Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, Vol. 12, No. 6, 2016
Sleep is essential for optimal health in children and adolescents. Members of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine developed consensus
recommendations for the amount of sleep needed to promote optimal health in children and adolescents using a modied RAND Appropriateness Method.
The recommendations are summarized here. A manuscript detailing the conference proceedings and the evidence supporting these recommendations will be
published in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine.
Keywords: pediatric, sleep duration, consensus
Citation: Paruthi S, Brooks LJ, D’Ambrosio C, Hall WA, Kotagal S, Lloyd RM, Malow BA, Maski K, Nichols C, Quan SF, Rosen CL, Troester MM, Wise
MS. Recommended amount of sleep for pediatric populations: a consensus statement of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. J Clin Sleep Med
Infants* 4 months to 12 months should sleep 12 to 16
hours per 24 hours (including naps) on a regular basis
to promote optimal health.
Children 1 to 2 years of age should sleep 11 to 14 hours
per 24 hours (including naps) on a regular basis to
promote optimal health.
Children 3 to 5 years of age should sleep 10 to 13 hours
per 24 hours (including naps) on a regular basis to
promote optimal health.
Children 6 to 12 years of age should sleep 9 to 12 hours
per 24 hours on a regular basis to promote optimal
Teenagers 13 to 18 years of age should sleep 8 to 10
hours per 24 hours on a regular basis to promote
optimal health.
Sleeping the number of recommended hours on a
regular basis is associated with better health outcomes
including: improved attention, behavior, learning,
memory, emotional regulation, quality of life, and
mental and physical health.
Regularly sleeping fewer than the number of
recommended hours is associated with attention,
behavior, and learning problems. Insufcient sleep also
increases the risk of accidents, injuries, hypertension,
obesity, diabetes, and depression. Insufcient sleep in
Recommended Amount of Sleep for Pediatric Populations:
A Consensus Statement of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine
Shalini Paruthi, MD
*; Lee J. Brooks, MD
; Carolyn D’Ambrosio, MD
; Wendy A. Hall, PhD, RN
; Suresh Kotagal, MD
; Robin M. Lloyd, MD
Beth A. Malow, MD, MS
; Kiran Maski, MD
; Cynthia Nichols, PhD
; Stuart F. Quan, MD
; Carol L. Rosen, MD
; Matthew M. Troester, DO
Merrill S. Wise, MD
Saint Louis University, St. Louis, MO;
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA;
Liaison for the American Academy of Pediatrics, Elk Grove Village, IL;
Brigham and
Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA;
University of British Columbia School of Nursing, Vancouver, BC;
Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN;
Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville,
Boston Children’s Hospital, Boston, MA;
Munson Sleep Disorders Center, Traverse City, MI;
Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA;
Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital,
Cleveland, OH;
Barrow Neurological Institute at Phoenix Children’s Hospital, Phoenix, AZ;
Methodist Healthcare Sleep Disorders Center, Memphis, TN; *moderator of the
Consensus Conference Panel
pii: jc-00158-16 http://dx.doi.org/10.5664/jcsm.5866
teenagers is associated with increased risk of self-harm,
suicidal thoughts, and suicide attempts.
Regularly sleeping more than the recommended hours
may be associated with adverse health outcomes such
as hypertension, diabetes, obesity, and mental health
Parents who are concerned that their child is sleeping
too little or too much should consult their healthcare
provider for evaluation of a possible sleep disorder.
Recommendations for infants younger than 4 months are not
included due to the wide range of normal variation in duration
and patterns of sleep, and insufcient evidence for associa-
tions with health outcomes.
Healthy sleep requires adequate duration, appropriate timing,
good quality, regularity, and the absence of sleep disturbances
or disorders. Sleep duration is a frequently investigated sleep
measure in relation to health. A panel of 13 experts in sleep
medicine and research used a modied RAND Appropriate-
ness Method
to develop recommendations regarding the sleep
duration range that promotes optimal health in children aged
018 years. The expert panel reviewed published scientic evi-
dence addressing the relationship between sleep duration and
Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, Vol. 12, No. 6, 2016
S Paruthi, LJ Brooks, C D’Ambrosio et al. Consensus Statement
health using a broad set of National Library of Medicine Medi-
cal Subject Headings (MeSH) terms and no date restrictions,
which resulted in a total of 864 scientic articles. The process
was further guided by the Oxford grading system.
The panel
focused on seven health categories with the best available evi-
dence in relation to sleep duration: general health, cardiovas-
cular health, metabolic health, mental health, immunologic
function, developmental health, and human performance.
Consistent with the RAND Appropriateness Method, mul-
tiple rounds of evidence review, discussion, and voting were
conducted to arrive at the nal recommendations. The pro-
cess to develop these recommendations was conducted over a
10-month period and concluded with a meeting held February
19–21, 2016 in Chicago, Illinois.
Current evidence supports the general recommendations for
obtaining an adequate number of hours of sleep per 24 hours
on a regular basis to promote optimal health among children
aged 4 months to 18 years. Individual variability in sleep need
is inuenced by genetic, behavioral, medical, and environmen-
tal factors. A clearer understanding of the precise biological
mechanisms underlying sleep need requires further scientic
investigation. These recommendations create a foundation to
raise awareness and improve understanding of sleep effects on
health. The recommendations provide a basis for:
Educating children, teenagers, families, school
professionals, healthcare providers/trainees, and the
general public on the importance of adequate sleep
duration for health.
Encouraging parents and caregivers to help children
obtain adequate sleep duration.
Initiating discussions of social, educational, and economic
benets of adequate sleep duration, thereby informing
public policy.
Promoting research on the role of sleep duration in health
and well-being. Research that directly examines the
effects of sleep duration on health may lead to revisions of
these recommendations in the future.
These recommendations have been endorsed by the American
Academy of Pediatrics, the Sleep Research Society and the
American Association of Sleep Technologists.
1. Fitch K, Bernstein S, Aguilar M et al. The Rand/UCLA appropriateness method
user’s manual. Santa Monica, CA: Rand, 2001.
2. OCEBM Levels of Evidence Working Group. The Oxford 2011 Levels of
Evidence. [cited March 9 2016]. Available from: http://www.cebm.net/wp-
The AASM acknowledges the following individuals for their participation and
contributions: Non-Participating Observers: Michael Twery, PhD, National Health,
Lung, Blood Institute, NIH, Bethesda, MD; and Joel Porquez, RST, RPSGT, CCSH,
American Association of Sleep Technologists. Attendance by these individuals
does not constitute endorsement of this statement by their afliated institutions or
organizations. American Academy of Sleep Medicine Staff: John Noel; Jonathan L.
Heald, MA; and Sarah Hashmi, MBBS, MSc, MPH.
Submitted for publication April, 2016
Accepted for publication April, 2016
Address correspondence to: Shalini Paruthi, MD, St. Luke’s Hospital, 232 S. Woods
Mill Road, St. Louis, MO 63017; Email: research@aasmnet.org
Funding for this project was provided by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine,
and supported by the cooperative agreement number 1U50DP004930-03 from
the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Its contents are solely the
responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the ofcial views of the
CDC. Dr. Maski has consulted for Medscape Inc. and has received research support
from Jazz Pharmaceuticals. Dr. Rosen has consulted as a medical advisor for Jazz
Pharmaceuticals. The other Consensus Conference Panel members have indicated
no nancial conicts of interest.