North Dakota Oce of State Tax Commissioner
600 E Boulevard Ave, Dept 127 701-328-3127 [email protected]
Bismarck ND 58505-0599
July 2011
Property Tax
Valuation Concepts - Residential
and Commercial Property
True and Full Value
The starting point of the assessment of real property is true and full value. For property classied as residential or
commercial, true and full value means its market value. Market value is the price a proper ty would bring if it were
oered for sale in the open market for a reasonable length of time and purchased by a willing buyer from a willing
seller, both parties being prudent and having reasonable knowledge of the property and neither being under undue
pressure to complete the transaction.
The true and full value which the assessor believes to be correct should be used even though the proper ty owner may
not agree that it is correct.
Valuation by the Assessor
It is the duty of the assessor to value all taxable tracts and lots listed in the assessment books and all taxable
buildings and improvements. True and full value or market value is the standard of value to be used by the assessor
for residential and commercial property.
Lots and tracts are valued separately from buildings and improvements, and the values are entered into the
assessment book in the appropriate column opposite the description of the property. The value of build ings and
improvements must be entered into the assessment book in the appropriate column opposite the description of the
It is important for the assessor to complete a thorough inspection of the interior and exterior of buildings in order
to make an accurate valuation. The assessor should request the property owner’s permission to enter and view the
interior of the premises.
Residential Buildings versus Commercial Buildings
A building classied as residential is one which is used as a dwelling by an individual or group of individuals and
provides separate family living quarters for less than four separate family units.
Garages, barns and storage buildings located on a parcel with a residence and used in connection with the residential
use are classied as residential.
A dwelling used for seasonal recreation and having living quarters for less than four separate family units is
classied as residential property.
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Buildings not located on the same parcel as a residence and not used in connection with a residence should be
classied as commercial property.
An apartment building or other building with four or more family living units is classied as commercial property.
Hotels and motels subject to license are classied as commercial property.
Any building that is not exempt as a farm building or does not t within the residential classication must be
classied as a commercial building. A reasonable amount of land on which a commercial building is located must be
classied as commercial
In the case of a property used partly for residential and partly for commercial purposes, the valuation of both
land and structures must be prorated between residential and commercial and entered into the assessment book
accordingly. A reasonable amount of land on which a taxable residence is located must be classied as residential.
Care should be taken to enter the assessment of buildings into the correct column of the assessment sheet. County
and state boards equalize commercial and residential property separately, and an improper entry may result in an
unjust equaliza tion.
Incomplete Buildings
A building under construction on February 1 is subject to assessment at its actual value on that date.
Vacant Lots
* The location of a vacant lot is probably the most important factor to take into consideration in estimating value for
assessment purposes. Value will be aected by the location of the street and the location of property on the street.
Due consideration must be given to the general prosperity or lack of it in the neighborhood and the city. Are all
suitable buildings occupied? Are the people general ly prosperous? Does the area have modern improvements? Is
it well equipped with school facilities? These factors inuence value.
The governing body of a city or township may establish valuations that recognize the supply of vacant lots
available for sale. All vacant lots must be classied commercial. Only property used as a dwelling is classied
Tax Maps
It has been said that “to make a fair assessment without a tax map is either impossible or the work of a superlative
genius.” This is particularly true in cities. It is important that city assessors have tax maps showing the dimensions
of every assessed parcel of property. Tax maps show the valuation estimated for each lot either on the basis of a
front foot valuation or a lump sum valuation.
Cost as a Basis of Valuation
The cost approach to value is one of the three approaches to value used in the appraisal process. The other methods
are sales comparison and income capitalization. The value obtained by use of the cost approach may be reconciled
with the values indicated by the other two approaches.
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The procedures in the cost approach are as follows: (1) estimate the value of the site or land as if vacant; (2)
estimate current replacement cost new of the structures; (3) estimate the amount of accrued depreciation on the
structures; (4) deduct the estimat ed accrued depreciation from the replacement cost new of the structures; and
(5) add the estimated site value to the total depreciated replacement cost of all of the improvements to provide an
indicated value of the appraised property.
