Journal of the New Zealand Medical Association
NZMJ 13 December 2013, Vol 126 No 1387; ISSN 1175 8716 Page 87
Diagnosis of cognitive impairment and the assessment of
driving safety in New Zealand: a survey of Canterbury GPs
Petra A Hoggarth
Aim To assess how GPs in Canterbury determine the driving ability of their older
patients with cognitive impairment.
Methods A 10-item questionnaire was sent to 514 Canterbury GPs via the mail
system of three Primary Health Organisations. GPs could either post or fax back
responses anonymously and were also able to add their own comments.
Results 185 GPs returned completed questionnaires (36% response rate). Six of 10
items were rated in the middle of the response range, indicating a middling level of
agreement. All but three GPs reported using a cognitive screening test and most talked
to their patients about the need to plan for driving cessation. GPs did not frequently
report referring for on-road driving assessments and many commented they would
appreciate a more structured guideline with specific recommendations.
Conclusion There is room for improvement in the amount of information provided to
GPs about how to best assess older patients with cognitive impairment for fitness to
drive. Recommendations of specific cognitive screens and a flowchart format would
be a valuable addition.
As the population of New Zealand ages, a higher proportion of drivers will be 65
years or older.
A greater proportion of drivers will therefore suffer from diseases of
old age including cognitive impairment. Illnesses associated with cognitive
impairment include the various dementias, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis,
stroke, and depression.
While some causes of cognitive impairment are irreversible and progressive, such as
the various dementias, others may resolve over time or with treatment, such as
impairment due to stroke or depression.
Prevalence rates for dementia have been reported between 13% and 43% in the 80 to
89 age group, increasing exponentially per year within this age range, with rates
between 40% to 65% in those aged over 90.
As a group, drivers with dementia are 10.7 times more likely to be involved in a
and have almost 2.5 times as many crashes that result in insurance claims
compared to an age-matched control group.
Nonetheless, many people with early
dementia are able to pass an on-road driving assessment, with observed pass rates
ranging from 35% to 73%.
The difficulty for driving safety is in determining which drivers are likely to have
their cognitive impairment improve with treatment, which cognitively impaired
drivers are currently safe to continue driving, and which drivers need to stop
immediately and permanently (i.e. those with a deteriorating dementia).
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A number of researchers have recommended that people with moderate and severe
dementia cease driving and suggest that people with mild dementia may be able to
continue driving with appropriate monitoring and assessment.
Statements have
also been made that results of neuropsychological tests cannot be used reliably to
determine which drivers with dementia are safe and unsafe on the road.
Following a review of the driving and dementia literature, The American Academy of
Neurology identified the Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR) as the most useful measure
of overall cognitive decline in people with dementia.
This tool is a clinician rated
scale that assesses the level of cognitive impairment and classification into categories
of None, Very Mild, Mild, Moderate, and Severe.
The American Academy of Neurology also lists other risk factors including caregiver
ratings of poor driving, the incidence of traffic offences and crashes, and changes in
driving patterns such as reduced mileage and situational avoidance.
recommendations are ranked by order of the strength of relationship to on-road
driving outcomes based on the literature review. A flowchart is provided for clinicians
to aid in decision making and this article is readily available at
In New Zealand, compulsory on-road driving assessments for drivers aged 80 and
over ceased in December 2006. GPs are charged with making decisions regarding
driving safety for their older patients, including those with cognitive impairment.
The task of making decisions about driving is made more difficult because cognitive
impairment must first be adequately assessed and diagnosed. This process takes
longer than a standard GP appointment allows, and should include talking to a reliable
informant about noticed changes in cognition and behaviour. The New Zealand
Transport Agency (NZTA) provides a guide for medical practitioners for assessing
driving safety in a number of medical conditions including dementia (Medical Aspects
of Fitness to Drive
This guide provides no statistics to highlight the increased risks of crashes in those
with dementia, and makes no mention of dementia severity and how it relates to
driving safety. The guide suggests the use of tests of cognitive function, but does not
recommend any. It also suggests the use of a test of road signs provided in an
appendix as a way to determine if problems related to driving ability exist. This test
has no recommended cut point to detect a problem and to the author’s knowledge has
not been tested for reliability or validity for detecting on-road driving problems.
