Primary Language Curriculum: Draft long-term planning framework for
English, Stage 2 in English-medium schools
foráis sa bhunscolaíocht
This draft long-term planning framework is part of a suite in support of the
new Primary Language Curriculum. These planning frameworks are in draft
form to provide teachers with the opportunity to feed back on how further
improvements can be made. You can share your feedback through the online
survey here. You can customise the templates according to your planning
preference and your own class context.
This draft long-term planning framework consists of two sections: Expected
Learning and Supporting the Learning.
Expected Learning: To identify the learning, you may use the Primary
Language Curriculum document and/or access the curriculum at
1. Learning outcomes: For convenience this section is prepopulated
with all of the learning outcomes for the stage(s)/ class(es) selected.
Watch out for this paper-clip symbol alongside some learning outcomes in
the Language Curriculum. This symbol indicates that skills covered in this
learning outcome are transferable to a learning outcome in the school’s
other language.
2. Elements: For convenience this section is prepopulated. There
are three elements of language that are abbreviated to Communicating,
Understanding and Exploring and Using. These same elements can be
found in oral language, reading and writing.
3.Progression Milestones: This section is optional. You may nd it
helpful to identify where children currently are in their learning and
where you expect them to be by the end of the long-term plan. If you
are teaching children with moderate to profound difculties, you may
also nd the Special Educational Needs SEN pathways helpful.
Circle all the progression steps that reect children’s learning at
the beginning of the period covered by this long-term plan. You may
identify and circle as many groups as you wish. For children with SEN
you may nd it helpful to also use the SEN pathways to recognise
their progress. On the second row circle where you plan for groups
of children to be by the end of the period of time covered by the
long-term plan.
You may nd it helpful to read the progression milestones online and
watch their associated examples of learning to get a better sense of
where children are in their learning. In the case of SEN you may nd
it helpful to read the Support Material, SEN pathways and view their
associated examples of learning.
Primary Language Curriculum: Draft long-term planning framework for
English, Stage 2 in English-medium schools
foráis sa bhunscolaíocht
Supporting the Learning: In this section, identify the topic/theme,
learning content, methodologies, assessment practices, resources, linkage and
integration you plan to use.
Topic/ Theme: You may wish to refer to a topic or theme that you
plan to use with the children.
Content: In broad terms, identify what you intend to teach. In the
interests of clarity, the content may be presented separately under
the three strands.
Methodologies/Assessment/Resources/Linkage and
integration: Methodologies, assessment, resources, linkage and
integration may be planned across the three strands supporting
connections between oral language, reading and writing. You may
nd it helpful to refer to guidelines, methodologies and assessment
methods. Differentiation should be planned for and referred to
Other: You may wish to refer to other areas that need to be
planned for or considered such as homework, home support, whole
school support and external services.
When completing the Supporting the Learning section of the planning
framework you may like to visit to look at the
Language Curriculum Support Material.
Short-term plan and Cuntas Míosúíl (CM)
Date: Class(es): Time-span:
Expected Learning
Learning Outcomes: please edit as you see t for your own style, context and period of plan
Element Oral Language Reading Writing
1. Engagement, listening and attention
Stages 1 and 2: Show interest in, demonstrate
joint attention and actively listen and attend for
enjoyment and for a particular purpose. TF1
2. and 3. Social Conventions and awareness
of others
Stage 2: Use social conventions of language
appropriately in order to initiate, sustain and
engage readily in conversations on personal and
curriculum-based topics and use a language style
and tone suited to the audience TF2
Stages 1 and 2: Use language with condence to
work collaboratively with others and share the
outcomes with familiar and unfamiliar audiences.
1. Engagement
Stages 1 and 2: Take part in and enjoy listening
to, reading and talking about the meaning and
interpretation of written words and illustrations
with others. TF1
2. Motivation and choice
Stage 2: Choose, read and communicate about
text in a range of genres for pleasure, interest and
specic purposes TF2
1. Engagement
Stage 2: Take part in and have fun mark-making,
drawing and writing to communicate with others.
2. Motivation and choice
Stages 1 and 2: Choose appropriate tools, content
and topics for their own writing and select texts
for sharing with others. TF2
‘Text’ to include all products of language use: oral, gesture, sign, written, braille, visual, tactile, electronic and digital.
Primary Language Curriculum: Draft long-term planning framework for
English, Stage 2 in English-medium schools
foráis sa bhunscolaíocht
Element Oral Language Reading Writing
4. Sentence structure and grammar
Stages 1 and 2: Use coherent sentences of
increasing complexity with correct tense, word
order and sentence structure, while using
connectives and producing compound and
complex sentences to elaborate appropriately.
5. and 6. Acquisition and use of vocabulary
Stages 1 and 2: Use different strategies such as a
speaker’s gestures, tone of voice, known words,
pictures, sentence structure, denitions and
descriptions to acquire and show understanding
of new words. TF5
Stages 1 and 2: Use sophisticated oral vocabulary
and phrases including the language of text, topic
and subject-specic language, and express and use
decontextualized language. TF6
7. Demonstration of understanding
Stages 1 and 2: Demonstrate understanding
through the ability to give and follow instructions,
comprehend narratives and explanations,
and clearly state a case including speculating,
hypothesising, justifying, negotiating, arguing and
complaining. TF7
3. Conventions of print
Stage 2: Use conventions of print to help
understand text. TF3
4. Phonological and phonemic awareness
Stages 1 and 2: Play with and recognise sounds
such as syllables, rhyme, onset-rime and phonemes
in spoken words. TF4
5. Phonics and word recognition
Stage 2: Use phonic knowledge and a range of
word identication strategies with exibility
and condence when reading instructional and
independent-level texts TF5
6. Reading vocabulary
Stage 2: Use a range of vocabulary strategies
and knowledge of synonyms, antonyms and
homonyms, afxes and root words to clarify
and discuss the meaning of unknown words and
phrases as they arise. TF6
3. Conventions of print and sentence
Stage 2: Use more sophisticated conventions of
print and sentence structure, and a range of verb
tenses and connectives in their writing. TF3
4. Spelling
Stage 2: Spell a wide range of high frequency
words accurately and use spelling strategies for
unfamiliar words. TF4
5. Vocabulary
Stage 2: Use a more sophisticated range of
vocabulary from many sources and explore the
aesthetic, creative and imaginative dimensions of
language in their writing. TF5
‘Text’ to include all products of language use: oral, gesture, sign, written, braille, visual, tactile, electronic and digital.
