1. The following documents are included in this application packet:
Extern Qualifications and Limitations
Academic Credit for Externship
Student Application for Externship
Statement of Educational Goals
Supervisor, Extern, and Faculty Agreement
Petition to Repeat
2. After having secured an externship with an eligible supervisor, you must submit the following:
Student Application for Externship (completed by student)
Supervisor, Extern, and Faculty Agreement (completed by student and supervisor)
Statement of Educational Goals (completed by student and supervisor)
3. If your supervisor has not previously been approved, your supervisor also must submit the following
Request for Approval of Extern Supervisor, see 1A-4A.
4. All externship placements must be a new experience. If you are seeking to receive credit with an
organization where you have previously volunteered, interned, or externed you and your supervisor must
complete a Petition to Repeat.
Petition to Repeat, see 5A.
5. You cannot self-enroll in an externship. You will be enrolled once you return the completed application
packet including all required student and supervisor signatures. This is due no later than the last day of class
for the semester prior to your externship. Submit to:
Ambre Weston
Director of Externships
University of Tulsa College of Law
3120 East 4
Place, Tulsa, OK 74104-2499
Phone: 918-631-5862
Email: ambre-weston@utulsa.edu
1. Students applying for academic credit through an externship must meet the following requirements:
Student must have completed 28 credit hours with a 2.0 or higher GPA.
Externship must run concurrent with the semester in which the student is enrolled. Start and end dates
for the placement shall align with the first day of law classes and the last day of law classes,
Student will not work in another law-related position if doing so could create a conflict of interest or
confidentiality issues in violation of the Oklahoma Rules of Professional Conduct.
Student cannot extern in a position in which the student has previously worked or externed without prior
Dean approval.
Student cannot work under the direct supervision of a family member.
2. Externships are subject to academic credit hour limits, as follows:
Minimum externship credit hours: 2
Maximum total judicial externship credit hours: 6 (Federal Court), 3 (State Court)
Maximum total externship credit hours: 12
3. Students are required to complete a total of six (6) experiential learning hours prior to graduation. This
requirement may be fulfilled through either clinics or externships or a combination of both.
4. Externships are subject to the limit of 12 academic credit hours that can be earned in non-classroom courses.
Under this regulation, the limits on academic credit hours earned through non-classroom courses include,
but are not limited to:
Advocacy competitions, law journals, externships, or any other internship in which academic credit is
granted. Clinical courses are NOT considered non-classroom courses and are not counted against the 12
hour limit.
Subject to the approval of a dean (the Dean or Associate Dean of Academic Affairs), a student not
subject to the 2.5 Rule who enrolls in faculty-approved, semester-long field placement programs may
earn up to 18 hours of academic credit in non-classroom academic activities. Note: The addition of up to
6 hours is limited to those situations in which a student has been granted approval by petition the
semester prior to placement.
Please see Oklahoma Rules of Professional Conduct, Okla.stat. tit. 5 App. 3-A §Rule 1.6-1.11
Credit Hours
Work Hours
(per semester)
Work Hours
x 14 weeks
Work Hours
x 12 weeks
Work Hours
x 6 weeks
2 90 6.43 7.50 15.00
3 135 9.64 11.25 22.50
4 180 12.86 15.00 30.00
5 225 16.10 18.75 37.50
6 270 19.29 22.50 45.00*
7 315 22.50 26.25
8 360 25.70 30.00
9 405 28.93 33.75
10 450 32.14 37.50
11 495 35.36 41.25*
12 540 38.57 45.00*
*Subject to specific approval by Director.
Enrollment Information
Semester/Year for which you are requesting credit: Fall Spring Summer Year: __________
If summer, select term: 1
6 weeks 2
6 weeks Full summer/12 weeks
Number of credit hours sought: _____________ Required weekly hours in placement:_____________________
Course: Civil Criminal Judicial Corporate/Transactional Litigation
Student Information
Name/TU ID #:
TU Email:
Address and Phone:
Semester/Year you
started law school:
Supervisor Information
Office/Court & Title:
Address and Phone:
This externship was obtained:
Via a Compass posting or through assistance from Assistant Dean Donald.
