Monte Carlo Integration with TI-Nspire
Forest W. Arnold
October 2020
Typeset in L
Copyright © 2020 Forest W. Arnold
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TI-Nspire is a registered trademark of Texas Instruments, Inc.
1 Introduction
Monte Carlo Methods are procedures for solving deterministic problems using proba-
bilistic methods. These methods were developed to study neutron-diffusion problems
that were impossible to solve analytically [Farlow]. Monte Carlo Integration is a pro-
cedure for approximating an integral using probability. It is used to find approximate
solutions to higher-dimensional integrals or when traditional numerical methods for
approximating integrals are impractical or unstable.
This article describes two simple Monte Carlo methods (the ”hit or miss” technique
and the sample mean technique) for finding an approximate value for an integral and
presents examples of the techniques. The TI-Nspire documents that accompany this
article contain several user-defined functions that implement the techniques.
2 The ”Hit or Miss” Monte Carlo Integration Method
Recall that the value of a definite integral equals the area between the graph of the
integrand and the x-axis:
Area =
f (x)dx
Figure 1 illustrates the relation between the value of the integral of f (x) = x
over the
interval from x = 1 to x = 3 and the area between the graph of f (x) and the x-axis.
Since the area under the graph of a function and the value of a definite integral are
Figure 1: The Value of an Integral as an Area
equal, a technique for determining the area yields the value of the integral. A (very)
simple example of such a technique is finding the integral of the function f (x) = x 2
from x = 2 to x = 5.
First, the maximum value of the function in the interval is determined, which is y =
f (5) = 5 2 = 3.
Next, a rectangle enclosing the graph of the function over the interval of integration
and the maximum value of the function in the interval is constructed.
The final step is determining the percentage of the area of the rectangle between the
graph of the function and the base of the rectangle (the x axis). Multiplying the area of
the rectangle by the percentage results in an estimate of the integral.
For this simple function, the result is a rectangle containing a right triangle as shown
in Figure 2. The graph of the function divides the rectangle into two equal triangular
Figure 2: An Integral as a Percentage of the Area of a Rectangle
areas, so the area under the graph is 50 percent of the area of the containing rectangle:
area under the graph = .5 × area o f the rectangle = .5 × 9 = 4.5
which is the same as the value of the definite integral of f (x) from x = 2 to x = 5.
The example above provides the basic approach to estimating the value of a definite
integral as the area under a graph. However, it does not say anything about how to find
the area under an arbitrary curve. This is where probability enters.
Suppose that darts are thrown at a rectangle containing the graph of a function. Some
of the darts will hit inside the area under the graph and some will hit in the area above
the graph. Count the number that hit inside the area under the graph, then calculate
the percentage that hit the area under the graph vs the total number of darts thrown.
Multiplying this percentage times the area of the rectangle yields an estimate of the
area under the graph and thus an estimate of the value of the integral.
Throwing darts at a rectangular area can be simulated using random numbers from
a uniform distribution
to generate the random x and y values for a point inside the
rectangle. The x, y values for points inside the rectangle with width w and height h are
generated as follows:
Given r1 and r2, uniformly distributed random numbers between 0 and 1, and a equal
to the left-hand x coordinate of the rectangle, x = a + r1 × w and y = r2 × h.
2.1 ”Hit or Miss” Monte Carlo Integration with TI-Nspire
Key observations for performing ”hit or miss” integration with TI-Nspire are:
1. The TI-Nspire function rand() generates uniformly distributed random num-
bers between 0 and 1.
2. The width of the rectangle is b a, where a,b are the lower and upper bounds of
the integral.
3. The height of the rectangle is the maximum value of the integrand in the interval
[a, b]. For f (x) and f (x, y), this can be determined graphically or using calcu-
lus. For functions with more than 2 variables, calculus techniques are generally
4. To determine if the random point (rx,ry) is under the graph of the integrand f (x),
compare ry and f (rx). If ry < f (rx), then the point (rx, ry) is under the graph of
the integrand.
5. To obtain one estimate of the value of the integral of f (x) over the interval [a, b]
given n total random points in the rectangle containing the graph of f (x) and u
random points under the graph of f (x), calculate the percentage of points under
the curve, then multiply the area of the rectangle by the percentage: estimate =
× w × h.
To determine a confidence interval for the approximation:
1. Create a list to store nvals results, where nvals is greater than 30.
2. In a loop, execute one of the functions described below and store the result in the
For a uniform distribution, the probability of picking any value k from an interval [a,b] is the same for
all values k1, k2, ..., kn in the interval.
3. Execute the zInterval command by selecting the menu item Document Tools -
Statistics - Confidence Interval - z interval ... Use the function stDevPop(list)
to specify the required population standard deviation.
2.1.1 Functions for ”Hit or Miss” Monte Carlo Integration
Based on the above description and observations, implementing ”hit or miss” Monte
Carlo integration with TI-Nspire functions is straight-forward. The attached TI-Nspire
document montecarlo.tns contains implementations of the following three functions
along with examples of using them to approximate integrals.
1. mcxypoints() - returns a matrix of (x, y) points with x and y values under the
graph of a function f (x) in rows 1 and 2, and x and y on or above the graph in
rows 3 and 4. The pseudocode for this function is presented in algorithm 1.
2. mcintegral() - returns the approximate value of the integral of a function f (x)
as the area under the graph of f (x). The pseudocode for this function is presented
in algorithm 2.
3. mcintxyz() - returns the approximate value of the integral of a function f (x, y, z)
as the hyper-volume under the graph of f (x, y, z). This function demonstrates the
ease of extending the Monte Carlo Integration technique for multi-variable func-
tions. The pseudocode for this function is presented in algorithm 3.
2.1.2 Examples of ”Hit or Miss” Monte Carlo Integration
The following examples show how to use the functions described above to find the ap-
proximate value of an integral with Monte Carlo Integration.
Example 1.
a. Generate 1000 random points with the function mcxypoints() for approximat-
ing the value of
(x 2)dx.
b. Estimate the value of the integral using the percentage of points under the graph.
c. Plot the function, the containing rectangle, and the points over and under the graph
of the function.
First, define the function and find the actual value of the integral in a calculator page
for comparison with the estimated value:
Next, determine the maximimum value of the function in the interval [2, 5]: since the
function is increasing on the interval, the maximum value occurs at the right-hand side
of the interval, and is f 2(5) = 5 2 = 3.
Finally, call the function mcxypoints() to return a matrix containing the random
Extract the x, y values from the matrix as lists:
Note: The underline ( ) entries in the matrix and lists are TI-Nspire Void values, which
are ignored when the lists are graphed and by most TI-Nspire list functions.
Calculate the percentage of random points under the graph then multiply the area of
the rectangle by the percentage to estimate the area under the graph. Use the TI-Nspire
function count() to determine the number of points, then divide the count by 1000:
The lists of random points are plotted in a graphs page as scatter plots. Figure 3 shows
the graph of the containing rectangle, the function, and the random points.
Figure 3: Random Points for Approximating the Integral of f 2(x) = x 2
The value of the integral is 4.5 and the estimated value from Monte Carlo integra-
tion is 4.383. The error of the estimate is 4.5 4.383 = 0.117, which is a fairly large
error. However, the estimate is a single, random point estimate. Because each estimate
is random, each estimate will differ: some will be larger than the actual value of the
integral and some will be smaller. There are two ways to determine a more accurate
estimate: either increase the sample size, or take multiple samples and calculate the
mean (average) of areas from the multiple samples.
The ”hit or miss” Monte Carlo integration method is a probabilistic experiment where a
random sample of n trials is taken, with each trial consisting of random x, y coordinates
drawn from a uniform probability distribution. The result of the experiment is a sample
proportion ˆp: the percentage of the random points under the graph of a function. The
calculated area for each random sample is also a random variable.
By the strong law of large numbers, as the sample size n approaches infinity, the
average proportion of the observations approaches the actual proportion of observa-
tions under the graph. Thus, increasing the number of trials for a sample theoretically
increases the accuracy of the calculated area under the graph. Example 2 demonstrates
using a large number of random points to approximate the value of an integral.
The second technique (calculating the mean of multiple samples) is justified by the
central limit theorem. By the central limit theorem, a distribution of multiple random
variables is normally distributed regardless of the underlying probability distribution
function from which the random samples were drawn, provided the number of samples
is large enough (greater than about 30 samples). The mean of the normally distributed
areas approaches the population mean (the mean area under the graph of the function).
As a result, multiple small samples can be used to approximate the value of an integral
by finding the mean of the distribution of sample areas instead of finding the area from
a single large sample. In addition, since the sample areas are normally distributed, a
confidence interval for the range of values can also be calculated. Example 3 illustrates
this technique.
Example 2. Find the approximate value of
(x 2)dx using ”hit or miss” Monte
Carlo integration with 10, 000 random points.
Solution: Run the function mcintegral() to find the approximate value of the in-
Discussion: The approximate value with a sample of 10, 000 random points is 4.5162
which is slightly higher than the actual value of 4.5. This is a much better approxima-
tion than the approximation with a sample of 1, 000 points. The error in the approxi-
mation is 0.0162.
Example 3. Find the approximate value of
(x 2)dx using ”hit or miss” Monte
Carlo integration by finding the mean area of 100 samples, each consisting of 100 ran-
dom points.
Solution: Create a list to hold 100 areas, then run the function mcintegral() 100
times to find the approximate value of the integral. Store the returned areas in the list,
then find the mean of the list of areas:
Discussion: The approximate value of the integral from 100 samples of 100 random
points is 4.4811 which is slightly lower than the actual value of 4.5. This is a much
better approximation than the approximation with a sample of 1, 000 points. The error
in the approximation is 0.01889.
The returned list of approximate areas can be added to a Lists & Spreadsheet ap-
plication, a confidence interval can be calculated, and the probability distribution of
the random values can be generated, as showm in Figure 4. The 95 percent confidence
interval for the value of the area is [4.399, 4.563]. This confidence interval means that
if the experiment is repeated 100 times, then about 95 of the times the actual value of
the mean area will be somewhere between 4.4 and 4.6.
Figure 4: Statistics for Approximating the Integral of f 2(x) = x 2
Example 4. Use ”hit or miss” Monte Carlo Integration to find the approximate value
of the integral
Solution: The maximum value of the integrand in the interval of integration is needed
to find the approximate value of the integral. The simplest way to determine this is by
graphing the integrand, selecting the graph, then picking the Analyze Graph - Maxi-
mum right-click popup menu item. First, define the function in a calculator page and
evaluate its integral to compare the actual value with the approximate value:
Add a graph page, graph the function, and find its maximum value. Figure 5 shows
the graph of f 3(x) with the maximum value and the value of the integral from x = 0.5
to x = 2.5.
Now calculate two approximate values of the integral. Find the first approximate
value as a single point estimate using 10,000 random points:
Figure 5: The Graph of f 3(x)
Find the second approximate value as the mean of 100 areas, each approximated using
100 points:
Calculate a 95 percent confidence interval for the mean area:
Discussion: The error in the first approximate value is 0.02. The error in the sec-
ond approximate value is 0.012 and the 95 percent confidence interval is [0.704, 0.743].
Example 5.
Use ”hit or miss” Monte Carlo Integration to find the approximate value
of the integral
dx dy dz.
First, define the integrand in a calculator page and calculate the value of the integral:
Determine the maximum value of f xyz() on the interval [0, 1] × [0, 1] × [0, 1]: since
this is a function of three variables, its graph is in R
, so finding its maximum value
graphically is not feasible. Examining the function reveals it is simply an exponential
function of the form e
whose value when k = 0 equals 1.0. When k < 0, e
is a de-
creasing function that approaches 0 as k increases. Therefore, the maximum value of
the function over the interval of integration is 1.0.
Obtain a single point estimate of the value of the integral with 10, 000 random points
by running the three-variable implementation of the Monte Carlo integration function:
Find a second approximate value as the mean of 100 areas, each approximated us-
ing 100 points:
Calculate a 95 percent confidence interval for the mean area:
Example from [Farlow], problem 3., page 345
Discussion: The error of the first approximation is 0.0034 and is 0.0032 for the sec-
ond approximation. The actual value of the integral, 0.4165, is in the confidence in-
terval, [0.4105, 0.4289]. Both techniques for approximating the value of the multi-
dimensional integral yield good results.
The implementation of the function mcintxyz() used for this example illustrates how
to easily extend the basic Monte Carlo Integration technique to approximate the value
of higher-dimension integrals. For a function of one variable, the percentage of a two-
dimensional area is calculated; for a function of two variables, the percentage of a
three-dimensional volume is calculated; for a function of three variables, the percent-
age of a four-dimensional hyper-volume is calculated; etc.
