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Climate Risk Management
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Subject: Climate Risk Management
Category: Sound Business Practices and Prudential Limits
No: B-15 Date: March 2023
A. Overview
Climate change and the global response to the threats it poses have the potential to significantly
impact the safety and soundness of federally regulated financial institutions (FRFIs), and the
financial system more broadly. These risks, also known as “climate-related risks”, are broadly
categorized as physical and transition risks.
Physical risks refer to the financial risks from the increasing severity and frequency of
climate-related extremes and events (i.e., acute physical risks); longer-term gradual shifts
of the climate (i.e., chronic physical risks); and indirect effects of climate change such as
public health implications (e.g., morbidity and mortality impacts).
Transition risks refer to the financial risks related to the process of adjustment towards
a low-greenhouse gas (GHG) economy. These risks can emerge from current or future
government policies, legislation, and regulation to limit GHG emissions, as well as
technological advancements, and changes in market and customer sentiment towards a
low-GHG economy.
Physical and transition risks can also lead to liability risks, such as the risk of climate-related
claims under liability policies, as well as litigation and direct actions against financial institutions
for failing to manage their climate-related risks.
Climate-related risks may manifest over varying time horizons, and are likely to intensify over
time, especially if the global economy undergoes a disorderly transition. They can drive financial
risks, such as credit, market, insurance, and liquidity risks. They can also lead to strategic,
operational, and reputational risks. In severe instances, climate-related risks can threaten the
long-term viability of a FRFI’s business model.
Building resilience against climate-related risks requires FRFIs to address vulnerabilities in their
business model, their overall operations, and ultimately on their balance sheet. This entails
forward-looking approaches that are holistic, integrated, and built on reliable empirical data and
sound analyses. It also necessitates FRFIs to continuously monitor and incorporate developments
in climate-related risk management, such as improving data quality and evolving risk
measurement methodologies, into their governance and risk management practices.
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A1. Purpose and Scope
The Guideline establishes OSFI’s expectations related to the FRFI’s management of climate-
related risks. It aims to support FRFIs in developing greater resilience to, and management of,
these risks. The Guideline applies to all FRFIs except foreign bank branches.
There is no one-size-fits-all approach for managing climate-related risks given the unique risks
and vulnerabilities that will vary with a FRFI’s size, nature, scope, and complexity of its
operations, and risk profile. The Guideline should be read, and implemented, from a risk-based
perspective that allows the FRFI to compete effectively while managing its climate-related
risks prudently.
A2. Structure of the Guideline
The Guideline is organized into chapters, each with its own focus and principles-based
expectations. These chapters are interrelated and mutually reinforcing. For example, enhanced
transparency through climate-related financial disclosures (Chapter 2) incentivizes improvements
in the quality of the FRFI’s governance and risk management practices (Chapter 1).
A3. Outcomes
The Guideline presents the following three expected outcomes for FRFIs to achieve.
‘Foreign bank branches’ refers to foreign banks authorized to carry on business in Canada on a branch basis under
Part XII.1 of the Bank Act.
This Guideline applies to Canadian branches of foreign insurers to the extent the expectations relate to, or impact,
the risks insured in Canada by the foreign insurer, the sufficiency of the related vested assets relative to the foreign
insurer’s insurance business in Canada, and/or and the Branch Adequacy Asset Test (BAAT) or Life Insurance
Margin Adequacy Test (LIMAT) targets.
The FRFI understands and mitigates against potential impacts of climate-related
risks to its business model and strategy.
The FRFI has appropriate governance and risk management practices to
manage identified climate-related risks.
