US Department of the Interior
Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement
Oil Spill Preparedness Division
Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement
Oil Spill Preparedness Division
Report Specifications
Final Report
February 2023
(Photo: BSEE, 2018)
US Department of the Interior
Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement
Oil Spill Preparedness Division
Report Specifications
Final Report
OSRR# 0000
July 2021
Oil Spill Preparedness Division
Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement
In-house document
Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement
Oil Spill Preparedness Division
45600 Woodland Road
Sterling, VA 20166
The text on this page is sample text for this document. See Notices page for language and
instructions in Section 4.5.
A copy of the PDF version of this document may be obtained from the Contracting Officer
Representative (COR) or from
[BSEE] Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement. 2021. Bureau of Safety and
Environmental Enforcement, Oil Spill Preparedness Division report specifications (2021).
Sterling (VA): US Department of the Interior, Bureau of Safety and Environmental
Cover image by Kristi McKinney. OSPD Project 1101 - Testing of the Active Ice Management
System at Ohmsett in a 70% ice field used to improve Arctic oil spill recovery.”
The Oil Spill Preparedness Division contributed to the development of this document.
This document provides instructions and guidelines for drafting technical reports for OSPD. It is
intended to complement a Microsoft® Word report template that is available for authors when
drafting a report. Authors should contact the appropriate BSEE Contracting Officer’s
Representative (COR) or Contracting Officer (CO) to address questions or potential deviations of
the report requirements outlined in this document. See Section 4.5 regarding expected content
and format of an Executive Summary.
List of Figures .............................................................................................................. iii
List of Tables ................................................................................................................ iii
1 Introduction ......................................................................................................... 1
2 Style Guide .......................................................................................................... 1
3 Report Format ..................................................................................................... 2
3.1 File Format ............................................................................................................ 2
3.2 Page Size .............................................................................................................. 2
3.3 Page Margins ........................................................................................................ 2
3.4 Page Numbers ....................................................................................................... 2
3.5 Printed Reports ..................................................................................................... 2
4 Report Sections .................................................................................................. 3
4.1 Front Cover ............................................................................................................ 3
4.2 Title Page .............................................................................................................. 3
4.3 Notices .................................................................................................................. 4
4.3.1 Disclaimer Statement ....................................................................................... 4
4.3.2 Report Availability ............................................................................................ 5
4.3.3 Citation ............................................................................................................. 5
4.3.4 About the Cover ............................................................................................... 6
4.3.5 Acknowledgments ............................................................................................ 6
4.4 Graphical Abstract ................................................................................................. 6
4.5 Executive Summary .............................................................................................. 7
4.6 Contents and Other Front Matter Lists .................................................................. 7
4.7 Report Body .......................................................................................................... 7
4.8 References ............................................................................................................ 7
4.9 Appendixes ............................................................................................................ 8
4.9.1 Technical Summary ......................................................................................... 8
4.10 Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Symbols ................................................................ 8
4.11 Back Cover ............................................................................................................ 8
4.12 Multiple Volumes ................................................................................................... 8
5 Report Body Style Specifications ..................................................................... 9
5.1 Spacing ................................................................................................................. 9
5.2 Paragraph Formatting ............................................................................................ 9
5.3 Fonts ..................................................................................................................... 9
5.4 Numbers ................................................................................................................ 9
5.5 Units ...................................................................................................................... 9
5.6 Hyperlinks .............................................................................................................. 9
5.7 Figures and Tables .............................................................................................. 10
5.7.1 Figures ........................................................................................................... 10
5.7.2 Tables ............................................................................................................ 10
5.8 Endnotes and Footnotes ..................................................................................... 12
6 References ........................................................................................................ 13
Appendixes .................................................................................................................. 14
Appendix A: Technical Data Specifications ..................................................................... 15
Appendix B: Council of Science Editors 8th Edition Bibliography Formatting Examples 16
Appendix C: Sample Table in Landscape Orientation .................................................... 23
Abbreviations and Acronyms .................................................................................... 24
List of Figures
Fig. 1 P16400 Marco skimmer ...................................................................................... 11
Fig. 2 MC 252 Target aromatics .................................................................................... 11
List of Tables
Table 1 OSPD report elements and their relation to CSE 8th Edition ............................. 1
Table B-2 Sample table in landscape orientation with data in columns aligned on the
decimal (mg/m2) ........................................................................................................... 23
1 Introduction
The Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) Oil Spill Preparedness Division
(OSPD) Report Specifications provides guidance and serves as a model for preparing reports.
This document clarifies the guidelines for authors, contractors, Contracting Officer’s
Representatives (CORs), and editors. The term “contractors” encompasses all entities preparing
OSPD reports through a contract, inter/intra-agency agreement, or cooperative agreement. These
specifications apply to all OSPD reports regardless of contractor type.
Deviations from these specifications require approval by the BSEE OSPD COR during the first
draft stage of the report.
These specifications may be updated at any time. BSEE OSPD prefers contractors follow the
specifications in place at the time the deliverable is being prepared, not those at the time of the
OSPD reports must be professional in appearance, reviewed for technical accuracy, and edited
by the author(s) or contractor(s) for clear language and compliance with these specifications.
Reports should comply with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act; see for more information. BSEE recommends that contractors utilize
the “Check Accessibility” function in Microsoft® Word.
