Supplier Quality Requirements | Summary & Explanations
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Edition 2 | March 2024
Supplier Quality Requirements
Business Sector – Mobility Solutions
Summary & Explanations
Supplier Quality Requirements | Summary & Explanations
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Edition 2 | March 2024
Table of Contents
0 PREFACE ......................................................................................................................... 4
1 REQUIREMENTS FOR MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS ........................................................ 4
1.1 Quality Management System ............................................................................................................. 4
1.2 Environmental Management System .................................................................................................. 5
1.3 Sub-Suppliers Management System .................................................................................................. 5
2 ASSESSMENTS AND AUDITS ......................................................................................... 5
2.1 VDA 6.3 potential analysis (P1) .......................................................................................................... 6
2.2 VDA 6.3 Audit ...................................................................................................................................... 6
2.3 RB Remote Risk Assessment ............................................................................................................. 6
2.4 IATF 16949 Compliance Audit ............................................................................................................ 6
2.5 14 Q Assessment ................................................................................................................................ 7
3 COOPERATION FOR NEW PRODUCTS ......................................................................... 8
3.1 Contract Review, Feasibility Confirmation .......................................................................................... 8
3.2 Product Development ......................................................................................................................... 8
3.3 Project Management ........................................................................................................................... 9
3.4 Prototypes and Pilot Series ................................................................................................................ 9
4 PREVENTIVE QUALITY ................................................................................................. 10
4.1 Management of Characteristics ........................................................................................................ 10
4.1.1 Classification of Characteristics ........................................................................................................ 10
4.1.2 Inspection Strategies ........................................................................................................................ 11
4.1.3 Communication & Implementation of Management of Characteristics – ICL ................................... 18
4.1.4 Terms / Abbreviations / Remarks ...................................................................................................... 19
4.2 Capabilities - general information ..................................................................................................... 21
4.2.1 Actions in Case of Non-Capable Processes..................................................................................... 21
4.2.2 Measurement process capability (Measurement System Analysis) ................................................. 21
4.2.3 Process Capabilities ......................................................................................................................... 29
4.2.4 Repeating of the Evidence of capability ........................................................................................... 30
4.2.5 Calculation of new SPC control limits ............................................................................................... 30
4.2.6 Actions in case of non-capable Manufacturing Process ................................................................... 30
4.3 Control Plan ...................................................................................................................................... 31
4.4 FMEA ................................................................................................................................................ 33
4.4.1 Basic Information .............................................................................................................................. 33
4.4.2 Cooperation between Bosch and Supplier ....................................................................................... 34
4.5 Process release ................................................................................................................................ 35
4.6 Heat Treatment ................................................................................................................................. 35
4.7 Run@Rate ........................................................................................................................................ 36
4.8 Ramp-up validation (Launch Management) ..................................................................................... 36
4.9 Production Process and Part Release - Procedure / Sampling ....................................................... 36
5 MARKING OF PRODUCTS, PARTS, SAMPLES AND PACKAGING ............................. 49
5.1 Marking of Samples and after Release ............................................................................................ 49
6 TRACEABILITY / FIFO ................................................................................................... 49
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8 DELIVERY AND INCOMING INSPECTION (GOODS RECEIPT) .................................... 51
9 SCRAP AND REWORK .................................................................................................. 51
10 QUALITY DEVIATIONS .................................................................................................. 51
10.1 Deviations ......................................................................................................................................... 52
10.2 Deviation Approval – Concession ..................................................................................................... 52
11 COMPLAINTS, PROBLEM SOLVING, 8D-REPORT ...................................................... 52
11.1 Complaints ........................................................................................................................................ 52
11.2 Problem Solving / 8D-Report ............................................................................................................ 52
11.3 Root Cause Analysis ......................................................................................................................... 53
11.4 Complaints at Sub-Suppliers ............................................................................................................ 53
11.5 Controlled Shipping Level (CSL) ...................................................................................................... 53
11.5.1 Controlled Shipping Level 1 (CSL 1) ................................................................................................ 53
11.5.2 Controlled Shipping Level 2 (CSL 2) ................................................................................................ 53
12.1 Supplier information about changes – Supplier Initiated Change Request ...................................... 54
12.2 Electronic components ..................................................................................................................... 54
12.3 Labeling of Deliveries after Changes ................................................................................................ 54
12.4 Documentation of a Change ............................................................................................................. 55
13 DIGITAL GOODS ............................................................................................................ 55
13.1 Scope ................................................................................................................................................ 55
13.2 Preventive Quality ............................................................................................................................. 55
13.3 Complaint Management.................................................................................................................... 55
14 SUB-SUPPLIER MANAGEMENT ................................................................................... 56
15 COOPERATION FOR QUALITY IMPROVEMENT .......................................................... 56
15.1 Quality Targets .................................................................................................................................. 56
15.2 Upper Limits ...................................................................................................................................... 56
15.3 Liability / escalation ........................................................................................................................... 57
15.4 Development Programs .................................................................................................................... 57
15.4.1 EQC (Extended Quality Cooperation) .............................................................................................. 57
15.4.2 SQIP (Supplier Quality Improvement Program) ............................................................................... 57
16 OTHER REQUIREMENTS .............................................................................................. 58
16.1 14 Quality Basics for the Value Stream ............................................................................................ 58
16.2 Special Process Assessments (AIAG CQIs) .................................................................................... 59
16.3 Product Safety & Conformity Representative ................................................................................... 60
16.4 Retention (Archiving) ........................................................................................................................ 60
17 SOURCES ...................................................................................................................... 60
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0 Preface
Bosch expects quality from their suppliers for all aspects of cooperation. To support the implementation of
a shared quality strategy in the spirit of partnership, quality requirements have been defined based on the
standards of the automotive industry.
This manual explains those quality requirements applicable for supplies to Bosch Business Sector Mobility
used in the Bosch automotive sector or in Bosch automotive products.
The requirements apply to all deliveries of products, materials, services, and digital goods to Bosch
(software, data and IT-Services, in further text collectively referred to as: “product”).
The information contained in this document is provided for informational purposes only. The points
explained herein shall not impose any restrictions on any referenced law or regulation, existing or future
legal requirements, applicable contracts or on any other requirements or obligations agreed upon between
Supplier and Bosch.
For easier readability, this manual uses the short terms “Supplier” and “Bosch”.
Furthermore, information about cooperation between Bosch and its partners is available here:
Information for business partners.
1 Requirements for Management Systems
1.1 Quality Management System
Following IATF 16949 requirements, suppliers’ manufacturing locations must:
maintain a certified management system in accordance with IATF 16949 or
are obliged to develop such a system.
Suppliers must provide Bosch copies of the relevant valid certificate on their own accord.
A convenient way to do this is to maintain certificates with the support of Supply On.
Further information is available here:
Requirement for management system.
Suppliers of digital goods undertake to comply with the requirements of ASPICE, if applicable, and to prove
this, e.g., by means of self-assessments. The proof for digital goods shall be provided to Bosch on request.
Furthermore, Supplier must ensure compliance with requirements specific to branches of industry and
fields of material (e.g., AIAG, VDA, DIN) insofar as this corresponds to the state of the art and must be
demonstrated in case of need.
If a renewed certificate is issued with delay, Supplier must notify Bosch before expiration of the current
certificate and provide information about the expected date of recertification. After re-certification, Supplier
must immediately present the confirmation of a successful re-certification by the certification body.
Supplier must inform Bosch without undue delay of any delays in the issuance of a follow-up certificate
and if one of its certificates is withdrawn.
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1.2 Environmental Management System
Supplier must introduce and develop an environmental management system (EMS) analogous to
ISO 14001 or an environmental management system that is appropriate to the specific industry.
1.3 Sub-Suppliers Management System
Supplier must make sure that its sub-suppliers adhere to the same quality and environmental management
system standards as described in chapters 1.1 and 1.2.
Supplier must ensure that its sub-suppliers fulfill all applicable state-of-the-art, industry specific and / or
material field specific requirements (e.g., AIAG, VDA, DIN).
Supplier shall take appropriate steps to confirm the effectiveness of the sub-suppliers' management
This principle applies equally to sub-suppliers defined by Bosch (Bosch directed buy).
2 Assessments and Audits
Bosch may conduct audits or assessments to ensure that requirements regarding management systems
or processes are met by Suppliers or sub-suppliers.
Before any audits or assessments, Bosch informs Supplier and assures agreement. In some urgent cases
short term planning may be required, e.g., in case of quality issues.
For the audits and assessments Supplier allows Bosch, and if necessary, Bosch’s customers, access to
all involved locations e.g., production locations, commercial areas, test centers, warehouses, and adjoining
areas as well as to all quality-related documents. Supplier may take all necessary and reasonable
measures to safeguard proprietary material.
With appropriate technical equipment and agreed handling conditions, it is also possible to do a remote
visit via livestream to reduce efforts for Bosch and Supplier.
Bosch informs Supplier about the result of these audits or assessments. If non-conformities or
opportunities for improvements are identified, then Supplier must:
must prepare a root cause analysis and corrective action plan within the applicable time limit,
shall implement the corrective actions,
shall inform Bosch on its progress as appropriate.
If non-conformities could have a high risk of quality to product deliveries, immediate actions can be
If quality problems originate from a sub-supplier, Supplier shall make it possible for Bosch to conduct an
audit or assessment at this sub-supplier. If Supplier or a sub-supplier have justified objections against the
participation of Bosch at an audit or assessment, Bosch will accept audit results performed by a neutral
party (third-party) at the Supplier’s cost.
The audits / assessments listed in the following chapters are conducted by Bosch. This list is not
exhaustive, further audits or assessments may be conducted as needed.
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2.1 VDA 6.3 potential analysis (P1)
A potential analysis is used to evaluate new suppliers. For existing suppliers, the potential analysis is used
for new manufacturing locations or the introduction of new technologies.
In the P1 analysis, an estimation is made of Supplier’s potential to meet the requirements for the requested
products and corresponding processes.
The analysis considers the experience and skills of Supplier in developing and manufacturing the scope
of requested products and their capability to fulfil customer specific requirements for the product and
process implementation.
The assessment is based on existing processes for products manufactured at that specific location (if
necessary, similar products).
The result gives a forecast of the quality capability of the considered Supplier / location / technology for
the implementation of the product and process. It is used for the preparation of a nomination decision [see
VDA 6.3].
2.2 VDA 6.3 Audit
The VDA 6.3 process audit is used to confirm the processes and process steps confirm with the
requirements and specifications. Any deviations identified during the audit are documented as audit
findings and evaluated based on the product risk and / or the process risk within the audited organization
or in the supply chain. The evaluation considers the resulting risks if the findings indicate that non-
compliant products can be expected [see VDA 6.3].
A process audit can examine the following topics:
P2: Project management
P3: Planning of product and production process development
P4: Implementation of product and production process development
P5: Supplier management
P6: Production process analysis
P7: Customer service.
Each process audit is tailored to the specific audit goal. Specialized additional questions, e.g., for heat
treatment, may be asked during the audit.
2.3 RB Remote Risk Assessment
In special cases, where an onsite Audit is not possible and VDA 6.3 rules can’t be fulfilled, a RB Remote
Risk Assessment can be conducted. The RB Remote Risk Assessment is based on VDA 6.3 Questionnaire
with adapted evaluation logic (no risk, low risk, middle risk and high risk).
2.4 IATF 16949 Compliance Audit
A Compliance Audit IATF 16949 is a system audit to evaluate the compliance of the quality management
system with the requirements of IATF 16949.
