The thyroid gland produces a variety of amino
acids all of which contain iodine. A small amount is
released by the thyroid each day for use by the body's
tissues but the bulk is stored in the gland. A very
great part of the total amount of iodine in the human
body is therefore contained in the thyroid. Each day
the thyroid gland accumulates from the blood about
that amount of iodine that is required to replace what
it releases, incorporated in amino acids (thyroid hor-
mones). If a small amount of radioactive iodine is
administered to a patient whose thyroid function the
physician wishes to study, it follows the same path as
ordinary iodine taken in with food and water; that is,
a part of the administered dose is accumulated by the
gland, another part is excreted via the kidneys and a
very small amount goes to other parts of the body.
Determination of that fraction of a radioiodine dose
which is taken up by the gland within a given time,
therefore, allows the physician to gain some insight
into the daily consumption of iodine by the gland and
hence its daily production of thyroid hormones.
The two most important, although not most com-
mon, diseases of the thyroid are associated with ei-
ther a higher than normal rate of hormone production
(hyperthyroidism or thyrotoxicosis) or a lower than
normal production (hypothyroidism or myxoedema).
Consequently, a high radioiodine uptake by the gland
is usually found in the former and a low uptake in the
latter condition. There are, of course,various other
means at the disposal of the physician to make a diag-
nosis of thyroid malfunction - e. g. observation of
clinical signs and symptoms, determination of the
basal metabolic rate and other tests - but the meas-
urement of thyroid radioiodine uptake provides the
most direct indication of abnormal hormone produc-
tion, particularly if it is combined with other radio-
iodine tests such as determination of the concentration
of hormonal radioiodine in the blood. The radioiodine
uptake is also usually found to be high in the most
common thyroid disorder, namely endemic goiter,
where the gland is frequently greatly enlarged without
increase in hormone production. Thus, the thyroid
radioiodine uptake test is now one of the most widely
practised medical applications of radioisotopes and,
because of its practical value, is usually the first
technique adopted by a newly established hospital
isotope laboratory.
Principle and Methods
The principle of uptake measurement is rela-
tively simple. The amount of gamma-radiation given
off by radioiodine which has been accumulated by the
thyroid at a certain time after its administration to
the patient is compared with the amount of gamma-
radiation emitted by the total dose of radioiodine con-
tained in a vessel known as the "standard". In the
ideal case, both measurements should be done under
identical conditions, i.e. the relationship between the
radiation detector on the one hand and the thyroid
gland and the "standard" on the other hand should be
the same. However, complete duplication of these
conditions is impossible due to the complexity of the
relationship of the thyroid gland to the neck tissues
which surround it and because of individual differences
in this relationship between one patient and another.
Therefore, the main problem is to carry out the meas-
urement in such away as to reduce to a minimum the
errors resulting from the differences in the relation-
ship between the two sources and the detector and the
effects of individual variations between patients.
Since the first measurements of thyroid radio-
iodine uptake were carried out nearly twenty years
many laboratories have had their own ideas on
how the measurements should be made and have de-
veloped their own "house" methods. Nowadays, the
techniques vary widely from one country to another
and there does not appear to be a standard method
which would be acceptable to all workers in this field.
Consequently, it is difficult to compare the results
obtained and their value is often doubtful. In fact,
many laboratories have expressed doubt about the ac-
curacy of their own results due to lack of suitable
equipment with which their method could be calibrated.
In order to assist its Member States in the cal-
ibration and standardization of such measurements,
the International Atomic Energy Agency has started a
project under which amember of the Agency's scien-
who has specialized in this work, is about
to begin a series of visits to different Member States
at their request. Using as calibration equipment a
dummy figure containing known amounts of "mock"
radioactive iodine (i. e. a radioactive substance with
radiation characteristics nearly identical to that of
1-131 but with a much longer half-life), this expert
will calibrate existing local apparatus for the meas-
urements, calculate correction factors where appro-
priate and suggest - if necessary - a standardized
method of measurement so as to ensure that the re-
sults obtained are comparable with those reached at
medical institutions in other countries.
Experts' Recommendations
Before embarking on this project, the Agency
sought the advice of a number of well-known special-
in this field on a suitable method of measure-
ment that could be accepted as a standard procedure.
* The experts were: Dr. G.F. Barnaby (UK), Dr. R. Hofer (Austria),
Horst (Federal Republic of
Dr. L-G. Larsson
Dr. D.A. Rose (VSA), Dr. W.K. Sinclair (USA), Dr. Ir. Ckr.
Sybesma(NetherlandaJ,Dr.N.G. Trott (UK) and
From the Agency's Secretariat, Dr. a. Vetter served as
moderator and
Dr. G. G6mez-Crespo as secretary.
The experts met in Vienna in November 1960 and drew
up recommendations primarily with the object of
assisting the Agency in carrying out its calibration
project. They also expressed the hope that these
recommendations would be useful to both advanced and
developing countries since they would help in assess-
ing the suitability of existing equipment and proce-
dures and provide a guide to newcomers in the field
on at least one good method of measuring thyroid up-
take. The experts were, however, aware that several
other methods, if carefully employed, could produce
equally satisfactory results. Their object in recom-
mending a particular procedure was to establish a
relatively simple but reasonably accurate standard
method which could be used even under rather prim-
itive conditions. If inter-comparison of results could
be facilitated by the adoption of such a standard meth-
there would be greater confidence in the published
results and a sounder basis would be found for com-
paring geographical variations in thyroid function.
