history of the plastic bag
and restrictions on its use. Part two evaluates the main arguments made by
opponents of plastic bags. Part three considers various life cycle assessments of
a range of grocery bags. Part four evaluates the impacts of bag regulations, bans,
taxes and fees. Part five offers some conclusions based on the foregoing
1994 1997 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Figure 2: Plastic Bag Bans, Taxes and Fees Worldwide (ex-U.S.)*
How Green Is that Grocery Bag Ban? | 3
Part 1
A Brief History of Plastic Bags
and Their Discontents
Plastic grocery bags are made from high-density polyethylene (HDPE).
Polyethylene was discovered in 1898 by German chemist Hans von Pechmann
but no commercial applications were developed until 1933, when Imperial
Chemical Industries in the UK produced polyethylene insulation for radar
This and other early forms were all low-density polyethylene (LDPE),
which remains a popular plastic for a wide range of uses, from playground slides
to milk cartons.
During the 1950s, research scientists at Phillips Petroleum in the U.S. and the
Max Planck Institute for Coal Research in Germany invented higher density
forms of polyethylene.
In the late 1950s, researchers discovered how to form
HDPE into a thin film from which were created plastic sandwich bags and
garment-sized bags to protect dry cleaned items. By the mid-1960s, plastic bags
became widely used for grocery produce and for packaging bread, and by the
mid-1970s large retailers such as Sears, Montgomery Ward and J.C. Penney
began offering plastic bags for customers’ purchases. In 1977, the plastic
grocery bag became available to supermarkets but it was not until 1982, when
two major supermarket chains, Safeway and Kroger, began to use the HDPE “t-
shirt” bag—so named because of its shape when laid flat—that plastic grocery
bags came into widespread use. By 1996, 80% of grocery bags used in the U.S.
were plastic.
As the use of all types of plastic increased, environmental pressure groups began
complaining about what they saw as the drawbacks of plastic in general and
plastic bags in particular. Their complaints have generally focused on litter,
environmental degradation and wasteful use of resources. They have painted the
plastic bag as a potent symbol of modern, industrialized, “throwaway” society
that consumes too much of the earth’s resources.
And they see restrictions on
plastic bags as a crucial first step on the path toward a plastics-free society.
4 | Reason Foundation
1.1 Plastic Bags Bans, Taxes and Regulations
In the late 1980s and early 1990s, lightweight plastic bags had become a visible
litter issue in a few villages in remote regions of western Alaska, largely as a
result of poor trash disposal methods and facilities. In response, those villages
became the first to introduce bans on plastic bags.
1989 was a watershed in the
campaign against plastic in general. By the end of the year, there were at least
800 pieces of municipal and state legislation in 35 states addressing the role of
plastics in the solid waste stream, up from less than a dozen two years earlier.
The campaign against plastic bags really got going in the late 1990s. And in
2007 it went mainstream. That was the year San Francisco banned the
distribution of lightweight plastic shopping bags by supermarkets and
pharmacies with more than $2 million in annual sales.
As the fourth largest city in the most populous state in the nation, not to mention
a cultural bellwether, San Francisco’s actions often influence others. Ross
Mirkarimi, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors member who led the charge
to ban plastic bags, certainly saw the ban as a first step toward national action,
stating: “Hopefully other cities and other states will follow suit.”
And follow
suit they did. San Francisco’s ban was the proverbial snowball that got the
avalanche going. At the time of writing, 192 municipalities in 16 states and the
District of Columbia have enacted bans, taxes or mandatory fees on lightweight
plastic bags. Not surprisingly, California is the leading state for bag bans and
taxes, including ordinances in over 100 municipalities.
In addition to imposing restrictions on the use of HDPE bags, some
municipalities have also placed restrictions on paper bags. However, these
restrictions tend to be less onerous. As Figure 3 shows, 70 municipalities have
imposed outright bans on HDPE bags with no restrictions on paper, while 119
municipalities have imposed bans on HDPE bags and introduced taxes or fees
for paper bags. Only three municipalities have banned plastic and paper bags
and only five have imposed taxes or fees on both plastic and paper. The implicit
assumption underlying these legislative actions is that plastic is worse for the
environment than paper.
How Green Is that Grocery Bag Ban? | 5
Source: compiled by authors from various sources as for Figure 1.
Note: The Washington, D.C. fee is actually a tax, although retailers keep 20%.
1 1
Ban plastic, fee
for paper
Ban only plastic Fee for both
paper & plastic
Ban paper &
Fee only for
Figure 3: Types of Plastic Bag Ordinances in the U.S.
(1998–April 2014)
6 | Reason Foundation
Part 2
Evaluating the Impact of
Plastic Bags
Proponents of restrictions on HDPE bags offer various justifications in
Most of these justifications broadly pertain to environmental
protection. Below we survey and assess the most popular arguments.
2.1 Restrictions on HDPE Bags Would Reduce Our Consumption
of Resources
Ross Mirkarimi offered the following justification for the San Francisco ban:
“You’re talking about twelve million barrels of oil that are used nationally to
produce 30 billion plastic bags in the United States… We have a responsibility
in dealing with what I think is going to be an unabated oil crisis, an energy
crisis, and I think our determination to save this planet, environmentally and
economically, starts at home.”
According to a New York Times story,
Mirkarimi boasted the bag ban would take a big chunk out of the estimated 200
million plastic bags San Franciscans used annually, thereby reducing
substantially the 450,000 gallons of oil used to produce them: “Frankly, this is
our measured response to an obvious problem that global warming is not going
away soon, and the era of cheap oil has come to an end.”
Mirkarimi’s justification is surprising, not least because nearly all HDPE bags
are produced from natural gas, not oil. Indeed, between 1981 and 2012, on
average only 3.2% of polyethylene bags were made from oil. The reason is
simple: it is far less expensive to produce ethylene, the feedstock for
polyethylene, from natural gas (methane) than from oil. And the proportion of
plastic bags produced from natural gas has been increasing for the past 20 years,
as its availability in the U.S. has been rising and prices falling, as shown in
Figure 4.
How Green Is that Grocery Bag Ban? | 7
Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration
The notion that oil plays a substantial role in the manufacture of HDPE bags is
simply a myth.
Ironically, one of the primary substitutes for HDPE bags, non-woven
polypropylene (NWPP) bags, is derived from oil.
So, restricting the sale and
use of HDPE bags would likely increase oil consumption!
But Mirkarimi’s assertion does raise the question of what the impact of
restrictions on HDPE use might be on resource consumption more generally.
This is addressed in several of the life cycle analyses discussed in the next
2.2 Restrictions on HDPE Bags Would Reduce Litter and Protect
the Marine Environment
At one level, the assertion that plastic bags cause litter is ridiculous: litter is a
result of human behavior, not of the products we use. Put another way: people
cause litter, bags don’t. Responsible consumers dispose of their waste in ways
that do not cause litter.
1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012
Figure 4: Proportion of U.S. Ethylene Derived from
Natural Gas, 1981–2012
Annual percentage Average percentage (1981–2012)
8 | Reason Foundation
Nonetheless, litter is composed of various components of which plastic bags are
one. But this begs two questions: First, how significant a component of litter is
the HDPE bag? Second, does litter from HDPE bags have a more egregious
impact than other forms of litter?
How Significant Is Litter from HDPE Bags?
A 2006 report by the California Coastal Commission
claimed that plastic bags
comprise 3.8% of beach litter.
More recently, a Dallas City Council memo
claimed that 5% of all litter comes from plastic bags.
Most dramatically, a
study from the California Ocean Protection Council claimed that plastic bags of
all types make up about 8% of all coastal litter.
But these claims are not
supported by reliable evidence. The Dallas memo cited a Keep America
Beautiful (KAB) survey designed and managed by Steven Stein of
Environmental Resources Planning. In response, Stein, who is widely regarded
as the nation’s leading authority on litter,
pointed out that no such conclusion
could be drawn from the KAB survey, noting:
Page 13 of [the Dallas City Council] memo states that 5% of plastic
bags are “littered” and inaccurately attributes that statement to the KAB
Study. Our study made no such claim and did not conduct any analysis of
that type … The KAB Study cited by the city showed that all plastic bags,
of which plastic retail bags are only a subset, are just 0.6% of litter
The 2009 KAB survey is the only comprehensive survey on litter in America
and its methodology is far more rigorous than the other assessments mentioned
above, which claim to have found higher rates of litter from plastic bags. The
KAB survey uses well developed protocols for sampling, based on solid
statistical methods. By contrast, both the California Coastal Commission and the
California Ocean Protection Council base their claims about plastic bag litter on
data from the International Coastal Commission (ICC), which, as the California
Coastal Commission notes, relies on data “collected by volunteers on one day
each year, and is not a scientific assessment.”
In 2013, Stein issued a brief report on the contribution to litter represented by
plastic retail bags, compiling a table (reproduced as Table 1) of 20 recent litter
surveys, all of which found that plastic bags constitute a miniscule portion of
How Green Is that Grocery Bag Ban? | 9
Table 1: Plastic Bags as a Proportion of Litter
Plastic bags
Plastic bags
Source: Steven R. Stein,
Plastic Retail Bags in Litter
, Environmental Resources
Planning, LLC., 2013
Stein also addressed those surveys asserting that plastic bags are a major
component of litter:
Litter surveys showing unusually high rates of items such as plastic bags
were typically conducted by volunteers rather than professional staff.
These surveys tended to lack random sampling and statistical
methodologies. At times, material categories were not consistent. While
such studies have helped create awareness of litter’s impacts, their
limitations have, in some cases, resulted in erroneous depictions of
plastic retail bags as a component in the overall litter stream.
Since HDPE bags are not a significant component of litter, it is irresponsible to
argue that bans, taxes and other restrictions on their use would help prevent litter
in any meaningful way. Indeed, it is possible that eliminating HDPE bags would
result in more litter, since such bags are often reused as garbage bags to collect
items used during car journeys (for example)—a job to which they are far better
suited than paper bags or reusable polypropylene bags. Without HDPE bags in
which to collect garbage, highways might suffer a profusion of food cartons,
banana skins, drink cans, etc.
The 2009 KAB litter survey was in fact a follow-up from a similar survey
conducted 40 years previously. Over that time, the survey found that the total
amount of visible litter per capita on or near highways had actually declined by
However, the KAB report notes that the survey of visible litter does not
necessarily reflect the amount of litter generated because of the rise of “litter
abatement efforts”—i.e., organized removal of litter, often by volunteer groups.
10 | Reason Foundation
What Impact Does Litter from HDPE Bags Have?
Proponents of plastic bag bans contend that plastic bag litter causes several
problems, chiefly: (1) clogging of storm drains, resulting in flooding; (2)
damage to marine ecosystems. We address each of these in turn.
Clogging of Storm Drains
While clogging of storm drains is a potentially serious problem, it is important
to focus on the most significant causes of such clogging. The KAB survey did
find plastic bags in storm drains—but noted that they represented just under 1%
of litter items in storm drains. By contrast, plastic drink containers represented
about 2% and other plastic items represented over 10% (see Figure 5).
On the
basis of this evidence, it would not be appropriate to single out plastic bags, let
alone plastic shopping bags, for particular attention. Rather, as noted above, it
would seem that the underlying problem is the fact that people litter. Banning
plastic bags would do little to reduce the problem of clogged storm drains, so
attention should instead focus on ways to reduce the production of litter or
mitigate its effects regardless of the product.
Source: KAB 2009 National Visible Litter Survey
Damage to Marine Ecosystems
One of the primary justifications for imposing restrictions on the use of HDPE
bags, especially in coastal areas, is the claim that such bags harm marine
Plastic Bags, 0.9%
Plastic Drink
Containers, 2.0%
Plastic Fast Food
Items, 7.0%
Other Plastic, 10.2%
Inorganic Litter,
Tobacco Products,
Organic Litter, 32.2%
Figure 5: Types of Litter Found at Storm Drains
How Green Is that Grocery Bag Ban? | 11
ecosystems. The basic proposition that some plastic litter, including some HDPE
bags, finds its way into the oceans, with adverse ecological effects, seems
plausible. However, questions arise regarding the scale of the problem and the
effectiveness of proposed solutions. Regarding the scale of the problem, a series
of connected claims is frequently made, namely that: (1) most marine debris
originates on land; (2) plastic bags represent a significant proportion of all
marine debris and become concentrated in a “garbage patch” twice the size of
Texas in the north Pacific Ocean; and (3) due to their widespread presence in the
oceans, plastic bags kill over 100,000 marine mammals and millions of seabirds
annually. Considering these in turn:
What Proportion of Marine Debris Originates on Land?
the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
the World
Wildlife Fund (WWF),
and many other organizations claim that at least
80% of marine debris comes from land-based sources. But the National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) points out that we simply
don’t have data that would support such claims, noting on its website that
“We know relatively little about what is lying on the ocean floor or
suspended in the water column. Because of this we truly can't say what the
land- and ocean-based percentages are with any certainty or accuracy.”
Given the lack of empirical evidence, it is simply dishonest to claim that
80%, or even most, marine debris originates on land. It is even more
preposterous to claim, as WWF does, that “Over 80% of marine pollution
comes from land-based activities. From plastic bags to pesticides—most of
the waste we produce on land eventually reaches the oceans, either through
deliberate dumping or from run-off through drains and rivers.”
To put this in perspective, it is perhaps worth noting that The Monterey Bay
Aquarium makes equally outrageous claims about the amount of debris
generated at sea, noting that “Each year, an estimated 10,000 shipping
containers fall off container ships at sea.”
It turns out that claim also rests
on essentially no data and is contradicted by available evidence, such as a
survey of shipping companies conducted by the World Shipping Council,
which estimated that there are “approximately 675” containers lost at sea
each year, including catastrophic losses.
That is an order of magnitude
lower than the Monterey Bay Aquarium figure but gives an indication of one
non land-based source of marine debris. Another such source is gear from
fishing boats, which is discussed below.
12 | Reason Foundation
Is There a Garbage Patch in the North Pacific?
Many organizations claim that marine debris (and especially plastic bags)
concentrates in a massive “garbage patch” in an area of the Pacific Ocean north
of Hawaii known as the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre. For example, the
National Wildlife Federation asserts that “In fact, the largest landfill in the world
is actually the Great Pacific Ocean Garbage Patch, where plastic outnumbers
Greenpeace International claims, “The trash vortex is an area the
size of Texas in the North Pacific in which an estimated six kilos of plastic for
every kilo of natural plankton, along with other slow degrading garbage, swirls
slowly around like a clock, choked with dead fish, marine mammals, and birds
who get snared.”
Defenders of Wildlife
and the National Audubon Society
make similar claims.
These claims have often been repeated uncritically in the media. For example,
an editorial in the Los Angeles Times in June 2000 noted: “The Great Pacific
Garbage Patch is an area of the ocean larger than Texas and thick with floating
plastic debris: bottles, bottle caps, bits of packaging and uncountable plastic
bags. It's not surprising that carry-out plastic bags make up so much of the
patch; they constitute the third most common trash item found on California
beaches, and they're light and easily lifted by the wind. That is just one of many
reasons to ban them.”
Again in 2006, the LA Times published a story headlined
“Plague of Plastic Chokes the Seas.”
In 2009, Oprah Winfrey opined:
Scientists believe the world’s largest garbage dump isn’t on land, it’s in
the ocean. Estimated to be twice the size of Texas, the Great Pacific
Garbage Patch stretches from the coast of California all the way to
Japan. In some places the manmade debris is ninety-feet deep…In some
parts of the ocean there’s already six times more plastic than
plankton…The monumental amount of plastic trash has created an
ecological disaster that has cost the lives of millions of seabirds and
marine mammals…This is the most shocking thing I’ve seen.
The media keep recycling the same claims. In 2012, Time magazine ran a story
headlined “Great Pacific Garbage Patch Poses New Threat to Marine Life,”
which largely repeated assertions in the 2006 LA Times story.
But the reality of
garbage in the North Pacific Ocean is very different. “The name ‘garbage patch’
is a misnomer,” states the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
“There is no island of trash forming in the middle of the ocean, nor a blanket of
trash that can be seen with satellite or aerial photographs. This is likely because
much of the debris found here is small bits of floating plastic not easily seen
How Green Is that Grocery Bag Ban? | 13
from a boat.”
NOAA also adds, “For the record, no scientifically sound
estimates exist for the size or mass of these garbage patches.”
