Lesson 3: Genetics: Cancer Genetics
Lesson Summary:
In this lesson, students revisit the story of Steve and Nikki, who are learning more about the role
genetics can play in cancer risk. Students engage with a brief history of advances in cancer research
since the 1950s. They are introduced to the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes and how substitutions,
additions, and deletions in their underlying genetic code lead to mutated genes with changed
function. Students practice transcribing and translating the DNA strand into amino acid sequences
for both normal and mutated genes and compare them.
Next, students learn about genetic counseling and how family history of cancer influences cancer
risk. They role-play a genetic counseling session and chart a family history to analyze the cancer risk
of Steve and Nikki's parents. As their homework, students look at their own family history as an
Finally, students learn about genetic testing, including an exploration of two methods:
gel electrophoresis and Sanger sequencing.
Lesson Duration: One or two 4560-minute class periods
How to Use This Guide
This lesson plan was created to aid instructors in planning their lesson. It provides slide-by-slide
details so educators will be prepared to engage, explain, discuss, and analyze every part of the
lesson. The lesson is designed to be two 4560-minute class periods, but it is flexible, depending on
the students’ needs and time available. Note there are several activities that are optional and can be
deleted or modified for specific classroom needs. All handouts are included in this guide, as well as
additional resources for more learning activity ideas.
Upon completion of this lesson, students will be able to:
Describe the history of cancer research and related technological advances
Summarize the relationships among DNA, genes, and chromosomes
Examine the effects of different mutations on gene sequences and resulting proteins
Transcribe and translate genetic sequences
Explain the role of family history in determining cancer risk
Describe genetic counseling
Discuss genetic testing
Describe and analyze gel electrophoresis
Interpret a family tree and discuss inherited traits
Handout: Genetics Review Worksheet (optional prep assignment)
Handout: Cancer Innovations and Pop Culture Events cards
Handout: BRCA1 Protein
Handout: BRCA2 Protein
Handout: Genetic Mutations Worksheet
Handout: Codon Chart
Handout: Williams Family Pedigree
Handout: Williams Family Pedigree Analysis
Handout: Genetic Counseling Script
Handout: Sample Patient Letter
Handout: Gel Electrophoresis Simulation Worksheet
Handout: Genetic Test Results
Activity Instructions: Gel Electrophoresis Activity
Homework assignment: My Family Health Portrait website:
o https://familyhistory.hhs.gov/FHH/html/index.html
Virtual Lab: Gel Electrophoresis
o http://learn.genetics.utah.edu/content/labs/gel/
Video: Sanger Sequencing Presentation
o http://www.yourgenome.org/teachers/sequencing.shtml
Lesson 3 Quiz
Answer Keys
Interactive white board (optional)
Computer with Internet access/LCD projector
Language Arts and Literacy
allele, amino acid, BRCA1, BRCA2, carrier, codon, deletion, DNA, DNA sequencing,
dominant, family health history, founder mutation, frameshift mutation, gel
electrophoresis, gene, gene expression, genetic counselor, genetic testing, genetics,
genotype, heredity, heterozygous, homozygous, insertion, mRNA mutagen, mutation,
nucleic acid, nucleotide, peptide bond, phenotype, point mutation, Polymerase Chain
Reaction (PCR), protein, recessive, ribosome, RNA transcription, trait, translation
Advance Preparation:
Day 1
Real-World ScenarioSteve and Nikki
Review Steve and Nikkis real-world scenarios in all of the lessons so that you can effectively
use their story in the classroom.
Genetics Review Worksheet (optional pre-work)
Make one copy per student of the Genetics Review Worksheet. This can be assigned in
advance as a homework assignment as a refresher or introduction to genetics terminology. If
used, this should be reviewed at the start of Day 1.
Timeline of Cancer Research Innovations
Make several copies of the Cancer Innovations Cards and Pop Culture Events Cards, one
copy per group of students (35 students per group). The correct answers for class
review are on the Cancer Innovations Handout.
Translation and Transcription Activity
Make 1 copy per student (or alternatively, one per group of 35 students) of the blank
Genetic Mutations Worksheet and the Codon Chart handout for the genetic mutations
activity. The codon chart can also be projected for the whole class, if this activity is done
during class time.
Make several copies of the BRCA1 and BRCA 2 Sequence Handouts to distribute to groups
during the founder mutations activity.
Create and Analyze a Family History
Make 1 copy per group of the blank (partially filled out) Williams Family Pedigree and
Williams Family Pedigree Analysis Handout for students to complete in class or as homework.
Day 2
Role Play a Genetic Counseling Session
Make one copy per three students of the Genetic Counseling Script.
Optional: Make only one copy for the trio of students who role-play the script for the entire
Homework: Write a Letter to Mr. and Mrs. Williams
Print one copy per student of the Sample Patient Letter for students to use for their
Gel Electrophoresis Lab
Review the Gel Electrophoresis Virtual Lab
(http://learn.genetics.utah.edu/content/labs/gel/) to ensure it will work in the classroom.