The FRFI remains financially resilient through severe, yet plausible, climate risk
scenarios, and operationally resilient through disruption due to climate-related
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Table of Contents
A. Overview ........................................................................................................................1
A1. Purpose and Scope .............................................................................................2
A2. Structure of the Guideline .................................................................................2
A3. Outcomes ..........................................................................................................2
Chapter 1 Governance and Risk Management Expectations ............................................4
I. Governance .................................................................................................................4
II. Risk Management ......................................................................................................5
A. Risk Identification, Measurement, and Management ........................................5
B. Risk Monitoring and Reporting .........................................................................5
III. Climate Scenario Analysis and Stress Testing.........................................................6
IV. Capital and Liquidity Adequacy ..............................................................................6
Annex 1-1 Other OSFI Guidance ...............................................................................8
Annex 1-2 Examples of Climate-Related Transmission Channels .............................9
Chapter 2 Climate-Related Financial Disclosures ..........................................................10
I. Purpose of Disclosure Expectations .........................................................................10
II. Scope of Application ...............................................................................................10
III. Principles for Effective Disclosure of Climate-related Risks ................................10
IV. Implementation Date .............................................................................................13
V. Location and Timing of Disclosures .......................................................................13
VI. OSFI’s Financial Data Websites ............................................................................14
VII. Frequency of Disclosure .......................................................................................14
VIII. Disclosure Format ...............................................................................................14
Annex 2-1 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Accounting .................................................15
Annex 2-2 - Minimum Mandatory Climate-Related Financial Disclosure Expectations16
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Chapter 1 Governance and Risk Management Expectations
This chapter outlines OSFI’s governance and risk management expectations for climate-related
risks. It complements and should be read in conjunction with other OSFI guidance that directly
or indirectly addresses various elements of climate risk management. See Annex 1-1 for a non-
exhaustive list of relevant OSFI guidance.
I. Governance
Principle 1: The FRFI should have the appropriate governance and accountability structure in
place to manage climate-related risks.
Please refer to OSFI’s Corporate Governance Guideline for OSFI’s expectations of FRFI
Boards of Directors in regards to business strategy and risk appetite, operational, business, risk
and crisis management policies.
1. Senior Management has overall accountability for the FRFI’s climate risk management.
FRFI should consider whether and how Senior Management compensation policies and
related practices should incorporate climate-related risk considerations.
Principle 2: The FRFI should incorporate the implications of physical risks from climate
change and the risks associated with the transition to a low-greenhouse gas (GHG) economy to
the FRFI in its business model and strategy.
2. The FRFI should identify and understand the impact of climate-related risks on the FRFI's
short-term and long-term strategic, capital, and financial plans.
3. The FRFI should develop and implement a Climate Transition Plan (Plan),
in line with its
business plan and strategy, that guides the FRFI’s actions to manage increasing physical risks
from climate change, and the risks associated with the transition towards a low-GHG
economy. In developing the Plan, the FRFI should assess the achievability of its Plan under
different climate-related scenarios and how it would measure and assess its progress against
the Plan (e.g., internal metrics and targets such as GHG emissions).
For foreign entities operating in Canada on a branch basis, OSFI looks to Branch Management to oversee
operations in Canada.
Climate-related risks can affect FRFIs through micro- and macro-economic transmission channels. Refer to Annex
1-2 for examples of these channels.
Refer to the Financial Stability Board’s Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures Guidance on
Metrics, Targets, and Transition Plans for additional guidance on elements to consider as part of transition planning.
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II. Risk Management
Principle 3: The FRFI should manage and mitigate climate-related risks in accordance with
the FRFI’s Risk Appetite Framework.
A. Risk Identification, Measurement, and Management
4. The FRFI should integrate climate-related risks into its Risk Appetite Framework and
Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) framework.
5. The FRFI should reflect climate-related risks in its Internal Control Framework, relevant
policies and practices, and articulate the roles and responsibilities of different business lines
and Oversight Functions in managing climate-related risks.
6. The FRFI should have processes and controls to identify and measure the current and
potential future impact of climate-related risks on its portfolio of exposures (e.g., credit,
market, operational, insurance, and liquidity) over appropriate time horizons.
7. The FRFI should identify, collect, and use reliable, timely, and accurate data pertaining to
physical risks (e.g., geophysical location of exposures) and transition risks (e.g., GHG
emissions data) relevant to its business activities to inform risk management and decision-
making. Where data gaps exist, the FRFI should consider alternative data sources or
reasonable proxies to bridge the gap.