A New Zealand article
published by a group of driving researchers, driving
specialist occupational therapists, an old-age psychiatrist, and a GP representative
provided a detailed review of older driver licensing practice and assessment in New
Zealand, including a section for drivers with cognitive impairment.
The authors suggested that older drivers be routinely assessed for cognitive
impairment when they present to their GP for a medical fitness to drive certificate.
The authors also suggested that driving ability was assessed every 6 months, and that
GPs did not use the road sign test provided in the NZTA’s Medical Aspects of Fitness
to Drive
handbook due to a lack of information about its validity for determining
driving ability. The authors instead suggested use of a standardised version of the
Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE).
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In the current study, the author (PAH) and Christchurch GP and member of the
Primary Care Liaison Team for Older Persons Health at the CDHB, Dr Michael
Thwaites, arranged for a questionnaire to be delivered to all GPs in the Canterbury
region to assess the issues of diagnosing cognitive impairment and driving
Canterbury GPs are in a privileged position in that 400 medical driving assessments
per year are funded by the DHB at the Driving and Vehicle Assessment Service at
Burwood Hospital. In almost all other DHBs these assessments must be paid for
The goal of this survey was to assess how GPs were diagnosing cognitive impairment
and determining driver safety, and also to find areas of perceived need for additional
education or guidance from the NZTA.
A questionnaire was constructed by the author and reviewed by Dr Michael Thwaites and Police
Constable Wayne Stevenson, and is replicated in Table 1. Questions 3, 9, and 10 focused on how GPs
diagnosed and managed cognitive impairment in their older patients.
Question 3 referred to the Cognitive Impairment Pathway, which is part of the Health Pathways online
resource compiled by specialists at the Canterbury DHB and targeted at primary care physicians. The
remaining questions addressed self-rated knowledge and confidence related to making decisions about
driver safety, as well as questions about the use of resources such as the NZTA’s Medical Aspects of
Fitness to Drive
and formal driving assessments.
The response choices for the questions deliberately did not allow for a non-specific
rating, such as “Neither confident nor unconfident”, thus requiring respondents to take
an affirmative or negative side in their response. The response choices also did not
indicate specific timeframes or request estimates of numbers of patients seen by GPs.
One reason for this was that asking for more specific details may have meant a lower
response rate due to a perceived or actual increased amount of time required to
complete the questionnaire. Another reason was that reported numbers may not be
particularly accurate and may present a summary that appeared more precise than it
actually was.
Thus, the outcome of the survey would provide a general but non-specific summary of
thoughts and practices of GPs in relation to cognitive impairment and driving.
Respondents were encouraged to write any additional comments on the back of the
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Table 1. Text of questionnaire sent to GPs
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514 GPs from three Primary Health Organisations (PHO) in Canterbury were posted
questionnaires in late 2012 through the secure mail delivery network of their PHO.
410 were sent to GPs under Pegasus Health PHO, 40 to GPs under Christchurch PHO,
and 64 to GPs under Rural Canterbury PHO.
The 10-item questionnaire was delivered in an envelope with a one page covering
letter introducing the survey, asking for anonymous responses, and stating that the
results could be used both as part of a submission to the NZTA, as well as submission
to a peer-reviewed journal. GPs could reply either using the included envelope or by
faxing their questionnaire back to the author.
Descriptive statistics of frequency, median, and mode were reported. Statistics were
calculated using SPSS Statistics version 17.0 software. Response options were coded
into nominal values.
