Email Template for Confirming
Cancelled Appointments
This email template can be edited and used to confirm appointment cancellations
with your clients.
Dear [Name],
This email serves as a notification that you have cancelled your appointment on [date] at
If you would like to reschedule, please contact our office at [phone number] between the
hours of [X - X]. We will try to accommodate you at your earliest convenience.
[Include the following if the cancellation was late and you have a late cancellation policy in
As per our late cancellation policy, you will be charged [x amount] for canceling your
appointment without providing a 24 hour notice. This amount must be paid in full before
you can make your next appointment. In the future, please provide our office 24 hours
notice if you will be unable to make your scheduled appointment in order to avoid the late
cancellation fee.]
Thank you for your understanding and we look forward to serving you in the future.
Kind regards,
[Your Name]
©TheraNest |  1