The Board of Directors (“Board”) of PRG Holdings Berhad (“PRG” or the “Company”)
wishes to announce that Premier Construction Sdn Bhd (“PCSB” or “Proprietor”), a wholly-
owned subsidiary of PRG Property Sdn Bhd which in turn is a wholly-owned subsidiary of
the Company, has on 30 March 2021 entered into a joint venture agreement (“JVA”) with
Semangat Hikmat Sdn Bhd (“SHSB” or “Developer”) for the proposed development of the
land located in Taman Gading, Batu Gajah, Mukim Sungai Terap, Daerah Kinta, Perak
(“Land”) for residential developments scheme together with all the necessary infrastructure
and public utilities, upon the terms and conditions stipulated in the JVA (“Proposed Joint
(PCSB and SHSB are referred to individually as the “Party” and collectively as the
(i) The Proprietor is the registered owner of the Land and form part of the Proprietor’s
housing project known as Taman Gading, Batu Gajah” (“Project”).
(ii) The approved Building Plans and Layout Plans for the Project was approved under
the company known as Premier Aspirasi (Batu Gajah) Sdn Bhd (“PABG).
(iii) The Land are not charged to any financial institution or third party, however there
is/are private caveat(s) entered by Forte Emerald Sdn Bhd (“Caveator”] against some
of the titles of the Land.
(iv) The Developer has all the necessary knowledge, expertise and experience in the field
of property development and related business and is able to provide technical,
commercial, financial and management expertise and is in a position to undertake the
overall development of the Land.
(v) The Developer has offered and the Proprietor has agreed to enter into the JVA
whereby the Proprietor is to contribute the Land and shall thereto be entitled to the
Proprietor’s entitlement (as provided in the JVA) whilst the Developer is to at its own
cost and expense develop the Land for residential developments scheme together with
all the necessary infrastructure and public utilities in accordance with the duly
approved Building Plans and the Layout Plans of the Project (“Development”) and
market the Development in accordance with the terms and conditions of the JVA.
PCSB was incorporated in Malaysia as a private limited company on 9 September 2013. As
at the date of this announcement, PRG Property Sdn Bhd, a wholly-owned subsidiary of
PRG, is entitled to the entire 5,000,000 issued shares of PCSB.
The Directors of PCBS are Dato’ Wee Cheng Kwan and Cheah Hannon. The principal
activity of PCSB is to engage as a contractor for civil and building construction works.
SHSB was incorporated in Malaysia as a private limited company on 2 December 2005.
SHSB is principally involved in property construction and development.
The issued share capital of SHSB is RM600,000.00 comprising 600,000 ordinary shares.
The directors and shareholders of SHSB are Loo Leep Chye and Loo Xin Theng holdings
540,000 ordinary shares and 60,000 ordinary shares respectively.
The salient terms of the JVA include, amongst others, the following:
4.1 Agreement to develop
In consideration of the Developer agreeing to advance and pay to the Proprietor the
deposit pursuant to the JVA and subject to the various agreements, undertakings,
covenants and obligations of the Parties, the Proprietor agrees to allow the Developer,
its agent and servants to enter the Land together with its tools implement and
equipment and the sole and exclusive rights to develop the Land at its own cost and
expense and in various stages or phases thereof and in such manner as the Developer
in its absolute discretion deem appropriate, and to commence, complete and to market
the Development and to collect all sales revenue therefrom in accordance with the
approved Layout Plans and Building Plans and such other plans or any amendment(s)
thereof as may be approved by the relevant authorities but subject always to the terms
and conditions of the JVA.
4.2 Proprietor’s and Developer’s Entitlement
The Proprietor shall be entitled to the Proprietor’s entitlement and the Developer shall
be entitled to the Developer’s entitlement as stated in the JVA.
4.3 Matters related to the Development
(i) The JVA is made in subject to the approved Building Plans and Layout Plans
known as Taman Gading, Batu Gajah, provided always that the Developer
shall be entitled from time to time and at any given time to make any
alteration, amendment, variation or modification to the approved Building
Plans and/or Layout Plans relating to the Development but subject to the terms
and conditions of the JVA.
(ii) The Proprietor shall procure a written consent from PABG to allow the
Developer to take over the development of the Project and shall assist in
procuring the development order from the relevant authority to enable the
Developer to commence the Development on the Land provided always that
the Proprietor shall authorise and/or assist the Developer to act on its behalf
to obtain the approved Layout Plans and Building Plans from the relevant
authority and all the costs incurred shall be borne by the Developer.
(iii) Subject to the approved Building Plans and/or Layout Plans for the
Development and compliance with the requirements of the relevant
authorities, the Developer shall commence, construct and complete on the
Land such number of residential units in accordance with approval of the
relevant authorities.
(iv) The Developer shall have the sole discretion to decide the date of
commencement of the Development provided that all the requisite consent and
development order have been obtained.
(v) The Developer shall have the sole and absolute discretion as to the design,
quality, specifications, style and price of the properties of the Development
(vi) The Developer acknowledges and agrees with the Proprietor that it shall carry
out the development works subject to the following: -
(a) The Developer shall ensure that the development works are carried out
in accordance with the Building Plans and the Layout Plans,
specifications and the various provisions of the JVA and in total
compliance with all the terms and conditions imposed or to be imposed
by the authorities from time to time. In the event that the authorities
rejecting any of the plans or approving the same subject to certain
amendments being made such rejection or conditional approval shall not
vitiate the JVA in any way whatsoever and the Developer shall forthwith
prepare alternative or amended plans as the case may be for submission
to the authorities for approval.
(b) The Developer shall comply with all development and construction laws
applicable from time to time and at any time.
(vii) The Developer shall not be allowed to charge the Land to any persons and/or
financial institution for financing.
4.4 Removal of Caveat
(i) The Proprietor shall cause the Caveator to deposit letter of confirmation with
the Developer’s Solicitors confirming the final amount owed by the Proprietor
to the Caveator and undertaking that they shall have no claim whatsoever on
the Land upon settlement of the amount owing to the Caveator;
(ii) The Proprietor shall cause the Caveator to deposit duly executed withdrawal of
caveat form with the Proprietor’s Solicitors as stakeholders, with authority to
release the said withdrawal forms to the Developer’s Solicitors upon the receipt
of the letter of undertaking from Developer to pay the Proprietor a sum of
RM37,324.00 per title as stated in the JVA.
4.5 Proprietor’s Entitlement
The Proprietor shall be entitled to a total sum of RM8,000,000.00 only that shall be
derived from the gross sale proceed and which shall be paid in the following manners.
4.6 Deposit and Payments
(i) Upon the execution of the JVA, the Developer shall pay to the Proprietor a
sum of RM50,000.00 Only [“Deposit”] by way of deposit and part payment
towards the Proprietor’s Entitlement made in advance from the Developer to
the Proprietor;
(ii) The Developer shall pay to the Proprietor a further sum of RM3,200,000.00
only as part payments towards Proprietor’s entitlement within 12 months from
the date of the JVA;
(iii) The Developer shall pay to the Proprietor a further sum of RM3,200,000.00
only as part payments towards Proprietor’s entitlement within 24 months from
the date of the JVA;
(iv) The Developer undertakes to pay to the Proprietor the balance sum of
RM1,550,000.00 due to the Proprietor within 36 months from the date of the
(v) The Deposit and payments paid pursuant to the above shall be treated and
deemed to be part and/or full settlement of the Proprietor’s Entitlement. In
calculating the Proprietor’s Entitlement, the Proprietor’s Entitlement shall be
adjusted by setting off or deducting the Deposit paid by the Developer to or
on behalf of the Proprietor.
4.7 Proprietor’s Land Cost
The Proprietor’s Entitlement shall be inclusive of the land costs amounting to
RM30,000.00 per lot and therefore, in respect of the development falling within the
Housing Developers (Control and Licensing) Act 1966, the Developer undertakes to
pay to the Proprietor the said sum as land costs per housing unit sold from the
Developments scheme within fourteen (14) days of receipt of payments into the
Housing Development Account from the end-financier of the progress claims by the
Developer against the end-purchasers.
4.8 Director Guarantee
Simultaneously upon the signing of the JVA, the Developer shall secure and provide
the personal guarantee by its director, Loo Leep Chye for the payment of the
Proprietor’s Entitlement (including the land costs as stipulated in the JVA) in the
event the Developer default in payment to the Proprietor.
4.9 Interest
(i) In the event the Developer fails to pay any part of the Proprietor’s Entitlement
in accordance with the time frame stipulated in the JVA, the Developer shall
pay to the Proprietor interest at the rate of 8% per annum calculated on a
monthly basis for every month on such part of the Proprietor’s Entitlement
which had become due to the Proprietor, commencing from the day next
following the due date of payment of such part of the Proprietor’s Entitlement
until full payment of such sum which has become due.
(ii) The provision of interest on late payment shall not mean or to be construed as
or be deemed to amount to the allowance of an indefinite extension by the
Proprietor to the Developer to pay to the Proprietor the Proprietor’s
Entitlement and the Developer shall make all payments comprising the
Proprietor’s Entitlement in accordance with the provision of the JVA provided
always the Proprietor shall be at liberty to terminate the JVA in the event that
the Developer default in the payment of such sum after the expiry of 3 months
from the stipulated date of payment.
4.10 The Developer’s Entitlement/Units
(i) The Developer shall be entitled to all the residential units developed on the
Land under the Development (“Developer’s Entitlement”) and shall be at
liberty to deal with all the Developer’s entitlement as it deems reasonable and
4.11 Sale of the Land
(i) The Developer shall be entitled to officially launch for sale the Land, whether
in a single phase or in multiple phases, to the general public and receive all
the sale proceeds from such sale upon such terms and conditions as the
Developer shall deem reasonable and the Developer shall execute the sale
and purchase agreements (SPA) or any such agreements and/or transfers in
relation thereto as the attorney for the Proprietor.
(ii) Subject to the terms and conditions of the JVA and subject to the compliance
of all obligations and undertakings by the Developer in accordance with the
JVA, the Proprietor consents to the sale of the Land by the Developer in such
manner as the Developer shall deem fit and the Developer shall have full
discretion: -
(a) in the marketing and advertisement for sale of the Land; and
(b) in determining the purchase price and discount for each of the
Developer’s Entitlement and such purchase price may also be varied
from time to time by the Developer in its sole discretion shall deem fit.
(iii) The Proprietor in compliance with the Housing Development (Control and
Licensing) Regulations 1989, hereby:
(a) agrees to the sale of the Lands for the purpose of housing development
concerned herein; and
(b) undertakes to abide by the provisions of Regulations 10 and 11 of the
Housing Developers (Control and Licensing) Regulations 1989.
4.12 Power of Attorney
(i) The Proprietor shall grant a power of attorney to the Developer to allow the
Developer to act as the attorney of the Proprietor to, inter alia,
(a) to sign and deliver all Building Plans, Layout Plans, applications and
any other documents in connection with the Development and/or the
Land or any part thereof and/or in order to apply and obtain the relevant
requisite consent;
(b) to sign and/or submit all Building Plans and/or Layout Plans or any
documents in relation thereto including the alterations, amendments,
variations or revision thereof;
(c) to take all steps and do all acts and things necessary to secure the
issuance of the certificate of compliance and completion to the
residential units by the authorities;
(d) to execute and sign the SPA and/or any such agreements and/or any
deed of assignments and/or transfers and/or all documents for consents
in relation thereto with individual end purchasers of the Developer’s
(ii) The Developer undertakes to exercise the Power of Attorney granted by the
Proprietor to the Developer for the purposes of the Development in
accordance with the terms and conditions of the JVA, to carry out the
development works including making applications for the relevant approvals
and to carry out and perform such other acts and obligations of the Proprietor
in accordance with the provisions of the JVA.
5.1 Share Capital and Substantial Shareholders’ Shareholdings
The JVA will not have any effect on the share capital and substantial shareholders’
shareholdings of the Company.
5.2 Earnings and Net Assets
The JVA will not have any material effect on the earnings or net assets of PRG and
its subsidiaries for the financial year ending 31 December 2021.
5.3 Gearing
The JVA will not have any effect on the gearing of PRG.
As the Developer has all the necessary knowledge, expertise and experience in the field of
property development and related business and is able to provide technical, commercial,
financial and management expertise, the Board believes the Develop is suitable and in better
position to undertake and complete the development of the Land.
The Proposed Joint Venture is subject to the terms and conditions of the JVA. There is no
assurance that the Proposed Joint Venture will not be exposed to risks such as termination
of the JVA and inability to fulfil the terms and conditions of the JVA apart from the risks
inherent in the property development industry.
The Board will endeavour to take all necessary steps to ensure that the terms and conditions
of the JVA which are within the control of the Group are met on a timely basis and will take
necessary steps to mitigate the risks as and when arises.
The JVA is not subject to the approval of PRG’s shareholders.
None of the Directors and/or major shareholders of PRG and/or persons connected with
them has any interest, direct or indirect, in the JVA.
Having considered all the relevant aspects including the rationale and benefits of the
Proposed Joint Venture, the Board is of the opinion that the JVA is in the best interest of
PRG Group.
The highest percentage ratio applicable to the JVA pursuant to paragraph 10.02(g) of Bursa
Malaysia Securities Berhad’s Main Market Listing Requirements is 5.04%.
A copy of the JVA is available for inspection at the registered office of the Company at
Suite 11.1A, Level 11, Menara Weld, 76 Jalan Raja Chulan, 50200 Kuala Lumpur during
normal office hours from Monday to Friday (except public holidays) for a period of 3
months from the date of this announcement.
This announcement is dated 30 March 2021.