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Reference Points, Prospect Theory, and Momentum on the PGA Reference Points, Prospect Theory, and Momentum on the PGA
Tour Tour
Daniel F. Stone
Bowdoin College
Jeremy Arkes
Naval Postgraduate School
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Stone, Daniel F. and Arkes, Jeremy, "Reference Points, Prospect Theory, and Momentum on the PGA Tour"
Economics Faculty Publications
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Reference Points,
Prospect Theory,
and Momentum
on the PGA Tour
Daniel F. Stone
and Jeremy Arkes
Pope and Schweitzer (2011) study predictions of prospect theory for the reference
point of par on the current hole in professional golf. We study prospect-theory
predictions of three other plausible reference points: par for recent holes, for the
round, and for the tournament. A potentially competing force is momentum in
quality of play, that is, the hot or cold hand. While prospect theory predicts negative
serial correlation in better (worse)-than-average performance across holes, the hot
(cold) hand implies the opposite. We find evidence that, for each of the reference
points we study, when scores are better than par, hot-hand effects are dominated by
prospect-theory effects. These effects can occur via two mechanisms: greater
conservatism or less effort. We find evidence that the former (latter) dominates for
scores closer to (further from) the reference point. We also find evidence of
prospect theory effects (greater risk seeking) when scores are worse than par for
the round in Round 1 and of cold-hand effects for scores worse than par for the
tournament in Round 3. The magnitudes of some of the joint effects are comparable
to those found by Pope and Schweitzer and other related papers. We conclude by
discussing how, rather than compete, prospect-theory and cold-hand forces might
also cause one another.
Bowdoin College, Brunswick, ME, USA
Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA, USA
Corresponding Author:
Daniel F. Stone, Bowdoin College, 9700 College Station, Brunswick, ME 04011, USA.
Journal of Sports Economics
2016, Vol. 17(5) 453-482
ª The Author(s) 2016
Reprints and permission:
DOI: 10.1177/1527002516641167
golf, reference points, prospect theory, hot hand, momentum
You get to like the 12th hole and I’m three under par and I don’t want to have one hole hurt
a round so I end up laying up
–Phil Mickelson, in an interview after the first round of the 2015 U.S. Open
Pope and Schweitzer (2011; hereafter PS) find that professional golfers make putts
for a score of par around three percentage points more often than putts of the same
difficulty for a score one stroke better than par (birdie). Since nearly all strokes have
roughly the same expected effect on final tournament standing and earnings, golfers
should, normatively, treat otherwise equivalent par and birdie putts equally and thus
perform equally well on them. PS’s finding violates this normative standard but is
consistent with predictions of prospect theory (Kahneman & Tversky, 1979) that
individuals are often influenced by arbitrary reference points, in this case par for the
current hole, and have greater motivation to avoid a loss versus the reference point
than to attain a gain. While prospect theory had been studied extensively in the lab,
PS’s paper was one of the first to study the topic in a context with experienced
decision makers and high stakes.
In this article, we develop the analysis of PS further by studying three other types
of reference points: par for very recent holes (the combined score for the current and
last holes), par for the current round, and par for the tournament. The Phil Mickelson
quote above reflects prospect-theory-type thinking with respect to the round-level
reference point in particular, but the others we analyze are plausible a priori as well.
Our analysis of reference points is motivated by several goals. First, we hope our
results contribute to the literature on the determinants of reference points that most
affect behavior. As discussed in Barberis (2013; an excellent review of the elements of
prospect theory and follow-up theoretical and empirical work), one of the challenges in
applying prospect theory has been that the reference point’s definition is often ambig-
uous. Our work addresses the importance of expectations for determining reference
points, and the relevance of multiple reference points in a given context. There has been
some recent experimental work on these topics (Abeler, Falk, Goette, & Huffman,
2011; Baucells, Weber, & Welfens, 2011), but such research using nonlab data is highly
limited. Second, we dig deeper into the possible mechanisms underlying reference-
point effects, effort versus risk attitudes. PS discuss both of these mechanisms driving
their results—that players may exert more effort and/or become more risk seeking in
putts for par, causing the improvement in average performance. But PS do not analyze
which factor is dominant, or how this may depend on context. Third, we hope to enhance
the understanding of the general prevalence and magnitudes of prospect-theory effects.
454 Journal of Sports Economics 17(5)
This analysis is made more complex, however, by the fact that golfers may
experience periods of momentum in quality of play. That is, being in what prospect
theory refers to as ‘the domain of gains’ (a position preferred to the reference point,
i.e., having a score below par for holes relevant to a given reference point) could be
indicative of the golfer having the ‘hot hand’ and therefore being likely to play
better on subsequent holes. The ‘domain of losses’ (a score above par) is analogous
and may imply a ‘cold hand.’ While the conventional wisdom in behavioral eco-
nomics as of just a few years ago was that ‘the hot hand is a widespread cognitive
illusion’ (Kahneman, 2011, p. 117), the hot hand is now recognized to exist in a
variety of settings.
Hot (cold) hand theories predict positive serial correlation in the
chance of outcomes being better (worse) than average, and prospect theory typically
predicts the opposite. The hot hand—or the hot-hand bias, that is, overestimation of
one’s own momentum—could thus be viewed as a confound to the analysis of
prospect theory. But the hot and cold hands, and the bias, are of interest also.
most of our results do not purely capture either prospect-theory or momentum effects
but instead can be viewed as the outcome of a potential horse race between these
competing forces. We also conduct a limited analysis in which the two types of
effects are better separated; the results from this support our interpretation of the
results from the main analysis.
Our main findings are as follows. For each of the three types of reference points,
we find evidence that when in the domain of gains, prospect-theory effects dominate
hot-hand effects: Recent success predicts a decline in quality of subsequent perfor-
mance. The evidence on eff ort versus risk mechanisms is somewhat murky, but
overall the results suggest that the prospect-theory effects are driven more by risk
aversion when scores are closer to the reference point, and more by lower effort for
scores further from the reference point. There is some evidence of a hot-hand bias
(that golfers become overconfident), which could also account for this decline in
performance in the domain of gains.
We also find several types of evidence indicating that the actual reference points
golfers use are in fluenced by both salience and expectations that players adjust
expectations, and thus reference points, based on their own overall ability, how play
is going in a particular round, and the difficulty of the relevant holes. Since these
factors diminish the observability of reference-point effects, these results imply our
more aggregated results are, in general, likely attenuated.
When golfers enter a hole in the domain of losses, results are different. We find
some evidence of greater risk-seeking behavior (as predicted by prospect theory), as
being in the domain of losses for the round in Round 1 is associated with greater
chances of both below- and above-par scores on the current hole. We also find a
general decline in quality of play when scores are above par for the tournament in
Round 3, consistent with the cold hand (we restrict analysis to Rounds 1 and 3 for
reasons we explain in the Other C ontrols section). This effect occurs for both
relatively high- and low-ranked players, indicating it is not just driven by lack of
experience, skill, or lower stakes. While the exact mechanism behind the effect is
Stone and Arkes 455
somewhat unclear, the stronger result in Round 3 indicates it is unlikely to be caused
entirely by a few plausible alternative factors we discuss.
We also estimate the joint effects of the reference points across sets of holes
(rounds and half-rounds). Our estimates for these joint effects are precise and mostly
small (less than 0.1 strokes) for round-level effects. However, the joint effect for all
of Round 3 starting with a tournament score substantially above or below par is
around 0.2 strokes, which is similar to the round-level effects found by PS and
related papers. PS discuss how such a magnitude extrapolated for an entire tourna-
ment could imply annual losses of hundreds of thousands of dollars. Some of our
estimated half-round effects are larger on a per-hole basis, and all of these estimates
should be conservative due to the attenuation issue, and so while these estimates are
certainly not huge, they seem economically significant.
