(Revised January 2000)
DECEMBER 17, 1990, MARCH 23, 1992, DECEMBER 16, 1996,
APRIL 20, 1998, AND OCTOBER 19, 1998
1-10 Establishment of Policies
1-20 Management Committee
1-30 Role of Management
1-40 Applicability of Management Personnel Policies
1-50 Affirmative Action
2-10 Recruitment and Selection
2-20 Staff Participation
2-30 Appointment Authority
2-40 General Provisions
2-50 Minimum Qualifications
2-60 Definition and Duration of Appointment
2-70 Extended Appointments
2-80 Notice of Nonreappointment
2-90 Transfer
2-100 Separation Because of Incapacity
2-110 Suspension
2-120 Dismissal
2-130 Termination or Reclassification for Special Reason
2-140 Economic Exigency
2-150 Placement
3-10 General Provisions
3-20 Job Descriptions
3-30 Additional Employment
4-10 Prescribed Files for Campus Management Employees
4-10.1 Personnel File
4-10.2 Professional File
4-10.3 Application File
4-10.4 The Office of the Board Files
4-20 Prescribed Files for System Office Management Employees
4-20.1 Personnel Files
4-20.2 Professional File
5-10 Frequency
5-20 Role of the Job Description in Evaluation
5-30 Evaluation Forms
6-10 Definition
6-20 Eligibility
6-30 Salary
6-40 Staff Participation
6-50 Merit Reserve Fund
7-10 Vacation
7-20 Sick Leave and Special Leave
7-20.1 Emergency Sick Leave
7-30 Personal Leave Days
7-40 Pro-ration of Leave for Part-Time Service
7-50 Holidays
7-60 Insurance Benefits
7-70 Professional Development
7-80 Tuition Waivers
7-90 Tuition Reimbursement
7-100 Travel
7-110 Retirement
7-110.1 Notice of Retirement
7-110.2 Retirement Annuities
7-110.3 Deferred Compensation
7-110.4 Emeritus Status
7-110.5 Alternate Retirement Program
7-110.6 Disclaimer
7-120 Dependent Care Spending Account Program
8-10 Classification Structure
8-20 Minimum Salaries/Salary Ranges
8-30 Longevity
9-10 General Provisions
9-20 Sabbatical Leave
9-30 Leave for Professional Development
9-40 Leave of Absence Without Salary
9-40.1 Medical and Family Leave
9-40.2 Other Leaves
9-50 Military Leave
9-60 Jury Duty/Civil Leave
Section 1-10 Establishment of Personnel Policies
The purpose of these policies is to establish guidelines for a fair system of personnel
administration for unclassified management staff as defined in Section 1-40. Nothing in
these policies shall be construed to restrict the authority of the Board of Trustees of
Community-Technical Colleges (hereinafter, the Board) to govern the system. The
opinions and interests of management staff concerning the modification or repeal of these
policies are provided to the Board in accordance with Section 1-20.
The Board has responsibility for the implementation and enforcement of personnel
policies in order to ensure uniformity, adequacy, and fairness of administration within the
system. The Chancellor and each president is responsible for the administration of the
policies as more particularly specified herein and by Board procedures. The president is
responsible for all college-level personnel actions recommended to the Board and to the
Section 1-20 Management Committee
There shall be a Management Committee of the Community Colleges which shall be
representative of the management and confidential employees of the twelve colleges, and
management and confidential employees in the System Office. There shall also be an
Executive Committee of the Management Committee which shall represent the interests
of managers and confidential employees in the system in interaction with the Chancellor
and the Board with respect to issues of management concern. In addition, the Executive
Committee may review suggestions concerning personnel policies, review existing
policies, and initiate recommendations to the Chancellor and the Board. When changes
in these policies are under consideration, the Executive Committee shall have the
opportunity to comment, provided that provision shall not be deemed to limit the Board’s
right to modify or repeal these policies or to take emergency action without consultation.
Section 1-30 The Role of Unclassified Management Personnel
A. The Board stands in a special relation to the management group which is responsible
for the management of the several colleges and of the system as a whole. The Board
affirms that its relations with this group as a whole, and as individuals, must be based
on a recognition of the contributions of each of the members of the group to the
collective well-being of the system and the individual colleges.
The Board believes that remuneration and other conditions of employment must be
consistent at the very least with national and state norms for professional and
confidential staff. Particularly, with regard to remuneration, the Board states that in
addition to recognizing individual growth and meritorious service it will recognize
increases in the cost of living consistent with legislative appropriations and priorities
established by the Board.
B. Public policy established by state law and the policies of the Board is made operative
by management personnel. Managers give meaning to general policy by articulating
and implementing policy appropriate to specific educational contexts. The
responsibility includes, but is not limited to, the development and implementation of
educational policy, budget planning and control, recommendation of personnel
actions, direction and discipline of employees, and the administration of collective
bargaining agreements.
Section 1-40 Applicability of Management Personnel Policies
The personnel policies specified herein and the procedures for their implementation apply
to excluded positions in the Community College System within the following
classifications: Executive Dean, Dean, Associate Dean. Administrator I, II, III, IV and V,
and System Office executive staff classifications including, Deputy Chancellor, Assistant
Chancellor, Academic Officer, Chief Information Officer, Director of Employee
Relations/Counsel and Deputy Chief Information Officer.
Section 1-50 Affirmative Action
These policies shall be administered consistent with affirmative action and in compliance
with statutory requirements.
Section 2-10 Recruitment and Selection
Recruitment and selection of unclassified management staff is undertaken upon
authorization by the Chancellor and in accordance with affirmative action.
Section 2-20 Staff Participation
In the selection of unclassified management staff, the president should seek the advice of
unclassified management staff members who will work closely with or be supervised by
the new appointee.
Section 2-30 Appointment Authority
Except as the Board may expressly provide by written policy, the authority to offer
appointments and reappointments rests with the Board.
Section 2-40 General Provisions
A. The Board maintains minimum requirements for appointment to a given classification
or rank in order to ensure that unclassified management staff members posses the
systematic preparation through organized study and/or experience that will enable
them to serve well in the positions to which they are appointed.
B. The fact that an unclassified management staff member satisfies the minimum
qualifications for a particular classification or rank is not to be construed as making
his/her appointment to that particular classification or rank mandatory.
C. The Board may approve the substitution of equivalent experience for minimal degree,
academic, or work experience requirements. It may also make exception to those
D. Appointment at a given rank constitutes evidence of approval of an equivalency or
E. Upon recommendation of the president of the college and approval of the Board,
unclassified management staff members who teach at least one course of at least three
credits during the academic year may receive for that academic year faculty rank
commensurate with their preparation and experience.
Section 2-50 Minimum Qualifications
The Board has established the minimal qualifications for the classifications set out below.
In so doing, the Board does not intend to create a right or expectation that achievement of
the minimal qualifications for a particular rank assures appointment or promotion to that
Administrator 1 B + 1-3 years
Administrator 2 B + 2-5 years
Administrator 3 M + 2-5 years incl. 0-2 years supv.
Administrator 4 M + 4-7 years incl. 2-4 years supv.
Administrator 5 M + 5-8 years incl. 3-4 years supv.
Associate Dean M + 5-8 years incl. 3-4 years supv.
Dean M + 6-9 years incl. 3-5 years supv.
System Office Executive
Classifications Variable
NOTE: The required job experience must be at the professional level for all
classifications. Supervisory experience is required only for supervisory positions.
Section 2-60 Definition and Duration of Appointment
A. Appointment is an action by the Board which grants an interest in employment for a
specified period. Ordinarily, for the first three years of service, the Board limits
appointment to one year or less. Initial management appointments which commence
after December 1 do not count toward the three years of service required for
consideration for extended appointment. Thereafter, the Board will ordinarily offer
appointments of three years duration, except in the case of System Office positions.
System Office positions are limited by state statute to a period of one year or less.
Appointments made by the Board are subject to adequate funding and statutory
limitations on the authority of the Board.
In providing for evaluation and Board review of decisions not to reappoint as set out
within these policies, the Board does not intent to grant a right to reappointment.
Reappointment is at the sole discretion of the Board.
B. Unclassified management personnel who have attained tenure or who are eligible for
tenure under the Board’s current personnel policies may retain and/or achieve tenure
in accordance with the provisions of those policies. Tenured appointments have not
limit in time. Tenured appointments are subject to termination as provided in
Sections 2-100, 2-120, 2-130 and 2-140 of these policies and by state law.
C. Where the terms, appointment or standard appointment, are used in this section and
Sections 2-70 and 2-80, they shall refer to appointments in the current position and
shall not incorporate prior service with the Board.
Section 2-70 Extended Appointments
If the Board decides to offer employment beyond the third appointment, the appointment
ordinarily will be for a three-year period. The purpose of the three year appointment is to
make an extended commitment to those managers who have demonstrated excellence. If
a three-year appointment is not offered, the Board may offer a final one-year appointment
or an additional one-year appointment. In the case of an additional one-year
appointment, areas for improvement may be specified and additional employment may be
offered if, in the discretion of the Board, problem areas have been substantially
It is anticipated that where a three-year appointment is not offered in a timely fashion, no
more than three additional one-year appointments will be offered unless recommended by
the Chancellor.
If a three-year appointment is offered, the Board will annually consider extension of the
appointment so that a three-year appointment may be continuously in force. If the
president or Chancellor, as appropriate, recommends against extension, a two-year
appointment will be in force. If the president or the Chancellor, as appropriate, again
recommends against extension, a one-year appointment will be in force. Two
consecutive recommendations against extension will be considered to constitute notice of
nonrenewal. Such notice may be appealed in accordance with Section 2-80, B., below.
Section 2-80 Notice of Nonreappointment
A. Personnel having appointments of one year or less are entitled to notice of
nonreappointment in accordance with the following schedule: for the first standard
appointment, three months; for the second standard appointment, six months; and for
the third and subsequent standard appointment, twelve months. Notice may be issued
by the president or the Chancellor, as appropriate. The notice may be issued at any
time, provided that affected management personnel shall be entitled to employment
for the specified notice period or, at the Board’s discretion, equivalent compensation.
B. The unclassified management staff member may obtain Board review of a decision of
the president or the Chancellor, as appropriate, not to recommend renewal of his/her
appointment by filing with the Board within 30 days of the notice a written statement
with supporting documentation that the decision is based on an improper reason.
Board review may be by the Board, a committee of the Board, or a designee of the
Board. An improper reason is defined as either:
1. A reason that is arbitrary or capricious. An arbitrary or capricious reason is one
which is unrelated to the education process or to working relationships within the
educational institution; which is trivial; or which has insufficient basis in fact.
2. A reason that infringes upon specific constitutional or statutory rights of the
Utilization of the appeal provisions specified herein does not delay the effective
date of termination, if that is upheld.
Section 2-90 Transfer
A. Transfer is the appointment by the Board of an unclassified management staff
member to a community college other than the one at which he/she is employed.
B. Application for transfer should be made directly to the president of the college to
which transfer is desired. Applicants should inform the president of the college from
which transfer is desired of any such application at the time the application is made.
Candidates for transfer are subject to the same selection procedures as any other
applicant for an available position.
C. Requests to transfer to or from the System Office may be made directly to the
Chancellor. Candidates for such transfer are subject to the same selection procedures
as any other applicant for an available position.
D. While the Board considers inter-college transfer that is not acceptable to both the
president of the receiving college and the transferee inconsistent with the philosophy
and purposes of the community colleges, it reserves the right to make such transfers.
E. Consistent with the reservation in Section 1-10, the Board may effect transfers
without implementation of a formal selection procedure.
Section 2-100 Separation Because of Incapacity
When a professional staff member has become physically or mentally incapable of or
unfit for the efficient performance of duties of his/her position, the president may
recommend to the Board that the person be separated from state service in good standing,
after the professional staff member has exhausted the sick leave to which he/she is
entitled. The Board may require that the professional staff member receive a physical or
mental examination by competent medical professionals.
Section 2-110 Suspension
A. The president or the Chancellor, as appropriate, may suspend management personnel
with pay if the individual constitutes a threat of harm to himself/herself or to others or
pending investigation of conduct for which discipline may be appropriate.
B. The president or the Chancellor, as appropriate, may suspend management personnel
without pay for cause as specified in Section 2-120.C., below. In any given action,
the affected employee shall have the right to know and respond to the reasons for
suspension without pay prior to the imposition of the penalty.
Section 2-120 Dismissal
A. Dismissal is an action by the Board which terminates the appointment of an
unclassified management staff member. Dismissal is distinguished from nonrenewal,
termination for special reasons, and termination for economic exigency, which are
controlled by Sections 2-8-, 2-130 and 2-140.
B. Dismissal is to be for cause as defined below. Dismissal is effected by the Board on
recommendation of the president or the Chancellor, as appropriate, and after
opportunity for a hearing and shall be governed by the following procedure:
1. The president or the Chancellor, or other authorized designee of the Board shall
notify the unclassified management staff member, in writing, that termination of
his or her appointment is under consideration and shall give the reasons for such
action. The unclassified management staff member may respond in writing, or
may respond orally at a meeting, limiting the response to the reasons cited. The
written or oral response or request for appeal must be initiated within seven (7)
days of the notice.
2. If after considering the response of the unclassified management staff member,
or if the unclassified management staff member has not responded within the
seven (7) day period, the initiating authority believes that there is cause for
dismissal, he or she shall file written notice with the unclassified management
staff member and the System Office that dismissal is recommended. Said notice
shall contain the general statement of the reasons and a statement of the cause or
3. Upon receipt of said notice, the unclassified management staff member may,
within ten (10) days, request in writing of the Chancellor that a hearing be
granted him/her before a hearing panel designated by the Board. The question to
be presented to the hearing panel is whether the recommendation to terminate the
employment of the unclassified management staff member is arbitrary,
capricious, or discriminatory.
4. In any such hearings, the unclassified management staff member may be
represented by counsel at his or her own expense; a written transcript shall be
kept; the staff member may present written and oral evidence; and admission of
evidence is in the discretion of the hearing panel, subject to general
considerations of relevancy and materiality. The initiating authority is required
to present evidence to support hiss/her recommendation. The burden of
persuasion rests on the complainant, to establish his/her case by a preponderance
of the evidence that the recommendation was arbitrary, capricious, or
5. The final decision shall be made by the Board based on the written finding and
conclusions of the hearing panel. The Board may direct the panel to hear
additional evidence, supply additional findings, and/or clarify the basis for a
C. Dismissal of an unclassified management staff member, during the term of his/her
appointment, may be for one or more of the following causes:
1. Incompetent or inadequate performance of responsibilities of the position.
2. Persistent neglect of these responsibilities.
3. Noncompliance with reasonable regulations or directives of the Board or of the
4. Conduct with impairs the effective performance of assigned responsibilities or
which interferes with the work of the college or impairs the rights of students or
of other staff members.
5. The use of fraud, collusion, or misrepresentation of a fact material to obtaining
employment with the college or the System Office and/or tenure or promotion
Section 2-130 Termination or Reclassification for Special Reasons
A. Special reasons refer to (1) discontinuance and/or reduction in service programs,
administrative reorganization, or other reasons associated with the allocation or
institutional resources or (2) economic considerations, which shall include but not be
limited to reduction or termination of funds provided by grant, contract, or the
Board’s revolving funds or any reductions in state appropriations or allotments.
B. Notice of termination for special reasons shall be given by the president or the
Chancellor, as appropriate, in accordance with the following schedule: for the first
standard appointment, three months; for the second standard appointment, six
months; for the third and subsequent standard appointments, twelve months. As used
in this part, appointment refers to appointment with the Board in an unclassified
In the event that a president or the Chancellor is considering termination of a
management position for special reasons, the president or Chancellor, as appropriate,
shall inform the affected individual. For a period of thirty days thereafter, the
affected individual may discuss the matter with the president, the Chancellor, and the
Personnel Committee of the Board. The discussion is limited to the organizational
aspects of the contemplated action; consideration of factors particular to the
individual may be raised pursuant to Section 2-130 C., following notice of
C. An unclassified management staff member may obtain review of a decision to
terminate for special reasons by filing with the Board within 30 days of the date of the
notice a written allegation with supporting documentation that the termination is
based on an improper reason as defined in Section 2-80B. Review may be by the
Board, a committee of the Board, or a designee of the Board.
D. When a change in assignment and duties of an unclassified management staff member
during an appointment period involves reclassification to a lower classification, the
minimum salary for full-time service in the lower classification shall be as follows:
(1) in reclassification of a 12-month person to a different 12-month classification, the
biweekly salary shall not be less than 80 percent of the highest biweekly salary earned
as a 12-month person, and (2) in reclassification of a 12-month person to any 10-
month classification, the biweekly salary payable on a 12-month basis shall not be
less than 67 percent or more than 83.33 percent of the biweekly salary as a 12-month
person or the top step for the appropriate level for the new position, whichever is less.
Section 2-140 Economic Exigency
The Board reserves the right to terminate unclassified management personnel for reasons
of economic exigency.
Section 2-150 Placement
The Board shall make a reasonable effort to place an individual who is terminated
pursuant to Section 2-130 and 2-140 in another suitable position within the system. This
provision shall not create a right to any position opening within the system. The
obligation shall terminate thirty days after the termination of the position.
Section 3-10 General Provisions
The president or Chancellor, as appropriate, is authorized to establish the duties of
unclassified management staff with the general limits of the job description. The
Chancellor is authorized to establish duties of unclassified management staff and to
approve modification of job descriptions.
Section 3-20 Job Descriptions
Responsibilities of unclassified management staff are defined by the system job
description. Subject to the approval of the Chancellor, a job description may be modified
by the president after consultation with the unclassified management staff member
concerned. Participation in college-approved community service activities is considered
a significant responsibility of college unclassified management staff members.
Section 3-30 Additional Employment
A. Outside employment shall not interfere with professional obligations at the college or
the System Office.
B. Each unclassified management employee is expected to share with the president or
the Chancellor, as appropriate, his/her intent to engage in additional employment in
order that a common understanding may be reached prior to the commencement of
any such outside employment.
C. Subject to availability of funds, the Board may authorize additional payment for
services performed by full-time unclassified management employees provided that
the nature and scope of such services lie outside the regular duties of the employee
and constitute no more than ten hours per week.
Section 4-10 Prescribed Files for Campus Management Employees
Each college in the System of Community Colleges shall maintain three official files for
each member of its unclassified management staff: (a) a personnel file, (b) a professional
file, and (c) an application file.
Section 4-10.1 Personnel File
The personnel file shall include the following: (a) record of salary, increments, and
change of status; (b) record of leaves of absence, vacations, and personal leave days; (c)
sickness reports; (d) records of payments for insurance, retirement benefits, etc.; (e)
record of accrued longevity and (f) general fiscal data. These records shall be accessible
on a reasonable basis to the person concerned.
Section 4-10.2 Professional File
The president of the college is responsible for the confidentiality and control of the
professional file for management staff under his/her supervision. The file shall include
the following: (a) information relating to the unclassified management staff member’s
academic and professional accomplishments submitted by him/her or placed in the file at
his/her request; (b) records generated by the college; (c) all reports resulting from formal
evaluation of the unclassified management staff member’s academic and professional
performance; (d) memoranda of discussions between the unclassified management staff
member and his/her supervisor, the president, or the Chancellor, relating to evaluation of
the unclassified management staff member’s professional performance; (e) transcripts of
course work since employment; (f) materials submitted by the unclassified management
staff member in connection with any request for promotion, sabbatical leave, or change
of status; and (g) signed, written statements relating to the quality of service of the
unclassified management staff member.
In the case of ©, (d), and (g) above, the unclassified management staff member shall be
informed that the material has been placed in the file and may attach written comments.
Section 4-10.3 Application File
The application file, which is supervised by the president, contains materials requested by
the college or the System Office or supplied by the unclassified management staff
member in connection with his/her original employment, including confidential material
solicited by the unclassified management staff member in support of the employment
application. The material may be made available to appropriate personnel and
committees for the purpose of initial selection. Confidential material may not be utilized
in any subsequent decision affecting the individual’s employment, except as the initial
appointment may come into question.
Section 4-10.4 System Office Files
Files for all unclassified management staff are maintained in the System Office of the
Board. These files may contain materials submitted to the Board in support of
appointment recommendations by the presidents. The files may also contain duplicates
of all materials submitted in conjunction with Board actions, such as promotions, and
duplicates of all appointment and reappointment notices. In addition, all correspondence
between the System Office and the individuals may be a part of these files.
In any action taken or recommended by a president in which an appeal is made by an
unclassified management staff person to the Board, a separate file relative thereto may be
maintained. This file shall be accessible on a reasonable basis to the person concerned.
Section 4-20 Prescribed Files for System Office Management Employees
The following files are maintained for each System Office unclassified management
employee: (a) a personnel file and (b) a professional file.
