Question and Answer
I. Licensing and Regulation
Question: What is the required capitalization for a private entity to qualify for a
grant of a POEA license? How does it affect existing licensees?
Answer: The sole proprietor and partnership shall have a minimum capitalization of Five Million
Pesos (PhP5,000,000.00) and a minimum paid up capital of Five Million Pesos
(PhP5,000,000.00) in case of a corporation.
Those with existing licenses shall, within four (4) years from effectivity hereof, increase
their capitalization or paid up capital, as the case may be, to Five Million Pesos
(PhP5,000,000.00) at the rate of Seven Hundred Fifty Thousand Pesos (PhP750,000.00)
every year. (Section 2, Rule I, Part II)
Question: Who are disqualified to participate and engage in the recruitment and placement of
workers for overseas employment?
Answer: a. Travel agencies and sales agencies of airline companies;
b. Officers or members of the Board of any corporation or partners in a partnership
engaged in the business of a travel agency;
c. Corporations and partnerships, where any of its officers, members of the board or
partners is also an officer, member of the board or partner of a corporation or
partnership engaged in the business of a travel agency;
d. Individuals, partners, officers or directors of an insurance company who make,
propose or provide an insurance contract under the compulsory insurance coverage
for agency-hired Overseas Filipino Workers;
e. Sole proprietors, partners or officers and members of the board with derogatory
records, such as, but not limited to the following:
1. Those convicted, or against whom probable cause or prima facie finding
of guilt is determined by a competent authority, for illegal recruitment, or for other
related crimes or offenses committed in the course of, related to, or resulting
from, illegal recruitment, or for crimes involving moral turpitude;
2. Those agencies whose licenses have been revoked for violation of RA
8042 (Migrant Workers and Overseas Filipinos Act of 1995), as amended, PD
442 (Labor Code of the Philippines), as amended, and RA 9208 (Trafficking in
Persons Act of 2003), as amended, and their implementing rules and regulations;
3. Those agencies whose licenses have been cancelled, or those who,
pursuant to the Order of the Administrator, were included in the list of persons
with derogatory record for violation of recruitment laws and regulations; and
f. Any official or employee of the DOLE, POEA, OWWA, DFA, DOJ, DOH, BI, IC,
NLRC, TESDA, CFO, NBI, PNP, Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines
(CAAP), international airport authorities, and other government agencies directly
involved in the implementation of RA 8042, as amended, and/or any of his/her
relatives within the fourth civil degree of consanguinity or affinity. (Section 3, Rule
I, Part VII)
Question: What is considered a new principal/employer under the Revised Rules?
Answer: New principal/employer refers to a principal/employer which has never been
accredited/registered with any licensed recruitment agency or with the Administration and
has been existing for at least a year; Provided, that in the case of a foreign placement
agency, its client employer/s must be identified and must not have been accredited with
any licensed recruitment agency or with the Administration. (Section 4 (c.i)
Question: What new documentary requirements are there in the application of
a POEA license?
Answer: Employer’s profile, individual affidavits of officials and personnel declaring that they have
no conviction or pending criminal case for illegal recruitment or case involving moral
turpitude, flowchart detailing the step by step recruitment procedures, four-year business
plan detailing financial, market and operational viability, including projected income and
risk management plan
Question: What is the validity of a new POEA license?
Answer: Provisional license shall be valid within a non-extendible period of two (2) years while
regular license shall be valid up to the full term of four (4) years from the date of issuance
of the provisional license.
Question: What restriction do a provisional licensees have in terms of deploying workers?
Answer: The agency granted with a provisional license shall not deploy domestic workers during
the validity of the provisional license.(Section 12)
Question: What is the new provision on escrow during the renewal of license?
Answer: If during the renewal, the applicant has pending recruitment violation case/s before the
Administration, an additional escrow deposit shall be required in accordance with the
following schedule:
1 to 5
PhP50,000.00 per case
6 to 10
PhP75,000.00 per case
11 or more
PhP100,000.00 per case
The total escrow deposit shall, in no case, exceed Two Million Pesos
If in the succeeding renewal, the licensed recruitment agency has no pending case,
the Administration shall allow the withdrawal of the additional escrow deposit.(Section
15 (b))
Question: What is an assessment and when it is conducted?
Answer: Assessment shall refer to the process of evaluating compliance with these Rules, labor
laws and social legislation, undertaken by qualified labor laws compliance officers
(LLCOs) using a prescribed checklist in accordance with the pertinent provisions of the
Rules on Labor Laws Compliance System (LLCS) issued by the Secretary of Labor and
Employment through Department Order No. 131-13. The Assessment shall include
matters relating to the maintenance of requirements on capitalization/equity, office space,
equipment, facilities, and postings.
The Assessment shall be conducted prior to the issuance of a license (post qualification
assessment), upgrading of provisional license to a regular license, issuance of branch
authority, renewal of license and branch authority, and transfer of office. The Assessment
shall likewise be conducted once every two (2) years after renewal of license. Section
Question: How does an SRA differ from the LOA?
Answer: Special Recruitment Authority refers to the authority granted to a licensed recruitment
agency to conduct recruitment outside of its registered business address while Letter of
Authority isissued by the Administration authorizing an accredited foreign principal or its
representative/s to participate in the screening, interview and selection of applicants for
their approved job orders, in places outside the registered business address of the
licensed recruitment agency as indicated in the Special Recruitment Authority.
Question: What are the fees and costs chargeable to the overseas Filipino workers?
Answer: The Overseas Filipino Worker shall pay the following fees and costs:
a. Documentation costs:
1. Passport;
2. NBI/Police/Barangay Clearance;
3. NSO authenticated birth certificate;
4. Transcript of Records and diploma issued by the school, certified by the
CHED and authenticated by the DFA;
5. Professional license issued by the PRC, authenticated by the DFA;
6. Certificate of Competency issued by TESDA or other competent
certifying body for the job applied for; and
7. DOH prescribed medical/health examination, based on the host country
medical protocol.
b. Membership with Philhealth, Pag-Ibig and the Social Security System. (Section
Question: What is the amount of placement fee that could be charged against the overseas Filipino
Answer: A placement fee that may be charged against the Overseas Filipino Worker should only
be equivalent to one (1) month basic salary specified in the POEA approved
contract.(Section 51)
Question: Who are exempted from paying the placement fee?
