Department of Psychology
Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Harvard University
Writing for Psychology
A Guide for Psychology Concentrators
Writing for Psychology
A Guide for Psychology Concentrators
Shelley H. Carson
Jeanne Fama
Kate Clancy
Jeffrey Ebert
Adrienne Tierney
Cover photo credit: Harvard News Oce
Copyright 2012, President and Fellows of Harvard College
Table of Contents
Acknowledgements ........................................................1
Introduction .................................................................... 3
Chapter One
How to Read Sources Critically ....................................... 5
Chapter Two
Writing a Conceptually Coherent Paper ........................13
Academic Honesty in Writing ........................................22
Chapter Three
Do’s and Don’ts of Effective Writing in Psychology ........24
Chapter Four
APA Format Guidelines…………………………… ..........30
Locating Databases and Sources in the
Harvard Library System .................................................. 38
Writing for Psychology | page 1
This booklet contains the accumulated wisdom of a number of eminent psychologists
and writing experts, including Daryl Bem, Stephen Kosslyn, Brendan Maher, Joseph M.
Williams, and the authors responsible for the American Psychological Association style
manual. We have also drawn on the keen observations of Baumeister and Leary (1997)
and Gordon Harvey (2002).
We would like to thank Stephen Kosslyn, C.A. Meyersburg, Kristina Olson, James
Herron, and Laura Chivers for their input and assistance in the preparation of this guide.
This guide was prepared with the nancial support from the Harvard Writing
Writing for Psychology | page 3
Writing for psychology incorporates many of the organizational elements you
learned in Expository Writing. In Expos, you were taught general academic guidelines
for formulating a thesis, providing a motive for the thesis, supporting this thesis with
convincing evidence, and anticipating objections from readers. You were also taught the
principles basic to scholarly writing across the curriculum. These critical thinking/writ-
ing skills, as well as the ability to form and support an argument, create a foundation
on which you will build the more specialized skills required for psychological writing.
Writing in the eld of psychology (like writing in any specialized eld) diers in
several respects from the general academic writing style you learned in Expos. Psycho-
logical writing is a form of scientic reporting that is based on American Psychologi-
cal Association publication style, widely recognized as a standard for scientic writing.
The format employed in psychological writing (APA style, discussed below) reects the
principles of clarity, concise wording, and accuracy and facilitates the rapid and
logical ow of information from author to reader. Thus, scientic writing values prose
that is more straightforward, objective, and less reective than what you may be used to.
In the beginning, you may feel that APA style is dry and colorless, and that it sties your
creativity. However, after a bit of experience, you will nd that the guidelines delineated
by APA style will help you to write clear, informative, interesting papers. Creativity in
psychology tends to come from the ideas behind the writing, not the writing itself.
This booklet is designed to acquaint you with the basic principles of psychological
writing and to help you avoid pitfalls that beginning writers in the eld often encounter.
First, in How to Read Sources Critically, we will discuss why it is important to for you
to be a discerning reader of the work of other psychologists, and we will present guide-
lines to help you read critically. In Writing a Conceptually Coherent Paper, we will go
through, step by step, the process of writing an essay or term paper in psychology. The
section on Academic Honesty in Writing reinforces information you have previously
received about using sources responsibly (and avoiding plagiarism). The Do’s and Don’ts
for Eective Writing in Psychology include examples of common mistakes made by
beginning writers in the eld. Finally, the APA Format Guidelines summarizes some of
the basic elements of APA style.
For more complete information on science writing, psychological writing, and APA
style, we recommend the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th
Edition (2009) and the APA Style Guide to Electronic References, as well as the other excel-
lent references listed at the end of this booklet.
Writing for Psychology | page 5
chapter one
How to Read Sources
The guidelines that follow are based on the wisdom and advice of numerous research-
ers, writers, teachers, and students who have helped us understand what makes a good
psychology paper. Much of the information that follows is explained in greater detail
by Kosslyn and Rosenberg (2001) and Maher (1978). You are encouraged to read both
sources directly.
The rst step in learning to write well in eld of psychology is to learn to read sources
critically. There are at least two reasons for this:
1. In order to write well, you must be well informed about the subject matter.
2. By training yourself to spot strengths and weaknesses in others’ theses, ar-
guments, methodologies and conclusions, you will become more aware of
strengths and weaknesses in your own work. This awareness should help you
to become a critical reader of your own writing.
Researchers write review papers, theoretical papers, and reports of empirical studies in
order to advance a point of view. You, as a reader, are more likely to adopt a writer's
point of view if the writer backs up this point of view with solid evidence. As a critical
reader of psychological literature, you must consider both the quality and the quantity
of the evidence that a writer uses to support his or her argument. You will also need to
consider the following:
implicit or explicit author bias (the author’s agenda)
soundness of the methodology
appropriateness of the statistical analyses
whether the strength of the conclusions matches the strength of the evidence
This section of the guide will teach you to make these determinations about the quality
of evidence, which will help you to read sources critically and to write your own papers
I. Consider Whether the Information in the Source
is Evidence
What is viewed as evidence in one academic discipline is not always viewed as evi-
dence in others. In some elds in the humanities or social sciences, logic and rhetoric
are forms of evidence. In the eld of psychology, however, evidence is in the form of empirical
research results: data becomes evidence once it is evaluated in the context of a hypothesis. Empirical
data arise from observation or experimentation under controlled conditions; in contrast,
opinions are personally-held convictions that may or may not be based on controlled
observations, and may even contradict well-gathered data.
In the field of psychology,
evidence consists of
empirical research results
rather than quotations and
opinions of scholars.
page 6 | Chapter One: How to Read Sources Critically
Example: In many scientific fields, the opinion held by the majority has been
that men are more attracted to science than women, and that this explains not
only the larger numbers of men in science, but also their greater success. This
opinion was so widely held that for many years little was done in any scientific
institution to improve access to science for women. However, in the last decade
several empirical studies have demonstrated that bias against women explains a
significant portion of the difficulty women have in succeeding in science and
that blinding fellowship committees and article reviewers leads to better rep-
resentation of women in science. Wenneras and Wold (1997) found that men
were regarded as more competent than women in a funding competition, even
when their objectively-measured productivity was identical. More recently, Bud-
den et al. (2008) showed that double-blinding the review of articles for publica-
tion in the journal Behavioral Ecology (neither reviewer nor reviewee know the
other’s identity) led to a significant increase in the publication of articles where
the first author was female. These results do not completely condemn the opin-
ion that men are better equipped or are more attracted to science as a profes-
sion. But they provide positive evidence in support of the argument that bias
against women has played some role in their underrepresentation. The differ-
ence between opinion and empirical data demonstrated by this example is that
while many people may have had this opinion about women in science, only the
empirical studies provide evidence on the issue. Empirical studies go beyond the
conjecture of opinion—as informed as that opinion may be—and provides data
that serve as evidence.
It is perfectly okay to consider the opinion of an author as well as the opinions of other
writers cited by that author (secondary sources). However, remember that opinions do
not constitute evidence.
II. Consider the Quantity of Evidence:
In addition to considering the type of evidence a writer uses, you should consider the
amount of evidence that supports the writer’s argument. In psychology (as in all science),
it is common to nd empirical studies that report contradictory ndings. This is why
researchers place so much emphasis on the replication of results. Multiple data points
(i.e., converging evidence from multiple studies or multiple measures) with the same
results are more convincing than a single observation. An author may present contradic-
tory ndings, but his or her conclusions should be supported by the preponderance of
data presented.
Example: In 1994, psychologists D. Bem and C. Honorton conducted and ana-
lyzed eleven studies on extrasensory perception (ESP). They used a method called
the ganzfeld procedure, in which two participants sit in separate rooms and try
to convey information to each other. Bem and Honorton (1994) concluded that
participants were able to do this at greater rates than chance, thus supporting
the concept of ESP. In a later analysis of 30 ganzfeld experiments conducted in
seven different labs, other researchers (Milton & Wiseman, 1999) concluded that
participants were not able to communicate telepathically at rates greater than
chance. In the absence of methodological concerns about the studies Milton
In psychological writing,
the opinions of authors
do not constitute evidence.
Writing for Psychology | page 7
When reading an empirical
article, ask yourself: Does
the research hypothesis
follow logically from the
results of previous studies,
or is the author making
and Wiseman analyzed, it would be reasonable to conclude that preponderance
of the evidence from published studies did not support the demonstration of
ESP. Therefore, even though Bem and Honorton (1994) found evidence of ESP in
one study, one cannot conclude that ESP exists on the basis of one study if many
other studies found evidence against ESP. In evaluating evidence, you must ex-
amine whether the finding has been replicated across more than one study.
III. Consider the Quality of Evidence — Evidence Presented in
Review Articles and Empirical Journal Articles
In addition to considering the quantity of evidence that an author cites in support of his
or her conclusion, you must consider the quality of that evidence. As readers of psycho-
logical literature, you will often need to evaluate the quality of the evidence presented
to you in review articles and empirical journal articles. Each type of article requires a
dierent discerning eye; review articles require that you assess the authors' inten-
tions and the way they use other empirical articles to support their argument, whereas
empirical articles require that you assess hypothesis, methodology, conclusions and other
issues more directly.
