Veterinary Medicine
Authors: Grace Boone,
Aynsley Romaniuk,
Candace Croney,
Purdue College of
Veterinary Medicine
Early Neurological Stimulation
(ENS): Implications for canine
welfare and management
In discussions of how to best support
puppy development and welfare, factors
such as the puppys growth or time
spent with its mother and littermates
are often considered. Recently, the
amount and type of environmental
enrichment provided to puppies in the
form of toys, walks or playtime outdoors,
and interactions with humans and other
animals have also become important
considerations. Simple interactions
early in a puppys life may additionally
increase its ability to learn and cope
successfully with stress later on, thus
leading to better welfare outcomes.
Early Neurological Stimulation (ENS),
which involves applying gentle
stressors to a very young animal for
short periods of time, is thought to
improve their stress responses later in
life. The stressors—which often include
removing animals from their litters for
short periods, very briey exposing
them to cool temperatures, holding
them in dierent positions, and gently
touching parts of their bodies—are
applied for a few seconds, once a day,
for at least 10 days.
Eects of ENS
The link between stress and activation
of the endocrine system is well known.
The release of glucocorticoids (a class
of stress hormones) from the adrenal
cortex following stress aects many
processes in the body. These changes
are the basis for the bodys “ght or
VA-24-W Early Neurological Stimulation (ENS): Implications for canine welfare and management
ight” response. The eects of short-term, mild stress
can be benecial, creating robustness” in the body
and preparing it to deal more eectively with stressors
later in life (Levine, 1960; and reviewed in Meaney,
2001; Pryce and Feldon, 2003). However, not all stress
is equal. High-intensity or long-term stress is often
detrimental, either because of overwhelming the
bodys ability to respond, or leading to negative side
eects from a sustained “ght-or-ight” process, which
depletes energy and the ability to resist disease (Selye,
Studies of ENS began with rat pups, and currently,
most of the published work in this area is rodent-
focused. Rat pups handled early in life were much
less fearful when exposed to an auditory stimulus
(Schaefer, 1963), had lower corticosterone levels
when restrained by a person (Plotsky and Meaney,
1993), and were less resistant to being captured after
stress (Núñez et al., 1996). These ndings have since
generated interest in exploring the eects of ENS in
other species, including dogs.
Applications and eects of ENS on
puppy development
As is the case for rodents, it is believed that ENS
may provide stimulation to the developing puppy’s
endocrine system and cause him/her to develop more
ability to deal with stressful events later in life. This
may lead to better learning and an improved ability to
cope with adversity. Though some of this belief stems
from the benets of ENS shown in other species, it has
also been advanced by unpublished work conducted
as part of a US Military Working Dog (MWD) training
program called “Bio Sensor, later discussed by Battaglia
(2009). Specic claims on the eects of “Bio Sensor
listed in Battaglias discussion include “improved”
heart rate, “stronger heartbeats and adrenal glands,
and increased stress tolerance and disease resistance
(Battaglia, 2009), although how these eects were
measured was not specied. The “Bio Sensor program
exercises included the following:
1. Tactile Stimulation: the puppy is “tickled” between
the foot pads on any one foot with a Q-Tip (3-5
2. Head Erect: the puppy is held perpendicular to the
ground with both hands, orienting its head above its
tail (3-5 seconds)
3. Head Down: the puppy is held perpendicular to the
ground with both hands, orienting its tail above its
head (3-5 seconds)
4. Supine: the puppy rests with its back in the palms of
both hands, with its nose oriented toward the ceiling
(3-5 seconds)
5. Thermal Stimulation: a damp towel is placed in
fridge for at least 5 minutes; place puppy on towel
on all fours and do not restrain movement (3-5
To date, only a few studies have been conducted on
ENS in dogs using various handling exercises, and
these have shown variable results. For example, a study
by Fox and Stelzner (1966) applied an ENS treatment
that included exposure to light and sound, movement,
cold, swimming, grooming, and a check of the puppys
reexes. The entire ENS treatment took one hour per
puppy and was done daily from day one to 5 weeks
of age. After three weeks, 10 minutes of play with the
researcher was added in. Puppies were weighed and
their heart rates were measured weekly. They were
then behaviorally tested at 5 weeks, and the body
weights, heart rates, and reexes of ENS puppies
were compared with those who did not receive ENS
treatment. Handled puppies explored more, were
more social toward humans and more condent when
engaged in a social situation with other dogs. They also
were better at problem-solving. They had increased
heart rates compared to puppies that did not receive
ENS, but there were no dierences in their weights or
reexes (Fox and Stelzner, 1966).