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The goal of Compliance Audits IATF 16949 is to support the development of ISO 9001 QM systems with
the ultimate objective of becoming certified to IATF 16949.
Audit criteria of Compliance Audits IATF 16949 are the requirements of IATF 16949 without corresponding
requirements of ISO 9001. Following a risk-based approach audit findings are evaluated with reference to
product risk and / or process risk.
2.5 14 Q Assessment
14Q Basics are the fundamental quality enablers to avoid errors in the value stream.
The 14Q Basic assessment questionnaire allows Bosch and Suppliers to check the implementation of the
14Q Basics on the shop floor.
The assessment results in a maturity level. There are four levels, with defined criteria for each level. All
criteria must be fulfilled to reach a certain maturity level.
Further information and the assessment questionnaire is available in the Q-Basics App (available for IPads
only) or on the Bosch purchasing homepage:
Value Stream Q-Basics - General Information
Q-Basics Overview
Q-Basics description
Q-Basics Booklet (download version)
Q-Basics Assessment-Form
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3 Cooperation for new products
For new products, cooperation between Bosch and Supplier is aligned to Bosch’s product development
process. One main goal is to assure product quality within the supply chain. Activities to reach this goal
are for example:
Technical discussions
Confirmation of feasibility
Preventive Quality (see chapter 4)
Risk Management (see chapter 4)
Initial sampling (see chapter 4)
Safe launch activities (see chapter 4)
3.1 Contract Review, Feasibility Confirmation
As part of contract review, Supplier shall examine all technical documents. Technical documents are:
parts lists (Bill of Material),
CAD data,
packaging specification,
standards etc.
Supplier shall immediately inform Bosch of any deficiencies and risks identified during the review, as well
as any improvement possibilities.
Based on the Supplier’s feasibility analysis, Bosch expects the Supplier to provide a written confirmation
of feasibility before final awarding of the contract, together with the filled “Component Supply Chain Chart
that shows the supply chain for all manufacturing steps / supplies. Bosch forms are available for download
Feasibility Confirmation
Component Supply Chain Chart.
Supplier's confirmation of feasibility shall not replace the internal feasibility analysis, which must be
available to Bosch for review purposes. Any documentation used for analysis purposes shall remain with
the Supplier.
3.2 Product Development
If the order to Supplier includes development tasks, the requirements shall be defined by the contracting
partners, e.g., in the form of a specification sheet.
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3.3 Project Management
Supplier provides project management in the planning phase for processes, products, procedures, and
other cross-departmental tasks. This is documented by quality management and project management
plans and provided to Bosch as evidence.
3.4 Prototypes and Pilot Series
For prototypes and pilot series, Supplier coordinates the prototypes and pilot series with Bosch and
documents respective activities. The pilot series are produced under near-series conditions.
Bosch may request sample parts for prototypes and pilot series. Specific definitions are made on a case-
by-case basis.
Prototypes and pilot series parts must be packed separately from the serial deliveries. The packaging units
must be clearly marked (e.g., Attention: prototypes / pilot series parts).
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4 Preventive Quality
As part of project management activities, Supplier initiates and conducts preventive quality activities, such
as feasibility analysis, management of characteristics, reliability checks, risk analysis, FMEA, inspection
planning etc. Furthermore, Supplier maintains and documents a continuous improvement process, e.g.,
as part of a "lessons learned" process.
This includes a systematic evaluation of experiences e.g., from ramp-up validation and complaints. The
information gained from this must be incorporated in the Supplier's QM system standards (e.g., production
control plan, FMEA).
Bosch may request and conduct additional preventive quality activities.
4.1 Management of Characteristics
To assure series quality, Supplier performs process and inspection planning (work instructions, inspection
plans, resources, tools, machines, etc.), considering all characteristics.
Additionally, Bosch identifies important characteristics (incl. special characteristics) and defines
requirements for their inspection and documentation.
The procedure includes:
classification of those characteristics @ Bosch
communication of those characteristics to the Supplier (via “Important Characteristics List”)
requirements of Bosch for those characteristics regarding:
Management in the Supply Chain
Inspection planning in the Supply Chain
Measurement System Analysis
Process Capability Studies
Process Monitoring
Data Recording
Documentation, at least within Control Plan(s) and FMEA
Labeling in documents etc..
4.1.1 Classification of Characteristics
Bosch has defined a method to classify characteristics. The method aims to:
analyze all defined product characteristics according to defined criteria
assign a corresponding characteristic classification
identify special characteristics
define required inspection strategies to ensure efficient and effective control
ensure suitable safeguards are defined for special characteristics
improve product quality regarding safety, compliance with official or statutory regulations, and
functional fulfillment.
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Bosch has defined the following classification for characteristics:
Special characteristics defined by Bosch’s customer with safety relevance (S/C)
Special characteristics defined by Bosch’s customer with legal relevance (G/C)
Special characteristics defined by Bosch’s customer with functional relevance (F/C)
confirmed special characteristics with safety relevance (S)
confirmed special characteristics with legal relevance (G)
confirmed special characteristics with functional relevance (F)
potential special characteristics (B1)
“not functionally robust”, but “manufacturing method robust” characteristics (B2)
“functionally robust”, but “not manufacturing method robust” characteristics (B3)
process relevant characteristics, which are “functionally robust”, and “manufacturing
method robust” (B4)
process relevant characteristics, which are “not function relevant” (B5)
characteristics, which are “functionally robust” and “manufacturing method robust” (C1)
characteristics, which are “not functionally relevant” and “not process relevant” (C2)
Table 1: Classification of Characteristics
4.1.2 Inspection Strategies
For the defined classification of characteristics, four groups of inspection strategies are defined.
The groups are:
I: Inspection strategies in the framework of the internal production process release
II: Inspection strategies within the scope of the product / process release (PPA/PPAP)
III: Inspection strategies in the running series production
III-1: Strategies for process monitoring and -control in the running series production
III-2: Strategies for sorting out failures
III-3: Strategies for production ramp up – Safe launch
IV: Periodic testing of series products (Product audit).
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Edition 2 | March 2024 Overview Inspection Strategies
The following table shows an overview of the Inspection Strategies assigned to the four groups:
II - Inspection
within the scope
of the product /
process release
with Bosch
III -Inspection strategies in the running series
IV - Periodic
testing of series
(Product audit)
III-1 Strategies for process
monitoring and -control
III-2 Strategies
for sorting out
Poka Yoke
100% Inspection
Quality Testing
Poka Yoke
Reliability Testing
Regularly Cpk
Requalification /
Layout Inspection
& Functional
III-3 Strategies for production ramp up – Safe Launch
Table 2: Overview of Inspection Strategies Inspection Strategies Group I –
Internal Production Process Release at Supplier
The inspection strategies of Group 1 are implemented before the start of series production (e.g.,
assembly line / station / variant / MAE) and used for releasing the production process for series
production. Example inspection strategies are:
Initial Sampling / Release Measurement
All specified characteristics are measured.
Machine Capability Study (Cmk)
The capability of a production process to produce a characteristic according to
specification is proven by means of a machine capability study (Cmk).
Short-Term Process Capability Study (Cpk-ST)
The capability of a production process to produce a characteristic according to
specification is proven by means of a short-term process capability study (Cpk-ST).
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A short-term capability study provides an early indicator for the process capability.
It is unlikely that all influencing factors on the process behavior are evident.
A short-term process capability study offers a tradeoff between the speed of a machine
capability and the accuracy of a long-term process capability.
Initial (Long-Term) Process Capability Study (Cpk / Ppk)
The capability of a production process to produce a characteristic according to
specification is proven by means of long-term process capability study (Cpk / Ppk).
The initial long-term process capability study is performed after the start of series
production and should be continued as part of the series inspection strategy.
Inspection of Discrete Characteristics with Defined Scope for the Purpose of Process Release
If a production process produces discrete product characteristics that do not permit
proof of capability in terms of machine capabilities, an inspection of discrete
characteristics with a defined scope for the purpose of process release is applied.
The target condition must be described based on discrete characteristics. The scope of
release and acceptance criteria must then be defined. Inspection Strategies Group II – Inspection strategies within the scope of the
product / process release with Bosch (PPA/PPAP)
see chapter: 4.9 Production Process and Part Release - Procedure / Sampling Inspection Strategies Group III – Inspection strategies in the running series
production Inspection Strategies Group III-1 – Strategies for Process Monitoring and
The inspection strategies for process monitoring and control in the running series are applied as soon as
series production starts.
Example inspection strategies are:
In process control
Monitoring process parameters serves to safeguard product characteristics indirectly.
Process Parameter Monitoring (100%)
Monitoring process parameters serves to safeguard product characteristics indirectly.
Poka Yoke
a method for avoiding/detecting unintentional misconduct or deviations.
Statistical Process Control (SPC) incl. Regular Process Capability Revalidation
SPC is a method for controlling a manufacturing process based on statistical methods.
Random samples are taken from the process according to process-specific sampling
rules. Their characteristic values are measured and entered in quality control charts.
Statistical parameters calculated from the characteristic values are used to assess the
current process status. If necessary, the process is corrected by suitable measures.
Acceptance Chart
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An acceptance control chart ensures tolerance compliance with an acceptable
Random samples are taken, and their values entered into the chart.
Acceptance control charts are used if an understood and systematic process behavior
exists (e. g. trend due to tool wear).
First-/Last Part Inspection, Sampling Inspection
This inspection strategy is applied to safeguard against systematic cause-and-effect
This inspection strategy is suitable for both discrete and continuous characteristics.
The following cases should be considered (individually or in combination):
Production restart after a technical (e. g. setup) or organizational (e. g., break)
interruption with the aim of releasing production again
Lot release to confirm parts produced since the last inspection
Random inspection at defined intervals to confirm the quality situation (e. g.
time-based /quantity-based)
Process Specific Nonstandard Strategies
Alternative process-specific inspection strategies are described (inspection instruction)
and agreed between Bosch and Supplier. Inspection Strategies Group III-2 – Strategies for sorting out failures
These strategies attempt to reliably detect and sort out parts which do not meet the specifications.
Example inspection strategies are:
100% Inspection
The strategy “100% Inspection” involves the testing of a product characteristic on
every produced part to confirm the specification is met. Non-conforming parts must be
securely segregated.
Poka Yoke
a method for avoiding/detecting unintentional misconduct or deviations.
This strategy is adequate if all nonconforming parts are reliably rejected. Inspection Strategies Group III-3 – Strategies for Production Ramp Up – Safe
See chapter: 4.8 Ramp-up validation (Launch Management) Inspection Strategies Group IV – Periodic testing of series products (Product
E.g., Quality Testing as defined in the specification,
E.g., Reliability Testing as defined in the specification
See chapters:
4.9 Production Process and Part Release - Procedure / Sampling
7 Requalification (Layout Inspection and Functional Testing)
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Edition 2 | March 2024 Inspection Strategies assigned to the specific classification
For the defined classification of characteristics, specific inspection strategies are predefined.
Special characteristics defined by
Bosch’s customer with legal relevance
Special characteristics defined by
Bosch’s customer with safety relevance
Special characteristics defined by
Bosch’s customer with functional
relevance (F/C)
Assurances required by Bosch’s
customer must be implemented
regardless of any Bosch internally
defined classification => see
confirmed special characteristics with
legal relevance (G)
confirmed special characteristics with
safety relevance (S)
confirmed special characteristics with
functional relevance (F)
Group I
Group II
Group III-2
Group IV
potential special characteristics (B1)
“not functionally robust”, but
“manufacturing method robust”
characteristics (B2)
“functionally robust”, but “not
manufacturing method robust”
characteristics (B3)
process relevant characteristics, which
are “functionally robust”, and
“manufacturing method robust” (B4)
process relevant characteristics, which
are “not function relevant” (B5)
Group I
Group II
Group III-1
Group III-2
Group IV
For potential special
characteristics with F-relevance
(B1), the defined process quality
must be monitored by means of
continuously proven process
characteristics, which are “functionally
robust” and “manufacturing method
robust” (C1)
characteristics, which are “not
functionally relevant” and “not process
relevant” (C2)
Group I
Group II
Group IV
Table 3: Inspection Strategies assigned to the specific classification
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Edition 2 | March 2024 Predefined inspection strategies for all characteristics
Characteristics of all classes
must be evaluated in the internal production process release = group I and
are part of the measurement of all characteristics during initial sampling (PPA/PPAP) = group II
are included in the respective layout inspection and functional testing (requalification) = group IV.
Additionally, Supplier must describe and use appropriate error-proofing methods (e.g., dummy test,
stability chart, working standard, master part testing). The method must include the testing of error-proofing
devices for failure or simulated failure. Test frequencies must be included in the control plan.
Assurances required by Bosch’s customer must be implemented regardless of any Bosch internally
defined classification. Predefined inspection strategies for characteristics with classification A
Characteristics with classification A are confirmed special characteristics, and require in addition to the
rules for all characteristics (see chapter, a safe sorting out of faulty parts with an inspection
strategy of group III-2.
These are either
confirmed special characteristics with legal relevance (G)
confirmed special characteristics with safety relevance (S)
confirmed special characteristics with functional relevance (F)
or a combination thereof.
For class A characteristics, no defective parts are allowed.
For characteristics of Class A, in addition to the rules for all characteristics, an inspection strategy for
sorting out failures (group III-2) applies:
Strategies for sorting out failures (group III-2):
100% Inspection
Poka Yoke (detection)
It must be technically or organizationally ensured that the NOK parts are reliably removed from production.
The method is to be described.
Additionally, for class A characteristics, an appropriate Measurement System Analysis (MSA) is required.
MSA requirements are defined in chapter 4.2.2.
Assurances required by Bosch’s customer must be implemented regardless of any Bosch internally
defined classification.
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Edition 2 | March 2024 Predefined inspection strategies for Characteristics with Classification B
Classification B applies to
potential special characteristics (B1)
“not functionally robust”, but “manufacturing method robust” characteristics (B2)
“functionally robust”, but “not manufacturing method robust” characteristics (B3)
process relevant characteristics, which are “functionally robust”, and “manufacturing method
robust” (B4)
process relevant characteristics, which are “not function relevant” (B5)
For classification B characteristics, a defined process quality is required.
Therefore, for classification B characteristics, in addition to the rules for all characteristics (see chapter, at least one of the following predefined inspection strategies for process monitoring and -control
in the running series production (group III-1) applies:
Strategies for process monitoring and -control in the running series production
In-process control
Process parameter monitoring (100 %)
Poka Yoke
Statistical Process Control (SPC) incl. regularly process capability revalidation
Acceptance chart
First / last part, sampling inspection
Process specific nonstandard strategies
For potential special characteristics with F-relevance (B1), the defined process quality must be monitored
by means of continuously proven process capability.
It is often necessary to define multiple inspection strategies for one characteristic.
Additionally, for class B characteristics an appropriate Measurement System Analysis (MSA) is required.
MSA requirements are defined in chapter 4.2.2.
Process capability requirements are defined in chapter 4.2.3.
Standard requirements for process capabilities are listed in Table 11.
Assurances required by Bosch’s customer must be implemented regardless of any Bosch internally
defined classification. Predefined inspection strategies for Characteristics with Classification C
Class C applies to
characteristics, which are “functionally robust” and “manufacturing method robust” (C1)
characteristics, which are “not functionally relevant” and “not process relevant” (C2).
For class C characteristics, the predefined inspection strategies for all characteristics apply:
must be evaluated in the internal production process release (strategies of group I),
are part of the measurement of all characteristics during initial sampling (PPA/PPAP, group II),
are included in the respective layout inspection and functional testing (requalification, group IV).
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Class C characteristics are not listed on the ICL unless they are defined by Bosch’s customer as a special
characteristic. In this case, assurances required by Bosch’s customer must be implemented regardless of
any Bosch internally defined classification.
4.1.3 Communication & Implementation of Management of Characteristics – ICL Communication & Implementation: Bosch to Supplier
Bosch summarizes Important Characteristics in a document called “Important Characteristics List” (ICL).
Bosch communicates the ICL to Supplier during the product development phases, several drafts and
versions may be necessary.
For all characteristics contained in the ICL, an inspection strategy for the series production must be defined.
This definition must be documented in the control plans, identified with specific markings corresponding to
the ICL.
Bosch uses different forms for the communication of the important characteristics:
Bosch uses the form “ICL” which contains the characteristics and their classification. The
related rules apply. Results for MSA, capabilities etc. will be requested during initial sampling
(PPA/PPAP). Evidence of compliance forms part of the initial sampling documentation.
Another form used is the “ZZ-ICL-result”. If requested, Supplier needs to record results in the
form and submit the filled form as documentation of evidence during initial sampling
(PPA/PPAP). Further evidence is part of the initial sampling documentation.
Bosch has another form “ICL” which contains explicit requirements for
Measurement System Analysis
Process Capability Studies
Process Monitoring
Data Recording
within the form.
Supplier needs to record results in the form and submit the filled form as documentation of
evidence during initial sampling (PPA/PPAP). Further evidence is part of the initial sampling
documentation. Communication & Implementation: Suppliers to Sub-Tier Suppliers
Each supplier must communicate the requirements for sub-components to the respective sub-tier suppliers.
Sub-tier suppliers must include relevant characteristics from this subset of the ICL in their control plan and
mark them accordingly.
Supplier must check the implementation at sub-tier suppliers at least during PPA/PPAP evaluation.
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4.1.4 Terms / Abbreviations / Remarks
Functional robustness:
A characteristic is designed to be “functionally robust” if it does not immediately lead to failure
after the tolerance has been exceeded. A characteristic is also functionally robust if it is a
subordinate contributor to a failure (design, expert decision).
A characteristic is “not functionally robust” if the characteristic leads to a failure immediately
after the tolerance limit is exceeded, or if the characteristic at the tolerance limit is a large
contributor to a failure (expert decision).
Manufacturing method robustness:
A characteristic is designed to be “manufacturing method robust” if the tolerance of the
characteristic can be ensured with the selected manufacturing method at current state of the
art and normal care (including usual outliers).
Product characteristics are “not manufacturing method robustif there exists high likelihood of
exceeding the tolerance for the chosen manufacturing method. That means the product
characteristic is failure sensitive for the chosen manufacturing method.
Figure 1: Functional robust / not functional robust
Figure 2: Manufacturing method robust / not manufacturing method robust
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Potential special characteristics
Potential special characteristics are characteristics, which are “not functionally robust” and are “not
manufacturing method robust”. They are the basis for the identification of confirmed special characteristics.
Potential special characteristics which are relevant for safety (S) or compliance with official
(legal) regulations (G) always become confirmed special characteristics (class A).
For potential special characteristics which are relevant for fit, function, performance or further
processing of the product (F), proof of achieved process quality is necessary. If defined process
quality is not reached the characteristic becomes a confirmed special characteristic (class A).
Otherwise, it remains as class B (B1).
Confirmed special characteristics:
Confirmed special characteristics are functional relevant characteristics that are not “functionally robust”
and “not manufacturing robust” and cannot be manufactured with the required process quality. At Bosch,
the term special characteristics is used synonymously for this.
Special Characteristics:
Special Characteristics according to IATF 16949:2016, chapters 3.1 and, are product
characteristics or production process parameters that may have an impact on
safety or compliance with official (legal) regulations, (S, G)
fit, function, performance or further processing of the product (F).
Special Characteristics must be identified by an organization. They must be measurable or testable, and
must be considered during inspection planning as inspection characteristics; they must be secured,
controlled and monitored in the relevant manufacturing processes and must be documented in the control
plan, in risk analysis and in work instructions.
The extension `/C` and/or the abbreviation “CSC” identifies a special characteristic specified
by a customer from Bosch.
Process relevance:
Product characteristics can be defined as process relevant if they
are essential for the execution, control, regulation of a subsequent process (e.g., in multilevel
processing steps, for fixing / alignment in component assemblies) or
serve as quality indicators of the manufacturing process (e.g., for tool wear, process behavior,
systematic error possibilities).
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4.2 Capabilities - general information
Capability studies are carried out to determine the behavior of measurement processes, machines and
production processes and to describe them statistically. On this basis, a prediction of the future behavior
is derived.
For a new or modified production process (incl. assembly) a process capability study must be carried out
to verify the (preliminary) process capability / process performance and to obtain additional inputs for the
process control.
Standard methods for measurement process capability analysis (measurement system analysis) are
described in
Bosch Booklet No. 10 Capability of Measurement and Test Processes.
Standard methods for machine and process capability analysis are described in
Bosch Booklet No. 9 Machine and Process Capability.
Standard methods for determining the measurement uncertainty are described in
Bosch Booklet No. 8 Measurement Uncertainty.
Standard methods for statistical process control are described in
Booklet No. 7 Statistical Process Control.
Statistical software for the collection and monitoring of data, preferably QS-Stat (RB 2018 calculation
strategy) shall be used.
Additionally, eISIR (web application) offers the opportunity to calculate C
values using QS-Stat (RB 2018
calculation strategy).
If these methods cannot be applied neither unchanged nor modified, it is permissible to check and apply
methods from the technical literature for their applicability or suitable modifiability.
If it is not possible to verify a product characteristic by means of process capability key figures (e.g., for
welding, heat treatment, casting, rolling, surface coating), the proof of process capability (process quality)
is to be provided through secondary characteristics, or a correlated non-destructive 100% test is to be
used. If there are no alternative options for capability verification, the measurement uncertainty must be
determined. In such cases, a control chart with a moving calculated statistical value (e. g. mean value) can
be used for process control. This is described in
Booklet No. 7 Statistical Process Control.
In exceptional cases, own procedures may be developed. The intended procedure must be documented
and agreed upon between Bosch and Supplier.
4.2.1 Actions in Case of Non-Capable Processes
For each not capable manufacturing process, either through a check (e. g. 100% inspection) by means
of a capable measuring process or other suitable measures (e. g. function check in down-stream
process steps, risk analysis, decision / approval management) ensure that only parts are delivered in
accordance with the specifications.
4.2.2 Measurement process capability (Measurement System Analysis)
The verification of capability must be provided by means of measurements and tests at the place of
operation of the measuring or test systems and through statistical analysis of the results. Statistical
analysis is only reasonable for measuring and test systems that conduct a sufficiently large number of
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similar recurring measurements and tests (e.g., in the production flow) and it is valid for the examined
characteristic only. Verification of capability for measurement processes for continuous (variable)
Generally, it is a pre-requisite that the capability criteria according to procedure 1 (type-1 study) are met
in order to perform one or more of the procedures 2 5.
Procedure 1:
Procedure 1 (type-1 study)
Systematic measurement error
and repeatability
Verification of the capability of a
measurement process in terms of
location and variation of measured
values within the tolerance field of
this characteristic (as a test
process for a particular
Measurement of master part incl.
handling and clamping min. 25x or
standard 50x.
Compliance with specified
minimum values for Cg and Cgk.
The following limits apply:
1. Cg ≥ 1.33 and
2. Cgk ≥ 1.33
Table 4: MSA Procedure 1
Procedure 1 must be used before procedure 2 or 3, respectively. If there are several
measuring systems that are identical in construction and if capability according to procedure 1
was already proven for one of these systems, it must be decided whether procedure 1 is
required for the other measurement systems as well.
Same measurement position on part must be assured for all measurements (stable condition
of master part).
For chemicals / bulk material: If no certified reference material (CRM) is available, carry out
MSA procedure 1 using an own validated homogeneous & stable standard. The nominal
value of the standard should be in the middle of the tolerance range.
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Procedure 2:
Procedure 2 (type-2 study)
Repeatability and reproducibility
(gage R&R) with operator
Verification of the capability of a
measurement process (as a test
process for a particular
characteristic) in terms of its
variation behavior using
measurements of serial parts.
Measurement of 10 serial parts for
2-3 runs by a minimum of 3
operators, incl. handling and
clamping (random measuring
Compliance with the specified
limiting value for the variation
%GRR of the measurement
The following limits apply:
1. %GRR ≤ 10%: measurement
process is capable
2. 10% ≤ %GRR ≤ 30%:
measurement process is
conditionally capable
3. %GRR ≥ 30%: measurement
process is not capable
Table 5: MSA – Procedure 2
If operator influence is possible, measurement process capability must normally be verified with
procedure 1 together with procedure 2 (type-2 study).
Ensure same measurement position on part for all measurements (position marks)
Ensure serial inspection conditions incl. all handling and clamping steps for each measurement
Finish the first run for all parts / operators before starting with the 2
Use different measuring sequences in both runs (mix parts)
A type-2 study resulting in a non-capable measurement process is not necessarily due to the
measuring system. For example, it may also be caused by the inhomogeneity of the
characteristic of the production parts. An appropriate analysis is required.
For chemicals / bulk material: If only less then 10 different batches of the product are available,
this can be compensated either by using more than one sample per batch (if number of batches
5) or another product which is comparable in the characteristic to be measured (same material
class, nominal value in the same range) can be used to perform the MSA procedure 2 study.
For chemicals / bulk materials: Destructive measurements can be regarded as non-destructive
measurements in case batch homogeneity is proven (multiple samples from a batch can be
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Procedure 3:
Procedure 3 (type-3 study)
Repeatability and reproducibility
(gage R&R) without operator
Verification of the capability of a
measurement process (as a test
process for a particular
characteristic) in terms of its
variation behavior using
measurements of serial parts
without operator influences.
Measurement of 25 serial parts for
2-3 runs incl. handling and
clamping (random measuring
Compliance with the specified
limiting value for the variation
%GRR of the measurement
The following limits apply:
1. %GRR ≤ 10%: measurement
process is capable
2. 10% ≤ %GRR ≤ 30%:
measurement process is
conditionally capable
3. %GRR ≥ 30%: measurement
process is not capable
Table 6: MSA Procedure 3
If operator influence is not possible, the capability must be verified with procedure 1 together
with procedure 3 (type-3 study).
If possible ensure same measurement position on part for all measurements (position marks)
Ensure serial inspection conditions incl. all handling and clamping steps for each measurement
Finish the first run for all parts before starting with the 2nd run
Use different measuring sequences in both runs (mix parts)
Procedure 4:
Procedure 4
Verification of a sufficiently linear
relation between the values of a
physical quantity to be measured
and the corresponding measured
values determined by the
measuring system.
This procedure determines
whether the systematic
measurement error of the
measuring system is within the
acceptable limits regarding the
measuring range relevant for the
Measurement of 3-5 master parts
for 12 runs incl. handling and
clamping (random measuring
Maximal systematic deviation from
1. ≤ 5%T = capable
2. ≤10%T = conditionally
Table 7: MSA Procedure 4
The linearity of a measuring system is generally tested by the manufacturer and subsequently
as part of its regular calibration. An additional check as part of a capability study is usually not
required. However, special applications can require proving sufficiently linear behaviour of the
measuring system (e.g., adjustable response curve, logarithmic scale).
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Procedure 5:
Procedure 5
Validation of consistently correct
measurement results by
monitoring the long-term behavior
of a measurement process and
corresponding evaluation of the
stability of the measuring system
(similar to an x
s-SPC control chart
whereas a measurement process
is not controllable in terms of a
SPC process).
Measurement of a master part
(stability part) in an appropriate
sampling interval. 3-5
measurements per check incl.
handling and clamping.
Documentation of values in x
The stability of a measurement
process is evaluated by means of
the stability- (x
s-) chart.
All values (usually the mean
values) are within the control limits
and vary unsystematically
(randomly). There are no
indications of instability.
Table 8: MSA Procedure 5
Preconditions: cgk and %GRR capable, active maintenance plan for equipment
Procedure 5 is additionally intended for measurement processes with presumably insufficiently
stable long-term behaviour
If the measurement process is shown to be stable according to the stability chart over a long
period of time, the sampling interval may be increased.
If a measurement process is shown to be stable according to a greater number of subsequent
stability charts, stability monitoring may be completed. The following examples are typical
criteria that do not allow for completion:
abnormalities during control of inspection, measuring and test equipment or calibration;
Bosch requirement for stability monitoring;
no further validation of the quality requirements for this characteristic;
function-critical and/or process-critical characteristic (e.g., a special characteristic, risk
changes of measurement setup.
If in doubt, the stability monitoring must be continued.
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Edition 2 | March 2024 Verification of capability for measurement processes for discrete (attributive)
Procedures 6 and 7 are intended for the verification of the capability of test systems for the assessment of
discrete (attributive) characteristics.
Procedure 6:
Procedure 6
Test decisions for discretized
continuous characteristics
Verification of the capability of a
test process regarding
unambiguous test decisions when
testing discretized characteristics.
3 operators in 3 runs inspecting 50
parts (randomized) and
documenting ok / nok-results. The
values are sorted by size. The
range of values with inconsistent
results is determined. This range
should have a maximum of 10% of
the tolerance.
The following limits apply:
1. %GRR ≤ 10%: measurement
process is capable
2. 10% ≤ %GRR ≤ 30%:
measurement process is
conditionally capable
3. %GRR ≥ 30%: measurement
process is not capable
(corresponding to procedures 2
and 3)
Table 9: MSA Procedure 6
Precondition: 50 parts covering the tolerance range +/- 10%
Finish first run for all parts / operators before starting with the 2nd run
Use different measuring sequences in both runs (mix parts)
Ensure traceability of parts (marking)
Add representative number of serial inspectors to MSA-study
If the measurement process is not capable / conditionally capable, the process must be
improved by taking suitable measures (e.g., instruction of test personnel, correct handling,
changes of construction, alternative test equipment). If the result of a repeated test is negative
again, procedures 1 – 3 must be used.
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Procedure 7:
Procedure 7
Test decisions for discrete and
discretized continuous
Verification of the capability of a
test process regarding
unambiguous test decisions when
testing discrete or discretized
continuous characteristics.
Minimum 3 operators in 3 runs
inspecting a randomized reference
lot (inspection automat 6-9 runs, all
cameras included). Documentation
of ok / nok-results
The capability is classified by
means of the parameter κ
1. κ ≥ 0.9 test process is capable
2. 0.9 > κ ≥ 0.7 test process is
conditionally capable
3. κ < 0.7 test process is not
The minimum of all determined κ –
values is relevant for the final
classification of the test process.
Table 10: MSA Procedure 7
Reference standard (limit sample catalogue)
Defined test process (test procedure, workplace setup and trained employees)
Reference lot available (reflecting requirements of limit sample catalogue)
Inspection must happen under the same conditions as in the serial production (inspection place,
cycle time, aids & inspection catalogue…) Repetition of capability studies
During use in production, the capability of the measurement process must be always ensured.
The following criteria are typical examples that may make a new analysis of the measurement process
and a new verification of capability necessary:
after interventions in the measurement process (e.g., after exceeding control limits), the stability
chart shows a significant difference compared to the status before the intervention;
after adjusting the measuring system or components of the measuring system (e.g., individual
measuring instruments during control of inspection, measuring and test equipment);
upon restart after maintenance work where substantial disassembly, modifications or
replacements of crucial parts were necessary (e.g., measuring sensor, displacement
upon start-up of new, overhauled or repaired measuring systems;
in case of (later) tolerance reduction of the characteristic to be measured;
in case of technical changes of the measuring system (e.g., setup, software);
in case of parameter changes that may change the capability of the measurement process;
if basic conditions of the measurement process are changed that may influence the capability
of the measurement process (e.g., workflow, measurement strategy);
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after changes of the operating personnel (e.g., new staff members in case of procedure 2);
in case of completions or significant changes of the reference standard (limit sample
if it is suspected that the measuring system does not work properly;
if necessary before, and definitely after relocation of the measuring system.
In doubt, the measurement process analysis must be repeated and the capability must be verified again. Actions in case of Non-Capable Measuring Process
In the case of conditionally capable and definitively non-capable measurement processes the tolerance
range of the inspection characteristic must be reduced at the upper and / or lower specification limit by the
expanded measurement uncertainty to the range of conformity. If the tolerance range cannot be reduced
and Bosch requirements cannot be met, suitable agreements must be arranged with Bosch.
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4.2.3 Process Capabilities
A successfully completed suitability study of the measuring equipment is a prerequisite for conducting
process capability studies.
Machine capability index,
short term study
Cm ≥ 1,67
Cmk ≥ 1,67
sample size n ≥ 50 (n ≥ 100
(sequential parts)
Preliminary process capability
(= short term = ST)
Stabile process
Cp-ST ≥ 1.67
Cpk-ST ≥1.67
Sample size n ≥ 125
(25 samples with 5 parts each)
In contrast to the long-term
study, the parts that are to be
examined can be taken from
the production process directly
one after another, unless a
sufficient amount of parts is
Preliminary process
(= short term = ST),
instable process
(characteristics with varying
mean values)
Pp-ST ≥ 1.67
Ppk-ST ≥ 1.67
Sample size n ≥ 125
(25 samples with 5 parts each)
In contrast to the long-term
study, the parts that are to be
examined can be taken from
the production process directly
one after another, unless a
sufficient amount of parts is
Process capability index
Cp ≥ 1,33
Cpk ≥ 1,33
Long term study,
stable process
Process performance index
Pp ≥ 1,33
Ppk ≥ 1,33
Long term study,
instable process
Table 11: Standard values for capability indices
If fewer than the required minimum number of parts are available, this is to be documented and the reduced
number is to be taken into account by raising the standard values.
The standard values are to be increased by the following amounts:
124 TO 100
99 TO 50
49 TO 25
Table 12: Increasing the capability index in accordance with the number of sample parts
A copy of the detailed results of the capability test must be attached with the sampling documentation.
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4.2.4 Repeating of the Evidence of capability
The following criteria are typical examples that may make a new verification of capability necessary:
Specification changes of the manufactured characteristic
increased occurrence of unexpected process results and/or defective parts
Intervention in the manufacturing process (for example, after exceeding control limits) lead to
process results, which differ significantly from the results prior to the intervention (for
example, verifiable on the basis of a control chart)
Commissioning of new, overhauled or reconditioned production equipment (for example, after
maintenance, in which extensive dismantling, rebuilding and/or replacement of essential
components were required)
technical changes (for example design, software), changes of process parameters (for
example, settings) and/or boundary conditions of the manufacturing process (for example,
processes, environment)
Relocation of production equipment.
When in doubt, the analysis must be repeated, and the capability must be proven again.
Process changes may lead to non-comparable conditions before and after the change. It is possible that
the previous random samples and validation intervals are also no longer adequate.
