PART 1 – Certification of Educators in Rhode Island
1.1 Purpose, Scope, and Authority
A. Pursuant to R.I. Gen. Laws § 16-11-1, the educators in Rhode Island public
schools are required to attain certification. Pursuant to R.I. Gen. Laws § 16-60-4,
the responsibility for setting regulations for certification rests with the Council on
Elementary and Secondary Education (Council). The purpose of these
regulations is to update the requirements and procedures that govern educator
certification in Rhode Island. These regulations detail a comprehensive redesign
of the certification system that will go into effect as the Rhode Island Department
of Education (RIDE) creates supports necessary to implement the revisions.
B. All changes go into effect immediately, unless otherwise noted. The one-year
residency requirement for all teacher certificates will go into effect December 31,
2022 for all entering program candidates. RIDE will work in consultation with
preparation program providers to outline implementation details for the one-year
practical residency.
1.2 Definitions
A. As used in this Part the following words and terms have the following meaning.
1. “Administrator certificate” means a certification issued to educators whose
primary duties may include the supervision of programs or curriculum or
the supervision or management of a local educational agency, a school
building, a school program, or a school system.
2. “Administrative knowledge of field competencies” means the knowledge
and skills established by the applicable national professional association
as core competencies for administrators that define the range of
expectations for the specific certification administrative position(s)
addressed by the certification area.
3. “Administrator knowledge of field testing” is the use of assessments to
evaluate the knowledge of field and skills of a prospective administrator in
the specific administrator area.
4. “Advanced educator certificate” means the third and highest level in the
three-tier system of full certification. This level of certification is held by
educators who consistently demonstrate accomplished practice.
5. “Alternate route preliminary certificate” means a preliminary certificate
awarded to prospective educators who are enrolled in a Rhode Island
approved alternate route preparation program and who have been offered
a position in a district to serve as an educator of record while completing
certification requirements.
6. “Approved program route to educator certification” or “Approved program”
means a post-secondary educator preparation program that holds
approved status under the program approval standards of the Rhode
Island Department of Education.
7. “Building level administrator” means any individual responsible for the
administration of a PK-12 school, including principals, assistant principals,
and charter school chief administrators.
8. “Career and technical education preliminary certificate” means a
preliminary certificate awarded to prospective educators who have a high
school diploma and who have demonstrated that they have appropriate
work experience in their respective career and technical fields. These
prospective educators can seek employment as teachers of record in
employing agencies that are willing to employ them while the individuals
pursue full certification.
9. “Certificate” means a document issued by the Rhode Island Department of
Education that identifies the area(s) of certification held by an educator
and the date of issuance and date of expiration between which the
certificate is valid.
10. “Certification area” means the specific educational subject matter and
grade ranges that a teacher is qualified to teach, the specific level of
administration and grade ranges that an administrator is qualified to lead,
or the specific role in which a support professional is qualified to serve.
11. “Certification route” means a pathway of preparation through which a
prospective educator attains certification.
12. “Certification fees” means fees set by the Council on Elementary and
Secondary Education to issue certificates.
13. “Credential development plan” means a plan for review and monitoring by
RIDE to gain certification for Prospective Educators who hold a
preliminary certificate while pursuing certification. The plan describes how
the individual will demonstrate evidence of meeting competency,
assessment, and field experience requirements.
14. "Credential review route to certification" or “Credential review route”
means the process of reviewing an applicant’s preparation against a set of
standards and criteria to determine eligibility for certification. The process
of review may include a review of preparation, field experience, and
testing results.
15. “Educator of record” means a certified teacher, administrator, or support
professional in Rhode Island public schools. Teachers of record are
responsible for providing instruction and determining student grades.
Administrators of record are responsible for the supervision and
management of schools, school programs, and school districts. Support
professionals of record are responsible for instructional leadership or
serving as a specialist/consultant or a related service provider.
16. “Emergency route preliminary certificate” means a preliminary certificate
awarded to prospective educators at the request of an employing agency
when a fully-certified and qualified educator who meets the criteria for the
position cannot be secured.
17. “Employing agency” means any school committee, school board, charter
school, educational collaborative, state approved special education
program and state funded pre-kindergarten program, or other public
school entity responsible for hiring certified educators.
18. "Endorsement" means added to an existing teacher certificate in
recognition of specialized or advanced expertise in an area.
19. “English language competency testing” means the assessment of
competency in English for prospective educators who completed educator
preparation in a program where the language of instruction was a
language other than English.
20. “Expert residency preliminary certificate” means a preliminary certificate
awarded to prospective educators who demonstrate sufficient preparation
in subject matter, administrative expertise, or other certificate area specific
requirements to be considered for positions as educators while pursuing
certification. These prospective educators can seek employment as
teachers of record in employing agencies that are willing to employ them
while the individual pursues full certification. Certified educators seeking to
add new certification areas may also use the Expert Residency Certificate
as part of a route to certification in that area.
21. "Expert residency- shortages preliminary certificate" means a preliminary
certificate awarded to prospective educators who demonstrate sufficient
proficiency in the related subject matter. The certificate is requested by
the employing agency and individuals pursue full certification.
22. “Extension of certificate” means one-year extensions of certificates when
certified educators experience an interruption in employment and are
unable to provide performance data from state approved local evaluations
for each year of a certificate at the time of certificate renewal.
23. “Full certificate” means a multi-year certificate that demonstrates the
educator has met all Rhode Island requirements for certification and is
included in the three-tier system of Rhode Island Educator certificates. A
full certificate is comparable to the National Association of State Directors
of Teacher Education and Certification (NASDTEC) Stage 3 License and
is recognized by other states for certificate reciprocity. Educators certified
in other states seeking certification in Rhode Island present a valid Stage
3 license from their state to attain reciprocity.
24. “Independent certificate area” means an area in which certification can be
obtained independent of, or not requiring, certification in another area.
25. “Initial educator certificate” means the first level in the three-tier system of
full certification. This level of certification is held by all educators when
they are certified for the first time in Rhode Island.
26. “Internship” means an extended field-based experience that provides a
prospective administrator or support professional the opportunity to
develop skills in school or school district contexts.
27. “Local educator evaluation system” means a RIDE approved educator
evaluation system that meets Rhode Island Educator Evaluation System
Standards pursuant to this Part.
28. “Major equivalent” means presentation of thirty or more hours of
coursework in a closely related content field deemed to be acceptable by
the Rhode Island Department of Education by Applicants who did not
complete a major in the required content field.
29. “National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and
Certification" or "NASDTEC” means the professional organization that
represents professional standards boards, commissions and state
departments of education in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, the
Department of Defense Educational Activity, and the U.S. Territories
which are responsible for the preparation, licensure and discipline of
educational personnel. NASDTEC administers the Interstate Agreement
for Educator Licensure that supports reciprocity of certification across the
various state jurisdictions.
30. “One-year practical residency” means an approach to the clinical
preparation of teachers that combines theories of teaching with
experiential learning. Teacher residencies are designed to approximate
the breadth and depth of preparing to be the primary certified teacher in a
classroom. The residency may take place over the course of one-year or
may take place over multiple terms as long as a minimum intensive, full
teaching load experience is built in. While general field experience is
designed to expose future teachers to a variety of educational settings and
children, the One-Year Practical Residency is designed to provide deep
instructional practice.
31. “Pedagogy testing” means the use of assessments to evaluate the
knowledge of teaching of a prospective teacher.
32. “Practicum” means a field-based experience in educator preparation that
provides the prospective educator the opportunity to apply knowledge in
the context of a school or other educational setting. Practicum is a
requirement to add an additional category of teaching certification beyond
a first area of teaching certification.
33. “Preliminary educator certificates” means certificates that allow educators
who are not fully certified to serve as educators of record while pursuing
certification. Alternate Route Preliminary, Career and Technical Education
Preliminary, Emergency Preliminary, Expert Residency Preliminary,
Temporary Initial Educator Preliminary, and Visiting Lecturer Preliminary
are the six types of preliminary educator certificates. These certificates are
not “full certificates” at Stage 3 of the National Association of State
Directors of Education and Certification (NASDTEC) certification system
and do not qualify for certification in other states through reciprocity.
34. “Professional competencies” means the knowledge and skills defined in
the Rhode Island Professional Teaching Standards, the Rhode Island
Standards for Educational Leaders, and national professional associations
that articulate the professional standards for all teachers, administrators,
and support professionals.
35. “Professional educator certificate” means the second level in the three-tier
system of full certification. This level of certification is awarded to holders
of Initial Educator Certificates once they complete the required
professional learning units.
36. "Professional learning units" means the hours or demonstration of
competencies as part of certification renewal requirements for all Full
37. “Reciprocity route to educator certification” means the process by which
Rhode Island issues certification to educators who completed approved
educator preparation programs or hold full certification in another state.
38. “Reinstatement fee” means the fee charged to reinstate an expired
certificate or a certificate that was non-renewed based on performance.
The appropriate certification fee is also required for reinstatement.
39. “Regionally accredited institution” means a college or university that
awards a bachelor’s or higher degree and if located within the United
States, is fully accredited by one of the following regional accrediting
bodies: Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools, New England
Association of Schools and Colleges, North Central Association of
Colleges and Schools, Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges,
Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, and Western Association
of Schools and Colleges.
40. “Rhode Island Professional Teaching Standards" or "RIPTS” means the
standards that identify the professional knowledge and skills expected of
all teachers.
41. “Rhode Island Standards for Education Leaders" or "RISEL” means the
standards that identify the professional knowledge and skills expected of
all administrators.
42. "Registered school nurse" means a professional, registered nurse who
provides health services. A Registered School Nurse is not a classroom
teacher, though may consult with classroom teachers for related content
design and delivery.
43. "Special provisional certificate" means issued to educators who hold
Initial, Professional or Advanced Educator Certificates and did not obtain
approval or did not complete professional learning unit requirements. The
Special Provisional Certificate can only be used once during the time of an
educator's career.
44. “Substitute teacher” means an individual who is employed on a temporary
basis to fill in for a teacher on a day to day or long-term basis.
45. “Support professional certificate” means issued to an educator, other than
a teacher or administrator, who has primary responsibility as an
instructional leader, a specialist/consultant, or a related service provider in
46. “Support professional knowledge of field competencies” means the
knowledge and skills established by the applicable national professional
association as core competencies for support professionals that define the
range of expectations for the specific support professional position(s)
addressed by the certification area.
47. “Support professional knowledge of field testing” means the use of
assessments to evaluate the knowledge of field and skills of a prospective
support professional in the specific support professional area.
48. “Teacher certificate” means issued to a person whose primary
responsibility is to instruct students.
49. “Teacher content competencies” means the knowledge and skills defined
by professional associations as core subject matter competencies for
teachers within the specific certification content area.
50. “Teacher content testing” means the use of assessments to evaluate the
subject matter knowledge and skills of a prospective teacher in the
specific teaching area.
51. “Temporary initial educator certificate” means a Preliminary Certificate
issued for a limited duration to applicants who seek certification through
reciprocity and who meet all requirements for the Initial Educator
Certificate except for the testing requirement, including the English
Language Competency Test when applicable. This certificate allows the
applicant time to take the test that may not have been available in their
state. The educator does not have a Rhode Island Stage 3 National
Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification
(NASDTEC) “full certificate” until the testing requirement is met and an
Initial Educator Certificate is issued.
52. “Visiting lecturer preliminary Certificate” is a preliminary certificate
awarded to individuals with distinctive qualifications and therefore a
unique capacity to enhance educational programs in districts and who
have been offered employment in districts. This certificate is not a route to
full certification.
1.3 Rhode Island Professional Educator Standards
1.3.1 Educator Standards
A. RIDE has established teaching and leadership standards as well as a code of
professional responsibility for educators in Rhode Island.
1. Rhode Island Professional Teaching Standards.
2. Rhode Island Standards for Educational Leadership.
3. Rhode Island Code of Professional Responsibility.
1.3.2 Rhode Island Professional Teaching Standards
A. Teachers create learning experiences using a broad base of general knowledge
that reflects an understanding of the nature of the communities and world in
which we live.
1. Reflect a variety of academic, social, and cultural experiences in their
2. Use a broad content knowledge base sufficient to create interdisciplinary
learning experiences designed to ensure that all students achieve state
standards for content and achievement.
3. Exhibit a commitment to learning about the changes in their disciplines
and in our world that models a commitment to lifelong learning for
4. Facilitate student involvement in the school and wider communities.
B. Teachers have a deep content knowledge base sufficient to create learning
experiences that reflect an understanding of central concepts, structures, and
tools of inquiry of the disciplines/content areas they teach.
1. Know their discipline/content and understand how knowledge in their
discipline is created, organized, and linked to other disciplines and applied
beyond the school setting.
2. Design instruction that addresses the core skills, concepts, and ideas of
the disciplines/content areas to help all students meet Rhode Island’s
learning standards.
3. Select appropriate instructional materials and resources (including
technological resources) based on their comprehensiveness, accuracy,
and usefulness for representing particular ideas and concepts in the
discipline/content areas.
4. Engage students in a variety of explanations and multiple representations
of concepts, including analogies, metaphors, experiments,
demonstrations, and illustrations, that help all students develop conceptual
5. Represent and use differing viewpoints, theories, and methods of inquiry
when teaching concepts and encourage all students to see, question, and
interpret concepts from a variety of perspectives.
C. Teachers create instructional opportunities that reflect an understanding of how
children learn and develop.
1. Understand how students use their prior knowledge to construct
knowledge, acquire skills, develop habits of mind, and acquire positive
dispositions toward learning.
2. Design instruction that meets the current cognitive, social, and personal
needs of their students.
3. Create age-appropriate lessons and activities that meet the variety of
developmental levels of students within a class.
D. Teachers create instructional opportunities that reflect a respect for the diversity
of learners and an understanding of how students differ in their approaches to
1. Design instruction that accommodates individual differences in
approaches to learning.
2. Use their understanding of students to create connections between the
subject matter and student experiences.
3. Seek information about the impact of students’ specific challenges to
learning or disabilities on classroom performance, and work with
specialists to develop alternative instructional strategies to meet the needs
of these students where appropriate.
4. Make appropriate accommodations and modifications for individual
students who have identified learning differences or needs in an
Individualized Educational Plan (IEP), 504 Accommodation Plan, Personal
Literacy Plans (PLP’s), or other approved school-based individualized
learning plans (ILP’s).
E. Teachers create instructional opportunities to encourage students' development
of critical thinking, problem solving, performance skills, and literacy across
content areas.
1. Design lessons that extend beyond factual recall and challenge students
to develop higher level cognitive skills.
2. Pose questions that encourage students to view, analyze, and interpret
ideas from multiple perspectives.
3. Make instructional decisions about when to provide information, when to
clarify, when to pose a question, and when to let a student struggle to try
to solve a problem.
4. Engage students in generating knowledge, testing hypotheses, and
exploring methods of inquiry and standards of evidence.
5. Use tasks that engage students in exploration, discovery, and hands-on
F. Teachers create a supportive learning environment that encourages appropriate
standards of behavior, positive social interaction, active engagement in learning,
and self-motivation.
1. Use principles of effective classroom management to establish
classrooms in which clear rules and standards of behavior are maintained.
2. Establish a safe, secure and nurturing learning environment that supports
the active engagement of all students.
3. Provide and structure the time necessary to explore important concepts
and ideas.
4. Help students establish a classroom environment characterized by mutual
respect and intellectual risk-taking.
5. Create learning groups in which all students learn to work collaboratively
and independently.
6. Communicate clear expectations for achievement that allow students to
take responsibility and advocate for their own learning.
G. Teachers work collaboratively with all school personnel, families and the broader
community to create a professional learning community and environment that
supports the improvement of teaching, learning and student achievement.
1. Work collaboratively with their colleagues to examine teacher practice,
student work and student assessment results with the goal of improving
instruction and achievement.
2. Develop relationships with students and their families to support learning.
3. Understand the role of community agencies in supporting schools and
work collaboratively with them as appropriate.
H. Teachers use effective communication as the vehicle through which students
explore, conjecture, discuss, and investigate new ideas.
1. Use a variety of communication strategies to engage students in learning.
2. Use a variety of modes of communication to promote learning.
3. Use technological advances in communication, including electronic means
of collecting and sharing information, to enrich discourse in the classroom
and the school.
4. Emphasize oral and written communication through the instructional use
of discussion, listening and responding to the ideas of others and group
5. Seek knowledge of and demonstrate sensitivity to the particular
communication needs of all students.
I. Teachers use appropriate formal and informal assessment strategies with
individuals and groups of students to determine the impact of instruction on
learning, to provide feedback, and to plan future instruction.
1. Select and/or design individual and group classroom assessments based
on the strengths, limitations, and data provided by the assessment.
2. Identify and consider student and contextual variables that may influence
performance so that a student’s performance can be validly interpreted.
3. Systematically collect, synthesize, and interpret assessment results from
multiple assessments to monitor, improve, and report individual and group
4. Provide students with opportunities and guidance to evaluate their own
work and behavior against defined criteria and use the results of self-
assessment to establish individual goals for learning.
5. Use assessment results to provide students with timely, helpful, and
accurate feedback on their progress toward achievement goals.
6. Maintain records of student learning and communicate student progress to
students, parents/guardians, and other colleagues.
7. Use information from their assessment of students to reflect on their own
teaching, to modify their instruction and to help establish professional
development goals.
J. Teachers reflect on their practice and assume responsibility for their own
professional development by actively seeking and participating in opportunities to
learn and grow as professionals.
1. Solicit feedback from students, families, and colleagues to reflect on and
improve their own teaching.
2. Explore and evaluate the application of current research, instructional
approaches and strategies, including technologies to improve student
3. Take responsibility for their own professional development and
improvement of their students’ learning by participating in workshops,
courses, or other individual and collaborative professional development
activities that support their plans for continued development as teachers.
4. Take responsibility for learning about and implementing federal, state,
district, and school initiatives to improve teaching and learning.
K. Teachers maintain professional standards guided by legal and ethical principles.
1. Maintain standards that require them to act in the best interests and needs
of students.
2. Follow school policy and procedures, respecting the boundaries of their
professional responsibilities, when working with students, colleagues, and
3. Follow local, state, and federal law pertaining to educational and
instructional issues, including regulations related to students’,
parents’/guardians’, and teachers’ rights and responsibilities.
4. Interact with students, colleagues, parents, and others in a professional
manner that is fair and equitable.
5. Are guided by codes of professional conduct adopted by their professional
1.3.3 Rhode Island Standards for Educational Leaders
A. Standard 1. Mission, Vision, and Core Values - Effective educational leaders
collaboratively develop, advocate, and enact a shared mission, vision, and core
values of high-quality education and academic success and social and emotional
well-being of each student.
1. Effective Leaders:
a. Collaboratively develop a mission for the district/school to promote
the academic success and social and emotional well-being of each
b. Develop and promote a vision for the district/school, in collaboration
with members of the school community, on the successful learning
and development of each child and on instructional and
organizational practices that promote such practices.
c. Articulate, advocate, and cultivate core values that define the
district’s/ school’s culture and stress the imperative of child-
centered education; high expectations and student support; equity,
inclusiveness, and social justice; openness, caring, and trust; and
continuous improvement.
d. Continuously review the district’s/ school’s mission and vision and
make adjustments to changing expectations and opportunities for
the school, and changing needs and situations of students.
e. Develop a shared understanding of and commitment to the mission,
vision, and core values within the district/school and the
f. Model and pursue the district’s/school’s mission, vision, and core
values as fundamental in all aspects of leadership.