Section 4-20.1 Personnel File
The personnel file shall be maintained by the Employee Relations section and shall
include the following: (a) initial employment materials including application, resume and
transcripts; (b) notices of appointment; (c) records of salary changes, change in status,
leaves of absence; (d) records of vacation, personal leave, sick leave; (e) medical
certificates; (f) records of payments for insurance, retirement benefits, etc.; record of
accrued longevity and (g) general personnel or fiscal data. These records shall be
available on a reasonable basis to the person concerned.
Section 4-20.2 Professional File
The Chancellor is responsible for the confidentiality and control of the professional file
for management staff under his/her supervision. The file shall include the following: (a)
information relating to the unclassified management staff member’s academic and
professional accomplishments submitted by him/her or placed in the file at his/her
request; (b) records generated by the System Office; (c) all reports resulting from formal
evaluation of the unclassified management staff member’s academic and professional
performance; (d) memoranda of discussions between the unclassified management staff
member and his/her supervisor or the Chancellor relating to evaluation of the unclassified
management staff member’s professional performance; (e) transcripts of course work
since employment; (f) materials submitted by the unclassified management staff member
in connection with any request for promotion, sabbatical leave, or change of status; and
(g) signed, written statements relating to the quality of service of the unclassified
management staff member.
In the case of ©, (d), and (g) above, the unclassified management staff member shall be
informed that the material has been placed in the file and may attach written comments.
Section 5-10 Frequency
Unclassified management staff shall be evaluated annually.
Section 5-20 Role of the Job Description in Evaluation
The annual evaluation of unclassified management staff shall relate to the functional
responsibility as defined by the job description and criteria specified in approved
evaluation forms. Management personnel are to be evaluated by the president, where
appropriate. Management positions not supervised by the president are to be evaluated
by their supervisor.
Each unclassified management staff member should have a job description. Job
descriptions are to be consistent with description established by the Board. Job
descriptions should be reviewed annually. They may be modified to reflect college
situations as requested by the president and approved by the Chancellor.
Section 5-30 Evaluation Forms
There shall be uniform evaluation forms consistent with the following:
A. Evaluation forms shall relate to the requirements of the position.
B. Evaluation forms shall specify performance criteria.
C. Evaluation forms are subject to the approval of the Board’s Personnel Committee.
D. Evaluation forms shall be uniform for each functional management group.
Section 6-10 Definition
Advancement constitutes (a) appointment to a position or rank which involves increased
responsibilities and/or competence and which affords compensation at a higher salary or
(b) compensation at a higher salary, or (c) a one-time merit award.
Section 6-20 Eligibility
Advancement is effected by the Board on recommendation of a president as concurred
with by the Chancellor or on recommendation of the Chancellor for System Office staff.
Advancement may be recommended either for increased responsibilities or an especially
high level of service. Fulfillment of the minimal formal requirements for advancement to
a higher rank and/or recommendation by a president or the Chancellor creates no right to
advancement, which remains within the discretion of the Board.
Section 6-30 Salary
Advancement may involve one-time, lump-sum merit awards, or may provide a base
salary adjustment in recognition of individual performance, as determined by the Board.
In addition, an unclassified manager who is reclassified to a higher classification will
receive a salary increase at least equal to the minimum for the new rank or a minimum of
three percent.
Section 6-40 Staff Participation
It is the policy of the Board that the president’s recommendation to the Board have the
benefit of the advice of the immediate supervisor, if any other than the president, of the
individual being considered for promotion.
Section 6-50 Merit Reserve Fund
The Board shall endeavor to establish a reserve to support salary adjustments for
increased responsibility or merit, consistent with the availability of funds.
Section 7-10 Vacation
A. Unclassified Management personnel accrue vacation days at the rate of 1.83 per
month of service which may be used as accrued.
B. If an unclassified management staff member who has taken more vacation days than
would have been accrued at the rate of 1.83 days per month terminated his/her
employment prior to the expiration date of his/her appointment, the employer shall
deduct from his/her pay the value of vacation days taken in excess of the amount
C. The time of vacation days taken by unclassified management staff is subject to prior
approval by the president or the Chancellor for System Office staff.
D. Any unclassified management staff member leaving state service shall receive a
lump-sum payment for accrued vacation time as prescribed by relevant State policy.
E. All unclassified management staff members who have been notified of termination of
their appointment are required to use all accumulated vacation leave prior to the
expiration of the final appointment year, unless other arrangements are specifically
authorized in writing by the college president or the Chancellor for System Office
F. Vacation days to not accrue during any month in which the unclassified management
staff member is on leave of absence without salary for more than five days.
G. The Board expects each management person to use at least two-thirds of vacation
days earned each year for vacation since the intent of vacation days is to assure a
certain number of days free from employment duties each year. No more than seven
days may be carried over into the next calendar year unless for good cause as
approved by the president or the Chancellor, as appropriate.
H. Unclassified management employees may, subject to limitations noted in this section,
accrue vacation up to a maximum of one hundred and twenty (120) days. Vacation
leave does not accrue to the employee during any month the balance remains at one
hundred and twenty (120) days.
Section 7-20 Sick Leave and Special Leave
A. Full-time unclassified management staff members accrue sick leave for continuous
service from the date of initial employment at the rate of one and one-quarter days per
completed calendar month. No such leave accrues in any month in which an
unclassified management staff members is on leave of absence without pay for more
then five days.