4.2.5 Calculation of new SPC control limits
New control limits are only calculated after process changes have been proven effective, e.g.:
Technical improvements
Reduction or elimination of previously observed changes of averages
Reduction of internal process variation
Otherwise, the control limits remain constant.
4.2.6 Actions in case of non-capable Manufacturing Process
If a manufacturing process is not capable, it must be ensured that all parts delivered to Bosch are in
accordance with the specifications.
This can be achieved either
by an inspection (e.g., 100%-inspection) using a capable measurement process or
other suitable measures (e.g., functional testing during successive process steps).
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4.3 Control Plan
The production control plan (PCP) is a documented description of the systems and processes for product
control purposes. It contains all the process steps, from receipt of goods to delivery, including tests that
accompany the process, outsourced processed and the substitute, rework and alternative processes.
Control plans must be developed for each production location and all products supplied.
The production control plan provides evidence that
the information from the FMEAs was considered during the planning and implementation of
a transparent / reproducible documentation of the product / process characteristics is assured
monitoring and control of the inspection and production processes is assured.
Typical process steps that require process monitoring and control are:
Goods receipt checks / incoming inspection (including identity / quantity checks)
Production, assembly and test steps in the production flow
On-going series production tests and product audits
Logistics processes that impact the product / packaging quality (e.g., repackaging / picking)
Set-up procedures, such as machine adjustment, tool changeover, provision of parts
Family control plans are acceptable for bulk materials and similar parts provided the product family parts
are produced using a common production process.
The following items must be included in the control plan:
activities / measures used for monitoring and control of the manufacturing process, including
verification of job set-ups (control method)
first-off / last-off part validation, as applicable
all items from the ICLi.e., special characteristics and other important characteristics that
must be marked as follows:
special characteristics:
with letter(s) as noted on the ICL (e.g., F, G, S, /C or combinations)
other important characteristics:
with letters: ICL
methods for monitoring the control of special characteristics, both for those identified by
Bosch and / or for those identified by Supplier
defined reaction plan for occurrences when nonconforming products are detected or when the
process becomes statistically unstable (not controlled) or not statistically capable.
Further information that must be included in the control plan:
general header data
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Part / Process step no.
Process name / Operation description
Product characteristics / Process characteristics
Specification / Tolerance
Machines / jigs / fixtures / tools for manufacturing, incl. measurement equipment (including
identifiers, as appropriate)
Inspection method
Sample size / frequency
Error proofing
corrective action(s)
requalification (layout inspection and functional testing)
A copy of the control plan is part of the PPA/PPAP documentation.
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4.4 FMEA
4.4.1 Basic Information
Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) is a team-oriented, systematic, qualitative and analytical
method intended to:
Evaluate the potential technical risks of failure of a product or a process
Analyze the causes and effects of those failures
Document preventive and detection actions
Recommend actions to reduce risk
The FMEA is used for analyzing the technical risks to reduce failure and improve safety in the products
and processes.
The Design FMEA (DFMEA) analyzes the failure
possibilities that may be created during the design
phase of the product. It shall assure that, to the
extent possible, potential Failure Modes and their
associated Causes or mechanisms of failure have
been considered and addressed prior to releasing
the part to production.
The Design FMEA (DFMEA) analyzes the
functions of a system, subsystem or component of
interest as defined by the boundary shown on the
block/boundary diagram, the relationship between
its underlying elements, and to external elements
outside the system boundary. This enables the
identification of possible design weaknesses to
minimize potential risks of failure.
The process FMEA analyzes the design of
processes in terms of quality from the receipt of
goods to the delivery to the customer.
The process FMEA (PFMEA) analyzes the
potential failures of manufacturing, assembly and
logistical processes to produce products which
conform to design intent.
The overall purpose is to analyze processes and
take action prior to production start, to avoid
unwanted defects related to manufacturing and
the consequences of those defects.
Process-related failures are different than the
failures analyzed in the design-FMEA.
The process FMEA analyzes processes by
considering the potential failure modes which may
result from process variation, to establish priority
of actions for prevention, and as needed, improve
Table 13: FMEA terminology
Application of FMEA is mandatory.
New projects should follow the current AIAG & VDA FMEA process and tools (Failure Mode and Effects
Analysis – FMEA Handbook First Edition - Issued June 2019).
Existing FMEAs developed using the previous AIA
4th Edition FMEA “Product and Process FMEA” or
VDA Edition, may remain in their original form for subsequent revisions.
The organization should thoughtfully plan the transition from their current FMEA process(es) and methods
to the current AIAG & VDA FMEA process and tools. When practical, existing FMEAs used as a starting
point for new programs should be converted to reflect the new rating scales, analytical methods, and
format. However, if the team determines that the new program is considered a minor change to the existing
product, they may decide to leave the FMEA in the existing format.
Foundation and family FMEAs are recommended to be created and used as a basis for new analyses.
These optional practices provide the greatest opportunity to leverage past experience and knowledge and
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ensure that knowledge is accumulated over product lifecycles and that prior negative performance issues
are not repeated (lessons learned).
Supplier ensures that the FMEA is checked for necessary updates following:
Changes to the operating conditions
Changes to requirements (law, norms, customer, state of the art)
Changes to the product / process / production location
after complaints and incidents (both external and internal)
after negative findings due to product monitoring and lessons learned
after negative findings from process observation
after negative findings in development- and / or manufacturing network.
Special Characteristics (see Chapter 4.1) must be marked with abbreviations or symbols in the Process
FMEA (Special Characteristics column).
Further information on the implementation of the FMEA can be found in:
Bosch Booklet 14 - Failure Mode and Effects Analysis FMEA.
4.4.2 Cooperation between Bosch and Supplier
To ensure successful cooperation, a discussion and agreement between Bosch and Suppliers about
severity evaluations is useful for newly developed parts and / or new processes or changes. To support
this, meetings between organisations to exchange relevant information about failure effects and severity
evaluation may take place.
Additionally, Bosch reserves the right to hold FMEA discussions to evaluate remaining risks in order to
decide about further risk mitigation.
Specific failure descriptions are a prerequisite:
Specific and precise failure descriptions related to manufacturing, assembly and logistics are
required as basis.
Failure descriptions might not be included or different to those in the D-FMEA.
The following chart shows the context of severity evaluation:
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Figure 3: Evaluation of Severities
Severity evaluation of 9 or 10 does not automatically require “Special Characteristic“ for this failure. For
the definition of Special Characteristics, various other criteria than severity (S) apply.
4.5 Process release
Bosch may participate in Supplier’s internal process releases. The goal is to ensure that quality
requirements in relation to product and process can be met by the serial process at the Supplier site. The
process release may be combined with the PPA/PPAP evaluation.
If Bosch participates during the process release, a positive overall result is a prerequisite for a positive
PPA/PPAP evaluation. If non-conformities or opportunities for improvements are detected, Supplier
must prepare a corrective action plan within the applicable time limit,
shall implement the corrective actions, and
shall inform Bosch on its progress as appropriate.
4.6 Heat Treatment
Heat treatment represents a core process in the manufacturing chain of a component. Deviations in the
heat treatment and side processes usually have a massive impact on the quality and reliability of the
For this reason, a special focus is placed on the approval of heat treatment processes at suppliers or their
subcontractors. Bosch heat treatment experts are always involved to design and validate the processes in
Specific Failure
Failure Effects ending
within Supplier's Value
Failure effects happen in
Supplier's value stream
(e.g., operation not
possible), no further
impact on Bosch.
Severities are defined by
Failure Effects ending in
Bosch's Value Stream
Failure effects happen in
Bosch value stream
(e.g., operation not
possible), no further
impact on Bosch's
Severities are defined by
Failure Effects ending in
Bosch's customer Value
Stream or End User
(Field Use)
Failure effects happen in
Bosch's customer value
stream (e.g., operation
not possible), no further
impact on end user.
Severities are defined by
Bosch's customer.
Failure effects happen in
end product (e.g., car).
Severities are defined by
Bosch's customer.
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accordance with Bosch requirements. These requirements correspond to the automotive requirements
(e.g., CQI9) as well as the lessons learned experience of Bosch.
The drawing, heat treatment order and test specification specify the required component properties and
the heat treatment processes.
Basic requirement in the context of process approval is extended testing on parts taken from specified
furnace positions. Testing of the parts is performed in accordance with the specification. If technically
possible, a temperature uniformity survey (TUS) is performed. Furthermore, a Bosch heat treatment expert
performs a heat treatment audit. The ramp-up to series production as well as the scope of tested parts in
series production are defined in consultation with the Bosch heat treatment expert. Heat treatment
processes are always released part-specific and furnace-specific.
The procedure for releasing heat treatment processes is described in detail in the Bosch Norm N67W
0.2, available for download here:
Bosch-Norm N67W 02 - Release of heat treatment processes.
4.7 Run@Rate
Supplier performs a Run@Rate (performance test) as part of the internal PPA/PPAP process.
Duration of Run@Rate covers the production of volume that corresponds to 2 days production at Bosch,
but no less than 4 hours.
Deviations from this period may be possible in consultation with Bosch.
Bosch may either check the results or may participate in Supplier’s performance test. Process performance
(contractually agreed weekly capacity) and quality capacity of the complete production process is
evaluated under series production conditions (e.g., tool, systems, clock time, personnel) as part of a
Run@Rate (performance test) on the Suppliers site.
4.8 Ramp-up validation (Launch Management)
Bosch expects a secure ramp-up. Supplier ensures this with necessary measures even without being
specifically requested to do so by Bosch.
In addition, Bosch can agree with the Supplier on measures for securing the ramp-up (Early Production
Containment); these may include for example additional tests or increasing the test frequency for a
particular period until previously defined criteria are reached (exit criteria).
4.9 Production Process and Part Release - Procedure / Sampling
Production Process and Part Release procedure (PPA/PPAP) must be performed in line with VDA Volume
2 (current edition) or AIAG PPAP manual (4
edition) requirements. Supplier is obliged to conduct a
complete PPA/PPAP and document the results as evidence for the fulfillment of the requirements.
Bosch requests documents and samples as evidence for the PPA/PPAP and adds specific sampling
requirements, if needed. Preferably, the documents are transferred electronically via eISIR.
Additionally, Bosch may request samples and accompanying results / evidence to evaluate maturity and
fulfilment of requirements during the development of products.
Requirements, notes and explanations in relation to sampling requirements and required evidence are
listed below:
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“Cover sheet for PPA report” and
“PPA evaluation”
(VDA Volume 2, current version,
Appendix 4)
If requested:
Part Submission Warrant (PSW)
edition, PPAP)
see under "others", 5.9.1
Based on the current production and
documentation status, the “Cover sheet for PPA
report” and “PPA evaluation” must be completed
in full (reference number, designation revision
level, tool no., number of nests, production
machine/line, etc.) and must be signed by
Supplier (here: supplier's quality representative.
The change numbers / version numbers of the bill
of materials must also be specified on the cover
sheet used (VDA “Cover sheet for PPA report”
and “PPA evaluation”, AIAG cover sheet (Part
Submission Warrant): => either in the field
provided or in a remarks field).
Self-assessment for product,
process, and, if applicable,
With the self-assessment Supplier confirms that
the product and production process meet all
requirements in accordance with the defined
criteria and that an internal release has been
implemented (acc. to VDA Volume 2, current
version, Appendix 3).