Answer: The following are exempted from paying the placement fee:
a. Domestic workers; and
b. Workers to be deployed to countries where the prevailing system, either
by law, policy or practice do not allow, directly or indirectly, the charging and
collection of recruitment/placement fee.(Section 51 (a&b)
Question: When should the placement fee be paid?
Answer: The worker shall pay the placement fee to the licensed recruitment agency only after
signing the POEA-approved contract and the agency must issue a BIR-registered receipt
stating the date of payment and the exact amount paid. (Section 51)
Question: Who will pay for premium for the compulsory insurance coverage?
Answer: The licensed recruitment agency shall be responsible for the payment of the premium for
the compulsory insurance coverage under Section 37-A of RA 8042, as amended.
(Section 52)
Question: What are the fees and costs chargeable to the principal?
Answer: The costs of recruitment and placement shall be the responsibility of principal/employer,
which cover payment for the following:
a. Visa, including the stamping fee;
b. Work permit and residence permit;
c. Round trip airfare;
d. Transportation from the airport to the jobsite;
e. POEA processing fee;
f. OWWA membership fee; and
g. Additional trade test/assessment, if required by the principal/employer.
(Section 53)
Question: To whom and when can the LAC issue OECs or Travel Exit Document?
Answer: The Administration may issue OEC at the LAC only to the following
a. Workers on special/emergency leave; and
b. Cabin crew / flight attendants. (Section 73)
Question: Are there additional acts that constitute Illegal Recruitment under the
Revised Rules?
Answer: The following are the acts that also constitute illegal recruitment:
1. To arrange, facilitate or grant a loan to an Overseas Filipino Worker with interest
exceeding eight percent (8%) per annum, which will be used for payment of legal and
allowable placement fees and make the migrant worker issue, either personally or
through a guarantor or accommodation party, postdated checks in relation to the said
2. To impose a compulsory and exclusive arrangement whereby an Overseas Filipino
Worker is required to avail of a loan only from specifically designated institutions, entities
or persons;
3. To refuse to condone or renegotiate a loan incurred by an Overseas Filipino Worker after
the latter’s employment contract has been prematurely terminated through no fault of
his/her own;
4. To impose a compulsory and exclusive arrangement whereby an Overseas Filipino
Worker is required to undergo health examinations only from specifically designated
medical clinics, institutions, entities or persons, except in the case of a worker whose
medical examination cost is shouldered by the principal;
5. To impose a compulsory and exclusive arrangement whereby an Overseas Filipino
Worker is required to undergo training, seminar, instruction or schooling of any kind only
from specifically designated institutions, entities or persons, except for recommendatory
trainings mandated by principals where the latter shoulder the cost of such trainings;
6. For a suspended recruitment agency to engage in any kind of recruitment activity
including the processing of pending workers’ applications; and
7. For a recruitment agency or a foreign principal/employer to passon to the Overseas
Filipino Worker or deduct from his/her salary the payment of the cost of insurance fees,
premium or other insurance related charges, as provided under the compulsory worker’s
insurance coverage.(Section 76 (p-v)
II. Placement by the Private Sector
Question: What are the rules in the accreditation of principal/employer?
Answer: The following rules shall govern in the accreditation of principals/employers:
a. All documents for accreditation shall be verified by the POLO.
b. In the absence of the POLO, the documents shall be duly
authenticated by the Philippine Embassy/consulate which has
jurisdiction over the jobsite.
c. In cases where there is no Philippine Embassy or Consulate in the
jobsite, the principal/employer may submit the documents to the
Administration for attestation. (Section 95)
Question: Can the accreditation of foreign principals/employers be at the done at the
Philippine Embassies in the worksite?
Answer: Yes. The authority to accredit foreign principals/employers may be
delegated to the POLOs in countries/territories where it has jurisdiction.
Question: What are the grounds for the suspension of accreditation by the POLO?
Answer: The POLO may suspend accreditation based on any of the following grounds:
a. Unjustified refusal to assist/repatriate distressed Overseas Filipino
b. Deliberate violation/non-compliance of the principal/employer with its
contractual obligations to its hired Overseas Filipino Worker/s;
c. Continued processing and deployment of the Overseas Filipino
Workers for the principal/employer will lead to the further exploitation
of any or all of its applicants and Overseas Filipino Workers or pose
imminent danger to the lives and safety of its Overseas Filipino
Worker/s; or
d. When found to have hired and employed an Overseas Filipino
Worker who is either a minor or below the prescribed minimum age
requirement.(Section 101)
Question: What are the grounds for the revocation of the accreditation and registration?
Answer: The POLO or the Administration shall automatically revoke the accreditation of a
principal/employer on any of the following grounds
a. Expiration of the principal’s/employer’s business license or cessation
of business or recruitment activity, after a period of one (1) year from
expiration or cessation;
b. Upon written mutual agreement by the principal/employer and the
licensed recruitment agency to terminate the agreement;
c. When the principal/employer is meted the penalty of disqualification
from participation in the overseas employment program; and
d. Failure to comply with the undertaking submitted as requirement for
accreditation.(Section 104)
Question: What are the requirements for the transfer of accreditation?
Answer: The accreditation of a principal/employer may be transferred to another licensed
recruitment agency, provided, that:
a. There is no downgrading of the compensation package adopted by
the principal with the licensed recruitment agency to which it is
currently/previously accredited;
b. The transferee agency shall assume full and complete responsibility
for all contractual obligations of the principal/employer to the
Overseas Filipino Workers originally recruited and deployed by the
former licensed recruitment agency, by submitting to the POLO or to
the Administration, as the case may be, an undertaking to that effect;
c. The principal/employer must have no pending disciplinary action
For this purpose, any accreditation within six (6) months immediately following its
cancellation by the principal/employer shall be deemed a transfer of
accreditation.(Section 109)
Question: How could the suspension of accreditation be lifted?
Answer: The Administrator may, upon recommendation by the ILAB-DOLE, reinstate the authority
to accredit a principal/employer.(Section 113)
Question: What are the documentary requirements for the processing of agency-hires?
