Date issued: 13 May 2008
Last revised: 26 April 2022
Authorization: Board: 13 May 2008
To create a caring and safe learning environment while promoting positive behaviour that
empowers all students to reach their full potential through Bias-aware prevention and
intervention strategies.
In this policy,
2.1 Board means the Board of Trustees.
2.2 Bias means a predisposition, prejudice or generalization about a group of persons
based on personal characteristics or stereotypes.
2.3 District means Ottawa-Carleton District School Board.
2.4 Expulsion means a disciplinary action which results in the withdrawal of a student from
school and school related activities for a period of time until completion of goals
identified in the Student Action Plan. See: Policy P.026.SCO Student Suspension and
2.5 Mitigating and Other Factors means extenuating circumstances that, when
considered, may mitigate the seriousness of the incident and/or the application of
progressive discipline, including a Suspension and/or whether further investigation
should be undertaken to recommend the Expulsion of a student.
2.6 Progressive Discipline means a whole-school approach to promoting and fostering
positive behviours which utilizes a continuum of prevention programs, interventions,
strategies, supports, and consequences to address student misconduct.
2.7 Restorative means approaches based on respect, compassion and inclusivity.
Restorative approaches encourage meaningful engagement and accountability while
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providing an opportunity for healing, reparation, addressing and repairing harms, and
2.8 School Climate means the learning environment and relationships found within a
school and school community.
2.9 Student Exclusion means the duty of a principal, under Section 265 (1)(m) of the
Education Act, subject to an appeal to the board, to refuse to admit to the school or
classroom a student whose presence in the school or classroom would in the principal’s
judgement be detrimental to the physical or mental well-being of the students.
2.10 OCDSB Community means trustees, committee members, council members, staff
members, students, parents/guardians/caregivers, permit holders, vendors, service
providers, contractors, volunteers, visitors, and all other persons learning, working, or
accessing services in the OCDSB environment.
2.11 Suspension means the temporary withdrawal of students from school and related
activities for a specific period of time where it has been determined that the student has
engaged in any activity for which a Suspension must be considered and would have a
negative impact on the School Climate.
3.1 The Board believes that being and feeling socially, emotionally and physically safe is a
precondition for student learning, achievement, and well-being. A caring and safe
school culture is the responsibility of all members of the OCDSB Community.
3.2 The Board recognizes that freedom from discrimination, oppression, and racism as well
as Bias-aware application of progressive discipline are essential to the fair and
equitable implementation of this policy.
3.3 Open and ongoing culturally- and trauma-sensitive communication between school,
home, and the student is essential to building relationships of trust which supports
student learning and well-being.
3.4 A safe learning environment begins in the classroom through Restorative approaches
and Progressive Discipline that promotes healthy relationships and community building
while prioritizing prevention and early intervention.
3.5 The Board recognizes the rights of students to be consistent with the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights, the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child,
the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the Canadian Charter of Rights
and Freedoms, and the Ontario Human Rights Code.
Application and Scope
4.1 This policy shall conform to international principles pertaining to the rights of the child, in
particular the best interests of the child and the participation of the child. Where there is
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inconsistency in the operation of this policy with any of the principles enshrined in Board
policy P.147.GOV Human Rights, the latter shall prevail.
4.2 Student behaviour inconsistent with the expectations stipulated in Policy P.125.SCO
School District Code of Conduct shall be addressed under this policy and associated
4.3 Student behaviour addressed in this policy is not limited to conduct on school property
but also includes:
a) conduct at a school-related activity, on school buses, during field trips, or at other
school-related activities off school premises; and
b) conduct in other circumstances where engaging in the conduct is likely to have a
negative impact on the School Climate.
4.4 This policy does not govern modifications to the school day or temporary exclusion of a
student from school, in accordance with section 265(1)(m) of the Education Act. Please
refer to Board Policy P.144.SCO Student Exclusions and the accompanying procedure.
Response to Student Misconduct
4.5 School staff who work directly with students shall respond to, and report to the principal,
all breaches of the School District Code of Conduct in a timely, supportive, and sensitive
manner prioritizing the students’ safety.
4.6 Responses shall represent the best interest of the student(s) and minimize disruptions
to accessing the academic program.
4.7 Implementing Bias-aware Progressive Discipline requires an understanding of key
human rights principles of equality and non-discrimination enshrined in the Human
Rights Code.
4.8 Progressive Discipline shall include,
a) a wide range of restorative approaches in alignment with Procedure PR.660.SCO
Progressive Discipline and Promoting Positive Student Behaviour or in alignment
with Indigenous practices or traditions. This shall include healing opportunities
such as access to cultural support personnel or physical spaces like an
Indigenous Lodge at school, or access to resources of community partners; and
may include,
b) Suspensions and Expulsions of students in alignment with Policy P.026 Student
Suspension and Expulsions
c) temporarily withdrawing a student’s transportation privileges in accordance with
Procedure PR.530.SCO Withdrawal of Transportation Privileges.
