TO: Distributors, Retailers and Sellers of Our Air Cleaners
This letter is to inform you that all air cleaning devices offered for sale in California must be
certified by the California Air Resources Board (CARB) as emitting no more than 0.050 parts
per million of ozone, unless they are specifically sold for an exempted industrial use. The
regulation is the result of concern about persons being exposed to ozone, a harmful air
pollutant. Permitted exempted industrial uses are listed in section 94801(19) of the regulation.
“Industrial use” or “industrial application” means the use of an ozone-producing air cleaning
device in the following manner:
(a) Destruction of microbes on produce in an agricultural processing plant, refrigerated
transport truck, or related facility, provided no people are physically present.
(b) Chemical oxidation and disinfection in the electronics, pharmaceutical,
biotechnology, or chemical industries, provided no people are physically present.
(c) Odor and smoke control in the hotel industry, for intermittent and temporary use,
carried out by trained personnel, provided no people are physically present.
(d) Mold, odor, fire, and smoke damage remediation services, carried out by trained
personnel, provided no people are physically present.
(e) Odor control in the motor vehicle reconditioning and detailing industry, carried out
by trained personnel, provided no people are physically present.
(f) Odor control in mausoleums, carried out by trained personnel, provided no people
are physically present.
As a manufacturer and/or seller of uncertified air cleaners, we are required to notify you
about the regulation so that you are aware of the permitted uses of our air cleaners. We are
also required to provide documentation to CARB about this notification, including contact
information for all California persons/businesses to which uncertified air cleaners were sold for
exempted purposes. It is not legal to sell or use uncertified ozone-producing air cleaners for
uses other than those listed in the regulation.
A copy of the complete regulation is enclosed for your information; it also is available at
There are additional requirements that manufacturers and sellers of uncertified air cleaners
sold in California must meet, which are explained in section 94803(a) of the regulation:
Distributors, Retailers and Sellers
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Such devices must display an advisory that states: “For industrial use only. Use only in
unoccupied spaces. Health hazard: Emits ozone.” This advisory must be clearly visible
and placed near the power switch or electrical connection on the device.
A graphic illustrating that people should not be present during use of the device is also
required to be placed next to the advisory text. This advisory must also be prominently
displayed in all owner’s, operations, and installation manuals for the device and on all
marketing materials, including websites.
Information about potential health effects associated with exposure to ozone must be
included in all owner’s, operations, and installation materials for the device.
The manual must also include a recommendation that any enclosed space in which
ozone-producing air cleaners are used should be well ventilated for at least one hour
before being re-occupied.
It is the responsibility of manufacturers, distributors, sellers, and retailers of uncertified ozone
generating air cleaning devices to be able to demonstrate that devices are marketed,
advertised, and labeled solely for an exempted purpose.
We encourage you to review the enclosed document so that you are familiar with the specific
requirements of the regulation that may affect you.
If you have questions about the regulation or our specific plans for meeting it that are not
answered by the information above and in the enclosed document, please contact:
[insert manufacturer contact].
Those interested in the regulation can receive updates directly from CARB by joining their air
cleaner listserv as instructed at
For further information about the regulation, you may also send questions to CARB via email to
Thank you for your attention to this information.
(Manufacturer or manufacturer’s representative)
Enclosure: California’s Indoor Air Cleaner Regulation
Distributors, Retailers and Sellers
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