RICS Home Surveys
Building Survey
Property address
Client's name
Date of inspection
26th June 2017
A Introduction to the report
B About the Inspection
C Overall assessment and summary of the condition ratings
D About the property
E Outside the property
F Inside the property
G Services
H Grounds (including shared areas for flats)
I Issues for your legal advisors
J Risks
K Energy efficiency
L Surveyor’s declaration
What to do now
Description of the RICS Building Survey Service
Typical house diagram
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The RICS Building Survey Report is reproduced with the permission of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors who owns the copyright.
© 2016 RICS
RICS Building Survey 1
This Building Survey is produced by an RICS surveyor who has written this report for you to use. If you decide not
to act on the advice in this report, you do this at your own risk.
The Building Survey Report aims to:
help you make a reasoned and informed decision when purchasing the property, or when planning for repairs,
maintenance or upgrading of the property;
provide detailed advice on condition;
describe the identifiable risk of potential or hidden defects;
where practicable and agreed, provide an estimate of costs for identified reports; and
make recommendations as to any further actions or advice which need to be obtained before committing to
Section B gives an outline description of what the inspection covers. A more detailed description is contained in the
‘Description of the RICS Building Survey Service’ at the end of this report.
Any extra services provided that are not covered by the terms and conditions of this report must be covered by a
separate contract.
After reading this report you may have comments or questions. If so, please contact the RICS surveyor who has
written this report for you (contact details are given in section L).
If you want to complain about the service provided by the RICS surveyor, the surveyor will have an RICS-complaint
complaints handing procedure and will give you a copy if you ask.
Property address
2 RICS Building Survey
Introduction to the report
Date of the inspection Report reference number
Monday 26th June 2017 SAMPLE BS COSEY
Surveyor’s name
Philip Marsh MRICS
Surveyor’s RICS number
Company name
Cosey Homes Chartered Surveyors
Related party disclosure
The survey and report have been undertaken by Philip Marsh MRICS BSc Building Surveying.
I can confirm that there is no conflict of interest in relation to this report.
Full address and postcode of the property
Weather conditions when the inspection took place
Dry and sunny.
The status of the property when the inspection took place
Unoccupied and furnished.
Property address
RICS Building Survey 3
About the inspection
We inspect the inside and outside of the main building and all permanent outbuildings. We also inspect the parts of
the electricity, gas/oil, water, heating, drainage and other services that can be seen, but these are not tested other
than through their normal operation in everyday use.
To help describe the condition of the home, we give condition ratings to the main parts (the 'elements') of the
building, garage and some parts outside. Some elements can be made up of several different parts.
In the element boxes in parts E, F, G and H, we describe the part that has the worst condition rating first then briefly
outline the condition of the other parts. The condition ratings are described as follows.
Defects that are serious and/or need to be repaired, replaced or investigated urgently.
Defects that need repairing or replacing but are not considered to be either serious or urgent. The
property must be maintained in the normal way.
No repair is currently needed. The property must be maintained in the normal way.
Not inspected (see ‘Important note’ below).
Important note:We carry out a desk-top study and make oral enquiries for information about matters
affecting the property.
We carefully and thoroughly inspect the property using our best endeavours to see as much of it as is
physically accessible. Where this is not possible an explanation will be provided.
We visually inspect roofs, chimneys and other surfaces on the outside of the building from ground level
and, if necessary, from neighbouring public property and with the help of binoculars. Flat roofs no more
than 3m above ground level are inspected using a ladder where it is safe to do so.
We inspect the roof structure from inside the roof space if there is safe access. We examine floor surfaces
and under-floor spaces so far as there is safe access and permission from the owner. We are not able
to assess the condition of the inside of any chimney, boiler or other flues. We do not lift ftted carpets or
coverings without the owner’s consent. Intermittent faults of services may not be apparent on the day of
If we are concerned about parts of the property that the inspection cannot cover, the report will tell you
about any further investigations that are needed.
Where practicable and agreed we report on the cost of any work for identified repairs and make
recommendations on how these repairs should be carried out. Some maintenance and repairs we suggest
may be expensive. Purely cosmetic and minor maintenance defects that have no effect on performance
might not be reported. The report that we provide is not a warranty.
Please read the ‘Description of the RICS Building Survey Service’ (at the back of this report) for details of what is, and is not, inspected.
Property address
4 RICS Building Survey
About the inspection (continued)
This section provides our overall opinion of the property, highlighting areas of concern, and summaries the
condition ratings of the different elements of the property (with only the worst rating per element being inputted
into the tables). It also provides a summary of repairs (and cost guidance where agreed) and recommendations for
further investigations.
To make sure you get a balanced impression of the property, we strongly recommend that you read all sections of
the report, in particular the ‘What to do now” section, and discuss in details with us.
Overall Opinion
The property is considered to be a reasonable purchase although there are a number of defects which require
attention and which will require some expenditure at the outset. I would not expect any particular difficulty on
resale in normal market conditions, provided that the necessary works are carried out to a satisfactory standard.
You should investigate the cost of these works prior to commitment to purchase. Once known, you may wish to
re-negotiate the purchase price to reflect them.
It is very important that you read this report as a whole. In the main body of the report, I have given elements a
Condition Rating of 2 or 3, I particularly refer you to the section at the end of the report entitled 'what to do now'.
You must make sure that you have all of the repairs needed investigated by reputable contractors so that you
are fully aware of their scope and financial implications before you purchase.
This report should be construed as a comment upon the overall condition of the property and is not an inventory
of every single defect. The report is based on the condition of the property at the time of my inspection and no
liability can be accepted for any deterioration in its condition after that date.
Section of the report Element number Element name
E: Outside the property
F: Inside the property F1 Roof structure
F3 Walls and partitions
F7 Woodwork (e.g. staircase and joinery)
G: Services G1
Water heating
H: Grounds (part) H2
Permanent outbuildings and other structures
Property address
RICS Building Survey 5
Overall assessment and summary of
the condition ratings
Section of the report Element number Element name
E: Outside the property E1
Chimney stacks
Roof coverings
Rainwater pipes and gutters
Main walls
Conservatory and porches
F: Inside the property F2 Ceilings
F4 Floors
F8 Bathroom and kitchen fittings
G: Services G3
H: Grounds (part) H1
Section of the report Element number Element name
E: Outside the property E5
Outside doors (including patio doors)
Other joinery and finishes
F: Inside the property F5 Fireplaces, chimney breast and flues
F6 Built-in fittings (e.g wardrobes)
F9 Other
G: Services
H: Grounds (part)
Property address
6 RICS Building Survey
Overall assessment and summary of
the condition ratings (continued)
Summary of repairs (and cost guidance)
Cost guidance
(where agreed)
Please note the following on costing
1) These figures are very rough.