Make one copy per student of the Gel Electrophoresis Simulation Worksheet for students to
complete as they go through the Lab.
Life-Size Gel Electrophoresis Activity (Optional)
Print and review the Gel Electrophoresis Activity supplement for this optional classroom
activity simulating gel electrophoresis.
Sanger Sequencing Presentation
Review the presentation video; ensure LCD projector works properly
Analyze Genetic Test Results
Print one copy per student of the Genetic Test Results for Mr. and Mrs. Williams for students.
Career Connection
Genetic Counselor
A Note for the Teacher about Cancer
Cancer is a disease that unfortunately touches many people. You may have students with a parent,
guardian, or loved one affected by cancer. Adolescents affected by cancer cope in their own ways.
Some students may want to share their personal experiences, while others may not. Reassure
students that you want them to be comfortable in the classroom and will not require them to share
any personal or private experiences.
You may learn a student is personally affected prior to or while implementing the curriculum. If you
discover a student is affected by cancer, speak with them privately and make sure they are
comfortable with participating in the learning activities, discussions, and explorations.
If you know a student is affected by cancer prior to starting the curriculum:
Give the student a brief summary of the lessons, and ask how they feel about it. Tell the
student it may not bother them now, but they should let you know if it does.
If you learn a student is affected by cancer while implementing the curriculum:
Ask whom they have spoken with about the cancer. If the answer is no one, ask if they would
like to talk to someone, such as a guidance counselor or other trusted adult.
Connect students with support. Possible sources include the following:
Guidance counselors
Family friends
Family doctors or pediatricians
Faith-based counselors
Look for warning signs. Keep an eye out for signs of distress, such as
Changes in academic performance
Changes in behavior with other students
Evidence of alcohol or drug use
Evidence of anxiety or depression
Lesson 3 Plan Day 1: Cancer Genetics
Optional Pre-Lesson Prep: Genetics Review Worksheet
[Slides 12] Distribute the optional pre-lesson prep assignment, the Genetics Review
Worksheet. If you have covered genetics in class already, students may be able to do
this entirely on their own; if not, it can be paired with a relevant reading from a
biology text or web resource to help them complete the two-page fill-in-the-blank
Scenario: Steve and Nikki
[Slide 5] Reintroduce Steve and Nikki. They know about their mother's diagnosis and
have been learning about the role of genetic factors in her breast cancer.
[Slide 6] Learning Activity: Small Group Brainstorm. Review the connection between
Steve's message and what the class knows so far about genetics and cancer.
o Divide the class into small groups and have students brainstorm their
thoughts about Steve's questions. Ask each group to organize their thoughts
and decide how to respond to Steve's questions below. Assign roles, such as a
recorder, if needed.
What does a gene have to do with cancer?
How do they even know it exists?
Did my mom get it from her mom?
Can Nikki get it?
o Do not be too concerned with what students write at this point. This is meant
to be an open-ended activity to assess what students know about genetics
and cancer.
Advances in Cancer Activity
[Slides 78] To introduce the timeline activity and elicit students’ prior knowledge,
take about 5 minutes to ask students what they think have been some of the major
discoveries in cancer research.
o Tell the class they will be doing an activity to create a timeline of cancer
o For any discoveries they propose, ask if they know the approximate time
period (e.g., double helix structure discovered 1950s). Write students’
ideas on the board.
o Divide the class into small groups. Give each group one set of Cancer
Innovations Cards and Pop Culture Events Cards. Tell the groups to match each
innovation card with a pop culture event card and put them in order from
oldest to most recent. Students should use their knowledge of genetics to
order the innovations, but the pop culture events can provide hints.
o After groups have finished, review the correct sequence and highlight what
year the innovations and pop culture events occurred.
o Note: The correct sequence is in a separate handout with the cards.
Breast Cancer Genetics: BRCA1 and BRCA2
[Slides 910] Introduce BRCA1 and BRCA2, which were discovered in 1990 and
1994 respectively. BRCA1 is on chromosome 17 and BRCA2 is on chromosome 13.
[Slides 1114] Each slide has a blank for which you can call on students to fill in:
o Slide 11: BRCA1 and BRCA2 are tumor suppressor genes, normally expressed in
cells of breast and other tissue.
o Slide 12: Both genes play an important role in repair of DNA double strand
o Slide 13: These genes themselves are normal. Mutations of these genes are
o Slide 14: There are approximately 2,000 known mutations of BRCA1 and
[Slides 1519] Introduce the key metaphor that a body's DNA is like a complex
recipe in a cookbook.
o The DNA is the instructions.
o The bases are the ingredients.
o Proteins are the end result, like a cake.
o There can be substitutions, deletions, and additions to the recipe ingredients,
all of which will change the resultant protein in some way.
o Some of the changes will not make a big difference; others will have a
significant difference in effect (such as substituting applesauce versus
broccoli for oil).
o Since the BRCA genes are tumor suppressor genes, mutations can increase
risk for tumors and cancer.
Genetic Mutations Activity
[Slide 20] Explain the process by which DNA code leads to the creation of a protein:
o The code is transcribed into RNA code.
o The code is then translated at the ribosome into an amino acid code.
o The amino acid is created based on this code.
[Slide 21] Distribute copies of the BRCA1 and BRCA2 protein sequences, several
copies of the Genetics Mutations worksheet, and the Codon Chart. (You can also
project these using the overhead projector.)
o Review the blank Genetic Mutations worksheet with the class. You can
complete the worksheets as a class, or divide students into groups to
complete it together.
o Explain how the BRCA1 mutation 187delAG is notated and what each symbol
Walk through the process of finding the normal (non-mutated) sequence for part of
the BRCA1 gene.
o [Slide 22] Locate the 187th nucleotide to begin the sequence. This is the
coding strand DNA or sense strand.
o [Slide 23] Explain that the anti-sense strand is a mirror image of the sense
strand, completing the base pair.
o Use the table to replicate the sense strand into the anti-sense strand.
o [Slide 24] Use table to transcribe the anti-sense strand into an mRNA
o [Slide 25] Use the codon chart to translate each codon in the mRNA sequence
into an amino acid. For example, GGU glycine.
o [Slide 26] Make a note of the final amino acid sequence; this is the sequence
for the non-mutated BRCA1 gene.
Now repeat this process for the mutated gene, using 187delAG. Ask the class for
answers to portions of the process this second time through.
o [Slide 27] Begin the process again using the mutated sequence. Find the
sense strand.
o [Slide 28] Replicate the mutated coding strand to find the anti-sense strand.
Then transcribe the anti-sense strand into mRNA.
o [Slide 29] Use the codon chart to translate the mutated mRNA codons into the
amino acid sequence.
o Note: This is a good place to remind students the difference between
transcription and translation:
Transcription is the process by which the anti-sense strand is
converted to an mRNA sequence.
Translation is the process by which mRNA codons are converted into
an amino acid sequence.
o [Slide 30] Once you have completed translating the mutated sequence,
compare the normal and mutated amino acid sequences.
Ask the class what effects they observe as a result of the mutation.
Note that compared to the normal BRCA1 protein, the mutated amino
acid sequence has been changed and shortened. The resulting protein
will also be shortened (truncated) and may not function properly.
Group Activity: Explore Founder Mutations
[Slide 31] Explain what founder mutations are and present them in the table of
example founder mutations identified in BRCA1 and BRCA2.
o Distribute the BRCA1 and BRCA2 DNA Sequence handouts if you have not
already. Note that the sequences in the handouts are abbreviated from the
complete nucleotide sequence.
o Assign each group 23 mutations from the table to investigate, not including
187delAG, which you have already translated. You may also allow groups to
choose their mutation to analyze.
o Some mutations may not list deleted bases; for example, in BRCA2 mutation
1536del4, four bases are deleted, beginning at position 1536.
o Some mutations are insertions: for example, in the BRCA1 mutation
1136insA, an A is inserted at the 1136th position.
Note: If class time is running short, you may want to assign this activity as homework.
Have each student choose 12 mutations to investigate and compare with the
normal version of the gene. Tell them to come prepared to show the differences
between the normal and mutated genes and discuss the possible effects of these
Introduction to Genetic Counseling
[Slide 32] Learning Activity: Class Discussion. Ask students if they have ever heard of
genetic counselors, using the questions on the slide as a guide. Record students'
preconceptions on a whiteboard or overhead.
o What do you know about genetic counseling?
o What is its purpose?
o What information do genetic counselors use to make recommendations?
[Slide 33] Explain what genetic counselors do, starting with genetic counselors in
general (left column) and continuing to cancer genetic counselors (right column), who
are more specialized in cancer-specific counseling.
[Slides 3435] Reintroduce the scenario of Steve and Nikki. Their parents visited a
genetic counselor for advice regarding genetic tests associated with cancer. Steve
writes an e-mail to the counselor to ask some questions:
o If mom's cancer may have been genetic, does that mean I have this mutated
BRCA gene?
o How does a family tree work?
o What information do I have to gather to fill out the tree?
[Slide 35] Learning Activity: Think-Pair-Share Activity. Divide the class into small groups
(23 students) and have them brainstorm responses to Steve's e-mail for 1-2
o Ask each group to organize their thoughts and decide how they would respond
to Steve.
o Assign roles, such as recorder, if needed.
o Debrief the activity by asking groups what information they came up with.
Record the information on a whiteboard or projector.
o Do not be too concerned about what students write at this point; this is meant
to be an open-ended activity to assess students' preconceptions about
Family History Discussion
[Slide 36] Ask students to compare their responses to Steve's questions with those of
the genetic counselor, Ms. Smith. Go over the important information in a family
pedigree needed in order to begin an analysis of a family's cancer risk:
o History of cancer in the family and number of generations affected (If cancer
is found in every generation, there is a greater possibility that a genetic
mutation is present.)
o Types of cancer present (Certain genetic mutations are associated with more
than one type of cancer. For example, BRCA2 mutations cause increased risk
of breast and ovarian cancer in women and breast and prostate cancer in
males. Therefore, if these types of cancer are present in one family, there may
be a BRCA mutation present.)
o Age of cancer diagnosis (Since the main risk factor for cancer is age, a
diagnosis of cancer before age 50 strongly suggests there may be an
inherited genetic mutation present.)
o Multiple cancers in one generation
o Other causes of death
o Current age or age of death
Note to students that not all cases of breast cancer are caused by an inherited
mutation; only 510 percent of breast cancer is inherited. Most cancer may be the
result of environmental exposures, or a combination of both genetic and
environmental factors.