Miriam Goldstein, a PhD oceanographer who has conducted extensive research
on this issue, said in 2010, “The vast majority of plastic bits (>90%) are smaller
than a pencil eraser, and are spread out enough to be mostly invisible to the
naked eye.”
Angelicque “Angel” White, professor of oceanography at Oregon
State University, has led research expeditions to the North Pacific gyre to
investigate the extent and impact of plastic debris there. Professor White says:
“There is no doubt that the amount of plastic in the world’s oceans is troubling,
but this kind of exaggeration undermines the credibility of scientists …We have
data that allow us to make reasonable estimates; we don’t need the hyperbole.”
Contrary to the absurd claims made by some activists, White estimates that if
you took an area the size of a football field of waters having “the highest
concentration (of plastic) ever recorded,” filtered the plastic and laid it out along
the width of a football field, the plastic would extend less than one inch into the
field. “If there is a takeaway message, it’s that we should consider it good news
that the ‘garbage patch’ doesn’t seem to be as bad as advertised,” White stated.
Even some activists are frustrated by the exaggeration. “The idea of a single,
Texas-size garbage patch is the myth of media sensationalism. It’s led to
grandiose images of islands of trash,” according to the 5 Gyres Institute, an
organization dedicated to preventing ocean pollution.
“The problem with
superlative statements that this is somehow a huge floating mass of plastic is
that they inevitably lead to desensitizing people when they learn the truth of it,”
David Santillo, a senior scientist with Greenpeace, is reported to have told The
Wall Street Journal.
So, whence the great garbage patch myth? In 1997, Charles Moore, a boat
captain and founder of the Algalita Marine Research Institute, was startled to see
plastic trash in the ocean while sailing back to California from Hawaii; “Every
time I came on deck to survey the horizon, I saw a soap bottle, bottle cap or a
shard of plastic waste bobbing by,” he said.
But it was Curtis Ebbesmeyer, an
oceanographer who in retirement began studying flotsam, who “began referring
to the area as the ‘eastern garbage patch.’”
And it was Ebbesmeyer who
“estimated that the area, nearly covered with floating plastic debris, is roughly
the size of Texas.”
The following year, in an effort to measure the amount and extent of debris,
Moore organized a trip to the subtropical gyre to collect samples. On the basis of
this data, in 2001 Moore and colleagues published an estimate that there is six
14 | Reason Foundation
times more plastic than plankton in the North Pacific Gyre.
Like the term
“garbage patch”, the six-to-one plastic-to-plankton ratio soon became a widely
cited article of truth. And, like the “patch” analogy, it turned out to be, well,
garbage. “Given the observed concentration of plastic in the North Pacific, it is
simply inaccurate to state that plastic outweighs plankton,” states Angel White.
“Most oceanographers, including myself, do not think that comparing the dry
weight of plankton and plastic is a helpful way of understanding what is going
on in the ocean,” says Miriam Goldstein.
Meanwhile, a study published in
2013 found almost four times less plastic debris per square kilometer than
Moore’s widely cited 2001 survey.
The likely reason is that the paper by
Moore et al. “sampled from a much smaller area in the central gyre,” according
to the 2013 paper.
This makes sense because the center will tend to have
higher concentrations of plastic, while the periphery will have lower
concentrations. While the “garbage patch” analogy clearly does not apply, and
while the scale of the problem of plastic debris in the oceans is far less extreme
than claimed by Moore and the many activists and journalists who have repeated
it, it is not entirely insignificant. Moreover, as Miriam Goldstein and colleagues
showed in a 2012 paper, the amount of small particulate plastic in the oceans has
increased dramatically over the past several decades. By comparing surveys
undertaken in 1972–3 and again in 2009–10, Goldstein and colleagues showed
that over the past 40 years concentrations of the small bits of plastic in the North
Pacific Gyre have increased by approximately two orders of magnitude (i.e.,
This is hardly surprising, however, as the amount of plastic
in use in modern society has increased similarly.
Are Plastic Bags Killing Millions of Marine Animals?
So, accepting that plastic bags are among the increasing amounts of plastic that
finds its way to the oceans, what impact are they having? Various pressure
groups claim that plastic bags are responsible for carnage at sea. For example,
the Monterey Bay Aquarium asserts, “Scientists estimate that around the world,
up to one million seabirds and 100,000 marine mammals and sea turtles die each
year from eating plastic.”
Several others have made similar assertions.
One hundred thousand marine mammal deaths a year: that sounds like a serious
problem. So, what is the evidence to back it up? The number has apparently
been floating around for some time and was used in a life cycle analysis by
Nolan-ITU Pty Ltd, commissioned by the Australian government, which
How Green Is that Grocery Bag Ban? | 15
A figure of 100,000 marine animals killed annually has been widely
quoted by environmental groups; this figure was from a study in
Newfoundland which estimated the number of animals entrapped by
plastic bags in that area from a four-year period from 1981–84.
Nolan-ITU, in turn, cited a website operated by the Canadian government, on
which it was asserted that:
“A four year study off the coast of Newfoundland
estimated that over 100,000 animals were killed by entanglement from 1981 to
But that study did not look at the impact of plastic debris, let alone
plastic bags; it estimated the annual loss of marine animals as a result of
incidental catch and entanglement in fishing gear and
It is now clear that hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of non-target
marine animals are being killed annually in a variety of Atlantic and
Pacific fisheries. The negative impact of this mortality is already evident
in some populations and we can expect to see future declines in other
populations if net mortality continues unabated.
In other words, the claim that plastic debris has been killing hundreds of
thousands of marine mammals and millions of birds seems to be based on the
misinterpretation of a study assessing the unintended impact of fishing gear
(which refers to “marine animals”, not mammals). While the possibility that
fishing gear is causing large numbers of marine animal deaths is worrying, it
tells us nothing about the impact of plastic debris, except that from fishing gear.
David Laist, an expert on entanglement and since 1979 an analyst for the Marine
Mammal Commission, told a reporter at The Times that “in reality plastic bags
don’t figure in entanglement …The main culprits are fishing gear, ropes, lines
and strapping bands. Most mammals are too big to get caught up in a plastic
bag. … the impact of bags on whales, dolphins, porpoises and seals ranges from
nil for most species to very minor for perhaps a few species. For birds, plastic
bags are not a problem either.”
The death of marine animals as a result of entanglement is a serious issue that
unfortunately is being overlooked because activists are blaming the deaths on
plastic bags. As David Santillo, a senior biologist with Greenpeace, is reported
to have said to The Times, “It’s very unlikely that many animals are killed by
plastic bags. The evidence shows just the opposite. We are not going to solve the
problem of waste by focusing on plastic bags. ... With larger mammals it’s
fishing gear that’s the big problem. On a global basis plastic bags aren’t an
16 | Reason Foundation
Meanwhile, in relation to the claim that plastic bag debris is causing bird deaths,
The Times quotes Professor Geoff Boxshall of the British Museum, “I’ve never
seen a bird killed by a plastic bag. Other forms of plastic in the ocean are much
more damaging. Only a very small proportion is caused by bags.”
How Can Litter be Reduced?
By any measure, plastic bags constitute a small proportion of all litter. So, it
would be foolish to focus any strategy intended to reduce litter primarily on
plastic bags. In his response to Dallas City Council’s misuse of the KAB data,
Steven Stein notes:
The use of misleading data such as this will likely lead to discussions of
narrowly focused material bans, which if put into place, will not resolve
the littering issues they are meant to address in the City of Dallas.
Instead, they will create a false sense of security that litter-related
problems have been appropriately resolved….
A far, far better way to reduce litter is to change people’s attitude toward
littering. How might this be done? Many approaches are possible but some
combination of education, easier waste disposal options in public places (for
example by providing additional garbage bins), and enforcing sanctions—and
even legal penalties—for littering. A good example of a strategy that combined
these approaches to good effect is the “Don’t Mess with Texas” campaign, a
program established by the Texas Highway Commission in 1985 to reduce litter
on the state’s highways. The program combines education, advertising, celebrity
endorsements, partnerships with retailers and other business, increased provision
of roadside garbage bins, and a maximum fine of $2,000 for littering.
by Daniel B. Syrek of the Institute for Applied Research found that the Don’t
Mess with Texas campaign reduced litter on Texas’s highways by 72% between
1985 and 1990.
2.3 Would Restrictions on HDPE Bags Reduce Waste?
A corollary to the claim that restrictions on HDPE bags reduce resource
consumption is the claim that such a ban would reduce “waste.” The idea that
modern society is wasteful—or more pejoratively that we live in a “throwaway
society”—has been a central theme of modern environmentalism since its
inception in the late 1960s. Industrial ecologist Pierre Desrochers shows that this
How Green Is that Grocery Bag Ban? | 17
characterization, which he traces back at least to the late 19
century, is belied
by the evidence.
Desrochers identifies numerous examples of companies that
developed uses for by-products in order both to reduce waste and to generate
new products, thereby increasing their companies’ profitability.
Plastic bags emerged in the context of a highly developed system of production
and exchange. For comparison, consider medieval Europe, where until the late
century, 90% of the population lived in villages in the countryside, the vast
majority eking out an existence by planting, tending and harvesting crops.
Most goods and services were provided locally; food was grown on strips of
land within the village, timber was harvested from local trees.
Trade tended to
be regional rather than national or transnational and was limited to products of
higher value that were relatively easily transported, such as leather (which was
typically manufactured in towns), finished wool garments and jewelry.
Limited trade meant a lack of competition in the supply of goods, which in turn
meant that quality tended to be poor. Diets were monotonous and often lacked
essential nutrients, contributing to rampant disease. If harvests failed, the poor
starved to death.
But people had very strong incentives to use the mediocre
products they owned until no more life could be wrung from them. This meant
that significant amounts of time—especially of women—were spent mending
old clothes. Meanwhile, wastes were disposed of locally; that included human
excrement, which was typically disposed of in open latrines. Such non-hygienic
living contributed to high rates of communicable diseases. About a third of
people died in the first five years of life; those who survived infancy could
expect to live to about 60 (but the high infant mortality rate meant that life
expectancy at birth was between 40 and 45).
In modern America, the majority of people live in towns and work in industry or
services, participating in a complex economy that relies on a web of exchanges
to produce an enormous range of products. The high degree of trade, spanning
towns, states and continents, ensures that there is substantial competition for
nearly every kind of good and service, which drives innovation and
improvements in quality. This dynamic market economy has resulted in
dramatic improvements in both longevity and quality of life for the vast majority
of Americans. Life expectancy at birth rose from 46 for men and 48 for women
in 1900 to 76 for men and 81 for women in 2010, respectively.
reports of life satisfaction and happiness suggest that Americans today are far
happier than they have ever been.
Not only are we living longer, more satisfying, happier lives, we are also
becoming more efficient in our use of resources, both in production and in
18 | Reason Foundation
consumption. From cars to computers, fewer materials are used to deliver the
same or, usually, better performance. And because fewer materials are used,
both production and consumption are associated with fewer emissions to the
environment. In large part, these improvements have occurred in response to the
incentives inherent in market systems; specifically (1) consumers have sought to
acquire goods and services that meet their desires more effectively at lower total
cost (including the cost of operation and disposal); (2) enterprises, operating in a
competitive market, have sought to meet the perceived desires of consumers by
producing higher quality goods and services at lower cost and have done this in
part by reducing input costs through reduced material use, as well as by making
products more efficient in consumption and more readily disposable.
Among the products that have helped improve our lives is a whole range of
disposable items. The advent of the disposable cup, for instance, reduced the
practice of people drinking from the same receptacles without adequate
cleansing, dramatically slowing the spread of disease and illness. For the same
reason, modern hospitals rarely recycle anything, choosing instead to use
disposable plastic products that can be incinerated. Plastic bags provide similar
benefits, offering an inexpensive, hygienic means of carrying comestibles and
other items.
Given the tendencies in the market system to reduce waste, it seems reasonable
to suggest that there should be a presumption that market actors are constantly
striving to increase efficiency and reduce waste. The corollary to this is that
proponents of intervention should be required to show that the net effect of their
proposed intervention would be to reduce total waste. The claim here is not that
market systems generate no waste. Rather, it is that markets tend to reduce waste
and that those who seek to intervene in markets ostensibly to reduce waste
further must demonstrate—at minimum—that their proposed intervention will
actually reduce the total amount of waste produced without unduly affecting
quality of life.
With regard to plastic bags, environmental activists claim that their use results in
unnecessary generation of waste, which ends up in landfills, where they languish
undecomposed. For example, the WorldWatch Institute claims that “Every year,
Americans reportedly throw away 100 billion plastic grocery bags, which can
clog drains, crowd landfills, and leave an unsightly blot on the landscape.”
A look at the data, however, reveals a very different picture. Analyses by the
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency show that in 2010, the nation discarded
690,000 tons of HDPE bags. Of those, approximately 30,000 tons were
How Green Is that Grocery Bag Ban? | 19
recovered (i.e., recycled), meaning that a total of 660,000 tons were finally
discarded—mostly into landfill (approximately 82% of non-recovered municipal
solid waste goes to landfill; 18% is incinerated).
The same year, the nation
produced a total of just under 250 million tons of municipal solid waste, of
which approximately 85 million tons were recovered and 165 million tons were
discarded. So, HDPE bags constituted approximately 0.28% by weight of all
waste generated and 0.4% by weight of all waste discarded.
By comparison, in the same year, the nation discarded almost exactly the same
amount of “reusable” polypropylene bags (680,000 tons), of which none were
recovered. So, polypropylene actually constituted a slightly higher proportion of
all bags going to landfills (at 0.41%).
Meanwhile, also in the same year, the nation discarded just over 1 million tons
of paper bags and sacks, of which approximately 25% was estimated to have
been recovered and 75%, or 750,000 tons, discarded.
Not only is that a larger
weight, but because paper is less dense than plastic, it takes up considerably
more space in landfills. As William Rathje, the late professor of archaeology at
the University of Arizona who gained fame by applying archaeological
techniques to excavating and analyzing the contents of landfills, noted, “Plastic
bags, especially in landfills, take up so much less volume than paper bags. If
you’re worried about the amount of space in landfills taken up by plastic bags—
Source: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
Municipal Solid Waste Generation,
Recycling, and Disposal in the United States
Figure 6: Types of Bags Discarded and Recovered in the U.S.,
20 | Reason Foundation
Landfill Decomposition
Another issue raised by those against plastic bags is that the bags take a long
time to decompose in landfills. Proponents of restrictions on HDPE bags argue
that paper bags and “biodegradable” plastic are superior because they break
down faster than HDPE.
In reality, nothing much breaks down in most landfills, even organic matter,
because landfills essentially entomb waste, sealing it off from oxygen, thereby
inhibiting decomposition.
William Rathje notes that “In a normal, well-run
landfill, paper bags do not biodegrade any faster over at least 40 years than
Below, we reproduce a photo of a nearly pristine newspaper that was
more than 30 years old when recovered from a landfill by Rathje and
Correcting Perverse Incentives in the Production and Disposal of
Household Waste
One area where the market has not necessarily created the least-waste solution is
in the disposal of household solid waste. One important reason for this is that the
collection and disposal of household solid waste is in most cases undertaken
either directly by government employees or indirectly by companies contracted
to government, with the costs borne by residents through their local taxes. In
other words, collection and disposal has in most cases not been subject to
normal market processes and the amount that households pay for waste disposal
is unrelated to the amount of waste they generate.
As a result, it is possible that
households use more plastic shopping bags than they would if they had to pay
for each pound of waste they produced.
How Green Is that Grocery Bag Ban? | 21
One way to incentivize households to make more rational choices regarding
their consumption of material—including plastic shopping bags—and disposal
of waste is to charge for each unit of waste produced and offer a discount for
valuable recyclable material. Over the course of the past 30 years, many
municipalities in the U.S. have adopted “pay as you throw” schemes, usually
combined with unpriced curbside recycling programs. On average, households
in municipalities with such schemes produce less waste and recycle more
because of the scheme.
However, charging for the disposal of each bag of waste can also have perverse
effects, such as the tendency to compact trash prior to disposal rather than
reduce the amount actually produced. For example, when Charlottesville,
Virginia introduced per bag pricing for trash, the volume of trash disposed fell
by 37% but the weight fell by only 14%.
