Disasters have an enormous and significant negative impact on development of key sectors of
economy like agriculture, infrastructure, housing, health, and education and above all the
environment, they result in a serious social and economic set-back to the sustainable
development. Disasters also pose threat to increasing poverty and resultantly backslide the
national development targets set to achieve the Millennium Development Goals. Climate change-
induced disasters pose even greater threat to sustainable development in developing country like
Pakistan which is ranked quite amongst the most vulnerable countries. Continuous floods of 2010,
2011 and 2012 are seen as an indication of more intense and frequent extreme events in the future.
Disaster risk reduction interventions were being carried out in the country till date by different
departments / agencies in isolation at national, province and district levels. There was a strong
need to give them directions and sound guidelines to align their activities in line with the true
spirit of National Disaster Management Act, 2010 to counter the threats of disasters faced by the
country. NDMA, being the lead focal agency for disaster preparedness and management, has
therefore, embarked upon formulation of a comprehensive National Disaster Risk Reduction
Policy through wider consultations with all stakeholders including all provinces, state of AJ&K
and regions. This policy covers disasters risk reduction in a more holistic way and introduces a
proactive and anticipatory approach by laying special emphasis on risk assessment, prevention,
mitigation and preparedness.
The policy shall promote priority measures to ameliorate existing vulnerabilities to hazards and
ensure that future development initiatives add resilience. The policy also seeks to provide
guideline for timely, dedicated and adequate investment on hazard mitigation and preparedness
interventions at all levels which will not only substantially reduce the disaster risk but also the
consequential damages & economic cost associated with response, recovery and rehabilitation.
The approval of the policy by the National Disaster Management Commission on 21
2013, headed by the Prime Minister of Pakistan, is a landmark achievement and milestone of
institutional strengthening of NDMA toward creation of a vibrant disaster management structure
across all the public governance tiers. Effective implementation of the policy would in fact mean
beginning of new era where the nation could feel resilient from the shocks of frequent disasters.
Muhammad Saeed Aleem
Maj Gen
Chairman, NDMA
The National Disaster Management Authority acknowledges its DRR Wing led by Mr. Ahmad
Kamal (Member DRR), and his team members comprising of Mr. Muhammad Idrees Mehsud
(Director DRR), Syed Sibt-e-Abbas Zaidi (Director DRR), Mr. Muhammad Ajmal Bhatti, PAS
(Deputy Director DRR) and Mr. Abdul Latif (Assistant Director DRR) whose concerted efforts
paved the way of formulation of the first ever policy on disaster risk reduction in Pakistan.
The dedicated team of international and national consultants (Ms Alexendra Galperin, Dr. Salman
Humayyun and Syed Ahmed Ali) were the vital minds behind formulating different components
of the policy document. Consultants alongwith members of NDMA team undertook necessary
consultations with national and provincial stakeholders as well as all relevant state and not state
actors involved in disaster management field.
Hats off for the support, facilitation and input provided by the relevant federal ministries and
departments, particularly Planning Commission, Ministry of National Disaster Management (now
M/o Climate Change), Ministry of Water & Power, Federal Flood Commission, Ministry of
Defense, Pakistan Meteorological Department, SUPARCO, Geological Survey of Pakistan,
ERRA, etc. Their invaluable suggestions and pertinent multi sectoral information made it possible
for the policy to become a top notch recipe for resilient and sustainable development.
Special thanks to the all Provincial Governments including AJK, GB & FATA and particularly
their Disaster Management Authorities and line departments who spared time for sparing time and
providing their resource input and facilitation for this national level effort. Without their support it
was virtually impossible to have set the credible policy recommendations for building resilience
of the country.
The technical and financial support extended by United Nations Development Programme
(UNDP), under the One-UN DRM Joint Programme, for the formulation of this policy is also
greatly appreciated.
Last but not the least the secretarial support extended during policy formulation process by the
relevant staff members of DRR Wing of NDMA was highly commendable.
National Disaster Risk Reduction Policy
Acronyms vii
Preamble viii
1. Preamble 1
1.1 Context ............................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Scope and Building Blocks of the Policy ........................................................... 2
1.3 Policy Challenges ............................................................................................... 3
1.3.1 Low levels of risk awareness and knowledge ......................................... 3
1.3.2 Development not “risk conscious” and DRR not yet effectively
integrated ............................................................................................................ 4
1.3.3 Insufficient DRR capacity at all levels of society................................... 4
Chapter 2 1
Vision, Principles and Objectives ................................................................................................................. 1
2. Vision, Principles and Objectives ........................................................................................................... 6
2.1 Vision: ................................................................................................................ 6
2.2 DRR Approach ................................................................................................... 6
2.3 Principles ............................................................................................................ 6
2.3.1 Multi-hazard approach ............................................................................ 6
2.3.2 Vulnerability and Risk Analysis as the basis of DRR ............................ 7
2.3.3 Strengthening Community Participation and Resilience ........................ 7
2.3.4 Strengthening the resilience of vulnerable groups .................................. 7
2.3.6 Clearly defined division of roles and responsibilities between different
layers of government .......................................................................................... 8
2.3.7 Promoting Inter-Organizational Partnerships (Govt. /CS; Govt./Govt./;
Govt./Private) ..................................................................................................... 8
2.3.8 Transparency and Accountability in all DRR interventions ................... 8
National Disaster Risk Reduction Policy
2.4 Policy Objectives ................................................................................................ 8
Chapter 3 1
Policy Interventions ...................................................................................................................................... 1
3 Policy Interventions ................................................................................................................................ 9
3.1 Risk Knowledge ................................................................................................. 9
3.1.1 Risk or Vulnerability Atlas and Index at national level .......................... 9
3.1.2 Local/ District Level Risk Assessments ............................................... 10
3.1.3 Damage and Loss Data-Base and climate change-focused research .... 11
3.2 PREVENTION AND MITIGATION .............................................................. 11
3.2.1 Creating More Resilient Communities ................................................. 11
3.2.2 Promoting “Risk Conscious” and Resilient Development ................... 12
3.2.3 Resilient key-infrastructure and life-lines ............................................ 14
3.2.4 Promoting Risk Awareness and Knowledge through DRR Education . 15
3.3 PREPAREDNESS ............................................................................................ 17
3.3.1 Multi-hazard EWS ................................................................................ 17
3.3.2 Integrated disaster preparedness and response capacity ....................... 18
3.3.3 Financial Protection and Disaster Risk Financing Mechanisms ........... 21
Chapter 4 9
Implementation Framework .......................................................................................................................... 9
4. Implementation Framework ................................................................................................................ 22
4.1 National DRR Policy: A Living Adaptable Document .................................... 22
4.2 Operationalizing through Plans ........................................................................ 22
4.2.1 Development Plans ............................................................................... 23
4.2.2 Disaster Risk Reduction / Management Plans ................................................ 24
4.2.3 Planning Guidelines .............................................................................. 25
National Disaster Risk Reduction Policy
4.3 Finance ............................................................................................................. 26
4.4 Knowledge Management and Research and Development (R&D) .................. 27
4.4.1. Research on Disaster Risk Reduction .................................................. 27
4.4.2. Strategic Plan of NIDM ....................................................................... 28
4.4.3. Academic Affiliations .......................................................................... 28
4.4.4. Disaster Resource Center ..................................................................... 28
4.4.5. Training and Capacity Building .......................................................... 28
4.5 Community Based Disaster Risk Management ................................................ 29
4.6 DRR Mainstreaming in Education System ....................................................... 29
4.7 Monitoring & Evaluation.................................................................................. 29
4.8 Harmonizing DRR initiatives ........................................................................... 30
CBDRM Community Based Disaster Risk Management
CBO Community Based Organization
CS Civil Society
CSO Civil Society Organization
DDMA District Disaster Management Authority
DDP District Development Programme
DM Disaster Management
DRC Disaster Resource Centre
DRFI Disaster Risk Financing and Insurance
DRM Disaster Risk Management
DRR Disaster Risk Reduction
EWS Early Warning System
F/G/S/PDMAs FATA/GB/State/Provincial Disaster Management Authorities
GDP Gross Domestic Product
GIS Geographic Information System
GLOF Glacial Lake Outburst Floods
HFA Hyogo Framework of Action 2005-2015
M&E Monitoring and Evaluation
NDMA National Disaster Management Authority
NDMC National Disaster Management Commission
NDMO National Disaster Management Ordinance (2006)
NIDM National Institute of Disaster Management
NIM National Institute of Management
PDMC Provincial Disaster Management Commission
R&D Research and Development
SOP Standard Operating Procedure
UC Union Council
Chapter 1
National Disaster Risk Reduction Policy
1. Preamble
1.1 Context
Due to geo-physical conditions, climatic extremes, and high degrees of exposure
and vulnerability, Pakistan is a disaster-prone country. A range of hydro-
meteorological, geo-physical and biological hazards including avalanches,
cyclones and storms, droughts, floods, glacial lake outburst floods (GLOF),
earthquakes, landslides, tsunamis and epidemic pose risks to Pakistani society.