Group Discussion and Activity: Williams Family Pedigree
[Slides 3738] Explain to students that they will use the family history information
that Nikki found to complete a pedigree of the Williams family.
[Slide 39] Learning Activity: Discussion. Distribute copies of the Incomplete Williams
Family Pedigree and ask students to fill in the missing information in small groups or
as a class. As a class, discuss relevant information from the incomplete Williams
Family Pedigree worksheet, including the following:
o History of cancer in the family and number of generations affected (If cancer
is found in every generation, there is a greater possibility that a genetic
mutation is present.)
o Types of cancer present (Certain genetic mutations are associated with more
than one type of cancer. For example, BRCA2 mutations cause increased risk
of breast and ovarian cancer in women and breast and prostate cancer in
males. Therefore, if these types of cancer are present in one family, there may
be a BRCA mutation present.)
o Age of cancer diagnosis (Since the main risk factor for cancer is age, a
diagnosis of cancer before age 50 strongly suggests there may be an
inherited genetic mutation present.)
o Multiple cancers in one generation
o Other causes of death
o Current age or age of death
[Slides 4041] Learning Activity: Group Activity. Divide students into groups of 34
students each. Distribute copies of the Williams Family Pedigree Analysis handout.
Allow 57 minutes for students to work together to answer the questions on the
o How many generations are shown in the pedigree?
o What does the pedigree reveal about the family's history of breast cancer?
o If someone has a mutated BRCA gene, does that mean they have or will have
breast cancer? Why?
o BRCA mutations are dominant. Who could potentially have an inherited BRCA
mutation? Why?
Have students share their responses to the questions and clarify any
Homework Assignment: Create Your Own Family Pedigree
[Slide 42] Tell students they will use information from their family to create a
family pedigree, or family health history, using a site like My Family Health Portrait
(Located at https://familyhistory.hhs.gov/FHH/html/index.html).
o Explain to students that this exercise is to help them build understanding
of the kinds of information that can be important for family members to
know, but they will NOT be required or asked to submit their pedigrees for
o Explain that their family pedigree may help them make decisions about
their health now and in the future, but they are private.
o Note: Some students may not have access to their own family historyfor
example, if they are adopted. In this case, they can research their adoptive
family history for practice, but should be aware that it does not affect their
Lesson 3 Plan Day 2: Cancer Genetics
Review of Homework/Discussion
[Slide 44] Begin a discussion of the homework assignmentusing the family health
history tool to create and explore students’ own family history. Use the reflection and
discussion questions below to begin this conversation.
NOTE: Be careful not to ask students to share personal or family health information.
The purpose of the activity is exploration of the tool, not the specific results of any
one student’s search.
o What kind of information is important to know before building a family
pedigree or health history?
o Did anything surprise you about this process?
o How many generations were you able to find information about? What was
challenging about this?
Role Play a Genetic Counseling Session
[Slide 46 Share the following additional detail with students about what happens in a
typical genetic counseling session:
Collect a detailed personal medical and family history
Perform a cancer risk assessment
Discuss the implications of genetic testing for the individual and the family
Identify the most appropriate person to test in the family
Discuss potential medical management options
For the patient and the family
Discuss genetic testing process
Ordering the test
Insurance Preauthorization
Informed Consent
[Slide 47] Learning Activity: Role Play. Explain to students that they will experience a
genetic counseling session to learn more about the risks and genetics of breast
cancer and to see what a genetic counseling session is like.
o Divide students into pairs and distribute the Genetic Counseling Script to each
student. Once students have chosen their roles and are familiar with the script,
allow time for each pair to role-play the genetic counseling session.
o Debrief the role-play by asking students to share their thoughts about the role of
genetic counselors in cancer diagnosis and treatment. Assess whether any of
their preconceptions about genetic counseling have changed.
o Advise students that they will be doing a homework assignment related to
genetic counseling.
Homework Assignment: Letter to Mr. and Mrs. Williams
[Slide 48] Distribute the Sample Patient Letter and the Genetic Counseling Script to
students for their homework assignment. Review the template and answer any student
questions about the assignment.
Homework Assignment. Tell students that after a genetic counseling session, the
counselor writes a letter to the patient.
o The purpose of the letter is to summarize the session so the patient has a written
record of what was discussed.
o Tell students they will assume the role of a genetic counselor and write a letter
to Mr. and Mrs. Williams regarding whether or not they should be tested based
on the Williamspedigree.
o Students should include their recommendation for both parents and provide at
least two to three reasons for their choice in the letter.
o Students should also address the pros and cons of getting tested.
o A Sample Patient Letter is provided.