In summary, our results confirm the importance of reference points in real-world
behavior, as their effects are large enough to be observable and substantial despite
heterogeneity, unobserved expectations, and competing forces. Our results also pro-
vide evidence consistent with the existence and importance of momentum in perfor-
mance and the asymmetry of hot and cold momentum. In the final section, we discuss
reconciling our seemingly inconsistent results—the variation in dominance of risk,
effort, and cold-hand effects. Rather than being competing forces, cold-hand and
prospect-theory effects may actually, at least in part, cause one another.
Data and Prior Literature
We use data fro m t he Professional Golfers’ Association (PGA)’s ShotLink data -
base available to the public online. The database inclu des inf ormatio n on every
shot at PGA tournament events from 2003 to the present, excluding the four
major tournaments. We use data t hrough the 2014 seaso n. Variables include the
tournament, course, round, hole, player, the score on the given hole, and, based
on laser-determined location, the location of the ball and distance to the hole for
each shot.
The unit of observation used for our analysis is player-year-tournament-round-
hole. We start with 3,549,186 observations. We deleted 627 rounds that were labeled
the fifth round (which occurs rarely in certain tournaments) and dropped 109 rounds
for which there were missing scores. We considered dropping the five tournaments
that comprise the golf play-offs, the FedEx Cup (the Tour Championships, Deutsche
Bank Championship, The Barclays, and the BMW Championship), but found results
were similar and prefer to keep these observations to maximize sample size. We
code hole number in the order in which holes are played by the player, so if a player
starts a round on Hole 10, which happens somewhat regularly, this hole is coded as
Hole 1, Hole 11 as 2, and so on.
456 Journal of Sports Economics 17(5)
Related Literature
Other papers (in addition to PS) that analyze prospect theory in golf are Sachau,
Simmering, and Adler (2012) and McFall (2015). The former finds that, consistent
with prospect theory, amateur golfers are more risk seeking after a bogey versus after
a par or birdie. In addition to analyzing the behavior of amateurs and not pros, their
paper also differs from ours by using survey data and not data on performance. The
latter finds that PGA players penalized a shot for hitting a par-5 tee shot out of
bounds are more likely to ‘go for the green’ on the shot after the do-over drive,
indicating more risk-seeking behavior. This finding supports the importance of par
on the current hole as a reference point.
Another paper particularly closely related to ours is Smith et al. (2009) as they also
study the competition between prospect-theory and competing forces, including per-
ceived hot or cold streaks, but for a different context, (online) poker. Their main
finding is that play becomes more risky and aggressive after big losses, as predicted
by prospect theory.
Other economics papers using PGA tour data include the following. Brown
(2011) finds that the presence of Tiger Woods demotivated other top players, caus-
ing them to perform worse by 0.8 strokes per tournament. Kali, Pastoriza, and Plante
(2015) study the effects of nonmonetary incentives on performance and find that
players perform worse when these incentives (Ryder Cup points) are higher. They
find effects that range from 0.29 to 0.81 strokes per tournament. The study by
Rosenqvist and Skans (2015) is similar to our paper in that they study the effects
of confidence, closely related to the hot/cold hand, and indeed find evidence of
positive correlation in performance; their paper differs from ours in their focus on
performance variation across, and not within, tournaments.
Other papers in this genre differ from ours by analyzing effects for specific holes
or small sets of holes, and not entire rounds of play. Hickman and Metz (2015) show
that players choke on putts on the final holes of tournaments when monetary stakes
are higher, and Balsdon (2013) shows that risk strategies are affected by tournament
standing, more so when players are trying to make the cut rather than at the end of
tournaments. Ozbeklik and Smith (2014) show that risk strategies do vary wi th
tournaments but only analyze match play (a nonstandard format of tournament);
as the authors discuss, the incentives to change risk strategy are much stronger in the
match play format, which supports our assumption that risk attitudes, normatively,
should not change for the large majority of holes we analyze.
Theory and Identification
Prospect theory predicts that decisions are made based on salient changes or differ-
ences in a variable of interest, as compared to the so-called reference point. The
reference point is a psychologically plausible baseline and is typically arbitrary from
Stone and Arkes 457
a normative perspective. By contrast, standard economics of course assumes choices
are made based on the levels of relevant variables. Fo r example, if an agent is
proposed a ‘50–50 win US$150, lose US$100 gamble,’ prospect theory assumes
the agent makes his choice ignoring the value of his initial wealth, since this value
is the natural reference point, and only the possible changes in wealth are relevant to
the decision. That is, prospect theory predicts the same choice whether initial wealth
is US$100 or US$1 million. Obviously, this factor could be normatively significant.
Prospect theory includes three other key elements, in addition to reference points:
(1) Agents evaluate a ‘value’ (contra utility) function of outcomes versus the
reference point, whose slope is 2–3 times as steep in the domain of losses (negative
values of the difference/change variable) versus that of gains (positive values),
implying loss aversion; (2) there are diminishing marginal effects of both gains and
losses on the value function; and (3) ‘probability weighting,’ in particular, very low
probabilities are weighted upward in calculating expectations. Since most of the
decisions we analyze do not involve very low probabilities, and in the interest of
parsimony, we do not consider probability weighting in our analysis (however, this
may be worth studying in future work).
We present an illustrative value function, applied to the context of golf for the
reference points that we consider, in Figure 1. Discussion of this figure is sufficient
x = -score relative to reference point (positive values = scores below par)
Start hole in domain of losses:
Convex value function.
Highest returns to effort.
Start hole in domain of gains:
Concave value function.
Lowest returns to effort.
Start hole at reference pt:
Convex-concave value function.
Moderate returns to effort.
Figure 1. A prospect-theory value function for golfers (vðxÞ¼x
if x 0, ¼2:3ðxÞ
x < 0).
458 Journal of Sports Economics 17(5)
for understanding the key forces at play in our empirical setting; a detailed formal
analysis, which could include dynamic effects a cross holes, is beyond our scope.
Notethat,fornow,scoresbelow par are gains and thus imply positive va lue s of x
(score relative to par for a given reference point) and vice versa for scores above
par. For the moment, assume that x represents the score on just the current hole
being pla yed. The v alue function is steeper in the domain of losses due to loss
aversion, which implies the return to making a shot to avoid a loss (x ¼1) is
greater than the return to attaining a gain of the same size (x ¼ 1). PS pointed out
that this could cause golfers to put more effort into putts for par than for birdie (x ¼ 1)
and focus on this explanation for their result that par putts are indeed made more often.
Effort, in this context, refers to time and focus, which does plausibly vary at least to
some extent from hole to hole. The figure also shows that, since the value function is
convex to the left and concave to the right, golfers may be more risk seeking for shots
to avoid losses (or further losses) and more risk averse on shots to attain gains.
As discussed above, our work is motivated, first and foremost, by the existence of
several other plausible reference points in golf, beyond par on the current hole.
When a golfer steps up to the tee, he is not in the domain of gains or losses for that
particular hole. If he performed well on the previous hole, he might still feel the
emotional benefit from the gain and thus continue to act as if he is in the domain of
gains. And he might also consider to score relative to par for the round and/or for the
tournament. That is, x could represent the combined score from the current hole and
any of a few different sets of relevant previous holes.
