Children and Families Service
One Minute Guide
What is a Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO)?
Statutory Guidance (WTSC 2018) states local authorities should have a
Designated Officer (LADO) to be involved in the management and oversight of
allegations made about people who work/volunteer with children and young
people when the following criteria are met:
The person has allegedly:
Behaved in a way that has harmed, or may have harmed a child;
Possibly committed an offence against, or related to, a child; or
Behaved towards a child or children in a way that indicates they may pose
a risk of harm to children
The above criteria relate to the person’s behaviour in the workplace, the
community and in their home and social life.
The LADO provides advice and guidance to employers and voluntary
organisations, liaises with the police and other agencies and has oversight of
investigations to ensure a timely, thorough and fair process.
When and how should you contact the LADO?
Allegations meeting the above criteria should be referred to the LADO within one
working day (WTSC 2018) using a LADO consultation/referral form. The form
can be accessed via the Cheshire East LSCB website: or from the LADO Business Support Officer
(contact details below).
Completed forms must then be sent securely to the LADO inbox:
The LADO will provide an initial response to the referrer within one working day
advising whether the criteria are met for LADO involvement.
If the criteria for LADO involvement are met an Allegation Management Meeting
(was LADO Strategy Meeting) will be convened within five working days of this
decision being made.
What is an Allegation Management Meeting?
A confidential meeting chaired by the LADO, where involved professionals
share information and decide how the allegation should be investigated.
August 2020
Children and Families Service
One Minute Guide
The Employer (Designated Manager), the Police and Social Care (if there are
concerns that a crime has been committed or children are in need of
protection) and other involved professionals will attend.
The adult who the allegation has been made about does not attend the
Allegation Management Meeting.
The Allegation Management Meeting will consider: the allegation details;
employment details; the involved children; immediate and wider safeguarding
concerns and the need for:
A police investigation if it is suspected a crime has been committed;
An assessment by Children’s Social Care if a child is thought to be in need
of protection or services;
An employer investigation and possible disciplinary action.
An Allegation Management Review will take place every four weeks following the
initial meeting; however, it is expected that the majority of
investigations/assessments will have reached a conclusion within 4 weeks of the
allegation being made.
A final Review will consider the outcome of the investigation and determine
whether the allegation is: Substantiated; Unsubstantiated; Unfounded; or
The LADO will retain a confidential record of the allegation and subsequent
actions for future reference.
Anonymised DATA about allegations is collated and reported to Cheshire East
LSCB to inform: training; research; safer recruitment processes; safer working
practice guidance; and to raise awareness.
The Cheshire East LADO sits within the Children’s Safeguarding and Quality
Assurance Unit. The LADO is supported by a LADO Business Support Officer
who undertakes the administrative duties of the LADO role.
In the absence of the LADO, a Child Protection Independent Reviewing Officer
will carry out the LADO’s duties.
LADO contact details:
LADO: 01606 288931
LADO Business Support Officer: 01270 685904