The information here is not intended to provide legal
advice or to substitute for the advice of an attorney,
but rather to offer information about possibilities for
dealing with a subpoena. Where further guidance is
needed, psychologists may find it useful to consult with
their malpractice insurer, the APA Practice Directorate’s
legal and regulatory affairs department or a state
psychological association representative.
I just received a subpoena.
What do I do?
You must first understand what the document is requesting
of you. Subpoenas often seem to be asking you to testify in
person, when they in fact are just seeking documents. Know
who you are supposed to deliver documents to, or where
How to Deal with a Subpoena: Pointers for Psychologists
Receiving a subpoena, a legal command to testify about a client or turn over client records,
is often a perplexing and anxiety-provoking experience for psychologists.
This article addresses many common questions about subpoenas that psychologists raise with the
APA Practice Organization. The content pertains to subpoenas involving psychotherapy notes, process
notes, client information forms, billing records and other such information. This article does not
address psychological test material, which may be subject to additional ethical considerations.
and when are you supposed to appear to testify. Also be
sure you’re clear about the applicable due date.
I intend to comply with the subpoena.
Should I just turn over the documents or
show up to testify, or do I first need my
client’s written consent?
Turn over the information only if your subpoena qualifies
as a court order. In most states, you can turn over the
documents or show up to testify without obtaining your
client’s consent only if the subpoena you received qualifies
as a court order from a judge, which is rare. Typically a
court order will be identified as such on the first page. In
addition, the document will be signed by a judge, not a
judge’s clerk or an attorney. If you are not sure whether the
document is a court order, you may contact the court that
issued the document and ask to speak to the judge’s clerk.
If you don’t have a court order, obtain your client’s
written consent or authorization.
If the document is not
a court order (the first subpoena you receive in a matter
rarely is a court order), you will need to obtain your client’s
consent or authorization before turning over confidential
information. This step is required because most state and
federal jurisdictions recognize a psychotherapist-patient
privilege that allows the client to prevent confidential
material from being disclosed to others. (Some state laws
provide exceptions to this rule that allow you to turn over
confidential information without the client’s consent or
authorization in certain situations.) When obtaining this
consent, you should tell your client exactly what you have
been asked to turn over and that there is no guarantee that
the information will be kept confidential.
If you are not covered by the Health Insurance Portability
and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Privacy Rule, your state
may require client consent to be in writing. Staff attorneys
for the APA Practice Organization suggest that psychologists
obtain their client’s consent in writing, even if not required
to do so in their state. This will help ensure that your client
is making an informed consent and will provide you with
documentation in case you need it in the future. The
written consent that you obtain from your client should
contain, at a minimum:
Exactly what information will be disclosed
To whom the information will be disclosed (for example,
to the requesting attorney)
The purpose of the disclosure (to respond to a subpoena)
The client’s signature and date
If you are covered by the HIPAA Privacy Rule, you must
have a “written authorization” that includes several specific
items. The APA Practice Organization suggests that you
obtain legal guidance in this area. A model form tailored
to your state’s requirements is included in “HIPAA for
Psychologists,” the HIPAA Privacy Rule compliance product
prepared by the APA Practice Organization and the APA
Insurance Trust. (Visit APApractice.org for additional
information about this product.)
Talk to your client’s attorney. It is also important that
you discuss the subpoena with the client’s attorney (if he
or she has one) after you have received appropriate consent
from the client to do so. You should find out whether the
attorney intends to oppose or seek to limit the scope of
the subpoena, as discussed in the answers to Questions
4 and 5.
Who gives the written consent
if the client is a child?
In situations where the client is a child or is otherwise
legally incapable of consenting, you will have to obtain the
consent or authorization from the client’s parents or legal
guardian, although some state laws provide independent
privilege rights for minors. Sometimes it is complicated to
determine who has authority to consent, especially in child
continued on page 4
custody cases. If it is unclear who has that authority in your
situation, you may need to obtain additional guidance,
such as from your malpractice insurer or an attorney in
your state.
What if I don’t have a court order and the
client refuses to give me the consent or
authorization or I can’t reach the client?
As discussed below, when you cannot get the client’s
consent or authorization, it usually makes sense to contact
the party requesting the information to try to resolve the
issue. If that does not work, then you could seek guidance
from the judge who has jurisdiction over the subpoena.
Each state has its own rules, however, and the APA Practice
Organization is unable to
provide guidance that works for
every state and every situation.
If the options below do not fit
your circumstances, you should
seek additional guidance from
your own attorney or other
appropriate source.
Option 1. Tell the requesting
attorney that you
cannot release
information without
consent or
In most situations, an approp-
riate first step is to contact the party requesting the
information to say that you cannot release confidential
information without the client’s consent or authorization.
It is important that, when making this contact, you do
not reveal that you have ever treated the client, as many
states take the position that the fact of treating a client
is protected information. In your letter or e-mail to the
attorney, you might indicate that you cannot say whether
you have provided treatment to the person named in the
subpoena, but if you had, then you could not ethically
release such information without an order from a judge or
an authorization from the client, neither of which you have.
In many cases, the attorney will try to address the problem
by seeking a court order or trying to obtain the client’s
authorization. In some situations, the attorney may decide
not to pursue the request for confidential information.
When contacting the requesting attorney, it is important
not to reveal that you have ever treated the client, as many
states take the position that the fact of treating a client
is protected information.
Option 2. Seek guidance from
the judge with
jurisdiction over the
The attorney may disagree with
your assertion that you cannot
disclose the information, or
otherwise insist that you do so.
At this point, you may want to
seek guidance from the court.