If x > 0 at the start of a hole (the golfer is in the domain of gains), this could make
him exert less effort than otherwise, since the returns to further gains and costs of
losses are both relatively low. This would make him less likely to attain birdie, more
likely to attain bogey, and have a higher mean score on the current hole. At the same
time, x > 0 could also cause conservatism due to the concavity of the value function
(making the golfer less likely to attain both birdie and bogey, possibly also increas-
ing the mean score). If x < 0, the value function is convex and steep, which would
cause relatively high risk seeking and/or effort.
However, performance versus each of these reference points could also be indi-
cative of the extent to which a player is currently hot or cold. If a player performed
better than par on the last hole, his ability level might be temporarily elevated (due to
confidence, physical factors, etc.), implying he is likely to perform better on the
current hole as well (higher chance of birdie, lower chance of a bogey, and lower
mean score). The reverse would be true for players who performed poorly on recent
holes. We note that results consistent with the cold hand could be caused by injuries
or other physical problems.
Table 1 summarizes the predicted effects for various outcomes for the different
forces. Since each of the three mechanisms—hot/cold hands, effort, and risk pre-
ferences—makes a unique prediction of the combination of three types of outcomes
(above par, below par, and mean performance), we can, loosely speaking, identify
which of the three forces is dominant, by examining the effects of position versus the
Stone and Arkes 459
reference point for each of the three outcomes.
In the next section, we discuss the
methods we use for estimating these effects.
Empirical Methods
Model and Left-Hand Side (LHS) Variables
To test these predictions, it might be ideal to estimate a model that jointly analyzes
more than one of the outcomes, such as multinomial logit (ordered logit would not be
appropriate since the signs of the predicted effects are ambiguous). However, a
nonlinear model like this is computationally infeasible, given the size of our data
set and the need to include large sets of fixed effects (FEs). Instead, we use linear
probability models for each of the probability outcomes (bp and ap, binary variables
for below and above par on the current hole, respectively), and a linear model also
for the outcome of score (s).
Right-Hand Side (RHS) Variables
To capture the effects of par for the round and tournament as reference points, we
include, in all regressions, shots above par for the current round, rounda, shots below
par for round, roundb, and (after Round 1) shots above par and below par for the
tournament, tourna and tournb. Each of these variables thus takes a value of 0 or a
positive integer. While we focus on linear specifications, we also examine nonlinear
ones to examine ho w marginal effects and mechanisms may change as position
versus the reference-point changes.
To capture the effects of score versus par for the last hole (to address the reference
point of par for the rolling pair of the current and last holes), we include, in all
regressions, lastb and lasta (strokes below and above par on the last hole, respec-
tively). These variables are again weakly positive and integer valued. We explored
including analogous variables for the last two and last three holes, but they do not
qualitatively change the results and make the results harder to interpret and the
presentation much more complex.
Table 1. Hot Hand and Prospect-Theory Predictions.
Score at Start of Hole
Versus Reference Point Current Hole
Theory: Effort
Theory: Risk
Below par Pr (below par) þ
Below par Pr (above par) þ
Below par E (score) þþor 0
Above par Pr (below par) þ þ
Above par Pr (above par) þ þ
Above par E (score) þ ?
460 Journal of Sports Economics 17(5)
We include the last, round, and tourn variables in all models because they are
obviously correlated and act as controls for one another, and it would be difficult to
interpret results with these variables included in separate models. A natural alter-
native specification would be to include the scores for individual lagged holes as
separate regressors. We think our specification is preferable because it maps directly
to reference-point theory. It would be very difficult to interpret round and tourna-
ment reference-point effects with a lagged-hole score specification. However, one
should note that our specification does imply that, in general, the coefficients cannot
be interpreted as marginal effects, and it is more appropriate to consider the joint
marginal effects over a set of holes such as a round, as we discuss in Magnitudes
Other Controls
In addition to the last=round=tourn variables acting as controls for one another,
there are many factors that could confound our analysis. An important one is tourna-
ment standing. Players may sometimes have strategic incentives to go for riskier or
more conservative shots to out-compete players with similar scores, and these
incentives could be correlated with our regressors of interest. In particular, players
likely vie to make the cut in the late holes of Round 2 (finish in the top half in order
to proceed to Rounds 3 and 4) and vie to out-compete players with similar scores in
the final holes of Round 4. Controlling for these incentives is very difficult and could
create a ‘bad control’ problem, since standing at the start of a hole would be
affected by the regressors of interest. Thus, we limit our analysis to the rounds in
which strategic incentives such as these should be minimal, Rounds 1 and 3. Since
we have such a large sample, we can still obtain precise results for this limited scope.
Moreover, in auxiliary analyses reported in the working paper version of this article
(available on, we show results for Rounds 1 and 2 are similar, as are
results for 3 and 4.
Other important confounding variables are player and course heterogeneity. FEs
are clearly the ideal way to control for these factors. We include FEs for each hole-
day, which accounts for variation in difficulty of cours es, holes within courses,
placement of the pin, and weather across rounds (we cannot control for weather
changes within a round). Accounting for player heterogeneity is more difficult. We
consider several types of FEs: player-year, player-year-par value, player-year and
player-par value combined, and play er-course.
Each of these, except the latter,
accounts for player ability changing over time; player-course-year FEs would be
equivalent to player-tournament FEs, which would be very collinear with the tourn
variables. Accounting for par value is important since some players may be rela-
tively good at longer or shorter holes, and par values are not independent across
Including any of these FEs could cause a dynamic panel endogeneity bias, also
known as Nickell bias (Nickell, 1981). The lagged dependent variable is endogenous
Stone and Arkes 461
in FEs panel data models, and the last=round=tourn variables are highly correlated
with the lagged dependent variable in our models.
A standard way to address this
problem is to use other lags as instruments (e.g., the Arellano–Bond estimator), but
we cannot do this since we do not know which, if any, lags are exogenous. However,
this bias disappears as T (number of observations per FE group) grows large.
we can minimize this issue by dropping FE groups with insufficiently large T.We
determine what cutoff to use for T empirically. We do this by checking results for
each type of FEs with progressively higher (minimum) T t hresh olds. If res ults
change substantially from one threshold to another, this means the results for the
lower threshold are very likely biased. If results are similar across thresholds, this
means the bias has likely become small.
We report a large set of these results in the working paper but only summarize
these results here in the interest of brevity. We find the Nickell bias is severe for
player-course FEs, as results change sharply as the threshold grows until a large
majority of the sample is lost. But the bias appears fairly mild for other FEs; results
are roughly stable for a range of thresholds that maintain the large majority of the
sample. Using our best judgment, we choose to proceed using player-year-par FEs
with a threshold of 50 observations per FE group. These FEs are more conservative
than both player-year and the player-year and player-par combination (since player-
year-par allows player ability to vary by par-value across years), but more aggressive
than player-year-par with higher thresholds, which lead to substantial sample losses
(over 30% for a threshold of 100) but largely similar results. Still, we should keep in
mind that we do not control for player-course effects.
The final (baseline) regression equation we use is thus:
¼ b
þ b
þ b
þ b
þ b
þ b
þ a
þ g
þ e
The subscript i denotes the player-year-par FE group, and h denotes the course-
hole-day FE group. The dependent variable, y, is below par (bp, 0/1), above par (ap,
0/1), or the score (s, ..., 2, 1, 0, 1, 2, ... ). Standard errors are clustered by
player tournament. Summary statistics for our final sample, and variable definitions,
are provided in Table 2. Scores tend to be better for last and round variables in
Round 3, likely due to the better golfers making the cut to continue to Round 3.
Main Results
Table 3 presents the various results for the baseline model. We interpret these results
using the predictions of Table 1 and focus our discussion on the significant results.
We do not present tests of joint significance for any of the variables because joint
462 Journal of Sports Economics 17(5)
Table 2. Summary Statistics for Final Sample.
Round 1 Round 3
Var. Definition Mean Min Max Mean Min Max
bp Dummy for s < 0 0.189 0 1 0.184 0 1
ap Dummy for s > 0 0.175 0 1 0.171 0 1
s Score versus par on current hole 0.006 3 12 0.006 39
lastb Strokes below par on last hole 0.198 0 3 0.215 0 3
lasta Strokes above par on last hole 0.193 0 12 0.178 0 9
roundb Strokes below par for round at start
of current hole
0.793 0 12 0.947 0 11
rounda Strokes above par for round at start
of current hole
0.760 0 18 0.606 0 15
tournb Strokes below par for tourn. at start
of current hole
n/a n/a n/a 3.839 0 27
tourna Strokes above par for tourn. at start
of current hole
n/a n/a n/a 0.613 0 25
Note. n ¼ 943,575 and 473,451 for all variables in Rounds 1 and 3, respectively.
Table 3. Main Results.
Round 1 Round 3
bp ap s bp ap s
lastb 0.0038***
roundb 0.0012***
tournb 0.0013***
lasta 0.0004
rounda 0.0012***
tourna 0.0007
Adj R
.099 .052 .102 .087 .048 .093
n 943,575 943,575 943,575 473,451 473,451 473,451
Note. All models estimated by ordinary least squares with player-year-par and hole-day fixed effects, and
standard errors clustered by player-tournament.
*, **, and *** denote 10%, 5%, and 1% significance, respectively.
Stone and Arkes 463
effects are analyzed in the Magnitudes section. We first discuss the variables mea-
suring gains and then those for losses.
All five of the variables increasing in gains versus reference points (lastb, roundb,
and tournb, with the first two included in the models for both Rounds 1 and 3) have
significant negative effects on the probability of scoring below par on the current
hole. This is quite strong evidence that prospect-theory effects (effort and/or risk)
dominate hot-hand effects for this outcome. As players move further into the domain
of gains for each reference point, they do not exert as much effort or play more
conservatively on subsequent holes.
In Round 3, an increase in lastb is also associated with a lower probability of
scoring above par on the current hole. This result, together with the lower probability
of birdie, is consistent with the prospect-theory risk prediction that golfers become
more conservative when they have gains they wish to preserve. The evidence for a
lower above-par probability in the domain of gains is insignificant for the other gains
variables but usually directionally consistent with conservatism.
Turning to the outcome of average score, three of the five gains variables have
significant po sitive coefficients, and there are no significant negative ones. The
positive sign is consistent with both (prospect-theory) risk and effort predictions
and inconsistent with the hot-hand prediction.
In t he domain of losses, three of the five variables have signi ficant positive
effects on the probability o f scori ng above par on the current hole: lasta, rounda in
the first round and tourna in Round 3. There are no significant negative effects for
this outcome. In Round 1, being above par for the round also is associated with a
higher probability of a score below par. The combination of these two effects
(higher chances of scores below and above par) i s consiste nt with the risk predic-
tion (greater risk seeking). In Round 3, tourna is also associated with higher
average scores (and no increase in the chance of birdie). The combination of
effects for this variable is most consistent with the cold hand. It is unlikely that
this result is driven by within (current) round weather changes, since tournament
scores during Round 3 are mostly based on performance in the previous two days.
Player-course effects should affect performance in both rounds in a similar way, so
these effects likely do not explain the stronger cold-hand results in Round 3. I t is
possible that these results are influenced by injuries (or other factors), but these
likely should also cause similar results in Round 1. Therefore, we interpret our
results as implying that cold-hand forces are at least rela tively strong in Round 3
when tournament scores are high.
We explore these results further in several ways. First, we examine nonlinear
specifications. As discussed above, diminishing marginal sensitivity is an important
part of prospect theory. Thus, the benefit of an additional gain declines as scores fall
further below par. But this means the cost of an additional loss also declines. This
could cause golfers to actually reduce effort as scores rise above par (for the round or
tournament). On the other hand, if golfers integrate the value they could receive by
eliminating losses on future holes, effort could continue to grow as scores rise further
464 Journal of Sports Economics 17(5)
above par. Moreover, changes in the curvature of the value function at different
values of x could cause changes in risk attitudes.
We use two nonlinear specifications; first, a relatively flexible quadratic, allow-
ing marginal effects to grow, shrink, or neither. These results are in Table 4. The
roundb linear terms for outcomes bp and ap are both negative in Round 1, indicating
risk effects that were less clear in Table 3. However, the squared term is positive and
significant at the 10% leve l, indicating that the ap (bogey) effect disappears as
roundb increases. Thus, the combination of these results implies risk (effort) effects
are stronger for scores closer to (further from) the reference point. Moreover, in
Round 3 the roundb-square term is significantly positive for ap and s,further
indicating that effort effects are relatively dominant for higher values of roundb.
Regarding the domain of losses, for Round 1 the rounda-square terms for the LHS
variables ap and s are both positive, indicating the marginal cold-hand and/or risk
effects grow as a golfer moves further into the domain of losses and that effort
effects may be dominant for scores just above par. That is, golfers may successfully
Table 4. Quadratics.
Round 1 Round 3
bp ap s bp ap s
lastb 0.0037***
roundb 0.0015*
roundbsq 0.0001
tournb 0.0019***
tournbsq 0.0000
lasta 0.0003
rounda 0.0021***
tourna 0.0012
tournasq 0.0001
Adj R
.099 .052 .102 .087 .048 .093
n 943,575 943,575 943,575 473,451 473,451 473,451
Note. All models estimated by ordinary least squares with player-year-par and hole-day fixed effects, and
standard errors clustered by player tournament.
*, **, and *** denote 10%, 5%, and 1% significance, respectively.
Stone and Arkes 465
‘try harder’ when scores are just above par in Round 1, but this extra effort does not
occur, or is less effective, as scores go further over par. For Round 3, again there is
no evidence of any type of increase in the chance of birdie. The cold-hand effect
indicated by higher scores for the tournament incre ases as scores grow, but the
marginal effect declines (the tourna-square terms are negative and significant for
outcomes of above par and average score).
Next, we examine a specification in which the RHS variables are recoded as
dummies equal to 1 if the original regressors took strictly positive values. This of
course is a much less flexible specification but is appropriate if golfers focus on
whether or not they are in the domain of gains or losses, and not ‘where they are
in either of these domains. These results are presented in Table 5. There are some
intriguing results here that did not emerge in Table 3. In particular, being below par for
the round (roundbd ¼ 1) decreases the chance of ap ¼ 1inRound1anddoesnot
increase the chance of ap ¼ 1 in Round 3. These results differ from analogous results
for roundb reported in Tables 3 and 4. These new (Table 5) results are more indicative
of risk effects than effort effects. Since the Table 6 results are relatively highly
influenced by lower values of roundb, and the Tables 3 and 4 results more by higher
values, this comparison supports the conclusion that risk effects are stronger for lower
values of roundb, and effort effects stronger for higher values. For the domain of
losses, the results are also supportive of the interpretation of Table 5 discussed above.
A potential critique of our analysis is that par is not always the most relevant
reference point that players expect better scores on relatively easy holes and worse
Table 5. Score Above/Below Reference Point Dummy Variables.
Round 1 Round 3
bp ap s bp ap s
lastbd 0.0038***
roundbd 0.0031***
tournbd 0.0036
lastad 0.0002
roundad 0.0024**
tournad 0.0019
Adj R
.099 .052 .102 .086 .048 .093
n 943,575 943,575 943,575 473,451 473,451 473,451
Note. All models estimated by ordinary least squares with player-year-par and hole-day fixed effects, and
standard errors clustered by player tournament.