Answer: The following documents shall be submitted for contract processing and documentation
of new hires:
a. Request for processing (RFP) using the POEA-prescribed form indicating the
1. name of OFW;
2. position;
3. salary;
4. contract duration;
5. job site;
6. particulars of certificate of cover of mandatory insurance; and
7. name of principal based on the POEA-approved master
employment contract.
b. Passport valid at least six (6) months from the intended date of departure;
c. Valid and appropriate visa;
d. Individual verified employment contracts for low/semi-skilled workers;
e. One-page summary of the contract for other highly-skilled and professional
Overseas Filipino Workers containing the following basic contract provisions:
1. name, birthdate, and sex of the worker;
2. name of employer;
3. job site;
4. position;
5. basic salary, overtime pay, and allowances;
6. food and accommodation;
7. contract duration; and
8. mandatory insurance provider and certificate of cover/policy number.
f. Pre-Employment Orientation Seminar (PEOS) and Pre-Departure Orientation
Seminar (PDOS) Certificates;
g. Certificate of medical fitness issued by DOH-accredited medical clinics for
h. Educational attainment; and
i. TESDA Skill Certification.(Section 117)
Question: What are documentary requirements for the processing of domestic workers?
Answer: The following documents shall be submitted for contract processing and documentation
of newly hired domestic workers
a. Request for processing (RFP) using POEA prescribed form indicating the
1. name of OFW;
2. position;
3. salary;
4. contract duration;
5. job site;
6. particulars of certificate of cover of mandatory insurance; and
7. name of the foreign placement agency and the employer.
b. Passport valid at least six (6) months from the intended date of departure;
c. Valid and appropriate visa;
d. Individual verified employment contract;
e. Pre-Employment Orientation Seminar (PEOS), Pre-Departure Orientation
Seminar (PDOS), and Comprehensive Pre-Departure Education Program
(CPDEP) Certificates;
f. Certificate of medical fitness issued by DOH-accredited medical clinics for
OFWs; and
g. TESDA Skill Certification. (Section 118)
Question: What is the validity of the overseas employment certificate and the period to deploy a
documented OFW?
Answer: An OEC shall be valid for sixty (60) days from date of issuance within which period the
licensed recruitment agency shall deploy its documented Overseas Filipino Workers.
(Section 121)
Question: Who is a returning overseas Filipino worker?
Answer: Returning Worker or Balik-Manggagawarefers to an Overseas Filipino Worker who has
served or is serving his/her employment contract and is:
a. returning to the same employer and the same job site; or
b. returning to the same employer in a new job site.
It shall also include an Overseas Filipino Worker who has started employment with a new
employer and is returning to the said employer.
Question: What are the requirements for the registration of the returning overseas Filipino worker?
Answer: Section 122. - Registration of Returning Overseas Filipino Workers. A. The registration
of the returning Overseas Filipino Workers as defined in these Rules shall be through on-
line or by submission of the followingdocuments to the Administration or to the POLOs for
1. Passport valid at least six (6) months from the date of intended
2. Valid and appropriate visa or work permit; and
3. Certificate of insurance coverage similar to the benefits provided
under the mandatory insurance coverage contained in Section 37-A
of RA 8042, as amended, at the option of the Overseas Filipino
B. For returning Overseas Filipino Workers who are not registered with the
Administration or who changed employers on-site, the following additional requirements
shall be required:
1. Proof of existing employment such as payroll slip or valid company
identification card;
2. Existing employment contract;
3. Affidavit stating the circumstances regarding the deployment; and
4. Certificate of insurance coverage similar to the benefits provided
under the mandatory insurance coverage contained in Section 37-A
of RA 8042, as amended, at the option of the worker.
C. In case of issuance of multiple OECs, its validity shall depend on contract duration.
Question: Who are exempted from the ban on direct hiring?
Answer: Section 124. - Exemption from the Ban on Direct Hiring. The following are exempted
from the ban on direct hiring:
a. Members of the diplomatic corps;
b. International organizations;
c. Heads of state and government officials with the rank of at least
deputy minister; or
d. Other employers as may be allowed by the Secretary of Labor and
Employment, such as:
1. Those provided in (a), (b) and (c) who bear a lesser rank, if
endorsed by the POLO, or Head of Mission in the absence of the
2. Professionals and skilled workers with duly executed/
authenticated contracts containing terms and conditions over
and above the standards set by the POEA. The number of
professional and skilled Overseas Filipino Workers hired for the
first time by the employer shall not exceed five (5). For the
purpose of determining the number, workers hired as a group
shall be counted as one; or
3. Workers hired by a relative/family member who is a permanent
resident of the host country.
Question: What are the documentary requirements for the registration of workers exempted from
the ban on direct hiring?
Answer: Section 125 Documentary Requirements for Registration of Overseas Filipino
Workers Hired by Employers who are Exempted from the Ban on Direct Hiring. The
Overseas Filipino Workers hired by those employers exempted from the ban on direct
hiring may be registered by the Administration upon submission of the following
a. Verified/authenticated original employment contract which is over
and above the POEA-prescribed employment contract;
b. Passport valid at least six (6) months from the date of intended
c. Valid and appropriate visa or work permit;
d. Certificate of medical fitness;
e. Proof of certificate of insurance coverage covering at least the
benefits provided under Section 37-A of RA 8042, as amended;
f. Certificate of attendance to the required employment
orientation/briefing; and
g. Clearance from the Secretary of Labor and Employment for those
covered under Section 124 (d) of these Rules.
The Administration shall ensure that the worker is made fully aware of the terms and
conditions of the employment contract and the advantages and disadvantages of direct-
III. Placement by the Administration
Question: What are the fees and costs chargeable to principal/employer?
Answer: Section 129.Fees and Costs Chargeable to Principal/Employer. Unless otherwise
provided by law, regulations, or bilateral agreement or arrangement, the principal/employer shall be
responsible for the payment of the following:
1. Visa and/or work permit fee;
2. Air fare;
3. POEA processing fee; and
4. OWWA Membership contribution.
Question: What are the fees and costs chargeable to overseas Filipino workers?
Answer: Section 130. Fees/Costs Chargeable to the Overseas Filipino Workers. Unless
otherwise provided by law, regulations, or bilateral agreement or arrangement, the
Overseas Filipino Worker shall pay for the following documentation costs:
1. Passport;
2. NBI/police/barangay clearance;
3. Authentication/notarization;
4. Birth certificate;
5. School credentials;
6. Trade test/assessment, if necessary;
7. Medical/health examination; and
8. Inoculation, when required by host country.
Question: What could answer for monetary claims of the workers recruited through the government-
to-government arrangement?