Through my own outreach, contacts and/or application. If so, this position is:
(check one): Unpaid Paid
Externship part of a SERL requirement? Yes
Paid externships are subject to approval by Assistant Dean Donald and limited to placements secured by students on
their own accord. Paid externship placements are subject to the same rules, regulations, and reporting as all externships. A
student’s time may not be billed in any externship.
I hereby certify that (check each box):
I have successfully completed 28 credit hours and maintained a 2.0 or higher GPA;
This externship is a new position, in which I have not previously worked for pay/credit or as a volunteer. If
this is not a new position, I have attached a Petition for Repeat Externship.
I will not extern under the direct supervision of a family member.
I understand that I must work a total of 45 hours for each academic hour of credit. I have spoken with my
supervisor and received reasonable assurance that there will be sufficient work available to me to fulfill the
hours-worked requirement for the credit hours in which I intend to enroll.
I will not work in another law-related position while participating in an externship without prior Dean
approval. Additionally, I will not work in another law-related position if doing so could create conflicts of
interest or confidentiality issues that would violate the Oklahoma Rules of Professional Conduct.
I understand that I am allowed a maximum of 12 non-classroom credits (subject to Dean approval in
certain circumstances). The following reflects my current non-classroom credits:
Previously Earned
Credits To Be
Earned This Term
Externships are graded on a pass/fail basis. To obtain a passing grade for the externship, I am required to
complete the following academic responsibilities during this term of enrollment:
I must complete externship orientation the first week of class, time and location to be announced;
I must regularly attend the course component of the externship:
a. Remote online connection for the course component is allowed, subject to approval by the Externship
Director, for students placed outside of the Tulsa Metropolitan Area;
I must submit time sheets at the direction of my Professor or the Externship Director (includes advanced
externs waived from course attendance);
I must submit Guided Reflection journals, allowing for reflection on how this opportunity advances my
educational goals, at the direction of my Professor or the Externship Director (includes advanced externs
waived from course attendance) and
I must submit “Confirmation of Hours” at the conclusion of my placement.
Student Signature
Faculty/Dean Approval
The following documents should be provided, discussed and reviewed with the externship supervisor.
Please provide your signature and obtain your externship supervisors initials and signature on the
following two pages of this Agreement.
The Externship Program is designed to provide a practical academic experience for law students. In allowing
academic credit for externships, the College of Law is entrusting your supervising attorney or judge with a portion
of your legal education. We want to work in partnership with you and your supervisor to monitor and review your
educational experience in your externship. As part of your application for the externship, please
respond to
the following questions (attach additional pages, as needed).
1. How will the externship relate to and advance your legal education?
2. Describe your anticipated opportunities for performance, observation, and feedback during this externship.
Discuss with your supervisor to list specific experiences, projects, and mentoring anticipated during your
3. Describe your specific goals and objectives for this externship. What professional skills and competencies
are you looking to explore and improve?
Supervisor’s Agreement:
Thank you for your support, supervision, and mentoring of a law student. The following are the minimal
standards expected of extern supervisors and externs receiving academic credit.
Please initial each standard and sign on the second page of this Agreement.
_____Orientation: Externs receive an orientation, including a discussion of office procedures and
confidentiality and an overview of the work and expectations of the extern.
_____Supervision: I have the authority, ability, and resources to ensure that the extern has a supervising
attorney, if not myself, who will actively direct, monitor and mentor him/her throughout the semester.
_____Assignments: Externs are informed of the system for assigning work projects and given clear
deadlines, and will receive on-going guidance for managing the workload.
_____Feedback: Externs are provided specific, individualized, and timely feedback on each assignment.
Periodic written evaluations will be completed for externs.
_____Diversity of Tasks: The extern will be engaged in a substantial lawyering experience that includes
multiple opportunities for performance and self-evaluation. The extern will be assigned work that is similar to
that of an entry-level attorney including a broad range of lawyering skills. Administrative work will be kept to
a minimum.