*, **, and *** denote 10%, 5%, and 1% significance, respectively.
466 Journal of Sports Economics 17(5)
scores for tougher holes.
Consequently, a bogey on a difficult hole may be per-
ceived as a relatively small loss and a birdie on an easy hole a small gain. This theory
of expectations-dependent reference points was first developed formally by Koszegi
and Rabin (2006). PS analyze this theory in their context and find support for it.
We conduct a similar analysis, subtracting the mean score for each hole–tourna-
ment–round from each player’s score and then reconstruct the last, round, and tourn
variables with these difficulty-adjusted scores. The new variables are referred to as
adjlast, adjround, and adjtourn. For example, if a golfer birdied Hole 1 in Round 1,
but every golfer birdied that hole, then adjlastb ¼ 0 on Hole 2, while lastb ¼ 1. The
results are in Table 6. The point estimates are indeed generally a bit stronger than
their analogs in Table 3, supporting the theory, and largely consistent with the
interpretation of the original results discussed above. A difference worth noting is
that adjroundb has a significant positive effect on ap in Round 3 (while roundb did
not), supporting the effort prediction of that situation.
Hole and Player Heterogeneity
In order to better understand these results, we disaggregate the sample in several
ways. First, we split it into ‘front nine’ holes (first nine holes played in the current
round, which sometimes are the course’s Holes 10–18) and ‘back nine’ holes and
estimate the baseline models for each of these subsamples.
The results, in Table 7,
indicate that lastb effects are larger on the back nine, and roundb effects greater on
Table 6. Koszegi and Rabin (2006) Reference Points.
Round 1 Round 3
bp ap s bp ap s
adjlastb 0.0038***
adjroundb 0.0014***
adjtournb 0.0015***
adjlasta 0.0003
adjrounda 0.0012***
adjtourna 0.0014***
Adj R
.099 .052 .102 .087 .048 .093
n 943,575 943,575 943,575 473,451 473,451 473,451
Note. All models estimated by ordinary least squares with player-year-par and hole-day fixed effects, and
standard errors clustered by player tournament. See text for definition of adjusted variables.
*, **, and *** denote 10%, 5%, and 1% significance, respectively.
Stone and Arkes 467
the front nine. This is consistent with the idea that score relative to par for the round
could be especially salient early in the round, when one has recently started from the
reference-point score of 0. Later in the round, golfers may become accustomed to
being below par and adjust their reference point (and focus more on the most recent
holes). Thus, this is additional evidence of expectations-adjusted reference points.
Table 7 results also suggest that cold-hand effects (for the round and tournament)
accelerate on the back nine.
Table 7. Front Nine/Back Nine.
Round 1 Round 3
bp ap s bp ap s
Front nine
lastb 0.0026
roundb 0.0034***
tournb 0.0015***
lasta 0.0007
rounda 0.0008
tourna 0.0001
Adj R
.100 .051 .103 .087 .049 .095
n 443,410 443,410 443,410 221,447 221,447 221,447
Back nine
lastb 0.0062***
roundb 0.0011**
tournb 0.0015***
lasta 0.0004
rounda 0.0006
tourna 0.0005
Adj R
.101 .052 .104 .088 .047 .092
n 500,165 500,165 500,165 252,004 252,004 252,004
Note. All models estimated by ordinary least squares with player-year-par and hole-day fixed effects, and
standard errors clustered by player tournament.
*, **, and *** denote 10%, 5%, and 1% significance.
468 Journal of Sports Economics 17(5)
In Table 8, we present results for an analysis split by par value per hole. Effects
are generally stronger for the longer holes, consistent with the effects compounding
across shots. In particular, in Round 3, the roundb and tourna positive effects on
score increase for larger par values. We might expect, a priori, the risk effects to be
relatively visible for par-5 holes, as players then face the strategic choice of whether
to ‘go for the green’ on the second shot. And indeed, the rounda effects in Round 1,
consistent with greater risk seeking, are strongest for par-5 holes. However, the
separate par-5 analysis does not reveal changes in other risk attitudes obscured by
the more aggregated analysis.
We next split our sample by official world golf ranking (for the end of the prior
calendar year) and present results in Table 9.
Results are fairly similar for higher and
lower ranked players. Important differences are that roundb effects in Round 1, and
tournb effects in Round 3, are stronger for the worse ranked players, consistent with
worse ranked players having expectations-based reference points closer to par in Round 1
and for the tournament in Round 3. However, we also find roundb effects for better ranked
players in Round 3. Perhaps this is because, after making the cut, their initial expectations/
goals have been met, and the reference point of par for the current round becomes more
relevant. The tourna effects in Round 3 are similar for both groups of players.
Drives, Approaches, and Putts
There are three main types of golf shots: drives, approaches, and putts. We analyze
the effects of reference points on these different shots to gain further insight into the
various types of behavior.
For drives, we use two LHS variables: distance and a dummy for whether or not
the drive landed on the fairway (0/1). Improvements in both distance and fairway
accuracy would indicate greater effort, while different signs for these effects would
indicate a change in risk attitude (longer drives and lower accuracy would indicate a
riskier strategy and vice versa for a more conservative strategy). We exclude holes
that have an average drive distance of less than 260 yards, as these are likely holes in
which drive distance is shortened by the layout of the hole.
For approaches, we use a sample of the first shot on a given hole for which the ball
is between 100 and 200 yards from the hole and on the fairway. We examine three
LHS variables, average distance from the hole after the shot, a dummy for ‘close’
distance (within 8 feet of the hole), and another dummy, ‘far’ (20 feet or more from
the hole). Results are similar with different cutoff values. These cutoff values defin-
ing close and far are based on the probability of making a putt from a given distance:
8 feet is a cutoff for which anything closer has, on average, a 50% or higher prob-
ability of having the putt made, while putts beyond 20 feet have less than a 15%
probability of being made. These three outcomes map to the three outcomes used for
the analysis of hole-level results, representing mean performance, and probabilities
of above- and below-average performance, respectively. We include a seventh-order
polynomial for distance from hole to account for difficulty of the shot.
Stone and Arkes 469
Table 8. Par 3/4/5.
Round 1 Round 3
bp ap s bp ap s
Par 3
lastb 0.0026
roundb 0.0008
tournb 0.0022***
lasta 0.0018
rounda 0.0010
tourna 0.0011
Adj R
.024 .039 .049 .026 .038 .049
n 216,353 216,353 216,353 99,016 99,016 99,016
Par 4
lastb 0.0033**
roundb 0.0011**
tournb 0.0008***
lasta 0.0004
rounda 0.0009**
tourna 0.0009*
Adj R
.041 .049 .066 .048 .047 .070
n 577,792 577,792 577,792 332,538 332,538 332,538
Par 5
lastb 0.0082**
roundb 0.0020*
tournb 0.0032***
lasta 0.0015
470 Journal of Sports Economics 17(5)
For putts, we use a binary dependent variable (miss/ make) and controls of
seventh-order polynomial for distance and an interaction of distance groups and
elevation-change-to-hole decile; (own) putt number for the hole; dummies for
whether the putt is for eagle, birdie, bogey, or double-bogey or greater. Our results
for these variables, which are not reported, are similar to those of PS but slightly
smaller in magnitude.
These results are in Table 10. In general, results are stronger for drives and
approaches, indicating reference points based on scores from past holes are more
important for initial shots on the hole, and the reference point of par on the current
hole is most important for the final shots on the hole (putts), supporting the idea that
more salient reference points have greater impacts. lastb is associated with a shorter
drive in both rounds, and lasta a longer drive in Round 3. These results could be
evidence of risk or effort effects. In Round 3, being above par for the round also
leads to riskier (longer and less accurate) drives. Being below par for the round in
Round 3 leads to shorter drives and worse all-around approach shots, consistent with
effort effects.
Scores below par for the round in Round 1, and for the tournament in Round 3, are
both associated with riskier drives (longer distance and lower accuracy). The com-
bination of these effects (greater risk but worse ‘quality’’) is not consistent with any
of the predictions from Table 1 but could result from the hot-hand bias, that is, a
misperception of being hot leading to riskier shots. These same variables, lastb and
tournb, are also associated with lower probabilities of making putts, and (all-around)
inferior approach shots in Round 3. Since our approach shot sample is limited to
shots taken from the fairway, this means the drive leading to the approach must have
been accurate. This suggests an interpretation of the results in which golfers who are
playing well for the tournament take aggressive drives, then ‘shirk’ on the approach
shot and perhaps the putt as well (the putt effects could also be due to conservatism).
This contrast in behavior across types of shots for a given reference-point effect is
somewhat puzzling. Perhaps taking aggressive drives is simply highly appealing or
Table 8. (continued)
Round 1 Round 3
bp ap s bp ap s
rounda 0.0028***
tourna 0.0033
Adj R
.074 .027 .074 .074 .029 .074
n 149,430 149,430 149,430 41,897 41,897 41,897
Note. All models estimated by ordinary least squares with player-year-par and hole-day fixed effects, and
standard errors clustered by player tournament.
*, **, and *** denote 10%, 5%, and 1% significance, respectively.
Stone and Arkes 471
fun (there is a saying that you ‘drive for show, putt for dough’’). It is also possible
that the decline in all-around performance on approach shots and putts when in the
domain of gains could be caused by the hot-hand bias causing golfers to exert less
effort due to overconfidence.
In the final analysis of this section, we exploit the disaggregation of shots within a
hole to better separately identify momentum and prospect-theory effects. We do this
by controlling for lagged performance for the particular shot type, in addition to the
Table 9. Player Rank.
Round 1 Round 3
bp ap s bp ap s
Rank < 200
lastb 0.0027*
roundb 0.0011**
tournb 0.0012***
lasta 0.0014
rounda 0.0007
tourna 0.0011**
Adj R
.102 .049 .103 .091 .044 .093
n 466,410 466,410 466,410 288,930 288,930 288,930
Rank 200
lastb 0.0047***
roundb 0.0014***
tournb 0.0016***
lasta 0.0008
rounda 0.0017***
tourna 0.0004
Adj R
.097 .053 .100 .083 .049 .091
n 477,165 477,165 477,165 184,521 184,521 184,521
Note. All models estimated by ordinary least squares with player-year-par and hole-day fixed effects, and
standard errors clustered by player tournament.
*, **, and *** denote 10%, 5%, and 1% significance, respectively.
472 Journal of Sports Economics 17(5)
standard last=round=tourn variables. Th e lagged shot-type performance controls
provide a relatively direct measure of recent quality of play for that particular shot
type and should thus capture momentum effects in a more pure way. Consequently,
the last=round=tourn should now more directly capture the more decision-theoretic
prospect-theory effects. We conduct this analysis as a final extension rather than as
the pr imary analysi s of the paper for two reasons. First, and foremost, we are
ultimately interested in total effects on scores. If the phenomena interact, exacerbate,
or mitigate one another with respect to these effects, so be it. The net effects are still
most important, and the hole-level score-based analysis implicitly addresses this
bottom-line issue of s core effect s most directly. Second, controlling for past
Table 10. Drives/Approaches/Putts.
Close (0/1)
Far (0/1)
Make Putt
Round 1
lastb 0.0921
roundb 0.0623***
lasta 0.0465
rounda 0.1660***
.554 .065 .131 .078 .112 .603
n 683,906 683,906 327,089 327,089 327,089 1430,394
Round 3
lastb 0.1708**
roundb 0.2246***
tournb 0.1582***
lasta 0.1608**
rounda 0.2674***
tourna 0.1162***
.580 .071 .143 .083 .113 .613
n 396,249 396,249 191,519 191,519 191,519 820,068
Note. All models estimated by ordinary least squares with player-year-par and hole-day fixed effects, and
standard errors clustered by player tournament. See text for other controls.
*, **, and *** denote 10%, 5%, and 1% significance, respectively.
Stone and Arkes 473
performance for a particular shot type opens up a new can of methodological worms.
In fact, we limit this new analysis to just one shot type, drives, since measuring past
performance for other shot types is more difficult. Despite these issues, however, we
feel this additional analysis clarifies and complements the main results.
We control for recent performance on drives in two ways: (1) with lagged distance
(lagdist)andfairway(lagfairway) and (2) with a moving average of distance on the
last three holes (MAdist) and fairway accuracy on the last three holes (MAfairway)
calculated using just one or two values when they are the only ones available (for holes
2–3 of a round and when one or more of the last three holes was a par 3 or dropped par
4 or 5). Results are in Table 11. We include the results for drives reproduced from
Table 10 for ease of direct comparison. The coefficients for the last=round=tourn
variables with either type of lagged drive controls are typically stronger and direc-
tionally the same as the original coefficients. This supports the interpretations dis-
cussed above, in particular, the point that the estimated effects were mitigated
somewhat by countervailing momentum effects. Moreover, the coefficients for the
lagged drive performance variables are generally consistent with momentum. How-
ever, we cannot tell to what extent they are driven by the hot versus cold hands.
Table 11. Additional Analysis of Drives (Round 3 only).
LHS ¼ Distance LHS ¼ Fairway (0/1)
lastb 0.1506*
roundb 0.2190***
tournb 0.1415***
lasta 0.1630**
rounda 0.2691***
tourna 0.1025***
lagdist 0.0351***
lagfairway 0.2997***
MAdist 0.0593***
MAfairway 0.4458***
Adj R
.577 .588 .578 .071 .070 .071
n 356,728 245,341 356,104 356,728 245,341 356,104
Note. LHS ¼ left hand side. All models estimated by ordinary least squares with player-year-par and hole-
day fixed effects, and standard errors clustered by player tournament. See text for other controls.
*, **, and *** denote 10%, 5%, and 1% significance, respectively.
474 Journal of Sports Economics 17(5)
Thus far we have omitted discussion of the magnitudes of effects due to the com-
plexity caused by interactions and dynamic effects across holes. When a golfer gets,
say, a bogey on one hole, this certainly increases the value of lasta for the next hole,
but may increase, decrease, or have no effect on all of the round and tourn regres-
sors. Moreover, the bogey also affects the values of these regressors for future holes.
In general, it is misleading to interpret the magnitude of any individual estimate
alone as a marginal effect and is more appropriate to estimate the reference-points’
joint effect for a larger set of holes, such as a round. Thus, in this section we estimate
the expected total score for various sets of holes, for example, E½
; ...; s
for the expected total score for a particular round with reference-point effects and
compare this to the expected score under the null of scores across holes.
We use the following simulation-based p rocedure. For simplicity, and to be
consistent with the empirical models used for the LHS variables ap and bp in Results
section, we restrict the score for each hole to be 1, 0, or 1. We assume
¼ 1Þ¼0:165 and Prðs
¼1Þ¼0:195, the approximate empirical probabil-
ities of scores below and above par on the first hole of a tournament. Results are
similar when we use small variants on these numbers. After drawing s
for Round 1
from this distribution, we then draw s
with distribution Prðs
¼ 1Þ¼
¼1 Þ¼
, where
are calculated using the baseline
results (those reported in Table 3), replacing the FEs with the ‘unconditio nal’
bogey and birdie probabilities, 0.165 and 0.195, respectively. The distributions for
later holes are calculated in the same way, conditioning on scores from all prior
We estimate the effects for various scenarios for all of Round 1, Round 3,
and the back nine for each of those rounds (we analyze the back nine separately
because only the back nine’s starting round score can vary).
