Sports Poetry Flip Book Rubric
4 3 2 1 Score
Use of Onomatopoeia Student incorporates
three meaningful uses
of onomatopoeia
within the poem.
Student incorporates two
meaningful uses of
onomatopoeia within the
Student incorporates one
meaningful use of
onomatopoeia within the
Student incorporates no
meaningful uses of
onomatopoeia within the
Word Choice Uses a wide variety of
descriptive words to
create an image or
feeling and
understanding of
Uses some descriptive
words to create an
image or feeling and
understanding of poetry.
Uses a few descriptive
words to create an
image or feeling and
demonstrates some
understanding of poetry.
Uses little or no descriptive
words to create an image or
feeling and demonstrates
little understanding of
No errors in grammar
or spelling.
Only one or two
grammar or spelling
More than two grammar
or spelling errors.
Grammar and spelling errors
are frequent and may hinder
Illustrations Each page contains a
neatly colored
illustration that
contributes to the
Most pages contain a
neatly colored illustration
that contributes to
meaning; one illustration
may be missing or
Some pages contain a
neatly colored illustration
that contributes to
meaning; more than one
illustration may be
missing or incomplete.
Few pages contain a neatly
colored illustration that
contributes to meaning;
more than one illustration is
missing or incomplete.
Presentation Student used a clear
voice; could be heard
by all audience
members; maintained
eye contact; clearly
maintained poise.
Student used a clear
voice; could be heard by
most of audience;
maintained eye contact
most of the time; mostly
maintained poise.
Student’s voice not
always clear; audience
had a difficult time
hearing speaker; made
some eye contact; made
some distracting or
repetitive movements.
Student’s voice frequently
unclear; audience couldn’t
hear speaker; made little or
no eye contact; movements
noticeably distracted from
the presentation.
Total Score