Earned sick leave is granted, subject to the requirement for medical certification, to a
professional staff member who is unable to perform requisite duties because of
disability. An acceptable medical certification is required to substantiate a request for
sick leave under the following conditions:
1. For any period of absence of more than five consecutive working days;
2. In support of a request for sick leave during vacation.
B. Special leave shall be granted for the following reasons: for dental, medical, or eye
examination or treatment for which arrangements cannot be made outside of working
hours; when presence at duty will expose others to contagious disease; in the event of
death in the immediate family, when as much as three working days’ leave with pay
shall be granted (immediate family means husband, wife, father, month, sister,
brother, child, and any other relative who is domiciled in the professional staff
member’s household); if critical illness or severe injury in the immediate family
creates an emergency which required the attendance or aid of the professional staff
member, when as much as five working days leave with pay in a calendar year shall
be granted. Additionally, the president or the Chancellor may grant necessary time
not to exceed in the aggregate a total of three working days’ leave per calendar year
to fulfill the obligations of going to, attending, and returning from funerals of persons
other than members of the immediate family. The granting of special leave is
contingent upon the availability of earned sick leave and is charged against sick leave.
C. Upon retirement pursuant to Chapter 66 or Chapter 167a of the General Statutes, an
unclassified management staff member shall be compensated at the rate of one-fourth
of his/her salary for each day of sick leave standing to his/her credit to a maximum of
240 days as of his/her last day on the active payroll.
D. In extenuating circumstances, the Chancellor may authorize use of accrued sick leave
for special purposes in excess of the limitations but consistent with the definition of
immediate family as noted in paragraph B, above.
Section 7-20.1 Emergency Sick Leave
The Chancellor may authorize staff contributions and utilization of up to one hundred
(100) sick days in an appointment year in the case of catastrophic, or serious, extended,
long-term illness or injury for full-time, unclassified employees of the Board, consistent
with the following:
1. Contributions of sick leave may be made by unclassified staff employed at the
work site, not to exceed five sick days per staff member per appointment period;
2. No more than ten days of accrued leave (sick, vacation and personal leave) are
available for use by the employee;
3. There is no evidence of abuse of sick leave;
4. There are no state benefits which offset the loss of salary such as workers
5. The employee has been employed full-time by the Board for at least two years;
6. An acceptable medical certificate is on file for the period of use of such sick
leave; and
7. The Chancellor may authorize such use for full-time, unclassified employees who
have been employed full-time for less than two years in the case of life-
threatening or terminal illness.
Section 7-30 Personal Leave Days
In addition to the annual vacation, full-time unclassified management staff members
serving in a permanent position shall be granted three days of personal leave of absence
with pay in each calendar year. Such leave shall be for the purpose of conducting private
affairs, including observance of religious holidays, and shall not be deducted from
vacation or sick leave credits. Personal leave of absence days not taken by December 31
lapse and may not be preserved for use in the next calendar year.
Section 7-40 Pro-ration of Leave for Part-Time Service
A proportionate reduction in entitlement to personal leave, vacation leave and sick leave
shall apply when unclassified personnel are appointed for twenty or more hours per week
but less than full-time service or are granted partial leave of absence without pay.
Section 7-50 Holidays
Management staff members are eligible for holidays established by law. Managers who
are required to work on a holiday are entitled to equivalent time off.
Section 7-60 Insurance Benefits
Management staff members are eligible for insurance benefits generally available to State
employees and/or as may be approved by the Board.
Section 7-70 Professional Development
The Board shall annually establish a professional development fund for each college and
the System Office based on the total number of management and confidential personnel
at each location.
Section 7-80 Tuition Waivers
Subject to procedures established by the Chancellor, unclassified management employees
who work at least twenty (20) hours per week are eligible for waiver of the general fund
tuition, application fee, program enrollment fee, college services fee and student activity
fee at the twelve community colleges for unclassified management employees, their
spouses and dependent children.
Section 7-90 Tuition Reimbursement
A. Management staff members are encouraged to maintain and expand their professional
development throughout their years of service. This is particularly vital to meet the
needs of an ever-changing student body and a commitment to the community. To this
end, the Board provides tuition reimbursement to the management staff member
wishing to engage in course work, within budgetary limitations.
B. The Board authorizes each college president and the Chancellor for System Office
staff, to set aside in the annual college or System Office budget such funds, if any, as
he/she may determine are available for reimbursement of tuition and fees at other
colleges, subject to applicable policies and procedures established by the Board, and
provided that no management staff member shall be eligible to receive such
reimbursement for more than 12 semester hours of credit in a single year, and
provided further that reimbursement for credit in excess of six hours per semester
must be referred to the Chancellor for prior approval.
Section 7-100 Travel
Within budgetary limits and subject to standard authorization procedure, unclassified
management employees are eligible for meal reimbursement for out-of-state travel and
for mileage reimbursement for use of personally owned vehicles. The Board will
establish meal and mileage reimbursement rates as necessary.
Section 7-110 Retirement
Section 7-110.1 Notice of Retirement
An unclassified management employee may retire, pursuant to Chapter 66 (State
Employee Retirement System) or Chapter 167a (Retirement System for Teachers). When
he/she decides to do so, notice of such intent should be given the president or Chancellor,
as appropriate, at least a year in advance, if possible.