Questions 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 9 had four response options, coded as values 1 through 4
in order of presentation on the form (see Table 1). Questions 2, 3, and 8 had five
options, coded as the values 1 through 5. For these three questions, the first four asked
for a subjective rating, whereas the last question acted as a way for the rater to note if
they had not come across this situation (e.g. the response “I had not heard of it” for
the question regarding use of the Medical Aspects of Fitness to Drive
When descriptive statistics were calculated for questions 2, 3, and 8 the number of
responses rated 5 was first noted, with descriptive statistics performed only for the
responses rated 1 through 4. Additional comments on the back of the form were
recorded and presented in a qualitative manner.
185 GPs responded (36% response rate). The number responding to each question is
shown in the second column of Table 2. For questions 2, 3, and 8 the number from the
third column must be added to the second column to determine the number of
respondents. Missing values were excluded from the analysis for that question.
Descriptive statistics for questions 1 to 9 are presented in Table 2.
Table 2. Results of questionnaire for each question
Question number N N noting they could not rate this item (%) Median (mode)
21 (11.6%)
25 (13.8%)
53 (28.8%)
2 (2)
3 (3)
2 (2)
3 (3)
2 (2)
3 (4)
2 (1)
1 (1)
1 (1)
Due to differences in interpretation in this question (see text below) this result cannot be accurately interpreted.
Twenty-five respondents reported they had not heard of the CDHB’s Cognitive
Impairment Pathway on the Health Pathways information portal (question 3). Of the
NZMJ 13 December 2013, Vol 126 No 1387; ISSN 1175 8716 Page 92
remaining respondents, the median rating for using the Cognitive Impairment
Pathway information was Sometimes.
Question 9 asked how frequently respondents conducted a cognitive screening test
with an older patient suspected of cognitive impairment. It became clear from
participant comments that this question was being interpreted in two different ways.
The intention was to gauge how frequently a GP performed screens within their
practice in general, but some respondents took the question to refer to how often tests
were repeated on specific individuals. Because of this lack of clarity, responses to this
question could not be accurately interpreted.
Question 10 asked respondents to note which cognitive screening tests they used
within their practice for assessment of older patients with suspected cognitive
impairment. The frequency for each response is found in Table 3.
Table 3. Numbers of respondents endorsing the use of different cognitive
screening tests
Cognitive test N (%)
Mini Mental State Exam
(MMSE) 131 (71%)
Montreal Cognitive Assessment
(MoCA) 100 (54%)
Modified Mental State Exam
(3MS) 29 (16%)
(short or long version) 11 (6%)
None 3 (2%)
Addenbrooke’s Cognitive Examination
(ACE-R) 0
– GP-Cog
– 6CIT
– Road Sign Test
– Hopkins Verbal Learning Test
– Abbreviated MMSE
8 (4%)
5 (3%)
3 (2%)
2 (1%)
1 (1%)
1 (1%)
Only three respondents reported that they did not use a cognitive screening test. The
most commonly used test was the MMSE with 131 responses. The MoCA was the
next most common at 100. No respondents reported using the ACE-R. Twenty
respondents reported using a different screen from those listed: eight used the
SIMARD-MD, five used the GP Cog, three used the 6CIT, two used the Road Sign
Test from the NZTA Medical Aspects of Fitness to Drive
handbook, and one each
used the Hopkins Verbal Learning Test and an abbreviated version of the MMSE.
For question 1, respondents median score for their knowledge of driving risks for
older adults with cognitive impairment was Well Informed. For question 2, twenty-
one respondents (11.6%) reported that they had not read the NZTA Medical Aspects
of Fitness to Drive
guidelines for drivers with cognitive impairment. Remaining
respondents satisfaction with this resource was Slightly Satisfied.
For question 4, respondents rated their level of confidence in making decisions about
driving in patients with cognitive impairment as Not so Confident. For question 5,
respondents rated the frequency of their use of a medical driving assessment at
NZMJ 13 December 2013, Vol 126 No 1387; ISSN 1175 8716 Page 93
Burwood Hospital as Sometimes. Thirteen respondents (7%) rated this as Never. For
question 6 respondents rated the frequency of their use of an On-Road Safety Test,
such as offered by the Automobile Association as Seldom, with 60 respondents
(32.4%) reporting they never referred for this assessment.