Genetic Testing Introduction
[Slide 49] Learning Activity: Small Group Brainstorm. Divide the class into small groups and
have students brainstorm their thoughts about Nikki’s question: How do they look at
the genes in a genetic test?
o Ask each group to organize their thoughts and decide how they will answer
Nikki’s questions. Assign roles, such as recorder, if needed.
o Debrief the activity by recording groups' preconceptions about genetic testing on
a whiteboard or overhead projector.
o Do not be too concerned about what students write at this point. This is meant
to be an open-ended activity to assess what students know about genetics and
[Slide 50] Tell students that a genetic test is the analysis of human DNA, RNA,
chromosomes, proteins, or certain metabolites in order to detect alterations in genes.
o With advances in technology, BRCA1 and BRCA2 are now analyzed with modern
automated DNA sequencing instruments. However, historically, genes were
analyzed through various methods, including gel electrophoresis.
o Gel electrophoresis allows for separation of DNA fragments based on their size
and charge.
Virtual Lab and Research Activity: Gel Electrophoresis
[Slide 51] Distribute the Gel Electrophoresis Simulation Worksheet, which students can
complete as they go through the activity.
Tell students they will conduct an interactive simulation gel electrophoresis activity
online. Direct students to the Gel Electrophoresis Virtual Lab at
http://learn.genetics.utah.edu/content/labs/gel/. The simulation takes approximately
10 minutes to complete.
Debrief the activity by going through the sheet with the class and discussing students'
Optional Activity: Life-Size Gel Electrophoresis
[Slide 52] This activity requires a large space, such as an open room, gym, or outside
area to represent the “gel.” The area should accommodate 4 rows or lanes that
students will navigate through.
o If you plan to conduct the activity in a classroom, use desks or chairs to create
o If you plan to conduct the activity outside, mark off lanes with chalk, yarn, or
other natural markers, such as trees or rocks.
Tell students they will be doing an activity to explore gel electrophoresis. Review the Gel
Electrophoresis Activity supplement for full instructions on this activity.
Video Presentation: Sanger Sequencing
[Slide 53] This video presents another method of genetic testing without gel
electrophoresis: Sanger sequencing.
o Direct students to the video at:
o Alternatively, present the video for the class using a projector.
Analyze Genetic Test Results
[Slides 5455] Distribute the Genetic Test Results handout (2 pagesone each for John
and Sarah's results).
Distribute the genetic test results (2 pages1 each for John and Sarah). Lead a class
discussion of what the results mean and how this affects the cancer risk of the family
members in the family tree (John, Sarah, Steve, Nikki, and Jen).
o Ask the class what their answer to Steve’s question would beShould Nikki or I
get tested, or one of our cousins?
o Remind the class that Steve, Nikki, and their cousins should not be tested.
According to the genetic counselor in the role-play activity, it is not
recommended to get BRCA gene mutation testing until at least age 25. Steve and
Nikki are not at increased risk for cancer while they are still young. If they do
decide to pursue genetic testing as adults, they should have the same pre-test
counseling process that Sarah and John went through so they understand the
Homework Assignment. Tell students that after a genetic counseling session, the
counselor writes a letter to the patient.
o The purpose of the letter is to summarize the session so the patient has a written
record of what was discussed.
o Tell students they will assume the role of a genetic counselor and write a letter
to Mr. and Mrs. Williams regarding whether or not they should be tested based
on the Williamspedigree.
o Students should include their recommendation for both parents and provide at
least two to three reasons for their choice in the letter.
o Students should also address the pros and cons of getting tested.
o A Sample Patient Letter is provided.
Lesson 3 Quiz
Additional Resources
American Cancer Society, The History of Cancer. Use “History of Cancer” as a search
term or visit
Dolan DNA Learning Center. (2002). DNA From the Beginning.
Dolan DNA Learning Center. (2002). Your Genes, Your Health. http://www.ygyh.org/
Genetic Science Learning Center, University of Utah, http://learn.genetics.utah.edu
Nature. Milestones in Cancer.
National Human Genome Research Institute. http://www.genome.gov/Education/
National Human Genome Research Institute. Life in the Lab.
NOVA Online. Cracking the Code of Life. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/genome/
The Protein Data Bank. (2000). http://www.rcsb.org/pdb/home/home.do
U.S. National Library of Medicine. (1993). Genetics Home Reference.
Cancer Institute (2002). Genetic Testing for BRCA1 and BRCA2: It’s Your Choice.
National Human Genome Research Institute. Genomics: Towards a Healthier You.
Podcast available at http://www.genome.gov/19016848
National Human Genome Research Institute. What is Genetic Counseling?
Paideia. http://www.paideia.org
US Dept. of Health and Human Services (2005). My Family Health Portrait.
Dept. of Health and Human Services and the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention. Genetics in the Workplace: Implications for Occupational Safety and
Health. Chapters 4 and 7. http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/docs/2010-101/
Baker, C. (1999). Your Genes, Your Choices: Exploring the Issues Raised by Genetic
Research. The American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Lab Tests Online. http://labtestsonline.org/
The University of Utah. (2008). PCR Virtual Lab.