A. Review Articles
An author writes a review article to provide a summary of the studies that have been
done in a given area and to advance a thesis/conclusion based on his or her reading of
this literature (e.g. pointing out limitations, establishing the state of a eld, etc). To sup-
port a thesis in a review article, the author must substantiate it with evidence (i.e., data
from the pertinent studies reviewed). Otherwise, his or her thesis is an unsupported
opinion. Ideally, an author should specify the type of evidence that would support the
conclusion as if it were a logic problem (for example: If thesis x is true, then the avail-
able research should show that a, b, and c are true, but d is false). If the available research
proves inconclusive with respect to a, b, c, or d, the researcher's thesis is only partially
substantiated, and the conclusions must be tentative. If a conclusion or any of its prem-
ises are contradicted by the extant data, and the author of the review has not presented
evidence to question these data, the conclusion is likely ill-conceived and inaccurate,
and you should regard it as such.
Some review articles venture into theoretical territory by presenting a framework that
integrates previous research and makes predictions for future research. In this instance
the author will also explain the logic of the problem and the expected outcomes of
necessary studies.
B. Empirical Studies
An author writes an empirical article to present data that speak to a particular research
question. Typically, the author will present evidence that either supports or challenges a
specic hypothesis about the relationship between two or more variables.. Some ques-
tions to ask yourself when reading an empirical article are:
1. Is the author's research question/hypothesis logical?
2. Do the methods adequately address the research question posed?
page 8 | Chapter One: How to Read Sources Critically
When reading an empirical
article, ask yourself: Do
the methods employed in
the research actually test
the hypothesis the author
3. Do the data support the author’s specific hypothesis?
4. Are the author's conclusions supported by the data he or she presents?
5. Can you think of OTHER possible explanations for the results?
1. Research Question/Hypothesis
Empirical articles begin with a brief introduction that provides the conceptual basis of
the study. The context provided is often a review of research studies that have been con-
ducted on the topic. The studies cited should be directly relevant to the research ques-
tion/hypothesis being addressed in the author's study. When reading an empirical article,
you should consider the manner in which the researcher derived the research question
or specic hypothesis. Does the research question/hypothesis really follow directly and
logically from the results of previous studies, or is the author making assumptions, jump-
ing to conclusions, or misinterpreting previous studies? If the researcher is testing a spe-
cic hypothesis, then he or she should be able to clearly articulate both that hypothesis
and an alternative hypothesis in the following form:
" If Hypothesis A is true, then the study results should show B"
" If Hypothesis A is not true, then study results should show C"
If the hypothesis cannot be put into the above format, either by the researcher or the
reader (and you will read many published articles that do not meet this ideal!), then the
hypothesis is logically murky. As a result, the study methods will likely be inadequate,
and the conclusions that can be drawn will likely be limited.
Example: One team of researchers hypothesized that aggression and testoster-
one would increase in men exposed to a violent object (Klinesmith et al., 2006).
The alternate hypothesis was that exposure to a violent object would not affect
aggressive behavior or testosterone. The researchers measured the testoster-
one of thirty men before and after playing with either a realistic toy gun or a
nonviolent game. To test aggressive behavior, the subjects were asked to add
hot sauce to some water that the next subject would drink as part of a taste
sensitivity test; the addition of more hot sauce was a proxy for more aggressive
behavior. Both testosterone and the proxy for aggressive behavior increased
significantly in those men who played with the gun (Klinesmith et al., 2006),
which appears to support the researchers’ original hypothesis. This is an exam-
ple where the authors did indeed present both their preferred hypothesis and
acknowledged an alternate hypothesis. In this instance the alternative hypoth-
esis is simply the opposite of the preferred hypothesis—that testosterone would
not have an effect. However, at times an alternative hypothesis is not simply the
opposite hypothesis but reflects a competing hypothesis that involves a differ-
ent set of results, not just a lack of an effect.
After ascertaining whether a hypothesis is conceptually sound, you should consider
whether the author has done a good job designing an experiment to test the hypothesis.
The study design is presented in the Method section of an empirical article.
2. Method
The Method section of an empirical article describes exactly how the researcher carried
Writing for Psychology | page 9
out the study. Many students — indeed, many long-time scholars — are tempted to skip
reading the Method section; often assuming that nothing useful will be gleaned from
this section, or that reading it will be tedious. However, just because a research question
or a specic hypothesis is conceptually and logically sound, you should not assume that
the methods used to test the hypothesis were sound. One way you can better understand
an empirical article’s methods is to give them a cursory look on the rst read-through of
the article, then go back more meticulously once you have seen the authors’ discussion
and conclusions.
When trying to understand the methods and how they t the hypotheses being tested,
ask yourself:
"If Hypothesis A is true, then is B the only possible result? If A is true, are any
other results possible?"
"If Hypothesis A is NOT true, then is C the only possible result?”
“If B could result from factors other than those specified by Hypothesis A, has
the researcher included appropriate methods to control for these other fac-
When reading the Method section, you should consider whether the following methods
are appropriate to answer the question posed by the researcher:
sample of participants (gender, ethnicity, education, clinical status, etc.)
materials (scales, questionnaires, scenarios written for the study, etc.)
apparatus (computer test batteries, EEG, neuroimaging, etc.)
• procedures (what exactly the participants did…and in what order)
a. Experimental Group Participants. If a researcher is interested in drawing conclu-
sions about a population, he or she must test a sample group from that population
(i.e., an experimental group). Always ask yourself: Are the type of people (or animals)
who are participating in the researcher's study the types of people (or animals) about
whom he or she is interested in drawing general conclusions? Or, alternatively, is the
study sample limited in some way?
Example: In the above example of men, aggression, and testosterone, clearly
the researchers needed to conduct a study of men. The extent to which a
researcher can generalize from the behaviors of the men who participate in
a study to men in general depends upon the make-up of the researchers’
sample. In this case, Klinesmith et al. (2006) used a sample group limited at
least by age and educational status — they were 18-22 year old male col-
lege students — and also possibly by race and class. The question is whether
these limits on the sample population limit generalizations to men as a whole.
Though the only way to truly answer this question is to repeat this study on
more populations, perhaps it could be argued that age and educational status
should not affect the particular variables studied. These are determinations
you get to make as a critical reader of psychology.
b. Controls (Participants or Tasks). In order to test a hypothesis about the eect of a
particular variable (i.e., independent variable), one must try to isolate the eects of
that variable. To do this, a researcher must design a study that manipulates the inde-
When reading a
psychological report, you
should consider factors not
discussed in the article that
may nevertheless influence
the results.
page 10 | Chapter One: How to Read Sources Critically
pendent variable while keeping everything else constant. Only then can a researcher
truly be condent that his or her study results are directly related to the manipulation
of the independent variable. Often, however, it is not possible to keep “everything
else” constant and more than one variable is manipulated at the same time. When this
occurs, all is not lost if the researcher includes appropriate controls. A study design
may require a control group, control tasks (or conditions in a task), or both.
Example: In their study of violent objects and aggression, Klinesmith et al.
(2006) knew they could not simply measure testosterone and aggression
when their subjects played with a gun; they needed to have a control group
do something similar but nonviolent and have their testosterone and aggres-
sion measured as well. Thus, they had half the subjects play the game “Mouse
Trap” as the control task, and the other half of the subjects played with the
realistic, but toy gun. The researchers might also have considered studying
responses to guns in a group of women, but as sex differences in the respon-
siveness of testosterone have been well studied, it was probably safe for them
to keep their sample to men only. This is an example of work where a control
task was an important component of the empirical article.
c. Confounds. In addition to considering the study procedures and the sample char-
acteristics, you should consider factors not discussed in the article that may have in-
uenced the results. In particular, you should ask whether there were any confounds,
factors correlated with both the independent and dependent variables, that might
explain their relationship.
Example: Klinesmith et al.’s (2006) hypothesis was that mere exposure to a
violent object would increase aggressive behavior, but there are many differ-
ences between playing with a gun and playing with Mouse Trap besides the
gun’s status as a violent object. To take just one: Perhaps Mouse Trap is more
fun and engaging than a gun, and thus leaves people in a better mood. Be-
cause mood can affect aggressive behavior, mood may have been a confound
in the study design. To rule out this alternative explanation—that those in the
gun condition were more aggressive because they were in a worse mood, not
because they had handled a violent object, per se—the researchers could have
included a measure of mood and statistically controlled for any differences
in mood between the two conditions to see if the difference in aggression
remained significant.
Thus, when reading an empirical article, you must make sure to ask yourself wheth-
er the researcher has done a good job of setting up the study so that the eects of
the independent variable are isolated. Only then can a researcher be condent that
if two groups dier, they do so as a result of the independent variables, not as a result
of confounding variable. That is, "if B occurs," one can be condent that "it is be-
cause hypothesis A is correct." The types of factors that can confound study results
will dier depending on the kind of independent variable(s) a researcher is examin-
ing. For experiments, in which the independent variable is manipulated, common
confounds include participants’ mood, interest level, and fatigue. In correlational
studies, common confounds include gender, age, socioeconomic status, and IQ.
Writing for Psychology | page 11
When reading a research
article, be sure to
distinguish between the
empirical results and the
researcher's interpretations
of them.
3. Results
The Results section is the place where researchers present the study results. Because
the Results section is usually lled with statistics, it can appear intimidating. Resist the
urge to skip over this section, though again, it may help to read the discussion section
rst, then return to the results section. Even those without any knowledge of statistics
can garner important information from reading the results section. In this section you
will nd such information as group averages, percentages, data tables, and gures. Take
the time to review this information and consider how it bears on the researcher’s ques-
tion and/or whether it appears to support the researcher's hypothesis. In the discussion
section, the researcher will tell you whether he or she believes the results support the
hypothesis, but you should form your own opinions of the data.
If you have not yet taken statistics, you will not be able to understand all that is presented
in a Results section. This is okay to start, but the more you can educate yourself about
statistical methods the savvier a reader of psychological literature you will become. In
the beginning, it is helpful to know two things: that correlation does not equal causation,
and the that a lower p-value indicates a lower probability that a relationship between
two variables was detected by chance.
Note on correlation vs causation: After reading that a researcher has found a signicant re-
lationship between two variables, you may be tempted to conclude that the independent
variable causes changes or dierences in the dependent variable. However, you should
resist this temptation. Much of psychology research deals with correlations between
measures, but correlation doesn’t necessarily mean causation, even though causation is
accompanied by correlation.
Example: Klinesmith et al. (2006) showed that aggressive behavior and testos-
terone increased when male college students played with a gun. Here, two vari-
ables — aggressive behavior and testosterone — increased with exposure to a
violent item. Did the gun cause increases in both aggressive behavior and tes-
tosterone, which were unrelated to each other? Did the gun cause an increase
in testosterone, which then caused an increase in aggressive behavior? Or, did
the gun cause an increase in aggressive behavior, which then caused an increase
in testosterone? This study is unable to resolve the correlation versus causation
issue, and thus only a relationship between these variables testosterone and ag-
gression can be reported, not cause and effect.
Note on p values: When a relationship is observed by a researcher, it means one of two
things: either (1) the eect is a "real" eect that you would observe time and time again
if you repeated the study, or (2) the eect is a uke, merely the result of chance, and
would not be observed if you repeated the study. A researcher uses "inferential" statistics
to ascertain whether an observed eect is real. Specically, with the use of inferential
statistics, a researcher calculates the probability that an observed eect is due to chance.
This probability that a given eect is merely due to chance is presented as a p-value,
expressed in the form p = .xxx (or p < .xxx). According to statistical theory, the smaller
the p-value, the less likely it is that an observed eect is due to chance. Usually, when p <
.05, researchers feel relatively condent that an eect is real, and not the result of a uke.
Usually, results associated with ps < .05 are called "signicant" results. “Signicance”
doesn't mean that the result is necessarily conceptually or pragmatically important (that
depends on how novel, big, or relevant to real-world problems the eect is), but it does
mean that the result should be taken seriously in the sense that it is probably detecting
page 12 | Chapter One: How to Read Sources Critically
something real and replicable. That said, the only way to be really condent that your
eect is "real" is to conduct the study again and again, and see whether the result shows
up again and again.
Example: The results of Klinesmith et al (2006) were statistically significant, yet
they were not able to parse out causation of the variables observed. Future
research with a study design that can test the mechanisms behind the relation-
ships of these variables may get at causation, and repeated studies will help
determine whether the relationships observed were “real.”
4. Discussion
The Discussion section is where the researcher interprets the results. The researcher not
only must explain how the results bear on the research question being asked (or support
or challenge any specic hypotheses that were made), but also should oer tentative ex-
planations for unexpected results. Because the Discussion section is mainly interpretive,
it is where the authors explain their reasoning behind the inferences and conclusions
they make based on their results. Much of actual empirical work requires simplication
in order to operationalize and isolate variables, but the Discussion section is where the
researchers return to the broader concepts and make conclusions about the relationships
among these concepts. Read the Discussion section carefully. Consider all the author
has to say, but continue to ask yourself: Do these results really support the researcher’s
conclusions? Ask yourself: Is the author sticking closely to the facts (i.e., the data) or is
he or she jumping to conclusions, making assumptions, or viewing her own speculation
as fact when it is really opinion? Be sure to distinguish between the empirical results and
the researcher’s interpretations of them. When attempting to distinguish between the
two, bear in mind the hypothesis, the study methods, the actual data, and all limitations
you noted and their implications.
Example: In our final look at the study of guns, aggression and testosterone, it’s
important to note that in addition to testing increases in aggressive behavior
and testosterone with exposure to a gun, the authors of the study also hypothe-
sized that testosterone mediates the relationship between exposure to violence
and aggression (Klinesmith et al. 2006). That is, exposure to violence causes an
increase in testosterone, which in turn causes an increase in aggressive behav-
ior. As evidence for this hypothesis, they pointed to results showing that guns
and testosterone were correlated, guns and aggression were correlated, and
testosterone and aggression were correlated. But is this the correct interpreta-
tion of the results? If exposure to a gun was correlated with both testosterone
and aggression, it is likely that testosterone and aggression would be correlated
with each other, and this correlation would not imply that testosterone caused
an increase in aggression (in fact, the reverse might be true). Familiarizing your-
self with the statistics involved will help you to determine whether the authors
interpreted their results appropriately.
Writing for Psychology | page 13
chapter two
Writing a Conceptually
Coherent Paper
In Expos, you were directed to use a number of basic elements in the construction of
your essay: presenting an arguable thesis and the use of evidence, situating on a thesis in
terms of a question or problem, analysis, structure, transitions, orienting, and key terms. You
also had to write pre-drafts, drafts and revisions of your papers. Although most psychol-
ogy courses will not assign pre-drafts and drafts, it is essential that you do similar kinds
of prep work before writing the nal version of any psychology essay: freewrites, litera-
ture searches, annotated bibliographies, outlines, and drafts are still essential to putting
together a piece of writing that is coherent and concise. All good researchers in psychol-
ogy utilize at least some of these prewriting exercises, as well as all of the elements of the
essay you learned in Expos.
I. Before You Begin to Write:
Reviewing the Literature and Generating a Thesis Statement
Generating a thesis statement for the psychology essay is similar in many ways to generat-
ing a thesis for an Expos paper. Although the type of evidence required in Expos essays
often diers from that required in psychology essays, you must rely on evidence when
generating your thesis for either type of writing.
In some cases, you will have a thesis idea before you begin your review of the literature;
in other cases, reviewing the literature will suggest a thesis statement to you. It can be
great to have tentative ideas about a topic, because they can drive your motive or help
direct your literature searches. But remember not to stop there; your thesis must be an
empirically justiable position that is supported by the evidence you gather from the
studies that you review. So, you will need to gather evidence by conducting a thorough
review of the articles that have been written about your topic before you generate your
nal thesis statement.
A. Reviewing the Literature: The Lit Search
The purpose of the literature search is to nd out what is currently known about a
particular topic in a given eld and to determine the sequence in which discoveries
on the topic were made. Without reviewing the current state of knowledge on your
topic, you cannot determine whether opposing theories have been tested, whether new
theories need to be generated, or where future research needs to be directed. Whenever
you wish to gather evidence to answer a question in psychology, whether your goal is to
write a course paper, to gain background information prior to designing an experiment,
or simply to increase your own personal knowledge in a subject area, you will begin
the process with a lit search. A lit search is a survey of the published literature (journal
articles, reports, books, and dissertations) in a given eld of study.
You may conduct a literature search by using one of the electronic databases available
to Harvard students or you may use the reference sections of course materials, such as
Once you have read your
sources, ask yourself:
What conclusions does the
existing research support?
It is likely that one of
these conclusions
will be your thesis.
page 14 | Chapter Two: Writing a Conceptually Coherent Paper
textbooks or assigned articles. We suggest that you conduct both types of search in order
to cover the full spectrum of possible references for your topic.
Using Online Databases
Two databases widely used in the eld of psychology, PsycINFO and PubMed, are avail-
able to you online through the Harvard Library system website (see Appendix). Both
provide publication information and abstracts (or short summaries) of articles and book
chapters. In addition, general academic data bases, such as Academic Search Premier
and Google Scholar, may provide articles of interest and are also available through the
Harvard Library system.
Using Reference Sections
You may begin a literature search by reading the section of a course textbook (or other
assigned reading) that pertains to your topic. Note the citations on your topic and look
them up in the reference section of the textbook. Acquire these referenced works and
then check their reference sections for further articles on your topic. You will note that
many articles cite the same sources. Sources that are cited by many authors are usu-
ally central to the topic, and thus you should read them in the original. (Note that you
should not use textbooks themselves as references in your paper. Textbooks are not pri-
mary source materials; however, they can provide an informative list of primary source
references on your topic as a starting point.) Most of the articles that you will cite in
your paper should be empirical journal articles or review articles published in a peer-
review journal. For information on locating sources in the Harvard Library System, see
B. Generating a Thesis Statement
What is a thesis and where does a thesis come from? A thesis is not a "topic." A topic
is an area of study, whereas a thesis is a specic point of view that makes sense of data
about the topic. One way to develop a thesis is to select a topic area of interest. Then ask
a research question about that topic area that could be answered by examining the current
literature. Your answer to that question will be your thesis.
Example of topic area:
Creativity and psychopathology
Example of research question:
Are artists and creative writers more often depressed than less creative
Example of thesis:
Artists and creative writers are at greater risk for mood disorders than
members of the general population.
Before you begin to write, you rst should locate and read the sources in your chosen
topic area. Even if you have not generated a research question before you begin to read,
an examination of the source materials may suggest one. Once you have read your
sources, ask yourself: What conclusions does the existing research support? It is likely
that one of these conclusions will be your thesis. Before arriving at this thesis, you will
need to consider the importance of each article that you have read. Ask yourself: What
Writing for Psychology | page 15
does the overall pattern of results suggest? When analyzing and reecting about this pat-
tern of evidence, make sure to consider all relevant evidence.
Remember that, sometimes, dierent pieces of evidence will appear contradictory. Do
not simply brush over results that appear inconsistent or incompatible at rst glance.
Ask yourself why the studies may have contradictory results. How do the studies dier?
Are the study methodologies comparable? Are the study samples comparable? Do the
studies really address the same hypotheses/questions or do they address dierent pieces
of a question? Before arriving at your conclusion, you should attempt to resolve incon-
sistencies among studies, or propose potential empirical studies that would help resolve
inconsistencies. A close look at ostensible inconsistencies can often spark an idea about
a new angle from which to view the studies. If you had a tentative thesis before you
reviewed the literature, and you now realize that this tentative thesis is not supported by
the literature you reviewed, don’t panic, and instead realize you have just been initiated
into academia! Throwing out initial hypotheses in favor of more complex ones is an
exciting component of research, and one that shows your maturity as a scholar.
A good thesis will be based on the available research, but will do more than simply sum-
marize this research. In Expos, you learned that your thesis should be "true but arguable
(not patently or obviously true)” (Harvey, p.1, adapted from Harvey, 2002). Similarly, when
writing an essay in psychology, you should choose a thesis that is supportable, but not so
obvious that it would be a waste of time to write about it. Your thesis should advance a
novel contribution of your own. You can make a novel contribution to the psychological
literature in various ways:
You may provide a critique of an existing theory and offer a new theory that
seems better supported by the research you review.
You may compare and contrast two or more competing theories and provide an
informed opinion about which theory is better supported by the available data.
You may combine the data from two or more disparate topic areas to arrive at
new insights about your topic.
Or, you may point out a trend in the data that has been overlooked by others.
When constructing your thesis, look for logical inconsistencies or holes in your argu-
ment. If there are inconsistencies in your argument, your readers will notice them. Try
to anticipate any potential objections your readers may have with your argument. Then,
provide your readers with the evidence that counters these objections (i.e., counterargu-
ments). That said, you may know that there is a logical inconsistency in your thesis as you
are rst writing your paper but not know how to resolve it. Make a note of where you
are uncomfortable, but it often makes sense to start writing. Once you have begun to
articulate the evidence and the justication for your thesis, you will have a better sense
of what’s wrong with your thesis and will be able to modify it. Usually this is not as
drastic a change as you may fear, and you will be all the more pleased with the results if
you take the time to write your way through the problem with your argument.
A good thesis will be based
on the available research,
but will do more than
simply summarize this
page 16 | Chapter Two: Writing a Conceptually Coherent Paper
II. Beginning to Write: Annotated Bibliography and Outline
Lay out the structure and transitions/signposting for your essay.
Once you decide what it is that you wish to say to your readers, you must gure out
how to structure your argument so that it is clear to your readers how you came to your
A. Annotated Bibliography
The rst step to writing a paper of this sort is to construct an annotated bibliography.
Each of the articles you review is like a dierent piece of a puzzle, and constructing an
annotated bibliography can help you decide how to piece the puzzle together. In order
to construct your annotated bibliography:
a. supply identifying information for each article that you will reference in your
b. write a brief summary (a few sentences) about each article.
c. write a brief justification for why you need to include each article in your paper
(i.e., a brief justification of how the article will help you advance your thesis).
The annotated bibliography will be a great resource when you are preparing your out-
line and when you are actually writing your paper.
B. Outline
When you are writing your outline, it may be helpful to pretend that you are talking
with a friend and explaining why you hold the opinion you are advancing in your essay.
Consider how you would demonstrate to your friend that the argument you make in
your thesis is valid.
What are the major points you would have to make to win your friend over to your
way of thinking?
What evidence do you have in support of each point?
How would you explain contradicting evidence and competing arguments?
Continue your imaginary conversation with your friend until you have complet-
ed your outline.
When constructing your outline, consider carefully how you will stitch your essay to-
gether; such stitching requires you to make clear to your readers how each point is
related to the one before it — often by using appropriate headings, transition words
and phrases, or signposting. Spend the time to think through in detail the logic of your
argument while you are writing your outline. Because APA style encourages the use of
headings and subheadings in essays, the outline becomes an especially important and
productive exercise when writing for psychology. You can use the main points and sup-
porting points from your outline as the headings and subheadings of your nished paper.
Writing for Psychology | page 17
The introduction is the
place where you will
present your thesis
statement and make a
case for why your topic is
important and currently
Your thesis is: “Artists and creative writers are at greater risk for mood disorders than
members of the general population.
You determine that in order to convince a friend that your thesis is valid you would
need to present the following evidence in your outline:
I. Introduction
Describe mood disorders
Examples of artists and creative writers that had mood disorders
II. Evidence linking artists to mood disorders
Artists and major depressive disorder
Artists and bipolar disorder
III. Evidence linking poets to mood disorders
Creative writers and major depressive disorder
Creative writers and bipolar disorder
IV. Evidence suggesting why mood disorders may enhance creativity
Components of mania and creativity
Components of depression and creativity
V. Conclusions
To see how you could use this outline to form headings and subheadings for your n-
ished paper, check the Headings section under APA Format Guidelines.
III. Writing the Essay: Introduction, Body, and Conclusion
A. Introduction
Present thesis and question/problem/stakes while orienting readers and dening important
key terms.
The introduction is the place where you will present your thesis statement. It is also the
place where you provide the intellectual motivation for writing your paper, and where
you briey orient your readers to the intellectual context from which your thesis arose.
As noted by Harvey (2000), the introduction is not a place to discuss personal reasons for
being interested in the topic, but rather to make a case for why your topic is important
and currently relevant.
Briefly orient the reader to the area by giving a few sentences about what previ-
ous studies have shown.
Briefly tell the reader why it is important to reconsider or further analyze the
previous research in this area.
Make sure to define key terms that the reader will need to understand in order
to follow your argument.
Then, tell your readers what your reconsideration/new analysis of previous re-
page 18 | Chapter Two: Writing a Conceptually Coherent Paper
search has led you to conclude. That is, tell your reader what your novel conclu-
sion (thesis) is. You need to state your thesis plainly, clearly, and soon. Indeed,
when you write, you should present your thesis within the first page or so.
Sometimes, students feel as though they don’t want to give too much away in
the introduction, but an academic paper should introduce the main points of the
argument, as well as the thesis, early in the essay. Don't make the essay into a
mystery novel, where the reader must guess at the point you are trying to make.
Finally, after stating your thesis, tell your readers why they should care about
your thesis (you may remember this from Expos as question, problem, or what's at
stake). That is, why is it important?
One way to set up an introduction would be to follow a structure similar to that out-
lined below:
Previous research suggests……………
However, previous research has not…………..
Hence, in this paper it is argued that…(thesis)
This is important because……………
This is the most basic template to set up an introduction. Exactly how you set up your
introduction will depend upon what it is that you have to say. However you set up the
introduction, make sure that you readers are given enough information to follow your
logic and understand your thesis.
B. The Body of the Paper
The body of the paper is, of course, where you say what you have to say. It is where you
advance your thesis, point by point. If you have really done the work required in prepar-
ing the annotated bibliography and the outline, then writing the body of the paper is
mostly a task of connecting the dots of logic that you have already outlined for yourself.
How well you do this depends upon your ability to write clearly and present systemati-
cally the evidence necessary to make your point, including the relevant details of the
empirical studies that you review.
1. Writing Clearly: Paper Structure and Word Choice
How clearly you are communicating to your readers depends upon how well you are
structuring and transitioning/signposting your arguments and how well you are choos-
ing your words.
a. Paper Structure
Make sure that your readers understand how each paragraph is related to the para-
graph preceding it. Also make clear how a set of paragraphs works together to make
a point, and how these points work together to communicate your thesis. One way
to structure your paper is to repeat the 3-step process (below) at multiple levels of
organization within the paper.
Step 1) Introduce a point you want to make.
Step 2) Provide the evidence (e.g., study summaries/interpretations) that
supports this point.
The body of the paper is
where you will advance
your thesis - point by point.
Writing for Psychology | page 19
Step 3) Recap your point and relate it to the main thesis or to the topic of that
particular section of the paper.
Let’s look at how the 3-step process can be used to support the sample thesis state-
ment we used earlier: “Artists and creative writers are at greater risk for mood dis-
orders than members of the general population. Note how the overall outline rst
presented on page 17 conforms to the 3-step process.
I. Introduction (Step 1-introduce point)
II. Evidence linking artists to mood disorders (Step 2 - evidence)
III. Evidence linking poets to mood disorders (Step 2 – evidence)
IV. Evidence suggesting why mood disorders may enhance creativity
(Step 2- evidence)
V. Conclusions (Step 3 - recap)
In addition, within each of the “evidence” sections of the paper (Step 2), the 3-step
process can be repeated.
Evidence linking artists to mood disorders
Introductory paragraph (Step 1 – introduce point)
Artists and major depressive disorder (Step 2 - evidence)
Artists and bipolar disorder (Step 2 – evidence)
Summary of evidence (Step 3 - recap)
Using the 3-step process in both the overall structure and the structure of each section
of evidence is one way to provide clarity in the body of your paper.
b. Word Choice.
When writing a scholarly paper for psychology, assume that your audience is edu-
cated and has a basic knowledge of general psychology. You cannot assume that your
audience is familiar with technical terms or concepts of a specic branch of the
eld. Therefore, you need to provide as much information as is necessary to make
your point crystal clear. You should do this, however, with the fewest words possible.