More important, however, is the
effect of unit pricing on littering and illicit burning: about half of that 14%
reduction in weight was a result of the otherwise well-heeled residents of
Charlottesville engaging in “midnight dumping.”
So, it is important to design
pay-as-you-throw schemes in such a way as to reduce these perverse incentives;
that likely means charging a fixed fee to cover fixed costs, a weight-based fee
for variable costs, and (possibly) a refund for high value recyclable material.
Assuming that the problems of charging for each pound of waste can be
overcome, such charging would seem to be an equitable means of incentivizing
consumers to use the number of plastic carrier bags that appropriately balances
costs and benefits.
2.4 Would Restrictions on HDPE Bags Reduce Our Impact on the
Global Climate?
Ross Mirkarimi and others who assert that reducing or eliminating HDPE bags
would help reduce global warming through reduced oil consumption are simply
wrong, but what of the claim that reducing plastic bag use would reduce
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions? This is a more complex question because it
depends very much on what consumers use instead of HDPE bags. The life
cycle analyses in the next section have sought to address this question by
analyzing how the use of different kinds of bags, at various reuse and recycling
rates, would impact GHG emissions.
22 | Reason Foundation
Part 3
Comparing the Impact of HDPE
Bags and Alternatives Using
Life Cycle Analysis
In Part 2, we discussed various claims that had been made regarding the impact
of plastic bags on the environment. We showed that the most emotive of these
claims—the impact of plastic bags on litter in general and the marine
environment in particular—lacked a sound empirical basis. Indeed, whereas
environmental pressure groups, the media and celebrities tend to focus on the
impact of discarded plastic bags, the evidence suggests that such concerns are
not well founded. A better way to evaluate the impact of plastic bags on the
environment is to look at the total impact of such bags—and alternatives—over
the course of their lifecycle.
3.1 Life Cycle Analysis
Life cycle analysis, or “LCA,” has its origins in a study by the Midwest
Research Institute, which was commissioned in 1969 by Harry Teasley, then
head of a production division at Coca Cola, to investigate the environmental
impact of various different kinds of beverage containers.
That LCA showed
there was no single ideal container but, rather, that the container with the lowest
environmental impact would depend on factors that varied both by location and
use, including: the number of times a glass bottle is reused; the proportion of
aluminum cans recycled (at the time extremely high recycling rates would have
been required); and the method of disposal (at the time, incineration of PVC
bottles would have led to relatively high levels of toxic emissions).
As the Coca Cola study demonstrates, LCAs typically must make a range of
assumptions regarding such things as which products are being compared, what
are the likely rates of reuse and recycling for each product, which processes are
used in collection and processing or repurposing, which environmental impacts
How Green Is that Grocery Bag Ban? | 23
should be assessed, and how to compare these (if at all). The Coca Cola study
also demonstrates that the answer to these questions likely varies over time:
since 1971, innovations have resulted in dramatic reductions in the amount of
material needed to make both plastic bottles and aluminum cans; meanwhile, the
amount of material required for a reusable glass bottle has changed relatively
little. As a result, over time, the rates of reuse of glass bottles necessary to make
them broadly equivalent in impact to single-use alternatives have increased.
LCA methodology has become somewhat more formalized over the past 40
years and currently most practitioners follow the guidelines recommended by
the International Organization for Standardization under ISO 14040:2006.
Under these guidelines, an LCA involves four main steps: (a) assessment of
goals and scope (this typically involves the identification of system boundaries
and other limitations—see below); (b) inventory analysis (i.e., the collection of
raw data on inputs and, where available, outputs); (c) impact assessment (i.e.,
the parsing of the raw data to produce consistent measures of impact across
product types); (d) interpretation (i.e., analysis of the various incommensurate
elements of the assessment matrix to offer insights and inputs into decision-
making processes).
3.2 LCAs of Grocery Bags
During the past 25 years, numerous LCAs of grocery bags have been undertaken
by research groups in the U.S. and other countries. In this section, we report on
the main LCAs that have been developed, namely those produced by:
! Franklin Associates (for the Council for Solid Waste Solutions, U.S.),
! Bousted Consulting and Associates (for the Progressive Bag Alliance,
! Nolan-ITU (two studies for Environment Australia),
! Ecobilan-PWC (for Carrefour, France), and
! Intertek (for the U.K. Environment Agency).
In addition to these primary LCAs, there are numerous literature reviews,
derivative and other (partial) synthesis reports, which have gathered information
from some of the more substantive LCAs and sought to represent it in various
ways. These include the Scottish Government LCA (which is based entirely on
the Ecobilan-PWC analysis),
the ULS Report (which synthesizes information
from several studies), and the Chico Research Foundation
(which combines
24 | Reason Foundation
some LCA data from the Bousted report with other data from a “streamlined”
LCA produced by RMIT for the Australian province of Victoria).
To avoid
duplication of research results, we do not include these studies here.
Which Bags to Compare?
The first question an LCA must address is which products are being compared.
In the case of grocery bags, the most common types are high-density
polyethylene (HDPE), low-density polyethylene (LDPE), non-woven
polypropylene (NWPP), and paper. Other, less common materials used to
manufacture bags that have been included in some LCAs are: biopolymer,
cotton, and jute. In addition, some stores do not offer any bags but permit
customers to (re)use boxes, which could in principle therefore also be
considered a comparator.
System Boundaries and Which Impacts to Include
The life of a product must start somewhere. Most LCAs chose to set the “cradle”
as the “material extraction stage.” (In principle, one could go back a stage
further and evaluate the impact of the process of manufacturing the equipment
used to extract the materials. Indeed, one could carry this on ad infinitum.
However, the relative impact of stages prior to material extraction is likely to be
diminishingly small.)
The boundary point for the end of a product’s life—its grave—is also potentially
ambiguous. Some LCAs assume that most bags are disposed of in an organized
manner and choose to end with the management of the bag as municipal waste
(e.g. through landfill, incineration, recycling or composting). Others seek to
quantify the extent and impact of disorganized end of life disposal, i.e., littering
and associated harm.
Having set the system boundaries, the LCA analyst must choose the specific
stages in the life cycle that will be assessed. For grocery bags, the stages
assessed typically are: raw materials extraction and production, bag production,
packaging, transport, use, and end of life.
The next task is to decide which environmental effects are worthy of
consideration and how these should be addressed. Broadly, there are three
categories of effects: resource consumption (including energy and water
consumption), emissions to water (and associated proxies for “pollution,” such
How Green Is that Grocery Bag Ban? | 25
as biological oxygen demand and/or chemical oxygen demand), and emissions
to the air. Again, there is no single “correct” way to account for these
environmental effects. A large part of the problem is that while there are semi-
objective measures for some environmental effects—such as the health impacts
that result from high concentrations of certain water and air contaminants—for
most effects there is no objective standard and, perhaps worse, no way of
comparing different effects.
In addition, once a choice has been made regarding what metrics to use (e.g.
emissions of sulfur dioxide, consumption of electricity), very often similar bags
manufactured at different plants will be associated with different levels of
resource consumption and emissions due to variations in manufacturing
processes as well as different transportation distances and methods. So, to the
extent that bags are produced at multiple plants in multiple locations, impact
estimates may not be generalizable from one seemingly identical bag to another.
Some attempts have been made to standardize the way in which LCAs measure
environmental impact. For example the Institute of Environmental Sciences at
the University of Leiden in the Netherlands (known as CML) has produced an
LCA handbook and related software that offers a methodology for
characterizing and evaluating the environmental impact of products at various
stages in their life cycle.
This methodology addresses some but not all of the
problems identified above. For example, it enables the LCA analyst to account
for variations in the receiving environment when addressing issues such as
eutrophication (i.e., the oversupply of fertilizing agents resulting in algal
blooms, which deplete water of oxygen necessary for fish and other species to
survive, and other problems) and toxicity (human and environmental).
However, such assessments remain crude and are unable to address many of the
subtle (and some not so subtle) differences in receiving environments.
3.3 Comparing the Impact of Bags on the Environment
As noted, several attempts have been made to compare the impact of different
types of bags using life cycle analysis. Here we report on the most important
primary LCAs so far released. Table 2 summarizes the various measures utilized
by the different LCAs and shows which types of bags were assessed.
26 | Reason Foundation
The following subsections discuss each of these measures and provide summary
data on the outputs for each measure. For clarity, we have rebased the analysis,
so that for each measure, the estimated effect of one bag of any type is given as
a multiple of the effect of one HDPE bag used once. Put another way, for each
measure (global warming potential, air pollution, water use, etc.), the effect of a
single use of an HDPE bag is given as 1.0 and the effect of a single use of one
bag of each other type is a multiple of that.
Global Warming Potential
This is a measure of the emissions of gases, such as carbon dioxide and
methane, thought to contribute to global warming by delaying the radiation of
heat emitted by the earth. It is measured in “CO
equivalents.” The equivalency
value used in most LCAs is one developed by the Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change.
It is worth noting that the science of global warming remains
in flux and there is some dispute over these equivalency values.
However, for
the purpose of the LCAs of paper bags it appears that the dominant gas under
investigation is carbon dioxide itself, so any “equivalency” or lack thereof with
methane, dinitrogen monoxide and other GHGs is probably not of great concern.
Table 2: LCAs of Grocery Bags
Types of bag
Effects assessed
air emissions
"material" consumed
energy consumed
solid waste generated
water consumed
greenhouse gas emissions
photochemical oxidation
freshwater ecotoxicity
marine ecotoxicity
human toxicity
How Green Is that Grocery Bag Ban? | 27
Table 3: Global Warming Potential of Various Bags Relative to HDPE
Nolan-ITU 2002
Nolan ITU 2003
Bag type
Source: various LCAs cited in this report, adapted by authors (calculations available
upon request).
As can be seen, the various LCAs resulted in sometimes dramatically different
estimates of GHG emissions for the same type of bag. These reflect differences
in assumed production and transportation factors that are location-specific (i.e.,
the kinds of input used to produce the bags, whether bags are produced
domestically or imported, etc.). In the original reports, authors also made
assumptions about reuse rates;
for the purposes of comparability, we have
calculated the effects for a single use of each bag. As noted above, this enables
us to see how many times a particular type of bag would actually have to be
reused in order to have a comparable impact to an HDPE bag used once and
then discarded. However, since a large proportion of people actually reuse their
HDPE bags, the comparable rate would be higher.
On the basis of this analysis, it is not possible to say conclusively which type of
bag will result in the least emissions of greenhouse gases. To a significant
degree, it depends on where the user lives and the ways in which he or she uses
the bags. For individuals living in the U.K. who fastidiously care for their
NWPP bags, so that they last for at least ten uses, perhaps they will achieve a
global warming potential equivalent to using an HDPE bag once. But for those
who tend to use their HDPE bags as trash bags it might be necessary to get 15 or
more uses from a NWPP bag before achieving the same global warming
For people living in France who are able to eke out three or more uses from an
LDPE bag and don’t currently reuse their HDPE bags, the Ecobilan-PWC
analysis suggests that might be the bag with the lowest global warming
potential. But for those who do reuse their HDPE bags, it might be necessary to
get five or more uses from the LDPE bag in order to achieve fewer GHG
emissions than the HDPE bags.
For those living in Australia, biodegradable bags made from starch-polybutylene
succinate adipate might be the option that results in the fewest GHG emissions,
28 | Reason Foundation
on the basis of Nolan-ITU’s 2003 study. But those who tend to reuse plastic
bags for garbage might do better to stick with HDPE; first, because one
wouldn’t want the bag biodegrading before it is time to throw it out; second,
because by reusing the HDPE bag, most if not all the difference in global
warming potential between the bags will be mitigated.
For those who live in the U.S., the impact of NWPP bags might be assumed to
be similar to that estimated by Nolan-ITU—since the relatively heavy bags are
imported from China and thus, as with that study, will have high emissions
associated with transportation. Meanwhile, if the Bousted analysis is correct,
degradable bags are associated with considerably higher emissions than HDPE.
So, it seems likely that the HDPE bag will have the least global warming
potential under most circumstances, especially since 65% of Americans reuse
their HDPE bags for garbage.
Air Pollution
Three of the LCAs (Franklin Associates, Bousted and Ecobilan-PWC) included
measures of air pollution. Franklin Associates used a simple measure (weight of
emissions in pounds). Bousted included a measure of “acidification” or “acid
rain” (i.e., emissions of nitrogen and sulfur oxides), while Ecobilan-PWC and
Intertek included both broader measures of acidification (including not only
sulfur dioxide (SO
) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) but also hydrochloric acid
(HCL) and ammonia (NH
) and “photochemical oxidation” (chemicals such
as dinitrogen monoxide (N
0) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that can
result in ozone-generating photochemical smog). While Franklin’s measure is
simple and readily comparable, it offers no insight into the actual impact of the
emissions. The other measures seek to relate emissions to impacts, however
modelling limitations make it extremely difficult to draw firm conclusions
regarding the actual effects of specific emissions and hence the validity of the
assessments. The impact of nitrogen emissions, for example, is not readily
equivalent to the impact of sulfur emissions, so Bousted’s separation of these
items is in some respects more useful than Ecobilan-PWC and Intertek’s
aggregate “acidification” measure.
Moreover, the impact of these emissions is extremely complex and varies with
the receiving ecosystem; it also varies non-linearly in response to the quantity of
emissions and the presence of other emissions (in some cases, for example,
emissions of nitrogen oxides may enhance growth of certain plant species; in
others, they have the opposite effect).
How Green Is that Grocery Bag Ban? | 29
As can be seen in Table 4, regardless of the LCA, a single paper or NWPP bag
causes far greater emissions of most pollutants over their life cycle than an
HDPE bag. But as with estimates of global warming potential, the LCAs vary
considerably in their estimates, even when measuring the same phenomenon.
For example, the Ecobilan-PWC LCA finds that a paper bag generates 1.9 times
as much “acid rain” generating chemicals as an HDPE bag, while Intertek finds
that a paper bag generates 2.8 times as much “acid rain,” and Bousted finds that
a paper bag produces 3.9 times as much nitrogen oxides and 7.6 times as much
sulfur dioxide as an HDPE bag.
Table 4: Air Pollution Due to Various Bags Relative to HDPE
Ecobilan PWC
"acid rain"
"acid rain"
Bag type
Source: various LCAs cited in this report, adapted by authors (calculations available
upon request).
Abiotic Depletion and Consumption of Non-Renewable Energy Resources
Abiotic depletion refers to the removal of non-living resources, including oil,
gas, coal, clay and peat from the earth. The measure used is “kilograms of
Antimony (Sb) equivalents.” Critics have noted serious technical issues with the
definition of the problem allegedly being addressed by this measure; for
example, whether the problem is seen as scarcity, mining cost, or the
environmental impact of mining will significantly affect the equivalency value,
as will the discount rate chosen.
Beyond these technical issues, such a
measure presents two more fundamental challenges. First, it presumes different
resources are substitutes for one another, which in most cases is obviously false
(clay and peat are not substitutes for most applications, nor are coal and gold).
Second, the availability and demand for particular resources are constantly
changing as new sources are being discovered and new uses invented, so even
for resources that are substitutes, the equivalency value will be constantly
changing. Finally, the idea of “abiotic depletion” ignores the benefits that accrue
through the use of the world’s abiotic resources, which includes the facilitation
of research and development of new resources, as well as technologies that
enable us to use existing resources more efficiently. As an illustration, consider
30 | Reason Foundation
that during the 19
century, whale oil was widely used for illumination and
lubrication. Demand for the oil drove increases in the capture of whales. But
whales grow slowly and by the mid-19
century stocks were falling, driving up
prices. In response, entrepreneurs looked for alternatives. Various technologies
were developed, beginning with the use of gasified coal for street lights. But
such gas was not easily portable, nor could it be used as a lubricant, so demand
for whale oil continued to increase until the invention of processes to refine oil
were developed in the mid-19
century. By the end of the 19
century, abiotic
minerals (coal and crude oil) had replaced biotic resources (whales) as the
primary sources of light and lubrication, thereby reducing pressure on those
biotic resources, which might otherwise have been driven to extinction.
Perhaps in part due to its controversial nature, only two of the LCAs (Nolan-ITU
2003 and Intertek) measured “abiotic depletion.” We have decided also to avoid
the measure, providing instead—in Table 5—only estimates of consumption of
non-renewable energy resources, for which there are existing, well-established,
objective and relatively stable equivalency values (based on the energy content
of the resource, whether represented in Joules, calories, British Thermal Units,
or some proxy such as gallons of oil equivalent). As with the other tables, all
measures are relative, so for example, the Nolan-ITU 2002 LCA implies that
one NWPP bag requires 22.9 times as much energy as one HDPE bag.
Table 5: Consumption of Non-Renewable Energy Resources of Various Bags Relative to HDPE
Franklin Associates
Nolan-ITU 2002
Bag type
Source: various LCAs cited in this report, adapted by authors (calculations available
upon request)
Solid Waste Generated
Three of the LCAs (Franklin Associates, Bousted, Ecobilan-PWC) included
analysis of the solid waste generated during the life cycles of the bags evaluated.
The common metric used was weight. The other LCAs typically included the
impact of solid waste generated into other measures (abiotic depletion, air
emissions, etc.). Since the generation of solid waste is not necessarily a concern
in and of itself, it arguably makes more sense simply to include associated
emissions elsewhere (as the LCAs presumably do). Most likely the LCAs that
accounted for solid waste generation as a separate line item were responding to
How Green Is that Grocery Bag Ban? | 31
the perception that solid waste is somehow a distinct problem—a perception that
has been fostered by decades of campaigning by activist groups.
Table 6: Solid Waste Generated by Various Bags Relative to HDPE
Franklin Associates
Bag type
Source: various LCAs cited in this report, adapted by authors (calculations available
upon request)
Litter Generated
Given the paucity of well-designed surveys of litter composition (see Part 2), the
inclusion of “litter” as a category in LCAs poses significant challenges. None of
the LCAs actually attempted anything close to a systematic assessment of the
amount of litter likely to be generated by each bag type, or its impact; relying
instead on vague claims. Nolan-ITU 2002 is particularly egregious in this
respect, since it was the source of the mistaken assertion that plastic bag litter
results in 100,000 marine animal deaths per year. Nolan-ITU 2002 also simply
assumes that 0.5% of all bags will become litter. Because of the lack of
systematic empirical analysis underpinning this measure, we have not attempted
to provide a comparison table.
Much like the measure of solid waste generated, the attempt to measure “litter”
from bags is most likely a response to the public perception of problems related
to grocery bags, which, as noted in Part 2, has been driven by campaigns run by
environmental pressure groups.
Water Consumption
Two of the LCAs (Bousted, Ecobilan-PWC) explicitly measured the water
consumed over the life cycle of the bags they compared. A possible rationale for
including such an assessment is that although water is not a globally scarce
in some places it is less readily available than in others.
Everywhere, the production and delivery of water consume resources (energy
and other resources are required to process and transport water). Meanwhile,
clean water used for producing (or, in the case of reusable bags, cleaning) carrier
bags is not immediately available for other purposes.
32 | Reason Foundation
These assessments are summarized in Table 7 below. Both Bousted and
Ecobilan-PWC estimated that paper and biodegradable bags would consume
more water than HDPE bags. However, the disparity in volumes of water
consumed in each case is remarkable; Ecobilan-PWC estimates that one paper
bag consumes 3.3 times as much water as an HDPE bag, while Bousted
estimates that one paper bag consumers 25.1 times as much water as one HDPE
Table 7: Water Consumption During Life Cycle of Various Bags Relative to HDPE
Bag type
Source: various LCAs cited in this report, adapted by authors (calculations available
upon request)
Water Pollution
All the LCAs except Nolan-ITU 2002 sought to measure the impact of carrier
bags on water pollution. Franklin Associates used a very simple measure
(pounds of emissions per 1,000 uses). Bousted used several potential measures;
we chose their estimate of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), which is
considered a standard metric of water quality.
The other LCAs all used
eutrophication; Intertek also used ecotoxicity.
In the widely used University of Leiden Institute for Environmental Sciences
model LCA, toxicity (ecological and human) is measured in terms of
“dichlorobenzene equivalents.” While such a common metric has the advantage
of comparability, it is based on two presumptions of questionable validity. First,
it presumes that it is possible to establish an equivalency between potential
toxins with fundamentally different characteristics. In reality, it is difficult, if not
impossible, to establish equivalency between potential toxins that have
fundamentally different characteristics; for example, metals (such as arsenic)
and organic molecules (such as benzene) vary significantly in their rate of
Second, it presumes that toxicity is always linear, independent
and has no threshold effects. In most cases, however, the opposite is true:
toxicity tends to be non-linear, interactive and have threshold effects.
To take
an extreme example: small amounts of vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid) play an
important role in human defenses, preventing scurvy and generally supporting
How Green Is that Grocery Bag Ban? | 33
our immune system; in some cases, relatively large doses may be beneficial,
possibly assisting in the destruction of cancerous tumors; however, in other
cases, vitamin C may interact adversely with cancer therapy, resulting in more
rapid tumor growth.
Table 8 shows the estimates of the relative amounts of different types of water
“pollution” resulting from one bag of each type. For example, the Bousted LCA
implies that one paper bag results in 137.6 times as much biological oxygen
demand as one HDPE bag. Meanwhile, the Ecobilan-PWC LCA implies that
one paper bag causes 14 times as much eutrophication as one HDPE bag.
Table 8: Water Pollution of Various Bags Relative to HDPE
Bag type
Source: various LCAs cited in this report, adapted by authors (calculations available
upon request)
* “pounds” is obviously not a measure of anything other than weight of material
generated. As such, it is not really a measure of pollutionbut it is what Franklin
Associates provides.
Human Toxicity
Intertek also measured “human toxicity” of the bags over the course of the life
cycle. This does not mean that the bags are toxic to the consumer! It means that
some of the chemicals released during the various stages in the life cycle of
production, transportation and disposal might be toxic to humans. As with the
other toxicity estimates, these were derived by parsing the respective life cycle
inventories through the CML model.
The same criticisms as for other types of
toxicity described above apply. On this measure, paper and cloth bags come off
particularly poorly, with cloth bags resulting in over 250 times as much human
toxins as an HDPE bag.
34 | Reason Foundation
Table 9: Human Toxicity of Various Bags Relative to HDPE According to Intertek LCA
Bag type
Human Toxicity
Source: various LCAs cited in this report, adapted by authors (calculations available
upon request)
3.4 Comparing the Bags on the Basis of the LCAs
As previously noted, in the above analysis, we have sought to make comparable
the various estimates of the environmental impact of each type of bag. We did
this by estimating the impact of a single bag of each type (for which assessments
were available) relative to the impact of a single HDPE bag.
For most environmental concerns addressed, the single HDPE bag was
estimated to have a lower impact than other single bags. The only exceptions
were: first, in the case of emissions related to photochemical smog, which
Interek assessed to be lower for LDPE bags; and second for global warming
potential, which both Intertek and Nolan-ITU assessed to be lower for
biodegradable bags. However, other assessments of the global warming
potential of biodegradable bags found them to be significantly higher than
HDPE bags. Part of the difference likely comes from differences in the type of
bag being assessed, while part likely comes from differences in estimates of the
impact of growing the feedstock for the biodegradable bag (Nolan presumably
assumed significantly lower impacts from agriculture than Bousted, for
example). Also note that an almost identical LCA, also produced by Nolan-ITU
in 2003 for the Australian government, found that the same biopolymers had
higher global warming potentials—with the lowest being almost identical to that
of HDPE.
These tables also enable us in principle to evaluate the impact of bags subjected
to different reuse rates. So, for example, if our primary concern is a bag’s global
warming potential, we can see that we would need to reuse a NWPP bag
between 10 and 42 times in order to bring our impact down to the level of an
HDPE bag used once. Meanwhile, if we tend to reuse our HDPE bags for trash
or other purposes, the comparable reuse rates would likely be somewhere
between 20 and 84 times. The situation is better for LDPE bags; these would
How Green Is that Grocery Bag Ban? | 35
require only three to six reuses in order to be comparable with HDPE bags. But
LDPE bags are also less robust than bags made from NWPP, which is why
Nolan-ITU assumes reuse rates of 10–12 times. Nonetheless, if one can achieve
the implied reuse rates—either with NWPP or with LDPE—in principle one
might reduce the amount of global warming associated with one’s shopping.
But to put this in context, it is worth comparing the effect of transitioning to
reusable bags with other actions that impact the environment. So, suppose one
were to use the bag with the lowest global warming potential of all bags
assessed in all the LCAs considered herein when reused the number of times
assumed in the LCA. That would be the woven polyethylene bag used 104 times
(that bag type was not included in the above tables because among the LCAs it
was evaluated only by Nolan-ITU). How much of a reduction in global warming
potential would one have? Nolan-ITU estimates the annual global warming
potential of shopping all year using conventional HDPE bags at 6.08 kg of CO
equivalent. Meanwhile, shopping all year with woven HDPE bags emits 0.628
kg—a saving of 5.752 kg. If you drive a car whose average fuel consumption is
25 miles per gallon, you will be emitting about 350g of carbon dioxide per
So, a consumer who travels five miles each way to the supermarket will
emit approximately 0.35 x 5 x 2 = 3.5 kg of carbon dioxide per trip. In two
shopping trips such a consumer will emit more carbon dioxide (7kg) than he
would save over an entire year by switching from HDPE bags to reusable bags,
using the most optimistic assumptions.
36 | Reason Foundation
Part 4
Evaluating the Impact of Plastic
Bag Regulations
This section considers the impact of taxes, fees and bans on shopping bags. It
begins by assessing the impact of taxes and fees on bag use. It then does the
same for bag bans. Following these largely descriptive sections, an attempt is
made to assess the benefits and costs of these bans, taxes and fees.
4.1 The Impact of Bag Taxes and Fees on Bag Use
Denmark: In 1994, the Danish government introduced a charge by weight on
paper and plastic bags. In a 2007 study of bag taxes and mandatory fees
commissioned by the government of Hong Kong, consulting firm GHK found
that the tax did reduce bag use by about 60%, but that usage has increased since.
GHK also found that retailers had passed on this charge to consumers “often at a
rate in excess of the tax.”
Taiwan: In 2002, Taiwan’s government introduced a requirement that retailers
charge a fee for plastic bags at a rate chosen by the retailer. It also introduced a
ban on thin plastic bags. GHK found that the measure resulted in consumers
switching from plastic to paper and also to thicker plastic bags. GHK also notes
that the ban resulted in “Very significant inspection/enforcement costs” and that
the government of Taiwan had “Recently exempted restaurants/take-aways due
to compliance problems.”
Ireland: Also in 2002, Ireland’s government introduced a 0.15 (approx. $0.20)
tax on plastic grocery bags. Initially, this resulted in a dramatic (some estimates
suggest 94%) reduction in the use of plastic grocery bags.
But use
subsequently rose and by 2007 was about 70% below pre-tax levels. GHK notes
that there has been “substantial increase in prepackaging of fresh foods and
switching to paper shopping bags [and a] 77% increase in bin liners.” Tesco
reported that purchases of HDPE bin liners, i.e., garbage bags, had increased by
How Green Is that Grocery Bag Ban? | 37
80%; meanwhile SuperQuinn reported that purchases of diaper sacks had risen
by 84%. These changes reflect the fact that previously consumers were reusing
HDPE bags for trash. Meanwhile, an analysis of imports into Ireland of “sacks
and bags of polymer ethylene” shows that while the bag tax did result in an
initial reduction, by 2007 consumption of polyethylene bags was higher than
before the tax.
Prior to the tax, 79% of HDPE bags were imported into
Ireland. Although one of the domestic producers went out of business following
the introduction of the tax, it seems plausible that the net consumption of
polyethylene bags five years after the bag tax was similar to pre-tax levels. In
response to the rebound in use of plastic bags, the Irish government increased
the tax to 0.22 in 2007.
Washington, DC: Under the auspices of the Anacostia River Clean-Up and
Protection Act of 2009, Washington, D.C.’s Council introduced a five-cent tax
on paper and plastic grocery bags, four cents of which was dedicated to a fund to
clean up the Anacostia River; the other cent would be kept by retailers. The tax
took effect on January 1, 2010. On the basis of tax receipts, the D.C. Office of
Chief Financial Officer estimated that the tax reduced grocery bag consumption
by 80% between 2009 and 2010.
A study by the Beacon Hill Institute
concluded that this estimate was too high because it failed to account for non-
compliance by retailers, suggesting that a more realistic estimate would be
In an analysis for the National Center for Policy Analysis, Sterling
Burnett argues that even this figure is too high, noting that during the first two
years of operation of the tax, more than half of retail establishments inspected
were in violation, i.e., not charging the tax.
Moreover, the Beacon Hill
Institute suggests—on the basis of experience elsewhere—that use of grocery
bags is likely to rise by 57% between 2011 and 2016.
From this brief survey of the available evidence,
it is clear that the impact that
fees and taxes have on which bags shoppers choose and the quantities in which
they use them is contingent on the size of the tax or fee (higher taxes/fees have a
larger impact), the degree of uptake (in locations where more store owners
refuse to comply, the impact is reduced), and the differential, if any, between
fees on different types of bag (when the fees on paper bags are significantly
lower, consumers typically switch to paper).
38 | Reason Foundation
4.2 The Impact of Plastic Bag Bans on Bag Use
San Francisco, California
In 2007, San Francisco City Council banned the distribution of plastic shopping
bags by retailers with gross annual sales of $2 million or more and required
them to charge $0.10 for each “allowed checkout bag” (i.e., compostable bags,
paper bags with a minimum 40% post-consumer recycled content, or bags
designed for a minimum of 125 reuses).
From October 1, 2012, the plastic bag
ban and other bag fee applied to all retailers and from October 1, 2013 to all
food establishments.
Prior to the ban, residents of San Francisco were
estimated to be using between 180 million
and 200 million
plastic bags per
year. If the ban is being rigorously enforced, that means the number of such bags
(which are, presumably, nearly all HDPE) should have declined by at least 180
In 2011 (prior to the expansion of the ban and the introduction of the fee), San
Francisco’s Office of the Controller estimated the number of paper and
compostable bags distributed at 208 million.
After the introduction of the
$0.10 charge, it expected this number to fall to 107 million.
At the same time,
it estimated that the number of reusable bags would rise from near zero to 3.3
million per year. Unfortunately, there are no reliable estimates of the actual rates
of use of different types of bag, so we cannot compare these expected effects
with outcomes.
San Jose, California
On December 14, 2010, San Jose City Council adopted an ordinance banning
the distribution of plastic bags by all retailers except restaurants and nonprofit
“reusers” with effect from January 1, 2012. Retailers may distribute paper bags
but such bags must contain a minimum of 40% recycled content and they must
charge at least $0.10 per bag.
(San Jose intended to increase the charge to
$0.25 in 2014, but the Council amended the ordinance to keep the charge to
$0.10 in October 2013.
An analysis by ICLEI found that the San Jose ordinance, which prior to the ban
was consuming 500 million plastic bags, would reduce the amount of waste
produced by 1,140 tons.
However, there do not appear to be any reliable
estimates of the actual impact on waste generated.
How Green Is that Grocery Bag Ban? | 39
Los Angeles County, California
In 2010, L.A. County unincorporated passed an ordinance banning the
distribution of plastic bags and requiring stores to charge $0.10 for each paper
bag; the ordinance applied initially to stores with annual sales of over $2
million, with effect from July 1, 2011, and to smaller stores with effect from
July 1, 2012.
The environmental impact report prepared for L.A. County in relation to the
ordinance to ban plastic carryout bags asserts that “According to research
conducted by the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works
(LACDPW), approximately six billion plastic carryout bags are consumed in the
County each year, which is equivalent to approximately 1,600 bags per
household per year.”
In support of this assertion it cites (at footnote 6)
“California Integrated Waste Management Board. 12 June 2007. Board Meeting
Agenda, Resolution: Agenda Item 14. Sacramento, CA.” However, that Agenda
item contains no mention of the number of plastic bags used by L.A. County
residents. During an earlier agenda item (#13), Melissa Vargas asserted, “Each
year, an estimated 500 billion to one trillion plastic bags are used worldwide …
of which billions of bags end up as litter each year causing impact to the marine
Ms. Vargas provides no source for her estimates or claims. But
if it is true that a trillion bags are used worldwide, then it would be surprising if
six billion of those, or more than half of 1% of the total were used in Los
Angeles. Likewise, it would be surprising if households in L.A. were indeed
using more than 30 plastic bags per week. Not worrying; just surprising: it
implies some serious shopping.
Suppose that the manufactured number of six billion bags per year were accurate
for the whole of L.A. County, with a population in all of its incorporated cities
and unincorporated regions of around 10 million.
Meanwhile, the population
of the unincorporated part of Los Angeles County is estimated at about 1.1
So, assuming bag use is evenly distributed throughout the county, the
annual use of bags in unincorporated Los Angeles County would be 550 million.
Initially, reported use of paper bags by shoppers in unincorporated Los Angeles
County fell from 196,106 in 2009 to an annualized rate of 127,126 in the third
quarter of 2012.
Presumably, this reflects a combination of various factors
including sudden sticker shock at having to pay $0.10 for a paper bag that was
previously free, an initial resolve by shoppers to use reusable bags, and shoppers
switching to shops outside the ban area. However, during the first two quarters
of 2013, paper bag use had jumped to an annualized rate of over 170,000.
40 | Reason Foundation
A survey in 2012 found that sales at retailers in unincorporated Los Angeles
County fell by approximately 5.6% following the ban,
suggesting that many
shoppers previously using those retailers were choosing to shop in stores outside
the ban area—and presumably would still be using the same number of bags
(paper and/or plastic) and driving farther to make their grocery purchases. That
would mean about 3.1 million plastic bags still being used annually and the total
annualized number of paper bags at the end of 2013 being approximately
180,000. At the same time, consumers would be expected to be purchasing
additional trash can liners to replace the plastic shopping bags they were
previously using.
In each of these Californian cities, prohibitions on the use of plastic bags
presumably reduced the use of HDPE plastic shopping bags. However, where
bans have not been accompanied by associated restrictions on the use of other
types of bag, there has often been a significant substitution effect, with
consumers typically switching to paper bags. Where taxes or fees have also been
applied to paper and other shopping bags, consumers have typically reduced
their use of such bags in favor of bags not subject to the restriction (which
typically are heavier duty NWPP or cloth bags), as well as purchasing plastic
(LDPE) bin liners.
4.3 Do Plastic Bag Bans, Taxes and Fees Benefit the
The primary stated objective of the restrictions on plastic bags that have been
introduced around the country is to reduce the impact on the environment. As
noted in Part 3, few alternative bags actually achieve much in the way of
environmental improvements. Only reusable bags are in principle capable of
achieving any overall improvements, and then the improvements are very
modest and require reuse rates that most people don’t seem to achieve.
(Biodegradable bags might achieve very modest improvements on some
measures, if the plastic bags they were replacing were only used once then
discarded, but would have a retrograde effect in other areas). Moreover, some
alternatives, especially paper bags, have significantly greater impacts on the
environment in most categories. The following analysis uses the LCAs
discussed in Part 3, combined with the surveys of use rates of different types of
bags, which are given in table 10, to assess the relative impact of different types
of bags.
How Green Is that Grocery Bag Ban? | 41
Table 10: Actual Use Rates of Various Bag Types
Bag type
Actual use rates
Sources: Surveys by Edelman-Berland
and APCO
Impact on Consumption of Non-Renewable Resources
Figure 7 shows the relative amounts of non-renewable energy that would be
consumed as a result of an average consumer exclusively using each of the bag
types (HDPE, LDPE, NWPP and paper). It is clear that using HDPE bags
exclusively would result in the consumption of far fewer non-renewable energy
resources than if one of the alternative bag types were used. Any policy
restricting the use of HDPE plastic bags would thus increase the total amount of
non-renewable energy associated with shopping bag use.
Source: authors’ calculations
Impact on Water Consumption
Unfortunately, as noted in Part 3, only two of the full LCAs calculated water
consumption and neither included estimates for NWPP bags. Moreover, neither
LCA included water consumed during the washing of reusable bags.
Fortunately, however, we were able to use other estimates to infer water usage
Figure 7: Consumption of Non-Renewble Energy by Various
Bags Relative to HDPE
42 | Reason Foundation
for NWPP bags and to estimate usage for washing of both NWPP and LDPE
bags. Specifically, we relied upon an analysis by the Chico Research Foundation
to make inferences regarding the water used during the “cradle to gate” stages of
NWPP bags, namely that NWPP bags would consume approximately twice the
amount of water during these stages as LDPE bags.
We also used the Chico
Research Foundation’s evaluation of the per-wash consumption of water for
LDPE bags (0.5 gallons per hand wash) and NWPP bags (2 gallons per machine
Making the same assumptions as above regarding the number of reuses of each
bag type, we calculated the relative amounts of water consumed by each bag
These are given in Figure 8. The conclusion is clear: HDPE bags use far
less water than other bag types. Compared with using only HDPE bags, a
consumer who used only paper bags would result in the use of at least five times
as much water, while using only LDPE bags would require about 10 times as
much water, and using only NWPP would require about 40 times as much water.
So, any policy restricting the use of HDPE plastic bags would cause a significant
increase in the use of water. Moreover, if the policy results in a significant
switch to reusable bags, that increase in water use will occur primarily in the
vicinity of the ban location.
Source: authors’ calculations
Figure 8: Water Consumption of Various Bags Relative to
How Green Is that Grocery Bag Ban? | 43
Impact on Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Figure 9 shows the greenhouse gas emissions of the various shopping bags when
used at the rates found in the surveys. It is immediately apparent that paper bags
are responsible for considerably higher levels of GHG emissions. Meanwhile,
the emissions of LDPE and NWPP bags vary considerably depending on the
particular LCA chosen. But even the lowest emissions for LDPE and NWPP are
slightly higher than the emissions for HDPE. But remember that the LCAs did
not take into account washing of the reusable bags. If people use warm water to
hand wash their bags, or if they use a washing machine for their NWPP bags,
then the GHG emissions would rise significantly.
Source: authors’ calculations
From these assessments, it seems clear that for the main environmental effects
of concern—i.e. non-renewable energy consumption, water consumption and
greenhouse gas emissions—HDPE plastic bags are superior to the alternative
options currently available.
Figure 9: Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Alternative
Shopping Bags Relative to HDPE
Intertek Nolan-ITU 2002 Nolan-ITU 2003 Ecobilan-PWC
44 | Reason Foundation
4.4 The Environmental Impact of Plastic Bag Bans in Practice
So, what has been the environmental effect of bans in practice? In principle, San
Francisco would seem to be an ideal case study. Unfortunately, in spite of the
ban on plastic bags in that city having been in place for nearly seven years, there
appear to be no studies that have actually assessed the environmental impact of
the ban. The one partial exception is the series of litter audits undertaken in San
Francisco in 2007, 2008 and 2009, which are discussed below.
In the absence of other hard data, we have used projections made by San
Francisco’s Office of the Comptroller.
As noted above, bag taxes, fees and
bans tend to reduce the number of shopping bags that are specifically subject to
the restriction, while they increase the number of other bags used. So, for
example, when (HDPE) plastic bags are banned, they are usually replaced by
some combination of paper bags, reusable (NWPP) plastic bags, and (LDPE)
plastic garbage bags. Using the impact analysis undertaken by San Francisco
Office of the Controller, we developed two scenarios:
1. Based on the “most likely scenario” employed by the Controller, the first
assumes NWPP bags are reused 50 times and one LDPE garbage bag is used for
every 10 HDPE shopping bags not used.
2. NWPP bags are reused 14 times (which is the use rate employed by the UK
government’s LCA undertaken by Intertek and is almost identical to the use rate
estimated in a recent survey conducted by Edelman Berland)
and that one
LDPE bin liner is used for every four HDPE bags not used (which is the figure
used in the “high impact” scenario by the Controller).
The number of bags of each type used per year (in millions) under each scenario
is given in Table 11.
Table 11: Number of Bags (in millions) of Different Types Used in San Francisco Post-Ban
Scenario 1
Scenario 2
HDPE bags
LDPE trash bag
NWPP bags
Paper bags
Source: authors’ calculations based on data from SF Office of the Controller.
Detailed calculations are available upon request.
Using these assumptions, we applied the estimates generated by several of the
LCAs discussed in Part 3 in order to calculate the impact of the ordinance on
How Green Is that Grocery Bag Ban? | 45
global warming potential, air pollution and water consumption. The results of
this analysis are given below.
Global Warming Potential
Under scenario 1, the global warming potential of San Francisco’s shopping
bags might have fallen by as much as 28% (based on the Intertek LCA) but it
might have risen by about 3% (based on Nolan’s 2002 LCA). Under scenario 2,
however, the global warming potential of San Francisco’s bags rose regardless
of which LCA was used; at the low end, it rose by 9% (based on the Intertek
LCA) and at the high end it more than doubled (rising by 110% based on
Nolan’s 2002 LCA).
Air Pollution
The San Francisco ordinance is estimated to result in a change in emissions of
smog-inducing chemicals ranging from a reduction of 43% (scenario 1 applying
the Intertek LCA) to an increase of 118% or more (scenario 2 applying the
Ecobilan-PWC LCA
Water Consumption
None of the LCAs estimated water consumption for NWPP. This is problematic
because health experts strongly recommend that consumers clean reusable bags
between shopping trips in order to avoid contaminating food with harmful
bacteria. Since such washing is likely to consume considerable amounts of
water, the impact on water consumption of increased NWPP bag use is likely to
be significant. (In his assessment of the impact of different bags, engineer
Joseph Greene assumes that a consumer who exclusively uses NWPP shopping
bags might wash 20% of their bags each week. Using this assumption, Greene
then estimates that the water consumption of such bags if reused 52 times over
the course of a year would be equivalent to about four times the water consumed
by 1,500 HDPE plastic bags.
) However, it is still possible to estimate the
maximum reduction in water consumption (since leaving NWPP bags out of the
equation entirely inevitably results in lower water consumption post-ban).
So, without considering the impact of increased use of NWPP bags, the plastic
bag ban results in a reduction in water use of between 50% (Bousted) and 55%
(Ecobilan-PWC). If the impact of increased NWPP use were included, the actual
46 | Reason Foundation
reduction is likely to be significantly less—so much so that it is possible overall
water use could increase.
Water Pollution
Under all scenarios and all LCAs, the impact of the ban on plastic bags on water
pollution is relatively small. Applying the Bousted LCA, it is possible only to
evaluate the effect resulting from reduced paper bag use, since Bousted did not
assess the impact of LDPE or NWPP bags. But because paper bags have a
relatively large biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) in the Bousted LCA, the
approximately 10% reduction in paper bag use leads to a similar (10%)
reduction in total BOD. The estimates for the impact on eutrophication range
from a reduction of 23% (using Nolan’s 2003 LCA) to an increase of about
6.5% (scenario 2 under both the Intertek LCA and the Ecobilan-PWC LCA).
Impact on Litter
While there is very little data on the broad impact of the San Francisco ban,
there is some data on the impact on litter. San Francisco City Council
commissioned a series of litter “audits” in 2007, 2008 and 2009.
These audits
detail the amount and types of litter at over 100 sites around the city.
As can
be seen in Table 12, the proportion of litter from plastic retail bags appears to
have increased after the implementation of the ban on distribution of plastic bags
at large retail stores took effect, while the proportion of paper retail bags appears
to have remained constant. One possible explanation for this is that the plastic
retail bags that were being littered did not come from large retail stores, so when
the plastic bag ban came into effect, some consumers switched to making a
larger number of small purchases at smaller retailers—and some larger
proportion of those bags then entered the litter stream. (Another explanation is
that the audits were not well conducted.)
Table 12: Litter from Retail Paper and Plastic Bags
Plastic retail bags
Paper retail bags
Source: The City of San Francisco Streets Litter Re-Audit, 2009
Unfortunately, we don’t even have survey data for litter after 2009, so cannot
say what happened when the ban was applied to smaller retailers and
How Green Is that Grocery Bag Ban? | 47
restaurants. Presumably, litter from both plastic and paper will have declined in
similar proportion to the decline in use of the bags (i.e., plastic bag litter should
have fallen almost to zero while paper bag litter might have declined by 8–10%).
In other words, the number of large litter items might have fallen by 0.5 to 1.0%.
Impact of an Alternative Policy
Given the strong possibility that the current plastic bag ban in San Francisco has
had the opposite effect to that intended—at least with regard to global warming
potential, air and water pollution—it is worth considering whether there are
alternatives that might be more effective. One such alternative is suggested by
the significant role of reducing paper bags in estimates of the environmental
effects of the current ban and tax regime, namely: ban paper bags. Using the
same framework as above, if the city of San Francisco had banned paper bags
instead of plastic bags:
! Greenhouse gas emissions from carrier bags would have fallen by
between 35 and 56%.
! Emissions of smog-inducing chemicals would also fall under a paper bag
ban, regardless of which LCA were deemed appropriate and would range
from an 8% reduction (Ecobilan-PWC) to a 39% reduction (Intertek).
! Water use would have fallen by between 50% (Ecobilan-PWC) and 96%
(Bousted). (The dramatic reduction estimated by Bousted is a
consequence of the very large amounts of water presumed to be used in
the manufacture of paper bags in that LCA.)
The relative impact of banning plastic and banning paper is summarized in
Table 13. Overall, when considering the impact on emissions of greenhouse
gases, photochemical smog-inducing emissions and water use, a ban on paper
bags seems superior to a ban on plastic bags in San Francisco. Given the scale of
these effects, it seems probable that the same would apply in other cities and
towns in California and across the U.S.
Table 13: Estimated Impact of Bans on Plastic and Paper in San Francisco
Ban plastic
Ban paper
Global warming potential
-28% to + 110%
-56% to -32%
Air pollution (smog)
-43% to +118%
-39% to -9%
Water use
-30% to -10%*
-49% to -96%
Water pollution
-23% to +6%
-98% to -60%
Source: authors’ calculations (details available on request)
*Note: does not include impact of additional NWPP bags.
48 | Reason Foundation
4.5 Do Plastic Bag Bans, Regulations and Taxes Save Taxpayers
In addition to the intended direct impact on the environment of reducing the use
of plastic bags, another touted aim is to reduce expenditures on waste disposal
and litter cleanup, thereby saving taxpayers money. In a recent study, Sterling
Burnett assessed the budgetary impact of plastic bag bans in three Californian
The analysis below draws heavily on Burnett’s assessment.
San Francisco
Prior to the 2007 ban, City Supervisor Ross Mirkarimi claimed that disposing of
and cleaning up plastic bags cost San Franciscans $8.49 million per year—or
approximately 17 cents per bag. Burnett notes that this cost was made up of: (1)
recycling contamination costs, of which $494,000 was to pay individuals
manually to sort and remove plastic bags; $100,000 was to clear jams caused by
bags that were not removed and $100,000 resulting from reduced value of
recyclable materials due to contamination; (2) $400,000 associated with
contamination of composting; (3) $3.6 million to cover the costs of collecting
and disposing of bags in the municipal waste stream (2% of $180 million); (4)
$2.6 million to cover the costs of litter collection and transportation (10% of $26
million); (5) $1.2 million to cover the costs of future liabilities associated with
the landfilling of waste.
However, as Burnett notes, many of these costs are highly suspect; for example,
the estimated recycling contamination costs likely overestimate the degree to
which plastic bags are the problem. Burnett cites a presentation by the
Association of Oregon recyclers which concluded that plastic materials
represented only 18% of materials clogging the machinery, of which plastic bags
were only a small part. Given the small proportion of the problem caused by
plastic bags, it seems unlikely that much savings, if any, could be achieved by
banning plastic bags.
At the same time, the assumption that removing 2% by weight of the waste
produced in San Francisco will reduce the disposal costs by 2% is likely
incorrect. As Burnett points out, most of that 2% is due to paper bags—only
0.5% is due to plastic—so unless the plastic bag ban and paper bag fee resulted
in a dramatic reduction in paper bag use, it would be inappropriate to include
savings from reduced paper bag disposal. Moreover, the fixed costs of collection
are unlikely to change, so only the direct costs associated with final disposal
How Green Is that Grocery Bag Ban? | 49
(landfill or incineration charges) will be affected. As noted above, prior to the
ban, residents of San Francisco were alleged to be consuming between 180
million and 200 million plastic bags per year. Assuming the higher figure for the
sake of argument, it is possible to estimate the saving in disposal costs from
removing all those bags from the waste stream as follows:
! Number of bags = 200 million
! Weight of each bag in pounds = 12.39/1000 lbs
! Cost of landfilling each pound = $147.13/2000
! Implying a saving of $182,300 (or $0.001 per bag).
