Garage Sale Signs
Keep within the local City sign ordinances without cluttering
the streets and neighborhood.
Garage sale signs are allowed in the City provided that the
signs are located on the site of the advertised event or on
private property only. It is illegal and unsafe to place signs
on City trees, telephone or street light poles, street or stop
signs or in road medians or parkways.
To provide safe visibility for drivers and pedestrians, signs
located on a corner lot (vision triangle) cannot exceed 3 feet
in height.
Congratulations! By holding a garage sale, you are helping
South County divert waste from the landfill by “reusing”
items made from our natural resources.
South County
Garage Sale Days
Tips For A
Garage Sale
- What To Sell
- How To Price
- Setting Up Your Sale
- Garage Sale Signs
For More Information
(408) 310-4169
What To Sell
Anything that still has usability and value.
Nostalgia items sell well. Display them prominently.
Antiques are usually in high demand.
Furniture: dressers, bookcases and tables are very
Appliances, tools, garden equipment labeled,
“working” or “needs repair”.
Clothing. Must be clean and easy to see. Preferably
on hangers. Label sizes.
Baby items, toys and games, dolls, any “kid stuff”.
Costume jewelry.
Incomplete silverware, glassware or china sets.
Plants, sports equipment, camping gear, pet items.
How To Price
Price to sell. Your garage sale will be successful
when all items are sold. Garage sales are for bargain
Start pricing at 20-25% of the retail cost except for
antiques, collectibles and tools. Price tools at 50-75%
of retail depending on condition & age.
Price higher for brand new items and antiques &
Put price tags on each item.
Be prepared to haggle. Give customers a discount to
make them feel that they got a bargain
It may be necessary to regroup items or reduce
prices on things that are not moving.
Let it go! Sure you paid lots of money for it, but are
you using it?
Setting Up Your Sale
Remember, planning and preparation are the keys to
success. Start preparing early, giving yourself time to
search your garage, closets and attic for saleable
Clean and shine sale items. Time spent preparing
articles for sale will pay big dividends.
Be ready to sell at 8am. Garage sale shoppers are
out early!
Set up your “store”. Convenient, attractive displays
will make it easy for shoppers to find merchandise.
Block off areas that you don’t want customers to
Have a central place to pay and be sure to have
sufficient coins and dollar bills on hand to make
Group sales are fun, too! Consider holding a multi-
family or block sale with neighbors and friends.
Place furniture, lawnmowers or other “hot” items near
the sidewalk to draw attention.
Set up a “free” area near the sidewalk; add items
throughout the day as needed.
Use the “Inventory Sheets” from the online garage
sale kit to keep a record of sales.
Have a tape measure and electrical outlet available.
Customers may need to know the exact dimensions
of furniture or may want to test electrical items.
Use newspaper to wrap breakable items and offer
bags to package up items that you sell.
Remember the rules of merchandising used by
successful retailers smile, be courteous and deal
fairly with your customers.