2) We have not listed all possible costs.
3) The expenditure will depend on the level of the finishes expected and the outcome
of further investigations recommended.
Clear moss and other obstructions from roof valleys, cut back trees with shrubbery that
could possibly dislodge tiles, clear guttering of vegetation and remove any vegetation
that could cause downpipe movement.
£ 350
Repointing house and garage roof verges. £ 300
Replace conservatory window where window seal has failed. £ 250
Investigate bedroom ceiling crack; if not due to loading issues from above refix boards as
required, rake out joint fill with covering strip and plaster skim over with decoration. Other
ceiling areas around the property have similar but less obvious board joint issues. As
such the cost is dependent on the extent of the works.
General cleaning of walls, removal of mould from around windows and redecoration
throughout, this would follow making good to any areas of wall. Remove old sealant
between walls and appliances and replace with new to bathrooms and en suites.
Removal of old floor coverings with replacement. The cost depends on the extent of the
works and choice of finishes. However, a rough estimate could be between £7000.00
and £15000.00.
Remove built in bedroom fittings and replaster walls. £ 400
Install mechanical extraction fans to bathroom and en suites that extract to outside. Fans
are approximately £40.00 each. The cost of the works depends on the contractor and the
routes taken for the fans to outside.
Fit new hinges to kitchen cupboard. £ 75
Fit gully grating to side waste. £ 10
Replace internal front glazing to safety glazing in dining room area. The cost depends
upon the choice of finish and contractor. It could be around £500.00.
Remove rotten glazed timber storage building. £ 100
Clear shrubbery from around house wall. The cost depends upon the extent of the works.
Clear shrubbery from garden walling, repointing and replacement of damaged bricks.
The cost depends upon the extent of the works.
Property address
RICS Building Survey 7
Overall assessment and summary of
the condition ratings (continued)
Formal quotations should be obtained prior to legal commitment to purchase the property.
Further investigations
Structural engineer to check timber ridge to roof and crack in wall between kitchen and cloakroom.
In the dining room the area of wall above the living room door has a crack down it that also follows the slope of
the ceiling. This is not believed to be significant but should be checked still.
Roof and chimney condition to be checked at high level.
Once vegetation remove; the condition of the house walls, garden walls and timber fencing can be assessed.
Check detailing and condition of weathering where conservatory roof abuts the property.
Check that roof space insulation is not obstructing soffit vents.
Roof to be thoroughly inspected internally including condition water tank and cylinder and make sure loading are
not causing cracking to ceiling in bedroom below.
An asbestos survey should be undertaken before textured ceilings and floor tiles are worked on or removed and
the boiler room roof space is used. Other areas may also contain asbestos.
Have suitably qualified contractor check the condition of the water softener.
Lift the lid of the metal and plastic inspection chambers to both sides of the property to assess the condition of
the lids and drains.
Further investigations should be obtained prior to legal commitment to purchase the property (see ‘What to do now’)
Property address
8 RICS Building Survey
Overall assessment and summary of
the condition ratings (continued)
Type of property
Detached bungalow.
Approximate year the property was built
Approximate year the property was extended
Approximate year the property was converted
Information relevant to flats and maisonettes
Bath or
Name of
Ground 1 4 1 0 1 1 1 3
En suites,
dining room
and lobby.
Roof Space
Property address
RICS Building Survey 9
About the Property
The property is constructed from cavity walls with facing brick, a solid floor and pitched roof covered with
concrete tiles.
Means of escape
Satisfactory as all rooms open onto the hallway leading to a suitable exit. All rooms have doors on them as such
there are no inner rooms.
It is recommended that bedrooms be provided with windows suitable for means of escape and mains interlinked
fire detection with battery backup be fitted throughout.
In accordance with Approved document B, Escape windows must have an unobstructed clear, openable area.
The minimum dimensions are:
Exit free area: 0.33m2
Minimum width: 450mm
Minimum height: 450mm
A basic rule is, if the opening is 450mm wide, the height must be at least 750mm, which will create an open area
of 0.33m2.
There is a security system fitted, the details of which should be clarified.
The present condition of the access doors may not comply with insurance company requirements. Many
insurance companies insist that five lever mortice locks are fitted to all exit doors and further advice should
be sought from your insurance company to confirm that the present locking mechanisms will comply with their
Property address
10 RICS Building Survey
About the Property (continued)
Gas Electric Solid fuel
We have not prepared the Energy Performance Certificate (EPC). If we have seen the EPC, then we will present
the ratings here. We have not checked these ratings and so cannot comment on their accuracy.
We are advised that the property’s current energy performance, as recorded in the EPC, is:
Energy Efficiency Rating
64 see EPC later in report
Services (Mains)
Please see section K for more information about the energy effciency of the property.
Central heating
Other services or energy sources (including feed-in tariffs)
The property has a front garden with block paved drive and detached double garage.
The rear garden has a shed, timber glazed store, conservatory and greenhouse in it.
Property address
RICS Building Survey 11
About the Property (continued)
Notes Photo - 2
Local Environment
Other Local Factors
Property address
12 RICS Building Survey
About the Property (continued)
1 2 3 NI
There is a brick chimney to the rear elevation which appears on the whole to be in fair condition.
The flaunching should be checked, any vegetation removed from the chimney and any pointing required
to be done to prevent damp ingress to the chimney.
Chimney repairs tend to be relatively expensive as, due to Health and Safety legislation it will almost
always be necessary to erect scaffolding to carry out any chimney repairs.
Chimneys are naturally exposed to the elements and adversely affected by rain, snow and frost.
They are also exposed to heating and cooling. The brickwork and mortar is particularly susceptible to
frost damage which often results in erosion and ‘spalling’ of the brickwork. Porous brickwork absorbs
moisture which freezes and expands in cold weather and forces off the exterior face of the brick. This is
known as spalling.
Flaunching to chimney pots are not visible from the ground level and may need repair. This will also
apply to the lead flashing that although may be partly visible its effectiveness cannot be assessed from
distance. Lead should be well pointed into the brickwork and well fitted with appropriately fitted soakers
150 mm of up stand forming a lead apron to prevent water ingress.
Limitations to inspection
For the purpose of this report, only significant defects and deficiencies readily apparent from a visual inspection
are reported. Services can only be fully assessed by specialist testing.
Building standards are continually being upgraded and older properties can become increasingly out of date due
to the passage of time, leading to a requirement for improved efficiency. It is inevitable, therefore, that these
homes will probably have higher running costs compared to newly built properties.