Some of these hazards (e.g. floods, landslides etc.) are predominantly seasonal
and occur on an annual basis, whereas other hazards such as earthquakes and
tsunamis are rare events but potentially highly destructive. In addition to natural
hazards a variety of human-induced hazards threaten Pakistani society, economy
and environment. They include industrial and transport disasters including oil
spills, nuclear hazards, urban and forest fires as well as civil unrest.
Pakistan is undergoing rapid changes turning from a predominantly rural and
agrarian to an industrial, service-based and urban economy. Communities that
have been living in hazard-prone areas for centuries often have mechanisms that
allow them to recognize and mitigate the threats that surround them. As people
migrate or are forced to migrate within the country increasing numbers of -
predominantly poor - people live in areas that are exposed to hazards they have
little familiarity with. A high rate of population growth further feeds into this
trend, and leads to environmentally damaging practices such as uncontrolled
logging or overgrazing, that may intensify and modify existing hazards. Climate
Change threatens to alter monsoon and rainfall patterns further and is predicted to
lead to more severe and less predictable flooding and drought episodes. Rapid
urbanization with little attention to spatial planning and construction norms
exposes higher numbers of people to highly damaging events such as cyclones
and earthquakes.
Both the 2005 earthquake and the 2010 and 2011 floods have revealed the
vulnerability of Pakistani society and economy to disasters. Damages and losses
have been massive but could have been largely reduced if disaster risk reduction
measures had been incorporated into physical, social and economic development.
The 2005 earthquake illustrated the fact that disasters are not natural; they are
closely related to human knowledge, skills and action or inaction. The 2005
earthquake provided a wake-up call to move away from an emergency response
paradigm, and to devote more attention to prevention, mitigation and
National Disaster Risk Reduction Policy
The 2010 and 2011 floods resulted in unprecedented and unsustainable losses to
the national GDP
. A reliance on “ex post” or reactive public financing sources
and donor assistance led to liquidity shortfalls in the immediate aftermath of
floods and proved insufficient to cover important recovery and reconstruction
needs, leaving some key infrastructure in disrepair and communities less resilient.
The 2010 floods further exposed the government to fiscal imbalances and
threatened the national economy. The floods demonstrated that much more
energetic and multi-sectoral efforts are needed to deal with increasing levels of
exposure and vulnerability. Capacity to act upon disaster risks needs to be created
where it matters at the local level, in high risk areas and geared towards
strengthening the resilience of communities. At the national and provincial levels
a robust capacity to coordinate, monitor and resource Disaster Risk Reduction
(DRR) activities require priority attention.
1.2 Scope and Building Blocks of the Policy
The National DRR Policy provides an overall guiding framework for addressing
the high levels of disaster risk permeating Pakistani Society. It covers both natural
and man-made hazards. The policy seeks to promote priority measures to
ameliorate already existing vulnerability to hazards, and equally important
measures to ensure future development processes and programs strengthen
resilience. The policy serves as a guiding framework both for DRR and relevant
development plans and programs to focus attention upon priority issues.
Pakistan is one of the signatories of the UN Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA)
2005-2015: Building the Resilience of Nations and Communities to Disasters. At
the core of the HFA lies the integration of risk reduction as an essential
component of national development policies and programs. The earthquake in
2005 highlighted Pakistan’s vulnerability to disaster risks and motivated a shift
from the erstwhile response-focused to the current, more proactive approach. This
shift found its first expression in the National Disaster Management Ordinance
(NDMO, 2006, replaced in 2010 by the current National Disaster Management -
NDM Act), followed up by the National Disaster Risk Management Framework
(NDRMF) (2007-2012) that outlined a comprehensive national DRR agenda.
The policy is based upon an extensive review of existing background
documentation including assessments, relevant frameworks, policies and plans.
The building blocks of the current DRR policy reflect the priority actions of the
HFA and are within the NDM Act 2010 that decentralized responsibilities for the
2010 Floods caused losses and damage amounted to 5.8% of the Pakistani 2009/10 GDP according to the
WB/ADB Disaster Needs Assessment making it considerably more costly in relative terms than the 2011
Japanese Tsunami (4.6%).
National Disaster Risk Reduction Policy
implementation of DRR to the provincial and district level. The policy is based
upon consultations with district, provincial and national government stakeholders
as well as civil society actors and development partners.
1.3 Policy Challenges
The overarching policy challenges the policy deals with are as follows:
1.3.1 Low levels of risk awareness and knowledge
The risk to be affected by disasters is basically a function of the degree of
, exposure to damaging hazard events and the frequency, and
severity of hazards. Risk atlases and indices help to establish a
comparative picture within a country identifying geographical “hot spots”
or areas that are at relatively higher levels of risk from one or multiple
hazards. Risk assessments are needed to establish the probability and
possible impact of hazard events on people, livelihoods and sectors. At a
lower scale risk assessments are used to diagnose causes and identify
technically, environmentally and socially sound options for risk
prevention and mitigation.
Risk knowledge is as of yet low in Pakistan. This applies both to the
mapping and understanding of a number of key hazards and the
underlying dynamics and causes (including climate change), and to the
lack of sound data and analysis of vulnerability. Only a small number of
risk assessments have been undertaken covering limited territory and
hazards. There is no national standard methodology or institutionalized
capacity to conduct multi-hazard risk or vulnerability analysis. This
includes the absence of a standard for geo-spatial mapping which is an
essential prerequisite for a national risk atlas. Hazard-data is spread out
over several institutions at national and provincial levels. The same
applies to data on disaster losses and damages that is not yet
systematically brought together and analyzed to monitor vulnerability and
hazard trends. At the community level risk awareness is usually higher in
those areas that have been recently affected by disasters and involved in
subsequent Community Based Disaster Risk Management (CBDRM)
activities. In other disaster-prone areas communities have often extremely
Vulnerability can be distinguished as follows (a) social/ organizational vulnerability i.e. displacement, lack of
awareness and social cohesion; (b) economic i.e. lack of access to services and resources and (c) physical or
environmental vulnerability i.e. health status; sub-standard buildings; physically isolated communities. These
factors often overlap.
National Disaster Risk Reduction Policy
limited information and understanding of the hazards that surround them.
Access to information can be especially difficult for women and children.
1.3.2 Development not “risk conscious” and DRR not yet effectively
The integration of DRR into development is at its initial stage. This
applies to all levels of development planning i.e. a) national development
plans and poverty reduction strategy papers; b) development programs and
sector-specific projects and c) the application of building codes for
construction and land-use and zoning regulations for settlement planning.
This can be attributed to a mix of both technical and institutional factors;
namely the need to raise awareness and commitment at policy- and
decision-making levels; the need to build dedicated capacity and
resources; a lack of institutional and legal mechanisms to promote
enforcement; and a lack of monitoring, evaluation and accountability. As a
consequence development currently exacerbates rather than reduces
disaster risks.
