Adult Case History Form
General Information:
Name: _________________________________________ Date of Birth: _______________________________
Address: _______________________________________ Phone: ____________________________________
City: __________________________________________ Zip: ______________________________________
E-Mail Address: ___________________________________________________________________________
Occupation: ____________________________________ Business Phone: ____________________________
Employer: ________________________________________________________________________________
Referred By: ____________________________________ Phone: ____________________________________
Address: __________________________________________________________________________________
Family Physician: ________________________________ Phone: ____________________________________
Address: __________________________________________________________________________________
Please describe your present family situation. Include persons who are living in your home and their
relationship to you.
Why are you seeking this evaluation?
What languages do you speak? If more than one, which one is your primary language?
What is the highest grade, diploma, or degree you have earned?
The Pauline K. Winkler
Speech-Language-Hearing Center
The College of Saint Rose
432 Western Avenue
Albany, NY 12203
(518) 454-5263 / Fax: (518) 337-2313
Director of Clinical Services, Jacqueline Klein, M.A., CCC-SLP
Winkler Center Coordinator, Barbara Hoffman, CCC-SLP
Coordinator of Early Intervention & Preschool Services,
Colleen Fluman, M.Ed.., CCC-SLP
Insurance Coordinator, Melissa Spring, M.S., CCC-SLP
How would you describe your speech-language difficulty?
Who first raised a concern about your speech-language abilities? When was the concern first raised? What was
the concern?
What do you think may have caused this problem?
Has there been any change in your speech or language since the concern was raised? If so, please describe.
Describe any techniques you use that assist you in compensating for the concerns you have.
Have you seen any other speech-language specialists? Who and when? What were their conclusions or
Please describe any remarkable developmental history you feel may be relevant.
Are there any other speech, language, learning or hearing concerns in your family? If yes, please describe.
How do your communication skills affect your job performance?
How successful are you at getting your message across? Please indicate with a check mark.
____ Not Successful ____Fairly Successful ____ Very Successful
Please explain.
How would you describe your comfort level speaking in social situations? Please indicate with a check mark.
____ Uncomfortable ____ Fairly Comfortable ____ Very Comfortable
Please explain.
Describe your ability to respond to sound. Please indicate with a check mark.
____ respond best to loud sounds
____ difficulty hearing in noisy situations
____ no problem hearing in a variety of environments
____ my ability to respond to sounds has decreased in the last few years
Medical History:
Please describe any medical history you feel may be relevant.
Indicate with a check mark if you have had any of the following illnesses and conditions in the past or present:
Adenoidectomy: _______________ Allergies: ____________________ Asthma: _______________________
Cancer: ______________________ Colds: _______________________ Dizziness: _____________________
Draining ear: _________________ Emphyzema: __________________ Ear Infections: __________________
Encephalitis: _________________ Head Injury: ___________________ Heart Disease: _________________
Headaches: __________________ Hearing Loss: __________________ High Fever: ___________________
Influenza: ___________________ Lyme Disease: _________________ Mastoiditis: ___________________
Meningitis: __________________ Noise Exposure: _______________ Otosclerosis: ___________________
Pneumonia: __________________ Seizures: _____________________ Sinusitis: _____________________
Stroke: ______________________ Tinnitus (ringing in the ears): __________________________________
Tonsillectomy: ________________ Tonsillitis: ___________________ Other: ________________________
Have you had any major surgeries? ____ Yes _____No
If yes, what type and when?
Describe any major accidents or hospitalizations.
Have you ever had any negative reactions to medications? ____ Yes ____ No
If yes, please identify and describe.
Educational History:
Please provide any educational history, concerns or problems you have that you feel may be relevant.
Additional Information:
Please provide any additional information you feel may be relevant in helping us to understand your
communication issues or needs.
What changes would you like to see in your communication skills within 1 year? Within 3 years?
I have audiotapes and/or videotapes that are representative of my strengths and/or needs that may provide
additional information regarding my communication skills that I am willing to share. ____ Yes ____ No
Person completing this form: ________________________________________________________________
Signature: ____________________________________________ Date: ______________________________
Rev. 05/2011