3 The Sample Mean Monte Carlo Integration Method
The sample mean Monte Carlo integration method is a simpler method than the ”hit or
miss” Monte Carlo integration method. It is also computationally more efficient. The
method is derived from the definition of the expected value of a function of a random
The Law of the Unconscious Statistician asserts that the expected value of a contin-
uous function f (X), where X is a random variable from a probability density function
pd f (x), is given by
E[ f (X
)] = µ =
( f (x))(pd f (x)) dx
where R is the region of integration[wikipedia].
This definition of E[ f (X
)] is valid for multi-dimensional functions as well as for func-
tions of a single variable, as long as each random variable is from the same probability
density function.
The pdf for a random variable from a uniform probability density function over an
interval [a, b] is
. The formula for the expected value of f (X
) when X
is from a
uniform pdf is thus
] = E[ f (X
)] = µ =
f (x))
b a
Multiplying the expected value of the function of a random variable, E[ f (X
)] by (b a)
results in a formula for finding an approximation to f (x) [Chihara]:
(b a) · E( f (X
)) = µ = (b a)
f (x))
b a
dx =
( f (x)) dx
By the strong law of large numbers,
= µ =
( f (x)) dx
+ · · · +Y
) and Y
= (b a) f (X
Thus, for large N,
( f (x)) dx.
Based on the above derivation, the simple formula to compute
, the approximation
( f (x)) dx is
( f (x)) dx
(b a) f (X
(b a)
f (X
where X
is a random variable from a uniform probability distribution over the interval
[a, b].
Although the derivation of the final formula appears complicated, there is a simple
geometric interpretation of the formula: the value of each Y
is simply the area of a
rectangle of width b a and height f (X
) and the final result of the computation is the
mean (average) of the N rectangle areas.
Recall the First Mean Value Theorem for Integrals:
for some value c in [a, b],
( f (x)) dx = f (c)(b a)
where f (c) is the average value of f (x) on [a, b] and f (c)(b a) is the area of a rect-
angle of width b a and height f (c). Geometrically, the sample mean Monte Carlo
integration method approximates f (c)(b a) by averaging the areas of N randomly-
generated rectangles of width b a and height f (X
3.1 Sample Mean Monte Carlo Integration with TI-Nspire
Since sample mean Monte Carlo integration does not require finding the maximum
value of the integrand on the interval of integration, the sample mean technique is
easier to perform than the ”hit or miss” technique:
1. Define the integrand in a calculator page.
2. Run one of the user-defined functions described in the next section.
To determine a confidence interval for the approximation:
1. Create a list to store nvals results, where nvals is greater than 30.
2. In a loop, execute one of the functions described below and store the result in the
3. Execute the zInterval command by selecting the menu item Document Tools -
Statistics - Confidence Interval - z interval ... Use the function stDevPop(list)
to specify the required population standard deviation.
3.1.1 Functions for Sample Mean Monte Carlo Integration
The attached TI-Nspire document montecarlo.tns contains implementations of the fol-
lowing two functions along with examples of using them to approximate integrals.
1. smmcintegral() - calculates and returns an approximation to a single-variable
integral using the computational formula
f (X
). The pseudocode for
this function is presented in algorithm 4.
2. smmcintxyz() - calculates and returns an approximation to a function of three
variables by extending the above computational formula. The pseudocode for
this function is presented in algorithm 5.
3.1.2 Examples of Sample Mean Monte Carlo Integration
The following examples demonstrate using sample mean Monte Carlo integration to
approximate the same functions approximated above with ”hit or miss” Monte Carlo
integration. The results from ”hit or miss” Monte Carlo integration for each example
are presented for comparison with the results from sample mean Monte Carlo integra-
Example 6. Find the approximate value of
(x 2)dx using sample mean Monte
Carlo integration with 10, 000 random points.
Solution: Run the function smmcintegral() to find the approximate value of the
Discussion: The approximate value with a sample of 10, 000 random points is 4.4973
which is slightly less than the actual value of 4.5. The error in the approximation is
0.0027. From Example 2, the value with ”hit or miss” integration was calculated as
4.5162 with an error of 0.0162.
Example 7. Find the approximate value of
(x 2)dx using sample mean Monte
Carlo integration by finding the mean area of 100 samples, each consisting of 100 ran-
dom points, then find a 95 percent confidence interval for the mean value.
Solution: Create a list to hold 100 areas, then run the function smmcintegral() 100
times to find the approximate value of the integral. Store the returned areas in the list,
then find the mean of the list of areas:
A confidence interval is found by running the zInterval command:
Discussion: The approximate value of the integral from 100 samples of 100 random
points is 4.51462 which is greaater than the actual value of 4.5. The error in the approx-
imation is 0.01462 which is a larger error than the error from a single approximation
with 10000 random values. From Example 3, the value from ”hit or miss” integration
was calculated as 4.4811 with an error of 0.01899.
The 95 percent confidence interval for the value of the area is [4.465, 4.5643]. This
confidence interval means that if the experiment is repeated 100 times, then about 95 of
the times the actual value of the mean area will be somewhere between 4.47 and 4.56.
In Example 3, the confidence interval for ”hit or miss” integration was [4.399, 4.563].
Example 8. Use sample mean Monte Carlo Integration to find the approximate value
of the integral
Solution: Run the function smmcintegral() to find the approximate value of the
Discussion: The approximate value with a sample of 10, 000 random points is 0.73889
which is greater than the actual value of 0.735118. The error in the approximation is
about 0.0038. The ”hit or miss” value in Example 4 was 0.755 and the error was 0.02.
Example 9. Find the approximate value of
dx using sample
mean Monte Carlo integration by finding the mean area of 100 samples, each consist-
ing of 100 random points, then find a 95 percent confidence interval for the mean value.
Solution: Create a list to hold 100 areas, then run the function smmcintegral() 100
times to find the approximate value of the integral. Store the returned areas in the list,
then find the mean of the list of areas:
A confidence interval is found by running the zInterval command:
Discussion: The approximate value of the integral from 100 samples of 100 random
points is 0.73427 which is less than than the actual value of 73512. The error in the ap-
proximation is 0.00085 which is less than the error from a single approximation with
10000 random values. The error in the approximation is about 0.0038. The ”hit or
miss” value in Example 4 was 0.7234 and the error was 0.012.
The 95 percent confidence interval for the value of the area is [0.72187,0.74668]. This
confidence interval means that if the experiment is repeated 100 times, then about 95
of the times the actual value of the mean area will be somewhere between 0.722 and
0.747. The confidence interval from ”hit or miss” integration was [0.7039, 0.7429].
Example 10.
Use sample mean Monte Carlo Integration to find the approximate
value of the integral
dx dy dz.
Example from [Farlow], problem 3., page 345
Solution: Run the function smmcintxyz() to find the approximate value of the in-
Discussion: The approximate value with a sample of 10, 000 random points is 0.416889
which is greater than the actual value of 0.416538. The error in the approximation is
about 0.000351. The approximate value from the ”hit or miss” method in example 5
was 0.4199 with an error of .0034.
Example 11. Find the approximate value of
dx dy dz using
sample mean Monte Carlo integration by finding the mean area of 100 samples, each
consisting of 100 random points, then find a 95 percent confidence interval for the
mean value.
Solution: Create a list to hold 100 areas, then run the function smmcintxyz() 100
times to find the approximate value of the integral. Store the returned areas in the list,
then find the mean of the list of areas:
A confidence interval is found by running the zInterval command:
Discussion: The approximate value calculated as the mean of 100 samples of 100
random points is 0.418333 which is greater than the actual value of 0.416538. The
error in the approximation is about 0.0018. From the ”hit or miss” method in example
5, the approximate value was 0.4197 and the error was .0032.
The 95 percent confidence interval for the value of the integral is [0.4151,0.4216]. The
confidence interval from the ”hit or miss” method in example 5 was [0.4197, 0.4289].
4 Observations about Monte Carlo Integration
4.1 Advantages and Disadvantages
Can provide approximate values of integrals when other numerical techniques
can not be used.
Easy to implement, extend, and use.
Methods execute in linear time regardless of the number of iterations.
Useful for approximating multi-variable integrals.
Not as accurate as numerical methods, especially for single-variable integrals.
Many iterations required to achieve accurate results.