8. The FRFI should implement relevant tools and models, including those used for climate
scenario analysis, to measure and assess its climate-related risks. Where the FRFI chooses to
use tools and models developed by external third parties to support its assessment, the FRFI
should sufficiently understand the embedded data, methodology, assumptions, and their
B. Risk Monitoring and Reporting
9. The FRFI should incorporate climate-related risks into its internal monitoring and reporting
of business performance and risk management effectiveness. It should monitor and report on
relevant internal metrics, limits, and indicators to assess the effectiveness of its climate risk
management. It should also monitor and report on internal targets to assess the FRFI’s
progress in managing its physical risk exposures and risks associated with the transition
towards a low-GHG economy, consistent with its Plan.
10. The FRFI should develop capabilities to aggregate its climate risk data to identify and
internally report on climate-related exposures, including risk concentrations (e.g.,
geographies, sectors, products, or counterparties). It should also have internal reporting
Uncertainties may arise at each step of the measurement, methodology, or modeling process, which can result
from, but are not limited to, data (limitations around quality, representativeness, or historical coverage) or model
misspecification. The FRFI should consider applying a margin of conservatism to address these uncertainties.
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systems that can produce reliable, timely, and accurate reporting on these risks to support
strategic planning and risk management.
III. Climate Scenario Analysis and Stress Testing
OSFI may develop this section into a separate chapter in a future iteration of the Guideline.
Principle 4: The FRFI should use climate scenario analysis to assess the impact of climate-
related risks on its risk profile, business strategy, and business model.
Climate scenario analysis: Climate scenario analysis uses a hypothetical future state of the
world to assess the impact of climate-related risks on a FRFI's operations. These exercises can
help the FRFI achieve different objectives in its strategic planning and enterprise risk
management, such as:
Assessing the impact of physical and transition risks on the FRFI’s strategy and risk
profile, and the resiliency of its business model;
Identifying relevant climate-related risk factors that can drive the FRFI’s financial
and non-financial risks, and estimating exposures and potential losses;
Identifying data, methodology, and assumption limitations; and
Informing the adequacy of the FRFI’s risk management framework.
11. When undertaking climate scenario analyses, the FRFI should consider a range of plausible
and relevant models and climate scenarios, over various time horizons (i.e., short-, medium-
and long-term), when climate-related risks can materialize and drive the FRFI’s risks.
12. The FRFI should consider climate scenarios that encompass both physical and transition
risks, and the potential interplay between these two types of risks. The FRFI should also
understand the methodology and approaches used, including data and methodological
limitations, and assumptions.
In addition to FRFIs’ own internal climate scenario analysis to understand the resilience of
their business model and strategy, FRFIs will be required to complete standardized climate
scenario exercises and report their results to OSFI on a periodic basis. These exercises will
enable OSFI to assess aggregate exposures to physical and transition risks and compare FRFI
approaches to climate scenario analysis.
IV. Capital and Liquidity Adequacy
OSFI may develop this section into a separate chapter in a future iteration of the Guideline.
When selecting relevant climate scenarios, the FRFI should consider industry-accepted sources, such as the
International Energy Agency (IEA), the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), and the Network for
Greening the Financial System (NGFS). The FRFI should also consider domestic and global policies and legislation,
such as the Canadian Net-Zero Emissions Accountability Act.
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Principle 5: The FRFI should maintain sufficient capital and liquidity buffers for its climate-
related risks.
13. The FRFI should incorporate climate-related risks into its Internal Capital Adequacy
Assessment Process (ICAAP) or Own Risk and Solvency Assessment (ORSA) process.
14. The FRFI should incorporate the impact of climate-related drivers on its liquidity risk profile
and integrate a range of FRFI-specific and market-wide severe, yet plausible, climate-related
stress events when assessing the adequacy of its liquidity buffers.
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Annex 1-1 Other OSFI Guidance
This Guideline complements other OSFI guidance that directly or indirectly addresses various
elements of climate risk management, including but not limited to:
1. Corporate Governance Guideline, which sets out OSFI’s expectations of Board of
Directors and FRFI management on corporate governance.