This procedure yields a distribution across simulation runs of round- or half-
round-level effects for a g iven set of point estimates for the last=round=tourn
coefficients. The mean of this distribution should be an unbiased estimate of the
expected (half)-round-level joint effect (of the last=round=ts variables). We find by
‘guess and check’ that 100,000 simulation runs are necessary to get the mean of this
distribution to stabilize within 0.01 strokes across nearly all simulation runs, and we
therefore use this number of runs for this procedure.
This distribution across simulation runs is driven by randomness in hole-level
score draws and does not yield a confidence interval for the round-level effect. To
obtain such a confidence interval, we need to use the estimated sampling distribution
of the coefficient estimates. A naive way to do this would be to just use lower and
upper bounds of the (analogous) confidence intervals for each of the coefficients, but
this would ignore the joint distribution of the coefficient estimates. Thus, instead we
take draws from a multivariate normal distribution with means equal to the coeffi-
cient estimates, and covariance of the estimated covariance matrix, at the start of
Stone and Arkes 475
each simulation. We conduct a different 100,000 run (half)-round-level simulation
for each of these draws, storing each mean effect. We repeat this procedure 1,000
times, giving us a distribution of 1,000 estimates of (half)-round-level effects reflect-
ing sampling uncertainty. We then use the 2.5th and 97.5th percentiles from this
distribution to construct a 95% confidence interval for the average (half) round
To summarize, the procedure for a round-level effect is as follows (the half-round
procedure is analogous):
1. draw one coefficient vector from two multivariate normal distributions, one
with parameters equal to the bp model estimates, and one using the ap model
2. draw a score of 1, 0, or þ1 for Hole 1 using probabilities 0.195, 0.640, and
0.165, respectively,
3. use this score and coefficients from Step 1 to calculate predicted probabilities
for Hole 2,
, and use these to draw a score for Hole 2,
4. continue this procedure for Holes 3–18; sum scores for Holes 1–18 to get a
round score,
5. repeat Steps 2–4 100,000 times and store the mean to obtain a precise esti-
mate of the mean round score for the coefficients from Step 1, and
6. repeat Steps 1–5 1,000 times to obtain an estimated sampling distribution of
this mean round score. Use the mean of this distribution as the point estimate,
and the 2.5th and 97.5th percentiles as the 95% confidence interval, for the
expected round-level score.
Results are presented in Table 12. We report the implied joint effects of reference
points compared to the null; these are equal to the differences between our estimated
half round/round scores and the corresponding expected scores under the null of
i.i.d. scores across holes, 18*(0.1650.195) ¼0.54 strokes under par per round,
and 0.27 per half-round.
There is only a small effect for Round 1, less than 0.1%
Table 12. Joint Reference-Point Effects for Sets of Holes.
Full Round
Back 9, roundb ¼ 5
(at start) Back 9, rounda ¼ 5
Round 1 0.033, [0.006, 0.057] 0.044, [0.014, 0.099] 0.104, [0.051, 0.157]
Rd 3, tsb ¼ 5 (at start) 0.169, [0.111, 0.226] 0.128, [0.057, 0.203] 0.166, [0.049, 0.281]
Rd 3, tsb ¼ tsa ¼ 0 0.088, [0.054, 0.119] 0.057, [0.017, 0.129] 0.104, [0.015, 0.204]
Rd 3, tsa ¼ 5 0.231, [0.133, 0.33] 0.123, [0.006, 0.241] 0.164, [0.078, 0.252]
Note. Table reports expected score for round or half-round (estimated by si mulation procedure
explained in text) with reference-point effects minus expected score under null hypothesis of i.i.d. hole
scores. last vars ¼ 0 at start of each back nine.
Values are point estimates [95% confidence interval].
476 Journal of Sports Economics 17(5)
of a typical score of around 70 strokes per round, but the confidence interval is so
small the effect is significant at the 5% level. This interval is likely especially small
due to the large sample for this analysis and negative covariances of many of the
coefficient estimates. Results on the back nine, however, are larger; a point estimate
of 0.044 strokes that narrowly fails to be significant at 5% when starting the back
nine five strokes below par, and a significant effect of 0.104 strokes when starting
five strokes above par. Prospect theory causes golfers to ‘take it easy’ and/or ‘play
it safe’ to protect gains after starting the round well, both of which cause perfor-
mance to decline on the back nine; the cold hand/risk seeking causes a larger effect.
For Round 3, the results are stronger, both for the back nine and for the entire
round, especially when the tournament score at the start of the round is nonzero.
Round-level effects are higher (worse), with increases in scores of 0.09 (starting at
par), 0.17 (starting five under), and 0.23 strokes (starting five over), all of which are
significant. Back-nine effects rang e from 0. 06 to 0. 17 strokes. T he round-level
effects, per hole, are smaller because effects in the domain of gains cause negative
feedback. When golfers play well early in a round, pushing scores below par,
prospect-theory forces cause future scores to be higher, causing average scores to
be closer to what they would be under the null.
By comparison, the mean round-level effects found by Brown (2011) and Kali
et al. (2015) were both around 0.2 strokes, and PS’s estimate was 0.25 strokes per
round. Our estimates are in the same ballpark (somewhat smaller for round effects
but larger, per hole, for half-round effects). Our estimated effects are, however,
likely lower bounds, since we impose the same reference points on all players,
whereas we know reference points actually vary depending on expectations. We are
essentially measuring players’ reference po ints with error, which attenuates our
estimated effects. And again, to the extent that the hot-/cold-hand effects mitigate
prospect-theory effects, we are understating the effects of the reference points; we
are (again) just estimating net effects.
We provide new evidence that highly experienced agents acting in a high-stakes
environment are influenced by a variety of reference points. The results indicate that
the reference points actually used vary considerably across and w ithin players
depending on subjective expectations and context. When putting, the reference point
of par on the current hole is (by far) the most powerful. Reference points based on
past holes are more important for initial shots on a hole (drives and approaches) and
have some influence on putts as well. Past-hole reference points appear to affect both
risk attitudes and effort, with risk effects (greater conservatism) dominating after
small gains, and effort effects dominating as gains grow. There is some evidence of
golfers becoming more risk-seeking after losses, and evidence that overall perfor-
mance worsens as losses grow (the cold hand).
Stone and Arkes 477
Our results reinforce the conclusion that prospect theory yields insight into
behavior beyo nd the stan dard mod el . The effec ts of indivi dua l past-h ole ref eren c e
points are substantially smaller than the current-hole reference-point effect on
putting found by PS. But past-hole reference-point effects interact within and
across holes and can yield a total effect over a set of holes of a similar magnitude
to that found by PS.
How can we reconcile the differing results—prospect-theory effort effects ‘far’
into the domain of gains, risk effects after small gains, and cold-hand effects in the
domain of losses? A careful theoretical analysis is beyond our scope and could be a
good topic for future work, but we provide a few speculative comments here. The
variation within the domain of gains is perhaps relatively straightforward and con-
sistent with Figure 1—the decline in effort after large gains could be due to the
flattening slope of the value function; the steeper, more concave, value function
closer to the reference point may cause the greater conservatism there. An alterna-
tive explanation for the decline in effort is overconfidence due to the hot-hand bias.