B. Standard 2. Ethics and Professional Responsibilities - Effective educational
leaders act ethically and in accordance with professional standards to promote
each student’s academic success and social and emotional well-being.
1. Effective Leaders:
a. Act ethically and professionally in personal conduct, relationships
with others, decision making, stewardship of the school’s
resources, and all aspects of school leadership.
b. Act according to and promote the professional traits of integrity,
fairness, transparency, trust, collaboration, perseverance, learning,
and continuous improvement.
c. Place the needs of children at the center of all educational decision
making and accept responsibility for each student’s academic and
social and emotional success.
d. Safeguard and promote the values of democracy, individual
freedom and responsibility, equity, social justice, community, and
e. Lead with interpersonal and communication skill, social-emotional
insight, and understanding of all students’ and staff members’
backgrounds and cultures.
f. Provide moral direction for the district/school community and
promote expected ethical and professional behavior among all staff
and district/school community members.
C. Standard 3. Equity and Cultural Responsiveness- Effective educational leaders
ensure equity of educational opportunity and culturally responsive practices to
promote each student’s academic success and social and emotional well-being.
1. Effective Leaders:
a. Act with cultural competence and responsiveness in all interactions,
decision-making, and practice and ensure that each student, staff
member, and school community member is treated fairly,
respectfully, and with an understanding of culture and context.
b. Recognize, respect, and employ each student’s strengths, diversity,
and culture as assets for teaching and learning.
c. Ensure that each student has equitable access to effective
teachers, learning opportunities, academic and social support, and
other resources necessary for success.
d. Develop student policies and address student behavior in a
positive, fair, and unbiased manner.
e. Confront and challenge institutional biases of student
marginalization, deficit-based schooling, and low expectations
associated with race, socio-economic status, culture and language,
gender and sexual orientation, and disability or special status.
f. Prepare students to live productively in and contribute to the
diverse cultural contexts of a global society.
g. Consider and address matters of equity and cultural
responsiveness in all aspects of leadership.
D. Standard 4. Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment- Effective educational
leaders develop and support intellectually rigorous and coherent systems of
curriculum, instruction, and assessment to promote each student’s academic
success and social and emotional well-being.
1. Effective Leaders:
a. Implement coherent systems of curriculum, instruction, and
assessment that promote the mission, vision, and core values of
the school, embody high expectations for student learning, align
with academic standards, and are culturally responsive.
b. Align and focus systems of curriculum, instruction, and assessment
within and vertically across grade levels to promote student
academic success, love of learning, the identities and habits of
learners, and healthy sense of self.
c. Facilitate instructional practice that is consistent with knowledge of
student learning and development, effective pedagogy, and
individual student needs.
d. Ensure instructional practices that are intellectually challenging,
authentic to student experiences, recognize student strengths, and
are differentiated and personalized.
e. Promote and facilitate the effective use of technology in service of
teaching and learning.
f. Develop and utilize multiple valid assessments that are consistent
with knowledge of learning and development and technical
standards of measurement to monitor student progress and
improve instruction.
g. Use assessment data appropriately and with technical limitations to
monitor student progress and improve instruction.
E. Standard 5. Community of Care and Support for Students Effective
educational leaders cultivate an inclusive, caring, and supportive school
community that promotes the academic success and the social and emotional
well-being of each student.
1. Effective Leaders:
a. Build and maintain a safe, caring, and healthy school environment
that meets the academic, social emotional, and physical needs of
each student.
b. Create and sustain a school environment in which each student is
known, accepted and valued, trusted and respected, cared for, and
encouraged to be an active and responsible member of the school
c. Develop and lead coherent systems of academic and social
supports, services, extracurricular activities, and accommodations
to meet the range of learning needs of each student.
d. Endorse and foster adult-student, student-peer, and school-
community relationships that value and support academic learning
and positive social and emotional development.
e. Cultivate and reinforce student engagement and leadership and
positive student behavior.
f. Infuse the district’s/school’s learning environment with the cultures
and languages of the community.
F. Standard 6. Professional Capacity of School Personnel - Effective educational
leaders, in collaboration with stakeholders, develop the professional capacity and
practice of school personnel to promote each student’s academic success and
1. Effective Leaders:
a. Recruit, hire, support, develop, and retain effective and caring
teachers and other professional staff and ensure their development
into an educationally effective faculty.
b. Plan for and manage staff turnover and succession, providing
opportunities for effective induction and mentoring of personnel.
c. Develop teachers’ and staff members’ professional knowledge,
skills, and instructional practice through differentiated opportunities
for learning and growth, guided by an understanding of adult
professional learning and development of adults as professional
and ongoing learners.
d. Deliver actionable feedback about instruction and other
professional practice through valid, research-anchored systems of
supervision and evaluation to support the development of teachers’
and staff members’ knowledge, skills, and practice.
e. Empower and motivate teachers and staff to the highest levels of
professional practice and to continuous learning and improvement.
f. Develop the leadership capacity, opportunities, and support for
teacher leadership and for other professionals in the district.
g. Promote the personal and professional health, well-being, and
work-life balance of faculty and staff.
h. Tend to their own learning and effectiveness through reflection,
study, and improvement, while maintaining a healthy work-life
G. Standard 7. Professional Community for Teachers and Staff- Effective
educational leaders foster a professional community of teachers and other
professional staff to promote each student’s academic success and social and
emotional well-being
1. Effective Leaders:
a. Support a workplace culture that is open, productive, caring, and
b. Develop a culture for professional staff that promotes the
improvement of practice through research and effective
professional learning and promotes high levels of student learning.
c. Empower and entrust teachers and staff with collective
responsibility for meeting the academic, social, emotional, and
physical needs of each student, pursuant to the mission, vision, and
core values of the district/school.
d. Establish and sustain a professional culture of engagement and
commitment to shared vision, goals, and objectives pertaining to
the education of the whole child; high expectations for professional
work; ethical and equitable practice; trust and open communication;
collaboration, collective efficacy, and continuous individual and
organizational learning and improvement.
e. Ensure mutual accountability among teachers and other
professional staff for each student’s success and the effectiveness
of the school as a whole.
f. Design and implement job-embedded and other opportunities for
professional learning collaboratively with faculty and staff.
g. Provide opportunities for collaborative examination of practice,
collegial feedback, and collective learning.
h. Enable faculty-initiated improvement of programs and practices.
H. Standard 8. Meaningful Engagement of Families and Community- Effective
educational leaders engage families and the community in meaningful,
reciprocal, and mutually beneficial ways to promote each student’s academic
success and well-being.
1. Effective Leaders:
a. Are approachable, accessible, and welcoming to families and
members of the community.
b. Create and sustain positive, collaborative, and productive
relationships with families and the community for the benefit of
c. Engage in regular and open two-way communication with families
and the community about the district/school, students, needs,
problems, challenges and accomplishments.
d. Maintain a presence in the community to understand its strengths
and needs, develop productive relationships, and engage its
resources for the district/school.
e. Create means for the school community to partner with families to
support student learning in and out of school.
f. Understand, value, and employ the community’s cultural,
intellectual, and political resources to promote student learning and
school empowerment.
g. Openly advocate for the district and school, and for the importance
of education and student needs and priorities with families and the
h. Build and sustain productive partnerships with public and private
sectors to promote school improvement and student earning.
I. Standard 9. Operations and Management- Effective educational leaders manage
school operations and resources to promote each student’s academic success
and well-being.
1. Effective Leaders:
a. Institute, manage, and monitor operations and administrative
systems that promote the mission and vision of the district/ school.
b. Strategically manage staff resources, assigning and scheduling
educators and staff to roles and responsibilities that optimize their
professional capacity to address each student’s learning needs.
c. Acquire, and manage fiscal, physical environment, and other
resources to support curriculum, instruction, and assessment;
student learning; professional capacity; and family and community
d. Act responsibly and in an ethical manner with the district’s/school’s
monetary and nonmonetary resources, engaging in effective
budgeting, spending and accounting practices.
e. Protect teachers’ and other staff members’ work and learning from
disruption and create an environment where students are able to
f. Employ systems to improve the quality and efficiency of operations
and management.
g. Develop and maintain data and communication systems to deliver
actionable information for classroom and school improvement.
h. Know, comply with, and help the district/ school community
understand local, state, and federal laws, rights, policies, and
regulations so as to promote student success.
i. Develop productive professional relationships with the district office
staff, school staff, and the school board so as to promote effective
transitions and student success.
j. Develop and administer systems for fair and equitable management
of conflict among students, faculty and staff, leaders, families, and
k. Manage governance processes and internal and external politics
toward achieving the district’s/school’s mission and vision.
J. Standard 10. School Improvement- Effective educational leaders act as agents of
continuous improvement to promote each student’s academic success and well-
1. Effective Leaders:
a. Continuously seek to make school more effective for each student,
teachers and staff, families, and the community.
b. Use methods of continuous improvement to achieve the vision,
fulfill the mission, and promote the core values of the school.
c. Prepare the district/school and community for improvement,
promoting readiness, an imperative for improvement, instilling
mutual commitment and accountability, and developing the
knowledge, skills, and motivation to succeed in improvement.
d. Employ situation ally appropriate strategies for improvement,
including transformational and incremental, adaptive approaches
and attention to different phases of implementation.
e. Assess and develop the capacity of staff to determine the value and
applicability of emerging educational trends and the findings of
research for the school and its improvement.
f. Adopt a system’s perspective and promote coherence among
improvement efforts and all aspects of the district/school
organization, programs, and services.
g. Develop technically appropriate systems of data collection,
management, analysis, and use, connecting as needed to the
district office and external partners for support in planning,
implementation, monitoring, feedback and evaluation.
h. Manage uncertainty, risk, competing initiatives, and politics of
change with courage, resilience and perseverance. Openly
communicate the need for the process of and outcomes of
improvement efforts.
i. Develop and promote systems of shared leadership among
teachers and staff for inquiry, experimentation, innovation, and
initiating and implementing improvement.
1.3.4 Rhode Island Code of Professional Responsibility
A. Section 1. Responsibility to Students
1. Rhode Island educators’ first commitment is to ensure that all students
achieve at the high levels needed to lead fulfilling and productive lives, to
succeed in academic and employment settings, and to contribute to
2. Rhode Island educators shall:
a. Respect the inherent dignity and worth of each student.
b. Act upon the belief that all students can learn.
c. Establish high expectations and provide instruction that challenges
all students.
d. Recognize the differences among students and provide the
appropriate educational supports and instructional differentiation
responsive to individual needs.
e. Address the uniqueness of each student and endeavor to maximize
learning through personalization of the educational experience for
each student.
f. Promote the right and responsibility of students to explore ideas, to
develop skills, and to acquire knowledge necessary to be
contributing members to society.
g. Endeavor to present facts and provide access to all points of view
without deliberate distortion, bias, or personal prejudice.
h. Assure that their classrooms are environments characterized by
respect for and equal opportunity for all students, regardless of
race, ethnicity, national origin, language, gender, religion, economic
status, disability or sexual orientation.
i. Promote the development of character and civic responsibility in
their students.
j. Maintain confidentiality of all student information and dispense that
information only when required by professional practice or state or
federal law.
k. Maintain a professional relationship with students at all times, both
in and outside the classroom.
B. Section 2. Responsibility to Self
1. Rhode Island educators are committed to establishing high professional
standards for their practice and striving to meet these standards through
their individual performance.
2. Rhode Island educators shall:
a. Assume responsibility and accountability for their performance and
continually strive to demonstrate proficiency and currency in both
subject matter knowledge and teaching skills.
b. Develop personal and professional goals with attention to
professional standards, student achievement, and school district
initiatives and implement a course of professional development to
support attaining the goals.
c. Actively engage in professional learning communities and seek
feedback in order to improve their performance.
d. Examine their practice on a regular basis to expand their
knowledge base, broaden their skills, and incorporate new ideas.
e. Pursue only those educational positions or assignments for which
they have the appropriate educational certification and credentials
and for which they have appropriate professional qualification.
f. Strive to exercise the highest level of professional judgment.
g. Refrain from using institutional or professional privileges for
personal advantage.
C. Section 3. Responsibility to Colleagues and the Profession
1. Rhode Island educators are committed to work with school and district
colleagues and as members of professional communities to establish and
implement initiatives that will further student learning.
2. Rhode Island educators shall:
a. Work effectively with other professionals on curriculum
development, instructional initiatives, assessment programs, and
professional development.
b. Assume responsibility for working with colleagues to assure their
school meets local and state educational objectives.
c. Encourage and support staffing decisions that are made based on
the best interests of students.
d. Collaborate with others to improve student learning.
e. Support colleagues in developing and maintaining a work
environment that allows all educators to maintain their individual
professional integrity free of pressure to act in ways that are not in
the best interests of students.
f. Encourage the participation of teachers in the process of
educational decision making.
g. Encourage promising candidates who are interested in education to
learn about the opportunities and the challenges of a career in
education and support those who pursue careers through informal
induction into the profession as they develop the competence and
qualifications to become effective educators.
h. Maintain integrity regarding the acceptance of any gratuity, gift or
other compensation that might impair or influence professional
decisions or actions.
D. Section 4. Responsibility to Parents, Families, and the Community
1. Rhode Island Educators are committed to collaborate with parents,
families, and communities to offer a quality education to all students.
2. Rhode Island educators shall:
a. Make concerted efforts to communicate with parents and families in
a way that shares all information necessary to become meaningful
partners in the child’s education.
b. Endeavor to understand and respect the values and traditions of
the diverse cultures represented in their community and in their
c. Endeavor to assure equal educational opportunities for all children
in the community.
d. Cooperate with community agencies that provide resources and
services to support students.
e. Maintain a positive and active relationship with students’ parents,
families, and other members of the community.
f. Distinguish between their personal opinion and official policies of
the school or educational organization when communicating with
parents, families, and the community.
E. Section 5. Responsibility to the Council on Elementary and Secondary Education
1. Rhode Island educators demonstrate a commitment to Rhode Island
standards for educator quality through certification requirements and
support for the implementation of state initiatives within their districts.
2. Rhode Island educators shall:
a. Provide accurate, truthful, and complete information to RIDE
concerning all certification matters.
b. Recognize that meeting certification requirements is a pre-condition
to any contractual agreement for a position that requires
certification in Rhode Island schools.
c. Engage in ongoing appropriate professional development for all
certificates they intend to maintain.
d. Accept only those assignments for which they are professionally
qualified and hold appropriate certification unless the educator and
the district have agreed to the assignment and the district has
secured prior approval from RIDE.
e. Develop an understanding of state initiatives and support the
implementation of these initiatives within their schools and districts.
f. Maintain the security of standardized testing materials that
comprise state assessment programs.
g. Further the mission, policies, and regulations of the Council on
Elementary and Secondary Education
1.4 Requirements for Certification
A. Educator Certification Requirements
1. Pursuant to R.I. Gen. Laws § 16-11-1, educators in Rhode Island public
schools are required to attain certification.
2. Educator certification is required for all educators in all Rhode Island
public schools, state approved special education programs and state
funded pre-kindergarten programs.
B. School Committees and other Employing Agents Responsibilities
1. All school committees, school boards, charter schools, educational
collaboratives and other public- school entities, including state approved
special education programs and state funded pre-kindergarten programs,
employing educators shall ensure before employing an educator, that a
candidate holds a valid certificate or permit appropriate to the position to
be filled. In addition to meeting certification requirements an educator’s
competency in English must be determined when the educator is hired.
2. Employing agencies shall report to RIDE on the performance status and
assignment of all employed educators.
3. Employing agencies shall supervise, either directly or through a
designated representative, by regularly observing, guiding and evaluating
the performance of holders of a certificate through an evaluation system
approved by RIDE. Employing agencies shall report the results of
evaluations of certified educators to RIDE.
4. Employing agencies shall ensure that principals participate in the process
which determines and defines their salaries, benefits and conditions of
employment. Employing agencies are required to discuss and come to
written agreement with principals on matters of salaries, benefits and
conditions of employment. The School Committee may develop individual
or group agreements.
5. Employing agencies shall report any person who is dismissed for
performance-based or fitness related reasons to the Department of
6. Employing agencies shall report the following to the Department of
a. The arrest, indictment or conviction of its certified educator for any
misdemeanor or felony.
b. Allegations that its certified educator has engaged in sexual or
romantic activity with a child or student.
c. Allegations that its certified educator has caused physical injury to a
child or student due to negligence or malice.
d. Information that its certified educator is the subject of a report filed
with the Child Abuse and Neglect Tracking System (CANTS) at the
Rhode Island Department of Children, Youth and Families.
e. Any certified educator who has resigned, retired or otherwise
separated from employment with the agency after it became aware
of an allegation that the educator engaged in misconduct.
f. Any certified educator who the agency has provided notice of intent
to dismiss, suspend or place on leave for misconduct.
g. Reports must be filed in writing within 15 days of the discovery of
the occurrence of the reason requiring the filing of the report.
Reports must be filed with the Office of Educator Excellence and
Certification Services at RIDE.
1.5 Applications and Fees
A. Application for Certification
1. Applications for state certificates and permits must be executed on forms
or through electronic means provided by RIDE. Additional documents and
materials must be submitted in accordance with the specific requirements
for particular certificate areas or any new requirements adopted by the
2. An applicant must submit all required documentation for each area of
certification, and as appropriate the following:
a. Application on an official form or through electronic means provided
by the Department of Education;
b. Application fee as established by the Council;
c. Official transcripts from an approved institution, as required, of all
credits and degrees, issued by the registrar or other appropriate
official of the institution;
d. A statement made by an approved institution or alternate route to
certification program approved by the Commissioner that the
candidate has completed an approved planned program of
preparation for service in the area of certification and the grade
level for which certification is sought and has demonstrated
competence with respect to professional standards;
e. In those cases where successful experience as an educator is a
condition for certification, a statement from the applicant’s
employing agent as to the nature, length, and quality of experience;
f. Official verification from the testing agency that an applicant has
achieved a passing score or satisfactory evaluation on required
g. If an applicant holds foreign credentials or transcripts, an evaluation
by agencies or organizations approved by the Department of
Education to translate and evaluate such credentials for the
purposes of determining eligibility for certification;
h. If an applicant prepared for certification at an institution where
English was not the language of instruction, verification of minimum
passing score or higher on the state’s assessment of English
Language Competency;
i. An attestation by the applicant that he or she is of good moral
character, including disclosure of any employment, criminal, and
certification history; and
j. Additional documentation, as appropriate to the type of certificate or
permit requested.
B. The following fees apply to applications for certification and/or certification
renewal. All fees are non- refundable.
Initial Educator Certificate $100.00 for first certification area and
$50.00 for each additional area
Professional Educator Certificate $200.00 for first certification area and
$100.00 for each additional area
Alternate Route Preliminary Certificate $100.00 for each certification area
Career and Technical Education
Preliminary Certificate
$200.00 for each certification area
Expert Residency Preliminary Certificate $100.00 for each certification area
Visiting Lecturer Preliminary Certificate $100.00 for each certification area
Emergency Preliminary Certificate $200.00 for each certification area
Temporary Initial Preliminary Certificate $100.00 for each certification area
Special Provisional Certificate $200.00 plus certificate fees
One year Extension to Certificate $ 50.00
Credential Review $100.00
Other Fees
Reinstatement of Certificate $100.00 charge plus the certification fee
1.6 General Requirements for Full Certificates
A. The following requirements apply to all full certificates. Additional requirements
that are unique to each certification area are provided in §§ 1.9, 1.10, and 1.11 of
this Part.