For question 7 respondents rated how frequently they raised the issue of planning for
driving cessation with patients with cognitive impairment or their families as
Sometimes. Question 8 asked how useful it was to receive information about a driving
incident that sparked an NZTA request for review of a patient’s driving ability. Fifty-
three respondents (28.8%) reported that they had not received such a request. The
remainder rated this as Very Important. It is possible that some people rated this
option even if they hadn’t personally received a report from NZTA.
Thirty-one respondents added additional comments to the back of their
questionnaires. Comments were sorted into a number of super-ordinate categories
based on theme. Ten responses were comments on a GP’s own practice, or about
finding a specific resource useful (such as a cognitive screening test).
Eleven comments expressed dissatisfaction with the current NZTA guidelines or with
the use of cognitive screens. In this category, several GPs stated that cognitive screens
were not sensitive enough, or did not relate to real-world driving. Several respondents
asked for more specific guidelines from the NZTA. Some respondents stated that they
believed that all patients with dementia should stop driving.
Two respondents voiced concerns about patients declining to pay for the On-Road
Safety Test. One respondent noted a situation where the issue of driving led to the
break-down in the patient–GP relationship and subsequent change of GPs for the
patient. Six respondents voiced criticism of being able to tell a person’s on-road safety
from any office-based test, and a few called for a reintroduction of compulsory on-
road testing of all older drivers. One respondent noted that the waiting list for medical
driving assessments at Burwood Hospital was too long (around 8–12 weeks at the
time of writing).
Almost all GPs reported using a cognitive screening test with their patients with
cognitive impairment, but only Sometimes utilised the guidelines of the CDHB’s
Cognitive Impairment Pathway. The most commonly used cognitive screen was the
The MMSE is a useful tool for detecting the presence of moderate or severe dementia
and to measure decline over time, but it has poor sensitivity for detecting people with
mild cognitive impairment or mild dementia.
The second most commonly used
test was the MoCA. This is most likely due to its recommendation as a screening tool
in the CDHB’s Cognitive Impairment Pathway.
The Short IQCODE is also recommended in the Pathway, but only 11 respondents
reported using this measure, which requires administration to an informant. Only two
respondents used the Road Sign Test recommended and provided in the Medical
Aspects of Fitness to Drive
NZMJ 13 December 2013, Vol 126 No 1387; ISSN 1175 8716 Page 94
was used by eight respondents, although some studies have
criticized its use, suggesting it has no advantage over other already available
approaches to predicting driver safety,
and that it was adapted from an existing
screen for cognitive impairment which does not necessarily translate to usefulness in
predicting driving ability.
The remaining questions relating to driving decisions showed that GPs often rated
themselves in the intermediate levels of feeling confident, informed, or satisfied. This
indicates room for improvement in provision of information about how cognitive
impairment affects driving ability and guidelines for helping with decision-making
regarding driving ability (more about this below). Questions 5 and 6 showed that GPs
rated their use of driving assessments, either medical or not, in the Seldom to
Sometimes range, with the On-Road Safety Test not being used by a third of
These results suggest that many GPs are making decisions about driving ability
without the use of on-road assessments. This makes it important that GPs receive
information about the additional evidence-based predictors of driving ability that are
not currently included in the Medical Aspects of Fitness to Drive.
This information
will be even more important for GPs in the majority of DHBs where on-road medical
driving assessments are not publicly funded.
Question 7 showed that GPs rated a discussion of future driving cessation occurring
with a patient or their family member Sometimes. It is positive that these discussions
are taking place. Ideally this conversation should occur with every driver with a
progressive dementia as all will become unsafe drivers at some point.
GPs felt strongly that requests for assessment of patients from the NZTA should
include detailed information about the driving incident that triggered the notification.
