Nonprofit Grant Proposal & Cover Letter Template
Developed by Click Nonprofit
Cover Letter Template
[Recipient Name]
[Recipient Title]
[Funding Organization Name]
[Funding Organization Address]
[Body Text]
Begin with a few sentences introducing yourself, your organization, and the communities you
serve. Express your appreciation for the recipient’s time spent reviewing the proposal.
Provide the project name and an overview of what it was designed to accomplish. Describe the
potential impact of the work and your expected goals.
Outline the ways your organization and project goals align with that of the funding organization.
Show them that this work is valuable to their mission as well as your own. Illustrate the need for
additional funding and the reason you desire this specific organization to fund your work.
[Table of Contents]
If you choose to include it, a table of contents is an excellent way to let readers preview the
content and receive an immediate understanding of the material they’ll be exploring.
1. Summary
2. Organizational Identity
3. Statement of Need
4. Strategy & Methodology
5. Evaluation Method
6. Conclusion
[Thanks and Closing]
[Applicant Name]
[Applicant Title]
[Applicant Signature]
[Applicant Organization Name]
[Applicant Organization Address]
Grant Proposal Template
This is your high-level overview of your project and intended results. It should be anywhere from
½ to a full page, but no longer, as youll cover this content in more depth later.
Outline how the project is aligned with your mission, and what makes your organization
qualified to see it through to completion. Include references to past successes and relevant
Organization Identity
List your organization’s values and mission statement. What makes your organization unique?
Remember that your readers may not be familiar with you or your work this is the time to make
a good first impression and motivate them to partner with you.
Introduce the communities impacted by your work, their unique needs and defining
characteristics. How long has your organization been involved in this area? Detail the
commitment of your organization towards serving your beneficiaries and the long-term impact
you hope to have.
Introduce the key stakeholders within your organization, specifically those focused on this
project. Provide a name and job description, a professional headshot, and a 2-3 sentence bio on
their passion for the work they do. Give your readers a closer look at the individuals driving this
Statement of Need
Here is where you can compel your readers to get involved. Demonstrate the depth of the need
within your community and the lasting negative effects resulting from it. Consider including
graphs or data related to the need and to your opportunity for impact.
Show that your project is essential to meeting the needs of your beneficiaries. Detail the
opportunity you have to make a difference, and the positive change you hope to enact. Finally,
invite the reader to partner with you in combating the issue at hand.
Strategy & Methodology
Align your outcomes to your Statement of Need. What issues does your project address? And
what is the desired result or end goal? Your outcomes should be solution-oriented, realistic yet
challenging, and relevant to your beneficiaries.
What objectives must be achieved in order for your project to succeed? Consider dividing your
project into stages, with 1-2 broad objectives per stage. Objectives should be designed in such a
way that, upon completion, they will lead to your desired outcomes.
Key Actions
What are the individual sub-goals that will help you accomplish your objectives? These should
be very specific, short-term actions that provide clarity into the day-to-day work of your project.
Internal Stakeholders
Reference back to the key stakeholders outlined in your Organizational Identity. Tie each
stakeholders passions and capabilities into their responsibilities for this work. Outline the
general hierarchy of responsibility and contributions for your team. Detail which team members
have ownership over each stage, objective, actions, and task forces within your project.
Think back to the stages you outlined when writing your Objectives. When will each objective be
accomplished? How often will you require progress updates? Strive to demonstrate your ability
to steward your time resources well. Create a schedule that is fast-paced enough to keep
momentum strong, but that sets a realistic timeline for performing work of quality.
This is the time to assure your readers that you will take an intentional approach to managing
their funds. Show how you plan to maximize their contribution, allocating resources to their most
appropriate and efficient ends. Include any additional funding received from other sources.
Evaluation Method
What metrics will you be using to demonstrate success? This will be unique to your organization
and to your project goals. Setting SMART goals ahead of time will help you develop expectations
for results.
By providing plenty of details on your plan for evaluation, you illustrate a strong level of
accountability to your readers. They will see your commitment to excellence through your high
standards and will be assured that they shall see clearly-defined results when the project is
Now, offer a brief summarization of all your content. Reiterate the significance of the need and
its relevance to both your organization and the funding organization. Provide a statement of
commitment to meaningful work and legitimate impact.
Offer to provide any additional information or to review this proposal face-to-face. Thank the
reader for the opportunity to present this information, and restate your willingness to partner
with this organization.
[Closing and Applicant Name]
[Applicant Signature]