1.3.3 Insufficient DRR capacity at all levels of society.
An important aspect of the current DRR legislation is the decentralization
of core responsibilities to provincial and district levels. However this
decentralization is not yet matched by institutionalized capacity, in
particular at the district level that is closest to high-risk communities under
its jurisdiction. Capacities at community, union council and tehsil levels
are overall low. At the national level the National Disaster Management
Authority (NDMA) needs to acquire the capacity to act as the main
facilitator of DRR in the country and provide overall support and technical
guidance to line agencies, FATA/GB/State/Provincial Disaster
Management Authorities (F/G/S/PDMAs) and District Disaster
Management Authorities (DDMAs). In many other national-level
ministries and agencies as well as provincial-level departments capacity is
also lacking to apply DRR to specific sector policies, plans and
interventions. Outside government Civil Society Organizations (CSOs)
have played an important role in promoting DRR at the community level,
however these efforts have largely depended upon external funding and
are patchy. The involvement of the private sector in DRR is as of yet
In view of these challenges the policy suggests a number of key objectives
targeting risk awareness and knowledge, DRR mainstreaming and
capacity building within the context of preparedness, prevention and
Chapter 2
Vision, Principles and Objectives
National Disaster Risk Reduction Policy
2. Vision, Principles and Objectives
The vision statement emphasizes the urgency of strengthening adaptive and coping
capacity against the dynamic nature of hazards, vulnerabilities and risks within the wider
context of a changing society and a changing climate.
2.1 Vision: “A Pakistan that build up its resilience to shocks from natural and man-
made hazards with a sense of urgency, creating a solid base to address
disaster risk reduction in vulnerable areas, while involving an
increasingly wider range of stakeholders from government, civil
society and private sector.
2.2 DRR Approach
A fundamental purpose of the policy is to advocate an approach to disaster
management that focuses on reducing risks the probability of losing one’s life or
health, assets and livelihoods. Disasters both large and small - have become a
regular phenomenon in vulnerable communities across Pakistan. However, the
adaptive capacity to withstand or cope with these events is low, and future
disasters and climate change threaten to erode it further. In the past decade
disaster events have caused unprecedented levels of loss and damage, wreaking
havoc on communities, the local and national economy, exacerbating poverty and
hampering development. These losses could have been largely reduced through
preparedness, prevention and mitigation.
The DRR approach promotes risk reduction as part and parcel of development.
Risk reduction strategies need to be mainstreamed to increase Pakistan’s
resilience to natural hazards and to ensure that development efforts do not
increase vulnerability. It is imperative that the reduction of vulnerability and risks
is viewed as a continuous set of activities across social, economic, governmental
and professional sectors. Activities within these sectors need to be integrated into
planning and development strategies that facilitate widespread exchange of
information. A shared awareness, commitment and responsibility need to be
created at all levels of Pakistani society to reduce risk in disaster-prone areas and
2.3 Principles
2.3.1 Multi-hazard approach
Developing institutions, mechanisms and capacities that are capable of
addressing multiple hazards raises the resilience, efficiency and
effectiveness of the whole system.
National Disaster Risk Reduction Policy
2.3.2 Vulnerability and risk analysis as the basis of DRR
DRR plans and initiatives need to be based upon assessments that identify
the nature and degree of vulnerability or risk (including the identification
of particularly vulnerable groups), that allow prioritizing problems or
geographical areas on a rational basis and that inform the design of
appropriate and technically sound DRR interventions. Hazard and
Vulnerability Assessments, Risk Assessments and Indices are core tools
and processes to identify, diagnose and prioritize risk but also to create
awareness and a common perception of how risks can be addressed.
2.3.3 Strengthening community participation and resilience
When they are hit by disaster, vulnerable communities in Pakistan are
often on their own for hours or even days before external assistance
arrives. DRR cannot be effective without strengthening the capacities of
those who are most vulnerable and who need to have the information and
skills to reduce the impact of hazards on their lives and livelihoods. DRR
initiatives need to build upon existing community organizations and
relevant coping mechanisms to be sustainable. Engaging communities in
vulnerability and capacity assessments provide entry points to build
awareness, commitment and resilience in the face of disasters.
2.3.4 Strengthening the resilience of vulnerable groups
The specific DRR needs of women and children, in particular the poor, are
often overlooked perpetuating patterns that lie at the heart of their current
vulnerability and lead to greater disaster losses in Pakistan. While
mechanisms need to be culturally appropriate, DRR requires the
involvement of women as stakeholders to build resilient communities.
Needs and damage as well as vulnerability and risk assessments, and DRR
programs (such as CBDRM, recovery and reconstruction or sector-specific
mitigation initiatives) need to demonstrate gender-sensitivity.
Other groups requiring specific attention from risk assessment, over
implementation of DRR measures to monitoring and evaluation include
persons with disabilities, older people, marginalized and remote
communities as well as different religious groups.
2.3.5 Compatibility with local customs and norms
DRR interventions need to take into account local customs and norms and
build upon local institutions.
National Disaster Risk Reduction Policy
2.3.6 Clearly defined division of roles and responsibilities between
different layers of government
DRR is first and foremost a provincial and district-level subject. National
policies provide an over-arching framework for risk reduction but
provincial, district and municipal governments, together with civil society
groups, are best placed to promote and support risk-reduction behavior
among vulnerable communities. This requires a clear definition of roles
and responsibilities between different layers of governance and actors. For
DRR to effectively reduce vulnerability amongst those most at risk,
partnerships with and between provincial, district-, tehsil/ union council
governments should be promoted.
2.3.7 Promoting inter-organizational partnerships (Govt. /CS; Govt./Govt./;
DRR covers a complex set of problems demanding a response that no
single organization can provide. This requires not just strong vertical
linkages but also horizontal connections between different types of
organizations (public, private and civil society organizations including
academia) and different sectors.
2.3.8 Transparency and accountability in all DRR interventions
Resources for DRR need to be allocated on a transparent basis based upon
verifiable assessments. Information on resource allocation should be in the
public domain and be subjected to third party scrutiny. DRR programs and
activities are ultimately accountable towards those who are vulnerable to
or affected by disasters. Their input and feedback needs to be sought
proactively through the establishment of communication channels,
monitoring and beneficiary feedback mechanisms.
2.4 Policy Objectives
In line with the outlined principles the DRR policy has the following objectives:
2.4.1 Creating an integrated national capacity to identify and monitor
vulnerability and hazard trends including potential climate change
2.4.2 Creating Multi-Hazard Early Warning capacity while building
upon existing systems and emphasizing the information and
warning needs of vulnerable end-users
National Disaster Risk Reduction Policy
2.4.3 Strengthening an integrated disaster preparedness and response
capacity from the local to the national level
2.4.4 Promoting development planning that considers and addresses
disaster risks alongside environmental and climate change
2.4.5 Strengthening the structural and non-structural resilience of key
infrastructure and lifelines in Pakistan
2.4.6 Strengthening capacity at national and provincial levels to facilitate
and provide support to the implementation of DRR policies, plans
and programs across sectors and in high-risk areas
2.4.7 Strengthening Local Level Risk Reduction capacity focusing upon
communities, and supportive linkages with Union Councils, tehsils
and districts
2.4.8 Ensuring DRR is systematically integrated into recovery and
reconstruction programming, “building better, safer and stronger”
and informing DRR mainstreaming in general
Chapter 3
Policy Interventions
National Disaster Risk Reduction Policy
3 Policy Interventions
3.1 Risk Knowledge
3.1.1 Risk or vulnerability atlas and index at national level
DRR strategies and initiatives need to be based upon clear assessments of
disaster risks i.e. a quantitative and qualitative understanding of the
underlying causes and vulnerabilities, geographical distribution of
vulnerability and hazards , the probability of hazard occurrence and
predicted losses. The establishment of a nation-wide vulnerability and
multi-hazard vulnerability atlas and index for Pakistan requires the
involvement of a range of Pakistani scientific and government institutions
that can provide or generate data for analysis
. In addition multiple line
departments that have data on elements at risk i.e. infrastructure and key
life-lines need to be involved in the exercise. Furthermore government
institutions such as the National Disaster Management Commission
(NDMC), NDMA, Provincial Disaster Management Commissions
(PDMCs) and F/G/S/PDMAs, selected DDMAs, and planning commission
and departments need to participate in the design process to promote a
common understanding of disaster risks, build ownership and ensure that
the ultimate product meets relevant information requirements. Only a
highly credible assessment will help to promote the resulting index as a
basis for planning.