Section 7-110.2 Retirement Annuities
Group and individual retirement annuities may be made available on a voluntary basis to
employee under the jurisdiction of the Board as provided in Section 5-264 of the General
Section 7-110.3 Deferred Compensation
Unclassified management employees may elect to participate in the deferred
compensation program available pursuant to the provisions of the Connecticut General
Statutes, Section 5-264a. The program provides, through payroll deduction, the set aside
of income during peak earning years, which income is taxed upon receipt in retirement
years at a lower tax rate. The funding vehicles available include: a fixed life insurance
contract; a variable life insurance contract; a fixed annuity contract; and a variable
annuity contract.
Section 7-110.4 Emeritus Status
Emeritus status may be awarded to a professional staff member by the Board upon
recommendation of the president or Chancellor, as appropriate. Persons eligible for
emeritus status must have retired from state service with at least fifteen years of service
to the college/system. A president or the Chancellor may, however, request that the
Board waive these requirements in exceptional circumstances.
The following are the privileges and benefits of emeritus status: (1) formal announcement
to professional staff and public; (2) separate listing in the college catalog; (3) placement
on a select mailing list, including invitations to college functions and receipt of college
publications; (4) invitation to participate in commencement exercises; and (5) use of the
library on the same basis as the active professional staff. As appropriate, individuals
granted emeritus status may also be afforded the benefits of staff parking and notification
of and attendance at staff meetings with the right to participate but not vote.
Section 7-110.5 Alternate Retirement Program
Section 10-323e(d) of the General Statutes provides enabling legislation for the election
of membership in an alternate retirement program. The alternate retirement program is
administered by the Retirement Commission. The Commission is contracted with
TIAA/CREF to provide the alternate retirement program for State employees.
Section 7-110.6 Disclaimer
This section of these policies attempts to state accurately retirement benefits available. It
should not, however, be considered to constitute an authoritative statement of the
retirement benefits provided by the State. Accordingly, management personnel are
encouraged to review their retirement status with the Retirement Division, the State
Teachers’ Retirement Board, or their independent carrier.
Section 7-120 Dependent Care Spending Account Program
Unclassified management employees are eligible for participation in the Dependent Care
Spending Account Program consistent with Public Act 90-296 and the related regulations
established for the implementation of the Act. The Dependent Care Spending Account
Program permits employees to defer a portion of their salary to a special account. Funds
in the account may be used to reimburse the employee for expenses for dependent care
consistent with the provisions of Section 129 of the Internal Revenue Code.
The Board is supportive of recognizing individual growth and meritorious service of its
management employees. In addition, it recognizes the need to provide increases in
recognition of the cost-of-living consistent with legislative appropriations and priorities
established by the Board of Trustees.
Section 8-10 Classification Structure
The classification structure for unclassified management positions includes Associate
Dean, Dean, President, and a number of unique executive level positions in the System
Office. In addition, the Board has adopted a classification structure with five generic
classifications, Administrator I, Administrator II, Administrator III, Administrator IV and
Administrator V. Placement within this structure is based upon the relative value of the
position as measured by a point-factor job evaluation process. Movement among
classifications (e.g., from Administrator I to II) may be based upon a significant change
in duties as reflected by the job evaluation process,
Section 8-20 Minimum Salaries/Salary Ranges
Minimum salaries and/or salary ranges are established by the Board for each
Section 8-30 Longevity
Unclassified management employees continue to be eligible to receive lump-sum semi-
annual payments during the months of April and October in addition to base salary. The
payments commence with completion of ten (10) years of service, with increases
following completion of 15, 20 and 25 years of service. Longevity schedules are
established by the Board and are linked to the minimum salary established for the
employee’s classification.
Unclassified management employees who retire shall receive, during the month
immediately following retirement, a prorated payment based upon the proportion of the
six-month period served prior to the effective date of retirement.
Section 9-10 General Provisions
The following provisions apply to the leaves of absence provided for in Sections 9-20, 9-
30, 9-40, 9-40.1 and 9-40.2.
A. During the period of any leave specified above, an unclassified management staff
member may make arrangements to continue contributions and payments to the state
retirement system and the teachers’ retirement system, state health benefits, and
group life insurance in accordance with appropriate State policy.
B. In the case of any leave specified above, there most be a prior written agreement
between the president (or Chancellor) and the unclassified management staff member
as to the individual’s responsibilities to the college (or the Board) during and after the
leave and as to any conditions for such leave specified by the president (or the
Chancellor). Any such agreement shall be subject to the conditions of the leave
specified by the Board, which conditions may delete, modify, or add to the terms of
said agreement.
C. The unclassified management staff member who is grated a leave has an obligation to
assist the administration in planning for continuity in the college’s program.
Section 9-20 Sabbatical Leave
A. Sabbatical leave is a leave of absence with compensation. Unclassified management
staff members become eligible for sabbatical leave after six consecutive years of full-
time service.
B. Eligibility for sabbatical leave, as specified in subsection (A) above, creates no
condition, express or implied, that such a leave must be granted by the Board. In
evaluating recommendations for sabbatical leave, the Board will give consideration to
the recommendations of the president and the Chancellor and to the prospective
contribution of the leave to the individual, the college, and the system. Not more than
one unclassified management staff member may be on sabbatical leave at any time at
a given college.
C. A sabbatical leave may be granted for not more than a full year on half salary or not
more than a half year on full salary. As a condition of the leave, the recipient must
agree not to accept employment for salary or fee during the leave, he/she may,
however, receive remuneration for speaking engagements, consultant services, or
from educational grants. The recipient must further agree to return to his/her college
or System Office position for at least one year of service following the leave.