Hence, when writing your paper, you must be exceptionally mindful of the words
you choose. You should strive both to “omit needless words” (Strunk & White, 1979)
and to choose all words that are maximally informative. Most of the time, you cannot
make your point maximally concise in your rst go at a paper; you must draft and
revise in order to see the structure of your argument and the components that are
2. Presenting the Evidence: Summarizing the Relevant Details of Empirical
The body of the paper is where you will provide the relevant details of the empiri-
cal studies that you cite as evidence. Throughout the body of the paper, many of the
paragraphs will contain details about empirical studies that support your point (main
points and mini points) or that, at rst blush, appear to contradict your thesis. Beginning
students often have questions about how much detail to include when summarizing
studies. Some guidelines about what to include follow. However, the number and type
of details you include about a particular study will depend, in part, upon your reason for
page 20 | Chapter Two: Writing a Conceptually Coherent Paper
discussing the study: Are you citing this study because of its methodology? Its data? The
way it conicts with your own thesis? Tell the reader what you would want to know
about the study before you accepted it as evidence for whatever point another author
was making. Some things critical readers often want to know about a study being cited
as evidence are :
What did the study researcher hypothesize?
How did the study researcher test his or her hypothesis (procedures, sample,
limitations, etc.)?
What did the study researcher find?
How did the study researcher interpret her results?
What controls were used to rule out alternative interpretations?
How do you interpret the results? Why?
Finally, do not forget to tell the reader how the study results (or your interpreta-
tion of the results) support whatever point (main or mini) that you are making.
Remember, the whole reason that you are describing the study is because you
are using it as evidence to support your argument.
Although most of the citations in your paper will be citations of empirical articles, there
may be times when you include other types of citations. For example, there may be
times when you wish to refer to an expert’s untested opinion or theory (perhaps, be-
fore reporting the empirical results of the studies that would support or disconrm this
expert’s opinion or theory.) Do not present untested opinion as fact. It is ne to refer
to an expert’s opinion, as long as you make the reader aware that you are referencing
opinion and not data. One way of making this distinction clear is to use words that in-
dicate whether you are citing opinions or data. Use words like “suggested, “theorized,
and “posited” when referring to opinions or theories. Consider the dierence between
the following sentences:
1. Research has shown that girls are more likely to cry than are boys.
2. Researcher A has theorized that girls are more likely to cry than are boys.
Sentence 1 indicates that there are data in support of the claim being made. Sentence 2,
however, does not indicate this.
C. Conclusion of Your Review Paper.
Here are some guidelines for writing a strong conclusion.
Restate your conclusion/thesis, summarizing the evidence that supports it.
Do not introduce new evidence in the conclusion.
Do not lead the reader through twenty pages of literature review only to leave
them with a conclusion that is unrelated (or only tangentially related) to the
research that you have reviewed!
You can offer future suggestions for research, but again, be sure to base any
suggestions for future research on what has been reviewed in your paper.
Finally, restate the importance and relevance of the topic of your paper (with-
The conclusion of your
paper should restate the
importance and relevance
of your topic. Leave the
reader feeling that they
have learned something
very worthwhile.
Writing for Psychology | page 21
Revision is a critical part of
the writing process.
out overstating the importance or implications of your thesis). Leave the reader
feeling that they have learned something very worthwhile.
D. Revising Your Review Paper.
Many (probably most) authors cannot easily monitor their writing when they craft their
initial drafts. Revision is a critical part of the writing process. Specically, keep in mind
the following:
Is the paper clear? If you can, put the paper aside for a few days and then try
to read it as if you are someone who knows nothing about the topic you are
discussing. Is each word clear? Each sentence? Is a point clearly made by each
paragraph, and by each major section of the paper? Mark any points that might
be unclear. Revise them. It is helpful to have a friend, roommate, or peer at the
Writing Center read your revision for clarity.
Re-examine the logic and flow of your paper. Add stitching where needed.
Reword unclear parts. Provide additional background information if needed.
Check for grammatical and spelling errors. Not only will poor writing detract
from your argument, it tends to pit the reader against you.
Is the paper succinct? When revising, go through your paper and remove any
word, sentence, paragraph, or paper section that does not contribute to the
advancement of your conclusion/thesis (Bem, 1995; Strunk & White, 1979).
With these tools, you should now be more comfortable in your role as a junior scholar of
psychology. You can now read sources critically, both in order to learn from their writing
style and to become a good evaluator of evidence. You also have the tools to write well
and concisely. Remember that when you write a research paper in psychology you are
not only enhancing your knowledge, you are, in eect, becoming an expert on the topic
area in which you choose to write. You will gain great satisfaction by communicating
your ideas and knowledge in writing to others. Best of luck in your scientic pursuits!
Checklist for Writing a Conceptually Coherent Paper
Select general topic area (e.g. “treatment of anorexia nervosa”)
Conduct literature review through online database (e.g. PsycInfo)
Generate thesis statement based on lit review
Create annotated bibliography
Create outline (using headings and subheadings)
Write introduction (thesis and motivation)
Write body of paper (present the evidence, including alternative
Write conclusion (restate thesis, summarize evidence, suggest fu-
ture research, restate importance)
Rewrite for clarity and completeness
page 22 | chapter three
There are three reasons that you must adhere to strict guidelines for maintaining
academic honesty in your writings as a psychology concentrator:
1) New findings in the field of psychology are built on the ideas, theories, and research of
other scholars. It is of utmost importance to give appropriate credit to those who have
made our current understanding of psychology possible. Proper citation of the work of
others is crucial to the advancement of truth in psychology and in all scientific endeavors. It
is your responsibility as a novice scientist to make certain that you cite every idea, opinion,
research finding, or conclusion that is not your own. Failure to do so is considered a breach
of scholarly honesty.
2) One of the most important skills you will learn at Harvard is the ability to write excellent
scholarly papers. This skill can only be honed by completing written assignments in the form
of term papers, essays, and response papers. If you lift material from other sources and claim
it as your own, you are actually cheating yourself out of the opportunity to learn the valu-
able skill of academic writing. You are here to learn; don’t shortchange your education.
3) Academic dishonesty in the form of plagiarism (either intended or unintended) is consid-
ered a major violation of integrity and carries severe consequences within the Department
of Psychology that may result in a failing grade and disciplinary action by the College. Be-
cause ignorance of what constitutes plagiarism or academic dishonesty is not an excuse, we
ask that all psychology concentrators review the following rules contained in the Faculty of
Arts and Sciences Handbook for Students.
Academic Honesty in Writing
Plagiarism and Collaboration*
The College recognizes that the open exchange of
ideas plays a vital role in the academic endeavor,
as often it is only through discussion with others
that one is fully able to process information or to
crystallize an elusive concept. Therefore, students
generally are encouraged to engage in conversa-
tions with their teachers and classmates about their
courses, their research, and even their assignments.
These kinds of discussions and debates in some
ways represent the essence of life in an academic
community. And yet, it is important for all schol-
ars to acknowledge clearly when they have relied
upon or incorporated the work of others. To en-
sure the proper use of sources while at the same
time recognizing and preserving the importance
of the academic dialogue, the Faculty of Arts and
Sciences adopted the following policy:
It is expected that all homework assignments, proj-
ects, lab reports, papers, theses, and examinations
and any other work submitted for academic credit
will be the student’s own. Students should always
take great care to distinguish their own ideas and
knowledge from information derived from sources.
The term “sources” includes not only primary and
secondary material published in print or online,
but also information and opinions gained direct-
ly from other people. Quotations must be placed
properly within quotation marks and must be cited
fully. In addition, all paraphrased material must be
acknowledged completely. Whenever ideas or facts
are derived from a student’s reading and research
or from a student’s own writings, the sources must
be indicated (see also “Submission of the Same
Work to More Than One Course” below.)
Students must also comply with the policy on col-
laboration established for each course, as set forth in
the course syllabus or on the course website. Poli-
cies vary among the many elds and disciplines in
the College, and may even vary for particular as-
signments within a course. Unless otherwise stated
on the syllabus or website, when collaboration is
permitted within a course students must acknowl-
edge any collaboration and its extent in all submit-
ted work; however, students need not acknowledge
discussion with others of general approaches to the
assignment or assistance with proofreading. If the
syllabus or website does not include a policy on
collaboration, students may assume that collabora-
tion in the completion of assignments is permitted.
Collaboration in the completion of examinations is
always prohibited.
The responsibility for learning the proper forms of
citation lies with the individual student. Students
are expected to be familiar with the Harvard Guide
to Using Sources, which is available at http://us- Students who are in
any doubt about the preparation of academic work
should consult their instructor and Resident Dean
before the work is prepared or submitted.
Students who, for whatever reason, submit work ei-
ther not their own or without clear attribution to
its sources will be subject to disciplinary action, up
to and including requirement to withdraw from the
College. Students who have been found responsible
for any violation of these standards will not be per-
mitted to submit a Q evaluation of the course in
which the infraction occurred.
Submission of the Same Work to
More Than One Course*
It is the expectation of every course that all work
submitted for a course or for any other academic
purpose will have been done solely for that course
or for that purpose. If the same or similar work is
to be submitted to any other course or used for
any other academic purpose within the College, the
prior written permission of the instructor must be
obtained. If the same or similar work is to be sub-
mitted to more than one course or used for more
than one academic purpose within the College dur-
ing the same term, the prior written permission of
all instructors involved must be obtained. A student
who submits the same or similar work to more than
one course or for more than one academic purpose
within the College without such prior permission
is subject to disciplinary action, up to and including
requirement to withdraw from the College.