_____Observation: Externs will have opportunities to observe court proceedings, client/staff/strategy
meetings, and other appropriate and timely professional activities.
_____Opportunities for Reflection: Externs will meet weekly with their supervisor, other attorneys and
staff to discuss observations, experiences and issues relevant to the profession.
_____Logistics: The extern has a designated workspace and access to the tools (e.g., telephone, computer,
and library) and support reasonably necessary to complete assignments.
_____Legal Compliance: My organization is responsible for ensuring that our labor and employment
practices are in compliance with state, local, and federal laws as related to the externship.
_____Fee-Generating Matters: Where the extern is assigned work on fee generating matters, the extern’s
time will not be billed. Work assigned is in furtherance of the extern’s legal education.
_____Professional Requirements: I certify that I have a Juris Doctorate degree and have been actively
engaged in my field of work (litigation, compliance, policy, etc.) for at least five years.
_____Bar Admission/Status: My first bar admission was to the (state) ____ Bar in (month/year) ____. I am
currently an active member with the (state) ____ Bar.
Extern’s Agreement:
The extern should fill in the necessary information, initial the standards, and add any comments. Sign at the
bottom of the Agreement.
_____Professionalism, Goals and Reflection: I have discussed the above standards with my supervisor. I
agree to follow directions, seek clarification and advice in a timely fashion, and comport myself with
professionalism and integrity. I will create goals for the semester of how I plan to develop professionally and
will discuss these with my supervisor and faculty/dean. I will reflect on the observations, experiences, ethical
considerations, and other issues that may arise during my externship. I will be mindful of confidentiality
The start and end dates of my externship are:
Start Date
End Date
The number of units of credit I seek for this externship
I understand that to receive credit I must work the
following average number of hours per week:
During this semester, I have the following classes and academic commitments (INCLUDE YOUR
EXTERNSHIP COURSE) and outline your anticipated externship schedule:
Class Day/Time
______________________________________ ___________________________________________
______________________________________ ___________________________________________
______________________________________ ___________________________________________
______________________________________ ___________________________________________
______________________________________ ___________________________________________
Faculty/Dean’s Agreement:
Academic Requirements: I will establish requirements designed to develop the extern’s experience in their
placement, including self-evaluation and reflection.
Site Evaluation: I will remain in regular contact, including possible visits, with the externship site and the
extern to ensure the quality of the educational experience.
Availability: I will be available as a resource should any concerns or issues arise.
Evaluation: I will evaluate the extern’s academic performance during the externship. The assessment will be
based, inter alia, on the extern and supervisor evaluations, timely compliance with requirements, the quality of
the self-reflection, and professionalism. This evaluation will determine whether credit should be granted.
We have reviewed this document and “Professional Skills for Externs” and agree to act in accordance with
these expectations. We are aware that we may contact the Assistant Dean and Director of Externships with
any questions that may arise during the externship.
Student Extern Signature:
Email Address:
Supervising Attorney/Judge Signature:
Email Address:
Dean/Faculty Signature:
Student’s Name: ____________________ Semester Seeking Credit: _________________
Organization: ____________________ Supervisor Name: _____________________
Pursuant to College of Law academic policy, credit will not be given for an externship with the same
organization or supervisor with which the student has previously worked (whether volunteer, paid, or
in a previous externship) except in very limited circumstances. The Externship Director will consider
this petition for approval upon satisfactory responses to the questions below. Students are advised to
submit the petition well in advance of the start of the desired externship. Provide full responses below
(attach additional pages, as needed). Please make sure that you otherwise meet the academic and GPA
requirements for the program.
1. Describe your previous work undertaken at the agency/firm/court (include date(s) of previous work):
2. Describe your new duties for the prospective externship:
3. Explain how the two positions/duties are substantially different:
Student’s Signature:
Print Name:
Supervisor’s Signature:
Print Name:
Externship Director:
Date Reviewed: