Customer Name
Exisng Corporate ID Preferred Corporate ID
Customer ID
Corporate Internet Banking
Applicaon Form
Form Type
Please fill the form in BLOCK LETTERS only. Fields marked * (star) are MANDATORY
1. Client Informaon
2. Digital Services
3. Oponal Features (Applicable for Bulk Upload and Host to Host Payments Only)
Date of Applicaon
Applicaon Type New Request Modificaon
Exisng Corporate ID
Internal Fund Transfer (Between Linked A/c’s Only)
Internal Fund Transfer, RTGS, NEFT, IMPS
Corporate Salary Payment
Cheque Prinng
Demand Dra Prinng
Cash Delivery
Tax Payments
Supply Chain
Dealer Finance
Vendor Finance
Credit Connect
Commercial Cards
Host to Host*
Host to Host*
Host to Host*
Bulk Upload*
Bulk Upload*
Bulk Upload*
*For Bulk Upload facility it is Mandatory to fill secon 5 along with Terms and Condions for Bulk Upload
**Facility to book foreign exchange Rates Online
*Name of Authorized Signatories
(In case of Stac Signature)
* Cash Delivery at Doorstep – Delivery locaons to be shared for feasibility check.
* Print locaon list to be shared for prinng at Bank Branches.
* MICR - Cheque series provided by Bank to be used while uploading.
* Demand Dras and MICR instruments cannot be printed at Client locaon.
* PDC/BDC cannot be more than 30 days and is also subject to approvals.
* RTGS to NEFT auto conversion is applicable for Bulk Payments only.
Cash Delivery Locaon
Cheque Prinng
Print Locaon
Type of Staonary
Date Arrangement
Signature Rules
Bank Branch
Bank Branch
Transacon-wise debit for all Bulk Payments
Front-end authorizaon for Host to Host
Beneficiary Registraon/Validaon
Auto Conversion of RTGS to NEFT
Encrypon for upload files
Payment advice to beneficiary (Email/SMS)
Cheque Validaon (CBSS
Place: Date:
Place: Date:
Seal & Signature
Seal & Signature
4. Authorizaon Matrix (*All fields are mandatory)
Place: Date:
Place: Date:
of the user
(New User/
*User Profile
*E-mail id *Mobile
*Two Factor
Mode of Authorizaon: Singly Jointly
If jointly, Authorizaon: Parallel Sequenal
Priority rules for Sequenal Authorizaon
* All fields are mandatory
* Role – V = Viewer | E =Enterer | A = Approver
* Limits captured will be applicable at corporate user level
* Mobile no. & Email ID needs to be unique for every user
* In case of mulple users please provide details as an annexure on companies leer head
Seal & Signature
Seal & Signature
5. Services Charges (Mandatory for Bulk Upload & Host Payments)
6. Declaraon by Authorized Signatory
I / We accept that I / We are empowered by the Board Resolution (or equivalent) dated ___________ to authorize users to operate accounts mentioned in the
application form.
I / We confirm that the details mentioned in the application form are correct and the email ID provided is official.
I / We are aware of the fact that the facility of Corporate Internet Banking is granted solely at our request and that the Bank shall in no way be responsible for
any kind of hacking and / or phishing attacks and / or cyber related crime, which may take place or happen in the account during the pendency of the facility and
which may result in a loss due to the transfer of the funds from my / our account to the third party's account. I / We are also aware of the fact that while Bank
has taken all necessary available precautions the chances of such attacks by third parties cannot be ruled out in any view of the matter the Bank shall stand
indemnified from any such claims from our side.
I / We have read and agree to abide by the terms and conditions governing Corporate Internet Banking and understand that any changes to the terms and
conditions will be available on the website www.axisbank.com only.
I / We hereby request Axis Bank Limited ("Bank") to activate Netsecure offered by the Bank to carry out transactions using Corporate Internet Banking in my/our
account stated above to the stated Mobile Number of Authorized official. I/we give my/our consent to receive such information on the said Mobile numbers of
the authorized user. I/We agree to provide any further information required and demanded by the Bank, from time-to-time, for providing this Netsecure facility.