2. Guideline E-18: Stress Testing, which sets out OSFI’s expectations on the use of stress
testing for senior management to use in making business strategy, risk management, and
capital management decisions.
3. Guideline E-19: Own Risk and Solvency Assessment (ORSA), which sets out OSFI’s
expectations of an insurer's own assessment of its risks, capital needs and solvency
position, and for setting Internal Targets, based on an insurer's ORSA.
4. Guideline E-19: Internal Capital Adequacy Process (ICAAP), which sets out OSFI’s
expectations of federally regulated deposit-taking institutions’ own assessment of the
adequacy of their capital.
5. Guideline B-10: Third-Party Risk Management Guideline, which sets out OSFI’s
expectations on FRFI management of risks associated with third-party arrangements.
6. Guideline E-23: Enterprise-wide Model Risk Management for Deposit-Taking
Institutions, which sets out OSFI’s expectations on institutions’ establishment of sound
policies and practices for an enterprise-wide model risk management framework.
7. Guideline E-21: Operational Risk Management, which sets out OSFI’s expectations on
FRFIs’ management of operational risk.
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Annex 1-2 Examples of Climate-Related Transmission Channels
Physical Risk
Increased frequency and severity of
weather events
Risk Event
Credit Risk: Damage to collateral for bank
Market Risk: Physical damage and a
perception of heightened risk that can
affect the market value of investments
Insurance Risk: Insurance claims
consistently exceed insurance company
Operational Risk: Physical damage to
premises; outage of critical services or
functions (e.g., bank branch, insurance
claims department)
Potential Impact or Loss
Credit Impact: Higher loan to value and
loss given default (LGD) due to reduced
collateral value; leading to higher capital
Market Loss: Mark-to-Market (MTM)
investment and/or trading losses
Insurance Loss: Increased insurance losses
and increase cost to reinsure
Operational Loss: Losses due to physical
damage and/or outage; potential
reputational damage
Transition Risk
Increased regulation related to GHG-
intensive industries
Risk Event
Credit Risk: GHG-intensive borrowers face
higher costs of doing business and/or
lower revenues reducing profitability
Market Risk: Unexpected valuation
change in debt and equity securities issued
by impacted firms
Liquidity Risk: An institution with a GHG-
intensive portfolio may experience
diminished demand for its funding
instruments in wholesale debt markets as its
assets become more illiquid
Liability Risk: The Board of the FRFI may
not be seen as fulfilling its legal obligations
and appropriately accounting for and
managing its climate-related risks
Potential Impact or Loss
Credit Impact: Increased probability of
default due to pressures on the borrower
and LGD due to stranded assets, which
could lead to higher capital requirements
for the FRFI
Market Loss: Investment and/or trading
losses linked to securities issued by
impacted firms
Liquidity Impact: Potential challenges
rolling over debt or raising capital
Legal Impact: Possible legal action against
the FRFI Board; potential reputational
damage to the FRFI
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Chapter 2 Climate-Related Financial Disclosures
This chapter outlines OSFI’s expectations for the disclosure of climate-related risks.
I. Purpose of Disclosure Expectations
1. OSFI reinforces its climate risk management expectations through climate-related financial
disclosure expectations. Climate-related financial disclosures help OSFI to meet its mandate
of protecting depositors, creditors, and policyholders, and contributing to public confidence
in the Canadian financial system, by ensuring relevant information is publicly available to
enable understanding of FRFIs’ financial condition and the risks to which they are exposed.
2. Users interested in FRFIs’ climate-related financial risk information may also include
investors, analysts, and the public at large. By providing this broad group of users with
relevant risk and risk management information, these disclosures can build confidence in
FRFI management, and enable FRFIs to attract, or maintain their access to, capital and
liquidity channels. By extension, confidence in FRFIs contributes to the public confidence in,
and resilience of, the Canadian financial system.
II. Scope of Application
3. This chapter applies to all FRFIs in the scope of this Guideline, except for subsidiaries of
FRFIs that report consolidated results to OSFI.