See [Scratchapixel] for additional details about Monte Carlo methods and Monte Carlo
integration, including techniques for increasing the accuracy of Monte Carlo integra-
4.2 Comparing the Two Methods
Examining the errors from the two methods, the sample mean Monte Carlo method
yields better approximations than does the ”hit or miss” Monte Carlo method. In addi-
tion, since the sample mean method does not require determining the maximum value
of the integrand over the interval of integration, the sample mean method is easier to
For a detailed comparison of the methods and an analysis of errors vs sample size
and processing time vs sample size for both methods, see the slides at the link https:
5 Algorithms
5.1 Algorithms for ”Hit or Miss” Monte Carlo Integration
Algorithm 1 mcxypoints - Generate Matrix of Random Point Values
f is the name of f(x), the integrand
f max is the max value of f(x) on [a,b]
a is the lower bound of the integral
b is the upper bound of the integral
npts is the number of points to generate
Output: xy matrix of random points
function MCXYPOINTS( f , f max, a, b, npts)
xy newMat(4, npts)
interval b a
for j = 1, j npts do
x a + rand()· interval random x in [a,b]
y rand() · f max random y in [0,fmax]
f o f x # f (x) f (randomx)
if y < f o f x then x, y is below the graph
xy[1, j] x
xy[2, j] y
xy[3, j] Void
xy[4, j] Void
else x, y is above or on the graph
xy[1, j] Void
xy[2, j] Void
xy[3, j] x
xy[4, j] y
end if
end for
return xy
end function
Algorithm 2 mcintegral - Calculate the approximate value of an integral.
f is the name of f(x), the integrand
f max the max value of f(x) on [a,b]
a is the lower bound of the integral
b is the upper bound of the integral
npts is the number of points to generate
Output: approximate value of the integral of f(x) over [a,b]
function MCINTEGRAL( f , f max, a, b, npts)
under 0
interval b a
for j = 1, j npts do
x a + rand()· interval random x in [a,b]
y rand() · f max random y in [0,fmax]
f o f x # f (x) f (randomx)
if y < f o f x then x, y is below the graph
under under + 1
end if
end for
· f max · interval
end function
Algorithm 3 mcintxyz - Calculate the approximate value of an integral of 3 variables.
f is the name of f(x), the integrand
f max the max value of f(x) on [a,b]
xa, xb is the lower and upper x bounds of the integral
ya, yb is the lower and upper y bounds of the integral
za, zb is the lower and upper z bounds of the integral
npts is the number of points to generate
Output: approximate value of the integral of f(x,y,z) over [xa, xb] × [ya, yb] × [za, zb]
function MCINTXYZ( f , f max, xa, xb,ya, yb, za, zb, npts)
under 0
xinterval xb xa
yinterval yb ya
zinterval zb za
for j = 1, j npts do
x xa + rand()· xinterval random x in [xa,xb]
y ya + r and() · yinterval random y in [ya,yb]
z za + rand() · zinterval random y in [za,zb]
w f max · rand() random w
f val # f (x, y, z) value of f(x,y,z)
if w < f val then f (x, y, z) is below the graph
under under + 1
end if
end for
· f max · xinterval · yinterval · zinterval
end function
5.2 Algorithms for Sample Mean Monte Carlo Integration
Algorithm 4 smmcintegral - Calculate the approximate value of an integral.
f is the name of f(x), the integrand
a is the lower bound of the integral
b is the upper bound of the integral
npts is the number of points to generate
Output: approximate value of the integral of f(x) over [a,b]
function SMMCINTEGRAL( f , a, b, npts)
sumvals 0
interval b a
for j = 1, j npts do
x a + rand()· interval random x in [a,b]
sumvals sumvals + # f (x) add f (randomx) to sum
end for
end function
Algorithm 5 smmcintxyz - Calculate the approximate value of an integral of 3 vari-
f is the name of f(x), the integrand
xa, xb is the lower and upper x bounds of the integral
ya, yb is the lower and upper y bounds of the integral
za, zb is the lower and upper z bounds of the integral
npts is the number of points to generate
Output: approximate value of the integral of f(x,y,z) over [xa, xb] × [ya, yb] × [za, zb]
function SMMCINTXYZ( f , xa, xb, ya, yb, za, zb, npts)
sumvals 0
xinterval xb xa
yinterval yb ya
zinterval zb za
interval xinterval · yinterval · zinterval
for j = 1, j npts do
x xa + rand()· xinterval random x in [xa,xb]
y ya + r and() · yinterval random y in [ya,yb]
z za + r and() · zinterval random y in [za,zb]
sumvals sumvals + # f (x, y, z) add f(x,y,z) to sum
end for
end function
[Chihara] Chihara, Laura, and Hesterberg, Tim, Mathematical Statistics with Resam-
pling and R, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NJ, 2011, pp. 341-345
[Farlow] Farlow, Stanley J., Partial Differential Equations for Scientists and Engi-
neers, Dover Publications, Inc., New York, NY, 1993, pp. 340-345
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