SIRS 340Graduation Exam Requirements Summary Report/ SIRS 341
Graduation Exam Requirements Detail Report
Level 2 Reporting (L2RPT)
Report Guide
About the Reports
This report was created for informational purposes only. It uses only demographic and
certain assessment data and does not consider credits earned or coursework. Both
reports (SIRS-340 and 341) are based on the same information. SIRS-341 (the Detail
report) displays a row for each student and the first 21 columns match the Summary
report. The remaining columns account for all the possible assessments a student may
have taken to meet both the graduation requirements and the additional requirements
for certain diploma types.
Criteria for Inclusion in this Report
Students are included on the Graduation Exam Requirements Reports based on the
location of their last enrollment record during the school year reported. The enrollment
codes included are:
0011 - Enrollment in building or grade
0022 - Foreign exchange student enrollment in building or grade
0033 - Part-time students pursuing a HS diploma
5544 - Transferred in under the ESEA Title I School in Improvement Status
5654 - Enrollment in AHSEP program
7000 - Transferred in under the ESEA Persistently Dangerous School
7011 - Transferred in under the ESEA Victim of Serious Violent Incident
If a student drops out during the school year, the student will continue to display in the
location of their last enrollment. The student will only be reported in one LEA and school
at a time.
School Year
The school year is from July 1 to June 30. After the data warehouse closes for the
current school year, the report will no longer be refreshed.
Public school district, charter school, or non-public school.
School Location
The building of enrollment or All Locationscan be selected. This also includes Out of
District Placed (OODP) students, home instructed (HI) students, and homebound (HB)
Guidance Counselor
The assigned guidance counselor, All Guidance Counselors, or Unassigned for
those students who were not assigned a guidance counselor. The guidance counselor’s
TEACH ID should be recorded in the GUIDANCE_COUNSELOR_ID field (Field 55) on
the Student Lite template.
Grade Level
The grade level or “All Grade Levels.” Ungraded secondary students are displayed as
“14.” Students who are enrolled in an Approved High School Equivalency Program
(AHSEP) are displayed with a grade level of “GD.”
Cohort Year
Cohort year or choose “All Cohorts.”
Grad Requirement Met/Not
Choose from “All Students”, “State Testing Requirements for Graduation Met”, “State
Testing Requirements for Graduation Pending Review”, or “State Testing Requirements
for Graduation Not Met.”
District or Building Summary Report
If a student has met the overall exam requirements, a green checkmark ( ) displays. If
a student may have met the overall exam requirements, but further review is required,
an orange checkmark ( ) displays. The field is null if the student has not met the
overall exam requirements.
Student Name
Student name as reported in the Student Lite template.
School where the student was enrolled, as indicated by the BEDS of location reported
for the student. For students who are placed out-of-district, this may be a school or
BOCES outside the district.
Student ID
Local unique identifier assigned to the student by the Local Education Agency (LEA) in
which the student is enrolled, as reported in the School District Student ID field of most
templates. See School District Student ID in “Chapter 4: Data Elements” in the SIRS
Drilling down on this field displays a list of the Regents exams the student has taken.
For each exam taken, it includes the name and BEDS code for the testing district, the
subject, the assessment name, the highest score received, the date the exam was
administered and the number of times the student took that exam. Only the highest
score for each assessment will display in this report.
Unique statewide student identifier assigned by the New York State Student Identifier
(NYSSIS) system.
Instructional (“grade”) level for the student, as determined by the school district and as
reported in the Grade Level field of the Student Lite and School Entry/Exit templates.
See Grade Level Codes and Descriptions in the SIRS Manual.
Cohort Year
Cohort year for the student, as determined by the date reported in the Grade 9 Entry
Date field of the Student Lite template.
Disability (Y/N)
Student disability as reported using the appropriate disability program service code in
the Program Service Code field of the Programs Fact template. Student disability is
shown if the student was reported with this disability at any time during the school year
or as of the date of the student’s last enrollment record. Currently, the report does not
include Safety Net eligibility via a 504 plan.
Students reported with program service code 0231 (ELL Eligible) in the Program
Service Code field of the Programs Fact template. These students are identified as
English Language Learners.