4. For FRFIs whose parent company (domestic or international) does not report consolidated
results to OSFI, the FRFI is permitted to reference group-level disclosures for the
corresponding reporting period and to provide supplementary information on FRFI-specific
items as applicable to meet the disclosure expectations of this Guideline.
III. Principles for Effective Disclosure of Climate-related Risks
5. The fundamental principles set out below provide guidance to FRFIs on OSFI’s expectations
for climate-related financial risk disclosures. These principles can help achieve high-quality
and decision-useful disclosures that enable users to understand the financial impact of
climate change on FRFIs. FRFIs should present disclosures that reflect the principles below.
6. The FRFI may encounter tension in the application of the principles set out below, whether
between principles or within a single principle.
Such tensions are inevitable given the wide-
ranging and sometimes competing needs of users and preparers of disclosures. The FRFI
should aim to find an appropriate balance of disclosures that reasonably satisfy the
expectations and principles without overwhelming users with unnecessary information.
For example, the FRFI may update a methodology or increase the level of detail disclosed to improve the relevance
of disclosure, at the expense of consistency of disclosure. Tension can also arise within a single principle. For
example, Principle 4 states that disclosures should be verifiable, but assumptions made about future-oriented
disclosures often require significant judgment by FRFI management that is difficult to verify.
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7. OSFI expects a FRFI to continually look to evolve its disclosure practices, and to regularly
review disclosures for relevance, comprehensiveness, and clarity
Principle 1: The FRFI should disclose relevant information.
8. The FRFI should provide information specific to the current and potential future impact of
climate-related risks and opportunities on its markets, businesses, corporate or investment
strategy, financial statements and reports, and future cash flows.
9. The FRFI should present disclosures in sufficient detail to enable users to assess its exposure
and approach to addressing climate-related risks, which is expected to evolve over time as
FRFI practices mature.
10. The FRFI should provide information from the perspective of the current and potential future
impact of climate-related risks and opportunities on value creation, considering and
addressing the different time frames and types of impacts.
Principle 2: The FRFI should disclose specific and comprehensive information.
11. The FRFI should provide disclosures of its exposure to current and potential future impacts
of physical and transition risks; the potential nature and size of such impacts; the FRFI’s
governance, strategy, processes for managing these risks, and performance with respect to
managing climate-related risks and opportunities.
12. To be sufficiently comprehensive, the FRFI should include historical and future-oriented
information in its disclosures to allow users to evaluate their previous expectations relative to
actual performance and assess possible future financial implications.
13. For quantitative information, the FRFI should use data that is consistent with what is used in
its investment and risk management decision-making. The FRFI should provide an
explanation of the definition, measurement framework used, scope applied, and for future-
oriented information, the key assumptions and judgments used. The FRFI should explain any
data limitations and/or methodology challenges it faced during the reporting period and their
impact on disclosure.
14. Any scenario analyses should be based on data or other information used by the FRFI for
investment decision-making and risk management. Where appropriate, the FRFI should also
demonstrate the effect on selected risk metrics or exposures of changes in the key underlying
methodologies and assumptions, both in qualitative and quantitative terms.
15. Management should exercise discretion to avoid disclosing proprietary and/or confidential
As data quality, availability and scenario analysis capabilities improve, OSFI expects to issue updated climate-
related financial disclosure expectations in the future with increased expectations.
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Principle 3: The FRFI should disclose clear, balanced, and understandable information.
16. The FRFI should present disclosures that communicate financial information that serves the
needs of a range of users (i.e., sufficiently granular to inform sophisticated users but also
provide concise information for those who are less specialized.)
17. The FRFI should show an appropriate balance between qualitative and quantitative
information and use text, numbers, and graphical presentations in its disclosures as
18. The FRFI should include fair and balanced narrative explanations that provide insight into
the meaning of quantitative disclosures, including the changes or developments they
portray over time.
19. The FRFI should provide straightforward explanations of risks and opportunities in its
disclosures. Terms used in the disclosures should be explained or defined for a proper
understanding by the users.