We have not exposed the foundations of the property and without doing so, you must accept the risk of unseen
defects. However, unless noted within this report, we have not noted any above ground problems which relate to
defective foundations or signs thereof.
We have not carried out any geological survey or site investigation and cannot confirm the nature or
characteristics of the soil with regards to fill or possible contamination. Normal legal searches should confirm the
past use of the site and if instructed, we will advise further.
Our examination of the roof covering was confined to an inspection from ground level. Due to the geographical
lay of the land, only a very limited inspection could be carried out of the rear roof slope.
E1 Chimney stacks
Property address
RICS Building Survey 13
Outside the property
Photo - 3
The roof is covered with concrete tiles and appears to be in acceptable condition.
The verge requires clearing out of moss and other potential obstructions. The verge to the projecting
gable roof requires repointing.
There are two ridge vent tiles that allow the two soil and vent pipes to vent to outside.
Photo - 4
E2 Roof coverings
Property address
14 RICS Building Survey
Outside the property (continued)
The rainwater goods are UPVC and appear to be in acceptable condition.
To the rear elevation there is shrubbery within the gutter and obstructing part of the view of the
downpipe. This should be cleared to prevent blockages and overflowing.
We cannot comment upon the serviceability of the system or confirm the water tightness of the joints,
unions or connections. These items should be regularly maintained and checked. Gutters can easily
get blocked by leaves and debris which can cause overflow resulting in damp walls. The stop ends are
particularly vulnerable to leakage.
As it was not raining at the time of the inspection it was not possible to determine if there any areas
which are leaking.
Photo - 5
Photo - 6
The walls are cavity construction with facing brick, there are front and rear gables which are largely
The condition of the walls could not be fully ascertained due to the amount of shrubbery growing around
the property. It is suggested that the shrubbery be cut back to prevent any damp bring trapped between
the wall and shrubbery and penetrating the wall.
The main gable where the boiler room is located has worn brickwork at low level, however, this is not
considered to be of concern nor is hairline cracking to projecting gable sections.
At high level to the main gables are vents in the wall to assist with roof ventilation.
E3 Rainwater pipes and gutters
E4 Main walls
Property address
RICS Building Survey 15
Outside the property (continued)
Photo - 7
Photo - 8
Photo - 9
Photo - 10
The windows are UPVC double glazed and appear to be in fair condition.
The property has a front, side and two sets of rear patio doors.
All are safety double glazed units and appear to be in fair condition.
E5 Windows
E6 Outside doors (including patio doors)
Property address
16 RICS Building Survey
Outside the property (continued)
The conservatory has a solid floor and is formed from UPVC double glazed windows and doors with
plastic roof. There is no damp proofing to the floor or walls.
One of the top panes of the conservatory requires replacement as the seal has gone.
Photo - 11
Photo - 12
The property has vented UPVC soffits and fascias which appear to be in acceptable condition.
Photo - 13
E7 Conservatory and porches
E8 Other joinery and finishes
Property address
RICS Building Survey 17
Outside the property (continued)
E9 Other
Property address
18 RICS Building Survey
Outside the property (continued)
1 2 3 NI
The roof is trussed and supports a traditional felt to both the main part and the converted garage part
which is now habitable. The existing roof space wall separating the house from the garage still remains.
The ridge was not visible but the roof appears to undulate along its length externally.
All timbers and fixings appeared to be in acceptable condition. The main roof is insulated at ceiling joist
level with loose fill insulation, it should be ensured that the insulation does not block the soffit vents.
There is a small amount of insulation in the boiler room roof space, some of which may be asbestos
Limitations to inspection
Comment cannot be made on areas that are covered and concealed or not otherwise readily available. There
may be detectable signs of concealed defects, in which case recommendations are made. If greater assurance
is required on the matter, it would be necessary to carry out exposure works. Unless these are carried out prior
to legal commitment to purchase, there is a risk that additional defects and consequently repair work will be
discovered at a date.
It should be appreciated that original parts of the property are period in nature. Accordingly such parts of the
structure and fabric should not be expected as new and regard should be given to to the natural deterioration of
older products. It is possible that defects could occur between the date of survey and the date of which you take
Roof space was inspected from shoulder height position standing on a ladder, this inspection has its limitation.
Fitted floor coverings prevented inspection of the floor surfaces beneath.
Damp meter readings have been taken to internal wall surfaces where possible without being restricted by built-
in kitchen fittings or heavy furniture.
F1 Roof structure
Property address
RICS Building Survey 19
Inside the property
Photo - 14
Photo - 15
Photo - 16
Photo - 17
The ceilings are a mixture of plaster skim and artex. In the front storage cupboard there is a crack and
dark staining to the ceiling, however, no dampness registered to theses areas on the damp meter.
In the rear en suite and main bathroom there is an area of ceiling which appears to have been patched
up in the past, it could be due to repositioning of light fittings. No damp was detected.
In the rear end bedroom with the built in wardrobes there was evidence of a patched up crack with
bulging. The crack appears to be straight and is believed to be due to poor fixing of boards or contraction
and expansion at board edges. There is a water tank and cylinder in the loft so it is possible that they or
possessions in the roof space have overloaded this area of ceiling.
F2 Ceilings
Property address
20 RICS Building Survey
Inside the property (continued)
Asbestos in Artex;
Artex is a trade name (along with Wondertex, Suretex, Newtex, Pebblecoat and Marblecoat) which has
come to be used to describe all thick plaster-like paints that were used to create decorative effects, most
commonly on ceilings, but, often on walls too. Within the building trade these are referred to as textured
coatings and the non-asbestos versions are still used to this day.
Up until 1984 the manufacturers (or even the ‘Artexers’ themselves) added small amounts (3 - 5%) of
Chrysotile (‘white asbestos’) to their decorative paints. The fibres gave strength and consistency to the
compound and made it much easier to apply.
There are no overwhelming safety reasons to remove Artex because it’s perfectly safe when left in-situ.
In fact, the opposite is true because the removal process (through scraping) disturbs the material and
causes fibre-release.
Up until 2006 contractors needed a license to remove this material but this is no longer true. That said
it’s always best to use a specialist when removing asbestos because they use techniques to prevent
fibre release.
There are specialist products available that soak into the paint and turn it into mulch that can be
easily scraped off. This is not for the faint-hearted as these products contain some pretty unpleasant
chemicals. You would certainly need to wear adequate protective clothing to ensure that your face and
skin don’t get splashed.
Photo - 18
Photo - 19
Property address
RICS Building Survey 21
Inside the property (continued)
Photo - 20
Photo - 21
The walls are a mixture of wall paper and plaster skim. They are in fair condition generally and require
cleaning and redecoration. There were no signs of damp.
In the kitchen, bathroom, cloakroom and ensuite there was tiling to walls.
In the cloakroom there is a crack that runs through the tiles and along the bed joint. This crack is
evident in the other side of the wall in the kitchen where it has been skimmed over. This requires further
investigation by a structural engineer.
Where built-in fixtures and fittings are removed replastering may be required particularly to the rear end
F3 Walls and partitions
Property address
22 RICS Building Survey
Inside the property (continued)
Photo - 22
Photo - 23
Photo - 24
Photo - 25
Property address
RICS Building Survey 23
Inside the property (continued)
Photo - 26
Photo - 27
The floors are a mixture of vinyl and carpet with tiles in the kitchen.
The finishes are showing signs of age with carpets being stained in places. All will require replacement
in due course.
The bathroom has vinyl tiles which may contain asbestos, these tiles may also be under other floor
There is a fireplace in the living room with a solid fuel burning appliance within it. The fireplace appears
to be in fair condition.
F4 Floors
F5 Fireplaces, chimney breast and flues
Property address
24 RICS Building Survey
Inside the property (continued)
Photo - 28
In the rear end bedroom is a wall to ceiling multi door wardrobe occupying one whole wall. On one of
the other walls is the remains of the built-in head board and bedside table/drawers.
In the corridor and just off the dining room are built-in storage areas.
Photo - 29
Photo - 30
F6 Built-in fittings (e.g wardrobes)
Property address
RICS Building Survey 25
Inside the property (continued)
Photo - 31
Photo - 32
Photo - 33
Photo - 34
Skirting board, timber doors, frames and window cills are in fair condition with cleaning and decoration
The front internal glazing in the timber door and glazed walling in the timber frame is not safety glazing.
F7 Woodwork (e.g. staircase and joinery)
Property address
26 RICS Building Survey
Inside the property (continued)
Photo - 35
The bathroom contains a WC, bidet, hand basin, bath and over bath shower. The fittings are old but
appear to be serviceable. New sealant is required between the walls and fittings.
The kitchen if fitted out with cupboards, drawers and a range. In the cupboard under the sink is a water
softener, this may have leaked in the past as there is salt on the floor of the cupboard and rusty hinges.
Photo - 36
Photo - 37
F8 Bathroom and kitchen fittings
Property address
RICS Building Survey 27
Inside the property (continued)
Photo - 38
The rear ensuite comprises WC, handbasin and shower cubicle. The front en suite is a wet room with
shower, handbasin and wc.
Both appear to be in ok condition with modernisation required in the rear en suite.
Photo - 39
Photo - 40
F9 Other
Property address
28 RICS Building Survey
Inside the property (continued)
Photo - 41
Photo - 42
Photo - 43
Photo - 44
Property address
RICS Building Survey 29
Inside the property (continued)
G1 Electricity Safety warning: The Electrical Safety Council recommends that you should get a registered
electrician to check the property and its electrical fittings and that a periodic inspection and testing is carried out at
the following times: for tenanted properties every 5 years or at each change of occupancy, whichever is sooner; at
least every 10 years for an owner-occupied home. All electrical installation work undertaken after 1 January 2005
should have appropriate certification. For more advice contact the Electrical Safety Council.
1 2 3 NI
The electric meter is located on the front wall behind shrubbery whilst the consumer board is located on
the wall to the side of the front door.
The consumer board is fitted with circuit breakers and appears in good condition. It is recommended that
at any change of ownership the electrical wiring should be checked by a qualified electrician registered
under a competent person scheme.
Earth bonding was not checked. Earthing is used to protect people from the risk of electric shock. If the
earthing arrangements within your electrical installation were defective or inadequate, you could receive
an electric shock from the equipment or appliance metal casing.
The purpose of earthing is to provide a path for electric fault current to flow safely to earth to enable the
circuit breaker or fuse to operate. Bonding is the connection of the incoming metal gas and water pipes
to and is vital for your protection from electric shock. In a correctly earthed installation, any appliance or
equipment developing a fault to the metal casing, will be quickly disconnected by the operation of the
circuit fuse or circuit breaker. In the absence of certification surveyors will have to give designation three
to this
The recessed light fittings should be checked to ensure that fire hoods are fitted above them.
All electrical wiring, installations, fixtures and fittings should be inspected and tested by an electrical
engineer registered under a relevant competent person scheme listed on governments competent
person scheme website.
In the absence of certification surveyors have to give designation three to this item.
Services are generally hidden within the construction of the property. This means that we can only inspect the
visible parts of the available services, and we do not carry out specialist tests. The visual inspection cannot assess
the services to make sure they work efficiently and safely, or meet modern standards.
Limitations to inspection
As a general note regarding services, we are not specialised in this field and therefore recommend that you
seek specialist advice on all service matters. The items below should be regarded as helpful comments and
suggestions. They are not a full and complete assessment of any problems that may exist.
The main service installations within this property have been subjected to a visual inspection only and no
intrusive checks have been carried out. The information provided in this part of the report is purely for your
consideration only.
No services were tested.
Property address
30 RICS Building Survey
Photo - 45
Photo - 46
G2 Gas/oil Safety warning: All gas and oil appliances and equipment should regularly be inspected, tested, maintained and serviced by a
appropriately qualified Gas Safe Engineer or Registered Heating Engineer and in line with the manufacturer’s instructions. For tenanted properties
by law a 12 monthly gas safety check must be carried out on every gas appliance/flue. A gas safety check will make sure gas fittings and appliances
are safe to use. This is important to make sure that the equipment is working correctly, to limit the risk of fire and carbon monoxide poisoning and to
prevent carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases from leaking into the air. For more advice contact the Gas Safe Register for gas installations,
and OFTEC for oil installations.
The oil fired boiler is located in the boiler room accessed externally through a timber door in the main
side wall. It's flue discharges through the same wall. The oil tank is located in close proximity to this
All gas installations and associated fittings should be inspected and tested by a Gas Safe registered
In the absence of certification surveyors have to give designation three to this item.
Property address
RICS Building Survey 31
Services (continued)
Photo - 47
Photo - 48
Photo - 49
The stop cock is located under the kitchen sink and has a black alkathene water inlet pipe attached to it.
In the roof space is the water tank.
The tank condition should be checked by a suitably qualified plumber and the water softener by a
G3 Water
Property address
32 RICS Building Survey
Services (continued)
Photo - 50
Photo - 51
Photo - 52
The heating system comprises oil fire boiler, radiators throughout and wall mounted thermostat. In
addition in the living room is a solid fuel burning appliance within the fireplace.
All solid fuel appliances and associated fittings including chimneys, flues, fireplaces and hearths should
be inspected and tested by a contractor registered under a competent person scheme listed on the
government's competent person scheme website.
All heating system components and any water cylinders should be inspected and tested by an engineer
registered under a competent person scheme listed on the government's competent person scheme
G4 Heating
Property address
RICS Building Survey 33
Services (continued)
In the absence of certification surveyors have to give designation three to this item.
Photo - 53
Photo - 54
Photo - 55
The water cylinder is located within the roof space of the main house.
The water cylinder should be inspected and tested by an engineer registered under a competent person
scheme listed on the government's competent person scheme website.
In the absence of certification surveyors have to give designation three to this item.
G5 Water heating
Property address
34 RICS Building Survey
Services (continued)
Photo - 56
The internal drainage that was not boxed in appeared to be in fair condition.
The cloakroom and utility wastes discharge to a gully to the side of the property covered with plastic.
The plastic is slightly damaged. A gully grating should be fitted.
Adjacent to this gully is an inspection chamber, the lid was not openable as it may have been concrete
in in places. The other side of the gate is another chamber, this lid was liftable with the condition of the
lid and chamber being is acceptable condition.
Externally to the other side of the property near to the boiler room is a screwed down plastic inspection
chamber lid. This was not lifted.
G6 Drainage
Property address
RICS Building Survey 35
Services (continued)
Photo - 57
Photo - 58
Photo - 59
Photo - 60
Property address
36 RICS Building Survey
Services (continued)
Photo - 61
Photo - 62
G7 Common services
G8 Other services/features
Property address
RICS Building Survey 37
Services (continued)
1 2 3 NI
The garage is a detached double garage. It is approximately 5-7 years old and is built from brickwork,
has a solid concrete floor, trussed roof supporting what appears to be breathable felt, a first floor decked
storage area and concrete tiled roof. The vehicular access doors are metal and remote controlled, to the
side is a timber personnel door.
The garage appears to be in fair condition with all rainwater goods, soffits and fascias being UPVC
however, repointing is required to the roof verge in places. The rear and side on the boundary could not
be inspected.
Photo - 63
Photo - 64
Limitations to inspection
All areas accessible unless otherwise stated in the body of the report.
We have not consulted any Geological or Ordnance Survey Maps and have been unable to establish any details
as to the previous use of the site. We are unable to comment within the terms of this report, which is restricted
in its scope, as to whether there are any hidden problems with the ground upon which the property is built, nor
are we able to comment on the possibility or otherwise of the property being affected by any other matters. Your
solicitors should check this aspect.
H1 Garage
Property address
38 RICS Building Survey
Grounds (including shared areas for
Photo - 65
Photo - 66
Photo - 67
Photo - 68
Property address
RICS Building Survey 39
Grounds (including shared areas for
flats) (continued)
Photo - 69
Photo - 70
To the front of the property is garden boundary walling which is largely overgrown but there is evidence
of frost action on bricks with spalling.
Between the house and garage is a brick planter with a tree growing in it.
To the rear of the property there is a timber shed and greenhouse which are in fair condition. The
greenhouse is safety glazed.
There is a timber glazed store which has ivy growing through it, evidence of rot to timbers and glazing
that is not safety glazing.
There is also a free standing solid fuel burning appliance on the patio.
H2 Permanent outbuildings and other structures
Property address
40 RICS Building Survey
Grounds (including shared areas for
flats) (continued)
Photo - 71
Photo - 72
Photo - 73
Photo - 74
Property address
RICS Building Survey 41
Grounds (including shared areas for
flats) (continued)
Photo - 75
Photo - 76
Photo - 77
The boundary fencing is largely obstructed by vegetation. The fencing that was visible appeared to be
old and will require replacement in due course.
There is a pond in the rear garden.
Running to the side and rear of the property is a private wood.
H3 Other
Property address
42 RICS Building Survey
Grounds (including shared areas for
flats) (continued)
Photo - 78
Photo - 79
Photo - 80
Photo - 81
Property address
RICS Building Survey 43
Grounds (including shared areas for
flats) (continued)
Photo - 82
Photo - 83
Photo - 84
Property address
44 RICS Building Survey
Grounds (including shared areas for
flats) (continued)
We do not act as the legal adviser and will not comment on any legal documents. However, if during the inspection
we identify issues that the legal advisers may need to investigate further, these will be listed and explained in this
section (for example, check whether there is a warranty covering replacement windows). You should show your
legal adviser this section of the report.
I1 Regulation
Building regulations are statutory instruments that seek to ensure that the policies set out in the relevant
legislation are carried out. Building regulations approval is required for most building work in the UK. Building
regulations that apply across England and Wales are set out in the Building Act 1984 while those that apply
across Scotland are set out in the Building (Scotland) Act 2003. The Act in England and Wales permits detailed
regulations to be made by the Secretary of State. The regulations made under the Act have been periodically
updated, rewritten or consolidated, with the latest and current version being the Building Regulations 2010.
The solicitor should check that Building Regulations sign off is in place for the garage conversion and detached
double garage. If not a Regularisation application will be required this comes with a cost and involves exposing
various elements of the construction and undertaking remedial works were necessary to meet the Building
The solicitor should check for certification issued by engineers/contractors registered under the governments
competent person scheme website for the double glazing, conservatory, electrical and oil installations, along with
the solid fuel burning appliances.
Boundary fence and wall ownership should also be ascertained for maintenance and repair obligations.
I2 Guarantees
I3 Other matters
Property address
RICS Building Survey 45
Issues for your legal advisers
This section summarises defects and issues that present a risk to the building or grounds, or a safety risk to people.
These may have been reported and condition rated against more than one part of the property or may be of a more
general nature, having existed for some time and which cannot be reasonably changed.
J1 Risks to the building
Vegetation growing onto the roof, in guttering and around downpipes could lead to tiles being dislodged,
blockages in gutters with overflowing and movement of downpipes leading to leaks and ultimately damp
penetration into the house.
Vegetation growing on the wall could prevent moisture evaporation and as such could lead to damp penetration
into the house.
Insulation in the roof space that blocks soffit vents could result in condensation in the roof space with decay and
rot of timber.
Verge repointing is required to the house and garage roof to provide stabilisation and prevent damp ingress.
The ridge of the roof and crack in the wall between the cloakroom and kitchen should be assessed by a structural
engineer to ensure there are no stability issues.
The loading in the roof space and ceiling crack in the bedroom below should be assessed to ensure there is no
relationship as this could lead to ceiling collapse.
New sealant is required in places between the sanitary fittings and walls to prevent damp ingress between the
The side waste gully should have a grating fitted to prevent vermin and debris entry system which could block
the drain.
If there are not fire hoods over recessed lights the heat generated by the lights could lead to fire.
Mechanical extraction does not appear to extract to outside. Instead it discharges into the roof space which could
lead to wetting if timber and decay.
Over 60% of all subsidence claims are triggered by trees.
Tree roots absorb water for photosynthesis and moisture evaporates from the leaves through transpiration. The
active period is predominantly in spring and early summer when tree growth is at its maximum. Larger trees
in shrinkable clay soil can extract sufficient moisture to cause soil shrinkage. This may lead to subsidence. A
mature deciduous tree can remove in excess of 50,000 litres of water a year.
Tree species vary considerably in their ability to cause clay soil shrinkage. Some species are not good at rooting
to depth on clay soils while species like Oak, Willow, Poplar and Eucalyptus are able to maintain viable roots to
a depth of several metres. In most soils, however, there tends to be a mixture of soil types and so many species
will be able to grow roots to sufficient depth to influence buildings where the foundations are not deep enough.
The age, health and past management of trees will also be an important factor. Trees of full maturity with little
potential for future growth and have not caused damage to a building in the past may be less of a consideration
as a risk than trees which are growing vigorously and increasing in size.
Property address
46 RICS Building Survey
Depending on the species, the roots of a tree will extend to greater breadth and depth in search of moisture
(indeed moisture removal of up to a depth of 6m can take place) in exceptionally dry summer periods and
drought. Planting young trees also needs planning.
Although they will not extract sufficient moisture initially to present a risk to the property, this may readily change
as it grows.
Each tree has a ‘zone of influence’ - the area from which a tree absorbs moisture. The potential impact on a
property depends on whether a property sits within the zone of influence. The extent of the zone depends upon
the type of tree and the location of other trees.
The Association of British Insurers (ABI) has produced a guide for tree types against recommended distance
from the property; however it must be stated that this represents the maximum distance. It can be accessed
through their website -
Below is an extract of the main species.
Species Normal Mature Height (m) Safe Distance (m)
Apple/pear 12 10
Ash 23 21
Beech 20 15
Cypress 25 20
Cherry 17 11
Elm 25 30
Hawthorn 10 12
Holly 14 6
Horse Chestnut 20 23
Laurel 8 6
Magnolia 9 5
Oak 24 30
Pine 29 8
Plum 12 11
Poplar 28 35
Sycamore 24 17
Spruce 18 7
Willow 24 40
Yew 12 5
What is it?
Ivy is a woody stemmed, self-clinging climber that can grow quickly to cover fences, walls and buildings. It is a
cause for concern owing to its rapid pace of growth and worries about potential damage to the support structure.
Ivy is recognised by its dense, evergreen foliage. In its climbing state it has three- to five-lobed glossy leaves.
It attaches itself to supports by producing aerial roots along the stems. When the stems are pulled away from
Property address
RICS Building Survey 47
Risks (continued)
the wall, they often leave behind the unsightly root ends, that persist and can often only be removed with wire
brushes or pressure washing.
The problem;
Self-clinging climbers such as Boston ivy and Virginia creeper (Parthenocissus sp.) do not usually cause damage
to wall surfaces, but common or English ivy (Hedera helix sp.) supports itself by aerial roots and where these
penetrate cracks or joints they may cause structural damage. Sound masonry is unaffected. Its dense cover can
hide defects in the fabric of the building and hinder maintenance work. Ivy may also provide access for intruders
and harbour pests such as mice.
Where brickwork is sound, the main problem is to keep growth away from gutters and paint work.
It has been suggested that vegetation attached to walls could lead to dampness resulting from slower drying
conditions following rain. This may be plausible on a south-west facing wall where the rain is driven by prevailing
winds. However, other sources suggest that such plants will have a slight drying effect on mortar and will also
provide some degree of insulation in winter, particularly evergreen ivies covering exposed north and east-facing
Large climbers can pose a risk to buildings. Such problems are most likely with older property, those with shallow
foundations and those built on clay soils.
Non-chemical controls;
Where possible, use non-chemical methods. The stems should be cut back to the ground and the woody stump
dug out.
If proximity to foundations prevents removal, regular cutting of the stems to ground level may weaken the ivy
over time, but is unlikely to kill it.
Chemical controls;
* Ivy can be killed by severing the stem and treating the stump with a proprietary stump and rootkiller (e.g. Scotts
Roundup Tree Stump & Rootkiller, Bayer Tree Stump Killer, Doff Tree Stump & Tough Weedkiller and William
Sinclair Deep Root Ultra Tree Stump & Weedkiller)
* Top growth may be treated with Vitax SBK Brushwood Killer or glyphosate, but ivy is not easily controlled by
weedkiller sprays due to the glossy nature of its leaves. Repeat application may be necessary. Once the foliage
has been killed, it can be pulled from the wall
Dead foliage and stems are relatively easy to remove from walls but aerial roots are persistent and can only be
removed using a hard brush or paint scraper.
J2 Risks to the grounds
The private wood to the side may have vegetation growing in it other than trees that could cause problems to the
property such as Japanese knotweed.
The garden walling brickwork has spalled due to frost action, this process may lead to destabilisation of the wall
Ivy growing on timber fencing can lead to damage, rot and decay.
Property address
48 RICS Building Survey
Risks (continued)
J3 Risks to people
Glazing in critical locations such as inside the front entrance could lead to injury through unsafe breakage.
All service installations should be checked.
Asbestos may be present in floor tiles, the boiler room roof space and in the textured ceiling coatings.
Asbestos can be found in any building built or refurbished before the year 2000. Materials that contain asbestos
are not dangerous unless they are disturbed or damaged and fibres are released into the air. It is when these
fibres are inhaled they can cause serious diseases.
Asbestos can take many forms and was used in many areas including loose fill insulation, lagging, sprayed
coatings, asbestos insulating boards (found in places such as partition walls, door panels, ceiling tiles, soffits,
panels under windows, around baths, around boilers), floor tiles, textiles such as, fire blankets and composites
such as, flash guards in fuse boxes and in toilet seats and cisterns, textured coating on walls and ceilings (artex),
asbestos cement was used in places such as; roofs, wall panels/cladding, downpipes and gutters, flues, water
tanks, fire surrounds and pipes.
It is recommended that before any removal, demolition or repair works are undertaken a full asbestos survey
is carried out by a suitably qualified surveyor. Some works need to be undertaken by a licensed contractor and
some works are notifiable to the HSE. All works should be undertaken in accordance with health and safety
guidance and legislation and any waste containing asbestos correctly disposed of.
J4 Other
Property address
RICS Building Survey 49
Risks (continued)
This section describes energy related matters for the property as a whole. It takes account of a broad range of
energy related features and issues already identified in the previous sections of this report, and discusses how they
may be affected by the condition of the property.
This is not a formal energy assessment of the building but part of the report that will help you get a broader view
of this topic. Although this may use information obtained from an available EPC, it does not check the certificate’s
validity or accuracy.
K1 Insulation
See EPC for recommendations.
K2 Heating
The heating system should be inspected and tested for efficiency by a suitably qualified heating engineer
K3 Lighting
Lighting recommended to be replaced with energy efficient fittings
K4 Ventilation
Soffit vents to be checked to be free of blockages internally. Appears to have been condensation around
windows as such trickle vents recommended.
Mechanical extraction fitted in bathroom and en suites does not appear to extract to outside.
K5 General
Property address
50 RICS Building Survey
Energy efficiency
Surveyor’s RICS number Qualifications
5020155 MRICS
Town County
St Helens
Postcode Phone number
WA10 2JP 03300535823
Website Fax number
Clients name Date this report was produced
XXX Tue 21st Nov 2017
1.This report has been prepared by a surveyor (‘the Employee’) on
behalf of a firm or company of surveyors (‘the Employer’). The
statements and opinions expressed in this report are expressed on
behalf of the Employer, who accepts full responsibility for these.
Without prejudice and separately to the above, the Employee will
have no personal liability in respect of any statements and opinions
contained in this report, which shall at all times remain the sole
responsibility of the Employer to the exclusion of the Employee.
In the case of sole practitioners, the surveyor may sign the report in
his or her own name unless the surveyor operates as a sole trader
limited liability company.
To the extent that any part of this notification is a restriction of liability
within the meaning of the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 it does not
apply to death or personal injury resulting from negligence.
2.This document is issued in blank form by the Royal Institution of
Chartered Surveyors (RICS) and is available only to parties who have
signed a licence agreement with RICS.
RICS gives no representations or warranties, express or implied, and
no responsibility or liability is accepted for the accuracy or
completeness of the information inserted in the document or any
other written or oral information given to any interested party or its
advisers. Any such liability is expressly disclaimed.
“I confirm that I have inspected the property and prepared this report”
Cosey Homes Chartered Surveyors
36-40 Duke Street
Property address
RICS Disclaimer
Please read the ‘Description of the RICS Building Survey Service’ (at the back of this report) for details of what is, and is not, inspected
Property address
RICS Building Survey 51
Surveyor’s declaration
What to do now
Getting quotations
The cost of repairs may influence the amount you are prepared to pay for the property. Before you make a legal commitment
to buy the property, you should get reports and quotations for all the repairs and further investigations the surveyor may have
You should get at least two quotations from experienced contractors who are properly insured. You should also:
ask them for references from people they have worked for;
describe in writing exactly what you will want them to do; and
get the contractors to put the quotations in writing.
Some repairs will need contractors with specialist skills and who are members of regulated organisations (for
example, electricians, gas engineers, plumbers and so on). Some work may also need you to get Building
Regulations permission or planning permission from your local authority.
Further investigations
If the surveyor is concerned about the condition of a hidden part of the building, could only see part of a defect or does not have
the specialist knowledge to assess part of the property fully, the surveyor may have recommended that further investigations
should be carried out to discover the true extent of the problem.
Who you should use for these further investigations
You should ask an appropriately qualified person, though it is not possible to tell you which one. Specialists belonging to different
types of organisations will be able to do this. For example, qualified electricians can belong to five different government-approved
schemes. If you want further advice, please contact the surveyor.
What the further investigations will involve
This will depend on the type of problem, but to do this properly, parts of the home may have to be disturbed and so you should
discuss this matter with the current owner. In some cases, the cost of investigation may be high.
When to do the work
The condition ratings help describe the urgency of the repair and replacement work. The following summary may help you decide
when to do the work.
Condition rating 2 – repairs should be done soon. Exactly when will depend on the type of problem, but it usually does not have to be done right away.
Many repairs could wait weeks or months, giving you time to organise suitable reports and quotations.
Condition rating 3 repairs should be done as soon as possible. The speed of your response will depend on the nature of the problem. For example,
repairs to a badly leaking roof or a dangerous gas boiler need to be carried out within a matter of hours, while other less important critical repairs could
wait for a few days.
Although repairs of elements with a condition rating 2 are not considered urgent, if they are not addressed they may develop into
defects needing more serious repairs. Flat roofs and gutters are typical examples. These can quickly get worse without warning
and result in serious leaks.
As a result, you should regularly check elements with a condition rating 2 to make sure they are not getting worse.
RICS Building Survey52
The service
The RICS Building Survey Service includes:
an inspection of the property (see ‘The inspection’)
a report based on the inspection (see ‘The report’); and
The surveyor who provides the RICS Building Survey Service aims to
give you professional advice to help you to:
make an informed decision on whether to go ahead with buying the
make an informed decision on what is a reasonable price to pay for the
take account of any repairs or replacements the property needs; and
consider what further advice you should take before committing to
purchase the property.
The inspection
The surveyor inspects the inside and outside of the main building and all
permanent outbuildings, but does not force or open up the fabric. This
means that the surveyor does not take up carpets, floor coverings or
floorboards, move furniture, remove the contents of cupboards, roof
spaces, etc., remove secured panels and/or hatches or undo electrical
If necessary, the surveyor carries out parts of the inspection when standing
at ground level from public property next door where accessible. The
surveyor may use equipment such as a damp-meter, binoculars and torch,
and may use a ladder for flat roofs and for hatches no more than 3 metres
above level ground (outside) or floor surfaces (inside) if it is safe to do so.
Services to the property
Services are generally hidden within the construction of the property. This
means that only the visible parts of the available services can be
inspected, and the surveyor does not carry out specialist tests. The visual
inspection cannot assess the efficiency or safety of electrical, gas or other
energy sources; plumbing, heating or drainage installations (or whether
they meet current regulations); or the inside condition of any chimney,
boiler or other flue.
Outside the property
The surveyor inspects the condition of boundary walls, fences, permanent
outbuildings and areas in common (shared) use. To inspect these areas,
the surveyor walks around the grounds and any neighbouring public
property where access can be obtained.
Buildings with swimming pools and sports facilities are also treated as
permanent outbuildings, but the surveyor does not report on the leisure
facilities, such as the pool itself and its equipment, landscaping and other
facilities (for example, tennis courts and temporary outbuildings).