Diploma Exam Requirements Met
Four +
These columns are populated with one of the following exam statuses:
- a green checkmark indicates the exam requirement in this subject was met.
- a red “x” indicates an exam in this subject was attempted, but the
requirement was not met.
Appthe exam score falls within the range that allows for an appeal. In order to
be eligible for appeal, the student must have taken the Regents examination
under appeal at least two times. This requirement and additional criteria for
appeal are not considered in this report. Those criteria can be found here:
LPSNthe Low Pass Safety Net requirement is met. This is based on the
student being identified as a Student with Disabilities (SWD) and the exam score
falling between a 55 and 64.
LP Appthe Low Pass Safety Net requirement may be met through the appeal
process. This is based on the student being identified as a SWD and the exam
score falling between 45 and 54. Up to two Regents exam scores may be
appealed under this option.
ELL App the exam requirement for a Local Diploma may be met through an
English Language Learner (ELL) appeal of the ELA Regents exam. This is based
on the student being identified as an ELL and the ELA exam score falling
between 55 and 64. This status only displays in the ELA column.
CSNthe Compensatory Safety Net exam requirement may be met. This option
enables SWDs to compensate a Regents exam score of 65 or above for a
Regents exam score between 45 and 54. Each high score may compensate for a
low score. This option only applies to lower scores on Regents exams in social
studies and science. Students must earn a score of at least 55 (or be granted an
appeal in the range of 52-54) on their English language arts and mathematics
Regents exams. This report only considers the student’s disability status
and the exam score falling into the eligible range for Social Studies and/or
Science Regents requirements. More information on these criteria can be
found here: http://www.nysed.gov/curriculum-instruction/appeals-safety-nets-
Exam Status Hierarchy
Built into the report is an exam hierarchy that determines which exam status will display
in the field. While a student may meet the requirements for more than one status, only
the highest will display. For many of these statuses, factors other than assessment
scores that are outside the scope of this report must be considered.
1. - If the student met the exam requirements with a score >= 65, a green
checkmark will display. For certain pathway exams, the submission of the
assessment fact record is indication that the student met the pathway
2. App - If the student scored between 60 and 64, the student may be eligible to
appeal the lower score on a Regents exam. This is only based on the score
received and does not take into account the other criteria, which can be found at
3. LPSN - If a student with a disability (SWD) scores between 55 and 64 on a
required Regents exam, they are eligible to use the Regents Low Pass Safety
Net to support the acquisition of a Local Diploma.
4. LP App - If a SWD scores between 52 and 54 on a required Regents exam, that
student is eligible to appeal up to two exams through a Low Pass Safety Net
Appeal to support the acquisition of a Local Diploma.
5. ELL App (for ELA only) If a student is identified as an English Language
Learner (ELL) and scores between 55 and 59 on the required English Language
Arts (ELA) Regents exam, that student may be eligible to apply for an appeal to
graduate with a Local Diploma. This determination is based on the identification
of the student as an ELL and the score received. Information on other criteria can
be found here: http://www.nysed.gov/curriculum-instruction/appeals-safety-nets-
6. CSN - This option enables SWDs to compensate a Regents exam score of 65 or
above for a Regents exam score between 45 and 54. This status will only display
in the Social Studies, Science or HUM columns.
7. Null - If the student has not attempted a required exam, the field will be empty.
8. - If an exam in this subject was attempted by the student but the requirement
was not met, a red “x” will display.
Displays one of the above statuses for the student’s English Language Arts Regents
exam requirement. Student met the requirement if the Regents ELA score was >= 65.
This includes Military Compact Exemptions (http://www.nysed.gov/curriculum-
instruction/interstate-compact). This is the only column that will display the status of
ELL App if the student is an ELL and scored between 55 and 59. CSN is not applicable
for ELA.
Displays one of the above statuses for the student’s mathematics Regents exam
requirement. Student met the requirement if the Regents math score was >= 65. This
includes Military Compact Exemptions. CSN is not applicable for math.