The same general observation applies to the cost of collecting litter; given that
plastic bags represent a relatively tiny proportion of litter (approximately 0.6%),
the cost of litter collection and disposal is unlikely to be materially affected.
(The Office of the Controller claims that it will save $600,000 on waste disposal
and $100,000 on litter, both of which seem on the high side.
At the same time, the 2011 analysis by San Francisco City Council’s Office of
the Controller found that from July 2012 to July 2014 consumers would suffer a
net loss of $10–$12 million as a result of the full implementation of the plastic
bag ban and fee, and this assumes that retailers pass on savings from reduced
expenditures on bags.
Burnett points out that in practice, the amount San Franciscans spend on garbage
collection and disposal seems to have increased dramatically: the rate charged
for collection of a 32 gallon garbage can has risen from $19.08 in 2005 to
$34.08 in 2013—an increase of nearly 80%.
San Jose, California
As noted above, the analysis by ICLEI found that the San Jose ordinance, which
prior to the ban was consuming 500 million plastic bags, would reduce the
amount of waste produced by 1,140 tons.
Since San Jose pays $180/ton to
landfill its waste, that would save the city $205,200, which would represent
approximately 0.17% of the city’s budgeted 2013–14 expenditure on garbage
and recycling services.
Unsurprisingly, this hasn’t had much impact on household garbage and
recycling charges, which in the three years since the ordinance have been on
50 | Reason Foundation
average 10% higher than in the three years prior to its introduction, as Figure 10
Source: San Jose City Council Budget 20132014 (Integrated Waste Management
[“adopted” under 201314 refers to the fact that the rates had been formally
adoptedthe language is taken from the budget document]
Los Angeles County, California
Burnett notes that expenditures on solid waste management by L.A. County rose
year on year from 2006–07 until 2010–11. In 2011–12 expenditures were cut but
remain higher than for 2009–10. Moreover, the cuts were likely simply part of
overall spending cuts, not a response to lower costs resulting from the ban on
plastic bags.
4.6 What Are the Broader Economic Effects of Bag Bans, Taxes
and Fees?
The imposition of bans, taxes or mandatory fees on shopping bags has both
intended and unintended effects. The above discussion mainly focuses on the
intended effects, such as reduced use of plastic bags. However, as was noted, in
some cases there were significant unintended effects, such as the increase in
consumption of bin liners in Ireland.
Figure 10: San Jose Garbage and Recycling Monthly Single Family
Residential Rates ($)
How Green Is that Grocery Bag Ban? | 51
Washington, D.C.
Using the State Tax Analysis Modelling Program, the Beacon Hill Institute
estimates that by 2016 the D.C. bag tax will have cost D.C. consumers $5.74
million, raised $4.59 million in taxes, caused the loss of 136 jobs, reduced
employment income by $13.73 per year, reduced investment by $1.58 million,
and reduced real disposable income by $8.08 million.
Los Angeles County, California
A 2012 study found that 80% of retailers in areas that had implemented the ban
experienced a decline in sales averaging 5.7%, whereas 60% of retailers in areas
that had not implemented a ban experienced increases in sales averaging 9%.
In addition, stores inside the ban area reduced their employment by more than
10%, whereas stores outside the ban area increased their employment by 2.4%.
It is difficult to escape the conclusion that the ban resulted in mobile shoppers
switching from stores inside the ban area to stores outside the ban area.
As noted above, during the first two quarters of 2013 paper bag use had jumped
to an annualized rate of over 170,000.
That represents an annual transfer from
consumers to retailers in the order of $17,000 at $0.10 per bag. Nonetheless, at
present many (perhaps most) retailers are likely net losers as a result of
customers switching to stores outside of ban areas. That would change if ban
proponents got their way and single use plastic bags were banned throughout the
entire L.A. area. Retailers would likely benefit significantly from such a ban,
while consumers would lose.
San Francisco, California
In its assessment of the effect of extending the ban on distribution of plastic bags
and the charge for “allowable bags,” San Francisco City Council’s Office of the
Controller concluded that consumers would suffer a net loss of $10–$12 million.
In spite of this, it claimed that the ban and tax will result in a net increase of
around 10 private sector jobs per year. But it is difficult to see how a regulation
that imposes a net cost on consumers could result in sustainable job creation. In
addition to spending additional resources on various types of bags, many
consumers will spend additional time washing out reusable bags, which at the
margin is likely to reduce the amount of time they spend being productive. As a
result, the economy will grow less fast and total employment income will be
52 | Reason Foundation
lower than it otherwise might be. So the dynamic loss in wealth is likely to be
considerably larger than $12 million.
Health impact
In addition to the environmental and economic impact of restrictions on the
provision of plastic bags, some researchers have raised concerns regarding the
potential impact on health. In 2010, nine members of a soccer team in Oregon
were infected with norovirus—a severe but usually non-fatal stomach virus—as
a result of eating food from a reusable bag that had become contaminated with
the virus.
Numerous other instances of food-borne illnesses have been traced
to contaminated bags.
David Williams and colleagues assessed reusable bags “collected at random
from consumers as they entered grocery stores in California and Arizona,” and
found that “Large numbers of bacteria were found in almost all bags and
coliform bacteria in half.”
They note that “In interviews, it was found that
reusable bags are seldom if ever washed and often used for multiple purposes.”
A recent survey by Edelman Berland found that only 16% of shoppers cleaned
their reusable NWPP bags “once a week or more.”
To address these risks, there is clearly a great need for public education on the
importance of washing reusable bags before using them to carry food. Such
public education clearly has a cost and would need to be factored in to the
evaluation of the economic costs and benefits of imposing restrictions on the use
of other types of shopping bags. An illustration of what consumers ought
probably to be doing if they reuse shopping bags (and what departments of
public health ought to be doing in terms of public education), has been offered
by the California Department of Public Health, which recently issued the
following advice concerning the use of reusable shopping bags:
At home:
! Reusable grocery bags should be machine or hand-washed frequently!
Dry the bags in a clothes dryer or allow them to air dry.
! After putting groceries away, clean the areas where the bags were
placed while un-bagging your groceries, especially the kitchen counter
and the kitchen table where food items may later be prepared or served.
! If food residues from any food products have leaked into the bag, make
sure to wash and dry the bag thoroughly before reuse.
How Green Is that Grocery Bag Ban? | 53
! If reusable grocery bags have been used to transport non-food items,
such as detergents, household cleaners, and other chemicals, wash and
dry the bags before using them to transport food items. Alternatively, you
may wish to use bags of one color for food items and bags of a different
color for non-food items.
! Store grocery bags away from sources of contamination, such as pets,
children, and chemicals. Storing reusable grocery bags in the trunk of
cars is not recommended. During the warmer months, the increased
temperatures can promote the growth of bacteria that may be present on
the bags.
At the store:
! Place reusable bags on the bottom shelf of the grocery cart (below the
cart basket where food products are placed).
! When selecting packages of meat, poultry, or fish, consider putting the
packages in clear plastic bags (often available in the meat and produce
sections) to prevent leaking juices from contaminating other food items
and the reusable grocery bags.
If every user of reusable bags followed these instructions, the risk of food-borne
disease being transmitted by such bags would likely be eliminated, or at least
drastically reduced. However, if even a small proportion of users fail to
undertake such measures, bacteria can be spread from dirty bags to clean bags as
well as directly onto food via shopping carts and checkout counters.
Cost to Consumers
The above list of actions necessary to reduce the risk of food-borne diseases
from reusable bags more or less speaks for itself but, in case it is not obvious,
relying on reusable plastic bags involves: time and resources, which must be
devoted to cleaning; additional space at home, which must be devoted
specifically to storing the bags; and the use of additional lighter weight (LDPE)
plastic bags for meat and produce. It also means consumers will have to buy
large numbers of reusable bags, especially if the bags are washed and dried by
machine. By making a few reasonable assumptions, these costs can be
In California, in 2012, there were 12.4 million households, with a median
household income of approximately $61,400. If each household spends an
54 | Reason Foundation
additional five minutes per week managing its shopping due to the need to wash,
dry and organize its reusable bags, the average “opportunity cost” (i.e., the value
of time spent undertaking these activities) is approximately $2.56 per week per
If the entire state were to switch to reusable bags only, the
opportunity cost would be approximately $1.66 billion per year.
Shoppers in the U.S. on average make around two visits to a grocery store each
week. A recent survey by Edelman Berland suggests that each household
typically reuses each bag 14.6 times.
Assuming shoppers use six NWPP per
grocery store visit, that would mean each household will on average use about
43 bags per year.
If a NWPP bag costs $1.15 (the number used by the San
Francisco controller), the cost per household will be $49 per year. That adds
approximately $613 million per year.
In addition, the main purpose for which households currently reuse HDPE bags
is as garbage bin liners and for the disposal of animal litter and waste. Survey
data suggest that about half of all NWPP bags are used for those purposes.
Where plastic bags have been banned, consumers have instead bought
alternative plastic bags (typically, small LDPE bags) for those purposes. It
seems reasonable to assume that households would on average use about 5 such
bags per week (i.e., about one third the number of HDPE bags consumed by an
average household) at a cost of about $12 per household per year. That would
add approximately $78 million statewide.
So, counting only the direct cost of shopping bags and the opportunity cost of
consumers’ time (not including the cost of water, electricity and detergent used
in cleaning the bags), the cost to California’s consumers of switching to reusable
bags would be approximately $2.35 billion.
In practice, the experience of San Francisco suggests that many (perhaps most)
consumers are unlikely to switch to reusable bags. One explanation for this is
that a significant proportion of shoppers realize the likely cost—especially
including the opportunity cost necessary to avoid contamination—associated
with reusable bags. At 10 cents per paper bag, an average week’s shop might
cost $1.50 in bags for a typical household.
That’s a saving of about $2 per
week for the median household compared to the total cost of reusable bags.
Even shoppers who intend to use reusable bags are likely often to end up using
other types of bags: In a recent survey by Edelman Berland, 40% of shoppers
forgot their reusable bags,
though this rate would be expected to be smaller in
places where consumers are charged for every plastic or paper bag they use.
How Green Is that Grocery Bag Ban? | 55
But averages often hide important details. Plastic bag bans are likely to have a
disproportionate impact on lower income households. For such households, the
cost of paper bags would represent a relatively larger proportion of income. At
the same time, the opportunity cost of cleaning bags would be lower for such
households and the cost of forgetting reusable bags higher, so they might be
more likely to reuse such bags.
By contrast, middle- and high-income households would be less likely to use
reusable bags, especially once they realize the measures necessary to prevent
contamination. However, some higher-income households may seek to use
reusable bags in order to signal their environmental credentials. Given the high
opportunity costs of manually washing and drying bags, such households are
likely to use cloth bags that can be machine washed. That would, ironically, be
among the worst environmental outcomes, especially in California, due to the
relatively large amounts of water used during washing.
Of course, it is possible that consumers in general, and lower-income consumers
in particular, might increase their use of reusable bags in response to plastic bag
bans without increasing the frequency with which they wash the bags. That
would then likely result in a significant increase in food-borne diseases. If that
were to happen, bag bans could be considered highly regressive.
Cost to Retailers
In principle, retailers might experience lower costs as a result of consumers
switching to reusable bags, since their expenditures on other shopping bags
would be reduced. In addition, where mandatory fees on paper bags are
introduced, retailers’ revenue is likely to increase, both through sales of paper
bags and through increased sales of garbage can liners.
However, this would likely be offset in part by the need to change bagging
systems and also likely increases in the amount of time taken to bag items.
Moreover, for many retailers reusable bags represent a security risk, a theft risk
and a liability risk. The security risk arises from the potential for reusable bags
to be used to hide weapons. The theft risk arises from the potential to use such
bags to hide stolen goods. These risks mean stores will likely have to increase
expenditures on security and theft prevention.
The liability risk arises from
the possibility that inadequately washed bags will contaminate food purchased
by other customers, who then sue the store. (Another potential liability issue
56 | Reason Foundation
pertains to the risk of injury to customers and store workers from lifting heavy,
fully laden reusable bags.
4.7 Conclusions
Bans, charges and taxes on HDPE plastic shopping bags have in all the cases
studied herein resulted in a reduction in the use of HDPE plastic shopping bags.
However, in most cases, such restrictions have been met with off-setting
behavior, ranging from an increase in the use of paper bags to an increase in the
purchase of plastic garbage bags. In a detailed case study of San Francisco’s
plastic bag ban and paper bag tax, we found that the impact on the environment
was not necessarily unambiguously positive; there seem to be numerous
environmental trade-offs, with benefits in one area being off-set by costs in
others. Moreover, there is considerable uncertainty regarding the impact for
several of the effects under investigation, including global warming potential.
Given that a significant impetus for the ban was the claim that it would reduce
emissions of greenhouse gases, it is surely worrying that the ban may in fact
have resulted in an increase in emissions of such gases.
The finding that a ban on paper bags would have done far more to reduce the
majority of significant environmental effects suggests that plastic bag bans, with
or without associated fees and taxes on paper bags, are an irrational policy.
Advocates of restrictions on plastic bags frequently assert that their preferred
option is for people to use reusable bags. When the impact of washing such bags
is taken into account, the environmental effect of such bags is likely worse than
HDPE plastic bags—especially in places such as California where fresh water is
relatively scarce. Widespread use of such bags would be expensive for
consumers and might also result in an increase in foodborne diseases.
How Green Is that Grocery Bag Ban? | 57
Part 5
Proponents claim that banning plastic shopping bags will benefit the
environment. Yet, as this study has shown, there is very little empirical support
for such claims. Indeed, the evidence seems to point in the other direction for
most environmental effects. Some of the alleged benefits are simply false, such
as the claim that eliminating plastic bags will reduce oil consumption. An
assessment of the San Francisco ban on plastic bags suggests that while there
may have been a very small reduction in the amount of litter generated, some
emissions—such those of greenhouse gases—may well have increased as a
result of the ban.
At the same time, concern about the environment is only one of many issues
affecting consumption choices. When it comes to shopping bags, the look, feel,
and—likely most important for the majority of consumers—function are very
important. HDPE plastic bags are strong, light and highly convenient (there is no
need to remember to take them along when shopping, since they are supplied by
the store). Also, they are typically reused for various purposes.
These features
have made them very attractive to consumers. By contrast, reusable NWPP bags
are bulky (causing inconvenience when shopping), must be washed between
shops if they may have come into contact with harmful bacteria, and must be
remembered prior to going shopping (making them far less convenient);
moreover, households using NWPP bags will typically purchase more garbage
bin liners.
In spite of widespread media attention to the largely false claim that plastic bags
are environmentally harmful, bans on the use of plastic bags are not popular: A
recent Reason-Rupe poll showed that 60% of Americans oppose plastic bag
bans, while only 37% are in favor.
Opposition is non-partisan, though it is
stronger among independents (64%) and Republicans (71%) than Democrats
Environmental groups that really care about the problem of litter, such as Keep
America Beautiful, have generally promoted solutions that substantially reduce
the amount of litter generated, such as public information campaigns focused on
58 | Reason Foundation
litter reduction, and facilitating clean-up operations. In other words, they target
littering behavior, which is the actual cause of litter, rather than opposing the
existence of certain types of product that might become litter. Meanwhile,
environmental groups that really care about the protection of marine animals
know that litter is not the prime culprit of diminished marine life and generally
focus on other issues, such as policies that promote overfishing.
Unfortunately, policymakers have been cajoled into passing ordinances that ban
plastic bags. That is bad news for consumers. It is also bad news for the
environment, since the public has been misled into believing that by restricting
the use of plastic bags, the problems for which those bags are allegedly
responsible will be dramatically reduced. As a result, they are less likely to
undertake activities—such as reducing littering and supporting policies that
would lead to better protection for marine animals—that would actually benefit
the environment.
How Green Is that Grocery Bag Ban? | 59
About the Authors
Julian Morris is vice president of research at Reason Foundation, a nonprofit
think tank advancing free minds and free markets. Julian graduated from the
University of Edinburgh with a master’s degree in economics. Graduate studies
at University College London, Cambridge University and the University of
Westminster resulted in two further master’s degrees and a Graduate Diploma in
Law (equivalent to the academic component of a JD).