Students are urged to consult their Resident Dean
or the instructors involved with questions concern-
ing this important matter (see also Plagiarism and
Collaboration above).
Tutoring Schools and Term Paper
In keeping with the principle that all material sub-
mitted to a course should be the student’s own
work, any undergraduate who makes use of the ser-
vices of a commercial tutoring school or term paper
company is liable to disciplinary action. Students
who sell lecture or reading notes, papers, or transla-
tions, or who are employed by a tutoring school or
term paper company, are similarly liable and may
be subject to disciplinary action, up to and includ-
ing requirement to withdraw from the College. If a
student wishes to accept compensation for private
tutoring in Harvard courses, prior written permis-
sion of the Dean of the College is required.
Official Forms and Petitions*
Students should understand that providing false or
misleading information or signing any other per-
son’s name or initials on a study card, Plan of Study,
change-of-course petition, registration form, or on
any other ocial form or petition will make them
subject to disciplinary action, up to and including
requirement to withdraw.
* excerpts from 2012–2013 Harvard College Hand-
book for Students available at http://handbook.
page 24 |
chapter three
page 24 | Chapter Three: Do's and Don'ts
Do’s and Don’ts of
Effective Writing in
The primary purpose of APA style is to report information and ndings in the eld
of psychology. Its goal is a clear, concise, and orderly ow of ideas presented in a
scholarly and objective manner. Appropriate citation of the work of others is also para-
mount. The following do’s and don’ts of writing are based on mistakes (both APA style
errors and scholarly writing errors) commonly made by beginning writers in psychol-
ogy. Many of the points raised earlier have been boiled down and summarized here, as
well as more detailed points that bear specically on APA rules. Do check your paper
against this list before turning it in!
APA Style Errors:
1. Don’t write a novel. Fiction writing and scientific writing have difference
purposes and consequently different styles. Don't weave a tale of suspense
complete with foreshadowing, flashbacks or surprise endings. Don’t wait until
the end of the paper to give the punch line!
Do tell a story. Your paper should be a straightforward tale of a circumscribed
question in want of an answer. The answer is your thesis, and you are going
to tell the tale of why your thesis is the answer to the question. Keep it simple
and direct and make it clear from the beginning what you are arguing.
Don’t try to “prove” a theory. In science, you cannot prove a theory. The best
you can hope for is that a theory accounts for the known data. There is always
a chance that new data will come along that challenges the existing theory,
and the theory will then have to be revised. So all theories in psychology (as
in other scientific fields) are provisional. Therefore, it is incorrect to talk about
“proof” in psychology. You are better off comparing and contrasting two or
more alternative theories (or hypotheses), and showing that the weight of the
evidence favors one of them. Your primary job in evaluating a hypothesis or
a theory is deciding whether there is evidence in support of or against it, not
whether there is proof for it.
Example (avoid): This proves that Bellows’ (1998) theory was right.
Do support the theory. Even though you cannot prove a given theory, you can
certainly provide support for (for against) it in the form of evidence.
Examples (preferable):
This study provides support for Bellow’s (1998) theory.
Writing for Psychology | page 25
The results of this study are consistent with Bellow’s (1998) theory.
3. Don’t overuse low-value sources of evidence. Not all sources of informa-
tion are equal. Newspapers, popular magazines, and best-selling books are
considered lower-value secondary sources. They may best be used to provide
examples or case studies, which can be helpful when introducing your topic to
the reader, but cite these sources sparingly.
Do use high-value journals and professional books as your main sources of
scientific evidence. The highest value sources of scientific evidence are peer-
reviewed journals. Many of these can be located online through the Harvard
Library System (see Appendix), or in hard copy in Widener. Articles in peer-re-
viewed journals have been subjected to review by experts in the appropriate
field of psychology. (Note that, in Reference sections, the APA gives prefer-
ence to professional journals by capitalizing each word in the journal name.)
Trade or professional books are also high-value sources (although these books
are generally not subjected to peer review; APA capitalizes only the first word
of a book title). The bulk of your reference section should be composed of ar-
ticles from professional journals and chapters from professional trade books.
Don’t editorialize. Avoid evaluative terms such as “horrible,” “ridiculous,”
“indefensible,” etc. Let the facts you present speak for themselves.
Examples (avoid):
“It would be foolish to ignore the evidence in favor of this theory.”
“This study completely failed to prove the author’s point.”
“It is obvious that [this theory] is correct.”
Do express your point of view through an objective presentation of evi-
dence. One of the main goals of scientific writing is the objective reporting
of information. Of course, you will have a point of view (your thesis). You
want your readers to arrive at the same conclusion that you did by objectively
weighing the evidence that you present.
Don’t overuse secondary sources. If you find that you are using more than
two or three “as cited in” references, then you need to get hold of the origi-
nal articles and read them for yourself. Whenever you take one author’s word
for what another author has reported, you run the risk of misinterpretation.
Use these secondary sources very sparingly. (Textbooks are considered second-
ary sources. They are summaries and interpretations of the work of others. As
a rule, you should not cite textbooks in your paper.)
Do read the work of all authors whom you cite. Remember that you are re-
sponsible for the accurate reporting of the work of others. When you cite an
author directly, the assumption is that you have read the work in question.
Don’t overuse technical jargon. Psychology, like all scientific fields, has its
own jargon. However, the more jargon you use, the narrower the audience
who will “get” your paper. Strive to make your paper comprehensible to an
audience with a good general education.
Do define key terms. If you must use a technical term, be sure to define it (ei-
ther directly or by using it in a context where its meaning becomes apparent).
Example (preferable):
“Expressed emotion (EE) refers to the amount of hostility, criticism, or
overinvolvement by family members directed toward the patient.”
Also, be sure to define your specific intended usage of terms that may have
multiple meanings or connotations. (The word aggression has one meaning for
sports psychologists, a different meaning for psychopathologists, and still a
different meaning for animal psychologists. Its specific meaning in your paper
should be defined.)
Example (preferable):
“Aggression, for the purposes of this paper, is defined as any case of un-
provoked attack (hitting, biting, or kicking) upon another child.”
Don’t overuse direct quotations. Remember that although quotations
from experts may be considered “evidence” in many liberal arts disciplines,
the opinions of others are not considered evidence in scientific fields. Direct
quotes interfere with the flow of ideas and should be used sparingly. Begin-
ning writers in psychology often flood their papers with direct quotes from
published researchers.
Example (avoid): Seidman et al. (1997) have stated that for ADHD “the
impact on society is enormous in terms of financial cost, stress to families,
disruption in schools, and its potential for leading to criminality and sub-
stance abuse” (p. 150).
Do rephrase and summarize the important points of other writers (properly
cited, of course!) in your own words. Paraphrasing improves the flow of ideas.
Example (preferable): Seidman and his colleagues (1997) suggested that
the social impact of ADHD is enormous, including financial costs, family
stress, school disruption, and the potential for criminal behavior and sub-
stance abuse.
Don’t use footnotes or endnotes. The interruption of shifting one’s eyes to
the bottom of the page or (worse!) to the end of the paper to read a note
detracts from the orderly flow of ideas.
Do incorporate footnote material directly into the body of the paper. The
APA guideline is: if it is important enough to include in the paper, put it in the
body of the text. If it is not important enough, delete it altogether!
Don’t substitute synonyms when expressing a given concept or vary sentence
structure in an attempt to make your sentences more interesting. Using differ-
ent words or phrases for the same concept will only confuse your readers.
Example (avoid): Extraverted children demonstrate anger when their play
is interrupted, whereas, contrary to their more outgoing counterparts,
page 26 | Chapter Three: Do's and Don'ts
Writing for Psychology | page 27
youngsters with an introverted temperament, do not get mad when their
activities are interrupted.
Do attempt to use the same words or phrases each time you express a given
concept to promote clarity. Parallel sentence construction also promotes clarity.
Example (preferable): Extraverted children demonstrate anger when their
play is interrupted, whereas, introverted children do not demonstrate an-
ger when their play is interrupted.
Don’t write in First Person. Avoid reporting First Person personal anecdotes,
as well as phrases such as “I feel…” or “I believe…”
Examples (avoid):
“My Aunt Chloe had the same experience with depression…”
“I feel like Crespi and Cameron (1992) should have included a placebo
control group in their study…”
Do write in Third Person.
Examples (preferable):
“Chloe Johnson (personal communication, April15, 1999) reported a
similar experience with depression…”
“However, Crespi and Cameron (1992) did not include a placebo control
group in their study…”
Don’t overuse present tense. Present tense is appropriate when describing
currently-held theories (“Terror Management Theory states that…”) or gen-
eral statements of fact (“Independent cultures place greater value on…”); as
such, it is commonly used in introductory and concluding paragraphs, as well
as in topic and closing sentences. Don't use present when describing specific
work that occurred in the past however. Instead, use past tense if the work oc-
curred at a specific time and present perfect tense if the work spanned several
studies or several researchers.
Examples (avoid):
William James, in his 1890 treatise, examines how different researchers
conceptualize the unconscious.
Carlyle revisits this question in a series of studies (1992; 1994).
Do use past or present perfect tense. These tenses are preferred for actions
that have already occurred.
Examples (preferable):
William James, in his 1890 treatise, examined how different researchers
conceptualized the unconscious.
Carlyle has revisited this question in a series of studies (1992; 1994).
General Scholarly Writing Errors:
1. Don’t make your thesis a guessing game! Your reader should not have to
guess at the main point of the paper.
Do formulate a restricted and concise thesis. Make your thesis very clear and
narrow enough in scope that you can thoroughly address it in your paper.
State the thesis early in the paper (first or second paragraph). Then do not
wander away from the thesis.
Don’t expect your reader to automatically understand the importance of
your thesis.
Do present a motive for your thesis early in the paper. Why is your thesis
important? What larger question or problem will your thesis, when properly
supported, make strides toward answering? Give your reader a reason for
wanting to read your paper.
Don’t use vague pronouns. If your reader must retrace the previous sentence
to determine whether “he” refers to the participant or the experimenter of a
study you are describing, then clarity has been compromised.
Do check your pronouns. Make sure that each pronoun in your manuscript
has an obvious referent. One good rule is to replace all simple pronouns (this,
that, these, those) with the appropriate noun or noun phrase.
Incorrect: This indicates that creativity and IQ may be correlated.
Correct: The results of this study indicate that creativity and IQ may be
Don’t use passive voice. Passive voice often makes the object of a sentence
into the subject and forces the reader to retrace the action in order to under-
stand it.
Example (avoid):
Incorrect: A connection was found by these researchers between creativity
and IQ.
Incorrect: It has been shown that there is a connection between creativity
and IQ.
Do use active voice whenever possible. Active voice moves the story forward
and improves the flow of the writing.
Example (preferable):
Correct: These researchers found a connection between creativity and IQ.
Don’t include more than one idea per paragraph. If you have a paragraph
that takes up an entire page (double-spaced), check to see if it includes two or
more ideas that can be divided.
Do keep paragraphs and sentences relatively short. Shorter sentences and
paragraphs promote clarity. As a general guideline, you should have 2-3 para-
graphs per page. Sentences should contain no more than 15-20 words. You
page 28 | Chapter Three: Do's and Don'ts
Writing for Psychology | page 29
may intersperse shorter sentences, but avoid sentences as long as 30 words.
6. Don’t use colloquialisms. Your writing should be scholarly, rather than con-
versational, in tone. A scholarly tone does not imply pretentiousness of lan-
guage but rather an avoidance of colloquialisms that could interfere with
precision and clarity.
Do choose language that is precise, clear, and scholarly. Some examples:
Avoid a whole lot on the mend
just around
the corner
Preferable numerous recovering upcoming report
Don’t treat opposing points of view unfairly. One mistake often made by
beginning writers in psychology is called “bashing the counterargument.”
This technique includes finding very tiny methodological flaws in studies that
contradict your thesis and using these flaws to completely discredit the op-
posing research results. The same microscopic flaw detection is not, however,
employed when evaluating research supporting your thesis. This uneven han-
dling of evidence generally backfires, as most readers will sense the unfairness
and pull for the underdog!
Do present all sides of your argument fairly. Science is generally not black
and white. You do not need to discredit all evidence that fails to support your
thesis. You merely need to show in a convincing manner why your thesis is the
best fit for the existing data.
Don’t write a single draft of your paper. No one can write a good paper in
one draft!
Do revise and edit your paper! Revise, proofread, and then revise and proof-
read again!
Here are some strategies for revising and improving the quality of your paper:
1. Lay it aside for 48 hours and then reread it. You will see many areas for im-
provement that were not apparent to you during the initial writing.
2. Read it out loud. It is often easier to hear (rather than see) sections that are
unclear or awkwardly worded.
3. Give a copy to a friend (but be sure to proofread it first!). Then don’t argue if
the friend finds a section that is unclear. By definition, if it is unclear to your
reader then it is unclear period!
4. Don’t get too attached to a particular phrase, sentence, or paragraph. You
have to be able to edit out anything, no matter how cleverly-worded, that
does not advance your story.
chapter four
page 30 | Chapter Four: APA Format Guidelines
chapter four
APA Format Guidelines
The American Psychological Association has dened basic formatting rules for psychol-
ogy papers. For more details consult Publication Manual of the American Psychological
Association (2009).
General Document Format
1) Use one-inch margins top, bottom, and sides.
2) Double-space entire manuscript, including references.
3) Manuscript is left-justified and new paragraphs are indented 5-7 spaces.
4) Use 12-pt. standard fonts (recommended: Times New Roman).
5) Although underlining and italicizing serve the same purpose, the Publication
Manual of the APA recommends using italics rather than underlining. Use un-
derlining only if required by your instructor, and make sure that you are con-
sistent in your use of either italics or underlining.
6) Always include a title page unless advised otherwise by your instructor.
Title page is page 1 of paper.
Center title, author’s name and other required information.
7) An abstract (one-paragraph summary of your paper) may be required (check
with your instructor).
The abstract (if required) is page 2 of paper.
In-Text Citations
Science advances by building on the work of others. It is important to give credit to all
who have contributed ideas, ndings, opinions, and theories. The rule is cite every-
thing that is not your own idea or is not common knowledge. In-text citations
include the author’s last name and the date of the publication cited. When direct quota-
tions are used, the page number of the quote is also cited.
Single Author: If the author’s name appears as part of the narrative, follow the
name with the publication date in parentheses. Otherwise, both the author’s
name and publication date are placed in parentheses.
Examples: Sternberg (1990) presented writing tips for psychologists.
Clarity is a primary objective in good academic writing (Williams, 1990).
Two Authors: If the authors’ names appear in the text, connect them with “and.”
However, if the authors’ names appear only in the parenthetical citation con-
nect them with “&.”
Examples: Costa and McCrae (1985) suggested a five-factor model…
Writing for Psychology | page 31
The five-factor model of personality (Costa & McCrae, 1985) includes…
Three to Five Authors: List all authors the first time a work is cited. Thereafter,
use the first author’s name followed by “et al.”
Examples: Hodges, Cooper, and Bushman (1992) examined…
Hodges et al. (1992) also examined…
Six or More Authors: Use the first author’s name followed by “et al.” every time
the work is cited (including the first time). However, in the Reference section, list
the names of the first six authors, replace the next authors with an ellipsis (...),
then list the final author.
More than One Work in a Citation: List alphabetically by first author’s last name.
Separate each work with a semicolon.
Example: Several authors have noted the importance of clarity in academic
writing (Bem, 1998; Hummel & Kaeck, 1995; Williams, 1990).
Works by Associations, Corporations, or Government Agencies: Write out the
name of the group that serves as author (corporate author) each time they are
cited in text unless the abbreviation of the name is familiar. In the case of famil-
iar abbreviations, write out the entire name in the first citation and use the ab-
breviation in subsequent citations. The rule is to ensure that the reader will have
enough information in the citation to locate the entry in the reference section.
Example: (first citation) Over 12 million women suffer from depression each
Year (National Institute of Mental Health [NIMH], 1999).
(later citations): Twice as many women suffer from depression as men (NIMH,
Direct Quotations (Less than 40 words): Incorporate them into the structure of
the sentence or paragraph, enclose within double quotation marks, and follow
with a parenthetical citation including author, publication date, and page num-
Example: Wisdom, in this context, is defined as “an expert knowledge system
concerning the fundamental pragmatics of life” (Baltes & Staudinger, 2000,
p. 122).
• Direct Quotations (More than 40 words): Do not use quotation marks. Indent
the entire passage five spaces from the left margin and follow with a paren-
thetical citation including author, publication date, and page number.
Example: One typical problem encountered in data collection is that of miss-
ing data. The authors provide explicit directions for scoring:
If the respondent has not provided a response to every item and the re-
spondent is no longer available to the examiner, the examiner must de-
termine whether the data may be validly scored and interpreted. The NEO
PI-R should not be scored if 41 or more responses are missing. (Costa &
McCrae, 1992, p. 5)
Secondary Sources: You should cite only works that you have actually read. If
you read about a study by Mednick and Schulsinger cited in a book by Durand
and Barlow, your parenthetical citation should include the cited author(s)’ name
followed by “as cited in” and the author(s)’ name/publication date of the source
which you actually read. Put only the source you read in the reference section.
Use secondary sources sparingly!
Example: A similar study examined children at high risk for schizophrenia
(Mednick & Schulsinger, as cited in Durand & Barlow, 1997).
Personal Communications: Letters, personal conversations, email, and lab dis-
cussions provide us with insight and information on topics of interest. These
communications are legitimate sources of information and may be cited in your
papers. Place authors’ initials and last name, followed by “personal communica-
tion” and the full date in parentheses.
Example: (R.J. McNally, personal communication, April 8, 2001)
Note that accuracy in reporting personal communications is your responsibility!
Reference Section
The reference section should begin on a separate page with the word “References” cen-
tered at the top. The section should employ the “hanging indent” format, with the rst
line ush left and subsequent lines indented 5-7 spaces. All entries should be alphabet-
ized by the rst author’s last name. Note that book titles and journal names are italicized.
The rst letter of every word in the journal title is capitalized, whereas only the rst
letter of the rst word of a book title is capitalized. (Please see the reference section at
the end of this booklet for an example, but note that in term papers the section will be
Journal Articles: Include the following:
Author (Last name, comma, 1st initial, period, 2nd initial, period)
Year of Publication (in parentheses, period)
Name of journal article (lower case, period)
Name of Journal (italicized, 1st letter of each word uppercase, comma)
Volume (and issue in parentheses) of journal (italicized, comma)
Page numbers of articles (period)
If available, Digital Object Identifier (prefaced with doi:)
Example: (using hanging indent format)
McCrae, R.R. (1987). Creativity, divergent thinking, and openness to experience.
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 52 (6), 1258-1263.
doi: 10.1037/0022-3514.52.6.1258
Books: Include the following:
Author (Last name, comma, 1st initial, period, 2nd initial, period, comma,
next author, comma, &, last author, period)
page 32 | Chapter Four: APA Format Guidelines
Writing for Psychology | page 33
Year of Publication (in parentheses, period)
Name of Book (italicized, lower case, period)
City of Publication (colon)
Publisher (period)
Williams, J.M. (1990). Style: Toward clarity and grace. Chicago: University of
Chicago Press.
Chapter Within a Book: Include the following:
Author (Last name, comma, 1st initial, comma, 2nd initial, next author,
comma, &, last author, period)
Year of Publication (in parentheses, period)
Name of book chapter (lower case, period)
Name of Editors ( preceded by “In,” 1st initial of 1st author, period, last
name, &, 2nd author, parenthesis, “Eds.”, parenthesis, comma)
Name of Book (italicized, lower case, period)
City of Publication (colon)
Publisher (period)
Eysenck, H.J (1995). Creativity as a product of intelligence and personality. In
D. Saklofske & M. Zeidner (Eds.), International handbook of personality and
intelligence. New York: Plenum Press.
Electronic References: Because a variety of different types of references are
available online, APA guidelines for such references are often updated. You may
check the following website for the most up-to-date referencing of electronic
You will need to log in with your HUID and PIN.
Starting in the 6th edition of the APA Publication Manual, the APA asks that you
provide the Digital Object Identifier (DOI). DOIs are links to the article and are
more stable than regular URLs.
Headings and subheadings are extremely useful in scientic writing and serve several
1) They divide the paper into orderly sections.
2) They act as an outline of the paper.
3) They reduce the need for transition paragraphs.
4) They help the reader anticipate material.
5) They help the reader locate specific material of interest.
page 34 | Chapter Four: APA Format Guidelines
Centered, Boldface, Uppercase and Lowercase Headings
Then your paragraph begins below, indented like a regular paragraph.
Left-aligned, Boldface, Uppercase and Lowercase Heading
Then your paragraph begins below, indented like a regular paragraph.
3 Indented, boldface, lowercase heading ending with a period. Your
paragraph begins right here, on the same line as the heading.
Indented, boldface, italicized, lowercase heading ending with a period. Your
paragraph begins right here, on the same line as the heading.
Indented, italicized, lowercase heading ending with a period. Your paragraph be-
gins right here, on the same line as the heading.
Level Format
The Publication Manual of the APA (2009) lists ve levels of headings and subheadings.
For most student papers, the rst three levels should be sucient, but longer, more
in-depth papers may require levels 4 and 5.
Level 1 headings are used for the title and main sections of the paper (e.g. major
sections of your literature review, Method, Results, Discussion). Start text on the
line following a Level 1 heading and indent the text.
Level 2 headings are used for subscriptions within the main sections. For example,
in the Method section of a paper, it would be used for Participants, Measures, and
Procedure. Start text on the line following a Level 2 heading and indent the text.
Level 3 headings are used to divide up these subsections. For example, in the Mea-
sures subsection of the Method section, it would be used to describe individual
measures, such as the Beck Depression Inventory, NEO-PI, Wechsler Adult Intel-
ligence Scale, etc. Start text on the same line as the Level 3 heading, right after the
Writing for Psychology | page 35
Here is an example of headings and subheadings from the term paper outline
on artists and mood disorders shown earlier.
Mood disorders
Begin text here.
Major depressive disorder. Begin text here.
Bipolar disorder. Begin text here.
Famous artists and writers with mood disorders
Begin text here.
Studies of Mood Disorders in Artists
Artists and major depressive disorder
Artists and bipolar disorder
Studies of Mood Disorders in Writers
Creative writers and major depressive disorder
Creative writers and bipolar disorder
Why Mood Disorders May Enhance Creativity
Components of mania and creativity
Increased energy and self-condence.
Unusual associations.
Components of depression and creativity
Critical evaluation.
Depression as subject matter.
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 2
Level 1
Level 2
Level 1
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 2
Level 3
Level 1
Level 2
Centered, Boldface, Uppercase and Lowercase Headings
Then your paragraph begins below, indented like a regular paragraph.
Left-aligned, Boldface, Uppercase and Lowercase Heading
Then your paragraph begins below, indented like a regular paragraph.
3 Indented, boldface, lowercase heading ending with a period. Your
paragraph begins right here, on the same line as the heading.
Indented, boldface, italicized, lowercase heading ending with a period. Your
paragraph begins right here, on the same line as the heading.
Indented, italicized, lowercase heading ending with a period. Your paragraph be-
gins right here, on the same line as the heading.
page 36 | Chapter Four: APA Format Guidelines
Word Usage and Unbiased Language
It is permissible to use the word 'subjects' or the word 'participants' to describe individuals
who participate in research.
The 6
edition emphasizes the use of unbiased language.
humankind, people
Use gender-neutral lan-
guage when possible
homosexuals gay males
lesbian females
Use this form when refer-
ring to sexual orientation
Oriental Asian Use specic race and
Native American Hopi, Seminole Use nation name when
disabled person
the mentally ill
person with disability
persons with mental illness
people who are depressed
Disability - put the person
before the disability
Problematic Preferred Note
Writing for Psychology | page 37
American Psychological Association. (2009). Publication manual of the American Psychologi-
cal Association (6th edition). Washington, D.C.: Author
American Psychological Association. (2007). APA Style Guide to Electronic References [pdf].
Washington, D.C.: Author. Retrieved from
Bem, Daryl J. (1995). Writing a review article for Psychological Bulletin. Psychological
Bulletin, 118, 172-177. doi: 10.1037/0033-2909.118.2.172.
Bern, D. J., & Honorton, C. (1994). Does psi exist? Replicable evidence for an anomalous
process of information transfer. Psychological Bulletin, 115, 4-18. doi: 10.1037/0033-
Budden, A.E., Tregenza, T., Aarssen, L.W., Koricheva, J., Leimu, R., & Lortie, C.J. (2008).
Double-blind review favours increased representation of female authors. TRENDS
in Ecology and Evolution, 23(1), 4-6. doi: 10.1016/j.bbr.2011.03.031.
Harvard University Faculty of Arts and Sciences (n.d.). Handbook for students. Available
Harvey, G. (2002). The Academic Essay. Indianapolis: Hackett.
Klinesmith J., Kasser, T., & McAndrew, F.T. (2006). Guns, testosterone and aggression:
An experimental test of a mediational hypothesis. Psychological Science, 17(7), 568-571.
doi: 10.1111/j.1467-9280.2006.01745.x.
Kosslyn, S., & M. & Rosenberg, R. S. (2001). How to read, critically evaluate, and write
research papers (Appendix B, pp. 605-610). Psychology: The brain, the person, the world.
Needham Heights, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
Madigan, R., Johnson, S., & Linton, P. (1995). The language of psychology: APA
style as epistemology. American Psychologist, 50(6), 428-436. doi: 10.1037/0003-
Maher, B. (1978). A reader’s, writer’s, and reviewer’s guide to assessing research reports in
clinical psychology. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 46(4), 835-838. doi:
Milton, J. & Wiseman, R. (1999). Does psi exist? Lack of replication of anomalous process
of information transfer. Psychological Bulletin, 125(4), 387-391. doi: 10.1037/0033-
Sternberg, R.J. (1993). How to win acceptance by psychology journals: Twenty-one tips
for better writing. In R.J. Sternberg (Ed.), The psychologist’s companion (3rd edition).
New York: Cambridge University Press.
Strunk, W., & White, E. B. (1979). The elements of style (3rd ed.). New York: Macmillan.
Wenneras, C., & Wold, A. (1997). Nepotism and sexism in peer review. Nature 387, 341-
343. doi: 10.1038/387341a0
Williams, J.M. (1990). Style: Toward clarity and grace. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
page 38 | Appendix: Locating Databases and Sources in the Harvard Library System
Appendix: Locating
Databases and Sources in
the Harvard Library System
Two databases widely used in the eld of psychology, PsycINFO and PubMed, are avail-
able to you online through the Harvard Library system website. Both provide publica-
tion information and abstracts (or short summaries) of articles and book chapters.
To access these data bases:
1. Go to the Harvard Library portal page:
2. Click on Find E-Resources
3. Go to “Quick Jump to selected major resources”
4. Select PsycINFO (EBSCO host) (1872-) or PubMed with full text (MEDLINE)
5. You may be asked to login with your ID and PIN number
6. Enter keywords or subjects related to your topic
7. APA provides an online tutorial for PsycINFO at :
To nd the location of any book or journal at Harvard:
1. Go to the Harvard Library portal page:
2. Click on HOLLIS
3. Enter the title of the journal or book in the search box
4. Click on the appropriate title and a display including library locations will ap-
Note that Harvard subscribes to online versions of many psychological journals. These
journals include full text content (including images and graphs) in PDF form.
To determine if a full-text article is available through the library system:
1. Go to the Harvard Library portal page:
2. Click on Find E-journals
3. Type in the name of the journal and click GO
4. Click on the journal name
5. Note that some journals will be available through more than one provider,
and different providers may offer different dates of publication; select the
one that seems best for you.
Writing for Psychology | page 39
6. Once you have reached the journal, you may search for a particular article or
browse available content.
APA has a website called Library Research in Psychology: Finding it Easily http://www.
Department of Psychology
Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Harvard University
Department of Psychology
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Cambridge, MA 02138
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