Welcome Trust Sanger Institute. yourgenome.org. DNA Sequencing
Next Generation Science Standards
Performance Indicators
HS-LS3 Heredity: Inheritance and Variation of Traits
HS-LS3-1. Ask questions to clarify relationships about the role of DNA and chromosomes
in coding the instructions for characteristic traits passed from parents to offspring
HS-LS3-2. Make and defend a claim based on evidence that inheritable genetic
variations may result from: (1) new genetic combinations through meiosis, (2) viable
errors occurring during replication, and/or (3) mutations caused by environmental
Science and Engineering Practices
Asking Questions and Defining Problems
Ask questions that arise from examining models or a theory to clarify relationships. (HS-
Engaging in Argument from Evidence
Make and defend a claim based on evidence about the natural world that reflects
scientific knowledge, and student-generated evidence. (HS-LS3-2)
Disciplinary Core Ideas
LS1.A: Structure and Function
All cells contain genetic information in the form of DNA molecules. Genes are regions in
the DNA that contain the instructions that code for the formation of proteins.
(secondary to HS-LS3-1) (Note: This Disciplinary Core Idea is also addressed by HS-LS1-
LS3.A: Inheritance of Traits
Each chromosome consists of a single very long DNA molecule, and each gene on the
chromosome is a particular segment of that DNA. The instructions for forming species
characteristics are carried in DNA. All cells in an organism have the same genetic
content, but the genes used (expressed) by the cell may be regulated in different ways.
Not all DNA codes for a protein; some segments of DNA are involved in regulatory or
structural functions, and some have no as-yet known function. (HS-LS3-1)
LS3.B: Variation of Traits
In sexual reproduction, chromosomes can sometimes swap sections during the process
of meiosis (cell division), thereby creating new genetic combinations and thus more
genetic variation. Although DNA replication is tightly regulated and remarkably
accurate, errors do occur and result in mutations, which are also a source of genetic
variation. Environmental factors can also cause mutations in genes, and viable
mutations are inherited. (HS-LS3-2)
Crosscutting Concepts
Cause and Effect
Empirical evidence is required to differentiate between cause and correlation and make
claims about specific causes and effects. (HS-LS3-1),(HS-LS3-2)
Appendix I: Supplemental Materials
Genetic Counseling Script
Page 1 of 3
GC: Hi, Im the genetic counselor here. How are you the both of you?
Sarah: Im fine thank you.
GC: I understand that you have some concerns about your personal and family history of cancer.
Sarah: Yes, our son, Steve, recently brought up our family history because he had been learning
about genetics for one of his classes. My doctor also asked me to be seen for genetic counseling
because I was just diagnosed with breast cancer at 53 years old and have a family history of breast
GC: Lets draw out your family pedigree. Who has a history of cancer in your family?
Patient: My mother had breast cancer at 62 and is currently 76. My maternal grandmother had
breast cancer at 69 and died at 72. My father had prostate cancer at 68 and is currently 75. My
paternal uncle was diagnosed with lung cancer at 68 and died at 77.
GC: Since your husband is here with you today and you are concerned about your children, let’s get
his family history as well. John, who in your family has had cancer?
John: My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer at 43 and died at 46. My maternal cousin
(maternal uncle’s daughter) had ovarian cancer at 38 and died at 42. My maternal grandmother was
diagnosed and died of breast cancer at 47.
GC: Sarah, based on the multiple generations of breast cancer in your family, it is possible that these
cancers are all related and due to mutations in hereditary breast cancer genes, such as BRCA1/2.
John, based on your family history of early onset breast cancer as well as ovarian cancer, your side of
the family is also suggestive of a BRCA1/2 mutation.
Sarah: Can you tell me how a mutation in the BRCA1/2 genes causes cancer?
GC: BRCA1 and BRCA2 are tumor suppressor genes. Every person is born with two copies of each
gene. When these genes are working properly, their job is to stop a cell from forming cancer. But
when there is a mutation in one of these genes, they do not work, the cell divides uncontrollably, and
it forms cancer. Genetic testing can look for mutations in the BRCA genes.
Sarah: Okay, so as I understand it we all have these genes in working form, but when these genes do
not work, we are at increased risk for developing cancer?
Genetic Counseling Script
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GC: Yes, that’s correct. Mutations in the BRCA1/2 genes lead to an increased risk for cancer. However,
it is important to remember that even if you have a mutation in the BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene, you may or
may not develop cancer depending on other factors.
Sarah: By how much is the risk for cancers increased if you have a mutation in the BRCA1 or BRCA2
GC: For breast cancer, the risk is significantly increased compared to the average woman. Also, women
who carry a BRCA mutation, and who have had breast cancer in the past, are at increased risk for a
second breast cancer. The risk for ovarian cancer is also significantly increased compared to the average
woman. Cancer risk for males with a mutation is also higher (but not as high as the risk for females) and
includes male breast cancer and prostate cancer. The risk for pancreatic cancer may be increased in
both men and women.