This has implications for police officers who are present at driving incidents/crashes
that precipitate the generation of a report. Police officers need to know what
information is useful to report to NZTA about a crash and the older driver involved in
a crash.
There are several limitations to this survey. As mentioned in Methods, specific
timeframes and estimates of numbers of patients seen were not requested in order to
make the questionnaire quicker to complete and thus increase the response rate, as
well as to avoid reporting of numbers that might appear more precise than they were.
Therefore, questions that asked about frequency of a behaviour (questions 3, 5, 6, 7,
and 9) can only be used to make general statements that lack specificity. For example,
GPs may have chosen different timeframes to think about frequency, e.g. 12 or 6
months, or may have relied on an internal hunch about frequency without a specific
timeframe. Another factor affecting frequency is the number of older patients in a GPs
practice who present with cognitive impairment, e.g. fewer older patients will lead to
less need to consider driving ability.
Another issue is the response rate of 36%. Due to the high workload of GPs the
questionnaire was designed to be easily completed in less than five minutes, and also
provided two ways to return; by mail and by fax. Reasons for the low response rate
are unknown but are likely multifactorial. These could include that the survey was
still too long for some GPs to find time to complete, that GPs did not consider it a
NZMJ 13 December 2013, Vol 126 No 1387; ISSN 1175 8716 Page 95
worthwhile use of their time, or that it was sent out at a time of year when time was in
short supply (it was distributed in November which could be considered a time of
build up to the festive season).
A low response rate may increase the likelihood of a biasing in results. Perhaps GPs
with higher rates of cognitively impaired older people in their practice were more
likely to respond. Also, some respondents commented about recent education sessions
they had attended related to driving and cognitive impairment, and those who
attended may have been more likely to respond to the survey. Perhaps those GPs who
rarely performed assessments of driving ability with their older patients did not feel
confident in rating their knowledge on the subject.
In summary, the questionnaire provided information about the knowledge and
confidence in assessing driving ability in cognitively impaired older adults. GPs may
benefit from the provision of more detailed information about how cognitive
impairment affects driving, and many would appreciate a more systematic way to
assess driving safety than currently offered by the Medical Aspects of Fitness to
The author would like to see statistics about the increased crash rates of older adults
with cognitive impairment included in Medical Aspects of Fitness to Drive. GPs may
also benefit from the recommendation of specific cognitive tests with high reliability
and validity that both aid in assessing the presence and severity of dementia as well as
making estimates about level of impairment and how this relates to driving ability.
Furthermore, the author would like to see some tests with greater sensitivity to mild
cognitive impairment and mild dementia recommended, such as the 3MS or MoCA,
and others, such as the MMSE, to have their limitations detailed. Since GPs do not
always choose to refer for an on-road assessment, information should be provided
about worthwhile research-based predictors of poor driving such as caregiver report
of marginal or unsafe skills, a history of crashes or traffic citations, reductions in
mileage, avoidance of certain driving situations, and aggressive and impulsive
Lastly the author believes a flowchart similar to that published by The American
Academy of Neurology
and adapted for New Zealand regulations and conditions
would be a valuable addition.
Competing interests: Nil.
Author information: Petra A Hoggarth, Clinical Psychologist, Psychiatric Service
for the Elderly, Canterbury District Health Board, Christchurch
Acknowledgments: The author thanks Michael Thwaites for reading an early version
of the questionnaire and for arranging distribution to the PHOs; Wayne Stevenson for
stimulating this research and for reading an early copy of the questionnaire; and Dr
Carrie Innes and Alex Mortlock for commenting on versions of this manuscript.
Correspondence: Dr Petra Hoggarth, Clinical Psychologist, Psychiatric Service for
the Elderly, The Princess Margaret Hospital, Cashmere Road, Christchurch 8022,
New Zealand. Email: [email protected]
NZMJ 13 December 2013, Vol 126 No 1387; ISSN 1175 8716 Page 96
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