1. Competency Requirements
a. The preparation and certification of all educators shall be guided by
professional competencies which are based on Rhode Island
professional standards. The content knowledge and knowledge of
field preparation and certification of all educators shall be guided by
content competencies and knowledge of field competencies that
are based on the accepted standards of the appropriate
professional associations. The Professional Competencies for
these purposes shall be recommended by the Commissioner of
Education for approval by the Council. RIDE will periodically review
competencies in light of changes in the profession and will publish
the list of approved competencies annually.
2. Teacher Professional Competencies
a. Any person who is seeking certification in a teaching area shall
demonstrate competency with respect to the pedagogical
knowledge articulated by the Rhode Island Professional Teaching
Standards pursuant to § 1.3.2 of this Part.
3. Teacher Content Competencies
a. Any person who is seeking certification in a teaching area shall
demonstrate competency with respect to the content knowledge of
the area of certification articulated by the relevant subject matter
professional association identified in the certification area
regulations pursuant to § 1.9 of this Part.
4. Administrator Professional Competencies
a. Any person who is seeking certification in an administrative area
shall demonstrate competency with respect to the professional
knowledge articulated by the Rhode Island Standards for
Educational Leaders pursuant to § 1.3 of this Part.
5. Administrator Knowledge of Field Competencies
a. Any person who is seeking certification in an administrative area
shall demonstrate competency with respect to the knowledge of the
field in the area of certification articulated by the relevant
professional association identified in the certification area
regulations pursuant to § 1.10 of this Part.
B. Assessment Requirements
1. Assessments based upon professional standards are required for all
certification areas. Assessment instruments and passing scores shall be
recommended by the Commissioner of Education for approval by the
Council. RIDE shall maintain a current list of required assessments and
passing scores.
a. Pedagogy Testing
(1) Any person who is seeking an Educator Certificate in a
teaching area shall submit verification of minimum passing
score or higher on the assessment(s) of pedagogy
applicable to the certification area as approved by the
b. Content Testing
(1) Any person who is seeking an Educator Certificate in a
teaching area shall submit verification of minimum passing
score or higher on the assessment(s) of content/subject
matter applicable to the certification area as approved by the
c. Knowledge of Field Testing
(1) Any person who is seeking an Educator Certificate in an
administrative or support professional area shall submit
verification of minimum passing score or higher on the
assessment applicable to the certification area as approved
by the Council.
d. English Language Competency
(1) Any person who is seeking an Educator Certificate and who
prepared for certification at an institution where the language
of instruction was not English shall submit verification of
minimum passing score or higher on the assessment of
English Language Competency as approved by the Council.
e. Assessment Requirement Exemptions
(1) RIDE may exempt certification areas from testing
requirements when an appropriate assessment cannot be
C. Field Experience Requirements
1. All applicants must demonstrate significant field experience as part of their
preparation for certification.
2. Applicants for teacher certification must complete a one-year practical
residency or the equivalent of a one-year practical residency such as sixty
(60) hours of field experience plus twenty-four (24) consecutive weeks of
full-time student teaching or sixty (60) hours of field experience plus
twenty-four (24) weeks of student teaching experiences distributed over
the course of the program, inclusive of an intensive and continuous
experience, and a minimum of sixty (60) hours of field experience prior to
or following the one-year practical residency or equivalent.
3. Applicants for teacher certification who are adding a new certification area
must complete an appropriate field experience that reflects the differences
between current certification area and the new certification area.
4. Applicants for support professional certification as specialists/consultants,
instructional leaders, or school counselors must complete an internship of
at least three hundred (300) hours.
5. Applicants for building level administrator certification must complete an
internship of at least three hundred (300) hours.
1.7 Initial Routes to Full Certification
A. Prospective Educators earn full certification through:
1. Completion of a Rhode Island Approved Educator Preparation Program;
2. Reciprocity based on completion of an approved educator preparation
program in another state within the last five years or holding comparable
certification in another state; or
3. Credential Review of the preparation of prospective educators in
certification areas in which there is no approved preparation program in
Rhode Island and for certification as Superintendent of Schools.
B. Eligibility for Certification by Completing a Rhode Island Approved Educator
Certification Program
1. Prospective Educators attain certification by completing a Rhode Island
Approved Program for Educator Certification and demonstrating that they
meet all other certification requirements. RIDE shall review and approve
programs that demonstrate they meet the Standards for Educator
Preparation Programs in Rhode Island.
2. Applicants eligible for certification through completion of a Rhode Island
Approved Certification Program receive an Educator Certificate upon
submittal of:
a. Application on an official form or through electronic means provided
by RIDE;
b. Application fee as established by the Council;
c. Official transcripts from an approved institution, as required, of all
credits and degrees, issued by the registrar or other appropriate
official of the institution;
d. A statement made by an approved institution or an alternate route
to certification program approved by the Commissioner of
Education that the candidate has completed an approved planned
program of preparation within the last five (5) years for service in
the area of certification and the grade level for which certification is
sought and has demonstrated competence with respect to
professional standards;
e. Official verification from the testing agency that an applicant has
achieved a passing score or satisfactory evaluation on required
Rhode Island assessments;
f. An attestation by the applicant that he or she is of good moral
character, including disclosure of any employment, criminal, and
certification history; and
g. Additional documentation as appropriate to the type of certificate or
permit requested.
C. Eligibility for Certification through Reciprocity with Other States
1. Applicants can attain certification by completing an Approved Program for
Educator Certification in a state other than Rhode Island or by
demonstrating that they hold a currently valid full certificate in another
state. Reciprocity is recognition of preparation or certification in another
state as comparable to Rhode Island. Individuals seeking certification
through reciprocity must demonstrate that they meet Rhode Island testing
requirements in the areas(s) of certification unless the individual is seeking
reciprocity through the State of Connecticut or the Commonwealth of
Massachusetts as provided in § 1.7(D)(2) of this Part. If the individual was
prepared at an institution where the language of instruction was not
English, then the individual must also meet the English Language
Competency testing requirements.
2. Beginning June 1, 2019, applicants from the State of Connecticut or the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts who hold full certification in those states
are eligible for reciprocity without any additional requirements, with the
exception that those seeking certification in Special Education, English as
a Second Language, Math Specialist or Reading Specialist must also hold
the appropriate independent certificate(s) issued by Rhode Island, the
State of Connecticut or the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
3. Applicants eligible for certification through reciprocity receive an Initial
Educator Certificate upon submittal of:
a. Application on an official form or through electronic means provided
by RIDE;
b. Application fee as established by the Council;
c. Official transcripts from an approved institution, as required, of all
credits and degrees, issued by the registrar or other appropriate
official of the institution;
d. A statement made by an approved institution or alternate route to
certification program in a state other than Rhode Island that the
candidate has completed an approved planned program of
preparation within the last five years for service in the area of
certification and the grade level for which certification is sought and
has demonstrated competence with respect to professional
standards OR a copy of a currently valid full certificate from another
e. Official verification from the testing agency that an applicant has
achieved a passing score or satisfactory evaluation on required
Rhode Island assessments, if applicable;
f. An attestation by the applicant that he or she is of good moral
character, including disclosure of any employment, criminal, and
certification history; and
g. Additional documentation, as appropriate to the type of certificate or
permit requested.
D. Credential Review
1. Applicants for certification in areas that do not have approved programs in
Rhode Island or for certification as a Superintendent of Schools can attain
certification by submitting credentials that demonstrate they meet all
certification requirements. These materials must be submitted in a format
prescribed by RIDE and are reviewed by RIDE.
2. Applicants eligible for certification through credential review in Rhode
Island will be reviewed upon submittal of:
a. Application on an official form or through electronic means provided
by RIDE;
b. Application fee as established by the Council;
c. Official transcripts from a regionally accredited institution, as
required, of all credits and degrees, issued by the registrar or other
appropriate official of the institution;
d. A bachelor’s degree for all teachers (in areas where required), an
advanced degree for all administrators except School Business
Administrator, or an advanced degree for all support professionals;
e. Evidence of performance consistent with the competencies,
assessment and field experiences required of all certificates as
described in § 1.6 of this Part;
(1) The one-year practical residency or equivalent may be
waived for an applicant who has had two or more
documented years of successful teaching experience in an
approved setting.
f. Official verification from the testing agency that an applicant has
achieved a passing score or satisfactory evaluation on required
Rhode Island assessments, if applicable;
g. An attestation by the applicant that he or she is of good moral
character, including disclosure of any employment, criminal, and
certification history; and
h. Additional documentation, as appropriate to the type of certificate or
permit requested.
3. Applicants eligible for certification through credential review for
certification as Superintendent of Schools will be reviewed upon submittal
a. Application on an official form or through electronic means provided
by RIDE;
b. Application fee as established by the Council;
c. Official transcripts from an approved institution, as required, of all
credits and degrees, issued by the registrar or other appropriate
official of the institution;
d. An advanced degree;
e. Evidence of significant leadership experience in organizations other
than schools, including:
(1) Professional Experience at a senior level in government,
private sector organizations, or the military including
significant operational responsibility and broad general
management experiences, management of complex
businesses or business units, or military command
(2) Organizational Leadership Experience that demonstrates
strong analytic and problem- solving skills and the energy,
determination, and perseverance to act as an agent of
change in a demanding organization; and
(3) Interpersonal Leadership Experience that demonstrates
strong communication skills and the ability to manage
complex political relationships.
f. Official verification from the testing agency that an applicant has
achieved a passing score or satisfactory evaluation on required
Rhode Island assessments;
g An attestation by the applicant that he or she is of good moral
character, including disclosure of any employment, criminal, and
certification history; and
h. Additional documentation, as appropriate to the type of certificate or
permit requested.
1.8 Types of Certificates
1.8.1 Full Certificates
A. Full certification is awarded to applicants who have completed all Rhode Island
preparation requirements for certification. RIDE issues the following three types
of full certificates: Initial Educator Certificate; Professional Educator Certificate;
and Advanced Educator Certificate. The Initial Educator Certificate, Professional
Educator Certificate, and Advanced Educator Certificate provide a three-tiered
system of certification that recognizes different stages of development and
accomplishment within the profession.
1. The Initial Educator Certificate is the first full certificate issued to an
individual who meets all Rhode Island certification requirements.
2. The Professional Educator Certificate is the second full certificate issued
to an individual. An individual attains a Professional Educator Certificate
after completing the required professional learning units while working
under an Initial Educator Certificate.
3. The Advanced Educator certificate is issued to an individual by meeting
one (1) of the aspirational benchmarks identified by RIDE and completing
the required professional learning units while working under a Professional
Educator Certificate.
B. All full certificates share a common expiration date. The Commissioner of
Education shall recommend for approval by the Council a common expiration
date. Educators with certification in more than one area shall be assigned a
common expiration year for all certificates. All full certificates can be renewed by
meeting applicable requirements, but satisfaction of renewal requirements does
not preclude an action to revoke a certificate pursuant to R.I. Gen. Laws § 16-11-
1.8.2 Initial Educator Certificate
A. The first level of full certification issued to an applicant who meets the following
criteria is an Initial Educator Certificate.
1. Duration
a. The Initial Educator Certificate is valid for three (3) years.
2. Conditions for Issuance
a. The applicant meets the degree requirements for the certification
area with a degree from a regionally accredited approved
b. The applicant is eligible for certification through the completion of a
Rhode Island Approved Educator Preparation Program, reciprocity,
or credential review;
c. The applicant meets all competency and assessment requirements;
d. The applicant meets any additional certification area requirements
as specified in §§ 1.9, 1.10, and 1.11 of this Part.
3. Conditions for Renewal
a. The applicant must comply with the professional learning
requirements outlined in this Part in order to renew their certificate.
b. Beginning with certificates expiring on August 31, 2020, the
professional learning units under § 1.8.5 of this Part will be required
for renewal and progression to a Professional Certificate. The
amount of professional learning units required will be phased in
between 2020 and 2025. The renewal of certificates in 2020 and
2021 will be pro-rated from sixty (60) professional learning units.
The renewal of certificates in 2022, 2023 and 2024 will be pro-rated
from seventy-five (75) professional learning units. Beginning in
2025, the full ninety (90) professional learning units will be required.
c. Beginning in 2020, applicants will submit the professional learning
units outlined in the chart below.
Year of Certificate
Formula to Pro-
Rate Units
Total Units to be
Completed for
2020 1X20 20
2021 2X20 40
2022 3X25 75
2023 3X25 75
2024 3X25 75
2025 3X30 90
d. If the applicant has accumulated the appropriate number of
professional learning units during the term of the three-year Initial
Educator certificate, it may be renewed as a five-year Professional
Educator Certificate.
(1) If the applicant was employed for one (1) or two (2) years,
but not three (3) years the certificate will be renewed as a
three-year Initial Educator Certificate.
(2) If the applicant was not employed in a publicly funded
educational setting the certificate will be renewed as a three-
year Initial Educator Certificate.
(3) If the applicant was employed in a publicly funded
educational setting but was on leave for one (1) or more
years, a prorated number of units will be submitted with a
letter confirming leave status. The prorated number of units
will be equal to the number of units required during the
phase-in period or thirty (30) units per year beginning in
4. Non-renewal
a. If an applicant for renewal did not obtain employer approval or did
not complete the required units, the certificate will not be renewed.
The applicant may be eligible for the Special Provisional Certificate
pursuant to § 1.8.16 of this Part.
1.8.3 Professional Educator Certificate
A. The second level of full certification issued to an applicant who demonstrates
successful practice and meets the following criteria is a Professional Educator
1. Duration
a. The Professional Educator Certificate is valid for five (5) years.
2. Conditions for Issuance
a. The applicant holds an Initial Educator Certificate;
b. The applicant completed three (3) years as a Rhode Island
educator working under the Initial Educator Certificate; and
c. The applicant completed the appropriate number of professional
learning units.
3. Conditions for Renewal
a. The applicant must comply with the professional learning
requirements outlined in this Part in order to renew their certificate.
b. Beginning with certificates expiring on August 31, 2020, the
professional learning units under § 1.8.5 of this Part will be required
for renewal. The amount of professional learning units required will
be phased in between 2020 and 2030. Beginning in 2030, the full
one hundred (100) professional learning units will be required for
the renewal of all Professional Certificates
c. Individuals who hold an Initial Certificate that expires between 2020
and 2025 and are issued a Professional Certificate between 2020
and 2025 will submit the professional learning units outlined in the
chart below.
Year of Certificate
Formula to Pro-Rate Units Total Units to
Be Competed
for Renewal
2025 5X20 100
2026 5X20 100
2027 5X20 100
2028 5X20 100
2029 5X20 100
2030 5X20 100
d. Individuals who already hold a Professional Certificate or Advanced
Certificate as of December 31, 2019 will submit the professional
learning units outlined in the chart below.
Year of Certificate
Formula to Pro-Rate Units Total Units to
Be Completed
for Renewal
2020 1X15 15
2021 2X15 30
2022 3X15 45
2023 4x15 60
2024 5X15 75
2025 5X15 75
2026 4X15; 1X20 80
2027 3X15; 2X20 85
2028 2X15; 3X20 90
2029 1X15; 4X20 95
2030 5X20 100
e. If the applicant has completed the appropriate number of
professional learning units during the terms of the five-year
Professional Educator Certificate, it may be renewed as a five-year
Professional Educator Certificate.
f. Professional learning units earned for one (1) certificate may be
applied to the renewal of additional certificates. See § 1.8.5 of this
Part for more information about allowable professional learning
(1) If the applicant was employed less than the five (5) years of
the certificate, the certificate will be renewed as a
Professional Educator Certificate without the submission of
professional learning units.
(2) If the applicant was not employed in a publicly funded
educational setting during the five years the certificate will be
renewed as a five-year Professional Educator Certificate.
Applicants who are not employed in publicly funded settings
are not required to submit evidence of performance or
professional learning units.
(3) If the applicant was employed in a publicly funded
educational setting but was on leave for one (1) or more
years, a prorated number of units will be submitted with a
letter confirming leave status. The prorated number of units
will be equal to the number of units required during the
phase-in period.
4. Non-renewal
a. If an applicant for renewal did not obtain employer approval or did
not complete the required units, the certificate will not be renewed.
The applicant may be eligible for the Special Provisional Certificate
pursuant to § 1.8.16 of this Part.
1.8.4 Advanced Educator Certificate
A. The third level of full certification issued to an applicant who demonstrates
accomplished practice and meets the following criteria is an Advanced Educator
1. Duration
a. The Advanced Educator Certificate is valid for seven (7) years.
2. Conditions for Issuance
a. The applicant holds a Professional Educator Certificate;
b. The applicant completed five (5) years as a Rhode Island educator
working under the Professional Educator Certificate;
c. The applicant completed the appropriate number of approved
professional learning units; and
d. The applicant achieves one (1) of the aspirational benchmarks
during the term of the certificate being renewed.
3. National Board Certification in certification area; or
4. Conferral of an advanced degree from an accredited institution of higher
learning during the term of the certificate being renewed in a subject
directly related to the content knowledge required to teach or lead under
the certificate being renewed; or
5. Receives RIDE or national recognition as a Milken educator, State
Teacher of the Year, Presidential Award Winner for Math and Science
during the certification cycle; or
6. Beginning June 1, 2019, achieves additional RIDE certification in a limited
number of shortage areas identified by RIDE.
7. Conditions for Renewal
a. Beginning with certificates expiring on August 31, 2020, the
professional learning units under § 1.8.5 of this Part will be required
for renewal.
b. The amount of professional learning units required will be phased in
between 2020 and 2030. In 2030, the full one hundred (100)
professional learning units will be required.
c. Individuals who already hold a Professional Certificate or Advanced
Certificate as of December 31, 2019 will submit the professional
learning units outlined in the chart below.
Year of Certificate
Formula to Pro-Rate
Total Units to
for Renewal
2020 1X15 15
2021 2X15 30
2022 3X15 45
2023 4x15 60
2024 5X15 75
2025 5X15 75
2026 4X15; 1X20 80
2027 3X15; 2X20 85
2028 2X15; 3X20 90
2029 1X15; 4X20 95
2030 5X20 100
d. Beginning in 2030, the applicant is responsible for submitting the
full, one hundred (100) units, required to renew the certificate as
described in § 1.8.5 of this Part.
(1) If the applicant was employed less than the five (5) years of
the certificate, the certificate will be renewed as a
Professional Educator Certificate without the submission of
professional learning units.
(2) If the applicant was not employed in a publicly funded
educational setting during the seven (7) years the certificate
will be renewed as a five-year Professional Educator
Certificate. Applicants who are not employed in publicly
funded settings do not submit evidence of performance or
professional learning units.
(3) If the applicant was employed in a publicly funded
educational setting but was on leave for one (1) or more
years, a prorated number of hours will be submitted with a
letter confirming leave status. The prorated number of units
will be equal to the number of units required during the
phase-in period.
(4) If the applicant has accumulated one hundred (100)
professional learning units and has met the aspirational
benchmarks and performance expectations during the term
of the certificate outlined above, the certificate may be
renewed as a seven-year Advanced Educator Certificate.
(5) If the applicant has accumulated one hundred (100)
professional learning units and performance expectations
but has not met aspirational benchmarks, the certificate may
be renewed as a five-year professional.
