Will + going to + present continuous for future: exercise 1
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Exercise 1
Use the verbs in brackets to complete these sentences in the most common form.
You must take an umbrella. It ................................................................ (rain)
I ..................................... to the cinema tonight. I already have a ticket. (go)
Are you planning any summer holiday? - I don't know yet. Perhaps I .................................. at home. (stay)
You look pretty tired. You should have a break. - OK. I .......................................................... a rest. (have)
Betty is going to driving lessons, because she ....................................................... a car. (buy)
I've just missed my train! - No problem. I ......................................... you there. (drive)
I can't eat anything today. I ............................................... an appointment at the hospital tomorrow. (have)
The Sharks are much better! I'm sure they .................................................. the Dolphins today! (beat)
What does your son want to do in future? - I hope he ......................................... a dentist. (become)
Not at five o'clock. Look at the diary. We ................................................ Mr. Clark at three o'clock. (meet)
Please, buy some eggs. I ............................................................ a cake. (make)
My dad has already booked the holiday. We ................................................... to France on 2 July. (fly)
Will + going to + present continuous for future: exercise 1
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Exercise 1
It is going to rain
I am going to the cinema tonight.
Perhaps I will stay at home.
I will have a rest.
Betty is going to driving lessons, because she is going to buy a car.
I will drive you there.
I am having an appointment at the hospital tomorrow.
I'm sure they are going to beat the Dolphins today!
I hope he will become a dentist.
We are meeting Mr. Clark at three o'clock.
I will make a cake.
We are flying to France on 2 July.
Will + going to + present continuous for future: exercise 2
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Exercise 2
Part 1. Tim is going shopping. Mary asks him to get some things for her. Complete their sentences.
T: I'm going shopping. Do you need anything?
M: We've run out of coffee.
T: OK. I .................................. some. (buy)
M: And there's only one carton of milk left in the fridge.
T: I ............................... two cartons. I can make a milk shake. (get)
M: You ............................ vanilla sugar to make a milk shake, too. (need)
T: Good idea. Anything else?
M: I don't think so. What time ..............you .................. back? (come)
Part 2. Match a sentence in A with a sentence in B.
Why are you taking that knife? He is going to lose.
Look at that man on the ladder. He is going to fail.
John hasn't revised for the exam at all. Now I am going to tell you parents.
So you want to buy Sue a present. He is going to fall!
I've had enough of you. What are you going to do?
Roger is playing so badly today. What are you going to give her?
Part 3. Look at Greg's diary for this weekend. What is he doing on Saturday and Sunday?
morning meet his friends morning do nothing
afternoon play volleyball afternoon visit his grandpa
evening have dinner with Pat evening go to the theatre
On Saturday morning Greg ..............................................................................
On Saturday afternoon he ................................................................................
On Saturday evening he....................................................................................
On Sunday morning he ....................................................................................
On Sunday afternoon he ..................................................................................
On Sunday evening he .....................................................................................
Will + going to + present continuous for future: exercise 2
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Key with answers
Exercise 2
Part 1.
I will buy some.
I will get two cartons.
You will need vanilla sugar to make a milk shake, too.
What time will you conme back?
Part 2.
Why are you taking that knife? - What are you going to do?
Look at that man on the ladder. - He is going to fall!.
John hasn't revised for the exam at all. - He is going to fail..
So you want to buy Sue a present. - What are you going to give her?
I've had enough of you. - Now I am going to tell you parents.
Roger is playing so badly today. - He is going to lose.
Part 3.
On Saturday morning Greg is meeting his friends.
On Saturday afternoon he is playing volleyball.
On Saturday evening he is having dinner with Pat.
On Sunday morning he is doing nothing.
On Sunday afternoon he is visiting his grandpa.
On Sunday evening he is going to the theatre.
Will + going to + present continuous for future: exercise 3
ESL worksheets on e-grammar.org
Exercise 3
Complete the dialogues with the verbs in the box.
go read give stay have see take get rain
1 A Why are you switching on the light?
B Because I ........................................................ for a while.
2 A I'm dying for a drink.
B Are you? I ....................................................................... you a glass of juice.
3 A Don't forget to get in touch with Mr Clark.
B Don't worry. I ................................................... him a ring as soon as I arrive.
4 A Can we meet after school?
B I'm sorry, but Sam .......................................... me out to a cafe this afternoon.