The theory of the cost approach to value, like the sales comparison and income capitalization approaches, is based
on the principle of substitution. That states that no prudent person would pay more for a property than the cost to
acquire the site and construct improvements of equal desirability and utility, assuming that there are no costly delays
encountered in making the substitu tion. Consequently, replacement cost new (RCN) of the structures prior to any
deduction for accrued depreciation, plus land value, tends to set the upper limits of value. However, cost does not
necessarily equal value. Cost may equal market value if the structure is new and the land is being put to its highest
and best use.
In order for the cost approach to produce a valid indication of market value, one must consider accrued depreciation,
which is the loss in value to the structures from all causes. The amount of accrued depreciation can be determined
by using sales of comparable property and allocating the sale price between the land and the structures, then
deducting the contributory value of the structures from the RCN of the structures sold. If the price allocation is less
than the RCN, there is accrued depreciation. By applying the cost approach to similar properties that have sold,
depreciation can be calculated as a percentage factor, which may then be used to calculate the accrued depreciation
for the subject property or the property being appraised. For example:
RCN of structures sold $ 57,500
Sale price of property sold $ 45,000
Land value of property sold 15,000
Contributory value of structures 30,000
Accrued depreciation $ 27,500
Accrued depreciation as a percentage
Accrued Depreciation = $27,500 = 47.8%
RCN $57,500
If the structures on the subject property have an RCN of $60,000, then RCN times the accrued depreciation
percentage equals the dollar amount of accrued depreciation:
$60,000 x .478 = $28,680 depreciation
This method does not produce a breakdown or allocation of depreciation among the dierent categories. However, it
is probably the most reli able method for determining accrued depreciation and it is a relatively fast method.
The causes of accrued depreciation fall into three general categories: physical deterioration, functional obsolescence
and external obsolescence. Accrued depreciation is the loss in value from all causes. Physical deteriora tion and
functional obsolescence relate to decien cies within the property. External obsolescence is the loss in value due to
factors outside the property itself.
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Physical deterioration is the loss in value due to wear and tear and disintegration of the structures from the forces
of nature and man. The two most common methods of estimating physical deterioration are depreciation tables and
observed conditions. Generally, assessment ocials prefer the use of depreciation tables that can be obtained from
professional cost services.
Functional obsolescence is a loss in value as a result of defects in design or of changes which have taken place
over the years which have made some aspects of the structure, materials or design obsolete by current standards.
Examples of functional obsoles cence include very high ceilings in residential structures or low-hanging pipes in
commercial or industrial structures. One method of measuring functional obsolescence is to determine the dier ence
between reproduction cost new and replacement cost new. Reproduction cost new is the current cost of producing
an exact replica of a building or improvement using the same or very similar materi als, design and workmanship.
Replacement cost new is the current cost of producing a building or improvement having the same utility but using
modern materials, design and workmanship. Gener ally, if the cost approach is based upon a replace ment cost
estimate instead of reproduction cost estimate, costs of excesses or deciencies of con struction are not included.
External obsolescence (EO) is the loss in value resulting from adverse inuences outside the proper ty itself. These
include changing neighborhoods, shifting business districts and adverse economic conditions. Since EO is caused by
factors external to the property, its adverse eect upon value may oset the land value, the structure value, or both.
EO is sometimes referred to as location or communi ty depreciation. It may be determined by market comparisons of
similar properties that have recent ly sold. The RCN of the comparable property minus the contributory value of the
structures (sale price minus land value) equals the accrued deprecia tion. Accrued depreciation minus depreciation
due to physical deterioration and functional obsolescence results in depreciation attributable to external obsolescence
of the comparable property and should be expressed as a percentage of the structure value after physical and
functional depreciation. For example:
RCN of structures sold $ 57,500
Sale price of property sold $ 45,000
Land value of property sold - 15,000
Contributory value of structures 30,000
Accrued depreciation $ 27,500
Physical deterioration
30% from table (30% x $57,500) - 17,250
Remaining depreciation $ 10,250
Structure value after physical deterioration $40,250
Functional obsolescence
Reproduction cost new of deciency
or superadequacy $ 3,000
30% physical deterioration - 900
Plus cost to remove/replace + 1,000
Net functional obsolescence 3,100
Structure value after physical deterioration and
functional obsolescence $37,150
Remainder attributable to external obsolescence or
19.2% of $37,150 structure value after physical and
functional depreciation $ 7,150
Value of structures after physical, functional and external
depreciation = contributory value of structure (above) $30,000
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If the assessor has determined from sales analysis that certain property types have been aected by EO or
community depreciation, it is appropriate to apply the same percentage factor for EO, in addition to physical and
functional depreciation, to all property of the same type in the community.
In cities experiencing a normal rate of growth, the RCN minus physical and functional depreciation plus land value
will conform very closely to the usual selling price of property because all of the buildings are in demand for use or
rental purposes and do not have any EO. In cities with a declining population, property generally sells for less than
the RCN minus physical and functional depreciation plus land value because of the number of vacant residential or
commercial structures. In those cities where the supply of residential or commercial buildings ex ceeds the demand,
the eect is a reduction in the value of those types of buildings. In order to estimate market value properly, it is
necessary to make a reduction in value to account for the unfa vorable local condition, sometimes described as
community depreciation or external obsolescence.
Another example of EO is found if a residential structure is located in, or at the edge of, a business district. Such a
situation is common in growing cities where the expansion of the business district has resulted in making what was
once a desirable residential section now an undesirable location for a residence. Residences once considered to be
valuable have, because of city growth, lost much of their former value. The lots upon which they are located have,
as a rule, increased in value. While it is proper to increase the lot values, it is necessary to reduce the valuation of
the residential structures to reect the decrease in their value because of location or external obsolescence.
To derive a nal value indication of a subject property, the assessor subtracts the total estimated amount of each form
of depreciation from the current replacement cost new of the structures. The assessor adds the value of land to this
amount to estimate the market value of the property.
Sales as a Basis of Valuation
The sales comparison method is one of the more accurate methods of estimating market value. This method involves
comparing the property being appraised to similar properties that have recently sold and reects the actions of buyers
and sellers in the real estate market. A buyer or seller usually examines other available properties before negotiating
a nal purchase price.
To use the sales comparison method to estimate market value, the assessor must have information about an adequate
number of properties that have recently sold. The properties must be reasonably similar in physical characteristics
and location. The county director of tax equalization can help the assessor obtain information about sales
transactions from Statements of Real Estate Full Consideration completed for the sales ratio study. The assessor
is cautioned to comply with the secrecy provisions which require that the names of the grantee (buyer) and grantor
(seller) be kept condential.
The assessor must consider and adjust for dierences that exist between the property that sold (the comparable) and
the property that is being valued (the subject). The three main comparison points to adjust are: (1) time (How recent
is the sale?); (2) location (How close is the comparable to the subject property?); and (3) physical characteristics
(How similar is the comparable to the subject property in size, shape and components?). After the assessor makes
adjustments to the price paid for the comparable property to reect those dierences, the adjusted price is an
indication of the value of the subject property.
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Rentals as a Basis of Valuation
The monthly or annual rental of real property, if properly used, is a guide to market value. In considering rental
value, the assessor should be careful that rental value does not become the only measure of value. Rental value
is the economic or income value and, under normal conditions, the rental value of improved property should be
reasonably close to the cost or sales comparison value, provided the property is being used properly. It is essential
that the assessor consider the potential or prospective earnings of the property when using rental information.
One method of estimating value is use of a gross rent multiplier (GRM). The GRM is calculated by dividing the sale
price of a property that sold recently by the monthly rent. It is important to examine a number of similar properties
that have sold recently to determine a valid GRM. The assessor estimates the value of the subject property by
multiplying the monthly rent by the GRM.
A similar method is use of a gross income multiplier (GIM). The GIM is calculated by dividing the sale price of a
property that sold recently by the annual gross income. The assessor estimates the value of the subject property by
multiplying the annual gross income by the GIM.
Both the GRM and GIM allow for a reasonable return on the investment and make allowance for ordinary tax,
depreciation, maintenance and management charges and all other proper charges connected with ownership of
buildings and improvements.
The assessor should consider all other elements, as well as rental value, that will result in determination of true
market value.