Morris is the author of dozens of scholarly articles on issues ranging from the
morality of free trade to the regulation of the Internet, although his academic
research has focused primarily on the relationship between institutions,
economic development and environmental protection. He has also edited several
books and co-edited, with Indur Goklany, the Electronic Journal of Sustainable
Morris is also a visiting professor in the Department of International Studies at
the University of Buckingham (UK). Before joining Reason, he was executive
director of International Policy Network (, a London-
based think tank that he co-founded. Before that, he ran the environment and
technology program at the Institute of Economic Affairs, also in London.
Brian Seasholes is director of the endangered species project at Reason
Foundation. His work deals with wildlife and land-use issues, especially the
Endangered Species Act, property rights, wildlife conservation, the effects of
wind energy on wildlife, and oil sands. Mr. Seasholes received his bachelor’s
degree, with honors, from Wesleyan University, and his master’s degree in
Geography from the University of Wisconsin Madison, where his research
focused on the institutional aspects of wildlife conservation, and his thesis was
on the Bubiana Conservancy in Zimbabwe. His writings have appeared in the
Forbes, National Review Online, Christian Science Monitor, Houston
Chronicle, Orange County Register, The Washington Times, and the
Endangered Species Update.
60 | Reason Foundation
Primary sources were: “Californians Against Waste,”; “Plastic Bans
and Fees” Surfrider Foundation,;
“Plastic Bag Ban Report,”; “Phase-Out of Lightweight
Plastic Bags,” Wikipedia,
out_of_lightweight_plastic_bags; “Plastic Bag Laws: State and Local Laws,”; “Retail Bag Report,” Florida Department of
Environmental Protection,,
Accessed 5/2/2014.
Primary sources were: “Plastic Bag Bans” Factory Direct Promos,; “Phase-Out of Lightweight Plastic
Bags,” Wikipedia,;
“Track the Movement,” ChicoBag,; “Retail Bag
Report: Maps and Lists,” Florida Department of Environmental Protection,; “Plastic Bag Ban
Report: Map of the Philippines,”
philippines/, accessed 5/2/2104.
Polyethylene. Wikipedia <>, accessed
September 10, 2013.
Karl Ziegler was awarded the 1963 Nobel Prize for Chemistry for his invention. See: Lester
H. Gabriel, History and Physical Chemistry of HDPE. Chapter 1 in Corrugated
Polyethylene Pipe Design Manual & Installation Guide, Plastics Pipe Institute, not dated.
Available at,
accessed September 10, 2013.
History of the Plastic Bag, not dated, SPI (the plastics industry trade association). Available
at, accessed
September 9, 2013.
For example, Wendel Withrow, chair of the Sierra Club Dallas is reported to have stated:
“We have become a throwaway society and a part of that throwaway society is the use of
plastic bags for everything,” Andrew Tanielian, “Plastic Bags Could Get Boot from Big D,”
NBC News, Dallas-Fort Worth, August 13, 2012, available at
166043556.html, accessed October 7, 2013. Meanwhile, the United States Environmental
Protection Agency published a report in 1994 entitled Germany, Garbage, and the Green
Dot: Challenging the Throwaway Society (Washington, DC: U.S. EPA/600/R-94/179,
Or perhaps it would be more accurate to call the restrictions on plastic bags a crucial second
step. Prior to their ban, there were widespread restrictions on the use of polystyrene
containersespecially the clamshells used by fast food chains. That campaign, led by the
Environmental Defense Fund during the 1980s, resulted in a decision by McDonald’s in
1989, and subsequently many other fast food restaurants, to abandon the polystyrene
clamshell. Connie Koenen, “Chalk One Up to Impulse: Environment: Normally, Fred Krupp
would have sued McDonald’s to get the company to quit using its foam packaging. This
time he simply said, ‘Let’s talk.’ It worked,” Los Angeles Times, November 12, 1990.
Joel Gray, “Town Bag Paper or Plastic Query,” Anchorage Daily News, May 2, 2003
How Green Is that Grocery Bag Ban? | 61
Charlie Goodyear, “S.F. First City to Ban Plastic Shopping Bags,” San Francisco
Chronicle, March 28, 2007. Available at
CITY-TO-BAN-PLASTIC-SHOPPING-BAGS-2606833.php, accessed May 7, 2014.
For examples of these points see: Sierra Club Florida. The Problem With Plastic Bags,
available at ,
accessed May 7, 2014; Sheryl Eisenberg, “Plastic Bags Lose Their Luster,” This Green Life
(an e-journal by Sheryl Eisenberg), November 2008, available at, September 14, 2013.
Ned Potter, “Saving the World, One Plastic Bag at a Time,” ABC News, March 8, 2007.
Available at, accessed May 7, 2014.
Jesse McKinley, “San Francisco Board Votes to Ban Some Plastic Bags,” The New York
Times, March 28, 2007. Available at:
CITY-TO-BAN-PLASTIC-SHOPPING-BAGS-2606833.php, accessed May 7, 2014.
U.S. Energy Information Administration, 2012, U.S. Gas Plant Production of Ethane-
Ethylene. Available at, accessed
October 29, 2013.
Jared Spaniol, Jack Rulander and Mike Leo, “Polypropylene,” February 2007. Available at:,
accessed May 7, 2014.
California Coastal Commission, Eliminating Land-based Discharges of Marine Debris in
California, A Plan of Action from The Plastic Debris Project, California Water Boards,
2006. Available at, accessed
“Memorandum to: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council, Subject:
Update on Dealing with Carryout Bags,” City of Dallas, August 16,2013, Available at:
DealingwithCarryoutBags_082113.pdf, accessed 4/26/2014
California Ocean Protection Council in consultation with California Marine Debris Steering
Committee and Gordon Environmental Consulting, “An Implementation Strategy for the
California Ocean Protection Council Resolution to Reduce and Prevent Ocean Litter,”
November 20, 2008,, accessed
He has been mentioned or appeared in that capacity by The New York Times, National
Geographic, Time magazine, Good Morning America, and on NPR.
Steven R. Stein, City of Dallas Memo, September 6, 2013, Environmental Resources
Planning, LLC.
California Coastal Commission, Eliminating Land-based Discharges of Marine Debris in
California, A Plan of Action from The Plastic Debris Project, page 16.
Steven R. Stein, “ER Planning Report Brief: Plastic Retail Bags in Litter,” Environmental
Resources Planning, LLC., 2013. Available at:, accessed May 7,
62 | Reason Foundation
“2009 National Visible Litter Survey And Litter Cost Study, Final Report,” September
2009, Midatlantic Solid Waste Consultants for Keep America Beautiful, Inc. Stamford,
Connecticut. Available at
09.pdf?docID=4561, accessed May 7, 2014.
The KAB study also notes that while metal, glass, paper and beverage carton litter
decreased significantly, litter from plastic increased. This likely reflects a shift to the use of
plastic in everyday products in place of glass, metal and paper. Since neither glass nor metal
is readily biodegradable and they can also cause problems when lodged in storm drains, it is
not clear that there is any reason to be specifically concerned about the increase in plastic
litter relative to those items. (One caveat: plastic tends to be lighter than the metal and glass
materials it replaces, which has obvious merits in terms of reducing transportation costs, but
may also increase the likelihood of it being transported into storm drains and generally away
from highways.) Meanwhile, to the extent that plastic has replaced paper for certain uses
(such as grocery bags), there would seem to be an obvious trade-off, since, as noted, HDPE
bags are particularly useful as repositories for litter, in a way that paper bags are not (since
paper bags are ill-suited to contain items that are damp or may leak, such as half-eaten
cartons of yogurt and unfinished drink cans).
Michelle Allsopp, Adam Walters, David Santillo and Paul Johnson, “Plastic Debris in the
World’s Oceans,” Greenpeace International, 2006, p.6. Available at,
accessed May 7, 2014.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, “More Information on Marine Debris: Sources of
Marine Debris,” not dated. Available at, accessed September 23, 2013.
World Wildlife Fund, “Marine problems: Pollution.” Available at, accessed September
23, 2013.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, “Frequently Asked Questions: All about
Marine Debris,” October 2009, p.2.
World Wildlife Fund,Marine problems.”
accessed 6/6/2014
accessed 6/6/2014
Dani Tinker, “Declare Your Independence From Plastic,” Wildlife Promise Blog, National
Wildlife Federation, July 3 2013. Available at
independence-from-plastic/, accessed September 12, 2013.
Greenpeace International, “The Trash Vortex.” Available at
future/pollution/trash-vortex/, accessed on May 7, 2014.
Caitlin Leutwiler, “We Can’t Make This Stuff Up,” September 5, 2011, Defenders of
Wildlife, Washington, D.C. Available at
make-this-stuff-up-6, accessed September 21, 2013.
National Audubon Society, “Billions of Birds Wing Their Way North: Audubon Tips on
How To Help Migrating Birds,” press release, May 2, 2013. Available at:
How Green Is that Grocery Bag Ban? | 63
north, accessed on May 7, 2014.
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Kenneth R. Weiss, “Plague of Plastic Chokes the Seas,” Los Angeles Times, August 2, 2006,, Accessed 5/21/2014
Oprah Winfrey, Oprah Winfrey Show, April 22, 2009.
Katherine Cooney, “The Great Pacific Garbage Patch Poses New Threat to Marine Life,”
Time, May 11, 2012. Available at
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National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, “What We Know About the ‘Garbage
Patches’,” July 2011. Available at, accessed May 7, 2014.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, “How Big is the ‘Great Pacific Garbage
Patch’?” Sciences vs. Myth, February 7, 2013. Available at
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Miriam Goldstein,‘Recycled Island’ not a cure for plastic trash in ocean,” Deep Seas
News, August 9, 2010. Available at
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“Oceanic ‘garbage patch’ not nearly as big as portrayed in media,” Oregon State University
News & Research Communications, January 4, 2011. Available at
patch%E2%80%9D-not-nearly-big-portrayed-media, accessed September 23, 2013.
Brennon Novak, “A Convenient Misconception: Industry Tactics for Misinformation,” 5
Gyres Institute, January 3 2012. Available at
formation/, accessed September 18, 2013.
Carl Bialik, “How Big is that Widening Gyre of Floating Plastic?” The Wall Street Journal,
March 25, 2009. Available at,
accessed May 7, 2014.
Algalita Marine Research Institute, “Biography of Captain Charles Moore,” not dated.
Available at, accessed September 18,
Charles Moore, “Trashed: Across the Pacific Ocean, Plastics, Plastic, Everywhere,”
Natural History 112(9):46-51, 2003. Available at
/htmlsite/1103/1103_feature.html, accessed May 7, 2014.
C.J. Moore et al, “A Comparison of Plastic and Plankton in the North Pacific Central
Gyre,” Marine Pollution Bulletin 42(12):1297-1300, 2001. Available at, accessed May 7,
64 | Reason Foundation
“Oceanic ’garbage patch’ not nearly as big as portrayed in media,” Oregon State University
News & Research Communications.
Miriam Goldstein, “Does the ‘Great Pacific Garbage Patch’ exist?” January 10, 2011,
available at
exist/, accessed September 20, 2013.
H.S. Carson et al., “The plastic-associated microorganisms of the North Pacific Gyre,”
Marine Pollution, Bulletin 2013,
Miriam C. Goldstein, Marci Rosenberg and Lanna Cheng, “Increased oceanic microplastic
debris enhances oviposition in an endemic pelagic insect,” Biological Letters, 2012,
available at,
accessed 5/21/2014.
Monterey Bay Aquarium, Laysan Albatross & Plastics: Trash Travels, Available at:
plastics#trash-travels accessed May 7, 2014.
The 100,000 figure is parroted by Emily Utter, advocacy and community partnerships
director for Chico Bags, a manufacturer of reusable bags and a very active advocate of
efforts to ban plastic bags, who asserts, “As we’ve heard, plastic bags pose a huge
environmental threat to our marine environment, 100,000 marine deaths per year due to
plastic bags.” (Emily Utter. Comments at the Meeting of the Los Angeles County Board of
Supervisors, January 22, 2008, p.43.) And again by the Sierra Club of Massachusetts:
“Hundreds of thousands of birds and marine animals are killed each year by plastic bags and
other plastic debris floating in the world’s oceans due to ingestion and entanglement.”
(Sierra Club of Massachusetts, Plastic Bags: which do you choose, paper or plastic?
Available at, accessed
September 16, 2013.) Meanwhile, the National Audubon Society claims, “Every year the
floating ‘bladders’ of these bags kill hundreds of thousands of seabirdsalong with sea
turtles and marine mammalswhich mistake them for jellyfish and squid, and then starve to
death after filling their guts with plastic,” National Audubon Society, “Billions of Birds
Wing Their Way North: Audubon Tips on How To Help Migrating Birds.” Available at
north, accessed May 7, 2014.
Nolan-ITU, “Plastic Shopping BagsAnalysis of Levies and Environmental Impacts,”
Final Report, Department of the Environment and Heritage, Government of Australia, 2004,
at p. 30. The original study can be found on this archived version:
bags/pubs/analysis-final.pdf, accessed May 7, 2014. A corrected version of that Australian
report uploaded to the Web in 2006 states: “A figure of 100,000 marine animals killed
annually has been widely quoted by environmental groups; this figure was from a study in
Newfoundland which estimated the number of animals entrapped by plastic debris in that
area from a four-year period from 198184” (emphasis added).
The reference (footnote 12 in the Nolan-ITU study) is: “Environment Canada,”
Environment Canada, “Marine Debris in Canada: Facts and Figures,” December 2002.
Available at, accessed September 16, 2013.
How Green Is that Grocery Bag Ban? | 65
John F. Piatt and David N. Nettleship, “Incidental catch of Marine Birds and Mammals in
Fishing Nets off Newfoundland, Canada” in Marine Pollution Bulletin, Volume 18 no.6B
344349, 1989, at p. 348.
Alexi Mostrous, Series of Blunders Turned the Plastic Bag into a Global Villain, The Times,
March 8, 2008. Available at:, accessed May 7, 2014.
Steven R. Stein, City of Dallas Memo, September 6, 2013, Environmental Resources
Planning, LLC.
“Don't Mess wth Texas: About the Campaign,” Texas Department of Transportation.
Available at accessed January
31, 2014
Tim McClure and Roy Spence,Don't Mess with Texas: The Story Behind the Legend,”
Idea City Press, 2006, p. 15.
Pierre Desrochers, “Freedom versus Coercion in Industrial Ecology: A Reply to Boons,”
EconJournalWatch Vol. 9(2), 2012, pp. 7899, available at:
boons, accessed March 11, 2014.
Ibid. and Pierre Desrochers, “Does It Pay to Be Green? Some Historical Perspectives,” in
Julian Morris (ed.) Sustainable Development: Promoting Progress or Perpetuating
Poverty? (London: Profile Books, 2002).
Robert C. Allen, “Economic structure and agricultural productivity in Europe, 13001800,”
European Review of Economic History, Vol. 3, 2000, pp. 125.
For a detailed account of peasant life in medieval England, see e.g. Barbara A, Hanawalt,
The Ties that Bound: Peasant Families in Medieval England, (Oxford: Oxford University
Press, 1988).
See e.g. Maryanne Kowleski, Local Markets and Regional Trade in Medieval Exeter,
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003).
Wim Blockmans and Peter Hoppenbrouwers, Introduction to Medieval Europe 3001500,
(London: Routledge, 2014).
Edward Wrigley, R. S. Davies, James Oeppen and Roger Schofield, English Population
History from Family Reconstitution: 15801837, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
National Center for Health Statistics, Health, United States, 2012, (Hyattsville, MD:
National Center for Health Statistic, 2013), p. 76 (Table 18). Available at, accessed March 11, 2014.
A.R Sutin et al. “The effect of birth cohort on well-being: the legacy of economic hard
times,” Psychological Science, Vol. 24(3), 2013, pp. 37985.
WorldWatch Institute, “New Bans on Plastic Bags May Help Protect Marine Life.
Available at, accessed October 7, 2013.
66 | Reason Foundation
EPA, Municipal Solid Waste Generation, Recycling, and Disposal in the United States
Tables and Figures for 2010, (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
2011), Table 7. Available at:
df, accessed 3/12/2014.
Ibid., Table 4.
Joe Eskenazi, “Baggage: The city’s politicos made the enviros happy by banning plastic
bags, but left us with more pollution and cost,SF Weekly, January 7, 2009. Available at, accessed September 12, 2013.