Displays one of the above statuses for the student’s social studies Regents exam
requirement either for Global History and Geography or U.S History. Student met the
requirement if the Regents social studies score was >= 65. This includes Military
Compact Exemptions, but does NOT include the Transfer Global Exemption
Displays one of the above statuses for the student’s science Regents exam
requirement. Student met the requirement if the Regents science score was >= 65. This
includes Military Compact Exemptions and Transfer Science Exemption.
As a reminder, this report is descriptive, not prescriptive. For those students who meet
the requirements for more than one pathway, checkmarks will display for all that apply.
Only one pathway can be reported on the student’s record. If the student meets the
HUM requirements, that is the pathway that should be reported. Otherwise, the LEA
should determine the most appropriate pathway for the student.
Displays one of the above statuses for the student’s second social studies Regents
exam requirement. This requirement was met if the student’s second highest Regents
social studies score was >= 65. This includes Military Compact Exemptions and the
Transfer Global Exemption. This is the only pathway available for students with a
Transfer Exemption in Global or Science.
Displays one of the above statuses for the second highest math or science Regents
exam. This requirement was met if the student’s second highest Regents math or
science score was >= 65. This includes Military Compact Exemptions.
Displays a green checkmark ( )if the student passed an approved Pathway Exam in
LOTE (Languages Other than English) and does not consider the coursework
requirement. These are assessment codes LT001 LT005. Because the assessment
fact record is only submitted if the student passes the exam, the only other status
available is null, indicating the student either didn’t take the exam or didn’t pass it.
Displays a green checkmark ( ) if the student passed an Approved CTE Program
Technical Assessment (0199) and does not consider the coursework requirement.
Because the assessment fact record is only submitted if the student passes the exam,
the only other status available is null, indicating the student either didn’t take the exam
or didn’t pass it. http://www.p12.nysed.gov/cte/ctepolicy/home.html
Displays a green checkmark ( ) if the student passed an Approved Pathway
Assessment in the Arts and does not consider the coursework or sequence
requirement. A list of these assessments can be found here:
Displays a green checkmark ( ) if the student was reported with a Diploma Type of
119 (Career Development & Occupational Studies Commencement Credential) or
passed a CDOS Pathway Exam and does not consider any other requirements for the
CDOS Pathway.
Projected Diploma Type
This field will be populated with highest Diploma Type the student could earn based on
the information collected for this report. For all endorsements, only exams that were
taken not exemptionsare used to calculate the possible diploma type.
Regents (Diploma Code 779)
Student passed the four required Regents assessments and one or more of the
Pathways. Military Exemptions are included and the Science Transfer Exemption
can only be used as the highest science score, not for the STEM pathway.
Regents with CTE (Diploma Code 796)
Student met the above requirement for a Regents diploma with one or more of
the pathways and a CTE program code with a program exit code of 646
Completion of Program Service reported on the Programs Fact template.
Regents with Honors (Diploma Code 762)
Student met the above requirement for a Regents diploma and one of the
following conditions:
Met the requirements for a HUM Pathway and had a computed
average score >= 90 on ELA, math, science, and two social studies
Regents exams; or
Met the requirements for a STEM Pathway in math and had a
computed average score >= 90 on ELA, science, social studies and
two math Regents exams; or
Met the requirements for a STEM Pathway in science and had a
computed average score >= 90 on ELA, math, social studies, and two
science Regents exams; or
Met the requirements for a LOTE Pathway and had a computed
average score >= 90 in ELA, math, science, and social studies
Regents exams; or
Met the requirements for a CTE Pathway and had a computed average
score >= 90 in ELA, math, science, and social studies Regents exams;
Met the requirements for an ARTS Pathway and had a computed
average score >= 90 in ELA, math, science, and social studies
Regents exams; or
Met the requirements for an CDOS Pathway and had a computed
average score >= 90 in ELA, math, science, and social studies
Regents exams.
Regents with Honors & CTE (Diploma Code 813)
Student met the above requirement for a Regents Diploma with Honors and a
CTE program code with a program exit code of 646 Completion of Program
Service reported on the Programs Fact template.