The recommendations which are being published in
specialized scientific journals are briefly summar-
ized below.
To start with, it is stated that as a general prin-
ciple the amount of radioiodine administered to the
patient should not be larger than necessary, particu-
larly with children. With good equipment and standard
procedures, not more than ten microcuries of iodine-
131 need be given. Higher doses, however, may be
necessary in special circumstances.
The amount of radioiodine used in the "standard"
should be the same as the amount given to the patient,
and the volume of the "standard" should be comparable
to the volume of an average-sized thyroid gland. The
use of a neck phantom is also recommended, in order
to simulate as closely as possible the effects due to
the presence of neck tissues, other than the thyroid
gland, which are within the detector's field of vision.
This phantom should be aplastic cylinder of 15 cm in
diameter and 15 cm in height, with a hole to accept
the standard vessel. As for the detector, the use of
a scintillation counter is recommended but it is stated
that a Geiger-Mueller counter can also be used under
certain conditions.
The recommendations on operational procedure
relate to the optimum distance between the detector
and the source, the optimum time, the position of the
patient, the effects of background and scattered ra-
diation, and counting statistics. It is pointed out that
the optimum distance between the source and the
counter will depend on several variable factors, but
in most cases a distance of between 20 and 30 cm
would appear satisfactory, provided it is kept exactly
the same in both sets of measurements. The thyroid
uptake should preferably be determined after 24 hours
and in any case not within two hours of the administra-
tion of the tracer dose.
In order to minimize the contribution from back-
ground radiation and from extrathyroidal neck radio-
activity the group laid down detailed specifications for
shielding and collimation of the detector. Maximum
values for count rates, expressed as a percentage of
Dr. Gomez - Crespo, a member of the Agency's
scientific staff, who will visit a number of countries
for the standardization of thyroid uptake measure-
measuring the distance between the mock
thyroid of a dummy figure and the crystal of a
scintillation detector
the maximum count rate along the central axis, are
given for various points outside the field of vision of
the detector. It was recommended that scattered
radiation, i. e. all gamma-radiation from the source
which does not directly reach the detector, should be
excluded either by placing a lead filter of 1.5 mm
thickness in front of the detector or by properly set-
ting the electrical threshold.
Calibration Equipment
The calibration equipment which the Agency's
expert takes with him was put together in the Agency's
laboratories in Vienna. Its principal features follow
those first devised by the Medical Division of the Oak
Ridge Institute of Nuclear Studies in the United States
several years ago, with some important modifications.
A dummy figure of the upper part of a human body was
constructed using fiber glass, and the dummy was
filled with a small amount of "mock" radioactive io-
dine in order to simulate "body background", i. e. the
radiation which, under "live" conditions, is given off
by that part of the administered dose of 1-131 which,
at the time of measurement, has neither been accu-
mulated by the thyroid gland nor been excreted by the
kidneys but is present in other parts of the body or in
the circulating blood. In the place of the thyroid gland
there is space left in the neck of the dummy figure to
insert plastic containers. There are several such
containers which vary in size to simulate the sizes of
normal and enlarged thyroid glands and also vary with
respect to the amount of "mock" iodine they contain so
as to represent three different situations which might
be observed inhuman subjects: normal, high and low
The dummy figure placed in a specially constructed
suit-case in which it will be carried to different
countries. The travelling test kit also includes
interchangeable mock thyroids and a set of
" standards *
radioiodine uptake- Further, there are a number of
"standard" vessels of various sizes and shapes con-
taining amounts of "mock" iodine representing the
total dose administered to the "patient". Finally, a
plastic neck phantom and various filters are included
in the calibration set.
The actual amounts of "mock" iodine contained
in the various models of the thyroid and in the various
standard vessels were measured with great precision
in the standardization section of the Agency's labora-
tory, so that the ratio between the activity of the
"gland" and that of the "standard" is accurately known.
This allows each laboratory to test the accuracy of
their technique by carrying out an uptake measurement
on the dummy figure. If their technique is satisfac-
tory the results should correspond to the known ratio;
if small differences are found, appropriate correction
Dr. Gomez-Crespo demonstrating the interchange-
able mock thyroid in the dummy figure
factors can be calculated without modifying the tech-
nique substantially. If, however, the currently used
method proves to be unsatisfactory, the expert will
suggest the adoption of the standard method recom-
mended by the group mentioned above.
It is expected that the expert will stay in each
country for about one to two weeks, depending on the
number of laboratories he is asked to visit. So far,
nineteen countries have formally requested the
Agency's services and several others have expressed
interest. Visits of the expert will be arranged to
groups of countries in a particular region of the world
and the first tour has been scheduled for a small group
of European countries to allow the expert to return to
Vienna if experience should indicate the need for any
modifications of the equipment to be done before coun-
tries outside Europe are visited.