Principle 4: The FRFI should disclose reliable and verifiable information.
20. The FRFI should provide high-quality reliable information in its disclosures. This
information should be neutrali.e., free from bias.
21. The FRFI should report information that is verifiable (e.g., amounts disclosed should be
traceable to their sources). Disclosures should be defined, collected, recorded, and
analyzed in such a way that the information reported is verifiable to ensure it is high
22. To the extent practicable, the FRFI should base its disclosures on objective data and use
best-in-class measurement methodologies, which would include common industry
practice as it evolves.
23. The FRFI should adequately explain future-oriented disclosures that involve the FRFI’s
judgment and ensure such disclosures are reasonable and supported.
24. The disclosures should be subject to internal governance processes and controls that are
the same or substantially like those used for financial reporting.
25. The disclosures are not expected to be subject to independent external assurance at this
time, but FRFIs should work towards a future state in which external assurance is
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Principle 5: The FRFI should disclose information appropriate for its size, nature, and
26. The volume and level of detail of disclosure should be greater for a FRFI that is larger,
has more varied business lines and geographic locations, or is systemically important, than
for other FRFIs. The FRFI should exercise discretion in determining the appropriate level of
detail in its disclosures to enable transparency of its risks, risk management practices, and
Principle 6: The FRFI should disclose information consistently over time.
27. The FRFI should disclose consistently over time to enable users to understand the impact
of climate-related risks on the FRFI’s business and to allow for meaningful inter-period
28. The FRFI should explain:
inter-period variances in amounts disclosed;
the underlying reasons for the inter-period variances in amounts disclosed (e.g.,
whether due to changes in climate-related risks, measurement methodologies,
presentation, or a combination); and
the impact of these reasons on prior period comparability of effected amounts in terms
of direction and magnitude.
In such instances, or if new information becomes available, retrospective restatement is
allowed but not mandatory.
IV. Implementation Date
29. The FRFI is expected to implement the expectations in Annexes 2-1 and 2-2 of this
Guideline effective the fiscal periods ending on or after October 1, 2024, 2025 and
2026, as applicable. The FRFI may voluntarily early adopt disclosure expectations.
V. Location and Timing of Disclosures
30. The FRFI may exercise discretion regarding the location of the disclosures expected by
this Guideline. Possible locations include but are not limited to: Report to Shareholders
(if disclosed to the public), or a stand-alone report (e.g., Environmental, Social, and
Governance, or “ESG”, Report, Climate Risk Report, Pillar 3 Report). The FRFI may
exercise discretion in signposting disclosure expectations of this Guideline to publicly
available reports of its choice.
31. The FRFI is expected to make its climate-related financial disclosures publicly available
(i.e., on the FRFI’s company website) no later than 180 days after fiscal year-end, as
“Report to Shareholders” includes the Primary Financial Statements (Statement of Financial Position, Statement
of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income, Statement of Changes in Equity, Statement of Cash Flows),
Notes to the Financial Statements and Management’s Discussion & Analysis.
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applicable. The FRFI should maintain an ongoing archive of all disclosures relating to
prior reporting periods.
VI. OSFI’s Financial Data Websites
32. In-scope FRFIs which are neither a D-SIB
nor an IAIG
Headquartered in Canada are
expected to provide in their climate-related financial disclosures a link to one of OSFI’s
Financial Data websites
as appropriate, to alert readers to additional information available.
VII. Frequency of Disclosure
33. The frequency for the disclosures expected by this Guideline is annual. The FRFI may
voluntarily present the expected disclosures on more frequent basis.
VIII. Disclosure Format
34. The format for the disclosures expected by this Guideline is flexible. The FRFI may present
the expected information in the format that best suits the FRFI.
Consistent with other OSFI Guidance, OSFI identifies D-SIBs as Bank of Montreal, Bank of Nova Scotia,
Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, National Bank of Canada, Royal Bank of Canada, and Toronto-Dominion
The term "IAIGs refers to Internationally Active Insurance Groups. "IAIGs headquartered in Canada" refers to
Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada, Manufacturers Life Insurance Company, Canada Life Assurance
Company, and Intact Financial Corporation.