A risk assessment is not a one-off exercise but provides the base-line for
future disaster risk monitoring. This includes adding information layers
and increasing the resolution of the exercise to allow for more meaningful
analysis at the provincial and district level. Continuity of efforts is all the
more important as climate change may affect the severity, frequency and
geographical distribution of known hydro-meteorological hazards in
Pakistan. The vulnerability and risk atlas therefore needs to result in the
establishment of an inter-active and integrated national capacity and
spatially referenced data-base that can be accessed, manipulated and
updated utilizing Geographic Information Systems. This requires a risk
assessment and data-base construction process that not only involves
Pakistani scientists but also strengthens their capacity as well as the
capacity of future data-base operators and users. Such an objective
Including the Meteorological Department, Geological Survey of Pakistan, SUPARCO, Federal Flood Commission
and Federal Bureau of Statistics.
National Disaster Risk Reduction Policy
involves the harmonization and standardization of geo-spatial mapping
tools and soft-ware. The national GIS-powered data-base should have its
institutional home within the NDMA providing access to relevant line
departments as well as provinces and districts. Based on the national GIS
more work will be undertaken to refine and down-scale the system to fit
the needs of PDMAs and DDMAs. Ultimately the results of risk
assessments should be in the public domain and be easily accessible.
3.1.2 Local/ district level risk assessments
National risk assessment would identify highly vulnerable districts and be
complemented by higher resolution work at local level to diagnose the
underlying causes of risk, explore concrete risk reduction options and
inform development planning and prioritization exercises and/ or disaster
preparedness planning. Assessments should be conducted using a uniform
methodology and process for multi-hazard vulnerability and risk
assessment so they can help to refine the national/ provincial data-bases.
This requires the development of a national Hazard, Vulnerability and
Risk Assessment standard providing for differentiation between urban and
rural areas. Such a standard would cover the need to engage in
participatory research to address citizens’ and communities’ risk
perception and build their ownership in DRR strategies and measures.
Outputs of local/ district level risk assessments will include hazard and
risk maps. Technical assessments should be performed by appropriate
specialists and scientists. The role of F/G/S/PDMAs and DDMAs in these
assessments should be one of monitoring and coordination. PDMCs
should provide overall guidance on expected outputs of risk assessments
and review the results against their utility for the intended purpose.
Assessments undertaken at the community level can add more qualitative
information and data to technical risk assessments, and technical
assessments can provide communities with necessary outside expertise.
This requires building closer partnerships between F/G/S/PDMAs,
DDMAs and civil society organizations that are most active in conducting
these exercises. The sharing of information needs to be agreed with
communities and ultimately community based organizations should be
encouraged to raise their vulnerability concerns with local government
actors directly.
National Disaster Risk Reduction Policy
3.1.3 Damage and loss data-base and climate change-focused research
Data from damage and loss assessments provide insights into patterns of
vulnerability, hazard occurrence, magnitude and severity. The creation of
an integrated multi-hazard damage loss data-base is therefore a
prerequisite for systematic vulnerability and risk monitoring. Against this
objective a multi-hazard damage and loss data-base, uniting data that is
currently scattered across various organizations, needs to be created.
While damage-loss data-bases help to identify trends based on past events,
research into the impact of climate change on glaciers and ice caps in the
North need to be carried out to inform scenarios for DRR planning that
consider further changes to existing patterns of hydro-meteorological
3.2 Prevention and Mitigation
3.2.1 Creating more resilient communities
DRR needs to address and involve local level actors in high-risk
communities to be effective and produce sustainable results. Disasters are
by definition local events since vulnerability and disaster risk are context-
specific and communities are not only first hit by disasters but also the
first to respond. Resilient communities adapt to hazards, avoid or mitigate
negative consequences and are able to recover more quickly from shocks.
Linkages and synergies need to be created between high-risk communities,
civil society and voluntary organizations and local government at village,
union council, tehsil and district levels to make the best use of limited
resources. Local DRR activities need to focus upon high risk areas and
communities that experience disasters frequently.
Local-level DRR requires the strengthening of community organization/
capacity building and preparation of plans at village- and Union Council
(UC) level that are based upon participatory assessments of vulnerabilities
and hazards. Plans require the identification of especially vulnerable
groups and how to protect them and provisions to involve women in DRR
forums and activities. Plans need to identify mitigation options and cover
adequate preparedness measures
. Village and UC-level plans need to link
up with higher-level, supportive plans at district levels including
I.e. early warning and evacuation procedures; management of local shelters; search and rescue; first aid; basic
response; communication and requesting or accessing support from government/ agencies.
National Disaster Risk Reduction Policy
development plans. Plans require rehearsals and simulations to deepen
awareness and skills and test their effectiveness.
While local and community-based DRR needs to address the specifics of
local risk and vulnerabilities as well as variations in social and cultural
norms a national standard on local-level DRR should identify process and
critical components based upon best practices and accumulated experience
in Pakistan. This includes the need to build linkages, information
exchange and communication channels between community-based actors,
local governments and DDMAs/ PDMAs. The national standard would
identify the core characteristics of a resilient community in Pakistan and
could be further adapted and refined at provincial and district levels. The
creation of the standard should be based upon consultations between
government, CSOs and communities.
3.2.2 Promoting “risk conscious” and resilient development
a. Integrate DRR into development planning (macro-level: national-
level plans and strategies; mega-projects)
The relationship between disasters and development is twofold: disasters
have the potential to offset development gains while development can
increase exposure and vulnerability to hazards. For the poor this often
means that disasters feed into a vicious cycle of worsening vulnerability
and ultimately destitution. DRR therefore needs to be treated as an integral
component of major strategic frameworks for development i.e. national-
level development plans and Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers. DRR
focusing on hydro-meteorological hazards by addressing already existing
climate change variability should also be promoted as a major component
of Climate Change Adaptation Plans. Last but not least DRR needs to
inform the design of projects of national significance and be factored into
project cycle management.
b. Put into place adequate regulatory regimes to promote DRR
Against a background of rapid urban growth and potential urban disasters,
the promotion of DRR through land-use plans and building codes needs to
be given high priority in urban settlements. There is an urgent need to
revisit municipal regulations in relation to building by-laws and structural
and non-structural safety-features to identify a) major safety issues in
relation to major hazards including earthquakes, landslides, fires and
flooding and b) proper and realistic measures to strengthen the
enforcement regime and compliance mechanisms. Building codes need to
National Disaster Risk Reduction Policy
be updated every three years in relation to observed hazard and
vulnerability trends and be disseminated to both concerned agencies and
departments at all levels as well as the wider public. Strategically the
focus should be on ensuring that new buildings comply with building
codes, while retrofitting is applied to lifeline buildings.
There is need to address the issue of land-use planning and zoning in
sprawling urban areas taking into account anticipated future growth.
Master plans need to be reviewed against findings from risk and
vulnerability assessments and current land-use patterns. Where master
plans do not exist they need to be developed to promote sustainable and
risk conscious strategies for urban development. This requires the
engagement of concerned national and provincial ministries/ departments
as well as scientific institutions to develop alternative and realistic land-
use models for selected high-risk areas covering various priority hazards,
variations in geography and socio-economic development. Particular
attention needs to be given to finding sustainable solutions for poor
communities inhabiting areas that are deemed unsafe. Relocation can be
an option, however it requires community participation and the design of
holistic solutions that effectively lower existing levels of risk
taking into
account not only physical aspects but also social and economic dimensions
of vulnerability.
In rural areas with mostly non-engineered buildings and different land-use
patterns and needs, an approach needs to be pursued that centers on the
promotion of safer building techniques through awareness-raising and
training of local construction workers building upon experience gathered
from previous “risk-consciousrecovery and reconstruction efforts . The
promotion of safer and environmentally sustainable patterns of land-use
needs to be backed up by specific, local regulations while consulting and
agreeing their design with communities and strengthening community
organizations to assist with monitoring rules once they are established.
District development plans need to address the settlement of unsafe areas
in a holistic manner looking at “living with hazards” models (through
CBDRM) and/ or working with communities to develop safer livelihoods
and settlement alternatives.
Resettlement can replicate risk or even increase risk especially in areas where “safe” land is scarce, risk knowledge
is low and moving people may only lead to the exchange of one hazard against another.
National Disaster Risk Reduction Policy
c. Integrate DRR into development planning (micro-level projects)
At the project level efforts have been completed to develop a DRR
checklist for basic development project formats PC 1 & 2 at national,
provincial and district levels. Future efforts should concentrate on building
capacity within national, provincial and district Planning and
Development departments to manage and monitor the proper use of these
checklists while ensuring proper technical support from NDMA and
PDMAs. This includes capacity to analyze development alternatives
against their potential impact on risk. In addition integration of DRR into
development needs to be gradually expanded to cover all stages of the
project management cycle including monitoring and evaluation with clear
criteria and guidelines. This also requires sector-specific guidelines for a
number of priority sectors.
Ultimately checks performed during the project appraisal phase must be
able to flag projects that require more in-depth assessments to a) identify
risks, b) formulate recommendations to address these risks. Risk
Assessment elements may be incorporated into Environmental and Social
Impact Analysis.
d. Integrate DRR into the whole spectrum of post-disaster interventions
The time following a disaster provides a unique window of opportunity to
address DRR by promoting equitable and effective recovery that addresses
vulnerability within a multi-hazard context. Such efforts need to be
initiated in the response and early recovery phase while continuing
throughout the rehabilitation and reconstruction phase. They include
capacity building of local governments and development planners. DRR
activities in areas affected by disasters need to be eventually harmonized
with longer-term development objectives.
Systematic integration of DRR into rehabilitation, recovery and
reconstruction needs to be guided by a national rehabilitation, recovery/
reconstruction framework and multi-hazard and sector-specific guidelines.
3.2.3 Resilient key-infrastructure and life-lines
In the light of competing demands upon limited resources the resilience of
critical infrastructure and key life-lines demands particular attention both
at the macro-level (plans and strategies) as well as at the micro-level of
development (projects and regulations). Key infrastructure and lifelines
include those facilities, structures and services whose disruption or
National Disaster Risk Reduction Policy
destruction would seriously affect peoples’ lives and livelihoods including
those whose functioning is crucial in a post disaster situation i.e.
o Educational and Health Facilities; Key Government Buildings
o Water Supply and Sanitation, Electricity, Transport and
o Irrigation and Flood Protection
In order to guide the design of resilience-strengthening measures, the
vulnerability of various infrastructure systems and services needs to be
evaluated against multiple priority hazards. Against findings from these
sector-specific assessments, DRR strategies and plans need to define a
program to promote and enforce appropriate construction norms and
location requirements, suggest eventual retrofitting activities and measures
to mitigate non-structural damage
as well as appropriate preparedness,
operation and maintenance procedures. Sector-specific DRR plans or
strategies should also guide safer reconstruction through better-quality and
risk-informed planning, engineering and building following destructive
Flood protection is a cross-cutting and trans-boundary challenge and any
improvements to existing infrastructure need to be guided by overall
strategies for water and flood-management taking into account
environmental, social and economic considerations. This is particularly
important in the light of climate change concerns and scenarios that
predict both more erratic and severe flooding in the future.
3.2.4 Promoting risk awareness and knowledge through DRR education
Addressing DRR awareness-raising and education needs to happen at
various levels of society to ensure DRR enjoys adequate political,
technical, professional and public support. An important role in human
resource development is to be played by the NIDM as the nodal training,
research and education institution.
a. Promoting DRR through public awareness campaigns
Reaching the wider public with DRR messages requires clearly targeted
awareness campaigns with clear objectives, core target groups and
This applies in particular to buildings with high levels of occupancy i.e. schools, colleges and health-centers. Non-structural
measures refer to building contents and components that are not part of the physical structure i.e. doors, electrical and heating
systems etc.
National Disaster Risk Reduction Policy
appropriate methodologies that ensure messages reach men and women.
The NIDM has an important role to play in advising on the design of such
campaigns but also in creating capacity within NDMA, PDMAs and
DDMAs to design, conduct and evaluate public awareness campaigns in
the appropriate regional languages.
b. Promoting DRR education in schools and colleges
The integration of DRR into the education syllabus at all levels should
focus upon creating awareness of priority hazards, mitigation or
prevention options and building basic self-help and mutual-help capacities
through school-based preparedness or safety plans (covering recovery of
functionality in a post-disaster situation). School preparedness needs to be
linked into wider community-based DRR plans and mechanisms as
schools may serve as shelters and safe havens in disaster situations. For
better coverage it is important that DRR education is also promoted in
private and religious schools. Peer mechanisms are effective in reaching
out of school children and youth.
c. Promoting professional and technical education
Professional and technical education in DRR needs to be enhanced
through a range of activities including:
The development of DRR as a professional discipline needs to be further
promoted at national and provincial levels through high-quality academic
programs while agreeing on common curricula standards.
The curricula of graduate and postgraduate courses in architecture,
engineering, medicine, earth-, environmental and social sciences need to
be further updated to incorporate the latest DRR knowledge and practices.
Everyday emergency responders (ambulance services, police, fire-
services) require enhancement of their training and skills through
dedicated DRR training
Integrate DRR into curriculum of Civil Defense Training Institutions
At the local level training initiatives require support that target artisans
such as builders and masons, and train them in hazard-resistant
construction, focusing upon non-engineered buildings.
National Disaster Risk Reduction Policy
d. Strengthening DRR capacity amongst key stakeholders and decision-
Through the NIDM curricula and training opportunities will be developed
targeting national and provincial key stakeholders. Furthermore specific
training opportunities and courses will address the professional
development needs of NDMA and PDMA staff. The NIDM will also
develop short courses targeting decision- and policy-makers striving to
increase both understanding of DRR and commitment to identify and act
upon DRR needs. At the provincial level capacity needs to be strengthened
to address the training needs of district level stakeholders.
DRR will be integrated into the syllabus of Civil Services Academy,
NIMs, Administrative Staff College, National Defense College and Staff
3.3.1 Multi-hazard EWS
The fact that Pakistan experiences a range of regularly occurring hazards
provides a strong rationale for investing in multi-hazard Early Warning
Systems (EWS) that provide advance warnings to both decision-makers
and communities. Effective EWS depend upon risk knowledge, an
effective hazard monitoring and threat assessment, warning system,
dissemination and communication of warning messages and communities
that respond to warnings. Ultimately EWS are only as good as the life-,
livelihood- and property-saving action that they manage to induce. EWS
therefore require attention to people centered and gender sensitive
approaches in establishing warning and dissemination mechanisms.
The concepts, mechanisms and activities of multi-hazard Early Warning
need to be embedded in wider DRR strategies and preparedness or
response plans at national, provincial and district/local/community levels.
At the same time gaps and deficiencies in staffing and equipment of
technical agencies responsible for monitoring individual hazards need to
be addressed and protocols for the provision and exchange of information
need to be established. Key actors in government agencies require
legitimate mandates (following a mutually agreed plan) to coordinate,
monitor and issue warnings on a variety of hazards. This requires the
National Disaster Risk Reduction Policy
establishment of clear centers of responsibility at all levels and for all key
steps of warning
For highly localized, destructive hazards that are difficult to monitor and
predict using remote technology and systems, community-based
monitoring and alert systems need to be developed within the wider
framework of CBDRM building upon traditional warning mechanisms.
3.3.2 Integrated disaster preparedness and response capacity
An effective disaster preparedness and response system rests upon clearly
defined roles including leadership roles, an effective flow of information
between stakeholders and heightened response capacity in areas that are
most likely to experience disasters. In addition more specialized capacity
(i.e. Urban Search and Rescue Units) needs to be created to back up local
emergency services. There is a need to have clear arrangements that allow
the system to switch into emergency mode and mobilize necessary
resources in a timely and effective manner.
a. Disaster preparedness and response plans
There is need to clarify mutual roles and responsibilities (horizontal and
vertical) and coordination arrangements in an updated, multi-hazard
national response plan that is based upon current legislation. The same
needs to happen at provincial and district levels while following a
common approach to planning, so plans complement each other. Plans
need to be based upon risk assessments, operational realities and existing
resources while making specific suggestions how to improve upon current
levels of performance.
b. Hazard- and sector-specific plans
Effective response requires each relevant sector to define their
responsibilities and interventions in their own response plans (based upon
the overall plan) specifying technical details, standards and requirements
as well as sector-specific coordination.
Given the regularity, significance and/or highly specific nature of certain
events such as floods, oil-spills or terrorist attacks single-hazard
A Draft Multi Hazard Early Warning System Plan is available and awaits finalization.
These plans can be part of broader DM plans.
In principle also to be performed at all levels.
National Disaster Risk Reduction Policy
contingency plans need to be created for specific scenarios bringing
together concerned agencies and stakeholders.
c. Defining levels and geography of disaster situations
There is a need to set criteria for the identification and declaration of
“disaster affected” areas. Disaster declarations may temporarily restrict
individual rights (such as property rights or mobility). They eventually
open up local areas to assistance from higher levels and they denote a
condition where local capacity to cope with the event and its aftermath is
either at its limit or overwhelmed.
Hazards rarely coincide with administrative boundaries. Therefore an
integrated national disaster preparedness and response system needs to be
prepared to deal with situations that exceed the capacity of a single district
or province or even the nation. A Standard Operating Procedure needs to
define criteria to determine whether a disaster is a “district”, “provincial”
or “national” level disaster. Broad criteria for the declaration of disaster
situations at various levels may apply to the level of physical damage and/
or the numbers of casualties and/ or the loss of functionality of key
services including local government capacity to lead, implement and
coordinate response efforts. Furthermore the SOP needs to highlight the
mechanism for declaring an emergency, and subsequent responsibilities at
various levels of government. In the event of a national-level disaster an
appeal for international assistance may be launched by the national
There is a need to clarify the legal ramifications of a disaster declaration
defining rights and duties of citizens, private businesses and government
organizations in the affected and (in the case of “district”, “provincial” or
“national” level disasters) surrounding areas. This requires by-laws at all
levels that also clearly define centers of authority and mechanisms to
declare a disaster area or situation, conditions for keeping these
declarations in place and phasing out from such declarations.
d. Disaster response forces / volunteers
Communities are the first to respond to disasters and the importance of
training the community in preparedness and life-saving measures is well
recognized. Their immediate response needs to be backed up by more
specialized and better-resourced response forces. There is a need to create
such forces at provincial and district levels while building upon everyday
emergency services (medical services, fires-service etc.) and Civil defense
National Disaster Risk Reduction Policy
with its volunteer structure. The specific roles and potential of other
voluntary organizations such as the Pakistan Red Crescent Society and
Edhi Foundation should be considered. The role and protection of
volunteers participating in DRR activities require legal clarification to
address issues of status, liability and insurance. It is likely that different
provinces will come up with slightly different models for disaster response
however they need to perform to overall standards as set out in
guidelines and SOPs.
At provincial level and in major cities including the national capital more
specialized search and rescue units and hazmat teams that can also be
deployed to local areas need to be created.
e. Assessments and information management
Effective response rests upon timely, accurate and up-to-date information.
This requires clear procedures and standardized forms for information
collection, sharing and analysis. Situation Reports, (Rapid) Needs and
Damage and Needs Assessments require harmonized protocols,
methodologies and forms. Needs and damage assessments protocols and
methodologies need to define a) methodologies to gather gender-
differentiated data, and b) ways to gather information from women and
children to address their specific needs. Multi-sectoral capacity needs to
be built to perform assessment and tasks in a timely fashion.
At provincial and national levels an integrated data-base should capture
available disaster response in all areas under their jurisdiction resources
including human, material and financial to facilitate mobilization in times
of need. This data-base should also reach out to the district level.
f. Civil-military relations
The Pakistani military plays an important role in emergency response. In
the light of increasing decentralization of DRR to provinces and districts,
there is need to strengthen civil-military coordination to pursue common
goals and minimize inconsistencies. Coordination as a shared
responsibility should include a) joint planning covering agreed alert and
mobilization procedures; b) information sharing including the sharing of
SOPs, c) task division and d) hand-over procedures between civilian
authorities and the military where appropriate. Joint simulations can help
to clarify coordination and cooperation modalities. Overall there is a need
For instance in the Punjab, Provincial and District Response Forces have been established under the executive
leadership of Rescue 1122 incorporating the voluntary structure of Civil Defense.
National Disaster Risk Reduction Policy
to define the use of military assets in natural, industrial and conflict
emergencies (as well as in emergencies where conflict and natural hazards
overlap) in specific guidelines for Pakistan.
3.3.3 Financial protection and disaster risk financing mechanisms
The objective of financial protection is to mitigate the impact of natural
hazards on communities and wider society through a range of instruments
employing a combination of public (international and national) and private
channels of funding. The efficient financing of natural disasters relies on
public-private partnerships between the private insurance and reinsurance
industries and governments.
Pakistan has very low private insurance penetration and the government is
often expected to support private reconstruction representing a huge
burden on public funds. At the national and provincial level the current
financial protection practice is largely reliant on public post-disaster
financial instruments (budget reallocations and tax increases) as well as
donor assistance. Such ex-post instruments have been insufficient to cover
recovery and reconstruction needs and have also led to liquidity shortfalls
in the immediate aftermath of disasters. The government’s ultimate
responsibility to provide post-disaster assistance to the poor and
vulnerable and restore lifeline infrastructure has been challenged by wide
and competing demands.
Proactive financial protection strategies based upon advance planning
would allow to increase Pakistan’s financial response capacity in the
aftermath of disasters and to reduce the economic and fiscal burden of
natural disasters by transferring excess losses to private capital and
insurance markets. Well designed disaster risk financing and insurance
strategies can create financial incentives for public and private agencies
and/or households to take responsibility and further mitigate their risks.
For example, access to Disaster Risk Financing and Insurance (DRFI)
instruments can be made contingent upon compliance with earthquake-
resistance building codes.
Risk Assessments and risk modeling techniques provide the tools to assess
the likely economic and fiscal impact of natural hazards upon which cost-
effective risk financing and insurance strategies can be built. A holistic
financial protection strategy needs to be designed that explores the
following categories of financial protection and risk transfer:
See UN IASC Civil-Military Guidelines for global reference on the topic.
National Disaster Risk Reduction Policy
a. Public catastrophe risk financing
There is need to develop a sovereign catastrophe risk financing strategy to
increase the financial response capacity of the Pakistani government. Such
a strategy could suggest a layered system: a) a national DM reserve for
funding the response and recovery following frequent but low impact
hazard events; b) contingent credit facilities and emergency loans to
finance the medium layer of risk and c) parametric insurance
catastrophe bonds to finance rare but high impact events. .
b. Property catastrophe insurance system
There is need to create a conducive environment for the development of a
competitive private catastrophe insurance market targeting home-owners,
small and medium enterprises, and public entities for example through
catastrophe-(re) insurance pools and defining top layers of risk that
insurances will have to absorb. This will require a dialogue between the
Insurance Department and Security Exchange Commission with the
Insurance Industry.
There is also a need to encourage programs for farmers, herders and
agricultural financing institutions (e.g., rural banks, microfinance
institutions) to increase their financial resilience to adverse natural
hazards. Special insurance products will have to be created to protect the
livelihoods of the poor, in particular against extreme weather events.
Triggered by an event of an agreed magnitude, such as wind speed of a cyclone, not linked to loss assessment.
Chapter 4
Implementation Framework
National Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Policy
4. Implementation Framework
The success of the National DRR Policy lies in the effective implementation of operational
plans to be prepared and implemented by national and provincial governments in line with
broad policy parameters. Most significantly, the role of F/G/S/PDMAs and district authorities
will be the key to enhancing DRR capacities of line departments and at-risk communities. In
the following section, an overall framework for implementation is recommended to facilitate
the subsequent process of formulating detailed action plans.