Regents Diploma with Adv Designation (Diploma Code 680)
Student met the above requirement for a Regents Diploma and passed any type
of LOTE exam or be exempt from the LOTE requirement per an IEP (LT000) or
completed a CTE Sequence for Advanced Designation (SQ001) or Arts
Sequence for Advanced Designation (SQ002). The student must also have
passed one of the following combinations:
Traditional Combination: scored >= 65 on Regents exams in ELA,
Global History and Geography, U.S. History and Government, three (3)
math, one (1) life science and one (1) physical science. This is a total
of eight (8) assessments.
Pathway Combination (other than STEM): scored >= 65 on Regents
exams in ELA, one (1) social studies, three (3) math, one (1) life
science, one (1) physical science and meet the requirements of either
one (1) Pathway other than STEM or meet the requirements for the
CDOS Commencement Credential. This is a total of seven (7) or eight
(8) assessments.
STEM (Mathematics) Pathway Combination: scored >= 65 on
Regents exams in ELA, one (1) social studies, four (4) math, one (1)
life science and one (1) physical science. This is a total of eight (8)
STEM (Science) Pathway Combination: scored >= 65 on Regents
exams in ELA, one (1) social studies, three (3) math, and three (3)
science – of which one (1) must be life science and one (1) must be
physical science. This is a total of eight (8) assessments.
Regents Diploma with Adv Des & Career Ed (Diploma Code 697)
Student met the above requirement for a Regents Diploma with Advanced
Designation and a CTE program code with a program exit code of 646
Completion of Program Service reported on the Programs Fact template.
Regents Diploma with Adv Designation Math (Diploma Code 204)
Student met the above requirement for a Regents Diploma with Advanced
Designation and achieved Mastery in Mathematics by scoring 85 or higher on
each of three (3) math assessments.
Regents Diploma with Adv Designation Science (Diploma Code 221)
Student met the above requirement for a Regents Diploma with Advanced
Designation and achieved Mastery in Science by scoring 85 or higher on each of
three (3) science assessments.
Regents Diploma with Adv Designation Math and Science (Diploma Code
Student met the above requirement for a Regents Diploma with Advanced
Designation and achieved Mastery in Mathematics and Science by scoring 85 or
higher on each of three (3) math assessments and each of the three (3) science
Regents Diploma with Adv Des & Career Ed Math (Diploma Code 255)
Student met the above requirement for a Regents Diploma with Advanced
Designation with a Mastery in Mathematics and a CTE program code with a
program exit code of 646 Completion of Program Servicewas reported on
the Programs Fact template.
Regents Diploma with Adv Des & Career Ed Science (Diploma Code 272)
Student met the above requirement for a Regents Diploma with Advanced
Designation with a Mastery in Science and a CTE program code with a program
exit code of 646 Completion of Program Servicewas reported on the
Programs Fact template.
Regents Diploma with Adv Des & Career Ed Math and Science (Diploma
Code 289)
Student met the above requirement for a Regents Diploma with Advanced
Designation with a Mastery in Mathematics and Science and a CTE program
code with a program exit code of 646 Completion of Program Servicewas
reported on the Programs Fact template.
Regents Diploma with Adv Des & Honors (Diploma Code 714)
Student met the above requirement for a Regents Diploma with Advanced
Designation and had a computed average score >= 90.
Regents Diploma with Adv Des & Honors & Career Ed (Diploma Code 731)
Student met the above requirement for a Regents Diploma with Advanced
Designation, had a computed average score >= 90 and a CTE program code
with a program exit code of 646 Completion of Program Service was reported
on the Programs Fact template.
Regents Diploma with Adv Des & Honors Math (Diploma Code 306)
Student met the above requirement for a Regents Diploma with Advanced
Designation with a Mastery in Mathematics and had a computed average score
>= 90.
Regents Diploma with Adv Des & Honors & Career Ed Math (Diploma Code
Student met the above requirement for a Regents Diploma with Advanced
Designation with a Mastery in Mathematics, had a computed average score >=
90 and a CTE program code with a program exit code of 646 Completion of
Program Service was reported on the Programs Fact template.