I / We shall advise the Bank immediately in case of any change in the above details including the addition and deletion of user and the information given in the
Application form. I/We accept & are aware that the CIB users will have option to generate/reset their password online I/we understand and agree that the Bank
charges one-time cost for issuance or replacement of one touch device.
Place: Date:
Place: Date:
Seal & Signature
Seal & Signature
Bulk Payment Internal Fund Transfer (Fund Transfer between Axis to Axis Accounts)
IMPS (Immediate Payment Services)
Demand Draft Printing (Cancellation on & Stop Payments charges will be Rs. 100/- plus applicable taxes for every instrument)
Cheque Printing (Cancellation on & Stop Payments charges will be Rs. 100/- plus applicable taxes for every instrument)
Cash Delivery Services
One Time Set-up Charges*
*Default account no. (_______________________________________________)to be debited for recovering one- me set-up charges.
(applicable only incase mul ple accounts are linked under the arrangement)
Monthly Fixed CMS Payments Services
Amount <= INR 1000
Bulk Payment Internal Fund Transfer (Fund Transfer between Axis to Axis Accounts)
IMPS (Immediate Payment Services)
INR 1000
INR 25000
Bulk Payment RTGS (Real-time Gross Settlement
Bulk Payment NEFT (National Electronic Funds Transfer)
7. For Office Use Only
8. Documentaon Checklist
9. Guidelines to fill the Form
This form can be used for following requests:
1.New CORP ID/LOGIN ID creation
2.Existing CIB user rights modification. viz. Limit, Profile, Account Linking etc.
3.Mobile No./Email ID registration/Modification (NETSECURE)
4.Linking /De-Linking of Accounts/Commercial Cards
5.All * marked fields are mandatory
6.For modification request, fill only relevant fields that need to be modified. (For e.g. to increase a User Limit, fill only CORP ID, Login ID and limit).
Place: Date:
Place: Date:
Seal & Signature
Seal & Signature
CIB access to be provided for (Select only one)
Current Account Trust Account Vostro Account Over Draft Account Cash Credit Account
Salary (Without Current Account) Other
Certification of Verifying Authority
I hereby confirm that the mode of operation of the account(s) and signature(s) of the client are verified and limits assigned to each user for transacting through
Corporate Internet Banking are in conformity with the Board Resolution for operating the account(s).
Date Sol ID
SS Number:
Role ID:
Branch Name:
SS Number:
Role ID:
Corporate Limits Parked at (BR. Name & Sol)
(In case of limits parked at mulple
branches please provide the Br. Wise / Product wise details for transacon execuon)
Details of RM Details of Branch TxB Services
Linked Cat B Br. (Branch Name & Sol)
(Corporate to submit / collect transacons does from this br.)
Emp. Name
Emp. Number
Email ID
Emp. Name
Emp. Number
Email ID
a) Details of Limits to be used (Specify Product Wise):
b) Details of applicable charges as per sanction (Specify Product wise):
Signature of Verifying Authority (Account Manager at CBB/MCM/CCOH):
Email ID: Branch:
Digital Services
Single Payments
Bulk Upload
Host to Host Payments
Supply Chain
Application Form, Board Resolution, Authorization Matrix, Terms and Conditions and KYC of Users
Application Form, Board Resolution, Authorization Matrix, Service Charges, Terms and Conditions and KYC of Users
Application Form, Board Resolution, Authorization Matrix, Service Charges, Terms and Conditions and KYC of Users
Application Form, Board Resolution, Authorization Matrix, Terms and Conditions and KYC of Users
Application Form, Declaration (Annexure 1), Board Resolution (Annexure ll), Terms and Conditions (Annexure lll) and KYC of Users
Application Form, Board Resolution, Service Agreement (Annexure l), Letter of Authorized signatory (Annexure ll),
Indemnity Deed from Dealer Distributor/Channel Partner (Annexure lll) and KYC of Users
10. Terms and Condions
Place: Date:
Place: Date:
Seal & Signature
Seal & Signature
"Account/s" refers to the account/s of the Customer, with AXIS Bank, mutually designated for CIB Services from me to me and means all exisng, new and future
accounts of the customer with AXIS Bank.
Customer" shall mean the person / enty availing of the CIB Services under these Terms and Condions.
"CIB" or "Internet Banking Services" or "Corporate Internet Banking" or "Services" wherever used in these Terms and Condions shall mean services offered by AXIS
Bank to its Customers under these Terms and Condions including fund transfer / payment services (NEFT/RTGS Facility), cheque/ demand dra/ pay order facility,
Trade & Foreign Exchange Services, and any other services being made available from me to me, and shall also include all modificaons of such services as AXIS
Bank may make from me to me.
"Instrucons(s)" shall mean and include all communicaons made or instrucons given by the Customer to AXIS Bank by following the Security Procedure for carrying
out acvies covered under the Services, including any payment instrucons for making a remiance or transfer of funds.
"RBI" shall mean The Reserve Bank of India.
"Regulaons" or "Guidelines" shall mean all rules, regulaons and/ or guidelines issued by the RBI or any other governmental or statutory authority from me to me
in relaon to the Services
"Security Procedure" means such procedure prescribed by AXIS Bank, from me to me, for the purpose of verifying that an Instrucon or a communicaon
amending or cancelling an Instrucon is that of the Customer or for detecng error in the transmission for the content of the Instrucon.
"Terms and Condions" shall mean these Terms and Condions as modified and supplemented, as set out herein.
"Users" shall mean the representaves of the Customer who have the rights to access the Accounts of the Customer through the CIB and shall include both Users
with viewing rights and Users having inpung, uploading, and verificaon, confirmaon and/or authorizaon rights. Where such authorizaon rights are given by
the Customer on a joint basis, then this term shall mean such joint Users with authorizaon rights, as the context or meaning may require.
"Website/Site" shall mean the web-site <www.axisbank.com> or such other web-site as may be nofied by AXIS Bank from me to me.
Applicability of Terms
The use of CIB Services is governed by these Terms and Condions. These Terms and Condions are in addion to and not in derogaon of any other Terms and
Condions applicable to the Customer as prescribed by AXIS Bank.
Subject to these Terms and Condions, applicable laws, and other Terms and Condions as may be specified on AXIS Bank's Website, AXIS Bank shall provide the
Services to the Customer. AXIS Bank shall be entled to modify, upgrade and/or suspend the Services, or the mode manner and extent of the Services from me to
me, and shall endeavor to inform the Customer of such change in Services. AXIS Bank reserves the right to suspend all or any of the Services provided to the
Customer without being required to provide any prior noce and without assigning any reason therefore.
For availing of, or ceasing to avail of the Services, or any part thereof, the Customer shall make a separate applicaon to AXIS Bank in the prescribed format and the
Customer shall be governed by the such addional Terms and Condions as prescribed by AXIS Bank for this purpose, as well as subject to the applicable laws.
AXIS Bank may, at the request of the Customer, extend the Services to any other exisng/ new Accounts, and these Terms and Condions shall automacally apply
to such further use of the Services by the Customer.
The Company hereby authorizes the Bank to extend the Services of Bulk Payment and TF Connect as a default to exisng Customers basis the authorizaon matrix
provided for Single Payment. The Terms and Condions as applicable shall apply to such further use of the Services by the Customer.
Amendment to Terms and Condions:
Notwithstanding anything contained elsewhere in these Terms and Condions, where AXIS Bank decides to upgrade or modify the Services or provide new services
to the Customers, such upgrades, modificaons and new services shall be subject to such Terms and Condions as may be spulated by AXIS Bank, and AXIS Bank
shall amend or supplement any of these Terms and Condions, at any me, if such amendment is required, which amendment shall be binding on the Customer.
AXIS Bank shall endeavor to inform the Customer of such changes.