Deliverables of the product development
Technical Specifications
Supplier must confirm by reference on the cover
sheet that it has all the technical specifications
(including for the components) at it’s disposal
(note: in principle the bill of material (BOM) is the
leading document). The technical specifications
include e.g., drawings, CAD data, short-circuit
resistance requirements, voltage protection,
functional safety.
Deviations/change requests must be announced,
discussed and clarified with Bosch in a timely
manner prior to sampling.
Design changes approved by Bosch in advance
must be submitted together with the sampling
As evidence Supplier must provide a copy of the
Approved design changes
Supplier shall provide any authorized engineering
change documents not yet recorded in the design
record but incorporated in the product, part or
tooling (as well additional documents for design
changes not covered by 1.1.).
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Design, engineering approvals
(in case of development
If Supplier is responsible for design as per
agreement, Supplier must provide proof of the
relevant releases according to requirements.
Material Data via IMDS
Suppliers must fulfill N2580 – for further details
Prohibition and Declaration of
Substances - General Information
Bosch-Norm N2580.pdf
MDS Guideline
Declaration Sheet
Supplier must enter the part-specific data in the
"International Material Data System" (IMDS
Supplier Code for Robert Bosch GmbH: #202).
The reference number must be specified without
blanks or separators (e.g.: 1234567890).
The respective IMDS-ID-No. must be entered on
the cover sheet.
Additionally, a copy of the MDB-report with status
“accepted” for the 10-digit serial part-no. must be
Design FMEA
The organization responsible for product
development carries out the Design-FMEA. If
Supplier has responsibility for product
development, a copy of the cover sheet for the
completed Design-FMEA must be attached with
the documents. Bosch has a right to inspect the
D-FMEA documents.
The cover sheet must contain details of the
designation, reference number (including the
edition) and the change history of the documents.
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Deliverables of the production process development
Process flowchart
Supplier shall submit a process flow chart
(production process and inspection steps,
including logistics processes) that clearly
describes the process and its steps in full, from
receipt of goods to delivery to Bosch.
The process flow chart must be aligned with the
Process-FMEA and the production control plan.
The process flow chart must include outsourced
process steps.
Process FMEA
Supplier carries out the Process-FMEA. At a
minimum, a copy of the cover sheet for the
completed process P-FMEA must be submitted
as part of the sampling documentation. The cover
sheet must contain a reference number, including
the document status and the designation. Bosch
has a right to inspect the P-FMEA documents.
Control Plan
Supplier prepares a control plan that describes
the control of processes for production and for
inspection of a product. The findings from the P-
FMEAs are considered when preparing the CP.
For details of the content see chapter 4.3.
Bosch has a right to inspect the CP. Supplier
shall submit a copy of the control plan. For details
of the content see chapter 4.3. At a minimum, a
copy of the cover sheet of the CP must be
provided to Bosch as part of the sampling
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Deliverables of the validation of the product
Exclusively for the requirements from the technical specifications agreed upon with
Detailed requests are possible.
For providing proof of the product characteristics,
all requirements contained in drawings and
specifications must be tested and documented.
All characteristics must be marked clearly and
must be listed separately with nominal values,
tolerances and actual values (note: in the case of
CAD drawings, details of the reference points test
sections and test surfaces are required).
Unless otherwise agreed, the measurement
results include:
all characteristics of the technical
documents, listed in the Bill of Material
(BOM) (e.g., drawings, test/order
specifications, standards) for initial
for sampling after change, at least all
changes to the previous specification.
The measurement results also include proof of
properties that can only be determined on the raw
material itself (e.g., thickness of the original sheet
metal material).
Measured values outside of the tolerance
(deviations) must be clearly marked.
Detailed requests are possible.
In addition to the results of the material check,
Supplier must provide a certificate of conformity
3.1 (EN 10204) with results for chemical and
physical (mechanical and structural) properties of
the material (reference to Bosch material order
specification / norm mandatory).
Certificate of conformity must be checked,
approved, and acknowledged by Supplier (with
regard to Bosch material order specification /
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Decorative surfaces (e.g., graining – see also
VDA Volume “6 "Decorative surfaces of
accessories and functional parts in the exterior
and interior areas of automobiles")
Technical surfaces: For surface-coated
components, complete systems composed of a
substrate (if required) and surface coating are
approved according to Bosch requirements (e.g.,
assurance of adhesion, resistance, roughness,
free of grease, etc. according to the drawing)
Reliability indicators, e.g., service life, overload
etc. see VDA volume 3 Part 2 “Reliability
Assurance of Car Manufacturers and Suppliers”
Technical cleanliness
Generally: The cleanliness analysis is to be
carried out and documented in accordance with
VDA19 or ISO 16232.
Special requirements, for example defined by a
limit value definition (“Prüfwerteblatt”) and a
definition of the method of the particle extraction
and analysis (“Prüfmethoden-blatt”) must be
Resistance to electrostatic
discharge (ESD)
Electrical safety / high-voltage
Electromagnetic compatibility
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Deliverables of the validation of the production process
Assurance of special
characteristics according to
technical specifications and
agreed characteristics (e.g.,
poka-yoke, 100% inspection,
process capabilities, etc.)
Proof is to be provided for the validation of
characteristics listed on the ICL (for details see
chapter 4.1 “Management of Characteristics”),
incl. results for respective measurement
equipment analysis studies.
Requirements for capability indices are listed in
chapter 4.2.
Proof of validation is required for each machine,
nest, mold and / or die.
A copy of the detailed results test must be
attached to the sampling documentation.
Laboratory qualification
Acc. to IATF16949 requirements for test
Results from internal laboratories for PPA
procedures in the supply chain continue to be
used for subsequent PPA procedures.
External, commercial or independent test
laboratories must be accredited according to
either ISO/IEC 17025 or a comparable national
Samples incl. labeling (e.g.,
identification of series,
production lot etc. that allow
conclusions to be made about
the documentation
accompanying production)
Samples for PPA/PPAP release (initial samples)
are products and materials that were completely
produced with standardized resources under
standard conditions as part of the PPA/PPAP.
Other samples are products and materials that
were not completely produced under standard
conditions. Other samples may not be used for
Deliveries of samples for PPA/PPAP release
(initial samples) must be clearly marked on the
packaging and on the delivery paper.
The revision level must also be clearly visible on
the delivery papers for all parts for which a
revision level is listed on the bill of materials
It must be possible to clearly assign the
documented measurement results to the samples
(sample marking/ numbering).
If not otherwise agreed, 5 samples per cavity /
form are submitted.
Where appropriate the identification should also
indicate whether the parts are from single-cavity
mold or multi cavity mold tools.
It must be possible to clearly assign the
documented measurement results to the samples
(sample marking/ numbering).
A reference to family samples is possible.
Master sample
Supplier must retain a master sample for the
same period as for the documentation of the PPA
procedure. The master sample must be marked
as such.
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Confirmation of agreed
As part of process validation under standard
conditions, a verification is done under series
conditions that the required quality and unit
volume can be assured in accordance with the
contractually agreed maximum capacity. This can
be a one-day production or an agreed deviating
Supplier must specify how many tools (molds,
forming dies) devices etc. are used to
manufacture the respective product or how many
cavities a multi-cavity mold (e.g., injection
molding) contains. The reference between the
tools and the production line must be
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General deliverables
Compliance with legal
Supplier must confirm compliance with legal
requirements (e.g., environment, safety,
recycling, country-specific certificates).
A sentence as confirmation is sufficient (example:
“We herewith confirm that we comply with legal
PPA status of Supply chain
The PPA/PPAP status of the supply chain is to be
attached to the PPA/PPAP documents.
The “Component Supply Chain Chart” form is to
be completed and attached to the PPA/PPAP
Component Supply Chain Chart.
Releases for all materials and (sub) components
(including customer / Bosch directed buy) used in
the supplied product must be attached to the
sampling documents.
Test equipment list for product
and production process
Supplier creates a product-specific list of the
measuring devices used for the initial sampling
and for the serial production, allocated to the
measured characteristics.
Measurement equipment
analysis studies product and
production process
Supplier must have evidence for the capability:
Product: Capabilities of the test
equipment for the characteristics
Production process: Calibration
certificate or adequate capability studies
in cases in which test equipment
capability verification cannot be
Requirements for measuring system
capabilities are described in chapter 4.2.
In cases where test equipment capability
verification cannot be provided, calibration
certificate or adequate capability studies may be
Part history
Supplier documents all changes to the product
and production process in the part history (acc.
Appendix 6, VDA Volume 2).
Evidence of suitability of the
employed load carriers
including storage
Supplier verifies that the provided storage and
the load carriers used for the product to be
delivered will not cause any damage.
This is verified by a copy of the packaging data
sheet agreed between the Supplier and Bosch.
Additional proof may be provided, for example, by
transportation trials with a correspondingly
positive result.
Documentation of agreements
regarding the about diagnosis
and analysis process
Complaint handling (e.g., 8D)
Field failure Analysis
see VDA Volume “8D - Problem Solving in 8
Disciplines” / VDA Volume “Field Failure Analysis”
see chapter 11
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Documentation about
agreements about
Requalification (Layout
inspection and functional
see chapter 4.3 “Control Plan” and chapter 7
“Requalification Check (Layout Inspection and
Functional Testing)
Part Submission Warrant (PSW)
edition, PPAP)
Based on the current production and
documentation status, the cover sheet must be
completed in full (reference number, designation
revision level, tool no., number of nests,
production machine/line, etc.) and must be
signed by the Supplier's quality representative.
The change numbers / version numbers of the bill
of materials must also be specified on the cover
sheet used (VDA cover sheet: "Remarks" field,
Part Submission Warrant: either in the field
provided or in a remarks field).
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Documentation for heat-treated
The documentation of the heat treatment of the
parts should be provided as explained in the
following rows:
1. Cover sheet of CQI9 self-assessment of
related heat treatment process:
A copy of the cover sheet of the
conducted CQI9 self-assessment must
be added to the documentation.
2. Heat treatment query:
Filled heat treatment query must be
added to the documentation.
3. If 100% non-destructive tests demanded:
test installed and suitable?
In case a non-destructive 100% check
is required: proof of suitability for the
check must be provided (e.g., MSA,
GRR, cgk). Remark: See also ICL
4. Heat treatment at sub-supplier: Incoming
inspection at Bosch supplier
If a sub-supplier is used for the heat
treatment, a confirmation is necessary
that an incoming inspection at Supplier
is done after heat treatment (proof by
respective steps in control plan).
5. Cover sheet of process related heat
treatment audit for this part / part family
Signed coversheet of the heat
treatment audit and the respective
current actual open-point-list (OPL)
must be added to the documentation.
Overall rating green or yellow, provided
that all release relevant measures (see
coversheet) have been completed in
6. Results of defined checks (e.g., surface
hardness, core hardness, CHD,
microstructure, ...)
Inspection certificates must be added
to the documentation.
Inspection amount according N67W0.2
Bosch Norm N67W0.2 - Release of heat
treatment process
and after consultation with Bosch heat
treatment expert.
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Deliverables for software
SW release (e.g., Appendix 5 “Cover sheet PPA
Definition of scope of the SW
e.g., Share of in-house development of
Integrated software without in-house
development (re-use, directed part SW
Use of legacy software, re-use of software that
does not fully meet Bosch customer quality
Additional points in which the fulfilment of Bosch
quality requirements for this software scope
cannot be verified or only to a limited extent.
Share of in-house development of organization
Integrated software without in-house
development (reuse, directed part SW, 3
Use of legacy software, reuse of software that
does not fully meet customer quality.