Regents Diploma with Adv Des & Honors Science (Diploma Code 323)
Student met the above requirement for a Regents Diploma with Advanced
Designation with a Mastery in Science and had a computed average score >=
Regents Diploma with Adv Des & Honors & Career Ed Science (Diploma
Code 374)
Student met the above requirement for a Regents Diploma with Advanced
Designation with a Mastery in Science, had a computed average score >= 90
and a CTE program code with a program exit code of 646 Completion of
Program Service was reported on the Programs Fact template.
Regents Diploma with Adv Des & Honors Math and Science (Diploma Code
Student met the above requirement for a Regents Diploma with Advanced
Designation with a Mastery in Mathematics and Science and had a computed
average score >= 90.
Regents Diploma with Adv Des & Honors & Career Ed Math and Science
(Diploma Code 391)
Student met the above requirement for a Regents Diploma with Advanced
Designation with a Mastery in Mathematics and Science, had a computed
average score >= 90 and a CTE program code with a program exit code of 646
Completion of Program Service was reported on the Programs Fact template.
Local Diploma (Diploma Code 068)
Student with a disability (SWD) and met the requirements for the four (4)
Regents exams (one ELA, one science, one math and one social studies) and
one (+1) Pathway exam through the Low Pass Safety Net option (each score >=
55) OR through the Compensatory Safety Net option by scoring between 45 and
54 on one or more of the five required Regents exams other than ELA or math,
which need to have a score >= 55. To use the Compensatory Safety Net option,
the student must have one exam score >= 65 on a required Regents exam to
compensate for each exam with a lower score.
Local Diploma with Career Ed (Diploma Code 612)
Student met the requirements for a Local Diploma and a CTE program code with
a program exit code of 646 Completion of Program Service was reported on
the Programs Fact template.
REV (Review)
The district should review the student’s records to see if the student qualifies for
a Local Diploma through Superintendent’s Determination. The student must be a
SWD and have a Regents ELA and Regents math score >= 55. The student
must have a score >= 0 (not NULL) on all other required Regents exams.
REVAPP (Review with Appeal)
The district should review the student’s records to see if the student qualifies for
a Local Diploma through Superintendent’s Determination. The student must be a
SWD and successfully appeal a Regents ELA and/or Regents math score >= 52.
The student must have a score >= 0 (not NULL) on all other required Regents
Null (field is empty)
This indicates that the student failed to meet any of the above requirements for
graduation. The student may still qualify for a Commencement Credential or a
High School Equivalency diploma.
Review for Earned Endorsements
Field will display “Yes” whenever the student’s assessment history includes a Military
Compact Exemption (MIL) or an Approved Alternative to a Regents (ALTREG). The
student’s record should be manually reviewed for earned endorsements eligibility.
Projected Diploma Type Hierarchy
As with the individual exam statuses, there is a hierarchy in place that determines which
diploma type displays for each student. Each student can have only one projected
diploma type and there may be additional diploma requirements that are outside the
scope of this report.
Note: Any diploma type with a CTE endorsement takes precedence over that
diploma without a CTE endorsement.
Diploma Codes
306, 323, 340,
357, 374, 391
Science, Regents with Adv Des & Honors & Career Ed
714, 731
204, 221, 238,
255, 272, 289
Regents with Adv Des & Career Ed
680, 697
762, 813
779, 796
068, 612
Student Detail Report
The detail report displays the same information as the summary report, but with a
column for each assessment.
Distinguishing features:
Each subject area has a column that displays “Yes” when an assessment record
has been submitted indicating the student passed a Regents Alternative or when
a Military Exemption was used. Social studies and science subject areas have
additional columns that display “Yes” when an assessment record has been
submitted indicating Transfer Exemption was used.
After the required Regents subjects, there is a section for LOTE that displays
“Yes” when an assessment record has been submitted indicating the student
passed/met the requirements for a LOTE Pathway Exam, LOTE Checkpoint B or
LOTE Exemption (via IEP).
The last two columns are the Advanced Designation Sequences section. The
column displays “Yes” when an assessment record has been submitted
indicating the student met the requirements for either the CTE or Arts Sequence
for Advanced Designation.