Primary Language Curriculum: Draft long-term planning framework for
English, Stage 2 in English-medium schools
foráis sa bhunscolaíocht
Element Oral Language Reading Writing
Exploring and using
8 and 9. Requests and questions
Stages 1 and 2: Express personal needs and
preferences, and make requests with condence.
Stages 1 and 2: Ask and answer a variety of open and
closed questions to seek help, get information, develop
understanding, clarify and extend thinking. TF9
10. Categorisation
Stages 1 and 2: Name, describe and categorise people,
objects, and experiences showing increasing depth of
knowledge and improved understanding. TF10
11. Retelling and elaborating
Stages 1 and 2: Tell and retell stories and personal
and procedural narratives of increasing complexity
to familiar and unfamiliar audiences using appropriate
sequencing, tense and oral vocabulary. TF11
12. Playful and creative use of language
Stages 1 and 2: Listen and respond to the aesthetic,
imaginative and creative aspects of language and use
language playfully and creatively. TF12
13. Information giving, explanation and
Stages 1 and 2: Supply, explain and justify points of
information to familiar and unfamiliar audiences using
topic-specic language.
14 Description, prediction and reection
Stages 1 and 2: Describe, predict and reect upon
actions, events and processes relating to real and
imaginary contexts.
7. Purpose, genre and voice
Stage 2: Experience and respond to the aesthetic,
creative and imaginative aspects of text and a
wider range of genres justifying preferences and
opinions. TF7
8 and 9. Comprehension
Stages 1 and 2: Recall, discuss and sequence
signicant details and identify key points of
information in text. TF8
Stage 2: Draw on a repertoire of comprehension
strategies exibly and interchangeably to engage
with the text. TF9
10. Fluency and self-correction
Stages 1 and 2: Read instructional and
independent-level texts in a range of genres
with uency and understanding, and self-correct
independently. TF10
6. Purpose, genre and voice
Stages 1 and 2: Draw and write with a sense of
purpose and audience while creating texts in a
range of genres, and develop an individual voice to
share their thoughts, knowledge and experiences.
7. Writing process
Stages 1 and 2: Use the writing process when
creating texts collaboratively or independently.
8. Response and author’s intent
Stage 2: Elaborate on the meaning of their own
writing and discuss the texts of others showing an
emerging recognition of the author’s intent.
9. Handwriting
Stage 2: Write using cursive script
‘Text’ to include all products of language use: oral, gesture, sign, written, braille, visual, tactile, electronic and digital.
Primary Language Curriculum: Draft long-term planning framework for
English, Stage 2 in English-medium schools
foráis sa bhunscolaíocht
Primary Language Curriculum: Draft long-term planning framework for
English, Stage 2 in English-medium schools
foráis sa bhunscolaíocht
Progression Milestones This section is optional. The SEN pathways may also be of benet.
1. Circle the progression milestones that reect where the children/groups of children in your classroom are currently in their learning at the beginning of the
period covered by this long-term plan. You can identify and circle as many groups as you wish. For children with moderate to profound difculties you may nd it
helpful to also use the SEN pathways to recognise their progress.
2. Circle where you plan for children to be by the end of the period of time covered by this long-term plan.
The table supports planning for learning groups within a class or multi-grade classes in one classroom. Please customise according to your context.
Progression Milestones for Oral Language
Where the children/groups are currently in their learning and where they should arrive at by the end of the period in this plan
Beginning of period
early a a b c d e f g h
End of period
early a a b c d e f g h
SEN pathways
Progression Milestones for Reading
Where the children/groups are currently in their learning and where they should arrive at by the end of the period in this plan
Beginning of period
early a a b c d e f g h
End of period
early a a b c d e f g h
SEN pathways
Progression Milestones for Writing
Where the children/groups are currently in their learning and where they should arrive at by the end of the period in this plan
Beginning of period
early a a b c d e f g h
End of period
early a a b c d e f g h
SEN pathways
Experiencing Attending Responding Initiating Acquiring Becoming Fluent Generalising
Experiencing Attending Responding Initiating Acquiring Becoming Fluent Generalising
Experiencing Attending Responding Initiating Acquiring Becoming Fluent Generalising
Supporting the Learning
Learning Experiences: In broad terms record a brief outline of what will be taught and how. Differentiation to be referred to throughout.
Strand Topic/Theme Content Methodologies Assessment Resources Linkage and integration
Oral LanguageReadingWriting
foráis sa bhunscolaíocht
Primary Language Curriculum: Draft long-term planning framework for
English, Stage 2 in English-medium schools
Other: You may wish to refer to other areas which need to be planned for such as homework, parental involvement, whole school support, external services.
foráis sa bhunscolaíocht
Primary Language Curriculum: Draft long-term planning framework for
English, Stage 2 in English-medium schools