The cold-hand dominance in the domain of losses is more puzzling. This could be
due to a decline in confidence or some other psychological problem greater than the
corresponding increase (if any) in the domain of gains. The cold hand could also be
due to lower effort in the domain of losses, since the value function does flatten far to
the left (in the domain of losses) as well as to the right. Thus, prospect-theory and
momentum effects may not be in conflict as much as we initially suggest.
Another potential reason for the cold hand in the domain of losses is that golfers
do try harder (as we initially thought prospect theory predicted), but that greater
effort in golf can, at some point, actually harm performance. See, for example, Cao,
Price, and Stone (2011) for a discussion of how too much effort can hurt perfor-
mance for skill tasks, that is, performance can be an inverse-U-shaped function of
effort. Perhaps good scores versus reference points push golfers toward the left end
of the hill, and poor scores toward the right end. This would again mean the cold
hand is actually the result of a prospect-theory effect, again implying the forces may
cause, rather than compete with, one another.
Last, we note the causality between prospect theory and the cold hand could go in
the other direction as well. The cold hand that seems to occur when scores go above
par may help to rationalize the emphasis that players put on avoiding a bogey on the
current hole found by PS, and the conservatism we find after small gains. Similarly,
a subconscious attempt to mitigate the hot-hand bias could push players to play more
conservatively when in the domain of gains. Hence, some aspects of prospect theory
may actually be adaptive or ‘ecologically rational’ (Smith, 2003), given psycho-
logical factors causing the potential for cold momentum.
We thank Peter von Allmen (the editor), two anonymous referees, Neil Metz, Josh Price, Dan
Sachau, Skip Sauer, Yao Tang, Dan W ood, and participants at the 2015 NAASE/WEAI
478 Journal of Sports Economics 17(5)
meeting, and seminars at Clemson Universit y and the University of Virginia for helpful
Declaration of Conflicting Interests
The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to the research, author-
ship, and/or publication of this article.
The author(s) received no financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of
this article.
1. From video on
2. See Iso-Ahola and Dotson (2014) for a good recent review. An (even more recent) paper
omitted is Miller and Sanjurjo (2014) who emphasize the important distinction between
hot and cold hands and present striking new experimental results. Arkes (In Press) found
evidence of the cold hand in golf across rounds but no evidence of a hot hand. However,
Stone (2012) and Arkes (2013) both show that typical tests of the hot/cold hand have low
power and may be biased toward null effects. It is important to note that the bias to infer
the hot hand prematurely (Falk & Konold, 1997; also known as the ‘hot-hand bias’’) is
still well established and unquestioned.
3. See, for example, Arkes and Stone (2014) for discussion of psychological and economic
4. Admittedly it is unclear from the figure whether the value function is ‘more concave’
when x > 0 versus x ¼ 0, or ‘steeper’ when x < 0 versus x ¼ 0, that is, some predictions
could depend on the parameterization of the value function and/or level of x. Moreover,
since the value function flattens to both the left and right, returns to effort could decrease
as x declines for x < 0. These returns could also increase if golfers consider the effects of
current and future holes on the value function when deciding on how to approach the
current shot. For example, if a golfer begins a hole at x ¼2, his benefit of a birdie and
moving to x ¼1 is less than that of a birdie pushing him from x ¼1tox ¼ 0,
suggesting his effort incentive when starting at x ¼2 is lower than at x ¼1. However,
if he also thinks about the potential future benefit of moving from x ¼1tox ¼ 0, he
might be more motivated at x ¼2 than x ¼1. In summary, prospect-theory predic-
tions are somewhat ambiguous, but the ones we discuss are those we feel ar e most
plausible, a priori, and are consistent with previous literature. Moreover, some of our
empirical analysis is flexible and allows for varying effects, and we also discuss different
types of effects in the Conclusion section.
5. We write þ or 0’ for the effect of an increase in conservatism on average score because
while the chances of extreme outcomes should clearly decline, and this may be associated
with an increa se in average scores, it is also possible that average scores could be
Stone and Arkes 479
unaffected. But it seems reasonable to rule out the case of conservatism causing average
scores to decline. We write ‘?’ for the analogous increase in aggressiveness because this
could plausibly increase or decrease mean score (decrease if golfers were previously
failing to minimize score in order to avoid too much risk, and increase if golfers sacrifice
mean score for a chance of making big gains).
6. We use the procedure developed in Correia (2014) to account for the high dimensionality
of the fixed effects (FEs).
7. For intuition, consider a situation in which each player only played two holes. If the
player-level mean was controlled for, then lastb variables would mechanically be highly
negatively correlated with S
. For example, if a player shot par on average, the coefficient
on lastb would be 1 and the coefficient on lasta þ1, for a dependent variable of S
. The
bias referred to by Miller and Sanjurjo (2014), and studied explicitly by Miller, Sanjurjo,
et al. (2015), is very similar, as shown in appendix B3 of the latter paper, which refers to
the analogous nonpanel case. Note that this bias is not caused by time effects (in our
context, hole-day effects), since for these FE groups the lagged regressor is not in the
same group as the current observation.
8. See, for example, Flannery and Hankins (2013).
9. Scores for the last and round variables are relatively low compared to the mean of s in
Round 3 because a relatively high number of Par 5 observations are dropped from the
final sample in Round 3 (but not from the construction of last and round variables), and
scores on Par 5 holes are much lower on average than those of Par 3 and 4 holes. We
provide the minimum and maximum value for each variable, rather than the standard
deviation, because the latter provides less immediate information both on how the vari-
able is defined and the range of values it takes.
10. We also consider a robustness check in which we focus on just the third round and split
the sample into two, players in the top half of their tournament at the start of the round and
those out of the top half, to assess the effects of tournament standing. Results are largely
similar for the two groups (and unreported in the interest of brevity); the most interesting
difference is that the lower half group plays better in every dimension as rounda
increases, providing evidence of effort effects in the domain of losses. Perhaps most
importantly, the results confirm that the cold-hand effect in Round 3 associated with
high tournament scores is not driven by players rationally ‘giving up’ due to being out of
contention as the cold-hand effects are similar for both groups of players.
11. Note that Nickell bias is likely more severe for this analysis since there will be player-
year-par groups with less than 50 observations.
12. Ranking data were obtained from site. The
number of observations per player-year-par group is very similar for both higher and
lower ranked players, so Nickell bias is not a greater threat for either group.
13. We obtain estimates of 0.033 and 0.019 for birdie effects for Rounds 1 and 3,
respectively, versus 0. 038 and 0.024, which PS reports in their Table 5. Results
may differ both due to our using a slightly different specification, and sample, both
with respect to the time frame and criteria for dropping observations. The groups we
use for the distance group-elevation decile interaction are: 0–5 feet, 5–10 feet, 10–15
480 Journal of Sports Economics 17(5)
feet, 15–30 feet, 30–45 feet, 45 –60 feet, an d >60 feet. In PS’s baseline model
(columns 1–3 of their Table 3), they do not control for e levation, and in other models
they control for elevation in a slightly different, but roughly equivalent, way (FEs for
regions of the green).
14. In the actual simulations, the predicted probabilities never fell outside of [0,1].
15. We have also compared the entire distributions of scores, and not just the means, and find
results are similar to those we discuss here; these results are available on request.
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Author Biographies
Daniel F. Stone is an assistant professor of economics at Bowdoin College. His research
interests include sports economics, behavioral economics, information, politics, and media.
Jeremy Arkes is an associate professor of economics in the Graduate School of Business and
Public Policy at the Naval Postgraduate School. His research interests are in military man-
power, substance abuse, the effects of divorces, behavioral economics, and sports economics.
482 Journal of Sports Economics 17(5)