4.1 National DRR Policy: A Living Adaptable Document
The National DRR Policy will remain a dynamic document to be reviewed and
updated continually in order to keep the policy parameters aligned with
national priorities, changing weather patterns and risk profile of the country,
and international obligations. The reviews and updates, however, will be made
on the basis of:
a) Scientific information / data related to hazards, risks and
b) Any changes in legal, constitutional or governance setups at the
national or provincial level; and
c) Lessons learnt to improve, enhance and strengthen mitigation,
preparedness and response management systems at the national,
provincial and local levels.
The process of introducing changes to the policy document will ensure multi-
stakeholders’ consultations with technical and legal experts, federal ministries
/ divisions / departments, authorities and institutions, and provincial and
regional governments.
The DRR Policy would be reviewed every three years, however, in case of a
need to introduce changes at a specific point of time to address any policy
issues based on the feedback during implementation of action plans, the
national and provincial DRM institutions (NDMA & F/G/S/PDMAs) will hold
consultations and propose changes for approval by the competent forum..
4.2 Operationalizing through Plans
The current policy will be implemented through three main instruments: a)
development plans; b) disaster risk reduction/management plans; and c)
sectoral and hazard-specific plans. In order to implement specific components
of the policy, a range of specific plans and strategic frameworks need to be
designed or finalized. These include, among other, a human resource
development plan, a national multi-hazard early warning system plan, a
financial risk protection strategy and a range of strategic frameworks to
National Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Policy
promote safer and sustainable land-use in a variety of socio-economic,
geographic and risk contexts. In parallel to DM planning processes
preparedness, prevention and mitigation objectives will also be integrated into
development planning at national, provincial and district levels as well as into
specific plans of key and lifeline sectors.
Disasters and development go hand-in-hand and the mainstreaming of DRR in
the overall development process is considered to be the foundation of a long-
term agenda that allows to mitigate risks and vulnerabilities and to make
communities more resilient to natural or man-made shocks. .
For a risk-sensitive development environment in Pakistan, the National DRR
Policy reinforces that all the relevant ministries, departments, organizations
and agencies will attach greater importance to integrating DRR considerations
into policy, planning and programming at all levels. NDMA will facilitate the
process of developing specific guidelines by engaging technical experts and
organizing consultations with relevant entities at all levels. Planning for
disasters and disaster risk management/reduction is a participatory process and
will aim to involve a multitude of stakeholders from across government
sectors, the private sector, NGOs, CBOs and communities. It would therefore
be necessary to cluster stakeholders into planning groups relevant to the
various activities associated with disasters and disaster risk management, e.g.
hazard-specific contingency plans and operational plans, development of
disaster risk reduction strategies, etc
4.2.1 Development plans
The national, provincial and district governments will ensure that
disaster risk reduction principles are incorporated in the development
agenda and other country programs. In order to guarantee availability
of financial resources for the disaster risk reduction activities, the
annual and long-term mega development programs/ projects and the
poverty reduction strategies will recognize and include DRR as an
integral part of development agenda. Development programs or
projects will only be approved by the competent authorities when they
comply with the general and specific DRR guidelines.
NDMA and F/G/S/PDMAs will work closely with the National
Planning Commission and the Provincial Planning & Development
Departments respectively and provide technical assistance to help
scrutinize DRR-sensitive programs/projects for approval and
Similarly, the DDMA will be the focal point for technical assistance to
be provided during the formulation of annual or 5-year District
National Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Policy
Development Program (DDP). DDMAs will have to ensure that the
DDPs take into account the risk and vulnerability profile of the district
and incorporate feedback from hazard-prone communities. DDMAs
will also be required to guide and assist the local governments (Tehsil
and Union Council) on integrating DRR into development planning
and implementation.
4.2.2 Disaster risk reduction / management plans
In addition to regular development plans, the national, provincial and
district governments will develop and implement DRR/DRM plans in
order to continuously identify, treat and manage risks through
appropriate structural and non-structural means. A National Disaster
Management Plan (NDMP) will be developed outlining measures for
disaster prevention, mitigation and preparedness as well as defining
roles and responsibilities of different ministries or divisions of the
Federal Government to be performed at different stages of disaster risk
management. Similarly, F/G/S/PDMAs will develop provincial
DRR/DRM plans, which will be approved by the PDMC. Respective
F/G/S/PDMAs will ensure overall coordination and implementation of
the Provincial DRR/DRM Plan.
Local governments have a key role in identifying and understanding
the hazards and risks that could impact on the safety and sustainability
of their communities. At local level, DDMAs, with technical assistance
from F/G/S/PDMAs, will prepare District DRR/DRM Plans keeping in
view the detailed analysis of risks and vulnerabilities of the area,
mapping of capacities available with public and private sector, and
clearly defined roles and responsibilities of district line departments to
be performed in pre- and post-disaster phases. The District DRR/DRM
Plans will also provide long-term DRR/DRM vision, key priorities and
financial arrangements necessary for implementing programs and
activities aimed at making the local communities resilient to hazards
and threats from potential climatic changes. The District DRR/DRM
Plans will not entirely focus on structural or engineering solutions but
equal importance will be given to non-structural aspects of DRR/DRM.
DDMA will endorse the District DRR/DRM Plan for final approval by
F/G/S/PDMAs. For effective implementation of the Plan,
F/G/S/PDMAs will also help district authorities in resource
UC DRR/DRM Plans are equally important to be prepared as risks and
vulnerabilities may vary from rest of the areas and UCs of the district.
NDMA will assist F/G/S/PDMAs in developing and finalizing specific
National Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Policy
guidelines that the DDMAs will follow during the process of
developing a UC-DRR/DRM Plan. The planning process will have to
ensure active participation of communities, CBOs and other local-level
stakeholders so that they could identify prevailing risks and suggest
medium and long-term means to mitigate them on the basis of
indigenous knowledge and local capacities. DDMAs will impart
necessary training to district and UC officials for undertaking the
planning activity. UC-DRR/DRM Plans will be approved by DDMAs.
UC-level planning inputs can be very useful for updating the District
DRR/DRM Plans as well. DDMAs will be required to review / update
district and UC DRR/DRM plans annually for their effectiveness and
4.2.3 Sectoral and hazard-specific plans
In addition to capitalizing on multi-tier development and DRR/DRM
plans, federal ministries / departments and provincial and district line
departments will be required to develop sector-specific DRR/DRM
plans to be reviewed and updated annually. This approach will allow
each public-sector entity to complement and strengthen the overall
structure of DRM both horizontally and vertically. NDMA will provide
technical assistance in terms of preparing guidelines and imparting
technical skills to government officials for developing sectoral
DRR/DRM plans at the national and provincial levels. Likewise,
F/G/S/PDMAs will take this initiative down to the districts. For the
approval of sectoral plans, NDMA and F/G/S/PDMAs will undertake
technical reviews before their approval by relevant ministries /
divisions at the national and provincial level. The technical reviews
will revolve around: a) department-specific risk analysis; b) measures
for structural and non-structural mitigation of identified risks and
allocation of budget; c) defined mandate of the department vis-à-vis
DRM; and d) inter-department linkages.
Moreover, NDMA will also develop and implement a Multi-hazard
Early Warning System Plan and a National Human Resource
Development Plan.
4.2.3 Planning guidelines
The National DRR Policy emphasizes that for effective multi-tier DRR
/ DRM planning that is in consonance with the requirements and
provisions of the HFA and the NDM Act 2010, NDMA will engage the
technical agencies from public and private sectors and develop a set of
guidelines and templates for the following:
National Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Policy
a) Risk Assessment guidelines for national, provincial and district
DRR/DRM plans;
b) DRR Mainstreaming guidelines;
c) Community-Based Risk Assessment Guidelines;
d) Guidebook on Indigenous Coping Mechanism for flood,
drought, earthquake, landslide and coastal hazards;
e) Damage and Needs Assessment template for district authorities,
F/G/S/PDMAs and national entities;
f) Hazard-specific Risk Assessment Guidelines;
g) Emergency Response Guidelines;
h) Contingency Planning template and guidelines;
i) Guidelines and templates for Sectoral DRR/DRM plans;
j) Guidelines for Industrial Hazards Mitigation;
k) Guidelines and templates for monitoring and evaluation of
DRR / DRM plans; and
l) Guidelines for reviewing and updating DRR / DRM plans at
national, provincial, district and Union Council level.
