Last updated : 15
June 2018
Privacy Notice
for the Home Tuition Grant Scheme - Special
Education Component (Children with Special Educational Needs
and Medical Strand)
The main purposes for which the Department processes your data, the data of your child and the data
of the tutor engaged by you to tutor your child are:
To assess eligibility for a grant to cover the cost of the tuition of your child in line with the
terms of the Home Tuition Grant Scheme Special Education Component - as set out in the
annual Circular.
Processing claims for Home Tuition grant payments in respect of above.
Processing requests from tutors for: Change of Name, Change of Address, Change of Bank
Account details and request for duplicate payslip.
To confirm that tutor is registered with the Teaching Council of Ireland in order to assess
eligibility to provide tuition and for the purposes of ensuring payment at the appropriate level,
and that the tutor is vetted through the Teaching Council of Ireland for the purpose of child
Accounting and auditing of public monies provided by the Oireachtas, to ensure that the grant
provided by the Department can be accounted for and may be audited, as required.
Legal Basis
Sections 2 and 7 of the Education Act, 1998
Joint Data Controller
The National Council for Special Education is a joint Data controller with the Department as they
make recommendations regarding the provision of additional education supports to students, in this
case Typing Tuition grant.
Source :
The National Council for Special Education (NCSE) through the local Special Educational Needs Officer
(SENO) may submit applications from time to time.
Categories of Data Subject:
Parent/Legal Guardian
Child / Student to which application refers
Tutor which the Parent/Legal Guardian is proposing to engage
School Principal
Practicing Solicitor / Commissioner of Oaths / Notary Public / Peace Commissioner
Special Educational Needs Organiser (SENO)
Medical Practitioner/Psychologist/Psychiatrist
Last updated : 15
June 2018
Categories of Personal Data:
Parent/Legal Guardian
Contact details
Child / Student
Medical Condition/Qualifying diagnosis
Relevant professional reports and recommendations in relation to the child’s diagnosis may be
received on appeal (Children with Special Educational needs)
Recommendation for a special school/special class (Children with Special Educational needs)
Availability of school placement (Children with Special Educational Needs)
Treatments/Interventions (Medical Strand)
Relevant professional reports and recommendations in relation to the child’s medical condition
(Medical strand)
Confirmation of enrolment in school and attendance (Medical strand)
Resources in place in school (Medical Strand)
Hours of Tuition
Contact details
Registration with Teaching Council of Ireland
Vetting Details
Child protection details
Public Service pension details
Bank Account details
Salary Confirmation
Payroll Number
School Principal
School Principal Identity
Practicing Solicitor / Commissioner of Oaths / Notary Public / Peace Commissioner
Practicing Solicitor / Commissioner of Oaths / Notary Public / Peace Commissioner identity
Special Educational Needs Organiser (SENO)
SENO identity
SENO assessment
Last updated : 15
June 2018
Medical Practitioner/Psychologist/Psychiatrist
Medical Practitioner/ Psychologist/Psychiatrist identity
Medical Practitioner/Psychologist/Psychiatrist assessment
Contact details
Special Category Data
Medical Condition/Qualifying diagnosis
Medical Treatments/Interventions(Medical Strand)
Relevant professional reports and recommendations in relation to the child’s medical
condition(Medical Strand)
Relevant professional reports and recommendations in relation to the child’s diagnosis may be
received on appeal(Children with Special Educational Needs)
Further Processing
Where the Department intends to further process your data or that of your child for a purpose other than
the purposes listed above, the Department will provide you prior to that further processing with
information on that other purpose and with any relevant further information on the processing activity
and your data protection rights.
Recipients of the Data
Data Sharing
Personal information may be shared with the following organisations to determine eligibility under the
(a) TUSLA (Child and Family Agency) where Educational Welfare Officer (EWO) assists the
parents/legal guardians in completing the application form. Supplementary information may
be requested from/provided by the EWO on a case by case basis. The legal basis for this
sharing is the Education (Welfare) Act 2000.
(b) Department of Children and Youth Affairs (DCYA) for the purposes of ensuring that there
is no duplication of public funding where a child is eligible for home tuition and may be availing
of the ECCE scheme.
(c) Office of the Revenue Commissioners for the purposes of paying statutory deductions
under the Taxes Consolidation Act 1997
(d) Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection for the purposes of paying
statutory deductions under the Social Welfare Consolidation Act 2005
Storage Period
The data processed in relation to applications to assess eligibility under the scheme with be retained
until the child to whom the application relates turns 25 years of age and subject to review thereafter.
Last updated : 15
June 2018
This will allow a sufficient and reasonable amount of time to elapse during which the child may access
personal data relating to them, and is in line with the Statute of Limitations, 1957, as amended.
Where legal proceedings have commenced files will be retained until the legal proceedings are brought
to a conclusion.
Third Country
None of your data or that of your child or the tutor’s data will be transferred to a country outside of the
European Economic Area i.e. the EU and Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein.
Data Subject Rights
Please follow the https://www.education.ie/en/The-Department/Data-Protection/Information.html for
information on your right to access your data and that of your child’s.
You may also exercise your right to correct your data, seek to restrict how it may be processed or object
to how it may be processed. Your data or that or your child’s will not be used for automated decision-
making or profiling, please see http://gdprandyou.ie/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Rights-of-Individuals-
under-the-General-Data-Protection-Regulation.pdf for a the data Protection Commissioner’s Guide to
Data Subject Rights.
While you have a right to have your data or that of your child deleted the Department may not be able
to agree to your request if it is less than the retention period specified above. The Department may not
be able to agree to your request for deletion also where your data is subject to the National Archives
Act 1986 and no order has been made to dispose of the this category of data under that Act, see
guidance from the National Archives
content/uploads/2018/05/20180319GDPRNAA_GuidanceNote_1.pdf .
You have the right to lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Commissioner, please see
Further Information
Further information on how this scheme operates is available at
Contact Details
The Department of Education and Skills is the data controller for the processing of your data. If you
have any query in respect of this you may contact :
In respect of Home Tuition Approvals :Special Education Section at 090 6484187 or e-mail
special_education@education.gov.ie or by post to Department of Education and Skills,
Cornamaddy Athlone, Co Westmeath N37 X659.
In respect of Home Tuition payment claims : Special Needs and Tuition Grants Section on 090
6483927 or e-mail htpa[email protected].ie or by post to Department of Education and
Skills, Cornamaddy Athlone, Co Westmeath N37 X659.
Last updated : 15
June 2018
The Department’s Data Protection Officer may be contacted by sending an e-mail to
[email protected]v.ie or by post to Department of Education and Skills, Data Protection Unit, Athlone,
Co. Westmeath.
Please see glossary of Data Protection terms on www.education.ie