When inspecting flats, the surveyor assesses the general condition of
outside surfaces of the building, as well as its access areas (for example,
shared hallways and staircases). The surveyor inspects roof spaces only if
they are accessible from within the property. The surveyor does not inspect
drains, lifts, fire alarms and security systems.
Dangerous materials, contamination and environmental
The surveyor does not make any enquiries about contamination or other
environmental dangers. However, if the surveyor suspects a problem, he
or she should recommend a further investigation.
The surveyor may assume that no harmful or dangerous materials have
been used in the construction, and does not have a duty to justify making
this assumption. However, if the inspection shows that these materials
have been used, the surveyor must report this and ask for further
The surveyor does not carry out an asbestos inspection and does not act
as an asbestos inspector when inspecting properties that may fall within
the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012. With flats, the surveyor
assumes that there is a ‘dutyholder’ (as defined in the regulations), and
that in place are an asbestos register and an effective management plan
which does not present a significant risk to health or need any immediate
payment. The surveyor does not consult the dutyholder.
The report
The surveyor produces a report of the inspection for you to use, but cannot
accept any liability if it is used by anyone else. If you decide not to act on
the advice in the report, you do this at your own risk. The report focuses on
matters that, in the surveyor’s opinion, may affect the value of the property
if they are not addressed.
The report is in a standard format and includes the following
A Introduction to the report
B About the inspection
C Summary of the condition ratings
D About the property
E Outside the property
F Inside the property
G Services
H Grounds (including shared areas for flats)
I Issues for your legal advisers
J Risks
K Energy Efficiency
L Surveyor’s declaration
What to do now
Description of the RICS Building Survey Service
Typical house diagram
Condition ratings
The surveyor gives condition ratings to the main parts (the ‘elements’) of
the main building, garage and some outside elements. The condition
ratings are described as follows.
Condition rating 3 – defects that are serious and/or need to be
repaired, replaced or investigated urgently
Condition rating 2 – defects that need repairing or replacing but are
not considered to be either serious or urgent. The property must be
maintained in the normal way.
Condition rating 1 – no repair is currently needed. The property must
be maintained in the normal way.
NI – not inspected.
The surveyor notes in the report if it was not possible to check any parts of
the property that the inspection would normally cover. If the surveyor is
concerned about these parts, the report tells you about any further
investigations that are needed.
The surveyor does not report on the cost of any work to put right defects or
make recommendations on how these repairs should be carried out.
However, there is general advice in the ‘What to do now’ section at the end
of the report.
The surveyor has not prepared the Energy Performance Certificate (EPC)
as part of the RICS Building Survey Service for the property. If the
surveyor has seen the current EPC, he or she will present the energy-
efficiency and environmental impact ratings in this report. The surveyor
does not check the ratings and cannot comment on their accuracy.
Issues for legal advisers
The surveyor does not act as ‘the legal adviser’ and does not comment on
any legal documents. If, during the inspection, the surveyor identifies
issues that your legal advisers may need to investigate further, the
surveyor may refer to these in the report (for example, check whether there
is a warranty covering replacement windows).
This report has been prepared by a surveyor (‘the Individual Surveyor’)
merely in his or her capacity as an employee or agent of a firm or company
or other business entity (‘the Company’). The report is the product of the
Company, not of the Individual Surveyor. All of the statements and
opinions contained in this report are expressed entirely on behalf of the
Company, which accepts sole responsibility for these. For his or her part,
the Individual Surveyor assumes no personal financial responsibility or
liability in respect of the report and no reliance or inference to the contrary
should be drawn.
Description of the RICS Building
Survey Service
RICS Building Survey 53
In the case of sole practitioners, the surveyor may sign the report in his or
her own name unless the surveyor operates as a sole trader limited liability
Nothing in this report excludes or limits liability for death or personal injury
(including disease and impairment of mental condition) resulting from
This section summarises defects and issues that present a risk to the
building or grounds, or a safety risk to people. These may have been
reported and condition rated against more than one part of the property or
may be of a more general nature, having existed for some time and which
cannot reasonably be changed.
If the property is leasehold, the surveyor gives you general advice and
details of questions you should ask your legal advisers.
Standard terms of engagement
1 The service – the surveyor provides the standard RICS Building
Survey Service (‘the service’) described in the ‘Description of the
RICS Building Survey Service’, unless you and the surveyor agree in
writing before the inspection that the surveyor will provide extra
services. Any extra service will require separate terms of engagement
to be entered into with the surveyor. Examples of extra services
costing of repairs;
schedules of works;
supervision of works;
detailed specific issue reports; and
2 The surveyor – the service is to be provided by an AssocRICS,
MRICS or FRICS member of the Royal Institution of Chartered
Surveyors, who has the skills, knowledge and experience to survey,
value and report on the property and is a member of the RICS Valuer
Registration Scheme.
3 Before the inspection – you tell the surveyor if there is already an
agreed or proposed price for the property, and if you have any
particular concerns (such as plans for extension) about the property.
4 Terms of payment – you agee to pay the surveyor’s fees and any
other charges agreed in writing.
5 Before the inspection – nothing in this clause 5 shall operate to
exclude, limit or otherwise affect your rights to cancel under the
Consumer Contracts (Information, Cancellation and Additional
Charges) Regulations 2013 or the Consumer Rights Act 2015, or
under any such other legislation as may from time to time be
applicable. Entirely without prejudice to any other rights that you may
have under any applicable legislation, you are entitled to cancel this
contract in writing by giving notice to the surveyor’s office at any time
before the day of the inspection, and in any event within fourteen days
of entering into this contract. Please note that where you have
specifically requested that the surveyor provides services to you
within fourteen days of entering into the contract, you will be
responsible for fees and charges incurred by the surveyor up until the
date of cancellation.
6 Liability – the report is provided for your use, and the surveyor
cannot accept responsibility if it is used, or relied upon, by anyone
Complaints handling procedure
The surveyor will have a complaints handling procedure and will give you a
copy if you ask. The surveyor is required to provide you with contact
details, in writing, for their complaints department or the person
responsible for dealing with client complaints. Where the surveyor is party
to a redress scheme, those details should also be provided. If any of this
information is not provided, please notify the surveyor and ask that it be
Note: These terms form part of the contract between you
and the surveyor.
This report is for use in England, Wales, Northern Ireland, Channel Islands
and Isle of Man.
Description (continued)
RICS Building Survey54
Typical house diagram
This diagram illustrates where you may find some of the building elements referred to in the report.
RICS Building Survey 55