4. Non-renewal based
a. If an applicant for renewal did not complete the required units, the
certificate will not be renewed. The applicant may be eligible for
the Special Provisional Certificate pursuant to § 1.8.14 of this Part.
1.8.5 Professional Learning Units
A. Professional Learning Units (PLUs) are accrued for the purpose of demonstrating
ongoing professional learning. The accumulation of these units is a requirement
for renewing educator certificates. These units represent ongoing learning and
are earned as a result of professional learning activities that are designed to
increase educator effectiveness. Ongoing learning is an important and
necessary responsibility of educators as they maintain the knowledge and skills
needed to educate students.
B. Educators are responsible for the completion of all PLUs, as PLUs are a
condition of the renewal of educator certificates. LEAs may, in accordance with
LEA discretion and/or local agreements, make available some or all of these
PLUs for its employed educators.
C. Each LEA that employs educators shall develop, in collaboration with the
employed educators, an LEA professional learning plan that includes the
provisions outlined below.
1. Identification of needs and interests of all educators based on analysis of
student data, educator evaluation information, surveys and needs
2. Alignment to educator needs as well as district and school needs through
review of district strategic plans, school improvement plans, surveys and
other information.
3. Examples of allowable activities, consistent with these regulations.
4. Mechanisms for the approval of educator professional learning consistent
with these regulations and the local resolution of disputes.
5. Structures and plans to ensure opportunities for professional learning
activities that take place within the school context over time and are
ongoing, including but not limited to, data analysis meetings, student work
review teams, curriculum implementation teams, improvement cycle
activities, induction activities, mentoring activities, and structured
professional learning communities rather than only reliance on one-time
6. Alignment and differentiation of professional learning to ensure
opportunities that are relevant to teachers' certified areas, administrators
and support professionals.
D. All educator PLUs for employees of a LEA shall be approved by the
superintendent of the LEA or his/her designee, and once the LEA professional
learning plan is operative, consistent with the LEA professional learning plan. In
any instance where these regulations and the LEA professional learning plan are
in conflict, these regulations shall take precedence. PLUs for superintendents
shall be approved by the chair of the school committee. The Commissioner of
Education shall have the authority to approve specific PLU offerings for all Rhode
Island certified educators.
E. Activities for Professional Learning Units
1. Site-Based Professional Learning activities such as: induction activities,
mentoring activities, structured Professional Learning Communities, data
analysis meetings, local workshops, lesson study, student work review
sessions, curriculum implementation teams and other site-based activities
designed to improve teaching and learning.
2. Structured coaching that involves trained coaches working with colleagues
on focused objectives through observation and feedback cycles.
Coaching may take the form of induction coaching for beginning teachers
or peer coaching and instructional coaching.
3. Proficiency-based Learning and Micro-credentials activities that require
the educator to demonstrate proficiency in a new skill by submitting
evidence of mastery. Micro-credentials often require educators to submit
evidence to third party providers for review.
4. University coursework at accredited institutions of higher education.
5. National Board Certification is a recognized form of professional learning
that may be used to accumulate units. Educators may receive units for
completing individual components even if the certification is not achieved.
6. External Conferences or Workshops led by external organizations
encompass a wide range of learning opportunities. Short-term or stand-
alone workshops can be counted for limited units.
7. Activities that may count toward the accumulation of professional learning
units are those the develop subject matter/content knowledge,
pedagogical knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge, curriculum
implementation knowledge or enhance educator effectiveness. These
activities may be facilitated in many ways, including, but not limited to,
third parties not regularly employed by the LEA and other educators
regularly employed by the LEA such as a professional learning community
focused on a professional problem of practice.
8. Activities that do not directly relate to improving educator practices, such
as general logistics, school daily operations, safety trainings, and most
committee work do not qualify for professional learning units. These are
important activities for schools but are not considered professional
F. Assigning Unit Values to Activities- In order to recognize hours-based and
competency-based professional learning experiences, RIDE will use professional
learning units as its measure for documenting professional learning.
Conversions will be needed to accommodate different learning activities.
1. One (1) hour of a professional learning activity is equal to one (1)
professional learning unit. For tracking purposes, rounding to the nearest
half-hour is appropriate.
2. One (1) college credit is equal to fifteen (15) professional learning units.
3. One (1) demonstrated competency in proficiency-based or competency-
based learning is equal to five to ten (5-10) professional learning units,
determined by the Superintendent based on the rigor of the competency
4. National Board Certification activities:
a. One (1) component is equal to forty-five (45) professional learning
b. Completion is equal to one hundred eighty (180) units.
c. Renewal is equal to ninety (90) units.
G. RIDE will continue to study research-based competency approaches to
certification renewal and will make future recommendations that reduce the
reliance on a number of units and emphasizes growth in professional practice.
H. RIDE will engage with teachers unions and LEA leadership to provide model
Professional Learning Plans and to review and evaluate the quality of
professional learning experiences.
I. Record Keeping and Documentation
1. Educators must maintain records of all activities and make them available
upon request by RIDE. All records must attest to participation by the
educator in the activity and the professional learning units earned.
2. Employers verify locally that educators met renewal requirements.
Documentation of verification shall be provided to the educator for
certification renewal.
3. Educators must submit employer verification forms to RIDE as part of the
renewal process.
J. Audits of Professional Learning Units
1. In order to ensure the efficacy of the professional learning unit system,
RIDE will audit renewal applications each year.
2. Educators selected for audit must submit documentation for all activities
submitted for certificate renewal.
3. Failure to submit required documentation will result in non-renewal of
1.8.6 Preliminary Certificates
A. Preliminary certification is awarded to candidates who are not eligible for full
certification, but who have met specific criteria that qualify them to serve as
educators of record while completing all certification requirements. RIDE issues
the following six types of preliminary certificates: Alternate Route Preliminary
Certificate; Career and Technical Education Preliminary Certificate: Emergency
Preliminary Certificate; Expert Residency Preliminary Certificate; Expert
Residency- Shortages Preliminary Certificate; Temporary Initial Educator
Preliminary Certificate, and Visiting Lecturer Preliminary Certificate.
B. Most preliminary certificates will be issued for one year and share a common
expiration date that the Commissioner of Education shall recommend for
approval by the Council. All Preliminary Certificates can be renewed by meeting
applicable requirements, but satisfaction of renewal requirements does not
preclude an action to revoke a certificate pursuant to R.I. Gen. Laws § 16-11-4.
C. Generally, educators may not be assigned to positions out of their certification
areas. To minimize the use of Emergency Preliminary Certifications, employing
agencies should seek to fill positions through the use of the following preliminary
certificates: Alternate Route Preliminary Certificates, Career and Technical
Education Preliminary Certificates, Expert Residency Preliminary Certificates,
Expert Residency- Shortages Preliminary Certificates and Temporary Initial
Educator Preliminary Certificates. These Preliminary Certifications provide a
basis for identifying the most qualified personnel for these vacancies.
D. Employing agencies that hire educators working under a preliminary certificate
shall evaluate and provide meaningful support to these educators.
E. A person who holds a preliminary certificate is not “fully certified.” Employment
under the authority of a preliminary certificate does not constitute teaching
service for purposes of the teacher tenure probationary period.
1.8.7 Alternate Route Preliminary Certificate
A. The Alternate Route Preliminary Certificate is issued to individuals who are
enrolled in an approved Rhode Island Alternate Route Program, § 1.8.7 of this
Part, and who have been offered employment by a Rhode Island School district.
1. Duration
a. The Alternate Route Preliminary Certificate is valid for one (1) year.
2. Conditions for Issuance
a. The applicant for a certificate in a teaching area holds a bachelor’s
degree and the applicant for an administrative area (except for
School Business Administrator) or a support professional area
holds an advanced degree from an accredited institution;
b. The applicant for a certificate in a teaching area has passed all
subject matter testing requirements;
c. The applicant for a certificate in an administrative or support
professional area has passed all knowledge of field assessment
d. The applicant is enrolled in a Rhode Island approved educator
preparation program;
e. The applicant has successfully completed a pre-service field
experience as part of preparation;
f. An employing agency has offered the applicant employment and
the preparation program and the agency jointly request the
certificate; and
g. The certificate is valid only for the employing agency of the
3. Conditions for Renewal
a. The preparation program and the employing agency recommend
renewal based on the educator’s performance in the assignment
and progress in the preparation program.
b. The Alternate Route Preliminary Certificate can be renewed one (1)
4. Certification Areas
a. All teacher, administrator, and support professional areas are
1.8.8 Rhode Island Alternate Route Program Standards
A. Applicants can attain certification by completing a Rhode Island Approved
Program for Educator Certification that is designed to prepare individuals working
on an Alternate Route Preliminary Certificate. Alternate Route to Certification
Programs meet the following standards:
1. Purpose – In order to ensure that every child is served by well-prepared
educators in both professional expertise and content area knowledge, the
Rhode Island Department of Education may approve alternative educator
preparation programs. Programs may be designed to serve any of the
following purposes:
a. Meet the demand for qualified teachers in high need certification
areas Recruit teachers to staff schools in high need local education
agencies (LEAs).
b. Increase the number of qualified candidates from groups that are
underrepresented in the Rhode Island teaching force.
c. Provide rigorous, high quality preparation through an expedited
track to certification Attract highly motivated individuals who bring
subject matter expertise to the profession.
2. The following definitions apply to this section:
a. “Alternative educator preparation program” means a program that
provides preparation to educator candidates who serve as teachers
of record while completing the approved program. These programs
may be offered by an institution of higher education, a professional
organization or a private service provider.
b. “Teacher of record” means:
(1) Teachers that are responsible for content instruction and
determining student grades, or
(2) Administrators or other education service providers that
perform the functions allowed by their program certificate
3. Approval of program. To be approved by the Rhode Island Department of
Education an alternative educator preparation program must:
a. Meet the RI Program Approval (RIPA) Standards and participate in
regular program review as defined in the RIDE Teacher Preparation
Approval Guidelines. Notwithstanding language to the contrary
within RIPA, any reference to institutions of higher education or
colleges and universities shall be interpreted to include private
service providers and other professional organizations for the
purposes of this section.
b. Develop a partnership with one (1) LEA or consortium of LEAs that
demonstrates a commitment by the LEA(s) to hire and supervise
candidates as teachers of record while enrolled in an approved
alternative route to certification program.
c. Be designed and delivered in a way that is responsive to needs of
candidates and LEAs through a measurable system of assessment
as defined in RIPA.
d. Private service providers and other professional organizations do
not require accreditation by NEASC.
4. Program Components. The RIPA approval process and the standards
contained therein apply to both traditional and alternative educator
preparation programs. Alternative certification programs must design
program components that align to RIPA standards and must:
a. Ensure that candidates meet eligibility requirements for their
certificate area prior to entering an approved program
b. Include rigorous admission criteria that include:
(1) A minimum of a bachelor’s degree from an accredited
institution; and for secondary areas a major in, or closely
related to, the intended teaching field or demonstration of
content knowledge by meeting other Regents approved
content knowledge measures as they are developed and
contained in RI certification regulations;
(2) A minimum cumulative grade point average of “B” (3.00 on a
4.00 scale) in undergraduate studies; or in at least 24
semester hours of graduate study;
(3) Other admission criteria identified by the program to meet
Rhode Island Program Approval standards
c. Include the successful completion of an intensive pre-service
experience, of a minimum of five (5) weeks, that addresses the
unique needs of the certificate areas and prepares individuals to
begin serving as the educator of record, including, but not limited
to, instruction in grade-level appropriate pedagogy, classroom
management, and the statutes and regulations governing public
education and students’ rights. The pre-service experience must
also include opportunities for candidates to apply knowledge and
d. Include an on-going curriculum during the school year through
seminars or courses.
e. Require individuals working on an Alternative Route Preliminary
Certificate to serve as the teacher of record for a minimum of one
(1) school year.
f. Ensure on-going professional support and supervision of
candidates by educators who model effective practice and assume
responsibility for supporting prospective colleagues. Program and
district personnel, including but not limited to a district-assigned
mentor, consistent with Council standards for induction and
mentoring, must provide field-based support and supervision in
such a way that supports the development of prospective
educators. Ongoing feedback provided to candidates must focus on
improving candidate performance.
5. Certification:
a. Individuals in alternative route to certification programs will hold an
Alternative Route Preliminary Certificate that allows them to serve
as the teacher of record for at least one (1) school year.
b. Upon successful completion of all program requirements, state
testing requirements and recommendation for licensure, individuals
will be eligible for a Rhode Island initial educator certificate.
6. Highly qualified. Program participants will be considered “highly qualified”
in NCLB core content areas under NCLB-Highly Qualified Teacher while
working on the Alternative Route Preliminary Certificate if the program
meets NCLB requirements for alternative certification programs.
1.8.9 Career and Technical Education Preliminary Certificate (Changes Effective
A. The Career and Technical Education Preliminary Certificate is issued in a
specific career and technical education area of certification to individuals who
have demonstrated accomplished practice through an apprenticeship and
experience in the specific career and technical area and who have passed a
written and practical exam in the career and technical field, when applicable.
1. Total duration of certificate - seven years.
2. The Career and Technical Education Preliminary Certificate is valid for
three (3) years and may be renewed one time for four (4) years.
Conditions for Issuance:
a. The applicant holds a high school diploma or a high school
equivalency diploma;
b. The applicant must have five (5) years of work experience in the
career and technical area if he or she holds high school diploma.
c. The applicant must have three (3) years of work experience in the
specific career and technical area if the applicant holds and
associate's or bachelor's degree in the career and technical area;
d. If applicable, the applicant holds a valid occupational
license/certification in the career and technical area issued by the
appropriate Rhode Island governing body;
e. The employing agency must provide induction support for all new
Career and Technical Educators working under this certificate.
3. Conditions for Renewal
a. The applicant is enrolled in a preparation program prior to renewal
and must demonstrate progress in the preparation program at the
time of renewal.
b. The preparation program and the employing agency recommend
renewal based on the educator’s performance in the job and
progress in the program.
c. The applicant has passed a written practical exam in the career and
technical area when available and applicable. Applicants who hold
advanced industry licenses issued by the appropriate Rhode Island
governing body or advanced industry certificates are not required to
complete subject matter testing.
d. If a bachelor's degree or work experience was completed more
than ten (10) years prior to the date of application, subject matter
testing will be required, even if it otherwise would not have been
4. Certification Areas
a. All Secondary Grades Career and Technical Education areas are
1.8.10 Emergency Preliminary Certificate
A. The Emergency Route Preliminary Certificate is issued at the request of an
employing agency when the agency documents that it has not been able to find a
candidate who is certified and qualified for a position that requires certification.
The Emergency Preliminary Certificate is issued to an individual who has
adequate content or knowledge of field preparation to fill the position while
working towards the completion of requirements for full certification.
1. Duration
a. The Emergency Route Preliminary Certificate is valid for one (1)
2. Conditions for Issuance
a. The applicant for a certificate in a teaching area holds a bachelor’s
degree, if applicable, and the applicant for an administrative area
(except for School Business Administrator) or a support
professional area holds an advanced degree from an accredited
b. The applicant for an emergency preliminary certificate in a teaching
field has sufficient subject matter preparation to teach in the field
but has not demonstrated the level of knowledge through the
content assessment and the applicant for an emergency
preliminary certificate in an administrative or support professional
field has sufficient knowledge of the field to serve in the assignment
but has not demonstrated the level of knowledge through the
knowledge of field assessment;
c. The employing agency can request an emergency preliminary
certificate beginning on July 1 prior to a school year and requests
for renewal can be made in June of the following year;
d. The agency demonstrates that they have advertised the position
and made efforts to identify and recruit applicants but were unable
to find a candidate who is certified and qualified; and
e. The certificate is valid only in the requesting agency.
3. Conditions for Renewal
a. For teaching areas the applicant has passed the subject matter test
prior to first renewal.
b. For administrative and support professional areas the applicant has
passed the knowledge of field test prior to first renewal.
c. The applicant has enrolled in a preparation program if there is an
approved Rhode Island program or has developed a credential
development plan if there is not an approved Rhode Island program
prior to first renewal.
d. The preparation program and the employing agency recommend
renewal based on the educator’s performance and progress.
Beginning with the second renewal, progress in the preparation
program must be demonstrated. If there is no approved Rhode
Island preparation program, the applicant must demonstrate
progress towards the completion of the credential development
e. The Emergency Route Preliminary Certificate can be renewed up to
three times. When appropriate, the educator shall be issued an
Expert Residency Preliminary Certificate instead of a renewal of an
Emergency Preliminary Certificate.
4. Certification Areas
a. All teacher, administrator, and support professional areas are
5. Additional Requirements
a. An Emergency Preliminary Certificate can only be issued for the
Support Professional Area of Speech Language Pathologist to an
individual who holds a bachelor’s degree in communicative
disorders from an accredited college or university and has
successfully completed no less than eighteen hours of graduate
credit in the area of speech language pathology. Districts must
assure that the individual is under the direct supervision of a
certified speech language pathologist who is supervising no more
than one person on an emergency certificate.
1.8.11 Expert Residency Preliminary Certificate
A. The Expert Residency Preliminary Certificate is issued to individuals who have a
bachelor’s degree, demonstrate subject matter proficiency through content
examinations, and have met other coursework or experience requirements
specific to individual certification areas.
1. Duration
a. The Expert Residency Preliminary Certificate is valid for one (1)
2. Conditions for Issuance
a. The applicant for a certificate in a teaching area holds a bachelor’s
degree and the applicant for an administrative area (except for
School Business Administrator) or for a support professional area
holds an advanced degree from an approved institution;
b. The applicant has passed all subject matter assessment
requirements in teaching certification areas;
c. The applicant has passed all knowledge of field assessment
requirements in administrative certification areas; and
d. The applicant has provided evidence of meeting any other
preparation required for specific certification areas as specified in §
1.8.11(A)(5) of this Part.
3. Conditions for Renewal
a. The applicant has enrolled in a preparation program if there is an
approved Rhode Island program or developed a credential
development plan if there is not an approved Rhode Island program
prior to first renewal.
b. The preparation program and the employing agency recommend
renewal based on the educator’s performance and progress.
Beginning with the second renewal, progress in the preparation
program must be demonstrated. If there is no approved Rhode
Island preparation program, the applicant must demonstrate
progress towards the completion of the credential development
c. The Expert Residency Preliminary Certificate can be renewed up to
three (3) times.
4. Certification Areas
a. All teacher areas, all administrator areas, and specialist/consultant
areas of support professional certification areas are included.