Additional points in which the fulfillment of Bosch
quality requirements for this software scope
cannot be verified or only to a limited extent. List
of applicable standards, e.g., coding guidelines
(MISRA, etc.), code metrics (cyclomatic
complexity, number of code lines, etc.), test
coverage (specification of test levels and degrees
of coverage, etc.).
Reference to contractually
stipulated quality requirements
List of applicable standards, e.g., coding
guidelines (MISRA, etc.), code metrics
(cyclomatic complexity, number of code lines,
etc.), test coverage (specification of test levels
and degrees of coverage, etc.).
Documentation of technical SW
specifications (functional and
The technical SW specification contains the
agreed scope of contract volume incl. agreed
The degree of detail of the documentation must
aligned between Supplier and Bosch.
Evidence can also be provided in the form of a
reference to the agreed software specification,
approved Bosch document, or similar
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Implementation of the
requirements from 6.3 and 6.4,
especially the Special
The type of evidence must be aligned between
Supplier and Bosch.
In addition to the general requirements, this may
Traceability of Functional Safety
requirements (ISO 26262) up to testing
Evidence of the fulfillment of the agreed
requirements concerning security
Evidence of the fulfillment of the legal
and official requirements in the agreed
area of application
Failure analysis concept for SW
Documentation of FOSS (free and
open-source soft-ware)
Documentation of the FOSS modules used incl.
the license terms and Bosch approvals
List of known errors
Documentation of testing tools
This includes the documentation of the
configuration of the development tools used in
the creation of the executable software and the
verification of the status at the time of the SW
Examples of development tools (incl.
SW libraries
Hardware configuration
Documentation of the version management tools
(e.g., Doors, CVS, etc.) is not required here.
Documentation of development
This includes the development-accompanying
documentation of the test tools used at the time
at the respective software creation and
verification of the status at the time of the SW
approval of the test implementation.
Documentation of version
Documentation of the product baseline,
configurations and change history with respect to
the software modules and components used.
Documentation of compatibility with hardware
Documentation of a process
evaluation (e.g., VDA Automotive
The minimum scope is a self-assessment by the
organization for the relevant project.
In addition, an assessment can be made by
Bosch and/or an external assessor.
Documentation of the implementation of the
project-specific actions derived from the self-
assessment / assessment and evidence of the
effectiveness is provided.
Table 14: (Initial) sampling deliverables Evaluation of Initial samples / Result
Bosch evaluates the initial samples and related documentation, as requested. The result is documented
on the cover sheet (based on VDA Volume 2 and / or AIAG PPAP manual) and communicated to Supplier.
Supplier must follow-up any defined corrections / activities in a timely manner within the defined validity /
The same applies to an evaluation after a change.
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5 Marking of Products, Parts, Samples and Packaging
Supplier marks products, parts, samples and packaging according to the agreements reached with Bosch.
Markings on the packaged products must remain legible during transport and storage.
It is as well necessary to comply with all rules and notes arising from the current version of the Bosch
supplier logistics manual. For further details see
Logistics Supplier Manual .
5.1 Marking of Samples and after Release
The samples shall be packed in accordance with the packaging specification. If there is no packaging
specification yet (e.g., for samples during product development), the sample packaging must be agreed in
advance between Supplier and Bosch.
Deliveries of samples for PPA/PPAP release (initial sample) must be clearly marked on the packaging and
on the delivery paper.
The revision level must also be clearly visible on the delivery papers for all parts for which a revision level
is listed on the bill of materials (BOM) (use orange label per package / smallest unit).
A copy of the cover sheet must be added to the package.
At least the first three deliveries after the start of a series and after a change must be marked accordingly.
6 Traceability / FIFO
Traceability is required for all parts produced for Bosch. Based on their traceability the parts can be
pinpointed, isolated, filtered out and reworked as necessary in the event of a defect in order to minimize
the impact on Bosch.
To assure this, Supplier follows the first in / first out (FIFO) principle and ensures the traceability of the
products it supplies.
If a defect is found, it is necessary to ensure that the faulty parts / products / batches and related production
data are identified within a working day. This also applies to traceability among sub-suppliers.
Supplier must outline the traceability system / concept to Bosch during the contract negotiations within the
offer or in technical discussions. If necessary, further details must be agreed with Bosch.
The minimum requirements are as follows:
Traceability must be assured for every delivery for
all components, materials and modules
all process parameters which have impact on distinctive characteristics and test characteristics
The batch size must not be greater than the volume produced
either in a single shift or
a single day and
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the volume of 50,000 units / batch must not be exceeded. If necessary, further definitions will
be agreed between the Supplier and Bosch.
First in / first out principle
shall be observed in every process step.
Mixing of parts:
Parts shall not be mixed when making the transition from once process step to another.
The smallest packaging unit
contains a maximum of two separate batch numbers.
The following production data must be provided within one day on request:
Production data, changed conditions (man, material, machine, method)
Records in relation to the production line (e.g., line, machine, tool, nest, measurement system
Records in relation to the components, parts or materials used in each production step
Records in relation to the key process conditions for each production step
Records in relation to reworking and repairs, prompt return of the reworked parts to the
original production batch.
An appropriate marking system shall be used by the Supplier in its production and its function
will be explained on request.
For deliveries to Bosch, the format and the type of marking shall be approved by Bosch on the
basis of a proposal from the Supplier.
Further details are defined in Bosch supplier logistics manual,
Logistics Supplier Manual .
7 Requalification (Layout Inspection and Functional Testing)
Unless otherwise specified, products supplied to Bosch must undergo a verifiable annual requalification
check (in accordance with IATF 16949) in which all the dimensions, functional characteristics and material
specified by Bosch must be checked for compliance.
A requalification system in accordance with all Bosch reference numbers / product families with annual
planning (active reference numbers) must be available and agreed with Bosch. It must also contain
requirements for requalification on the subcontractor side.
At least one reference number is to be selected for each product family. The selection can roll over from
year-to-year. If it is not possible to form product families, the selection of the products to be requalified can
be based on a risk analysis. In this case complaints and scrap quotas are to be considered.
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The results of the requalification tests are to be archived and must be sent to Bosch upon request within
one working day. A retention sample is to be archived for the last version of the requalified reference part
The requalification check/system must be included in the production control plans.
If deviations are identified during a requalification check, Bosch must be notified immediately (declaration
by Supplier) and further measures are to be defined and agreed upon.
8 Delivery and Incoming Inspection (Goods Receipt)
Supplier shall supply the goods in suitable transportation containers in accordance with the relevant Bosch
delivery and packaging specifications in order to avoid damage and reductions in quality (e.g., dirt,
corrosion, chemical reactions).
Goods receipt inspection at Bosch shall be limited to externally visible transport damage and verification
of compliance in terms of the volume and identity of the products ordered based on the delivery papers as
a minimum. Any defects detected are communicated immediately to Supplier.
Defects not detected in incoming goods inspection shall be reported to Supplier immediately as soon as
they are found in accordance with the conditions of the regular business process. To this extent Supplier
shall waive objection to a delayed formal complaint.
Supplier shall organize its quality management system and quality assurance measures to include this
reduced goods receipt check.
9 Scrap and Rework
The handling of scrap and rework of products must be clearly regulated. Rework must always be avoided
and is only permitted if approved corresponding process descriptions are available.
Particular care is required in ensuring that a FMEA and a production control plan are in place for
dismantling rejected products and re-introducing them to the production process, that the reworking time
is limited and takes place on a standard system. Traceability must be assured. If the rework process is
required on a permanent lasting basis, it is to be transferred to a standardized process.
Unplanned rework requires a special release from Bosch. Marking for deliveries of unplanned reworked
parts must be agreed with Bosch.
Scrap must be disposed of according to the standard; unauthorized further use of these products must be
prevented (e.g., through destruction).
10 Quality Deviations
Supplier shall analyze process disruptions and deviations in quality, determine the root causes, initiate
corrective measures, and document this procedure.
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10.1 Deviations
If it becomes apparent that Supplier cannot meet its supply obligations regarding quality, Supplier shall
inform Bosch promptly and always before delivering parts that may potentially be unusable. However, this
information shall not release Supplier from the need to adhere to its contractual obligations.
Supplier shall immediately inform Bosch of all deviations detected after delivery. In the interests of a
speedy resolution, Supplier shall disclose all the necessary facts and figures. The notice shall be sent to
the relevant Purchasing Quality Assurance Departments at the affected plants.
In some cases, a special release (concession) will be issued in relation to the reported deviation (see also
10.2 Deviation Approval – Concession
If Supplier is unable to provide products according to specification, Supplier must obtain a special release
(concession) from Bosch before making a delivery. This requires a precise description of the variation and
details of the volume or period affected.
Further procedure will be closely coordinated with Bosch. A delivery can only be made after approval by
Bosch. The deliveries must be marked appropriately after agreement with Bosch.
11 Complaints, Problem Solving, 8D-Report
11.1 Complaints
If Bosch reports defects to the Supplier, Supplier shall immediately perform an error analysis. Bosch
provides support within Bosch’s range of capacities, if needed.
Supplier must sort claimed parts as an immediate containment action (D3) or agrees to sorting by a third
party. For the sorting activities, Supplier draws up and use inspection instructions, agreed by Bosch.
Claimed products will be returned to Supplier or are scrapped at Bosch after Supplier’s agreement.
Marking for deliveries of sorted parts must be agreed with Bosch.
11.2 Problem Solving / 8D-Report
Complaints must always be processed according to the 8D method. The following rules in relation to
processing times shall apply unless otherwise agreed with Bosch (e.g., shortened processing times for
Bosch complaints, safety-related deliveries, or new deliveries):
No later than 2 calendar days after the information / parts arrive, an initial response must be
made to Bosch, outlining the immediate measures.
No later than 14 calendar days after the complaint has been made by Bosch an interim report
on the cause of the error must be provided.
No later than 60 days after the complaint is made by Bosch the definition of measures must be
complete and planned dates for the introduction of the final measures and measures to avoid
repeated error must be defined if they have not yet been introduced and the date for the
conclusion of the complaint must be defined.
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11.3 Root Cause Analysis
Supplier must provide evidence of the root cause analysis using the 5-Why and Ishikawa method and, on
request, must also perform a process analysis or process audit. 14 Q Basics assignment is expected.
During root cause analysis, both the technical causes (Technical Root Cause) and the management
causes (Managerial Root Cause) for the occurrence and failure to detect the deviation are to be determined.
Supplier will process all 8D reports using the SupplyOn supplier portal,
Supply On Info-Portal.
As part of the lessons learned, Supplier shall apply the information gained to other works / products /
processes (where appropriate).
11.4 Complaints at Sub-Suppliers
Complaints shall immediately be made by Supplier directly to the sub-supplier. In response to inquiries,
Supplier shall notify Bosch of the current status of complaint processing, which must comply with the
specifications of Bosch (see above).
Supplier is also responsible for the quality of the purchased products when using supply sources specified
by Bosch or negotiated by Bosch in a transaction.
11.5 Controlled Shipping Level (CSL)
If defects repeatedly occur and if the measures taken are not effective, Bosch may demand additional
100% tests in order to improve the quality situation. Corresponding agreements shall be reached between
Bosch and Supplier in accordance with events. Both the test criteria and the criteria for lifting the additional
test are defined individually.
100% tests can be carried out either by Supplier or a service provider commissioned to do so.
11.5.1 Controlled Shipping Level 1 (CSL 1)
Controlled Shipping Level 1 (CSL 1) means:
Supplier must install additional tests to the normal scope of control
The scope of the additional tests must be agreed upon with Bosch, including the part numbers
and the characteristics
The tests must be done for and prior to every delivery.