Security Procedure:
The Customer shall, at its own risk and consequences, access the Services by following the Security Procedure prescribed by AXIS Bank from me to me, including
user-ID and password(s) or any other credit facilies available in the Account of the Customer; provided that AXIS Bank may at its sole discreon be entled to carry
out any Instrucons notwithstanding such inadequacy of funds without seeking the prior approval from or noce to the Customer, and, without prejudice to any
other rights of AXIS Bank including the right of set-off and lien, the Customer shall be responsible to repay with interest the resulng overdra, advance or credit
thereby created and for all related costs and charges. Suitable means of authencaon as decided by AXIS Bank. In addion, AXIS Bank may advise the Customer to
adopt such other Security Procedure and means of authencaon as AXIS Bank may require, and the Customer agrees to abide by such security procedure.
The Customer and the Users authorized by the Customer shall keep all passwords, including the password used to encrypt the private key, confidenal and well
protected and should not reveal the same to any unauthorized person, including to any employees and representaves of AXIS Bank. AXIS Bank shall in no way be
held responsible, if the Customer incurs any loss as a result of the password being disclosed by the Customer or User to any third pares.
The Customer shall ensure that each User who avails of digital signatures for the purpose of using the Services shall generate the private key and the public key by
following the instrucons prescribed by AXIS Bank, and the Customer shall be bound by the private key and the public key so downloaded/generated by the Users.
The Customer shall be responsible for the safe custody of the private key and the Customer would be responsible for, and bound by, any and all instrucons given
and/or transacons carried out by the members of its organizaon by using the private key and the public key. AXIS Bank shall be entled to presume as genuine all
Instrucons given by using the Security Procedure.'
AXIS Bank shall endeavor to adopt appropriate security measures as available in the industry from me to me. However, the Customer acknowledges that the
technology used including the Internet, as well as the use of public/ shared facilies is suscepble to a number of risks, such as misuse, hacking, virus, malicious,
destrucve or corrupng code, programme or macro which could affect the Services. AXIS Bank will not be responsible for any loss, delays or failures in the
processing of instrucons on account of such risks.
All Instrucons received from the Customer by AXIS Bank shall only be processed during banking hours on working days. An Instrucon will only be accepted by
AXIS Bank if it has been transmied to AXIS Bank in the manner menoned in these Terms and Condions, by using the Security Procedure prescribed hereunder.
AXIS Bank may, in its absolute discreon but without being under any obligaon, make further checks as to the authencity of an Instrucon®.
The Customer is solely responsible for the accuracy and authencity of the Instrucons provided to AXIS Bank and will be bound by any and all Instrucons given
and/ or transacons carried out by any User authorized by it. AXIS Bank shall be entled to rely upon all Instrucons given by the Customer and act on such
Instrucons. The Customer acknowledges and agrees that in the event of any inaccuracy in any informaon and/ or Instrucon, there could be consequent erroneous
transfers. All such Instrucons shall be final and binding on the Customer. In the event of any dispute on the actual Instrucons given to AXIS Bank, the records of
AXIS Bank would be final and binding on the Customer.
An Instrucon shall remain effecve ll such me the same is countermanded by further instrucons by the Customer or effectuated by AXIS Bank. If
the Customer noces an error in the informaon supplied to AXIS Bank in any communicaon, it shall immediately nofy AXIS Bank, and AXIS Bank will endeavor
to recfy the error wherever possible on a "reasonable efforts" basis. In the event of Customer's account receiving an incorrect credit by reason of a mistake
commied by any other person, the Customer authorizes AXIS Bank to reverse the incorrect credit at any me whatsoever. The Customer shall be liable and connue
to remain liable to AXIS Bank for any unfair or unjust gain obtained as a result of the same.
If AXIS Bank is of the opinion that (i) an Instrucon received by it may not have been properly authorized by the Customer; or (ii) is conflicng, inconsistent, unclear,
incomplete, deficient, contrary to any law or policy, or (iii) AXIS Bank has reason to believe that the Instrucon is issued to carry out an unlawful transacon; or (iv)
the Instrucon is aached with noce of any special circumstances, AXIS Bank may, (without being bound to do so) seek clarificaon from the Customer before
acng on any such Instrucon or act or refuse to act upon any such Instrucon in the manner as it deems fit. AXIS Bank will not be responsible or liable for any loss
to the Customer or any third party that results from the carrying out or refusal to carry out any Instrucons or from any delay in effecng any Instrucons in the
above circumstances.