5. Additional Requirements
a. An applicant for an Expert Residency Preliminary Certificate in
Early Childhood Education or Elementary Education has passed
the pedagogy assessment, has completed seminars or coursework
in the teaching of reading, English language arts, and mathematics
and in teaching students with disabilities.
b. An applicant for an Expert Residency Preliminary Certificate in any
Middle Level Education (independent of an Elementary Education
or Secondary Grades certificate), Secondary Grades, or All Grades
subject matter area, has a major or equivalent in the content field or
in a closely related field.
c. An applicant for an Expert Residency Preliminary Certificate in
Middle Level Education (added on to an Elementary Education
certificate) has demonstrated meeting the content competencies
with a minimum of twenty-one (21) semester hours in the content
d. An applicant for an Expert Residency Preliminary Certificate in
English as a Second Language holds a general education
certificate for Early Childhood, Elementary Education, Middle
Grades Education, Secondary Grades Education, or All Grades
Education and has met assessment requirements for teaching
English as a Second Language.
e. An applicant for an Expert Residency Preliminary Certificate in
Bilingual and Dual Language Education holds a general education
certificate for Early Childhood, Elementary Education, Middle
Grades Education, Secondary Grades Education, or All Grades
Education and has met assessment requirements for teaching
English as a Second Language and demonstrated proficiency in the
second language of instruction.
f. An applicant for an Expert Residency Preliminary Certificate in
Special Education holds a general education certificate for Early
Childhood, Elementary Education, Middle Grades Education, or
Secondary Grades Education and has met assessment
requirements for teaching Special Education.
g. An applicant for an Expert Residency Preliminary Certificate in
Special Education-Deaf and Hard of Hearing holds a general
education certificate for Early Childhood, Elementary Education,
Middle Grades Education, or Secondary Grades Education and has
met assessment requirements for teaching in this field and has
demonstrated competency in American Sign Language.
h. An applicant for an Expert Residency Preliminary Certificate in
Special Education-Severe Intellectual Disability holds a general
education certificate for Early Childhood, Elementary Education,
Middle Grades Education, or Secondary Grades Education and has
met assessment requirements for teaching in this field.
i. An applicant for an Expert Residency Preliminary Certificate in
Special Education-Visually Impaired holds a general education
certificate for Early Childhood, Elementary Education, Middle
Grades Education, or Secondary Grades Education and has met
assessment requirements for teaching in this field and has
demonstrated competency in reading and writing Braille.
j. An applicant for an Expert Residency Preliminary Certificate in
Building Level Administrator has met all knowledge of field testing
requirements and has three (3) years of educational experience.
k. An applicant for an Expert Residency Preliminary Certificate in
District Level Administrator- Curriculum, Instruction and
Assessment holds a certificate as a building level administrator and
has met all knowledge of field testing requirements.
l. An applicant for an Expert Residency Preliminary Certificate in
District Level Administrator- Special Education holds a certificate as
a building level administrator, has met all knowledge of field testing
requirements, and has three (3) years of educational experience in
special education.
m. An applicant for an Expert Residency Preliminary Certificate in
School Business Administrator has at least three (3) years of
significant experience as a business administrator in a non-
education context with responsibility in at least two of the following
five (5) areas: financial resource management, human resource
management, facility management, property acquisition and
management, and information management.
n. An applicant for an Expert Residency Preliminary Certificate in
Superintendent of Schools has met all knowledge of field testing
requirements and at least three (3) years of significant experience
as a building administrator or significant leadership in a non-
educational context.
o. An applicant for an Expert Residency Preliminary Certificate in
English as a Second Language Specialist/Consultant has met all
knowledge of field testing requirements and has three (3) years
teaching experience.
p. An applicant for an Expert Residency Preliminary Certificate in
Mathematics Specialist/Consultant has met all knowledge of field
testing requirements and has three (3) years teaching experience.
q. An applicant for an Expert Residency Preliminary Certificate in
Reading Specialist/Consultant has met all knowledge of field testing
requirements and has three (3) years teaching experience.
1.8.12 Expert Residency- Shortages Preliminary Certificate -
A. Beginning June 1, 2019, the Expert Residency- Shortages Preliminary Certificate
is issued to individuals who hold a bachelor's degree and have demonstrated
subject matter competency in the shortage area.
1. Duration
a. The Expert Residency- Shortages is valid for three (3) years and
may be renewed one (1) time for four (4) years.
2. Conditions for Issuance
a. The applicant holds a bachelor's degree from a regionally
accredited institution with a minimum GPA of 2.75;
b. The applicant has met subject matter assessment requirements in
the requested area(s);
c. The applicant has provided evidence of meeting the additional
certificate requirements for specific certification areas;
d. The applicant provides evidence that the employing agency is
requesting issuance on behalf of the applicant; and
e. The applicant provides evidence that induction coaching that
includes support for planning, observation and feedback for a
minimum of ninety hours will be provided by the employing agency.
f. The certificate is valid only in the requesting employing agency.
3. Conditions for Renewal
a. The applicant is enrolled in a preparation program prior to renewal
or has an approved credential review plan if no approved program
is available and must demonstrate progress in the preparation
program at the time of renewal;
b. The preparation program and the employing agency recommend
renewal based on the educator's performance in the assignment
and progress in the preparation program;
c. The applicant must provide evidence of successful participation in
an induction program during the first three (3) years of employment;
d. The applicant has any passed required pedagogy assessments;
e. The applicant has received evaluations ratings of Effective or
Highly Effective for two (2) of the three (3) years of employment;
f. The applicant provides evidence that the employing agency agrees
to continue annual evaluation during the four (4) year renewal
period and ensures a professional growth plan is in effect focused
in areas of growth and improvement.
g. The applicant is eligible for full certification only at the completion of
seven (7) years of employment in the requesting district and
successful completion of all requirements for full certification.
4. Certification Areas
a. RIDE will identify shortage areas at least every five (5) years and
seek the approval of the Council for these identified areas.
Potential shortage areas will be identified based on national trends
in annual federal loan forgiveness, local trends in high needs areas
as well as local areas of Cultural Competence and School Business
b. Requirements for dependent certificates apply to the Expert
Residency-Shortages Preliminary Certificate.
c. RIDE will seek approval from the Council prior to the
implementation of the Expert Residency Cultural Competence
Shortages Certificate.
5. Additional Certificate Requirements
a. For all teacher certificate areas, the applicant must meet subject
matter assessment requirements
b. For the area of cultural competence, the applicant must provide
evidence that the employing agency conducted a recruitment and
hiring process ensuring the applicant's dispositions for success and
cultural competence.
c. For School Business Administrator, the applicant must hold a
bachelor's degree or advanced degree from an accredited
institution in business administration, finance or a related field.
1.8.13 Temporary Initial Educator Preliminary Certificate
A. A Temporary Initial Educator Preliminary Certificate is issued to an individual who
has completed an approved educator preparation program in another state or
who is certified in another state and is seeking certification in Rhode Island
through reciprocity.
B. To be awarded the Temporary Initial Educator Preliminary Certificate the
individual must meet all of the requirements for the Initial Educator Certificate
except for assessment requirements, including content, knowledge of field, and
pedagogy assessment requirements. If the individual was prepared at an
institution where the language of instruction was not English, then the individual
must also meet the English Language Competency testing requirements.
1. Duration
a. The Temporary Initial Educator Preliminary Certificate is valid for
one (1) year.
2. Conditions for Issuance
a. RIDE may issue a Temporary Initial Educator Preliminary
Certificate if an applicant has completed an approved preparation
program or is certified in another state and meets the preparation
and eligibility requirements for an Initial Educator Certificate but has
not taken Rhode Island required assessments and presented
evidence of passing scores.
b. Once the applicant has met the requirements for the Initial Educator
Certificate, submitted evidence of meeting the assessment
requirement(s), and submitted payment of the fee for the Initial
Educator Certificate, the certificate will be issued retroactive to the
date of the issuance of the Temporary Initial Educator Preliminary
c. An applicant can only receive a Temporary Initial Educator
Preliminary Certificate once.
3. Conditions for Renewal
a. This certificate is not renewable.
4. Certification Areas
a. All teacher areas, all administrator areas, and all support
professional areas are included.
1.8.14 Visiting Lecturer Preliminary Certificate
A. The Visiting Lecturer Preliminary Certificate is issued at the request of an
employing agency to individuals with distinctive qualifications and therefore a
unique capacity to enhance educational programs in districts.
1. Duration
a. The Visiting Lecturer Preliminary Certificate is valid for one (1) year.
2. Conditions for Issuance
a. The applicant holds unique qualifications that supplement school
and district programs;
b. An employing agency has offered the applicant employment;
c. The agency has developed a program of support to assist the
lecturer with academic and classroom support and an assurance of
regular observation, guidance, and evaluation of the performance
of assigned duties; and
d. The certificate is valid only in the requesting agency.
3. Conditions for Renewal
a. The employing agency recommends renewal based on the
educator’s performance.
b. The certificate can be renewed annually.
4. Certification Areas
a. All Secondary Grade and All Grade teacher certification areas are
1.8.15 Endorsements
Beginning on June 1, 2019, endorsements may be added to existing certificates
in recognition of expanded or specialty area expertise. RIDE does not require
specific endorsements for assignment in public schools but LEAs may. Renewal
requirements do not apply to endorsements. RIDE will designate endorsement
areas and will publish competencies for the issuance of endorsements. RIDE will
seek approval from the Council prior to the implementation of new endorsement
1.8.16 Special Provisional Certificate
A. Beginning January 1, 2020, the Special Provisional Certificate may be issued to
any certified educator holding an Initial, Professional or Advanced Educator
Certificate who has not met the required professional learning units.
1. Duration
a. The Special Provisional Certificate is valid for one (1) year and is
2. Conditions for Issuance
a. The Special Provisional Certificate may be issued to an educator
holding an Initial, Professional or Advanced Educator certificate
when professional learning renewal requirements have not been
b. The Special Provisional Certificate may only be issued once in an
educator's career in Rhode Island.
3. Conditions for Renewal
a. The Special Provisional Certificate is not renewable.
b. Upon submission of required professional learning units at the
expiration of the Special Provisional Certificate, the remaining time
will be issued on the educator's full certificates. Failure to submit
required professional learning units will result in the expiration of all
1.9 Teacher Certificate Areas
Teacher certification is offered in subject matter areas and for limited grade
ranges that qualify the teacher for specific assignments in Rhode Island public
schools. Certification in most teaching areas requires: a bachelor’s degree;
completion of an approved teacher preparation program that assures completers
demonstrate pedagogical competencies of the Rhode Island Professional
Teaching Standards and content competencies prescribed by the appropriate
professional association; field experience that includes a minimum of one (1)
year practical residency or equivalent clinical time for the first certification area
and other field requirements for the certification area; a minimum of sixty (60)
hours of field experience prior to or following the practical residency and passing
scores on pedagogy and subject matter testing required for the certification area.
Beginning June 1, 2019, a certified teacher may be employed for a maximum of
twenty percent of his/her time in a teacher certificate area and/or at a grade level
for which he/she does not hold a certificate, provided there is evidence of
competence in the subject matter and the Superintendent and teacher mutually
agree to the assignment. Superintendents must obtain a waiver from the
Commissioner and notify the local educator union prior to requesting the waiver.
Waivers will not be approved if the Commissioner finds the LEA is attempting to
use this flexibility to avoid filling full-time positions.
1.9.1 Early Childhood Teacher Certificates
A. Early Childhood Education Teacher, Grades PK-2
1. Validity of Certificate:
a. This certificate is valid for assignment as an Early Childhood
Education Teacher in Grades PK-2 in Rhode Island Public Schools.
2. Requirements:
a. Has completed an approved program in this certification area;
b. Holds a bachelor’s degree from an approved institution;
c. Has completed a minimum of one-year practical residency or the
equivalent in this certification area and a minimum of sixty (60)
hours field experience prior to or following residency;
d. Has demonstrated the pedagogical competencies of the Rhode
Island Professional Teaching Standards (RIPTS);
e. Has demonstrated content and pedagogical competencies as
prescribed by the appropriate, RIDE approved national professional
f. Has demonstrated a deep understanding of applicable student
standards and proficiency in designing and implementing
standards-based instruction and assessment; and
g. Has met all pedagogy and subject matter testing requirements for
this certification area.
B. Early Childhood Special Education Teacher, Birth through Grade 2
1. Validity of Certificate:
a. This certificate is valid for assignment as an Early Childhood
Special Education Teacher from Birth to Grade 2 in Rhode Island
Public Schools.
2. Requirements:
a. Holds certification in Early Childhood Education;
b. Has completed an approved program in this certification area;
c. Holds a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution;
d. Has completed a minimum of one-year practical residency or the
equivalent in this area and a minimum of sixty (60) hours field
experience prior to or following residency;
e. Has demonstrated content and pedagogical competencies as
prescribed by the appropriate and RIDE approved national
professional associations;
f. Has demonstrated a deep understanding of applicable student
standards and proficiency in designing and implementing
standards-based instruction and assessment; and
g. Has met all pedagogy and subject matter testing requirements for
this certification area.
C. Early Childhood Bilingual and Dual Language Education Teacher, Grades PK-2
1. Validity of Certificate:
a. This certificate is valid for assignment as an Early Childhood
Bilingual and Dual Language Education Teacher in Grades PK-2 in
Rhode Island Public Schools.
2. Requirements:
a. Holds certification in Early Childhood Education;
b. Has completed an approved program in this certification area;
c. Holds a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution;
d. Has completed a minimum of forty-five (45) hours of practicum in
this area;
e. Has demonstrated content and pedagogical competencies as
prescribed by the appropriate and RIDE approved national
professional associations;
f. Has demonstrated a deep understanding of applicable student
standards and proficiency in designing and implementing
standards-based instruction and assessment;
g. Has met all pedagogy and subject matter testing requirements for
this certification area; and
h. Has demonstrated proficiency in the first and second languages of
3. Beginning June 1, 2019, individuals who hold this certificate may obtain
English to Speakers of Other Languages certification by demonstrating
English proficiency and completing coursework in First and Second
Language Acquisition, English Linguistics and Curriculum, Assessment
and Methods for English Learners. The Council will review this pathway
every five (5) years for continuing approval.
D. Early Childhood English to Speakers of Other Languages Teacher, Grades PK- 2
1. Validity of Certificate:
a. This certificate is valid for assignment as an Early Childhood
English as a Second Language Education Teacher in Grades PK-2
in Rhode Island Public Schools. Educators who hold this certificate
may also teach in English in dual language programs.
b. Beginning June 1, 2019, individuals who have previously taught for
less than two years in a dual language program must complete
professional learning in the foundations and implementation of dual
language programming as part of their accumulation of professional
learning units (PLUs) for certification renewal. The Council will
review this pathway every five (5) years for continuing approval.
2. Requirements:
a. Holds certification in Early Childhood Education;
b. Has completed an approved program in this certification area;
c. Holds a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution;
d. Has completed a minimum of forty-five (45) hours of practicum in
this area;
e. Has demonstrated content and pedagogical competencies as
prescribed by the appropriate and RIDE approved national
professional associations;
f. Has demonstrated a deep understanding of applicable student
standards and proficiency in designing and implementing
standards-based instruction and assessment; and
g. Has met all pedagogy and subject matter testing requirements for
this certification area.
1.9.2 Elementary Teacher Certificates
A. Elementary Education Teacher, Grades 1-6
1. Validity of Certificate:
a. This certificate is valid for assignment as an Elementary Education
Teacher in Grades 1-6 in Rhode Island Public Schools.
2. Requirements:
a. Has completed an approved program in this certification area;
b. Holds a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution;
c. Has completed a minimum of one-year practical residency or the
equivalent in this area and a minimum of sixty (60) hours field
experience prior to or following residency;
d. Has demonstrated the pedagogical competencies of the Rhode
Island Professional Teaching Standards (RIPTS);
e. Has demonstrated content and pedagogical competencies as
prescribed by the appropriate and RIDE approved national
professional associations;
f. Has demonstrated a deep understanding of applicable student
standards and proficiency in designing and implementing
standards-based instruction and assessment; and
g. Has met all pedagogy and subject matter testing requirements for
this certification area.
B. Elementary Special Education Teacher, Grades 1-6
1. Validity of Certificate:
a. This certificate is valid for assignment as an Elementary Special
Education Teacher in Grades 1-6 in Rhode Island Public Schools.
2. Requirements:
a. Holds certification in Elementary Education;
b. Has completed an approved program in this certification area;
c. Holds a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution;
d. Has completed a minimum of one-year practical residency or the
equivalent in this area and a minimum of sixty (60) hours field
experience prior to or following residency;
e. Has demonstrated content and pedagogical competencies as
prescribed by the appropriate and RIDE approved national
professional associations;
f. Has demonstrated a deep understanding of applicable student
standards and proficiency in designing and implementing
standards-based instruction and assessment; and
g. Has met all pedagogy and subject matter testing requirements for
this certification area.
C. Elementary Bilingual and Dual Language Education Teacher, Grades 1-6
1. Validity of Certificate:
a. This certificate is valid for assignment as an Elementary Bilingual
and Dual Language Education Teacher in Grades 1-6 in Rhode
Island Public Schools.
2. Requirements:
a. Holds certification in Elementary Education;
b. Has completed an approved program in this certification area;
c. Holds a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution;
d. Has completed a minimum of forty-five (45) hours of practicum in
this area;
e. Has demonstrated content and pedagogical competencies as
prescribed by the appropriate and RIDE approved national
professional associations;
f. Has demonstrated a deep understanding of applicable student
standards and proficiency in designing and implementing
standards-based instruction and assessment;
g. Has met all pedagogy and subject matter testing requirements for
this certification area; and
h. Has demonstrated proficiency in the first and second language of
3. Beginning June 1, 2019, individuals who hold this certificate may obtain
English to Speakers of Other Languages certification by demonstrating
English proficiency and completing coursework in First and Second
Language Acquisition, English Linguistics and Curriculum, Assessment
and Methods for English Learners. The Council will review this pathway
every five (5) years for continuing approval.
D. Elementary English to Speakers of Other Languages as a Second Language
Education Teacher, Grades 1-6
1. Validity of Certificate:
a. This certificate is valid for assignment as an Elementary English as
a Second Language Education Teacher in Grades 1-6 in Rhode
Island Public Schools. Educators who hold this certificate may also
teach in English in dual language programs.
b. Beginning June 1, 2019, individuals who have previously taught for
less than two years in a dual language program must complete
professional learning in the foundations and implementation of dual
language programming as part of their accumulation of professional
learning units (PLUs) for certification renewal. The Council will
review this pathway every five (5) years for continuing approval.
2. Requirements:
a. Holds certification in Elementary Education;
b. Has completed an approved program in this certification area;
c. Holds a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution;
d. Has completed a minimum of forty-five (45) hours of practicum in
this area;
e. Has demonstrated content and pedagogical competencies as
prescribed by the appropriate and RIDE approved national
professional associations;
f. Has demonstrated a deep understanding of applicable student
standards and proficiency in designing and implementing
standards-based instruction and assessment; and
g. Has met all pedagogy and subject matter testing requirements for
this certification area.
1.9.3 Middle Grades Teacher Certificates
A. Educators can attain Middle Grades Certification in the following three ways:
1. Option 1. Earn a Middle Grades English, Mathematics, Science, or Social
Studies Certificate, independent of any other certificate;
2. Option 2. Extend an Elementary Education Teacher Certificate; or
3. Option 3. Extend a Secondary Grades Biology, Chemistry, English,
General Science, Mathematics, Physics or Social Studies certificate.
B. Middle Grades English Teacher, Grades 5-8
1. Validity of Certificate:
a. This certificate is valid for assignment as a Middle Grades English
Teacher in Grades 5-8 in Rhode Island Public Schools.