Answer: Section 131.Foreign Employer's Guarantee Fund. For Overseas FilipinoWorkers
recruited through a government-to-government arrangement, the Administration shall,
through relevant guidelines, establish and administer a Foreign Employer’s Guarantee
Fund (FEGF) which shall be answerable for the Overseas Filipino Workers’ monetary
claims arising from breach of contractual obligations. The same must be included in
bilateral agreementson government-to-government hiring
Question: Are there limitations to POEA’s government-to-government arrangement?
Answer: Section 133. Parameters for Government-to-Government Hiring. The Administration
shall recruit and place workers for foreign employers under the following parameters and
a. As may be requested and specified by the foreign government
b. As a ready “good will vehicle” for prospective employers endorsed by
diplomatic missions or as a result of high-level meetings; and
c. For new or novel markets or alternative manpower mobilization
arrangements on a pilot or experimental basis, or for hiring projects
triggered by certain recruitment violations and exploitative practices
of licensed recruitment agencies.
IV. Employment Standards
Question: What are the minimum provisions of an employment contracts?
Answer: The following shall be the minimum provisions in employment contracts for Overseas
Filipino Workers:
a. Complete name and address of the employer/company;
b. Position and jobsite of the Overseas Filipino Worker;
c. Basic monthly salary, including benefits and allowances and mode of
payment. The salary shall not be lower than the prescribed minimum
wage in the host country or prevailing minimum wage in the National
Capital Region of the Philippines, whichever is higher;
d. Food and accommodation or the monetary equivalent which shall be
commensurate to the cost of living in the host country, or off-setting
e. Commencement and duration of contract;
f. Free transportation from and back to the point of hire, or off-setting
benefits, and free inland transportation at the jobsite or off-setting
g. Regular work hours and day off;
h. Overtime pay for services rendered beyond the regular working
hours, rest days and holidays;
i. Vacation leave and sick leave for every year of service;
j. Free emergency medical and dental treatment;
k. Just/valid/authorized causes for termination of the contract or of the
services of the workers, taking into consideration the customs,
traditions, norms, mores, practices, company policies and the labor
laws and social legislations of the host country.
l. Settlement of disputes;
m. Repatriation of worker in case of imminent danger due to war,
calamity, and other analogous circumstances, at the expense of
employer; and
n. In case of worker’s death, repatriation of Overseas Filipino Workers
human remains and personal belongings, at the expense of the
employer. (Section 135)
V. Recruitment Violations and Disciplinary Action Cases
Question: What is the exclusive and original jurisdiction of the POEA?
Answer: The Administration shall exercise original and exclusive jurisdiction to hear and decide all
cases which are administrative in character, involving or arising out of violations of
recruitment rules and regulations, including refund of fees collected from Overseas
Filipino Workers and any violation of the conditions for the issuance of the license to
recruit Overseas Filipino Workers.
The Administration shall likewise exercise original and exclusive jurisdiction to hear and
decide disciplinary action cases against Overseas Filipino Workers and
principals/employers that are administrative in character, excluding money claims.
(Section 138)
Question: Is conciliation of complaints mandatory?
Answer: Before docketing, the Administration or the POLO, shall mandatorily conciliate any
complaint involving an Overseas Filipino Worker, licensed recruitment agency, or
principal/employer relating to overseas employment. (Section 139)
In case of money claims, the same will also be conciliated in accordance with the Single
Entry Approach (SEnA). (Section 135)
Question: What are the cases not subject to Single Entry Approach (SEnA)?
Answer: The following cases are not subject to SEnA:
a. Cases referred by the POLO or any other government agency;
b. Cases initiated by the Administration; and
c. Cases involving acts of misrepresentation for the purpose of securing a
license.(Section 139)
Question: What are the recruitment violations considered as serious offenses and the
corresponding penalty?
Answer: I. SERIOUS OFFENSES are those that, by their nature and effect, are punishable by
cancellation of license.
a. Knowingly deploying a minor.
b. Engaging in acts of gross misrepresentation for the purpose of securing a
license or renewal thereof, such as violation of the Anti-Dummy Law, or
giving false information or fictitious documents in relation to a matter that is
material for the approval of the license application or renewal.
c. Engaging in an act of reprocessing by documenting workers through a job
order that pertains to: (1)non-existent work; (2) positions different from the
actual overseas work or for positions different from the actual visa category,
unless covered by an undertaking of visa usage by the licensed recruitment
agency and an affidavit of awareness and consent by the worker, and a job
description signed by the worker and approved by the Administration; or (3) a
different principal/employer whether or not accredited with the POEA.
d. Engaging in the recruitment or placement of workers in jobs declared by the
Administration as harmful to public health or morality or to the dignity of the
Republic of the Philippines.
e. Transfer or change of ownership or control of a single proprietorship licensed
to engage in overseas employment.
f. For the sole proprietor, partner, or officer/s or member/s of the Board of any
licensed recruitment agency to become an officer or member of the Board of
any corporation or partnership engaged directly or indirectly in the
management of a travel agency.
g. Charging and collecting of placement fee for deployment to countries where
the prevailing system, either by law, policy or practice does not allow the
charging and collection of placement and recruitment fees as determined by
the Administration.
h. Charging and accepting directly or indirectly any amount greater than that
specified in the schedule of allowable placement fees, or when such charging
or collection is prohibited by any law, rules or policy, or making a worker pay
or acknowledge any amount greater than that actually received by him/her as
loan or advance.
i. Passing on to the worker fees and costs chargeable to the
j. Deploying workers whose employment and travel documents were not
processed by the Administration.
k. Allowing a non-Filipino citizen to head or manage, directly or indirectly, a
licensed recruitment agency. For this purpose, “heading or managing” a licensed
recruitment agency.
Question: What are the recruitment violations considered as less serious offenses and the
corresponding penalties?
