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Determining Whether a Document is a Policy, Procedure, or Guideline
The following definitions, criteria, and fictitious examples are intended to aid in the “clean-up” of university policies, to ensure that policies are
“ready” for entry into the online policy library.
A general written document that establishes
a standard by which the institution manages its
affairs. This written statement mandates,
specifies or prohibits conduct that enhances
the institution’s mission, ensures coordinated
compliance with applicable laws and
regulations, promotes operational efficiency,
and/or reduces institutional risk.
A description of the operational processes
necessary to implement policy. Procedures
include information on the offices and positions
responsible for policy implementation,
instructions to campus constituents regarding
how to affect the policy, where to turn for
information, and the like.
General non-mandatory recommendations
that provide readers with helpful information
about how to achieve a particular aim; these
might include recommendations,
administrative instructions, best practices
guidance or frameworks in which to operate.
States an institutional position.
Outlines standard practices for applying
policy in specific situations.
Gives a general recommendation.
Mandates, specifies, or prohibits behavior.
Provides instruction.
Provides helpful information about how to
operate (e.g., based on a best practice).
Has widespread application.
May have narrower focus/scope than
Provides advice about how to achieve a
policy’s objectives in various situations.
Is non-negotiable.
May be “customizable” and adaptable by
Not mandatory.
Change infrequently.
May be changed as needed to improve
Tells “what” should be done, and
sometimes “why.”
Tells “how” something should be done,
“who” should do it, “when” it should be
done, and/or “what” steps should be taken.
University of WisconsinMadison Page 2 of 2
Examples (Fictitious)
Example 1: Process Drills (Fictitious)
All university facilities are required to hold a
process drill every 6 months. At the time of a
drill, when the alarm sounds, all occupants of
the facility, including residents, visitors, guests,
employees, and attendants, must vacate the
facility in an orderly fashion and not return until
the “ALL CLEAR” signal is given by the
process department.
University facilities should take the following
preparatory steps to ensure adherence to the
university’s process drill policy:
1. Diagram and post two routes to the outside
from all rooms in the facility.
2. Designate a meeting place outdoors that is
clear of entrances and at least 50 feet from
the building.
3. Establish a way to call 911 near the
designated meeting place that does not
involve re-entering the building.
4. Establish a method to account for those
known to be in the building at the time the
alarm is sounded.
Individual campus units are encouraged to
establish a process to periodically review
process drill procedures with staff.
Example 2: Financial Aid Programs (Fictitious)
Administration and resource coordination for
the university’s financial aid programs,
including scholarships, loans, grants,
fellowships, assistantships, student stipends,
and workstudy, must be handled through the
Financial Aid Office.
1. A standard application is required for most
of the financial aid programs.
2. There is an established filing period for
priority consideration.
Sending repeated reminders of application
deadlines for financial aid programs can help
ensure that those with financial need obtain
the assistance they are entitled to.
Example 3: Use of Widgets (Fictitious)
The use of widgets is prohibited in or on all
university property except for research
1. All students, staff, faculty and visitors are
expected to comply with this policy.
2. University Relations is responsible for
communicating the policy to campus.
3. Facilities is responsible for placing
signage on campus informing persons of
this policy.
Researchers are encouraged to submit a
Widget Use Plan prior to submitting funding