2. Requirements:
a. Option One: Middle Grades English Teacher Certification
(1) Has completed an approved program in this certification
(2) Holds a bachelor’s degree from an approved institution;
(3) Has completed a minimum of one-year practical residency or
the equivalent in this area and a minimum of sixty (60) hours
field experience prior to or following residency;
(4) Has demonstrated the pedagogical competencies of the
Rhode Island Professional Teaching Standards (RIPTS);
(5) Has demonstrated content and pedagogical competencies
as prescribed by appropriate and RIDE approved national
professional associations;
(6) Has demonstrated a deep understanding of applicable
student standards and proficiency in designing and
implementing standards-based instruction and assessment;
(7) Has met all pedagogy and subject matter testing
requirements for this certification area.
b. Option Two: Middle Grades English Teacher Certification as an
extension of an Elementary Education Certificate
(1) Has completed an approved program in this certification
(2) Holds a bachelor’s degree from an approved institution;
(3) Holds certification in Elementary Education;
(4) Has completed a minimum of forty-five (45) hours of
practicum in this certification area;
(5) Has demonstrated content and pedagogical competencies
as prescribed by the appropriate and RIDE approved
national professional associations with a minimum of twenty-
one (21) semester hours of coursework in English;
(6) Has demonstrated a deep understanding of applicable
student standards and proficiency in designing and
implementing standards-based instruction and assessment;
(7) Has met all subject matter testing requirements for this
certification area.
c. Option Three: Middle Grades English Teacher Certification as an
extension of a Secondary Grades English Teacher
(1) Has completed an approved program in this certification
(2) Holds a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited
(3) Holds certification in Secondary Grades English;
(4) Has completed a minimum of forty-five (45) hours of
practicum in this certification area;
(5) Has demonstrated the appropriate RIDE approved national
associations pedagogical and content competencies; and
(6) Has demonstrated a deep understanding of applicable
student standards and proficiency in designing and
implementing standards-based instruction and assessment.
C. Middle Grades Mathematics Teacher, Grades 5-8
1. Validity of Certificate:
a. This certificate is valid for assignment as a Middle Grades
Mathematics Teacher in Grades 5-8 in Rhode Island Public
2. Requirements:
a. Option One: Middle Grades Mathematics Teacher Certification
(1) Has completed an approved program in this certification
(2) Holds a bachelor’s degree from an approved institution;
(3) Has completed a minimum of one-year practical residency or
the equivalent in this area and a minimum of sixty (60) hours
field experience prior to or following residency;
(4) Has demonstrated the pedagogical competencies of the
Rhode Island Professional Teaching Standards (RIPTS);
(5) Has demonstrated pedagogical and content competencies
as prescribed by the appropriate and RIDE approved
national associations
(6) Has demonstrated a deep understanding of applicable
student standards and proficiency in designing and
implementing standards-based instruction and assessment;
(7) Has met all pedagogy and subject matter testing
requirements for this certification area.
b. Option Two: Middle Grades Mathematics Teacher Certification as
an extension of an Elementary Education Certificate
(1) Has completed an approved program in this certification
(2) Holds a bachelor’s degree from an approved institution;
(3) Holds certification in Elementary Education;
(4) Has completed a minimum of forty-five (45) hours of
practicum in this certification area;
(5) Has demonstrated content and pedagogical competencies
as prescribed by the appropriate and RIDE approved
national associations with a minimum of twenty-one (21)
semester hours of coursework in mathematics;
(6) Has demonstrated a deep understanding of applicable
student standards and proficiency in designing and
implementing standards-based instruction and assessment;
(7) Has met all subject matter testing requirements for this
certification area.
c. Option Three: Middle Grades Mathematics Teacher Certification as
an extension of a Secondary Grades Mathematics Teacher
(1) Has completed an approved program in this certification
(2) Holds a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited
(3) Holds certification in Secondary Grades Mathematics;
(4) Has completed a minimum of forty-five (45) hours of
practicum in this certification area;
(5) Has demonstrated the content and pedagogical
competencies as prescribed by the appropriate and RIDE
approved national professional associations; and
(6) Has demonstrated a deep understanding of applicable
student standards and proficiency in designing and
implementing standards-based instruction and assessment.
D. Middle Grades Science Teacher, Grades 5-8
1. Validity of Certificate:
a. This certificate is valid for assignment as a Middle Grades Science
Teacher in Grades 5-8 in Rhode Island Public Schools.
2. Requirements:
a. Option One: Middle Grades Science Teacher Certification
(1) Has completed an approved program in this certification
(2) Holds a bachelor’s degree from an approved institution;
(3) Has completed a minimum of one-year practical residency or
the equivalent in this area and a minimum of sixty (60) hours
field experience prior to and following residency;
(4) Has demonstrated the pedagogical competencies of the
Rhode Island Professional Teaching Standards (RIPTS);
(5) Has demonstrated content and pedagogical competencies
as prescribed by the appropriate and RIDE approved
national professional associations;
(6) Has demonstrated a deep understanding of applicable
student standards and proficiency in designing and
implementing standards-based instruction and assessment;
(7) Has met all pedagogy and subject matter testing
requirements for this certification area.
b. Option Two: Middle Grades Science Teacher Certification as an
extension of an Elementary Education Certificate
(1) Has completed an approved program in this certification
(2) Holds a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited
(3) Holds certification in Elementary Education;
(4) Has completed a minimum of forty-five (45) hours of
practicum in this certification area;
(5) Has demonstrated content and pedagogical competencies
as prescribed by the appropriate and RIDE approved
national professional associations with a minimum of twenty-
one (21) semester hours of coursework in Science;
(6) Has demonstrated a deep understanding of applicable
student standards and proficiency in designing and
implementing standards-based instruction and assessment;
(7) Has met all subject matter testing requirements for this
certification area.
c. Option Three: Middle Grades Science Teacher Certification as an
extension of a Secondary Grades Biology, Chemistry, General
Science, or Physics Teacher
(1) Has completed an approved program in this certification
(2) Holds a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited
(3) Holds certification in Secondary Grades Biology, Chemistry,
General Science, or Physics;
(4) Has completed a minimum of forty-five (45) hours of
practicum in this certification area; and
(5) Has demonstrated the content and pedagogical
competencies as prescribed by the appropriate and RIDE
approved national professional associations; and
(6) Has demonstrated a deep understanding of applicable
student standards and proficiency in designing and
implementing standards-based instruction and assessment.
E. Middle Grades Social Studies Teacher, Grades 5-8
1. Validity of Certificate:
a. This certificate is valid for assignment as a Middle Grades Social
Studies Teacher in Grades 5-8 in Rhode Island Public Schools.
2. Requirements:
a. Option One: Middle Grades Social Studies Teacher Certification
(1) Has completed an approved program in this certification
(2) Holds a bachelor’s degree from an approved institution;
(3) Has completed a minimum of one-year practical residency or
the equivalent in this area and a minimum of sixty (60) hours
field experience prior to or following residency;
(4) Has demonstrated the pedagogical competencies of the
Rhode Island Professional Teaching Standards (RIPTS);
(5) Has demonstrated content and pedagogical competencies
as prescribed by the appropriate and RIDE approved
national professional associations;
(6) Has demonstrated a deep understanding of applicable
student standards and proficiency in designing and
implementing standards-based instruction and assessment;
(7) Has met all pedagogy and subject matter testing
requirements for this certification area.
b. Option Two: Middle Grades Social Studies Teacher Certification as
an extension of an Elementary Education Certificate
(1) Has completed an approved program in this certification
(2) Holds a bachelor’s degree from an approved institution
(3) Holds certification in Elementary Education;
(4) Has completed a minimum of forty-five (45) hours of
practicum in this certification area;
(5) Has demonstrated content and pedagogical competencies
as prescribed by the appropriate and RIDE approved
national professional associations with a minimum of twenty-
one (21) semester hours of coursework in Social Studies;
(6) Has demonstrated a deep understanding of applicable
student standards and proficiency in designing and
implementing standards-based instruction and assessment;
(7) Has met all subject matter testing requirements for this
certification area.
c. Option Three: Middle Grades Social Studies Certification as an
extension of a Secondary Grades Social Studies Teacher
(1) Has completed an approved program in this certification
(2) Holds a bachelor’s degree from an approved institution;
(3) Holds certification in Secondary Grades Social Studies;
(4) Has completed a minimum of forty-five (45) hours of
practicum in this certification area; and
(5) Has demonstrated the content and pedagogical
competencies as prescribed by the appropriate and RIDE
approved national associations; and
(6) Has demonstrated a deep understanding of applicable
student standards and proficiency in designing and
implementing standards-based instruction and assessment
F. Middle Grades Special Education Teacher, Grades 5-8
1. Validity of Certificate:
a. This certificate is valid for assignment as a Middle Grades Special
Education Teacher in Grades 5-8 in Rhode Island Public Schools.
(1) Educators who hold certification in Elementary Education,
Elementary Special Education, and Middle Grades
Education in a content field are also eligible for assignment
as a Middle Grades Special Education Teacher in Grades 5-
8 in Rhode Island Public Schools without adding the specific
Middle Grades Special Education Teacher Grades 5-8
certification area.
(2) Educators who hold certification in Secondary Grades
certification in a content field, Secondary Special Education,
and Middle Grades Education in a content field are also
eligible for assignment as a Middle Grades Special
Education Teacher in Grades 5-8 in Rhode Island Public
Schools without adding the specific Middle Grades Special
Education Teacher Grades 5-8 certification area.
2. Requirements:
a. Holds certification in Middle Grades English, Mathematics, Science
or Social Studies;
b. Has completed an approved program in special education;
c. Holds a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution;
d. Has completed a minimum of one-year practical residency or the
equivalent in this area and a minimum of sixty (60) hours field
experience prior to or following residency;
e. Has demonstrated content and pedagogical competencies as
prescribed by the appropriate and RIDE approved national
professional associations;
f. Has demonstrated a deep understanding of applicable student
standards and proficiency in designing and implementing
standards-based instruction and assessment; and
g. Has met all pedagogy and subject matter testing requirements for
this certification area.
G. Middle Grades Bilingual and Dual Language Education Teacher, Grades 5-8
1. Validity of Certificate:
a. This certificate is valid for assignment as a Middle Grades Bilingual
and Dual Language Education Teacher in Grades 5-8 in Rhode
Island Public Schools.
(1) Educators who hold certification in Elementary Education,
Elementary Bilingual and Dual Language Education, and
Middle Grades Education in a content field are also eligible
for assignment as a Middle Grades Bilingual and Dual
Language Education Teacher in Grades 5- 8 in Rhode Island
Public Schools without adding the specific Middle Grades
Bilingual and Dual Language Education Teacher Grades 5-8
certification area.
(2) Educators who hold certification in Secondary Grades
certification in a content field, Secondary Bilingual and Dual
Language Education, and Middle Grades Education in a
content field are also eligible for assignment as a Middle
Grades Bilingual and Dual Language Education Teacher in
Grades 5-8 in Rhode Island Public Schools without adding
the specific Middle Grades Bilingual and Dual Language
Education Teacher Grades 5-8 certification area.
2. Requirements:
a. Holds certification in Middle Grades English, Mathematics, Science
or Social Studies;
b. Has completed an approved program in this certification area;
c. Holds a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution;
d. Has completed a minimum of forty-five (45) hours of practicum in
this area;
e. Has demonstrated content and pedagogical competencies as
prescribed by the appropriate and RIDE approved national
professional associations;
f. Has demonstrated a deep understanding of applicable student
standards and proficiency in designing and implementing
standards-based instruction and assessment;
g. Has met all pedagogy and subject matter testing requirements for
this certification area; and
h. Has demonstrated proficiency in the first and second language of
3. Beginning June 1, 2019, individuals who hold this certificate may obtain
English to Speakers of Other Languages certification by demonstrating
English proficiency and completing coursework in First and Second
Language Acquisition, English Linguistics and Curriculum, Assessment
and Methods for English Learners. The Council will review this pathway
every five (5) years for continuing approval.
H. Middle Grades English to Speakers of Other Languages Teacher, Grades 5-8
1. Validity of Certificate:
a. This certificate is valid for assignment as a Middle Grades English
as a Second Language Education Teacher in Grades 5-8 in Rhode
Island Public Schools. Educators who hold this certificate may also
teach in English in dual language programs.
b. Beginning, June 1, 2019, individuals who have previously taught for
less than two years in a dual language program must complete
professional learning in the foundations and implementation of dual
language programming as part of their accumulation of professional
learning units (PLUs) for certification renewal. The Council will
review this pathway every five (5) years for continuing approval.
c. Educators who hold certification in Elementary Education,
Elementary English as a Second Language Education, and Middle
Grades Education in a content field are also eligible for assignment
as a Middle Grades English as a Second Language Education
Teacher in Grades 5-8 in Rhode Island Public Schools without
adding the specific Middle Grades English as a Second Language
Education Teacher Grades 5-8 certification area.
d. Educators who hold certification in Secondary Grades certification
in a content field, Secondary English as a Second Language
Education, and Middle Grades Education in a content field are also
eligible for assignment as a Middle Grades English as a Second
Language Education Teacher in Grades 5-8 in Rhode Island Public
Schools without adding the specific Middle Grades English as a
Second Language Education Teacher Grades 5-8 certification area.
2. Requirements:
a. Holds certification in Middle Grades English, Mathematics, Science
or Social Studies;
b. Has completed an approved program in this certification area;
c. Holds a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution;
d. Has completed a minimum of forty-five (45) hours of practicum in
this area;
e. Has demonstrated content and pedagogical competencies as
prescribed by the appropriate and RIDE approved national
professional associations;
f. Has demonstrated a deep understanding of applicable student
standards and proficiency in designing and implementing
standards-based instruction and assessment; and
g. Has met all pedagogy and subject matter testing requirements for
this certification area.
1.9.4 Secondary Grades Teacher Certificates
A. Secondary Grades Agriculture Teacher, Grades 7-12
1. Validity of Certificate:
a. This certificate is valid for assignment as a Secondary Grades
Agriculture Teacher in Grades 7-12 in Rhode Island Public Schools.
2. Requirements:
a. Has completed an approved program in this certification area;
b. Holds a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution;
c. Has completed a major or the equivalent in Agriculture or a closely
related field;
d. Has completed a minimum of one-year practical residency or the
equivalent in this area and a minimum of sixty (60) hours field
experience prior to or following residency;
e. Has demonstrated the pedagogical competencies of the Rhode
Island Professional Teaching Standards (RIPTS);
f. Has demonstrated content and pedagogical competencies as
prescribed by the appropriate and RIDE approved national
professional associations;
g. Has demonstrated a deep understanding of applicable student
standards and proficiency in designing and implementing
standards-based instruction and assessment; and
h. Has met all pedagogy and subject matter testing requirements for
this certification area.
B. Secondary Grades Biology Teacher, Grades 7-12
1. Validity of Certificate:
a. This certificate is valid for assignment as a Secondary Grades
Biology Teacher in Grades 7-12 in Rhode Island Public Schools.
2. Requirements:
a. Has completed an approved program in this certification area;
b. Holds a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution;
c. Has completed a major or the equivalent in Biology or a closely
related field;
d. Has completed a minimum of one-year residency in this area and a
minimum of sixty (60) hours field experience prior to or following
e. Has demonstrated the pedagogical competencies of the Rhode
Island Professional Teaching Standards (RIPTS);
f. Has demonstrated content and pedagogical competencies as
prescribed by the appropriate and RIDE approved national
professional associations;
g. Has demonstrated a deep understanding of applicable student
standards and proficiency in designing and implementing
standards-based instruction and assessment; and
h. Has met all pedagogy and subject matter testing requirements for
this certification area.
C. Secondary Grades Business Education Teacher, Grades 7-12
1. Validity of Certificate:
a. This certificate is valid for assignment as a Secondary Grades
Business Education Teacher in Grades 7-12 in Rhode Island Public
2. Requirements:
a. Has completed an approved program in this certification area;
b. Holds a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution;
c. Has completed a major or the equivalent in Business Education or
a closely related field;
d. Has completed a minimum of one-year practical residency or the
equivalent in this area and a minimum of sixty (60) hours field
experience prior to or following residency;
e. Has demonstrated the pedagogical competencies of the Rhode
Island Professional Teaching Standards (RIPTS);
f. Has demonstrated content and pedagogical competencies as
prescribed by the appropriate and RIDE approved national
professional associations National Business Education Association
g. Has demonstrated a deep understanding of applicable student
standards and proficiency in designing and implementing
standards-based instruction and assessment; and
h. Has met all pedagogy and subject matter testing requirements for
this certification area.
D. Secondary Grades Career and Technical Education Teacher, Grades 7-12
(Changes Effective 06/01/2019)
1. Validity of Certificate:
a. This certificate is valid for assignment as a Secondary Grades
Career and Technical Education Teacher in Grades 7-12 in the
specific career and technical education area of certification in
Rhode Island Public Schools.
2. Requirements:
a. Has completed an approved program in this certification area;
b. If applicable, holds a valid occupational license/certification in the
career and technical area issued by the appropriate Rhode Island
governing body;
c. Holds the appropriate level of post-secondary education for the
CTE area sought as identified by RIDE;
d. Has completed a minimum of one year residency in this area and a
minimum of sixty (60) hours field experience prior to or following
residency. Individuals who have successfully completed three
years of teaching in RI while holding a CTE Preliminary Certificate
are not required to complete a residency;
e. Has demonstrated the pedagogical competencies of the Rhode
Island Professional Teaching Standards (RIPTS);
f. Has demonstrated content and pedagogical competencies as
prescribed by the appropriate association for the specific career
and technical area, when available;
g. Has demonstrated a deep understanding of applicable student
standards and proficiency in designing and implementing
standards-based instruction and assessment;
h. Has five years of work experience in the specific career and
technical area if holds a high school diploma. The applicant has
three years of work experience in the career and technical area if
the applicant holds an associate's or bachelor's degree in the
career and technical area;
i. Has met all pedagogy and subject matter testing requirements for
this certification area.
j. Individuals who hold advanced state issued licenses or advanced
industry certificates are not required to complete subject matter
testing requirements.
k. Any work experience or degree completed more than ten (10) years
prior to the date of application must meet subject matter testing
requirements regardless of other licenses held.
E. Secondary Grades Chemistry Teacher, Grades 7-12
1. Validity of Certificate:
a. This certificate is valid for assignment as a Secondary Grades
Chemistry Teacher in Grades 7-12 in Rhode Island Public Schools.
2. Requirements:
a. Has completed an approved program in this certification area;
b. Holds a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution;
c. Has completed a major or the equivalent in Chemistry or a closely
related field;
d. Has completed a minimum of one-year practical residency or the
equivalent in this area and a minimum of sixty (60) hours field
experience prior to or following residency;
e. Has demonstrated the pedagogical competencies of the Rhode
Island Professional Teaching Standards (RIPTS);
f. Has demonstrated content and pedagogical competencies as
prescribed by the appropriate and RIDE approved national
professional associations;
g. Has demonstrated a deep understanding of applicable student
standards and proficiency in designing and implementing
standards-based instruction and assessment; and
h. Has met all pedagogy and subject matter testing requirements for
this certification area.
F. Secondary Grades English Teacher, Grades 7-12
1. Validity of Certificate:
a. This certificate is valid for assignment as a Secondary Grades
English Teacher in Grades 7-12 in Rhode Island Public Schools.
2. Requirements:
a. Has completed an approved program in this certification area;
b. Holds a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution;
c. Has completed a major or the equivalent in English or a closely
related field;
d. Has completed a minimum of one-year practical residency or the
equivalent in this area and a minimum of sixty (60) hours field
experience prior to or following residency;
e. Has demonstrated the pedagogical competencies of the Rhode
Island Professional Teaching Standards (RIPTS);
f. Has demonstrated content and pedagogical competencies as
prescribed by the appropriate RIDE approved national professional
g. Has demonstrated a deep understanding of applicable student
standards and proficiency in designing and implementing
standards-based instruction and assessment; and
h. Has met all pedagogy and subject matter testing requirements for
this certification area.