Answer: II. LESS SERIOUS OFFENSES are those that by their nature and effect are punishable
by the penalty of suspension to cancellation of license.
a. Knowingly deploying a worker below the minimum age requirement.
b. Charging, imposing and accepting directly or indirectly, any amount of
money, goods or services, or any fee or bond for any purpose whatsoever
before employment is obtained for an applicant worker.
c. Collecting any fee from a worker without issuing the official receipt clearly
showing the amount paid and the purpose for which payment was made.
d. Engaging in any other acts of misrepresentation in connection with
recruitment and placement of workers, such as furnishing or publishing any
false notice, information or document in relation to recruitment or
e. Obstructing inspection by the Secretary, the Administrator or their duly
authorized representatives.
f. Substituting or altering, to the prejudice of the worker, a POEA-approved
employment contract, from the time of actual signing thereof by the parties
up to and including the period of the expiration of the same, without the
approval of the POLO or POEA.
g. Withholding or denying release of travel or other pertinent documents from a
worker despite demand.
Plus return of the documents, or refund of the cost of the documents that the
licensed recruitment agency failed to return.
h. Engaging in recruitment activities in places other than that specified in the
license or branch authority without a special recruitment authority.
i. Appointing or designating, representatives or employees without notice to the
Administration, in accordance with Section 27 of these Rules.
j. Allowing an accredited principal/employer or its representative to conduct or
participate in recruitment activities outside the registered business address of
the licensed recruitment agency without prior approval from the
k. Allowing persons who are disqualified to participate in the overseas
employment program under existing laws, rules and regulations to participate
in the ownership, management and operation of the recruitment agency.
l. Failure to reimburse expenses incurred by the worker in connection with
his/her documentation and processing for purposes of deployment, where
deployment does not take place without any fault on the part of the worker.
m. Failure to comply with any of the undertakings submitted to the
Administration in relation to Section 4(F).
n. Imposing a compulsory and exclusive arrangement whereby an OFW is
required to undergo health examinations, training, seminar, instruction or
schooling of any kind only from specifically designated institutions, entities, or
persons or medical clinics, as the case may be, unless the cost is shouldered
by the principal or licensed recruitment agency.
o. Imposing a compulsory and exclusive arrangement whereby an OFW is
required to avail of a loan from a specifically designated institution, entity, or
p. Refusing to condone or renegotiate a loan incurred by an OFW after the
latter’s employment contract has been prematurely terminated through no
fault of his/her own.
q. Facilitating, arranging or granting of a loan to an OFW with interest
exceeding eight percent (8%) per annum which will be used for payment of
legal and allowable placement fees and making the OFW issue, either
personally or through a guarantor or accommodation party, postdated checks
in relation to the said loan.
r. Failure to monitor and report significant incidents regarding the condition and
status of the deployed worker in relation to Section 209.
s. Collecting any amount as payment for documentation costs not prescribed by
these Rules or other issuances of the Administration, or an amount greater
than the actual documentation costs, as covered by official receipts issued by
entities which received the payments.
t. Falsifying or altering employment or travel documents of applicant worker.
u. Inducing a worker already pre-qualified/ contracted, whether deployed or not,
to withdraw from or to abandon his/her employment in order to offer him/her
another, unless the transfer is designed to liberate a worker from oppressive
terms and conditions of employment.
v. Willful disobedience of lawful orders, notices, or other legal processes issued
by the Administration.
w. Failure to submit reports as required under the rules and other issuances of
the Administration.
Offense Suspension of License (Two Months to
Six Months)
Offense Suspension of License (Six Months and
One day toOne year)
Offense Suspension of License (One yearand
One day to Two years)
Offense Cancellation of License
Question: What are the recruitment violations considered as light offenses and the corresponding
Answer: III. LIGHT OFFENSES arethose that by their nature and effect are punishable by the
penalty of reprimand to suspension of license.
a. Influencing any person or entity not to employ any worker who has not applied for
employment through his/her agency, or influencing any person or entity not to
employ any worker who has formed, joined or supported, or has contacted or is
supported by any union or workers’ organization;
b. Failure to actually deploy a contracted worker within sixty (60) days from the
issuance of OEC without valid reason.
c. Violations of other pertinent provisions of the Labor Code and other relevant
laws, rules and regulations, guidelines and other issuances on recruitment and
placement of workers for overseas employment and the protection of their
Offense Reprimand
Offense Fine of PhP20,000.00
Offense Suspension of License (One
month to Three months)
Offense onwards Suspension of License (Three
months to Six months)
Question: What are grounds for the disciplinary action against principal/employer and considered as
serious offenses?
Answer: SECTION 144. Grounds for Disciplinary Action Against Principals/Employers and
Penalties. Commission by a principal/employer of any of the offenses below shall be a
ground for disciplinary action for which the corresponding penalty shall be imposed.
I. The following are SERIOUS OFFENSES with their corresponding penalties:
a. Unauthorized/unjustified collection of fee or illegal exaction from an Overseas
FilipinoWorker through whatever means, including salary deduction.
b. Passing on to the worker or deducting from the Overseas Filipino Worker’s
salary the payment of the cost of the premiums, as provided under the
compulsory worker’s insurance coverage.
c. Gross negligence leading to serious injury or illness or disability or death of
the Overseas Filipino Worker.
d. Grave misconduct against the Overseas Filipino Worker.
e. Conviction of an offense against the Overseas Filipino worker.
f. Compelling anOverseas Filipino Worker to work for another principal/employer
or in another jobsite/worksite, or perform work different from what is provided
in the contract.
g. Unreasonable/unjustifiable delay and refusal in securing an exit visa for an
Overseas FilipinoWorker who needs to be repatriated.
h. Non-payment or underpayment of wages and benefits.
i. Substitution or alteration of the POEA-approved contract to the prejudice of
the Overseas Filipino Worker.
j. Violation of the Anti-Human Trafficking Law.
Question: What is the penalty for serious offenses by the principal/employer?
Answer: Permanent disqualification and delisting from the roster of accredited
Question: What are considered less serious offenses of the principal/employer and the
corresponding penalties?
Answer: II. The following are LESS SERIOUS OFFENSES with their corresponding penalties:
k. Default on other contractual obligations to the Overseas FilipinoWorker.
l. Withholding or denying of the worker’s travel and other pertinent documents.
m. Non-acceptance of the results of valid health examinations conducted by a
DOH-accredited or DOH-operated clinic.
n. Failure to monitor and report the status, condition, or significant events
relating to its hired worker.
o. Negligence leading to injury or illness of the worker.
p. Simple misconduct against the worker.