You or your attorney could call
the court, stating that you wish
to comply with the law but that
you are ethically obligated not
to produce confidential records
or to testify about them, including whether someone is a
client of yours, unless compelled to do so by the court or
with the consent of the client. You could then ask the court
for guidance. Be sure to confirm any guidance received in
writing, with copies to attorneys for both sides. If you
cannot reach the court by phone, you can contact the
court in writing.
How to Deal with a Subpoena: Pointers for Psychologists continued from page 3
Option 3. File a motion to quash the subpoena.
If you seek guidance from the court and get no response,
you may need to work with an attorney to file a motion to
quash the subpoena. A motion to quash is a formal request
to the court that the subpoena be declared invalid or
otherwise without legal force. If the client has refused to
authorize you to disclose the information, the client’s
attorney might file this motion, which would relieve you
of paying the costs related to such a filing. While working
with the client’s attorney (after receiving the necessary
authorizations from your client) is usually advisable, keep in
mind that your client’s attorney does not represent you and
that your interests and the client’s interests may not be the
While working with the client’s attorney (after receiving
the necessary authorizations from your client) is usually
advisable, keep in mind that your client’s attorney does
not represent you and that your interests and the client’s
interests may not be the same, especially as the
proceedings evolve.
same, especially as the proceedings evolve. Moreover, if you
have an obligation to the court, and the client’s attorney
fails to contact the court or file a motion to quash in a
timely manner, you may be subject to the consequences
of failing to respond. Thus, while working with the client’s
attorney, it is important that you stay apprised of your
own legal obligations and deadlines.
What if I think disclosure will harm my
client or a third party?
There are several options to limit disclosure in such cases.
In most cases, these options will be pursued by the client’s
attorney. APA staff attorneys suggest that you discuss these
options with your client’s attorney before pursuing them
on your own. Be sure to confirm any agreement with the
requestor in writing, with copies to all parties. If the
requestor refuses to agree to any of these options, you
may need to seek a ruling from the court.
See if the requestor will accept limited information.
The requestor may agree that information about third
parties (such as spouses) does not need to be disclosed.
Requestors may also decide that they need only infor-
mation to confirm that sessions took place, and not
information that would disclose the purpose of the sessions
or their content. The type of information that could fall
into this category may include dates of sessions, amount of
payment, the fact of payment or insurance company billed.
See if the requestor will agree to restrict who sees the
information or how it is used. The person requesting the
information may agree not to release the information to
the public and/or to use the information only for purposes
of the litigation and return it after the litigation is over.
Ask the court to determine whether the records need to
be disclosed.
You could also ask the court through in
camera inspection — a review by the judge in chambers —
to determine whether the client records are really relevant
to the issues before the court and need to be disclosed at all.
What if I don’t want to comply with the
request because I think it is too
Sometimes psychologists may not want to comply with a
subpoena because doing so will take an inordinate amount
of time away from their practice. In such cases, you may
consider filing a motion with the court to deny or limit the
demand because it is unduly burdensome. (Federal Rule
of Civil Procedure 45[c][1-3] requires that the party
responsible for issuing the subpoena take reasonable
steps to avoid imposing an undue burden or expense
on the person subject to the subpoena.)
continued on page 20
Jurisdictions vary in terms of the time that a person
must be given to reply to a subpoena for testimony or
You may also want to check whether the subpoena you
received is invalid, which would allow you not to comply.
There are several technical reasons why a subpoena may be
invalid. For example, the court does not have jurisdiction
over you, the subpoena was not furnished to you in a
manner that complies with the court’s rules, or the
subpoena does not give you enough time to file a motion
to oppose it. You will likely need to seek legal guidance
to determine whether any of these situations applies.
You cannot ignore a subpoena, even if it has not been
signed by a judge. Most subpoenas are not signed by
judges, but rather by the attorney who is seeking the
documents or testimony.
I am unwilling to comply with the subpoena
in the timeframe requested.
What can I do?
Assuming you have your client’s authorization to release the
information requested, you can discuss the timeframe with
the person requesting the information and see if the date
may be changed. If the person will not negotiate on that
point, you should determine whether the timeframe given in
the subpoena complies with the requirements for your area.
Jurisdictions vary in terms of the time that a person must be
given to reply to a subpoena for testimony or documents.
Some permit only five days, while others may provide 30
days. In making this determination, consider checking the
Web site of the court listed in the subpoena, contacting
the court directly or contacting your own attorney.
Can I just ignore a subpoena, especially
if it’s not signed by a judge?
No. You cannot ignore a subpoena, even if it has not been
signed by a judge. Most subpoenas are not signed by
judges, but rather by the attorney who is seeking the
documents or testimony. Nevertheless, you must respond
in writing, as discussed above. Failure to do so could
result in your being held in contempt of court and having
to pay significant fines.
Further guidance on this topic can be found in “Strategies
for Private Practitioners Coping with Subpoenas or
Compelled Testimony for Client Records or Test Data,”
prepared by the APA’s Committee on Legal Issues (COLI).
This article incorporates many of the strategies discussed
in that document, found in Professional Psychology: Research
and Practice (2006, Vol. 37, No. 2, 215-222).
APA Practice Organization members may contact the
Practice Directorate’s legal and regulatory affairs
department at 202-336-5886 or [email protected]
with questions about this article.
How to Deal with a Subpoena: Pointers for Psychologists continued from page 5
NOTE: This article is not intended to provide guidelines or standards. Legal issues are complex and highly fact-specific and require legal expertise that
cannot be provided by any single article. The information in this article should not be used as a substitute for obtaining personal legal advice and
consultation prior to making decisions regarding individual circumstances.