Some modern, highly engineered landfills have been constructed as “bioreactors,” with
impermeable liners, intentionally promoting decomposition and methane production (with
the objective of capturing and burning the methane to produce heat and power). But these
are the exception rather than the rule in the U.S.
Quoted in: Aviya Kushner, “Paper or Plastic? What’s the Environmental Choice?”
December 14, 2004. Available at, accessed October 31, 2013.
Use Less Stuff Report, March 2008, “Review of Life Cycle Data Relating to Disposable,
Compostable, Biodegradable, and Reusable Grocery Bags,” p.3. Available at,
accessed September 6, 2013.
As of 1998 (the most recent data available), only 16% of surveyed municipalities had unit-
based pricing: Jonathan Burgiel and Raymond Randall, “National Unit-Based Pricing
Survey Results,” R. W. Beck, Inc, 1998. Available at:, accessed March 6, 2014.
David H. Folz and Jacqueline N. Giles, “Municipal Experience with ‘Pay-as-You-Throw’
Policies: Findings from a National Survey,” State & Local Government Review, Vol. 34 (2),
2002, pp. 105115. Version available at:, accessed
March 7, 2014.
Don Fullerton and Thomas C. Kinnaman, "Garbage, Recycling, and Illicit Burning or
Dumping," Journal of Environmental Economics and Management Vol. 29, 1995, pp. 78
91. Available at:, accessed May 7, 2014.
Teasley subsequently joined the Board of Reason Foundation and is now Chairman
Arsen Darnay and Gary Nuss, “Environmental Impact of Coca Cola Beverage Containers,”
Executive Summary Volume 1, Midwest Research Institute, July 1971. Available at
f%20Coca-Cola%20Beverage%20Containers%20Vol%201.pdf, accessed February 1, 2014.
See e.g.: “Life Cycle Assessment: An operational guide to the ISO standards,” Centre of
Environmental Science, Leiden University, May 2001. Available at, accessed May 7, 2014.
How Green Is that Grocery Bag Ban? | 67
Resource and Environmental Profile Analysis of Polyethylene and unbleached paper
grocery sacks, Final Report, Prepared for The Council for Solid Waste Solutions by
Franklin Associates, Ltd., June 1990. Available at:
Franklin_report.pdfAvailable at:,
accessed Februaryccessed 2, /2/2014.
Bousted Consulting, Life Cycle Assessment for Three Types of Grocery BagsRecyclable
Plastic; Compostable, Biodegradable Plastic; and Recycled, Recyclable Paper, Final
Report prepared by Chet Chaffee and Bernard R. Yaros, Bousted Consulting and
Associates, Ltd. for the Progressive Bag Alliance, 2007. Available at:
ACCPlasticBags.pdf, accessed February 2, /2/2014
Nolan ITU, Centre for Design (RMIT), and Eunomia Research and Consulting Ltd, Plastic
Shopping BagsAnalysis of Levies and Environmental Impacts, Final Report for
Environment Australia, 2002, available at:
bags/pubs/analysis.pdf, accessed May 7, 2014.
Chris Edwards and Jonna Meyhoff Fry, Life Cycle Assessment of Supermarket Carrier
Bags, Intertek Expert Services for the Environment Agency, 2011. Available at, accessed May 7, 2014.
“Proposed Plastic Bag LevyExtended Impact Assessment: Volume 1: Main Report,” The
Scottish Government, August 2005. Available at accessed February 2,
California State University Chico Research Foundation, “Life Cycle Assessment of
Reusable and Single-use Plastic Bags in California,” January 2011, available at, accessed May 7, 2014.
The RMIT LCA is no longer available on Victoria’s website, but was accessed here:
/documents/lca_shopping_bags_full_report%5B2%5D.pdf, accessed February 6, 2014). It
appears to be a simplified version of earlier LCAs produced by the RMIT team, such as
Nolan-ITU 2002 and Nolan-ITU 2003.
Even for those contaminants for which reliable health impact data are available, it is often
not possible to know what is the actual impact on health, since that would require data on
the demographics of the local population affected by any particular emission. This problem
applies both to point sources and to mobile sources, though is obviously worse for the latter.
See the description here: “CML-IA Characterization Factors,” Institute of Environmental
Sciences at the University of Leiden in the Netherlands. Available at, accessed/February 5,2014
See: Mark Huijbregts, “Life-Cycle Impact Assessment of Acidifying and Eutrophying Air
Pollutants, DRAFT VERSION,” University of Amsterdam, December 2009. Available at, accessed
February 5, 2014.
“Climate Change 2007: Working Group I: The Physical Science Basis,” Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change. Available at
68 | Reason Foundation accessed February 6,
See e.g.: Keith P. Shine, “The global warming potentialthe need for an interdisciplinary
retrial,” Climatic Change, 2009, Vol. 96, pp. 467472. Available at:, accessed on May 7, 2014.
So, for example, Nolan-ITU 2002 assumes that HDPE, biodegradable bags and and paper
bags are used only once, while LDPE is used 12 times, calico 52 times, and NWPP 104
times. (Nolan-ITU 2002, p. 35); Nolan-ITU 2003 makes the same assumptions except for
LDPE which is assumed to be used 10 times. (Nolan-ITU 2003, p.78)
“National Plastic Shopping Bag Recycling Signage Testing: A Survey of the General
Population,” March 2007, available at:
recycling-signage-testing.pdf, accessed April 27, 2014.
Ammonia is a base, but is included because at high concentrations it can cause damage to
See for example, this review: A. Cunha, et al. “Whole Ecosystem Nitrogen Manipulation:
An Updated Review,” JNCC Report, No. 331. December 2002., accessed May 7, 2014.
See e.g. Bengt A. Steen, “Abiotic Resource Depletion Different perceptions of the
problem with mineral deposits,” The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment,
January 2006, Volume 11, Issue 1 Supplement, pp 4954. Available at:, accessed on May 7, 2014.
See e.g. Lance E. Davis, Robert E. Gallman and Karin Gleiter, The Pursuit of Leviathan:
Technology, Institutions, Productivity, and Profits in American Whaling, 18161906,
(Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1997).
Water covers approximately two thirds of the surface area of the planet: clearly it is not
See e.g.: “Water Monitoring & Assessment,” U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
Available at:, accessed May 7, 2014.
See e.g.: “Improvement of LCA Characterization Factors and LCA Practice for Metals,”
TNO Environment, Energy and Process Innovation, August 2004. Available at, accessed May 7, 2014.
See e.g. Edward Calabrese, “Hormesis: Toxicological foundations and role in aging
research,” Experimental Gerontology Vol. 48(1), 2013, pp. 99102. Abstract available at:, accessed March 12, 2014.
See e.g. the summary at: “High-Dose Vitamin C,” National Cancer Institute. Available at, accessed
May 7, 2014.
Centre for Environmental Studies (CML), CML Impact Assessment Characterisation
Factors, University of Leiden, 2001.
“The Impacts of Degradable Plastic Bags in Australia,” Centre for Design at RMIT,
September 2003, p. 85. Available at
pubs/degradables.pdf, accessed May 7, 2014.
How Green Is that Grocery Bag Ban? | 69
U.S. Department of Energy and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Model Year 2013
Fuel Economy Guide, Updated April 22, 2014. Available at:, accessed May 7, 2014.
GHK (Hong Kong) Ltd. “Assessment of Benefits and Effects of the Plastic Shopping Bag
Charging Scheme,” May 2007, Available at:
y.pdf, accessed May 7, 2014.
“About Plastics,” Plastics Industry Trade Association.
Study-Ireland/Case_Study_Ireland.pdf, accessed May 7, 2014.
“Irish Carrier Bag Tax” INCPEN, July 2008., accessed May 7, 2014.
Government of the District of Columbia, Office of the Chief Financial Officer, “2010
District of Columbia Citizen’s Financial Report,”
sites/ocfo/publication/attachments/ocfo_pafr_2010.pdf; “Citizens Financial Report 2011”,
accessed May 7, 2014. June 2012, available at:
/dc/sites/ocfo/publication/attachments/ocfo_2011_dcocfo_cfr_web.pdf, accessed May 7,
2014. ; FY 2012: Office of the Financial Officer, “Monthly OCFO Cash Report” June 2012,
ocfo_cash_report_june_fy2012.pdf, accessed May 7, 2014.
Two Years of the Washington, D.C. Bag Tax: An Analysis, The Beacon Hill Institute at
Suffolk University, August 2012, available at:, accessed March 8, 2014.
H. Sterling Burnett, Do Bans on Plastic Grocery Bags Save Cities Money? (Dallas: National
Center for Policy Analysis, December 2013), Policy Report No. 353, p. 11. Available at:, accessed March 12, 2014.
Taxes and fees have been introduced in many other locations (see Appendix) but the authors
were unable to locate reliable analyses of their impact.
“Checkout Bag Ordinance”
bag-ordinance, accessed May 7, 2014.
Ibid. noting that there are exceptions for various items, including loose foods and leftover
food items. (the revised ordinance is available at,
accessed May 7, 2014.
This figure is widely cited but does not seem to have a firm empirical basis. An example is:
Wyatt Buchanan, “Starting Tuesday, plastic bags illegal at big S.F. grocery stores,” San
Francisco Chronicle, Nov. 19, 2007, at D1. Available here:
3236322.php, accessed March 12, 2014.
Jesse McKinley “San Francisco Board Votes to Ban Some Plastic Bags,” The New York
Times, 3/28/2007. Available at,
accessed May 7, 2014.
70 | Reason Foundation
San Francisco Office of the Controller, “Checkout Bag Charge: Economic Impact Report,“
Office of Economic Analysis, Item #101055, November 30, 2011. Available at:, accessed April 22,
“Case Study: San Jose, CA's Single-Use Bag Ban,” ICLEI USA. Available at
others/ICLEI_San%20Jose%20case%20study.pdf, accessed May 7, 2014.
Ordinance No. 29314, City of San Jose, California, 10/11/2013. Available at, accessed May 7, 2014.
“Case Study: San Jose, CA's Single-Use Bag Ban,” ICLEI USA. Available at
others/ICLEI_San%20Jose%20case%20study.pdf, accessed March 14, 2014.
L.A. County Ordinance amending Title 12: Environmental Protection of the Los Angeles
County Code, 11/16/2010. Available at, accessed May 7, 2014.
Sapphos Environmental, “Ordinances to ban plastic carryout bags in Los Angeles County
final environmental impact report (sch # 2009111104), Volume III,” October 28, 2010, at p.
2-2. Available at:, accessed May 7,
“Board Meeting, State of California Integrated Waste Management Board, Joe Serna, Jr.,
Cal/EPA Building, 1001 I Street 2
Floor, Coastal Hearing Room, Sacramento, California,
Tuesday, June 12, 2007, 9:40 A.M,” Available at:,
accessed May 7, 2014.
The U.S. Census Bureau puts the current population of L.A. County at 9,962,789. Available
at, accessed March 14, 2014.
County of Los Angeles, Estimated PopulationUnincorporated Areas County of Los
Angeles, Available at:, accessed
March 14, 2014.
“L.A. County Carryout Bag Ordinance,” Department of Public Works. Available at, accessed March 13, 2014.
Pamela Villareal and Baruch Feigenbaum, A Survey on the Economic Effects of Los Angeles
County’s Plastic Bag Ban, (Dallas, TX: National Center for Policy Analysis, August 2012),
Study no. 340. Available at:, accessed March 11, 2014.
Joseph Greene, Life Cycle Assessment of Reusable and Single-use Plastic Bags in
California, California State University Chico Research Foundation, January 2011, available
at (accessed May 7, 2014).
How Green Is that Grocery Bag Ban? | 71
Ibid. at p. 18.
The estimates of non-washing water consumed assume the base amount estimated by
Bousted Consulting’s LCA for HDPE but use the relative amounts found by Ecobilan-
San Francisco Office of the Controller, “Checkout Bag Charge: Economic Impact Report,“
Office of Economic Analysis, Item #101055, November 30, 2011. Available at:, accessed April 22,
See:, accessed
5/21/2014. Note also that this is a lower reuse rate than under the “high impact” scenario
adopted by the Office of the Controller, which gave a minimum reuse rate of 25.
Among other things, we assume that the proportion of paper bags to plastic bags pre-ban for
supermarkets and chain pharmacies is the same as the proportion for “other retailers” as of
November 2011 (before the ban went into effect for those retailers).
The Ecobilan-PWC LCA did not estimate the impact of NWPP, so this does not include the
impact of NWPP bags.
Joseph Greene, Life Cycle Assessment of Reusable and Single Use Plastic Bags in
California, (Chico, CA: California State University Institute for Sustainable Development,
January 2011), p. 20. Available at:, accessed May 7, 2014.
See the overview in The City of San Francisco Streets Litter Re-Audit, 2009, prepared for
the City of San Francisco, available at:, accessed
The precise number of sites included in the audit varied by year: in 2007, 105 sites were
included; in 2008, 130 sites; in 2009, 132 sites.
In line with the assumption made by the Office of the Controller of San Francisco, we
assume that one plastic bag would be used in place of one paper bag.
H. Sterling Burnett, “Do Bans on Plastic Grocery Bags Save Cities Money?” Dallas:
National Center for Policy Analysis, Policy Report No. 353, December 2013. Available at:, accessed March 12, 2014.
Using the heaviest (13 micron) standard size t-shirt bag listed by Interplast here:, accessed March 12, 2014.
This is likely a significant overestimate based on the published cost of disposing of
domestic refuse at Recology’s San Francisco transfer station of $147.13 per ton. Available
at, accessed
May 7, 2014..
San Francisco Office of the Controller, “Checkout Bag Charge: Economic Impact Report, “
Office of Economic Analysis, Item #101055, November 30, 2011, p. 11. Available at:, accessed April 22,
Ibid, p. 10.
72 | Reason Foundation
ICLEI USA “Case Study: San Jose, CA's Single-Use Bag Ban,
others/ICLEI_San%20Jose%20case%20study.pdf, accessed March 14, 2014.
Government of San Jose, Integrated Waste Management Fund, appendix to 20132014
budget, at p. X-13. Available at:,
accessed March 14, 2014.
San Jose City Council Budget 20132014. Integrated Waste Management Fund., accessed May 7, 2014, at p. X-10
Beacon Hill Institute, Two Years of the Washington, D.C. Bag Tax: An Analysis, (Suffolk
University: The Beacon Hill Institute for Public Policy Research, August 2012). Available
at, accessed May 7, 2014.
Villareal and Feigenbaum, A Survey on the Economic Effects of Los Angeles County’s
Plastic Bag Ban.
Kimberly Repp and William Keene, “A Point Source Norovirus Outbreak Caused by
Exposure to Fomites,” Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2012, pp. 16391641, available at:, accessed 5/27/2014
See e.g.:
germs/4341739/, accessed 5/27/2014.
David L. Williams, Charles P. Gerba, Sherri Maxwell and Ryan G. Sinclair, “Assessment of
the Potential for Cross-contamination of Food Products by Reusable Shopping Bags,” Food
Protection Trends, Vol. 31(8), 2011, pp. 508513. Available at
ping%20bags_i171.pdf, accessed April 24, 2014.
Ron Chapman, “Practical tips for the use and care of reusable grocery shopping bags,”
California Department of Public Health, no date. Available at:, accessed May
13, 2014.
Assuming the household income is derived from the household working for 40 hours per
week, 50 weeks per year, average hourly household income is $30.70.
173, accessed 5/21/2014.
Assuming the average shopper would need 15 paper bags to carry the same amount as 12
reusable NWPP bags.
176, accessed 5/21/2014.
Safeway has already introduced some additional security measures, such as receipt checkers
at the exit of some of its stores in locations where plastic bags have been restricted. See:
Anthony van Leeuwen, Negative Health and Environmental Impacts of Reusable Shopping
Bags,December 2012, Available at:
How Green Is that Grocery Bag Ban? | 73
al_impacts_of_reusable_shopping_bags.pdf, accessed 6/5/2014.
For example, a survey of the adult U.S. population by APCO Insight in 2007 found that
92% of people interviewed reused plastic shopping bags, with 65% saying they used the
bags for trash of various kinds. APCO Insight, National Plastic Shopping Bag Recycling
Signage Testing: A Survey of the General Population, March 2007, available at:, accessed
Emily Ekins. “60 Percent of Americans Oppose Plastic Bag Ban,” August 19, 2013.
Available at,
accessed May 7, 2014.
5737 Mesmer Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90230