Offense Suspension from participation in the
overseas employment program(Six months to
One year)
Offense Permanent Disqualification and delisting
from the roster of accredited
Question: What are grounds for the disciplinary action against overseas Filipino workers and
considered as serious offenses?
Answer: Section 145 (I)Grounds for Disciplinary Action and their Penalties. Commission by an
Overseas Filipino Worker of any of the offenses enumerated below shall be a ground for
disciplinary action for which the corresponding penalties shall be imposed:
A. Pre-Employment Offenses
a. Submitting, furnishing or using false information or documents or any form of
misrepresentation for the purpose of job application or employment.
b. Unjustified refusal to continue his/her application after signing an
employment contract, or to depart for the worksite after all employment and
travel documents have been duly approved by the appropriate government
Offense Suspension from participation in the
overseas employment program(Six months to
One year)
Offense Suspension from participation in the
overseas employment program(One year and
one day to Two years)
Offense Permanent Disqualification from participation in the
overseas employment program.
B. Offenses during Employment
a. Commission of a felony, or crime punishable by the laws of the
Philippines or by the host country, committed during
b. Assaulting a fellow worker, the principal/employer or any
member of his/her family, or any of the directors, officers,
managerial or supervisorial staff of the principal/employer.
c. Grave abuse of authority by an officer exercising supervision
over other employees.
d. Possession or use of prohibited drugs, contraband, alcohol or
pornographic materials in violation of company policy or laws of
the host country.
e. Unjustified refusal to be repatriated in case of mandatory
repatriation in accordance with the declaration of the Philippine
Question: What are the penalties for serious offenses by the overseas Filipino workers?
Answer: Penalty:
Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas
employment program (Six months to One year)
Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas
employment program (One year and one day to Two years)
Offense Permanent Disqualification from participation in the
overseas employment program.
Question: What are considered less serious offenses by the overseas Filipino workers and the
corresponding penalties?
f. Unjustified breach of employment contract.
g. Embezzlement of company funds or monies and/or properties of a fellow
worker entrusted for delivery to kin or relatives in the Philippines.
h. Violation of the religious and cultural practices of the host country.
i. Violation of company policies and regulations.
j. Insubordination or refusal to obey a lawful order of the employer or the duly
authorized representative.
k. Failure to refund the cost of his/her repatriation advanced by the principal or
recruitment agency, where termination of employment was due to his/her
own fault as determined by final judgment.
l. Violation of the Code of Discipline for Overseas Filipino Workers.
Offense Suspension from participation in the
overseas employment program (Two months to
Six months)
Offense Suspension from participation in the
overseas employment program(Six months and
One day to One year)
Offense Permanent Disqualification from
participation in the overseas employment
Question: What are the grounds for the issuance of Order of preventive suspension?
Answer: SECTION 168.Grounds for the Issuance of Order of Preventive Suspension.
(1) For the recruitment agency:
a. There exist reasonable grounds to believe that the continued operation of the
licensed recruitment agency will lead to further violation or exploitation of
workers being recruited or will adversely affect friendly relations with any
country or will prejudice national interest; and
b. The evidence of guilt is strong that there is a case for violation of the pertinent
provisions of the Labor Code, its implementing rules and regulations, and
POEA Rules and Regulations pertaining to serious or less serious offenses as
described in these Rules or any issuance of the Administration.
(2) For a Foreign Principal/Employer:
a. When the evidence of guilt is strong; and
b. There is reasonable ground to believe that the continued deployment to the
principal will result in further violation or exploitation of Overseas
(3) For a Migrant Worker:
a. When the evidence of guilt is strong; and
b. The charge involves a serious offense.
Question: On what instance could the POEA issue an Order of preventive suspension even without
prior notice and hearing?
Answer: Deployment of minor
Question: What are the conditions before an order of preventive suspension could be issued on
recommendation of embassy/POLO, IACAT and PTFAIR?
Answer: The Administration may likewise issue an Order of Preventive Suspension upon
recommendation of the embassy/POLO, or when recommended by any government
agencies who are members of the Inter-Agency Council Against Trafficking (IACAT) or
the Presidential Task Force Against Illegal Recruitment (PTFAIR), supported by a
detailed report, sworn statement/s of worker/s, and other evidence; Provided that, the
concerned party shall be given a period of five (5) days from receipt of the Show Cause
Order within which to file an Answer/Explanation. Failure to file such Answer/Explanation
within the prescribed period may result in the imposition of Order of Preventive
Suspension on the agency concerned. No Motion for Extension to file an
Answer/Explanation shall be allowed.Section 169 (c)
Question: What are the instances when an Order of preventive suspension could be issued against
a principal/employer?
Answer: The Administration may, upon docketing of the case against a principal or employer,
issue an Order of Preventive Suspension in the following instances:
a. When there are five (5) or more complainants and the nature of the
offense involves serious or less serious offense;
b. When the worker involved is an underage migrant worker;
c. When the worker dies or suffers severe physical/psychological
maltreatment or sexual abuse in the course of the employment; or
d. When recommended by the embassy/POLO supported by a detailed
report and sworn statement/s of workers.
In case of a foreign placement agency, an Order of Preventive Suspension shall be
issued on the basis of direct or indirect participation in the above-mentioned
circumstances.Section 169 (C 3
Question: What is the period for the Administrator to render a decision from the receipt of the Order
of preventive suspension?
Answer: The Administrator shall render a decision within ninety (90) days from the date of receipt
of the Order of Preventive Suspension. Otherwise, the suspension shall be deemed lifted
without prejudice to the outcome of the investigation.Section 169 (last parg)
Question: What is the effect of an Order of preventive suspension?
Answer: An Order of Preventive Suspension, Suspension or Cancellation of License shall have
the effect of suspending or terminating all activities of the recruitment agency which fall
under the definition of recruitment and placement, including the processing of pending
contracts of applicant workers. The suspension or cancellation shall not, however, affect
the transfer of accreditation of the principal/employer to another licensed recruitment
agency. (Section 170)
Question: What is the penalty when a case involves five or more complainants?
Answer: The penalty of cancellation of license shall be imposed upon a respondent agency found
liable for committing a less serious or light offense against five (5) or more workers in a
single case. (Section 174)
Question: What are the conditions for the grant of clemency to principal/employer?