OSFI’s financial Data websites:
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Annex 2-1 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Accounting
1. Regarding calculation of GHG emissions, (in Annex 2-2, “Metrics and Targets” Disclosure
Elements b) i and b) ii), the FRFI is expected to use the latest GHG Protocol Corporate
Accounting and Reporting Standard and the latest GHG Protocol Corporate Value Chain
(Scope 3) Accounting and Reporting Standard, or comparable reporting standards.
2. Regarding calculation of the portion(s) of Scope 3 GHG emissions, ((in Annex 2-2,
“Metrics and Targets” Disclosure Element b) ii)), pertaining to the FRFI’s financed,
facilitated and/or insured GHG emissions, the FRFI is expected to use the latest Partnership
for Carbon Accounting Financials’ (PCAF’s) Global GHG Accounting and Reporting
Standard for the Financial Industry (PCAF Standard), including any applicable phase-in of
sectors / industries, or a comparable industry-accepted approach.
3. See Annex 2-2 - Minimum Mandatory Climate-Related Financial Disclosure Expectations
for detailed disclosure expectations and implementation dates.
Fiscal Year-end for Which Implementation Is Expected
(Reporting date is 180 days post fiscal year-end, at the latest)
Deposit-taking Institutions
Disclosure Expectation
(Categories 1, 2
and 3)
Headquartered in
All Other Federally Regulated
(Life, P&C, and Foreign
Insurance Branches)
Describe the board of directors’ oversight of climate-related risks and opportunities.
Describe management’s role in assessing and managing climate-related risks and opportunities.
Describe the climate-related risks and opportunities the FRFI has identified over the short, medium, and long term.
b) i
Describe the impact of climate-related risks and opportunities on the FRFI's businesses, strategy, and financial planning.
b) ii
Describe the FRFI's climate transition plan [See Climate Transition Plan Risk Management Expectation in Chapter 1 of this
Describe the resilience of the FRFI's strategy, taking into consideration different climate-related scenarios, including a scenario
which limits warming to the level aligned with the latest international agreement on climate change
, or lower.
Describe the FRFI's processes for identifying and assessing climate-related risks.
Describe the FRFI's processes for managing climate-related risks.
Describe how processes for identifying, assessing, and managing climate-related risks are integrated into the FRFI's overall risk
Metrics and
Disclose the metrics used by the FRFI to assess climate-related risks and opportunities in line with its strategy and risk management
b) i
Disclose the FRFI's Scope 1 and Scope 2 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (absolute basis) for the period.
Disclose the reporting standard used by the FRFI to calculate and disclose the GHG emissions.
If the reporting standard used by the FRFI is not the GHG Protocol Corporate Standard, disclose how the reporting standard
used by the FRFI is comparable with the GHG Protocol Corporate Standard.
b) ii
Disclose the FRFI's Scope 3 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for the period (absolute basis), and the related risks.
Disclose the reporting standard used by the FRFI to calculate and disclose the GHG emissions.
If the reporting standard used by the FRFI for Scope 3 GHG emissions, is not the Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Accounting
and Reporting Standard, disclose how the reporting standard used by the FRFI is comparable with the Corporate Value Chain
(Scope 3) Accounting and Reporting Standard.
For financed, facilitated and insured Scope 3 GHG emissions, if the reporting initiative used by the FRFI is not the PCAF Standard,
then disclose how the reporting initiative used by the FRFI is comparable with the PCAF Standard.
Describe the targets used by the FRFI to manage climate-related risks and opportunities and the FRFI's performance against these
Disclose any public climate-related commitment(s), if the FRFI has made one or more, whether through an industry-led Net-Zero
alliance (e.g., Net-Zero Banking Alliance, Net-Zero Insurance Alliance, other) or otherwise.
Supplement "Metrics and Targets" Disclosure Element a) with OSFI-specified prudential cross-industry metrics.
Supplement Metrics and Targets Disclosure Element a) with OSFI-specified prudential industry-specific metrics.