BERS-Guest Wireless Internet Acceptable Use and Safety Policy
Guest Wi-Fi User Disclaimer
The BERS-Guest Wi-Fi (wireless) is an open unsecured internet connection provided to members and
guests visiting BERS office. The BERS-Guest Wi-Fi connection is a free internet service provided to
visiting members and guests by BERS. Access is completely at the discretion of BERS, and may be
blocked, suspended, or terminated at any time for any reason including, but not limited to violation of
this Policy, actions that may lead to liability for BERS, disruption of access to other users, networks or
third-party, or violation of applicable laws or regulations. BERS may revise the terms of this Policy at any
time. You must agree to the terms of this Policy each time you access the BERS-Guest Wi-Fi connection.
User Agreement:
The BERS-Guest Wi-Fi allows for visitors with mobile devices to connect to the Wi-Fi Internet. By clicking
on the "Continue to the Internet" button you are connecting to the Wi-Fi network as a BERS-Guest and
are agreeing to abide by this Policy, Department of Education (DOE) regulations policies and guidelines,
and applicable law.
Wireless Internet access is, by nature, a non-secured connection method. Any information being sent or
received over the BERS-Guest wireless network could be intercepted by another wireless user. Wireless
users should not transmit their credit card information, passwords, and any other sensitive personal
information while using the BERS-Guest Wi-Fi connection.
Users have no right to privacy while using BERS’s Internet Systems. BERS reserves the right to disclose
any electronic activity, including electronic communications, to law enforcement officials or third
parties, as appropriate and consistent with applicable law.
Limitation of Liability
BERS makes no guarantees about the quality of the services provided and is not responsible for any
claims, losses, damages, costs, or other obligations arising from use of the network or accounts. BERS
also denies any responsibility for the accuracy or quality of the information obtained through user
access. Any statement, accessible on the Wi-Fi connection is understood to be the author's individual
point of view and not that of BERS, DOE, the City of New York, or their respective officials or employees.
Terms and Conditions of Use:
Guests will need a notebook/laptop computer or other mobile device with a wireless card or connection
that supports all current Wi-Fi standards. BERS assumes NO responsibility for the safety of the
equipment used. By using the free BERS-Guest wireless internet service, you are agreeing to the
disclaimer set forth above.
Prohibited Uses of BERS Internet Systems
Users may not engage in any of the activities prohibited by this policy when accessing BERS-Guest Wi-Fi.
Below is a non-exhaustive list of examples of prohibited behavior:
1. Causing harm to others, damage to their property or BERS property, such as:
Using, posting or distributing profane, lewd, vulgar, threatening, or abusive language in e-mail
messages, material posted on BERS web pages, or professional social media sites;
Accessing, using, posting, or distributing information or materials that are pornographic or
otherwise obscene, advocate illegal or dangerous acts, or advocate violence or discrimination. If
users inadvertently access such information, they should immediately disclose the inadvertent
access in a manner specified by BERS IT Department;
Accessing, posting or distributing harassing, discriminatory, inflammatory, or hateful material, or
making damaging or false statements about others;
Engaging in spamming;
Damaging computer equipment, files, data or BERS’s Internet System in any way;
Downloading, posting, reproducing or distributing music, photographs, video or other works in
violation of applicable copyright laws;
2. Gaining or attempting to gain unauthorized access to BERS-Guest Wi-Fi or BERS Internet System, or
to any third party’s computer system, such as:
Malicious tampering, phishing or hacking activities;
Attempting to gain access to material that is blocked or filtered by BERS;
Disguising a user’s identity;
3. Engaging in criminal or other unlawful activities.
4. Use of cross-platform instant messaging and Voice over IP services including, but not limited
WhatsApp, Google Talk, Viber, Skype, Hangouts.
5. Use of streaming media and video-on-demand services including, but not limited to Hulu, Netflix,
Amazon Video.