4.3 Finance
Adequate resources and their efficient utilization is of critical importance for
effective disaster risk reduction measures. Timely and adequate investment on
DRR will substantially reduce hazard risks but also the costs associated with
response, recovery and rehabilitation. NDMA, F/G/S/PDMAs should be
provided with sufficient financial resources for designing and implementing
disaster risk reduction measures. The resource mobilization and disaster risk
financing arrangements are based upon the provisions of NDM Act 2010. The
financing needs to be guided by the principles of Adequacy, Equity,
Predictability, Administrative efficiency, Incentive effects, Autonomy, and
Risk pooling.
The National DRR Policy recommends that a separate and dedicated budget
line for disaster risk reduction be created at federal, provincial and district
tiers. For the sustainability of prevention, mitigation and preparedness efforts
and to ensure a timely response to any disaster situation, the NDM Act 2010
calls for establishing and managing National and Provincial Disaster
Management Funds separately; National Disaster Management Fund (NDMF)
and Provincial Disaster Management Fund (PDMF). The Act identifies two
major sources of funding: a) government’s grants; and b) loans, aids and
donations by national or international agencies or other sources. It also
requires the Federal and Provincial governments to make provisions for funds
in their annual budgets for carrying out activities and programs set out in
disaster management plans as required by N/F/G/S/P/DMAs. The National
National Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Policy
DRR Policy also recommends for development partners to contribute to
strengthen the national and provincial disaster management funds.
4.4 Knowledge Management and Research and Development
A predominant response-oriented approach till 2007 did not provide enough
space for the academic work on DRR to take roots and inform and prioritize
policy decisions and strategic interventions. Similarly, whatever amount of
DRR knowledge was created over the years within the public and private-
sector domains remained scattered and inaccessible, which could have
otherwise been transformed into ’life-saving’ knowledge for risk-prone
DRR knowledge management has gained importance given the global
acknowledgement that losses to lives and livelihoods can be reduced
substantially if people are informed about risk and vulnerabilities and using
their capacities for DRR. However, it requires the collection, compilation and
dissemination of relevant knowledge and information.
The National DRR Policy thus recognizes that an environment has to be
established to create, share, learn, enhance, organize and utilize DRR
knowledge in best possible manners. In view of the above context, following
key policy measures will be taken to promote DRR-related R & D and
knowledge management:
4.4.1. Research on disaster risk reduction
To guide, promote and strengthen research aspects, NDMA, in
consultation with scientific and technical institutions, will set up a core
group of experts to identify research needs in disaster risk reduction,
and to undertake a range of research studies. Emphasis is required to
be given to climate change and adaptation and global warming in
addition to research on cross-cutting themes including technological
and man-made disasters. Research into indigenous coping mechanism
for flood and drought hazards, micro-zonation and scenario
development based on simulation studies will be of significant
Similarly, post-disaster field studies will be undertaken as an
institutional measure to identify gaps and analyze the status of
preparedness, response and mitigation. The findings of such studies
will be fed into national, provincial and local level DRM plans for their
enhanced effectiveness.
National Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Policy
Additionally, NIDM will document lessons of past disasters vis-a-vis
recovery and reconstruction to guide the future course of
mainstreaming DRR into post-disaster phases. NIDM will also
document DRM case studies and best practices to be disseminated to
all stakeholders for the promotion of DRM in Pakistan.
4.4.2. Strategic plan of NIDM
NDM Act 2010 outlines the roles and responsibilities of the NIDM
with regard to research and capacity building. In order to effectively
fulfill legal and technical obligations, NIDM will prepare a Strategic
Plan in consultation and collaboration with NDMA and relevant
provincial institutions/academies to take forward the agenda of
research, training and capacity building for disaster risk reduction and
management. NIDM will also extend desired technical assistance to
provincial disaster management institutions for preparing research,
training and capacity building action plans.
4.4.3. Academic affiliations
In order to enhance academic and technical scope, credibility and
effectiveness of NIDM, options will be explored for its affiliation with
research, training and educational institutions at the national, regional
and international levels.
4.4.4. Disaster resource center
NIDM will establish and run a Disaster Resource Center (DRC) to
support and complement DRR efforts through technical inputs on
research, training, education, advocacy and awareness throughout the
country. DRC will be a hub of disaster-related information for
consumption of public-sector departments and organizations, print and
electronic media, students, development professionals, and
4.4.5. Training and capacity building
A training and capacity building agenda will flow out of NIDM’s
Strategic Plan. NIDM will gather all the available training, awareness
and capacity building material and consolidate/adapt it for use by
different actors. Besides developing training manuals and modules in
Urdu and English languages, NIDM will chalk out a detailed strategy
for mass awareness on DRR through appropriate means.
Training and capacity building programs become more useful if the
training content is based on the training needs of different
stakeholders. Therefore, NIDM will prepare Training Needs
National Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Policy
Assessment template and guidelines and complete the practical
exercise before finalizing the list and outlines of training courses /
materials. Lastly, NIDM, in consultation with NDMA and
F/G/S/PDMAs, will plan for regularly conducting drills and
simulations at different levels.
4.5 Community Based Disaster Risk Management
CBDRM has a pivotal role to play in strengthening the overall DRR/DRM
system and structures. Although, there is a world-wide broad consensus on
established principles and techniques for CBDRM, different countries,
however, have developed CBDRM frameworks and guidelines according to
their own national priorities and specific community and cultural needs. In
Pakistan, national and international NGOs have largely been implementing
CBDRM programs and activities according to their own understanding of the
local context. In the absence of a national CBDRM framework, it becomes
difficult to create synergies and get maximum benefits for hazard-prone
communities out of the CBDRM efforts. Therefore, a national CBDRM
framework that could be further adapted and refined at provincial and district
levels will be developed.
4.6 DRR Mainstreaming in Education System
DRR agenda will remain inconclusive unless the national education system is
made an integral part of it. Efforts are already underway to mainstream DRR
in education curricula at all levels (school, college, university). However, the
task at hand is to develop the DRR curricula in national and regional
languages for subsequent mainstreaming. NDMA will facilitate the process of
developing DRR curricula in consultation with relevant forums. Similarly, an
appropriate mechanism will be devised to review with DRR lens the curricula
of graduate and post-graduate level courses in architecture, engineering, and
earth sciences, etc.
4.7 Monitoring & Evaluation
Needs-based prioritization of future DRR/DRM interventions becomes
relatively difficult if the monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of past and on-
going DRR/DRM programs and projects is not done systematically. NDMA,
in collaboration and consultation with provincial governments, federal
departments, institutions, and development partners, will develop a monitoring
& evaluation framework for periodic oversight of the implementation of
DRR/DRM activities in Pakistan. The framework will aim to objectively
National Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Policy
evaluate the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and impact of
DRR/DRM interventions.
More specifically, the M&E framework will provide unified tools and
templates for tracking the implementation status of the National DRR Policy,
Disaster Management Plans and other DRR/DRM-related programs and
projects at the national, provincial and local levels.
F/G/S/PDMAs will undertake M&E activities at the provincial and district
levels whereas NDMA will do the same for national-level initiatives. At the
end of each year or in the first month of the following year, NDMA and
F/G/S/PDMAs will share their M&E findings and analysis for subsequent
consolidation and sharing with relevant stakeholders. NDMA will annually
publish a national report on M&E of DRR/DRM interventions, which will be
presented to the NDMC together with overall progress related to DRR / DRM.
F/G/S/PDMAs will present their M&E reports to respective PDMCs.
4.8 Harmonizing DRR initiatives
Over the last few years, the federal and provincial governments have taken
various initiatives aimed at reducing structural and non-structural
vulnerabilities to different hazards and building capacities of government
officials and communities. However, there is a need to create synergies within
and among provincial and national initiatives and making optimum use of on-
going efforts. The implementation of such activities in isolation is not likely to
achieve desired results. Therefore, it is imperative for the federal and
provincial governments to dovetail all such initiatives of structural and non-
structural nature within the holistic framework of DRR in order to effectively
contribute to the national agenda of making Pakistan a disaster resilient
National Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Policy