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Application-cum-Appraisal/Sanction Form for Personal Loan
Branch Office: _________________ Date of Application:_______________
Part I Applicant Information
[Please read this before applying for the loan: Minimum Monthly Take Home Salary should be Nu 8500/- excluding the
proposed loan Installment and the same should be atleast 40% of the Gross Salary after including the installment of proposed
Please mention your Customer ID No here if you have any account with Druk PNB Bank
1. Applicant’s Name
2. Father’s/Husband’s Name
Photograph Here
3. Date of Birth
4. National ID Number
5. Date of Joining Service
6. Designation/Grade
7. Current Monthly Salary
(Pl attach Pay Slip)
8. Name & Address
of the Employer
Telephone No…………………Email ID……………………PO Box No………..
9. Residential Address
Telephone No……………………Email ID……………………………………..
10. Permanent Address
House No……………………………….Thram No……………………………….
11. Education Background
12. Whether relative of Staff /Director of bank
If yes, mention the Name
13. Marital status
If married, please provide spouse’s details below under serial No 14
14. Spouse Information
a. Name of the spouse:
b. Address
c. Occupation/Profession:
d. Total Annual Income
e. Tax Payer No. (if applicable)
15. Any existing loans taken from
DPNBL and other FIs and
Banks: Loan Type:
Limit sanctioned
Present Outstanding:
Monthly Repayment:
Loan I
Loan II
Loan III
Loan IV
Name of FI
Loan A/c No
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17. I request for sanction of loan of Nu…………………………..(Ngultrum…………………….………………………
...................................................................................) under Personal Loan Scheme for …………………………
……………………………………………………………………………………………………(Mention the purpose)
I declare that all the particulars and information given in the application form are true, correct and complete
and upto date in all respects and I/We have not withheld any information. I confirm that I have had no
insolvency proceedings initiated against me/us nor have I ever been adjudicated insolvent. I confirm that I had
never been awarded an adverse judgement or decree in a court case involving breach of contract, tax
malfeasance or other serious misconduct and never been a defaulter with DPNBL/other financial institution. I
authorise DPNBL or its agent to make references and enquiries relative to information in this application which
DPNBL considers necessary. I also authorise DPNBL or its agent to make information relating to me/our loan
details and repayment history information to RMA/CIB/other agencies as may be required and shall not hold
DPNBL liable for use of this information. I undertake to inform DPNBL regarding any change in my/our
residence/employment and to provide any further information that DPNBL may require.
I confirm on solemn affirmation that the above information along with the information given under
ENCLOSURE is correct. I am bound to inform the bank of any change in the details given above. I agree to
pay processing charges as applicable and charged by the bank. I have read and have been advised the terms
and conditions relating to the Personal Loan Scheme and I hereby agree to abide by these terms and
conditions or by the revised additional terms and conditions which may at any time hereafter be made while
the loan obtained by me/us is still outstanding.
I confirm that the particulars mentioned by me in the application are correct. I hereby authorize my employer
to recover the stipulated installments including interest from my salary every month. In the event of default on
my part or my leaving the service or in the other exigencies, if loan is still unpaid, I give my unqualified
consent to the Bank to adjust the loan amount outstanding against me with interest from my provident fund
balance /or gratuity payable to me and/ or any other amounts due to me.
Further, it shall my responsibility to ascertain with the concerned salary section of my department that the
stipulated monthly recoveries made from my salary has/ have remitted to bank promptly.
Yours faithfully,
(Signature and Name of Applicant)
(Enclose photocopies of documentary evidence in support of above)
16. Details of Personal Loan requested from DPNBL
a. Purpose of Loan
b. Loan Amount
c. Repayment Period (in months)
d. Monthly Installment
e. Mode of repayment
…………………Months (Maximum is 60 Months)
Nu ……………. Per month
From Salary SI Advance Cheques
1. ID Card copy of Applicant & Surety
2. Passport Size Photograph (2 Nos)
3. Latest Pay Slip
4. Recommendation Letter from the Employer
5. Loan Clearance Certificate from other FIs
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Having fully apprised myself of the particulars submitted in above personal loan application form submitted by
Dasho/Mr/Ms………………………………………………who is working in Organization/Ministry/Department as
………………..…………………………., I have decided to stand as Surety(Guarantor) for the loan applied for and
further I give my unconditional undertaking to repay the loan in case applicant fail to repay it. The information
furnished by me is true and correct to the best of my knowledge & belief.
Place: Signature of Guarantor
PART-III (Recommendation from Employer)
We hereby confirm that herein mentioned particulars of Dasho//Mrs/Ms. _____________________________of
our department / ministry/company/firm are correct. Further, he has been in the service since……….and currently
he is serving as……………………………………..(give designation). If Druk PNB Bank sanctions a loan of
Nu.________________ (Ngultrum_______________________________________________________________)
requested by him/her, we undertake to deduct the monthly loan installment regularly from his/her monthly salary
and promptly remit the same to Druk PNB Bank________________________Branch office till entire loan is fully
repaid with interest.
We further undertake that in the event of the employee leaving the service due to any reason or on account of
retirement/ resignation before the loan is fully repaid, his/her last salary/gratuity/provident fund, etc. will be paid to
the Bank towards adjustment of the loan.
We further confirm that in event of transfer of the employee to any other department/establishment, the relative
loan outstanding/stipulated installments will be mentioned in the employee’s “Last Pay Certificate”. Also the
information about the employee’s transfer will be conveyed to the Bank.
(Signature of the Recommending Official)
Name: ……………………………………..
Designation: ..…………………………….
Name of the Organization/Ministry/Department……………………………….
For use of Druk PNB Bank
Part-II Surety (Guarantor) Information
Employment Address
Permanent Address
Date of Birth (dd/mm/yy)
Customer ID No
………………………………………………………CID No……………………………..
House No…………………… Thram No………………..Village………………………
Geog………………………… Dungkhag……………… Dzongkhag………………….
………………………………. (if the guarantor is maintaining any account with DPNB)
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The application submitted by___________________________________ for______________________
__________________________________________________ with Druk PNB Bank financial assistance
under Personal Loan Scheme has been appraised and qualifies/does not qualifies for sanction of loan as
detailed below:-
1. Loan Amount : ________________(30 x Monthly Net Take Home pay or Nu.
300,000 whichever is lower)
2. Interest Rate(Simple) : __________% per annum with monthly rate
3. Repayment Period : __________ months
4. Commencement of Repayment : __________ (that is one month after release of loan)
Recommended/not recommended for sanction
Dealing Official Branch Incumbent(VP/AVP)
(To be signed if the sanctioning authority is beyond its power)
Sanctioned by:
Branch Incumbent (VP/AVP) //OR// MC/CEO/DyCEO/EVP
Sanctioned on ___________________ (Place)___________________________