Sarah: What happens if I test positive for a BRCA mutation?
GC: If you test positive, there are medical options ranging from screening to medications to risk-
reducing surgery. We will work with you and your physicians to determi ne which of these options are
right for you. These decisions are personal, because everyone handles risk differently. If you choose to
have genetic testing, we will discuss your options in detail based on your test result.
Sarah: Well, all this information may explain why I got breast cancer as well as explaining the other
cancers in the family. What could this mean for my children?
GC: If you test positive for a BRCA mutation, then we have identified the cause for your cancer and the
cancer in the family. Each of your children would have a 50% risk for inheriting the same mutation
found in you. But it is important to remember that genetic testing is not recommended for children.
We don’t recommend that people have genetic testing before the age of 25, and your children would
not be at increased risk for cancer while they are still young. If they decide to pursue genetic testing as
adults, we recommend that they have the same pre-test counseling process that you have gone through
so they understand the implications. We have learned a great deal about how these genes cause breast
and ovarian cancer, but we continue to learn more about them every day. Therefore, as science
advances, medical recommendations for people with BRCA mutations may improve in the future.
Sarah: So if I test positive for a mutation, my children will have the opportunity to be proactive and to
be followed more closely.
GC: Exactly. Hopefully, they wont have to face cancer the way your generation and your parents’
generation did. They may be able to detect cancer early or even prevent it.
Sarah: Can you tell me more about the genetic testing process itself?
Genetic Counseling Script
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GC: Sure. Ideally, the first person in a family tested for a BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation should be someone
who has already had breast or ovarian cancer. Starting with this family member gives us better
information because a family member with breast cancer is most likely to have the mutation. So in your
family, you are the best person for genetic testing. John, in your family, you are the best person to test
since there are no family members with cancer still living.
Sarah: Are the test results always accurate?
GC: Yes, this testing is highly accurate. However, it is possible that testing may not detect a mutation
that is present in these genes. Also, there may be other genes that the testing may not identify, and
these genes may also be responsible for the cancers in the family. There is new technology that can test
for many breast cancer genes at the same time, in addition to BRCA1/2. However, both of your families
are most suggestive of a BRCA1/2 mutation. Therefore, we will start testing there. Should that testing be
negative, we may consider multi-gene testing for hereditary breast cancer.
Sarah: What is the cost of the test?
GC: About $2,000, but most insurance companies cover some or all of the cost.
Sarah: Will my health insurance coverage be affected if I test positive for a mutation?
GC: Some people are worried about health insurance discrimination. However, there are federal and
state laws that protect genetic information and prevent health insurance discrimination. These laws
also keep employers from discriminating based on genetic test results.
Sarah: Thanks very much for the information. I think I will go forward with genetic testing.
John: I didn’t think I would need to get tested, but for my future risk of cancer and more importantly, for
my children’s sake, I will also like to go ahead with testing.
Sample Patient Letter
Dear Mr. & Mrs. Williams,
This letter summarizes our genetic counseling session. We suggest you save this letter as a part of your
medical records. We also encourage you to share this letter with your family and doctors.
Breast cancer is a common disease. Many factors, such as age, family history, hormones, and other
factors such as diet and environmental exposures affect risk. Researchers do not know exactly how
these factors interact to cause cancer. Typically, cancer is caused by a buildup of genetic mutations that
interact with the environment over a lifetime.
Family history is a risk factor for breast cancer. Approximately 510% of all cancers are due to a cancer
susceptibility gene, such as BRCA1 and BRCA2, which may increase the risk for breast and ovarian
cancer. A family may have a mutated BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene if many people in different generations have
breast and ovarian cancer, cancer is diagnosed at younger ages and men have breast cancer.
Medical and Family History
Based on your personal and family history, you may/may not be a good candidate for genetic testing
Genetic Testing Recommendations
As we discussed, the test is simple. A nurse will take a small amount of blood from your arm using a
needle. The blood sample will then go to a lab to be analyzed. The test costs about $2,000. Most
insurance companies will cover some or all of the cost.
A positive result does not mean you will get cancer. A negative result does not mean there is no genetic
basis for your cancer. There may be other mutations that have not been discovered yet.
We also talked about genetic discrimination. There are federal and state laws that protect genetic
information and prevent discrimination.
After consideration, you indicated you are/are not interested in genetic testing.
(Your name)
Life-Size Gel Electrophoresis Activity Instructions
Note: The activity requires a large space, such as an open room, gym or outside area to represent
the “gel.The area should accommodate 4 rows or “lanes” that students will navigate through. If you
plan to conduct the activity in a classroom, use desks or chairs to create lanes. If you plan to conduct
the activity outside, mark off lanes with chalk, yarn or other natural markers, such as trees or rocks.
1. Tell students they will be doing an activity to explore gel electrophoresis. Select ten students to
conduct the activity. Other students should observe. Depending on the size of your class, you can
have different groups of ten students rotate so all students can participate in the activity. Assign or
have the ten students select the nitrogenous base (ATGC) they will be (the actual bases selected do
not matter). Use nametags or different colored stickers to represent the different bases. Place
students into groups or “fragments” of DNA.