5 A What a perfect day! The sun is shining...
B But look at that clouds over there. It ..................................................... Definitely.
6 A You look so happy! What's the matter?
B Jill and I ......................................................... a baby.
7 A Do you have a headache again?
B I have a splitting headache! But I ............................................ the doctor tomorrow at 10.30.
8 A What are your plans for the weekend?
B Nothing special. I suppose that we ........................................... at home as usual.
9 A Do you think we could come to see you at the beginning of July?
B At the beginning of July? We've already booked our holiday. We ........................................ to Greece.
Will + going to + present continuous for future: exercise 3
ESL worksheets on e-grammar.org
Key with answers
Exercise 3
1 Because I am going to read for a while.
2 I will get you a glass of juice.
3 I will give him a ring as soon as I arrive.
4 I'm sorry, but Sam is taking me out to a cafe this afternoon.
5 It is going to rain.
6 Jill and I are going to have a baby.
7 But I am seeing the doctor tomorrow at 10.30.
8 I suppose that we will stay at home as usual.
9 We are going to Greece.
Will + going to + present continuous for future: exercise 4
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Exercise 4
Underline the most suitable form.
I hope Ben is recovering | will recover from his illness sooner or later.
I've already decided. I won't lend | am not going to lend him any money.
I can see your luggage is quite heavy. I will take | am going to take it.
Will you do | Are you doing anything tonight? We could go to the cinema.
The weather forecast says it will warm up | is warming up soon.
Sorry, I can't go out with you tonight. Jim and I are meeting | will meet at the cafe.
Do you need an architect, because you are opening | are going to open a new shop?
We've already booked the tickets. We are leaving | are going to leave by the 10.15 train.
Please, put the vase back on the table or you will break | are breaking it.
I've bought this old house, because I am reconstructing | am going to reconstruct it.
Dad can't take you to school. He is going to have | is having an appointment at the dentist's at 8.30.
Where are you going? - To the garden. I am trimming | am going to trim the hedges.
Will + going to + present continuous for future: exercise 4
ESL worksheets on e-grammar.org
Will + going to + present continuous for future: exercise 4
ESL worksheets on e-grammar.org
Key with answers
Exercise 4
I hope Ben will recover
from his illness sooner or later.
I am not going to lend him any money.
I will take it.
Are you doing anything tonight?
The weather forecast says it will warm up soon.
Jim and I are meeting at the cafe.
Do you need an architect, because you are going to open a new shop?
We are leaving by the 10.15 train.
Please, put the vase back on the table or you will break it.
I've bought this old house, because I am going to reconstruct it.
He is having an appointment at the dentist's at 8.30.
I am going to trim the hedges.
Will + going to + present continuous for future: exercise 5
ESL worksheets on e-grammar.org
Exercise 5
Use jumbled words to make sentences.
A I'm so thirsty!
B I'll get you a drink. (get | drink | you)
1 A It is so hot in this classroom.
B You're right. .................................................................................. (window | open | I)
2 A I need your photo.
B My photo? .....................................................................................? (you | it | what | do | with)
3 A Have they bought the train tickets yet?
B Yes, they have. .............................................................................. (catch | 6.35 | they | train)
4 A Can I borrow your laptop?
B No problem. ...................................................................................? (it | need| how long | you)
5 A Have you decided about your entrance exam?
B Yes, I have. .................................................................................... (not | at | I | study | university)
6 A We spent our holiday in Prague last summer.
B Really? ........................................................................................... (Prague | May | go | we | in | to)
7 A Look at the man on the motorbike!
B Oh, no! ...........................................................................................? (crash | he | car | our | into)
8 A There's someone at the door. Can you answer it for me?
B At midnight? .................................................................................. (not | it | I | answer)
9 A Natasha is having a welcome party on Friday night. Are you going?
B Of course, I am. .............................................................................. (not | anything | I | do | Friday | on)
Will + going to + present continuous for future: exercise 5
ESL worksheets on e-grammar.org
Key with answers
Exercise 5
1 I will open the window.
2 What are you going to do with it?
3 They are catching the 6.35 train.
4 How long will you need it?
5 I am not going to study at university.
6 We are going to Prague in May.
7 Is he going to crash into our car?
8 I will not answer it.
9 I am not doing anything on Friday.