Place: Date:
Place: Date:
Seal & Signature
Seal & Signature
AXIS Bank shall not be responsible for any delay in carrying on the Instrucons due to any reason whatsoever, including due to any circumstances beyond its
reasonable control or any requirement of law or on account of any shortcoming by any third party, howsoever caused.
If any Instrucon cannot be given effect unless it is affected by requisite documentaon, AXIS Bank shall not be required to act on such Instrucon unl it receives
such documentaon.
AXIS Bank shall not be liable for any consequences arising out of its failure to carry out the instrucons due to inadequacy of funds and/or
In case of any instrucon relang to any foreign currency transacon made by the Customer, the exchange rates quoted by AXIS Bank, if any (whether through its
Website or otherwise), shall only be provisional and shall be subject to future variaons in the exchange rate. The rate at which the transacon is given effect to
would be the effecve rate for all intents and purposes.
Any Instrucons given by the Customer should not contravene the provisions of the applicable law including, without limitaon, the Regulaons, various regulaons
framed under Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999, and other rules and regulaons laid down by Reserve Bank of India including
Authority to AXIS Bank for Internet Banking Services:
The Customer irrevocably and uncondionally authorizes AXIS Bank to access all its Accounts) registered for the Services, for effecng banking or other transacons
performed by the Customer through the Internet Banking Services by giving Instrucons.
Transacon Limits:
AXIS Bank may, from me to me, specify maximum and minimum transacon limits for its various services. The Customer shall be bound to comply with such limits
imposed by AXIS Bank.
Changes in Informaon:
Any changes in the informaon provided by the Customer shall be communicated by the Customer to AXIS Bank in the manner spulated by AXIS Bank, along with
accompanying corporate resoluons. The Customer shall be entled, to modify its list of Users from me to me, by giving a leer to this effect to AXIS Bank, along
with accompanying corporate resoluons. Any such change shall be effecve only aer the Customer has been inmated of the implementaon of the changes by
AXIS Bank, and ll such me AXIS Bank shall connue to accept and carry out Instrucons received from any of the representaves of the Customer whose names
are menoned in the list of Users then available with AXIS Bank.
Confidenality & Disclosure:
The Customer hereby authorizes the use of confidenal informaon of the Customer by AXIS Bank and the transfer by AXIS Bank of any informaon relang to the
Customer to and between the branches, subsidiaries, representave offices, affiliates, auditors and agents of AXIS Bank, wherever situated, for confidenal use in
connecon with the provision of the Services to the Customer, and further acknowledges that any such branch, subsidiary, representave office, affiliate or agent
shall be entled to transfer any such informaon as required by any law, court, regulatory or legal process.
Disclaimer of Warranes:
Except as warranted herein and in the Terms and Condions, AXIS Bank makes no other express or implied warranty with respect to the Services provided hereunder,
and hereby expressly disclaims all warranes of any kind, whether express or implied or statutory, including, but not limited to the implied warranes of
uninterrupted, error- free, mely or secure performance of the CIB systems/ Services, tle, sasfactory quality, merchantability, fitness for a parcular purpose, data
accuracy and completeness, and any warranes relang to non-infringement in Internet Banking or any transmission of informaon from AXIS Bank to the Customer
being virus free.