G. Secondary Grades General Science Teacher, Grades 7-12
1. Validity of Certificate:
a. This certificate is valid for assignment as a Secondary Grades
General Science Teacher in Grades 7-12 in Rhode Island Public
2. Requirements:
a. Option One
(1) Has completed an approved program in this certification
(2) Holds a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited
(3) Has completed a major or the equivalent in General Science
or a closely related field;
(4) Has completed a minimum of one-year practical residency or
the equivalent in this area and a minimum of sixty (60) hours
field experience prior to or following residency;
(5) Has demonstrated the pedagogical competencies of the
Rhode Island Professional Teaching Standards (RIPTS);
(6) Has demonstrated content and pedagogical competencies
as prescribed by the appropriate RIDE approved national
professional associations;
(7) Has demonstrated a deep understanding of applicable
student standards and proficiency in designing and
implementing standards-based instruction and assessment;
(8) Has met all pedagogy and subject matter testing
requirements for this certification area.
b. Option Two
(1) Hold certification in any two of the other three secondary
grades science areas (Biology, Chemistry, Physics) pursuant
to R.I. Gen. Laws § 16-11-3.
H. Secondary Grades Mathematics Teacher, Grades 7-12
1. Validity of Certificate:
a. This certificate is valid for assignment as a Secondary Grades
Mathematics Teacher in Grades 7- 12 in Rhode Island Public
2. Requirements:
a. Has completed an approved program in this certification area;
b. Holds a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution;
c. Has completed a major or the equivalent in Mathematics or a
closely related field;
d. Has completed a minimum of one-year practical residency or the
equivalent in this area and a minimum of sixty (60) hours field
experience prior to or following residency;
e. Has demonstrated the pedagogical competencies of the Rhode
Island Professional Teaching Standards (RIPTS);
f. Has demonstrated content and pedagogical competencies as
prescribed by the appropriate RIDE approved national professional
g. Has demonstrated a deep understanding of applicable student
standards and proficiency in designing and implementing
standards-based instruction and assessment; and
h. Has met all pedagogy and subject matter testing requirements for
this certification area.
I. Secondary Grades Physics Teacher, Grades 7-12
1. Validity of Certificate:
a. This certificate is valid for assignment as a Secondary Grades
Physics Teacher in Grades 7-12 in Rhode Island Public Schools.
2. Requirements:
a. Has completed an approved program in this certification area;
b. Holds a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution;
c. Has completed a major or the equivalent in Physics or a closely
related field;
d. Has completed a minimum of one-year practical residency or the
equivalent in this area and a minimum of sixty (60) hours field
experience prior to or following residency;
e. Has demonstrated the pedagogical competencies of the Rhode
Island Professional Teaching Standards (RIPTS);
f. Has demonstrated content and pedagogical competencies as
prescribed by the appropriate RIDE approved national professional
g. Has demonstrated a deep understanding of applicable student
standards and proficiency in designing and implementing
standards-based instruction and assessment; and
h. Has met all pedagogy and subject matter testing requirements for
this certification area.
J. Secondary Grades Social Studies Teacher, Grades 7-12
1. Validity of Certificate:
a. This certificate is valid for assignment as a Secondary Grades
Social Studies Teacher in Grades 7- 12 in Rhode Island Public
Schools. This certificate is also valid for teaching secondary history,
anthropology, economics, geography, political science, and
2. Requirements:
a. Has completed an approved program in this certification area;
b. Holds a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution;
c. Has completed a major or the equivalent in Social Studies with an
emphasis in history or a closely related field with an emphasis in
d. Has completed a minimum of one-year practical residency or the
equivalent in this area and a minimum of sixty (60) hours field
experience prior to or following residency;
e. Has demonstrated the pedagogical competencies of the Rhode
Island Professional Teaching Standards (RIPTS);
f. Has demonstrated content and pedagogical competencies as
prescribed by the appropriate RIDE approved national professional
g. Has demonstrated a deep understanding of applicable student
standards and proficiency in designing and implementing
standards-based instruction and assessment; and
h. Has met all pedagogy and subject matter testing requirements for
this certification area.
K. Secondary Grades Special Education Teacher, Grades 7-12
1. Validity of Certificate:
a. This certificate is valid for assignment as a Secondary Grades
Special Education Teacher in Grades 7-12 in Rhode Island Public
2. Requirements:
a. Holds certification in Secondary Grades Agriculture, Biology,
Business Education, (beginning June 1, 2019) Career and
Technical Education, Chemistry, English, General Science,
Mathematics, Physics or Social Studies;
b. Has completed an approved program in this certification area;
c. Holds a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution;
d. Has completed a minimum of one-year practical residency or the
equivalent in this area and a minimum of sixty (60) hours field
experience prior to or following residency;
e. Has demonstrated content and pedagogical competencies as
prescribed by the appropriate RIDE approved national professional
f. Has demonstrated a deep understanding of applicable student
standards and proficiency in designing and implementing
standards-based instruction and assessment; and
g. Has met all pedagogy and subject matter testing requirements for
this certification area.
L. Secondary Grades Bilingual and Dual Language Education Teacher, Grades 7-
1. Validity of Certificate:
a. This certificate is valid for assignment as a Secondary Grades
Bilingual and Dual Language Education Teacher in Grades 7-12 in
Rhode Island Public Schools.
2. Requirements:
a. Holds certification in Secondary Grades Agriculture, Biology,
Business Education, Chemistry, English, General Science,
Mathematics, Physics or Social Studies;
b. Has completed an approved program in this certification area;
c. Holds a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution;
d. Has completed a minimum of forty-five (45) hours of practicum in
this area;
e. Has demonstrated content and pedagogical competencies as
prescribed by the appropriate RIDE approved national professional
f. Has demonstrated a deep understanding of applicable student
standards and proficiency in designing and implementing
standards-based instruction and assessment;
g. Has met all pedagogy and subject matter testing requirements for
this certification area; and
h. Has demonstrated proficiency in the first and second language of
3. Beginning June 1, 2019, individuals who hold this certificate may obtain
English to Speakers of Other Languages certification by demonstrating
English proficiency and completing coursework in First and Second
Language Acquisition, English Linguistics and Curriculum, Assessment
and Methods for English Learners. The Council will review this pathway
every five (5) years for continuing approval.
M. Secondary Grades English to Speakers of Other Languages Teacher, Grades 7-
1. Validity of Certificate:
a. This certificate is valid for assignment as Secondary Grades
English as a Second Language Education Teacher in Grades 7-12
in Rhode Island Public Schools. Educators who hold this certificate
may also teach in English in dual language programs.
b. Beginning June 1, 2019, individuals who have previously taught for
less than two years in a dual language program must complete
professional learning in the foundations and implementation of dual
language programming as part of their accumulation of professional
learning units (PLUs) for certification renewal. The Council will
review this pathway every five (5) years for continuing approval.
2. Requirements:
a. Holds certification in Secondary Grades Agriculture, Biology,
Business Education, Chemistry, English, General Science,
Mathematics, Physics or Social Studies;
b. Has completed an approved program in this certification area;
c. Holds a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution;
d. Has completed a minimum of forty-five (45) hours of practicum in
this area;
e. Has demonstrated content and pedagogical competencies as
prescribed by the appropriate RIDE approved national professional
f. Has demonstrated a deep understanding of applicable student
standards and proficiency in designing and implementing
standards-based instruction and assessment; and
g. Has met all pedagogy and subject matter testing requirements for
this certification area.
1.9.5 All Grades Teacher Certificates
A. All Grades Adapted Physical Education Teacher, Grades PK-12
1. Validity of Certificate:
a. This certificate is valid for assignment as an All Grades Adapted
Physical Education Teacher in Grades PK-12 in Rhode Island
Public Schools.
2. Requirements:
a. Holds certification in All Grades Physical Education;
b. Has completed an approved program in this certification area;
c. Holds a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution;
d. Has completed seventy-five (75) hours of practicum;
e. Has demonstrated the pedagogical competencies of the Rhode
Island Professional Teaching Standards (RIPTS);
f. Has demonstrated content and pedagogical competencies as
prescribed by the appropriate RIDE approved national professional
g. Has demonstrated a deep understanding of applicable student
standards and proficiency in designing and implementing
standards-based instruction and assessment; and
h. Has met all pedagogy and subject matter testing requirements for
this certification area.
B. All Grades Art Teacher, Grades PK-12
1. Validity of Certificate:
a. This certificate is valid for assignment as an All Grades Art Teacher
in Grades PK-12 in Rhode Island Public Schools.
2. Requirements:
a. Has completed an approved program in this certification area;
b. Holds a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution;
c. Has completed a major or the equivalent in Art or a closely related
d. Has completed a minimum of one-year practical residency or the
equivalent in this area and a minimum of sixty (60) hours field
experience prior to or following residency;
e. Has demonstrated the pedagogical competencies of the Rhode
Island Professional Teaching Standards (RIPTS);
f. Has demonstrated content and pedagogical competencies as
prescribed by the appropriate RIDE approved national professional
g. Has demonstrated a deep understanding of applicable student
standards and proficiency in designing and implementing
standards-based instruction and assessment; and
h. Has met all pedagogy and subject matter testing requirements for
this certification area.
C. All Grades Dance Teacher, Grades PK-12
1. Validity of Certificate:
a. This certificate is valid for assignment as an All Grades Dance
Teacher in Grades PK-12 in Rhode Island Public Schools.
2. Requirements:
a. Has completed an approved program in this certification area;
b. Holds a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution;
c. Has completed a major or the equivalent in Dance or a closely
related field;
d. Has completed a minimum of one-year practical residency or the
equivalent in this area and a minimum of sixty (60) hours field
experience prior to or following residency;
e. Has demonstrated the pedagogical competencies of the Rhode
Island Professional Teaching Standards (RIPTS);
f. Has demonstrated content and pedagogical competencies as
prescribed by the appropriate RIDE approved national professional
g. Has demonstrated a deep understanding of applicable student
standards and proficiency in designing and implementing
standards-based instruction and assessment; and
h. Has met all pedagogy and subject matter testing requirements for
this certification area.
D. All Grades Family and Consumer Science Teacher, Grades PK-12
1. Validity of Certificate:
a. This certificate is valid for assignment as an All Grades Family and
Consumer Science Teacher in Grades PK-12 in Rhode Island
Public Schools.
2. Requirements:
a. Has completed an approved program in this certification area;
b. Holds a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution;
c. Has completed a major or the equivalent in Family and Consumer
Science or a closely related field;
d. Has completed a minimum of one-year practical residency or the
equivalent in this area and a minimum of sixty (60) hours field
experience prior to or following;
e. Has demonstrated the pedagogical competencies of the Rhode
Island Professional Teaching Standards (RIPTS);
f. Has demonstrated content competencies as prescribed by the
appropriate RIDE approved national professional associations;
g. Has demonstrated a deep understanding of applicable student
standards and proficiency in designing and implementing
standards-based instruction and assessment; and
h. Has met all pedagogy and subject matter testing requirements for
this certification area.
E. All Grades Health Teacher, Grades PK-12
1. Validity of Certificate:
a. This certificate is valid for assignment as an All Grades Health
Teacher in Grades PK-12 in Rhode Island Public Schools.
2. Requirements:
a. Has completed an approved program in this certification area;
b. Holds a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution;
c. Has completed a major or the equivalent in Health or a closely
related field;
d. Has completed a minimum of one-year practical residency or the
equivalent in this area and a minimum of sixty (60) hours field
experience prior to or following residency;
e. Has demonstrated the pedagogical competencies of the Rhode
Island Professional Teaching Standards (RIPTS);
f. Has demonstrated content and pedagogical competencies as
prescribed by the appropriate RIDE approved national professional
g. Has demonstrated a deep understanding of applicable student
standards and proficiency in designing and implementing
standards-based instruction and assessment; and
h. Has met all pedagogy and subject matter testing requirements for
this certification area.
F. All Grades Library Media Teacher, Grades PK-12
1. Validity of Certificate:
a. This certificate is valid for assignment as an All Grades Library
Media Teacher in Grades PK-12 in Rhode Island Public Schools.
2. Requirements:
a. Has completed an approved program in this certification area;
b. Holds a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution;
c. Has completed a major or the equivalent in Library Media or a
closely related field;
d. Has completed a minimum of one-year practical residency or the
equivalent in this area and a minimum of sixty (60) hours field
experience prior to and following residency;
e. Has demonstrated the pedagogical competencies of the Rhode
Island Professional Teaching Standards (RIPTS);
f. Has demonstrated content and pedagogical competencies as
prescribed by the appropriate RIDE approved national professional
g. Has demonstrated a deep understanding of applicable student
standards and proficiency in designing and implementing
standards-based instruction and assessment; and
h. Has met all pedagogy and subject matter testing requirements for
this certification area.
G. All Grades Music Teacher, Grades PK-12
1. Validity of Certificate:
a. This certificate is valid for assignment as an All Grades Music
Teacher in Grades PK-12 in Rhode Island Public Schools.
2. Requirements:
a. Has completed an approved program in this certification area;
b. Holds a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution;
c. Has completed a major or the equivalent in Music or a closely
related field;
d. Has completed a minimum of one-year practical residency or the
equivalent in this area and a minimum of (sixty) 60 hours field
experience prior to or following residency;
e. Has demonstrated the pedagogical competencies of the Rhode
Island Professional Teaching Standards (RIPTS);
f. Has demonstrated content and pedagogical competencies as
prescribed by the appropriate RIDE approved national professional
g. Has demonstrated a deep understanding of applicable student
standards and proficiency in designing and implementing
standards-based instruction and assessment; and
h. Has met all pedagogy and subject matter testing requirements for
this certification area.
H. All Grades Physical Education Teacher, Grades PK-12
1. Validity of Certificate:
a. This certificate is valid for assignment as an All Grades Physical
Education Teacher in Grades PK- 12 in Rhode Island Public
2. Requirements:
a. Has completed an approved program in this certification area;
b. Holds a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution;
c. Has completed a major or the equivalent in Physical Education or a
closely related field;
d. Has completed a minimum of one-year practical residency or the
equivalent in this area and a minimum of (sixty (60) hours field
experience prior to or following residency;
e. Has demonstrated the pedagogical competencies of the Rhode
Island Professional Teaching Standards (RIPTS);
f. Has demonstrated content and pedagogical competencies as
prescribed by the appropriate RIDE approved national professional
g. Has demonstrated a deep understanding of applicable student
standards and proficiency in designing and implementing
standards-based instruction and assessment; and
h. Has met all pedagogy and subject matter testing requirements for
this certification area.
I. All Grades School Nurse Teacher, Grades PK-12
1. Validity of Certificate:
a. This certificate is valid for assignment as an All Grades School
Nurse Teacher and as a Health Teacher in Grades PK-12 in Rhode
Island Public Schools.
2. Requirements:
a. Has completed an approved program in this certification area;
b. Holds a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution;
c. Has completed a professional nursing program;
d. Has three years of documented experience as a professional
e. Has a current Rhode Island Nursing License;
f. Has completed a minimum of one-year practical residency or the
equivalent in this area and a minimum of sixty (60) hours field
experience prior to or following residency;
g. Has demonstrated the pedagogical competencies of the Rhode
Island Professional Teaching Standards (RIPTS);
h. Has demonstrated content and pedagogical competencies as
prescribed by the appropriate RIDE approved national professional
i. Has demonstrated a deep understanding of applicable student
standards and proficiency in designing and implementing
standards-based instruction and assessment; and
j. Has met all pedagogy and subject matter testing requirements for
this certification area.
J. All Grades Registered School Nurse, Grades PK-12 Effective 06/01/2019
1. Validity of Certificate:
a. This certificate is valid for assignment as a Registered School
Nurse in Grades PK-12 in Rhode Island Public Schools. Individuals
who hold this certificate are not eligible to serve as teachers of
2. Requirements:
a. Holds a bachelor's degree from a regionally accredited institution;
b. Has completed a professional nursing program;
c. Has three years of documented experience as a professional
d. Has a current Rhode Island Nursing License as set forth in the
Rhode Island Department of Health regulation Licensing of Nurses
and Standards for the Approval of Basic Nursing Education
Programs (216-RICR-40-05-3);
e. During the first renewal cycle from Initial to Professional level
certification, individuals must complete professional learning units
in school-based nursing procedures, child and adolescent
development and supports for student learning needs.
f. Superintendents must submit verification to RIDE that they were
unable to hire a certified School Nurse Teacher as described in
section I of this Part, or that the position does not involve serving as
a teacher of record.
K. All Grades Technology Education Teacher, Grades PK-12
1. Validity of Certificate:
a. This certificate is valid for assignment as an All Grades Technology
Education Teacher in Grades PK-12 in Rhode Island Public
2. Requirements:
a. Has completed an approved program in this certification area;
b. Holds a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution;
c. Has completed a major or the equivalent in Technology Education
or a closely related field;
d. Has completed a minimum of one-year practical residency or the
equivalent in this area and a minimum of sixty (60) hours field
experience prior to or following residency;
e. Has demonstrated the pedagogical competencies of the Rhode
Island Professional Teaching Standards (RIPTS);
f. Has demonstrated content and pedagogical competencies as
prescribed by the appropriate RIDE approved national professional
g. Has demonstrated a deep understanding of applicable student
standards and proficiency in designing and implementing
standards-based instruction and assessment; and
h. Has met all pedagogy and subject matter testing requirements for
this certification area.
L. All Grades Theatre Teacher, Grades PK-12
1. Validity of Certificate:
a. This certificate is valid for assignment as an All Grades Theatre
Teacher in Grades PK-12 in Rhode Island Public Schools.
2. Requirements:
a. Has completed an approved program in this certification area;
b. Holds a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution;
c. Has completed a major or the equivalent in Theatre or a closely
related field;
d. Has completed a minimum of one-year practical residency or the
equivalent in this area and a minimum of sixty (60) hours field
experience prior to or following residency;
e. Has demonstrated the pedagogical competencies of the Rhode
Island Professional Teaching Standards (RIPTS);
f. Has demonstrated content and pedagogical competencies as
prescribed by the appropriate RIDE approved national professional
g. Has demonstrated a deep understanding of applicable student
standards and proficiency in designing and implementing
standards-based instruction and assessment; and
h. Has met all pedagogy and subject matter testing requirements for
this certification area.
M. All Grades World Language Teacher, Grades PK-12
1. Validity of Certificate:
a. This certificate is valid for assignment as an All Grades World
Language Teacher in a specific language in Grades PK-12 in
Rhode Island Public Schools.
2. Requirements:
a. Has completed an approved program in this certification area;
b. Holds a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution;
c. Has completed a major or the equivalent in a specific World
Language or a closely related field;
d. Has completed a minimum of one-year practical residency or the
equivalent in this area and a minimum of sixty (60) hours field
experience prior to or following residency;
e. Has demonstrated the pedagogical competencies of the Rhode
Island Professional Teaching Standards (RIPTS);
f. Has demonstrated content and pedagogical competencies as
prescribed by the appropriate RIDE approved national professional
g. Has demonstrated a deep understanding of applicable student
standards and proficiency in designing and implementing
standards-based instruction and assessment; and
h. Has met all pedagogy and subject matter testing requirements for
this certification area.