Answer: The Administration may, upon motion by the principal/employer, grant clemency to a
principal/employer who is penalized with the penalty of disqualification from participation
in the overseas employment program, provided, that the following conditions exist:
a. the respondent is a first time offender;
b. the respondent did not commit a serious offense;
c. the claims against respondent have been settled;
d. the offended party has pardoned the respondent; and
e. the principal/employer has the capacity to provide decent employment
for Overseas Filipino workers.
The respondent may file a Motion for Clemency in lieu of an appeal. The filing of a Motion
for Clemency shall be deemed a waiver of the right to appeal, or the automatic
withdrawal of a pending appeal. (Section 182)
Question: What are the conditions for the grant of clemency to an overseas Filipino worker?
Answer: The Administration may, upon motion, grant clemency to an Overseas Filipino Worker
who is penalized with the penalty of disqualification from participation in the overseas
employment program, provided, that any of the following conditions exists:
a. The offense committed does not involve a serious offense, or crime
involving moral turpitude, misrepresentation or theft; or
b. There is a settlement of claims or the complainant has condoned the
acts of respondent. (Section 183)
Question: What are the conditions for the grant of clemency to a partner, officer, or director of a
cancelled licensed recruitment agency?
Answer: The Administration, upon motion, may grant clemency to a partner, officer or a director of
a recruitment agency whose license has been cancelled and whose name has been
included in the list of persons with derogatory record, provided, that the following
conditions are met:
a. the licensed recruitment agency has only one (1) case involving not
more than ten (10) workers for which the license has been cancelled
as certified by the Adjudication Office;
b. the Officer or Director must prove that he/she did not participate in the
commission of the charged violation;
c. proof of the full satisfaction of the awards on the case, if any;
d. the complainant/s had condoned the acts of the licensed recruitment
e. the partner, officer, or director has not participated in the overseas
employment program for at least four (4) years from the time of
cancellation of license;
f. submission of NBI clearance; and
g. proof of publication in a newspaper of general circulation of the
movant’s intent to apply for re-admission to the overseas employment
The grant of clemency under this section may be availed of only once. (Section 184)
Question: What is the period to appeal the decision of the POEA to the office of the DOLE
Answer: The party aggrieved by a decision of the Administration may appeal the same to the
office of the DOLE Secretary within fifteen (15) calendar days from receipt of a copy of
the decision. Failure of the aggrieved party to perfect the appeal within the reglementary
period shall render the decision of the Administration final and executory. (Section 186)
VI. Assistance to Workers
Question: Who has the primary responsibility to repatriate the overseas Filipino workers?
Answer: The repatriation of an Overseas Filipino Worker or his/her remains, and the transport of
his/her personal effects shall be the primary responsibility of the principal/employer and
licensed recruitment agency that recruited and/or deployed him. This entails the
obligation to cover repatriation and attendant costs, including airfare and immigration
fines/penalties. This obligation shall be without prior determination of the cause of the
need to repatriate the Overseas Filipino Worker. After the Overseas Filipino Worker has
returned to the country, the principal/employer or licensed recruitment agency may,
however, recover the cost of repatriation from the Overseas Filipino Worker if the
termination of the employment was due solely to the Overseas Filipino Worker’s fault.
(Section 213)
Question: What is the POEA’s public education program?
Answer: The Administration shall undertake a comprehensive and integrated public education
program on overseas employment involving workers, licensed recruitment agencies,
principals/employers and government personnel, for the purpose of promoting safe and
legal migration and preventing illegal recruitment and trafficking in persons. (Section 220)
Question: Is attendance to Pre-Employment Orientation Seminar mandatory?
Answer: Attendance to the PEOS shall be mandatory for all applicants for overseas employment.
The PEOS shall cover all stages of employment and may be country and skill-specific.
For domestic workers, the mandatory PEOS shall include their immediate family
members. (Section 221)
Question: What are the obligations of overseas Filipino workers?
Answer: It is the duty of all Overseas Filipino Workers to conduct themselves in the most
professional, responsible and ethical manner in the performance of their duties and fulfill
the following obligations:
A. Family:
1. provide the family ample financial and moral support;
2. communicate regularly; and
3. preserve the integrity of the family.
B. Fellow Workers:
1. assist, support, and cooperate with fellow workers; and
2. refrain from committing acts which are detrimental to the interest of
fellow workers.
C. Country:
1. obey the laws of the Republic of the Philippines at all times;
2. abide by this rules and regulations; and
3. be an ambassador of goodwill of the country.
D. Licensed Recruitment Agency and Principal/Employer:
1. provide the licensed recruitment agency and principal/employer with
accurate statements/certifications regarding his/her skill, experience
and other qualifications;
2. understand and abide with the terms and conditions of the
employment contract as wells as the company rules and regulations;
3. maintain a high level of professionalism and productivity in the
performance of contractual obligations; and
4. refrain from committing acts which are detrimental to the interest of
the licensed recruitment agency or principal/employer during the
documentary processing and employment.
E. Host Country:
1. respect the customs, traditions and religious practices of the host
country; and
2. obey the laws of the host country.Section 232
VII. Awards and Incentives
Question: What are the categories of awards given to licensed recruitment agencies?
Answer: Three-tiered award system…..
Question: What are the criteria for the agency awards:
Answer: The licensed recruitment agencies qualified for the awards shall be evaluated based on
the following criteria:
a. Compliance with Recruitment Rules and Regulations refers to the absence of record
of adverse decision, preventive suspension, documentary suspension, and pending
recruitment violation cases, and cases before the DOLE and NLRC.
b. Technical Capability refers to the agency’s management and recruitment capability in
terms of qualification of personnel, office facilities/work environment, an ISO Certified
Quality Management System, and an automated system of recruitment and
deployment, including monitoring of workers onsite. It also covers the existence of a
Human Resource Development Plan for agency personnel, as well as compliance
with general labor standards and occupational safety and health standards, provision
of in-house PEOS and other similar education programs to prepare workers for
overseas employment.