The Customer agrees that the Customer shall indemnify and hold AXIS Bank, its officers, director, agents and employees harmless against all acons, claims,
demands, proceedings, losses, damages, costs, charges and expenses whatsoever which AXIS Bank may at any me incur, sustain, suffer or be put to as a
consequence of or by reason of or arising out of providing any of the Services or due to any negligence/mistake/misconduct on the part of the Customer or breach
or non-compliance by the Customer of any of the Terms and Condions spulated herein relang to any of the Services or by reason of AXIS Bank in good faith taking
or refusing to take acon on any instrucon given by the Customer
Internet Banking Records and Transacon Terms:
AXIS Bank shall issue to the Customer a statement of Accounts through online / offline mode for verificaon at the Customer's end. The Customer shall within a period
of 7 (seven) days from date of transacon report to AXIS Bank any discrepancy in the execuon of an Instrucon. The Customer agrees that it shall not be entled to
dispute the correctness of the execuon of an Instrucon or the amount debited to its Account if it fails to report the discrepancy within the aforesaid period.
All the records of AXIS Bank generated by the transacons arising out of the Instrucons, including the me the transacon recorded shall be conclusive proof of
the genuineness and accuracy of the Instrucons received by AXIS Bank and the consequent transacon.
The Customer agrees not to object to the admission of AXIS Bank's records as evidence in any legal proceedings because such records are not originals, are not in
wring or are documents produced by a computer.
AXIS Bank is permied to ulize all informaon received by it from the Customer as evidence against the Customer before any competent Court of law or Judicial
or Quasi- Judicial Authority or Tribunal or any other statutory or government authority.
All original documents along with applicable stamping (wherever applicable), shall be submied to the respecve B Category branch by the client within two working
days from the date of iniaon of transacon in the Trade portal services.
Subject to this Clause, AXIS Bank reserves the right to disconnue all or any of the Services at any point of me with 30 days prior noce, save and except in
circumstances where AXIS Bank has disconnued all or any of the Services as a consequence of the Customer comming any breach of the Terms and Condions
or if it learns of the death, bankruptcy or lack of legal capacity of the user.
Closure of Accounts of the Customer will terminate the Service.
The Customer is entled to cancel the Services provided herein by giving a 30 days prior noce to the other party in this regard.
AXIS Bank shall not be liable for any damages, claims of any nature whatsoever by reason of such terminaon or disconnuaon of the Services.
Force Majeure:
AXIS Bank shall not be liable for any failure to perform any of its obligaons under these Terms and Condions if the performance is prevented, hindered or delayed by
a Force Majeure Event and in such case its obligaons shall be suspended for so long as the Force Majeure Event connues (provided that this shall not prevent the
accrual of interest on a principal amount which would have been payable but for this provision). "Force Majeure Event" means any event due to any cause beyond the
control of the AXIS Bank, including without limitaon, network failure, faults in computer systems, storage devices natural calamies, legal restraints or any other reason.
The Customer hereby agrees to bear the all charges applicable to the Services as may be spulated by the AXIS Bank from me to me, or rates/charges mutually
agreed from me to me for availing of the Services and inmated to the Customer through the Website or through any other medium, as AXIS Bank may deem fit.
AXIS Bank is authorized to debit such charges to the Customer's Accounts.
Non- Transferability and Non-Assignability:
The grant of the Services to a Customer is not transferable under any circumstance and shall be used only by the Customer. The Customer shall not assign its rights
and/ or obligaons in relaon to the Services or any part thereof to any other person. AXIS Bank may subcontract and employ agents to carry out any of its
obligaons in relaon to the Services.
Governing Law and Jurisdicon:
The construcon, validity and performance of the Services and these Terms and Condions shall be governed in all respects by the laws of India. The pares hereby
submit to the non- exclusive Jurisdicon of the Courts at Mumbai/ ___________________________________________________________________________________________
The customer shall demonstrate his knowledge and acceptance of the aforesaid Terms and Condions by logging onto or otherwise accessing or using AXIS Bank's
Corporate Internet Banking services. If the customer does not agree with any of the terms or condions as aforesaid, the customer should not use or aempt to use
AXIS Bank's corporate internet banking services in any other manner whatsoever including by logging onto the Website.
11. Terms and Condions – Bulk Payments (Uploading Bulk Payment files)
Place: Date:
Place: Date:
Seal & Signature
Seal & Signature
The Payment Plaorm Module is a web based Payment service offered by the Bank wherein the Corporate Clients of the Bank can request the Bank to remit funds
from the Corporate Client’s account with the Bank to certain beneficiaries as may be spulated by the said Corporate Client based on the data furnished to the Bank
by the Corporate Client.