N. All Grades Special Education - Deaf and Hard of Hearing Teacher PK-12
1. Validity of Certificate:
a. This certificate is valid for assignment as a Special Education -
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Teacher in Grades PK-12 in Rhode
Island Public Schools.
2. Requirements:
a. Holds certification in Early Childhood Education, Elementary
Education, Middle Grades Education, Secondary Grades
Education, or (beginning in June 1, 2019) All Grades Teacher;
b. Has completed an approved program in this certification area;
c. Holds a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution;
d. Has completed a minimum of one-year practical residency or the
equivalent in this area and a minimum of (sixty (60) hours field
experience prior to or following residency;
e. Has demonstrated the pedagogical competencies of the Rhode
Island Professional Teaching Standards (RIPTS);
f. Has demonstrated content and pedagogical competencies as
prescribed by the appropriate RIDE approved national professional
g. Has demonstrated a deep understanding of applicable student
standards and proficiency in designing and implementing
standards-based instruction and assessment;
h. Has demonstrated competency in American sign language; and
i. Has met all pedagogy and subject matter testing requirements for
this certification area.
O. All Grades Special Education – Visually Impaired Teacher PK-12
1. Validity of Certificate:
a. This certificate is valid for assignment as a Special Education –
Visually Impaired Teacher in Grades PK-12 in Rhode Island Public
2. Requirements:
a. Holds certification in Early Childhood Education, Elementary
Education, Middle Grades Education, Secondary Grades Education
or (beginning in June 1, 2019) All Grades Teacher;
b. Has completed an approved program in this certification area;
c. Holds a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution;
d. Has completed a minimum of one-year practical residency or the
equivalent in this area and a minimum of sixty (60) hours field
experience prior to or following residency;
e. Has demonstrated the pedagogical competencies of the Rhode
Island Professional Teaching Standards (RIPTS);
f. Has demonstrated content and pedagogical competencies as
prescribed by the appropriate RIDE approved national professional
g. Has demonstrated a deep understanding of applicable student
standards and proficiency in designing and implementing
standards-based instruction and assessment;
h. Has demonstrated competency in reading and writing Braille; and
i. Has met all pedagogy and subject matter testing requirements for
this certification area.
P. All Grades Special Education – Severe Intellectual Disability Teacher
1. Validity of Certificate:
a. This certificate is valid for assignment as a Special Education –
Severe Intellectual Disability Teacher in Grades PK-12 in Rhode
Island Public Schools.
2. Requirements:
a. Holds certification in Early Childhood Education, Elementary
Education, Middle Grades Education, Secondary Grades
Education, or (beginning in June 1, 2019) All Grades Teacher;
b. Has completed an approved program in this certification area;
c. Holds a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution;
d. Has completed a minimum of one-year practical residency or the
equivalent in this area and a minimum of sixty (60) hours field
experience prior to or following residency;
e. Has demonstrated the pedagogical competencies of the Rhode
Island Professional Teaching Standards (RIPTS);
f. Has demonstrated content and pedagogical competencies as
prescribed by the appropriate RIDE approved national professional
g. Has demonstrated a deep understanding of applicable student
standards and proficiency in designing and implementing
standards-based instruction and assessment; and
h. Has met all pedagogy and subject matter testing requirements for
this certification area.
Q. All Grades Bilingual and Dual Language Education Teacher, Grades PK-12
1. Validity of Certificate:
a. This certificate is valid for assignment as an All Grades Bilingual
and Dual Language Education Teacher in Grades PK-12 in Rhode
Island Public Schools
2. Requirements:
a. Holds certification in any All Grades content area;
b. Has completed an approved program in this certification area;
c. Holds a bachelor’s degree from an approved institution;
d. Has completed a minimum of forty-five (45) hours of practicum in
this area;
e. Has demonstrated content and pedagogical competencies as
prescribed by the appropriate RIDE approved national associations;
f. Has demonstrated a deep understanding of applicable student
standards and proficiency in designing and implementing
standards-based instruction and assessment;
g. Has met all pedagogy and subject matter testing requirements for
this certification area; and
h. Has demonstrated proficiency in the first and second language of
3. Beginning June 1, 2019, individuals may obtain English to Speakers of
Other Languages certification by demonstrating English proficiency and
completing coursework in First and Second Language Acquisition, English
Linguistics and Curriculum, Assessment and Methods for English
Learners. The Council will review this pathway every five (5) years for
continuing approval.
R. All Grades English as a Second Language Education Teacher, Grades PK-12
1. Validity of Certificate:
a. This certificate is valid for assignment as an All Grades English as
a Second Language Education Teacher in Grades PK-12 in Rhode
Island Public Schools. Educators who hold this certificate may also
teach in English in dual language programs.
b. Beginning June 1, 2019, individuals who have previously taught for
less than two years in a dual language program must complete
professional learning in the foundations and implementation of dual
language programming as part of their accumulation of professional
learning units (PLUs) for certification renewal. The Council will
review this pathway every five (5) years for continuing approval.
2. Requirements:
a. Holds certification in any All Grades content area;
b. Has completed an approved program in this certification area;
c. Holds a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution;
d. Has completed a minimum of forty-five (45) hours of practicum in
this area;
e. Has demonstrated content and pedagogical competencies as
prescribed by the appropriate RIDE approved national professional
f. Has demonstrated a deep understanding of applicable student
standards and proficiency in designing and implementing
standards-based instruction and assessment; and
g. Has met all pedagogy and subject matter testing requirements for
this certification area.
1.10 Administrator Certificate Areas
A. Administrator certification is offered in a variety of PK-12 areas that qualify the
administrator for specific assignments in Rhode Island public schools.
B. Certification in administrator areas requires:
1. An advanced degree (except for school business manager);
2. Completion of an approved educator preparation program that assures
completers demonstrate the competencies within the certification field
prescribed by the appropriate professional association;
3. Field experience that includes a three hundred (300) hour internship for
building level administrators; and
4. Passing scores on any knowledge of field testing required for the
certification area.
1.10.1 Building Level Administrator Certificates
A. Building Level Administrator PK-12
1. Validity of Certificate:
a. This certificate is valid for assignment as a Building Level
Administrator in Grades PK-12 in Rhode Island Public Schools.
2. Requirements:
a. Has completed an approved program in this certification area;
b. Holds an advanced degree from a regionally accredited institution;
c. Has completed a minimum of a three hundred (300) hour internship
in this area;
d. Has three years of PK-12 professional education experience;
e. Has demonstrated the professional competencies of the Rhode
Island Standards for Educational Leadership (RISEL) with an
emphasis on the content required of a building level administrator;
f. Has demonstrated content and pedagogical competencies as
prescribed by the appropriate RIDE approved national professional
associations; and
g. Has met all knowledge of field testing requirements for this
certification area.
1.10.2 District Level Administrator Certificates
A. District Level Administrator – Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
1. Validity of Certificate:
a. This certificate is valid for assignment as a District Level
Administrator- Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment in Grades
PK-12 in Rhode Island Public Schools.
2. Requirements:
a. Holds certification as Building Level Administrator;
b. Has completed an approved program in this certification area;
c. Holds an advanced degree from a regionally accredited institution;
d. Has demonstrated the professional competencies of the Rhode
Island Standards for Educational Leadership (RISEL) with an
emphasis on the content required of a district level curriculum,
instruction, and assessment administrator;
e. Has demonstrated content and pedagogical competencies as
prescribed by the appropriate RIDE approved national professional
associations; and
f. Has met all knowledge of field testing requirements for this
certification area.
B. District Level Administrator-Special Education Changes Effective 06/01/2019
1. Validity of Certificate:
a. This certificate is valid for assignment as a District Level
Administrator-Special Education in Grades PK-12 in Rhode Island
Public Schools.
2. Requirements:
a. Has completed an approved program in this certification area; or
b. Has completed nine (9) graduate level credits in special education
and has completed graduate level credits in the following areas:
supervision of special education programs and services,
supervision of personnel, supervision of instruction or program
evaluation, and school and district finance;
c. Holds an advanced degree from a regionally accredited institution;
d. Has three (3) years of professional education experience in
teaching Special Education, as a speech and language pathologist,
as a school social worker, or as a school psychologist;
e. Has demonstrated the professional competencies of the Rhode
Island Standards for Educational Leadership (RISEL) with an
emphasis on the content required of a district level special
education administrator;
f. Has demonstrated content competencies as prescribed by the
appropriate RIDE approved national professional associations;
g. Has met all knowledge of field testing requirements for this
certification area.
C. School Business Administrator
1. Validity of Certificate:
a. This certificate is valid for assignment as a School Business
Administrator in Grades PK-12 in Rhode Island Public Schools.
2. Requirements:
a. Has completed an approved program in this certification area;
b. Holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration, finance or a
related field;
c. Three (3) years of professional experience in financial management
or school business operations;
d. Has demonstrated the professional competencies of the Rhode
Island Standards for Educational Leadership (RISEL) with an
emphasis on the content required of a school business
administrator; and
e. Has demonstrated content competencies as prescribed by the
Association of School Business Officials International (ASBO).
D. Superintendent of Schools
1. Validity of Certificate:
a. This certificate is valid for assignment as a Superintendent of
Schools in Grades PK-12 in Rhode Island Public Schools.
2. Requirements:
a. Has completed an approved program in this certification area;
b. Holds an advanced degree from a regionally accredited institution;
c. Holds building level administrator certificate or has significant
leadership experience in organizations other than schools;
d. Has demonstrated the professional competencies of the Rhode
Island Standards for Educational Leadership (RISEL) with an
emphasis on the content required of a superintendent of schools;
e. Has demonstrated content and pedagogical competencies as
prescribed by the appropriate RIDE approved national professional
associations; and
f. Has met all knowledge of field testing requirements for this
certification area.
1.11 Support Professional Certificate Areas
A. Support Professional certification is offered in specific fields and for specific
grade ranges that qualify the support professional for specific assignments in
Rhode Island public schools.
B. Certification in support professional areas requires:
1. An advanced degree;
2. Completion of an approved educator preparation program that assures
completers demonstrate the competencies within the certification field
prescribed by the appropriate professional association;
3. Field experience that includes a minimum of a three hundred (300) hour
internship for instructional leaders, specialists/consultants, and school
counselor certification areas; and
4. Passing scores on any knowledge of field testing required for the
certification area.
1.11.1 Instructional Certificates
A. Instructional Leader
1. Validity of Certificate:
a. This certificate is valid for assignment as an Instructional Leader in
grades PK-12 in Rhode Island Public Schools.
2. Requirements:
a. Holds certification as a Rhode Island teacher or support
b. Three years of teaching experience;
c. Has completed an approved program in this certification area;
d. Holds an advanced degree from a regionally accredited institution;
e. Has completed a minimum of three hundred (300) hours of
internship in this area; and
f. Has demonstrated field competencies as prescribed by the
appropriate RIDE approved national professional associations.
1.11.2 Related Service Providers
A. School Counselor
1. Validity of Certificate:
a. This certificate is valid for assignment as a School Counselor in
Grades PK-12 in Rhode Island Public Schools.
2. Requirements:
a. Has completed an approved program in this certification area;
b. Holds an advanced degree from a regionally accredited institution;
c. Has completed a minimum of three hundred (300) hours of
internship in this area;
d. Has demonstrated field competencies as prescribed by the
appropriate RIDE approved national professional associations; and
e. Has met all knowledge of field testing requirements for this
certification area.
B. School Psychologist
1. Validity of Certificate:
a. This certificate is valid for assignment as a School Psychologist in
Grades PK-12 in Rhode Island Public Schools.
2. Requirements:
a. Has completed an approved program in this certification area;
b. Holds an advanced degree in school psychology from a regionally
accredited institution;
c. Has demonstrated field competencies as prescribed by the
appropriate RIDE approved national professional associations; and
d. Has met all knowledge of field testing requirements for this
certification area.
C. School Social Worker
1. Validity of Certificate:
a. This certificate is valid for assignment as a School Social Worker in
Grades PK-12 in Rhode Island Public Schools.
2. Requirements:
a. Has completed an approved program in this certification area;
b. Holds a master’s degree in social work;
c. Currently a licensed clinical social worker by the Rhode Island
Board of Registration for Social Workers;
d. Has demonstrated field competencies as prescribed by the
appropriate RIDE approved national professional associations; and
e. Has met all knowledge of field testing requirements for this
certification area.
D. Speech and Language Pathologist
1. Validity of Certificate:
a. This certificate is valid for assignment as a Speech and Language
Pathologist in Grades PK-12 in Rhode Island Public Schools.
2. Requirements:
a. Has completed an approved program in this certification area;
b. Holds an advanced degree in Speech and Language Pathology
from a regionally accredited institution;
c. Has demonstrated field competencies as prescribed by the
appropriate RIDE approved national professional associations; and
d. Has met all knowledge of field testing requirements for this
certification area.
1.11.3 Specialists/Consultants
A. English as a Second Language Specialist/Consultant
1. Validity of Certificate:
a. This certificate is valid for assignment as an English as a Second
Language Specialist/Consultant in Grades PK-12 in Rhode Island
Public Schools.
2. Requirements:
a. Holds certification as a Rhode Island teacher;
b. Three years of teaching experience;
c. Has completed an approved program in this certification area;
d. Holds an advanced degree from a regionally accredited institution;
e. Has completed a minimum of three hundred (300) hours of
internship in this area;
f. Has demonstrated field competencies as prescribed by the
appropriate RIDE approved national professional associations; and
g. Has met all knowledge of field testing requirements for this
certification area
B. Mathematics Specialist/Consultant
1. Validity of Certificate:
a. This certificate is valid for assignment as a Mathematics
Specialist/Consultant in Grades PK-8 in Rhode Island Public
2. Requirements:
a. Holds certification as a Rhode Island teacher;
b. Three years of teaching experience;
c. Has completed an approved program in this certification area;
d. Holds an advanced degree from a regionally accredited institution;
e. Has completed a minimum of three hundred (300) hours of
internship in this area;
f. Has demonstrated field competencies as prescribed by the
appropriate RIDE approved national professional associations; and
g. Has met all knowledge of field testing requirements for this
certification area.
C. Reading Specialist/Consultant
1. Validity of Certificate:
a. This certificate is valid for assignment as a Reading
Specialist/Consultant in Grades PK-12 in Rhode Island Public
2. Requirements:
a. Holds certification as a Rhode Island teacher;
b. Three years of teaching experience;
c. Has completed an approved program in this certification area;
d. Holds an advanced degree from a regionally accredited institution;
e. Has completed a minimum of three hundred (300) hours of
internship in this area;
f. Has demonstrated field competencies as prescribed by the
appropriate RIDE approved national professional associations; and
g. Has met all knowledge of field testing requirements for this
certification area.
1.12 Substitute Teachers and Athletic Coaches
A. The following requirements apply to substitute teachers and athletic coaches.
1. Athletic Coach
a. Successfully complete a First Aid and Cardio Pulmonary
Resuscitation (CPR) course prior to employment as a coach; and
b. Meet all additional requirements of the Rhode Island Interscholastic
2. Day to Day Substitute Teacher
a. An individual who is employed, on a temporary basis, for fewer than
forty-five (45) days in the same assignment.
b. Individuals must hold:
(1) A bachelor’s degree or higher from a regionally accredited
college or university; or
(2) An associate's degree from a regionally accredited college or
university; or
(3) A minimum of two years college completion on track to a
four year degree.
c. Substitutes for School Nurse Teacher must hold a license as a
Registered Nurse.
3. Substitute Teacher-Long-term (Effective 06/01/2019)
a. An individual who is employed, on a temporary basis, for more than
forty-five (45) consecutive days in the same assignment must hold
an appropriate certificate for the assignment.
1.13 Adding New Certificate Areas
A. Teachers who hold Secondary Grades certification in one area can add
certification in another secondary area by demonstrating competency in the
content area by holding a major or the equivalent in the area and passing the
subject matter examination in the new area. Teachers who are certified in one
science area and who want to add a second science area can demonstrate
competency in the new area with a minimum of twenty-four (24) hours of
coursework and passing the subject matter examination in the new area.
B. Teachers who hold All Grades certification in one World Language can add
certification in another World Language by demonstrating competency in the new
area with a minimum of twenty-four (24) hours of coursework and passing the
subject matter examination in the new area.
C. The addition of new certification areas in all other circumstance requires
educators to complete approved programs of study that are based on the new
knowledge and skills to meet the requirements of these regulations for the new
area of certification. Preparation programs shall tailor program expectations to
acknowledge the commonalities across related certification areas and only
require that the candidates develop and demonstrate the additional knowledge
and skills required for the new certification area. In certification areas for which
there is no approved Rhode Island educator preparation program, RIDE will
review an applicant’s preparation and readiness for certification through the
credential review process.
1.14 Reinstatement
A. Certificates can be reinstated for two reasons – reinstatement for certificate
expiration and reinstatement for performance-related non-renewed certifications.
Individuals seeking to reinstate certifications due to active duty while in the
United States Military shall renew their certifications as outlined in R.I. Gen. Laws
§ 30-20-1.
B. Reinstatement for Certificate Expiration
1. An educator who has met all requirements for certificate renewal but did
not renew the certificate(s) prior to its expiration date is eligible to reinstate
the certificate(s) for up to one (1) year without completing any additional
requirements. A reinstatement fee will be applied to the application.
2. If one (1) year up to ten (10) years has lapsed since the expiration of the
certificate(s), the educator must take and pass current Rhode Island
certificate assessments, if not previously passed, to ensure currency in the
field. A reinstatement fee will be applied to the application.
3. If more than ten (10) years has elapsed since the expiration of the
certificate(s), the educator must reapply for and meet requirements for an
initial certificate, including meeting all competency and assessment
requirements as part of an approved program or credential review.
4. Requirements for reinstatement:
a. Complete a reinstatement application;
b. Submit all documentation necessary to demonstrate conditions for
reinstatement have been met; and
c. Submit a reinstatement application, reinstatement fee and the
appropriate certificate fees.
C. Reinstatement of Performance-related Non-renewed Certifications
1. An educator whose certificate(s) was non-renewed for performance
reasons may request reinstatement of each certificate that was not
renewed for performance reasons by providing evidence of meeting the
requirements for reinstatement for performance-related non-renewed
certificates for up to five years after the non-renewal. RIDE, in
collaboration with the Certification Policy Advisory Board (CPAB), will
develop the standards for reinstatement of a certification that was not
renewed for performance.
2. Requirements for reinstatement:
a. Complete a reinstatement application;
b. Submit a reinstatement fee and appropriate certification fees;
c. Submit evidence of retraining consistent with the performance-
related concerns; and
d. Submit evidence of successful supervised practice.
3. The Department of Education will review the request for reinstatement and
will make a determination based upon the evidence submitted.
1.15 Appeals
All decisions regarding certification under this Part may be appealed to the
Director of the Office of Educator Excellence and Certification Services.
Decisions of the Director may be appealed to the Commissioner of Education for
hearing pursuant to R.I. Gen. Laws § 16-39-1.
1.16 Ongoing Review of Certification Regulations
RIDE will review application processes, certification requirements, certification
routes, types, and areas, and certification policy on a periodic basis and bring
recommendations for changes to the Council to assure that this Part remains
current and continues to respond to the changing needs of Rhode Island schools
and school districts.
Type of Filing: Amendment
Agency Signature
Agency Head Signature Agency Signing Date
Department of State
Regulation Effective Date
Department of State Initials Department of State Date
December 17, 2018
E-SIGNED by Ken Wagner
December 18, 2018