c. Industry Leadership (for Award of Excellence/ Presidential Award) refers to the
agency’s pioneering achievement in the entry to new or emerging markets (entirely
new country and new market), no placement fees charged for workers deployed,
expansion of market opportunities for Overseas Filipino Workers, membership in
industry associations or positions of leadership in industry associations, and
participation in the development and formulation of policies on overseas employment.
d. Marketing Capability (for Top Performer candidates) refers to the agency’s
accomplishment in the generation of new principals/employers.
e. Deployment refers to the volume and quality of deployment of a licensed recruitment
agency during the period under review, terms and conditions of employment beyond
minimum standards, ensuring good employers, and dealing with direct employers.
f. Welfare Programs and Corporate Social Responsibility refers to the provision of
responsive welfare and allied services for the Overseas Filipino Workers, their
dependents/families, exemplary acts of assistance in times of hazardous, dangerous
or distressed situations, corporate social responsibility (socio-economic and civic
programs and projects) in coordination with government or with private
entities/organizations, contribution to continuous manpower training and
development, and skills upgrading of Overseas Filipino Workers.Section 233
Question: What is the two-level award system for principal/employer?
Answer: SECTION 236.Two-Level Award System for Principals/Employers. The Administration
shall confer every four (4) years a two-level award to deserving principals/employers who
have been major providers of decent and quality employment to Overseas Filipino
Workers and who have significantly contributed to their development as well as the
protection and promotion of their well-being, as follows:
a. MINISTERIAL AWARD OF COMMENDATION The award shall be conferred
once every two (2) years by the Secretary of Labor and Employment to
principals/employers who, based on safe, fair and ethical recruitment, have
continuously hired Overseas Filipino Workers during the past four (4) years.
b. PRESIDENTIAL AWARD OF DISTINCTION The award shall be conferred
once every six (6) years by the President of the Philippines to
principals/employers who, based on safe, fair and ethical recruitment, have
continuously hired Overseas Filipino Workers during the past four (4) years
and has been a Ministerial Awardee for three (3) consecutive times. Section
Question: What are the criteria for the employer’s awards:
Answer: SECTION 237.Criteria for Ministerial Award. The following shall be the criteria for the
Ministerial Award:
1. Demonstrated preference and active hiring of Overseas Filipino Workers
within the last four (4) years;
2. Provision of superior terms and conditions of work that will enhance the
productivity of Overseas Filipino Workers;
3. Compliance with Philippine laws, rules and regulations on the recruitment
and employment of Overseas Filipino Workers;
4. Active participation and contribution to the welfare and benefit of Overseas
Filipino Workers’ families;
5. Observance of no placement fee policy; and
6. No derogatory record within the last four (4) years.
SECTION 238.Qualification for Presidential Award. A recipient of the Ministerial Award
may qualify for Presidential Award on the basis of the following criteria:
1. Contribution to the continuous manpower training and development and skills
upgrading of Overseas Filipino Workers;
2. Implementation of corporate social responsibility programs; and
3. Extraordinary acts of assistance to Overseas Filipino Workers in times of
hazardous, dangerous or distressed situations.(Section 237 and 238)
Question: What are the incentives for the awardees?
Answer: Section 234 , 239 and 240
SECTION 234.Incentives and System of Recognition. The recipients of Outstanding
Agency Awards shall be entitled to the following package of incentives:
A. Presidential Awardees
1. Extension of license validity for three (3) full terms, effective upon
expiration of license, subject to corresponding license fee and
escrow agreement;
2. Exemption in the submission of requirements for the following
applications/ requests upon notice:
a. Renewal of license, subject to corresponding license fee and
escrow agreement;
b. Establishment of branch office and additional office;
c. Transfer of business address; and
d. Letter of Acknowledgement to principals’/employers’
3. Approval of the following applications/requests upon notice, subject
to post submission and evaluation of documentary requirements:
a. Renewal of registration/accreditation of principals/employers;
b. Additional job order except for domestic worker;
c. Upgrading of registration/accreditation;
d. Revalidation of job order; and
e. Change of officers/personnel.
Except for item no. 1, all agencies previously conferred with Presidential Award of
Excellence shall continue to enjoy the above incentives and privileges.
B. Awardees of Excellence
1. Extension of license validity for two (2) full terms, effective upon expiration of
license, subject to corresponding license fee and adjustment of bonds;
2. Approval of the following applications/requests upon notice, subject to post
submission and evaluation of documentary requirements:
a. Licensing concerns
i. Renewal of license
ii. Establishment of branch office and additional office
iii. Transfer of business address
iv. Change of officers/personnel
v. Letter of authority to principals’/employers representatives
b. Registration/Accreditation concerns
i.Renewal of registration/accreditation of principals/employers
ii.Additional job orders except for domestic workers
iii.Upgrading of registration/accreditation
iv.Revalidation of job order
Except for item no. 1, the previous recipients of the Award of Excellence shall continue to
enjoy the above incentives and privileges.
Further, the Presidential Awardees and Awardees of Excellence shall also enjoy the
following incentives:
1. Exemption from Philippine Embassy/POLO authentication/verification of
employment documents of principal/employer except for domestic workers;
2. Open job order system;
3. Waiver in the submission of requirements for special recruitment authority
and jobs fair authority; and
4. Publication of list of awardees in the POEA website with link to their
C. Top Performers
1. Extension of license validity for one (1) full term, effective upon expiration of
license, subject to payment of corresponding license fees, adjustment of
bonds and post submission of evaluation of documentary requirements; and
2. Publication of list of awardees in the POEA website, with links to their
All other incentives shall be valid until a new set of awardees has been selected. Such
incentives shall be revoked in case of suspension or cancellation of license of an
SECTION 239. Incentives for the Ministerial Awardees Ministerial awardees shall
have the following incentives:
1. Exemption from POLO Verification of employment documents;
2. Exemption from securing Letters of Acknowledgment for the conduct of
interviews of applicants;
3. Open job orders; and
4. Extension of validity period of accreditation to five (5) years.
Such incentives shall be automatically revoked in case of suspension or disqualification
of the awardee.
SECTION 240. Incentives for the Presidential Awardees In addition to the incentives
provided in immediately preceding section, Presidential Awardees shall enjoy the
following incentives:
1. Exemption from the maximum limit on multiple accreditation; and
2. Extension of validity period of accreditation to six (6) years.
Such incentives shall be automatically revoked in case of suspension or disqualification
of the awardee.