Turtle Mountain Bible Camp
Job Description Site Manager 2024
Responsible to: Directors
Job Description: To give oversight and maintenance of the TMBC facilities and perform other duties as assigned by the director
and/or Camp Board.
Remuneration: Salary to be determined by the board based upon applicant’s experience, education, and certificates.
Term: Full-time
Overview of Role:
One Hope Canada is considered a Religious Order under the provisions of the CRA and as such, missionary employment with One
Hope Canada is seen as following God’s unique invitation. Members, and those aspiring to be members, must be in agreement with
standards of spiritual and personal suitability, and are therefore required to sign a Statement of Affirmation annually.
Empowered by the Director, the Site Manager, with the tools and resources provided, is entrusted with fulfilling the purpose of One
Hope Canada both personally and within their camp, and is responsible for all maintenance and upkeep of the camp. This includes
working with and leading summer maintenance teams and work crew.
Primary Objectives
1. To present the Gospel, particularly to those having the least opportunity to hear of Christ,
and especially to children and youth, and to disciple believers for living and serving
through His church.
2. To accomplish the primary objective through caring for the grounds and facilities at
Key Responsibilities
Ensure the Gospel is a part of all aspects of camp
Be involved and attend a local church community
Mentor and disciple volunteers who are part of the maintenance team
Ensure all facilities are maintained and kept up to standard
Monitor activities to ensure safety procedures are followed
Manage crisis as they arise and follow appropriate procedures
Ensure the confidentiality of private information of missionaries, volunteers, summer missionaries, campers, etc. will remain
confidential as per the One Hope Canada Privacy Policy
Core Competencies
Passion for the Gospel
Leadership of small teams
Able to work well independently as well as with a team
Basic knowledge of equipment maintenance
Able to prepare and work within an approved budget
Job Requirements
Follower of Jesus Christ
Live on-site (preferable)
Valid drivers license
Education and Experience
Camp experience is an asset
Knowledge & experience of operating and maintaining machinery and facility mechanics
Certifications in mechanics and/or related fields is an asset
Physical Demands
While performing the role of a Site Manager it is important to be able to move around the campsite and fulfill all
maintenance requirements
Willingly fill in whatever other roles are in need to accomplish the mission of One Hope Canada
Turtle Mountain Bible Camp
Job Description Site Manager 2024
Outline of responsibilities
To do what needs to be done to show the campers the most amazing summer camp experience, and to fulfill our
camp’s mission as well as the mission of One Hope Canada. Working in other departments as required for the smooth
operation of Turtle Mountain Bible Camp.
Be familiar with Manitoba Camping Association standards and ensure standards are being implemented
Work within the annual budget. Informing director and board if extra funds are needed
Ensure maintenance shop and areas are safe and tidy
Annually prepare a list of projects for the coming year. (This should be done in advance of setting the annual
budget in early September.)
Maintenance of program facilities (equipment, barns, wall, zip line, archery etc)
During Spring Crew provide a list of jobs/tasks for each week to the directors so that Spring crew volunteers
may be assigned to jobs.
Organize and supervise workdays for the repair and cleaning of all camp site and buildings
To be responsible for the proper use, maintenance and storage of all tools and machinery
Create and post an emergency contact list for repairs of camp property and equipment
Organize and store all site keys and provide proper sets of keys for specific roles (e.g. janitorial, summer
leadership team, directors, etc)
Oversee the set up the waterfront and other program activities before the camping season and clean- up/take-down
after camping season is finished
Follow up with any concerns regarding facilities/property and address the situation as required
Prepare all RV’s in spring for use, and winterize in the fall for winter storage
Participate in on-site training (e.g. wall climbing and zip line certifications)
Attend all team meetings (morning devos, leadership meetings, and team meetings)
To do a semi-annual inspection of all buildings and make a list of needed improvements
To maintain buildings ensure required inspections are done
Perform water tests as required
To set-up and maintain an effective rodent control program
To oversee the custodian team
Provide list of needed cleaning supplies to Food Services Coordinator to order
Oversee inventory of custodian and maintenance supplies
Dispose of garbage
To ensure the upkeep of the grounds (fences, paths, grass, etc.)
Oversee planting and maintaining of the flower gardens
To make sure trees are trimmed for optimum safety
To look after the lawns; cutting, trimming, topsoil, etc
To preserve the natural environment.
To maintain the waterfront area
Maintain firewood for campfires
To work with the Directors to develop areas of camp property for camp use
Winter snow clearing to ensure access to camp buildings
Turtle Mountain Bible Camp
Job Description Site Manager 2024
To record required water readings and make sure water tests and chlorine level tests are completed. Keep logs up
to date.
Monitor Propane, Diesel & Fuel deliveries
To manage the sewage disposal, having the septic tanks pumped annually.
Monthly hydro meter readings.
This is not an all-inclusive list of work responsibilities, but rather seen as another part in development of the Camp's
ministry opportunities.