D. The terms and conditions of a sabbatical leave are to be agreed to in writing as a
condition of the leave.
E. Consistent with the intent of Section 9-30.C., the Board may consider each year
requests for sabbatical leave which involve employment for professional development
as long as compensation from the employer and the Board is not in excess of the
previous year’s base salary. The Board shall provide guidelines for this provision.
F. Time on sabbatical leave at partial salary counts as a full-year for the purposes of
determining eligibility for longevity payment and placement.
Section 9-30 Leave for Professional Development
A. Leave for professional development may consist of full-time leave of absence with
full or partial pay or released time. This leave may be granted for such purposes as
study, research, or service as a consultant or member of a team of specialists.
Professional development leaves of up to two weeks duration may be granted by the
president; professional development leaves of up to thirty (30) days may be granted
by the Chancellor. Professional development leaves in excess of thirty (30) days may
be granted by the Board.
B. Unclassified management staff members are eligible for this leave, including released
time, after one year of service on a full-time standard appointment, subject to the
following conditions:
1. The applicant’s professional duties permit his/her absence for the period of time
2. The leave is of value to the applicant and to the college or System Office, as
3. Consultant work does not involve remuneration to the unclassified management
staff member. Eligibility for a leave for professional development creates no
condition, express or implied, that such a leave shall be granted.
C. Within the provisions for and concept of professional development, the Board shall
consider each year a limited number of requests for internship at other community
colleges in Connecticut or at other community or technical colleges, involving
functions other than those for which the individual is currently responsible. The
purpose is to encourage opportunities which will broaden the overall experiences of
the management person in order to better equip the individual for service and/or
advancement in management ranks.
Section 9-40 Leave of Absence Without Salary
A. Leave of absence without salary may be granted by the Board for a period not to
exceed two years. Unclassified management staff members are eligible for leave of
absence without salary after two years of full-time service, except that a leave for
educational advancement may be granted after one year of service. The Chancellor
may also grant leave of absence without salary for medical reasons to part-time
employees and to full-time employees with less than two years service.
B. The terms and conditions of such a leave of absence are to be agreed to in writing as a
condition of the leave.
C. Unclassified management staff may be permitted to return at a time agreeable to the
president of the Chancellor and the employee, taking into consideration any
employment obligation to substitute staff.
D. In case of an employee holding a terminal appointment, a leave shall not extend
beyond, and provisions for reemployment shall not apply beyond the termination date
of the appointment.
E. Approval of medical and maternity leaves in excess of five days are contingent upon
receipt of an acceptable medical certificate.
Section 9-40.1 Medical and Family Leave
Leave without salary shall be granted to unclassified management employees for the
purposes of medical leave or family lease consistent with Connecticut General Statutes 5-
248a and related regulations.
A. Medical leave is unpaid leave of absence up to twenty-four weeks (24) in any two-
year period granted upon the serious illness of an employee or for disabilities caused
or contributed to by pregnancy, abortion, miscarriage, childbirth and recovery there
from. This leave is in addition to use of accrued vacation and sick leave and is
contingent upon submission of an acceptable medical certificate.
B. Family leave is unpaid leave of absence up to twenty-four weeks (24) in any two year
period granted (1) upon the birth or adoption of a child by an employee, or (2) upon
the serious illness of a child, spouse or parent of an employee. Family leave granted
upon the serious illness of a child, spouse or parent is contingent upon submission of
a physician’s statement of diagnosis and prognosis.
C. The benefits associated with medical and family leaves are as follows:
1. The same or equivalent position shall be available to the employee at the
conclusion of the authorize leave.
2. Upon return from leave, the employee shall be entitled to all accumulated service
credit for seniority, retirement, fringe benefits and salary placement.
3. For the period of the medical or family leave pursuant to Sections A and B
above, for a maximum of twenty-four weeks (24) in any two-year period, the
Board shall continue the State’s portion of health insurance benefits as provided
in Connecticut General Statutes 5-248a. If the employee desires continuation of
other insurance, the employee shall notify the employer and shall remit that
portion of the premium the employee would have been required to contribute has
he/she not taken the leave.
Section 9-40.2 Other Leaves
The Board may grant other leaves of absence without salary for up to two (2) years.
Section 9-50 Military Leave
A. Unclassified management staff members who have served a full-time position for
more than six months and who have left the employ of the community colleges in
order to serve in the armed services are eligible for reinstatement according to the
provisions of Section 5-225© of the General Statutes.
B. An unclassified management staff member who is member of the armed forces of the
State or of any reserve component of the armed forces of the United States and is
required to undergo active duty or field training therein shall be entitled to a leave of
absence with pay for a period not exceeding three calendar weeks of such active duty
or field training. This leave is in addition to his/her annual vacation.
Section 9-60 Jury Duty/Civil Leave
Unclassified management employees who are summoned to court to perform jury duty or
who are subpoenaed to attend court or board hearings to testify in matters in which they
have no personal or pecuniary interest, shall suffer no loss or accrued leave time, but
shall be required to remit to the employer any sums of money received in compensation
for such duty or attendance, less mileage expenses. Unclassified management employees
are expected to notify the president or Chancellor, as appropriate, or jury duty or civil
obligations as soon as possible.