Full documentation of the tests and their results must be available
Marking for these deliveries must be agreed upon with Bosch
11.5.2 Controlled Shipping Level 2 (CSL 2)
Controlled Shipping Level 2 (CSL 2) means:
Supplier must install an additional 100% check on top of the normal scope of control carried
out by an external provider accepted by Bosch,
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part numbers and characteristics must be agreed upon with Bosch,
tests must be done for and prior to every delivery,
Full documentation of the tests / results must be available,
Marking for these deliveries must be agreed upon with Bosch,
Stock on both sides, Supplier and Bosch, must be inspected as well as goods currently in transit,
For the sorting activities, Supplier must draw up instructions for the service provider, agreed by
Supplier is responsible for the orderly implementation of sorting tasks, the documentation of
the results and the quality of the products supplied.
12 Change Management - Information and Documentation
12.1 Supplier information about changes Supplier Initiated Change Request
Supplier must notify Bosch without undue delay of changes by Supplier listed in the VDA Volume 2 "Trigger
Matrix" (Annex 8 of VDA Volume 2) which are in connection with products delivered to Bosch.
The Supplier Initiated Change Request (“SICR”) form and further information about change management
are available here:
New Process for Supplier Initiated Change Request (SICR) - Overview
Supplier Manual for SICR Process
Direct Link SICR Application
The SICR must be used in order to provide notice of any planned changes.
The scope of proof required for this shall be agreed by Supplier with the Bosch quality department
12.2 Electronic components
The "Guideline for Customer Notifications of Product and/or Process Changes (PCN) of Electronic
Components specified for Automotive Applications" (Revision 4.0, December 2019 or more recent) drawn
up by the German Central Association of the Electrical Engineering and Electronics Industry (ZVEI) applies
to the change management for electronic components in automotive applications.
12.3 Labeling of Deliveries after Changes
The first deliveries after the start of a series and after changes subject to compulsory notification must be
marked in accordance with Bosch requirements/specifications (e.g., in accordance with the logistics
manual or separate agreements).
In addition, the papers accompanying the first three deliveries after a change must be marked as follows:
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1., 2., 3. Delivery after change [number of the change, revision level].
12.4 Documentation of a Change
All changes to the product and in the process chain and any safeguarding measures shall be documented
by Supplier and submitted to Bosch on request.
13 Digital Goods
13.1 Scope
New business cases associated with Connected, Autonomous, Shared and Electrified mobility solutions
are drivers for particular emphasis on handling of digital goods in supplier quality management at Bosch.
Under digital goods we consider the following classes:
Software (incl. embedded-SW)
Data (e.g., Map-Data)
For each of those classes corresponding quality models apply:
Software Automotive SPICE®
IT-Services ISO 20000
Depending on the specific project needs, additional quality requirements for
Functional Safety (e.g., ISO 26262)
Cybersecurity (e.g., ISO 21434)
are applicable.
13.2 Preventive Quality
In the project specific Request for Quotation Supplier will receive a Quality-Book which is based on the
quality model named above and contains additional Bosch specific requirements. The Software, Data and
IT-Service Q-Book respectively contains non-functional, process related quality requirements. The
corresponding Q-Book is a part of project specific contracting and is a precondition for sourcing.
Before sourcing, additionally to the agreement on a corresponding Q-Book, Supplier will be evaluated on
his process capability on SW development, Data Management or IT-Service Management. Results of
those capability evaluation (e.g., ASPICE Assessment) will be used in risk evaluation and considered in
the sourcing decision.
After sourcing the fulfillment of in the corresponding Q-Book agreed quality requirements will be evaluated
and the evaluation results will be considered in the PPA/PPAP release or corresponding Quality Gate.
13.3 Complaint Management
A complaint for digital goods is a severe (customer, safety or security related) deviation or a frequently
occurring deviation from Bosch requirements.
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Complaints for digital goods must always be processed according to the 8D method. The rules in relation
to processing times as defined in the “Agreement on Quality and Corporate Social Responsibility” shall
apply unless otherwise agreed with Bosch (e.g., shortened processing times for complaints, safety- or
security-related deliveries).
Bug-Fixing will be managed on project level.
14 Sub-Supplier Management
The requirements of this guideline also applies if the Supplier purchases parts or services from sub-
suppliers. Supplier establishes appropriate sub-supplier management in order to ensure quality.
Production process and product approval (PPA/PPAP) must be implemented.
The manufacturing and delivery chain must be presented to Bosch on request. The CSCC (Component
Supply Chain Chart) form is provided by Bosch:
Component Supply Chain Chart.
Supplier shall be held responsible for a failure on the part of its sub-supplier to the same extent as if it
were itself directly responsible for the failure.
In the event of deviations from the agreed quality, Supplier develops its sub-suppliers using agreed targets
and development programs.
The aforementioned rules apply equally to sub-suppliers specified by Bosch.
15 Cooperation for Quality Improvement
15.1 Quality Targets
Just as Bosch is committed to a zero defect target in the interests of its customers, Supplier has a similar
commitment to Bosch and communicates this both internally and to its subcontractors.
If zero-defect delivery cannot be guaranteed, Bosch may agree interim targets with Supplier (e.g., upper
limits for error rates within specific time frames). Supplier shall introduce measures for continuous
improvements and for achieving the zero defect target.
15.2 Upper Limits
Adherence to agreed upper limits shall not relieve Supplier from its obligation to process all complains or
from its liability for all defective deliveries. If the agreed upper limits are exceeded, Supplier will introduce
effective improvement measures at short notice at its own expense and will keep Bosch informed of
progress on an on-going basis.
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15.3 Liability / escalation
The liability of Supplier for all defective deliveries shall remain unaffected by the agreed upper limits.
Quality talks focusing on topics such a preventive quality assurance, the assessment of replaced quality
data, error meetings, discussions relating to current topics, etc. will take place at the request of a contract
partner. In the event of escalation, Supplier should attend discussions at management level+.
15.4 Development Programs
Supplier development programs are intended to improve cooperation in quality questions between Bosch
and Supplier and continuously improve the performance of the supply chain. Fundamental cooperation
takes the form of so-called Standard Quality Cooperation (SQC) where standard day to day business is
In the event of quality and process problems with Supplier and when Supplier's overall situation is
assessed by Bosch, it may be possible to include Supplier in a supplier development program:
In order to improve maturity of a specific quality topic, Supplier can be included in EQC
(Extended Quality Cooperation) which is a strategic supplier development and support program.
If upcoming incidents make it necessary to escalate the quality problems (for the criteria see
below), Supplier may be included in SQIP (Supplier Quality Improvement Program).
15.4.1 EQC (Extended Quality Cooperation)
As part of Extended Quality Cooperation, Bosch's Q activities with Supplier will be intensified supporting
Supplier strategically to achieve better maturity in Q-Topics.
Extended and preventive Q activities
Regular reviews with the involvement of: quality engineers, senior managers (Supplier &
15.4.2 SQIP (Supplier Quality Improvement Program)
Important part of the escalation management is the inclusion of management representatives from both
sides (Supplier and Bosch) into the quality improvement process. Aim of the escalation status is to improve
quality performance (e.g., reduce number of quality incidents) and to achieve an acceptable level of quality.
Open and unlimited cooperation is accepted. A quality agreement between Supplier and Bosch defines
criteria to achieve to be able to exit the escalation stage.
The Quality performance and escalation stage also are used for supplier evaluation.
For further details see
SQIP Flyer
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16 Other Requirements
In addition to the existing contractual agreements, Bosch also requires compliance with the requirements
listed below.
16.1 14 Quality Basics for the Value Stream
14 Q Basics are the fundamental quality enablers to avoid errors in the value stream. Bosch expect
adherence to the 14 Quality Basics.
For further information see
General information
Q-Basics overview
Q-Basics description
Q-Basics Booklet (download version)
Q-Basics Assessment-Form.
Figure 4: 14 Value Stream Q-Basics
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16.2 Special Process Assessments (AIAG CQIs)
Some special and critical production processes need high attention. For such processes self-assessments
of the Suppliers according to the AIAG CQI rules shall be carried out in the whole supply chain.
Confirmation from Supplier to work accordingly will be requested yearly by Bosch. Upon request copies of
the performed special process assessment cover sheet need to be provided within one day.
CQI Assessments and instructions are available via
Listed special production processes in CQIs:
carbon correction
neutral hardening
precipitation hardening
nitriding (Gas)
Ferritic birtrocarburising
Aluminium heat treatment
Induction heat treatment
Stress relieving
low pressure carburizing
Sinter hardening
Ion nitriding
Zinc&Zinc Alloy plating
Mechanical plating
Surface conditioning of Metals
for decorative Plating
Surface conditioning of
plastics for decorative Plating
Decorative plating for
hard chrome plating
electroless Nickel
Hydrogen embrittlement relief
bake process
process control and testing
typical platings for contacts
as gold, silver or tin are not
Pretreatment (Aqueous)
Pretreatment (mechanical)
conversion coatings
Anodizing and hard coat
Part Inspection and Testing
Gas Metal Arc Welding
Laser Welding
Drawn Arc Welding
Resistance Welding
1. Friction Welding (without
friction stir welding)
2. Induction/High Frequency
Tube Welding
3. Fastener Projection Welding
4. Induction/High Frequency
Magnetically Impelled Arc Butt
Paste printing
Surface Mount device placing
Glue dispensing
Flux application for wave
Pre heating
automated iron
manual iron
laser and soft beam
conformal coat and test
PCB separation
ICT – In-Circuit-Test
Injection Molding
Blow Molding
Vacuum Forming
Compression Molding
Transfer Molding (Thermoset
Part inspection and testing
Sand Casting (Iron/Steel)
Centrifugal Castings
Centrifugal Liners
Investment Castings
Aluminum SPM Cylinder
Aluminum Sand Castings
Aluminum Metal Mold
Aluminum High Pressure Die
Magnesium High Pressure
Die Cast
Zinc High Pressure Die Cast
CAB Furnace
Vacuum Furnace
Compression molding
Transfer molding
Injection molding
Table 15: CQI
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16.3 Product Safety & Conformity Representative
A Product Safety & Conformity Representative (PSCR) must be available at all production sites that
produce for Bosch. Product safety officers must be familiar with product manufacturing, methods for risk
assessment and the relevant rules for product safety and reliability.
PSCR are members of Suppliers management team or report directly to this team or to senior quality
16.4 Retention (Archiving)
Supplier shall define the general handling of information and documentation. This includes retention
The retention must ensure that documents are safe from manipulation, access by third parties. Their
contents must remain available over the entire retention period.
Storage locations should ensure adequate protection against possible risks such as fire and/or water
(storm damage, floods, firefighting water) and should prevent unauthorized access and changes to the
documentation with appropriate protective measures.
Supplier must store all the documents, records and master samples relevant to the contract and the
product and also the source codes, if applicable, pursuant to VDA Volume 1, however for at least 15 years
from the date of the last delivery to Bosch. Digital archiving is possible, provided that this does not
contravene statutory provisions.
Notes on procedure can be found in VDA Volume 1, current version.
17 Sources
Sources for the present document, including quotes passages and content:
IATF 16949
VDA Volume 1 “Documented Information and Retention”
VDA Volume 2 “Securing the Quality of Supplies”
AIAG "Production Part Approval Process, 4th Edition"
VDA Volume 4
VDA Volume 6.3 "Process Audit"
VDA Volume "Process Description for Special Features (BM)"
Automotive SPIC
ISO 20000
ISO 26262
ISO 21434
Sources and notes on further reading are also available within the chapters.
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Robert Bosch GmbH
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