4.9 Ongoing intervention and support may be necessary to promote and sustain positive
student behaviour.
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Police Involvement in Response to Student Behaviour
4.10 The District shall not involve the police in response to student misconduct unless
required by the Provincial Model for a Local Police/School Board Protocol and in
accordance with Procedure PR.533.SCO Police Involvement in Schools.
4.11 The District shall commit to ensuring that the rights of students, families, and staff are
respected, and that the best interests of the student are safeguarded when police are
required to be present in schools and at school-related activities off school premises,
recognizing the historic harms experienced by marginalized communities.
4.12 Barring active emergencies, in all instances where police request to speak to a student
on District property, the District shall ensure the delay of such interactions until the
arrival of a trusted adult of the student’s choice, who is available within a reasonable
4.13 The Director of Education shall, on behalf of the Board, participate with other Ottawa
area school boards and the Ottawa Police Service, in regular revision of the Protocol to
Accompany Safe Schools Policies in the City of Ottawa in accordance with the
Provincial Model for a Local Policy/School Board Protocol.
4.14 Nothing in the Protocol to Accompany Safe Schools Policies in the City of Ottawa is to
be applied so as to contravene the Criminal Code, the Ontario Education Act, the
Ontario Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, the Ontario
Human Rights Code, or the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
4.15 At the beginning of every school year, schools shall review with students the behaviour
expectations enshrined in Policy P.125.SCO School District Code of Conduct.
4.16 The District shall ensure that students, school bus drivers and operators, school and
school support staff, parents/guardians/caregivers, members of community agencies,
and volunteers are made aware of this policy.
4.17 Subject to legislation governing disclosure of personal information, as appropriate and
on an ongoing basis, trustees and school council chairs shall be made aware of major
violent events that have occurred.
4.18 The District and schools shall engage in open communication and consultation with the
members of the OCDSB Community to foster a caring, inclusive, accepting and safe
school environment and to fulfill the guiding principles and objectives of the policy.
4.19 The District shall establish protocols with community agencies to support prevention
and intervention programs.
4.20 The District shall provide training to all administrators, teachers, occasional
teachers, and support staff to support the fair and Bias-free implementation of this
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4.21 The District shall collect and analyze data on the number and nature of violent incidents
in schools and incidents involving police in schools, to inform the improvement plans.
4.22 The District shall conduct anonymous School Climate surveys around perceptions on
the fair and effective application of discipline and perceptions of safety and belonging.
Survey results will be reported on publicly.
4.23 The Board shall annually review summary reports on the disproportionality in the
application of this policy in compliance with the Anti-Racism Act and with regard to all
OCDSB-recognized Protected Grounds.
4.24 The Director of Education is authorized to issue such procedures as may be necessary
to implement this policy.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child
Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom
Ontario Human Rights Code
Education Act, Ontario Regulations 472/07 and 474
Anti-Racism Act, 2017, R.S.O. 2017, c.15
Provincial Model for a Local Police/ School Board Protocol, 2015
Protocol to Accompany Safe Schools Policies in the City of Ottawa, 2020
Ministry of Education Policy/Program Memoranda (PPM) 119
Ministry of Education Policy/Program Memoranda (PPM) 120
Ministry of Education Policy/Program Memoranda (PPM) 128
Ministry of Education Policy/Program Memoranda (PPM) 141
Ministry of Education Policy/Program Memoranda (PPM) 142
Ministry of Education Policy/Program Memoranda (PPM) 144
Ministry of Education Policy/Program Memoranda (PPM) 145
Caring and Safe Schools in Ontario: Supporting Students with Special Education Needs
Through Progressive Discipline, Kindergarten to Grade 12
Supporting Bias-Free Progressive Discipline in Schools: A Resource Guide for School and
System Leaders, MOE and OHRC, 2013
OCDSB P.022.SCO Appeals Hearing Panel (Student Suspension)
OCDSB P.023.SCO Expulsion Hearing Panel (Students)
OCDSB P.026.SCO Student Suspension and Expulsion
OCDSB P.125.SCO School District Code of Conduct
OCDSB P.144.SCO Student Exclusions
OCDSB P.147.SCO Human Rights
OCDSB PR.512.SCO Appeals Hearing Panel (Student Suspension)
OCDSB PR.513.SCO Expulsion Hearing Panel (Students)
OCDSB PR.530.SCO Withdrawal of Transportation Privileges
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