C:\Documents And Settings\Ehs\My Documents\Downloads\Appendix-N_Oil Spill Report Form.Doc
Oil Spill Report Form
**Please submit this form to the Dept. of Environmental Health and Safety within 1 business day of incident**
For questions, please call Chuck Reyes at 245-5512
For EHS use only
Outside notification?
Fire yes/no
Hazmat yes/no
NYS DEC yes/no
US EPA yes no
National response center yes/no
Media interest yes no
Incident Date: Incident Time:
Date Reported: Location:
Type of material spilled (i.e. waste oil, gasoline, diesel, kitchen grease):
Approximate amount of spilled material (gallons):
Cause of spill (equipment failure, overfill, vehicular accident, etc.):
Has spill entered drains, catch basins, water (i.e. river) or roadway?
Person who discovered spill:
Personnel involved:
Complete description of incident and location (facts only):
Control measures taken:
Estimated property damage and cost of cleanup:
Measures to prevent other occurrences:
Disposal of contaminated materials: