Final Progress Report
Sustainability Science Program
September 1, 2008 – August 31, 2009
Name: Rema Hanna
Date: August 5, 2009
Field(s): Development Economics/Environmental Economics
Your degree program, institution and (expected) graduation date:
Harvard Kennedy School, Faculty Member
Faculty host(s) at Harvard name and department: Rohini Pande (HKS), Sendhil Mullainathan
Description of SSP-related research activity, including a title:
Air Pollution in India
The Impacts of Indoor Air Pollution: Evidence from an Experiment in India
Abstract (one paragraph):
The Impact of Air Pollution on Health in India: This research on the impact of air pollution on health
in India will advance understanding of the potential impact of environmental policies in low income
countries. The first project examines the effect of indoor air pollution (IAP) on health and well-being
in India. Indoor air pollution results from cooking with solid fuels on open fires and/or in traditional
stoves. It is thought be one of the greatest dangers to individuals in developing countries. This study
randomly assigns “clean” stoves that reduce indoor air pollution concentrations dramatically. The idea
is to measure the impact of the assignment of the clean stoves on a series of infant, child, and adult
health outcomes, as well as a series of economic outcomes (e.g., labor supply and school attendance).
The preliminary results indicate that there is a reduction in smoke exposure (measured by the carbon
monoxide content of respondents’ breath), thus the study will be able to measure the causal impact of
IAP on health and other outcomes. The study involves 2,500 households in Orissa, India, which is one
of the poorest states in India. It is only the second randomized evaluation of clean stoves and its
sample size (five times larger than the other study) means that it will be able to provide much more
definitive answers to key questions. A second project studies the impact of distributing improved
cooking stoves, which are designed to reduce indoor air pollution, on respiratory health and economic
well-being. It is the largest randomized evaluation to date of an improved stove program, with 2500
households participating in the project, in one of the poorest and most remote areas in India. The study
will examine whether the stoves reduce exposure to air toxins. The study will examine mid-line survey
data to ascertain whether the reduction in toxin exposure translates to health gains. The second project
examines the relationship between air pollution and infant mortality across Indian Cities. It analyzes a
data set on air pollution rates and infant mortality rates in about 90 Indian cities over 15 years
involving data collected from about 15 Indian states.
Identification of the problem you address (1 sentence to a paragraph):
This project aims to understand the impact of air pollution on health, and also to understand what types
of policies reduce air pollution.
The methods by which you answered that question (1 sentence to a paragraph):
I employ a variety of quasi-experimental and experimental techniques.
Principle literature upon which the research drew (methodological and substantive, e.g.,
innovation, incentive-based environmental management, science and technology studies):
The research draws upon the previous literature on recent statistical innovations in development
Empirical data acquisition description (1 sentence to a paragraph):
The data for the ambient air pollution project has been gathered; we are currently analyzing the data.
Geographical region studied (if appropriate): India
A description of the final product(s) you have/are aiming to produce (e.g., article in X journal):
There is a draft of a paper called "Regulating Pollution" on the impact of regulation on air and water
policies. I am currently analyzing the data from the stoves project, and hope it will develop into an
academic paper. I am also in the process of writing a book that puts the results from the regulating
pollution paper into a accessible form for policy makers.
Description of major other intellectual or professional advancement activity(ies) over the past
academic year, including working title(s) (e.g., PhD qualifying paper, dissertation, non-SSP research
project paper, job search):
I currently have three papers with revise and resubmits to journals (including the AER), I have two
papers under submission, and have co-written a draft of a Handbook Chapter.
An Event Study Analysis of the Relationship Between Inspections and Firm Level Emissions,
with Paulina Oliva, Berkeley. Revise and Resubmit at BE Press.
U.S. Environmental Regulation and FDI: Evidence from a Panel of U.S. Based Multinational Firms,
Development Research Institute Working Paper #23. Revise and Resubmit at AEJ: Micro Incentives
Works: Getting Teachers to Come to School,
Joint with Esther Duflo, MIT, and Stephen Ryan, MIT, Revised version of: Bread Working Paper
#103; Development Research Institute Working Paper # 16; NBER Working Paper #11880.
[Program evaluated in this paper won the Digital Learning Award of India of 2007]. Revise and
Resubmit at the American Economic Review
Principal collaborators outside Harvard (list name and institution):
Michael Greenestone, MIT
Ben Olken, MIT
Esther Duflo, MIT
Leigh Linden, Columbia
List any awards or grants that you have received this year for the current or coming year.
Please provide details regarding title of award, financial amount, and date of award:
Spencer Grant, $40,000
Mind Brain and Behavior Grant (Internal Harvard Grant): $20,000
Empowerment Grant (Internal Harvard Grant): $24,000
South Asia Initiative Grant (Internal Harvard Grant): $5,000