The Company is desirous of availing the service of Payment Plaorm Module for single upload facility across various products of Axis Bank upon the terms and
condions as may be spulated by the Bank and has approached the Bank for the same. The Bank has agreed to provide such services i.e. Direct Credit, IMPS, NEFT,
RTGS, ECS, Cheque Prinng, Demand Dra Prinng, Cash Delivery and Corr DD under the Payment Plaorm Module as per the requirements of the customers.
The Company shall open bank account(s) with the Bank for availing the services contemplated under this Agreement and for roung the payment. The Company shall
arrange to fund the accounts and in the event it fails to do so the Bank shall not process the files or make any payments.
The Payment Plaorm soware shall enable the Bank to arrange processing of Direct Credit, IMPS, NEFT, RTGS, ECS, Cheque Prinng, Demand Dra Prinng and
Corr DD, Cash Delivery files and other services offered through the soware aer that the company shall upload the files through internet.
The detailed Process Flow for upload process which shall be followed by the Company is enumerated below. No deviaon from the said process shall be permied.
The Company hereby authorizes the Bank to print the cheques and/or execute RTGS/NEFT/Direct Credit transacons on its behalf solely based on the details
uploaded by the Company in accordance with the Process Flow. The Company undertakes that it shall not hold the Bank responsible for any technical failure relang
to the Internet or any other informaon technology system provided that such failure is not owing to the gross and willful negligence of the Bank.
With respect to the requests of the Company for Cheque Prinng, the Company undertakes and agrees that the Bank shall honor only those instruments, which have
been printed by the Bank under the said specific account. It is agreed by and between the Pares that the Bank shall honor the instruments based on facsimile
signatures received from the Company provided that the company has provided a specimen of the same to the Bank and the same is in terms of the board resoluon
furnished to the Bank by the Company. The honoring of the instruments based on facsimile signatures shall be done by the Bank solely at the risk and responsibility
of the Company. The Company further agrees that all cheques presented at the branches outside the arrangement contemplated under this Agreement shall be
returned unpaid and the Bank shall in no way be responsible or liable for such instruments returned.
The Company undertakes that the data shall be uploaded by an authorized person and the Company shall furnish a copy of the Board Resoluon evidencing this
authorizaon to the Bank. The signatures of the authorizers will also be updated in the accounts opened with the bank.
The Company hereby agrees and confirms that the duty of the Bank shall be limited to making payment from the Company’s bank account number as menoned on
the form with the Bank, subject to availability of clear funds in the Company’s account to the designated account of the beneficiary, as spulated by the Company.
In case of insufficient funds, the transacons will not be processed by the Bank.
No implied dues or obligaons shall be read or deemed to be read into these terms and condions against the Bank. Apart from duty to remit funds as aforesaid,
the provisions of any agreement, arrangement or understanding executed between the Company and/or the beneficiary shall not bind the Bank.
The Company hereby expressly agrees that the Bank shall not have or incur any financial liability or obligaon of any nature whatsoever to any person or enty, by
reason of its execung this document and accepng the mandate of reming the funds. This document shall not be construed as a guarantee or a sancon of credit
facility on the part of the Bank to remit the funds and it shall be the sole liability and responsibility of the Company to arrange for clear funds into the Company’s
Bank account before issuing the funds transfer instrucons to the Bank.
The Company agrees, confirms and acknowledges that there is an inherent risk involved in such uploading of the data parcularly in respect of an unauthorized
person using the login ID and password. The Company undertakes to have all necessary security systems in place and to take all safety precauons in order to
safeguard the login ID and password.
The Bank shall accept and/or act upon any request made by the Company on Payment Plaorm Module, requesng remiance of funds from the Company’s account
with the Bank to the account of the beneficiary or remit the funds as per the mode requested by the Company.