2. Divide the ten students into the following groups:
Fragment 1: 1 student
Fragment 2: 2 students
Fragment 3: 3 students
Fragment 4: 4 students
The students within Fragments 24 should be connected (all students in Fragment 2 connected,
etc.). Students can hold hands or hold pieces of yarn to be connected.
Fragment 1
Fragment 2
Fragment 3
Fragment 4
Student 1
Student 2
Student 3
Student 4
Student 5
Student 6
Student 7
Student 8
Student 9
Student 10
3. Designate one end of the room as the Negative end of the gel and the other as the Positive end.
Have each Fragment line up in a lane at the Negative end; only one group per lane (Fragments do
not have to be in any particular order). Tell the class the DNA is now loaded into the gel.
Ask students what will happen in gel electrophoresis when the electrical current is turned on.
Students should note that the DNA fragments will move across the gel toward the Positive end of the
4. Tell students you will call, “Go!” or “Start!” to represent the electrical current being switched on.
Each fragment should quickly navigate through their lane. Tell students you will call “Stop!” to
represent the electrical current being switched off. Groups must freeze when you call stop.
5. Call “Stop” when the first Fragment reaches the end of their lane. All groups should stop moving
and remain where they are. Ask the class to look at every Fragments position and describe what
they see. Students should note that due to the structure of the gel, smaller fragments are able to
travel further and faster than the larger fragments.
6. Students can summarize what they learned via writing or drawing for homework. Students can
also write how they would conduct the activity to relate it to the William’s family test results.
Lesson 3 Quiz
1. Transcription and translation of a gene composed of 30 nucleotides would form a protein
containing no more than ___ amino acids.
a. 3
b. 10
c. 60
d. 90
2. Describe transcription and translation.
3. Where does the mutation 187delAG start in the BRCA1 DNA sequence and what effect does it
have on the reading frame?
4. Explain the roles of a genetic counselor.
5. Emily has tested positive for a BRCA mutation. Explain how that affects her risk of developing
breast cancer.
6. Explain how gel electrophoresis separates DNA fragments.
7. During gel electrophoresis, what size strands of DNA move furthest from the wells at the top
of the gel?
8. When running a gel to analyze DNA, why is it important to run DNA standards in addition to
the samples?
Lesson 3 Quiz Answers
1. Transcription and translation of a gene composed of 30 nucleotides would form a protein
containing no more than ___ amino acids.
a. 3
b. 10
c. 60
d. 90
Correct Answer: b. 10
2. Describe transcription and translation.
Model Answer: Transcription is the process of converting DNA nucleotide sequence information
into RNA sequence information. Both nucleic acid sequences use similar language, and the
information is simply transcribed, or copied, from one molecule to the other. Translation is the
production of proteins by decoding mRNA produced in transcription. In translation, messenger
RNA (mRNA) is decoded to produce a specific polypeptide according to the rules specified by
the genetic code.
3. Where does the mutation 187delAG start in the BRCA1 DNA sequence and what effect does it
have on the reading frame?
Model Answer: 187delAG is a BRCA1 mutation that starts at nucleotide 187 and deletes
nucleotides A and G. This is a deletion mutation that shifts the reading frame of the DNA
4. Explain the roles of a genetic counselor.
Model Answer: Genetic counselors are health professionals trained in areas of medical genetics
and counseling. They discuss genetic testing with patients and help patients make decisions
that are right for them. If a patient decides to get a genetic test, the genetic counselor explains
the test results with the patient and their family, as well as offers support.
5. Emily has tested positive for a BRCA mutation. Explain how that affects her risk of developing
breast cancer.
Correct Answer: BRCA1 and BRCA2 are tumor suppressor genes. That means that when they
are working properly, they help prevent cancer by controlling cellular division. However, in an
individual with a mutation, one of the copies of the gene is not functioning properly. This
increases the risk of uncontrolled cell growth. Therefore, Emily has a higher risk of developing
breast cancer than a person who does not have a BRCA mutation.
6. Explain how gel electrophoresis separates DNA fragments.
Model Answer: Gel electrophoresis is a technique used for the separation of DNA, RNA, or
protein molecules using an electric current applied to a gel matrix. Gel electrophoresis works
because DNA is negatively charged, it moves toward the positive electrode. The DNA fragments
that are shortest will travel farthest, while the longer fragments will remain closest to the origin.
7. During gel electrophoresis, what size strands of DNA move furthest from the wells at the top
of the gel?
Correct Answer: The smallest strands move the furthest.
8. When running a gel to analyze DNA, why is it important to run DNA standards in addition to
the samples?
Model Answer: DNA standards are used to ensure that the gel electrophoresis was performed
properly and the results are accurate. If the DNA standard does not produce the expected
bands, the results of the gel electrophoresis may not be correct. DNA standards are also used to
determine the lengths or identities of sample fragments based on similar migration distances.