Another study looked at the eects of ENS on dogs
being raised in homes and those kept in professional
breeding kennels. The ENS consisted of a 5-minute
gentle whole-body massage with the puppy lying
both on its back and on its stomach (Gazzano et al.,
2008). This was done daily for days 3-21 of life. The
puppies were later behaviorally tested at 8 weeks
of age. Handled and unhandled puppies from both
the kennels and the homes were compared. In an
isolation test, all handled puppies regardless of
housing explored the environment more. There were
no dierences between any groups in their heart rates
or reactions to dierent objects and an unfamiliar
environment and person (Gazzano et al., 2008).
VA-24-W Early Neurological Stimulation (ENS): Implications for canine welfare and management
Other studies have found no signicant eects of
using ENS in dogs. For instance, Schoon and Berntsen
(2011) observed that when puppies bred for mine-
detection underwent “Bio Sensor in addition to
their normal socialization program, there were no
dierences in their performance on a test intended
to measure search behavior, responses to novel
people, environments, and objects. There were also no
dierences in any of their developmental benchmarks
(Schoon and Berntsen, 2011). However, the high level
of socialization the puppies were already receiving
could have masked any eects of the ENS. ENS eects
might be clearer when used with puppies raised in a
less stimulating environment.
Overall, because of the variety of test processes
used and the small number of studies that exist, it is
currently impossible to say if some types of ENS are
more eective than others. More research is needed
to determine what sorts of ENS intervention might be
most benecial to dogs.
Limitations of ENS
For those choosing to use ENS in hopes of improving
puppy welfare, caution is needed to avoid
inadvertently creating problems. For example, it can
be easy to accidentally overstress puppies when
providing ENS. As previously mentioned, little research
has been done on ENS in dogs, which makes it unclear
as to how much stimulation is needed to achieve
any benets. This is problematic because there is no
threshold for under- or over-stimulation (Battaglia,
2009). Separating young animals from their mothers
is commonly a part of ENS, but a review of many
studies has found that separation for a prolonged
period produces long-term negative eects on brain
chemistry and stress responses in puppies (Anand and
Scalzo, 2000). The duration of separation needed to
achieve benets rather than negative eects is unclear.
Further, following Schaefers (1963) suggestion that a
temperature change may be the only factor needed for
eective ENS, a slight, brief temperature change might
be useful to incorporate into puppy ENS programs.
However, a prolonged or severe change in temperature
may be harmful to the puppy’s health. Therefore,
anyone including cold stress in their ENS protocols
must be careful not to expose puppies to very cold
temperatures, and puppies should not be exposed to
cooler surfaces or ambient air temperatures for more
than a few seconds at a time. Regardless of which ENS
procedures are used, puppies must be continuously
monitored for signs of distress, as these would indicate
a need to stop the ENS treatment immediately.
There is some evidence to suggest that ENS may help
dogs cope better with stress later in life. Several of the
suggested ENS stimulation techniques take little time
to do, are low cost, and may provide crucial long-
term behavioral benets to dogs. The techniques are
relatively easy for breeders to incorporate into their
practices, and, if eective, could potentially improve
the overall health and welfare of puppies, potentially
improving owner satisfaction. Breeders should
therefore be educated about the potential benets of
ENS and how to implement it without over-stressing
puppies. More research is needed to determine the
most eective methods of ENS, so that both dogs and
breeders receive the greatest benets from utilizing
this intervention.
Photo by Croney Lab, Purdue University.
VA-24-W Early Neurological Stimulation (ENS): Implications for canine welfare and management
Anand, K.J.S., Scalzo, F.M., 2000. Can adverse neonatal
experiences alter brain development and
subsequent behavior? Neonatology 77, 69–82.
Battaglia, C.L., 2009. Periods of early development and
the eects of stimulation and social experiences
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Fox, M.W., Stelzner, D., 1966. Behavioural eects of
dierential early experience in the dog. Anim.
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E.A., 2008. Eects of early gentling and early
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Meaney, M.J., 2001. Maternal care, gene expression,
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stress reactivity across generations. Annu. Rev.
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Núñez, J.F., Ferré, P., Escorihuela, R.M., Tobeña, A.,
Fernández-Teruel, A., 1996. Eects of postnatal
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Plotsky, P.M., Meaney, M.J., 1993. Early, postnatal
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CRF content and stress-induced release in adult
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Pryce, C.R., Feldon, J., 2003. Long-term
neurobehavioural impact of the postnatal
environment in rats: manipulations, eects and
mediating mechanisms. Neurosci. Biobehav.
Rev. 27, 57–71.
Schaefer, T.J., 1963. Early experience” and its eects on
later behavioral processes in rats: A critical factor
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Schoon, A., Berntsen, T.G., 2011. Evaluating the
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development and training of mine detection
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Selye, H., 1956. The stress of life. McGraw-Hill, New
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