The Bank shall have the right to act upon the aforesaid requests on the Payment Plaorm Module without going into the authencity and/or validity and/or
authorizaon of the requests which are received by the Bank on the aforesaid site and such requests shall be deemed to be authenc, valid and duly authorized by
the Company. The Company hereby agrees that the Company shall be irrevocably and uncondionally be bound by such above menoned requests given to the Bank
by the Company through the Payment Plaorm Module and the Company shall not be entled to dispute the authencity, validity or authorizaon of any such
requests appearing to have been sent to the aforesaid site by the Company.
The Company undertakes that the web facility provided to it shall be ulized for the specific purpose as determined by the Bank.
The Company agrees to indemnify and keep indemnified the Bank against all losses, damages, claims etc. that may arise owing to the prinng of cheques under this
agreement and the return of instruments due to any reason whatsoever.
The Company is aware and agrees that the Bank shall be processing the files based on the data uploaded by the Company through the Internet and the responsibility
and risks for the same shall be solely borne by the Company.
The Company agrees not to ulize the said specific account for any purpose other than to avail the services contemplated under this Agreement.
The company shall receive the details of the transacons executed and it shall be the obligaon of the Company to cross check the list with the uploaded data.
If online password generaon and reset facility is availed (only for customers availing PayPro), it is understood that the bank will register these informaon given to
send the passwords. Any change in the mobile no or email id of any user will be inmated to the bank in leer head, signed by authorized signatory as and when such
change occurs. The company will keep the bank indemnified for acons of the bank in the case of late informaon or no informaon to the bank to change the
registered informaon.
Process Flow for File uploads at Customer end.
Data will be uploaded by the client directly on the Payment Plaorm module in a predefined mutually agreed format. There may be more than one product assigned
to each Corporate. The client can upload the data pertaining to different products through a single file, if they so desire.
Corporates can upload data from anywhere through the Internet by logging on to the web interface of the Payment Plaorm for data uploading. The corporate will
be provided with the login id and password for accessing the Payment Plaorm.
Axis Bank admin will have the rights to define the corporate users and perform the master related acvies. As per the requirement, the same rights can be provided
to Corporates’ for performing the same acvies independently provided necessary authority has been sought and required documents have been submied to Bank.
There will be a maker checker concept for data upload and authorizaon for ensuring accuracy of the data.
The corporate can authorize / reject the file/s as per prescribed authorizaon matrix. Authorizaon is done to check whether the logged-in user has the rights to
upload the selected file.
Basic validaons will be performed. Following points will be checked:
Same file name should not be allowed to be uploaded more than once.
Same transacon should not be allowed to be uploaded more than once provided unique number for each transacon is provided by the client.
Check for the uniqueness of the record number specified for each record in the data file.
Validaon of corporate ID & corporate format and also the product ID.
Check the compulsory fields required for making payment are present in the uploaded file.
Check the field type and field length, specified in the central database format, against the same for the Single fields in the data file.
Date Validaon: The transacon date provided in the file should be present date. System will not process Post/Back dated transacons unless the feature has been opted.
In case of rejecon of any file due to various reasons, the system will display the reasons of rejecon on the front end which may be recfied by the client and the
revised data may be uploaded again.
The uploaded corporate data will contain the corporate account number. If the account number is not present in the uploaded corporate data then the default value
will be used which will be picked up from the corporate master table.
The authorized files will be processed by the Bank i.e. transacons pertaining to Direct Credit will be executed seamlessly based upon the Beneficiary Account
Number specified in the payment file and the RTGS/NEFT/IMPS/Cash Delivery transacons will be executed seamlessly, if authorized by the Corporate reasonably
before cutoff me for the said payment modes.
As per the arrangement, the data pertaining to Customer Cheques/Demand Dra/Corr DD shall either be printed by remote branches of Bank or Corporates
In the event of any malfunconing and/or break-down in the working of the said network for the reasons beyond the control of the bank, the benefits and the
facilies hereby granted to me/us will stand suspended during such break-down in which case the bank will not be any manner be liable and/or responsible to me/us
for any damages / compensaon and/or for any other consequences arising out of such suspension.