To assist contractors in complying with these specifications, BSEE OSPD developed the
Microsoft® Word OSPD Report Template (Template), which is available through the project
COR or can be downloaded from
2 Style Guide
Contractors are strongly encouraged to follow the Council of Science Editor’s (CSE’s)
Scientific Style and Format: The CSE Manual for Authors, Editors, and Publishers 8th Edition
(CSE 8
Edition) (CSE 2014). Part 4 of the CSE 8
Edition, Technical Elements of Publications,
is of particular pertinence for OSPD reports, which BSEE OSPD considers to be technical
reports or monographs. Table 1 lists the elements of these reports, where to find guidance in the
CSE, and whether or not BSEE OSPD provides additions and/or exceptions to the CSE 8
Edition in this document.
Section in This
Report Element
Addition and/or
Exception to CSE
Report Format
File Format
Page Size
Page Margins
Page Numbers
Report Sections
Front Cover
Title Page
Graphical Abstract
Executive Summary
Table of
Contents and
Other Front
Matter Lists,
Table of Contents and Other Front Matter Lists
Report Body
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Symbols
Back Cover
Multiple Volumes
Report Body Style Specifications
Paragraph Formatting
Tables and Figures
Endnotes and Footnotes
Table 1 OSPD report elements and their relation to CSE 8th Edition
3 Report Format
3.1 File Format
Prepare document deliverables using the word processing software and version in use by BSEE
OSPD. OSPD is currently using the Office 365 version of Word. Preparers may use Office 365,
or with approval from OSPD, previous versions of Word. The Microsoft® Word version of the
final report must include all components in a single file, with three levels of bookmarks
corresponding to the report sections. The final report must also be provided in PDF format, with
three levels of bookmarks for the report sections. Alternative text should also be included in the
PDF. When saving the Word document as a PDF, change the Save as Type to “PDF”. Under
Options, make sure to check “Create bookmarks using: Headings” and “Document structure tags
for accessibility”. There is no size limitation on the final report files.
3.2 Page Size
Use letter-sized pages (8.5 by 11.0 inch).
3.3 Page Margins
Set page margins at 1.0 inch on all sides. All body text, figures, and tables must fit within the
page margins. Page numbers and footnotes can be included in the footer. No other text should be
included in the header or footer unless noted elsewhere in these specifications.
3.4 Page Numbers
Page numbers begin with the Contents page. Use automatic page numbering fields. Place page
numbers outside the margin and in the center of the footer of the page as it is read (on the short
edge for portrait-oriented pages and on the long edge for landscape-oriented pages). Number the
front matter pages starting with the Contents page consecutively with lowercase Roman
numerals (i, ii, iii, etc.). Number the body of the report and back matter pages consecutively with
Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, etc.). Pages should be numbered consecutively whether the page
number is expressed or not. When a page only contains illustrations or tables, the page number
should not be expressed. Ensure that page numbers in the PDF file (including the page numbers
shown in the status bar) match those in the Microsoft® Word file.
3.5 Printed Reports
Printed versions of the report should be printed double-sided on white letter-sized paper. When
printing the document, a blank page may be inserted before and after the title page. A blank page
does not need to be added after sections that end on an odd numbered page. The back cover
should be printed facing outward.
4 Report Sections
Each section within the report should start at the top of the page and be followed by a section
break. Subsections do not need a section break and should immediately follow the preceding
4.1 Front Cover
Use the Template to generate the front covers of OSPD reports. The position and size of the
BSEE logo and other elements may not be altered. For correct alignment, some cover elements
are in borderless tables.
Using artwork on the front cover is optional. Artwork that exemplifies the research is
encouraged. The cover art may fill the available space between the title and the authors’ names.
At the bottom of the page, above the footer, include the name of the authors in the order in which
they are presented on the original report.
Identify “US Department of the Interior,” “Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement,”
and “Oil Spill Preparedness Division” in the footer of the page. This element is aligned one inch
from the bottom of the page. The size and position of the footer should not be changed and
should be the same as the Template.
Do not put logos other than BSEE’s on the cover page. Additional logos for studies conducted
through inter/intra-agency agreements and cooperative agreements may be added with the
COR’s or CO’s consent. This element is aligned 1.0 inch from the bottom of the page.
4.2 Title Page
Use the Template to generate the title page. For correct alignment, some elements in the
Template are in borderless tables. Do not change the size of elements or their position relative to
one another. White space between the “Title,” “OSRR #” “Authors,” and “Prepared” elements
may be adjusted as necessary.
Add the title to the top of the page. Cite the publication date of the report as month/year where
the date is listed on the title page of the Template. Under “Authors,” list the authors or editors as
appropriate. Additional authors may be listed following the same format. Where “Prepared
under” appears, cite the type of award (contract, interagency agreement, intra-agency agreement,
or cooperative agreement) and the award number. Include the contractor’s name and address
under “By”. Additional contractors may be included, following the prime contractor.
The logos of organizations partnering with BSEE OSPD to develop the report may be placed on
the title page. Partner logo(s) may be the same size as or smaller than the BSEE logo. Add the
logo(s) on the right side of the page, adjacent to the partner’s name.
Copyright notice on the title page is optional. A work produced exclusively by government
employees within their official duties is not protected under US copyright law and there for no
copyright notice should be included in this case. When a work is developed with joint authorship
between US government employees and non-federal colleagues, the work is protected by
copyright. The ownership of the copyright depends on the terms of the contract. The copyright
notice should be placed directly under the OSRR # using the following format:
© YYYY Copyright holder
Identify “US Department of the Interior, “Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement,
and “Oil Spill Preparedness Division” in the footer of the page. This element is aligned one inch
from the bottom of the page and should be in Arial 11 pt bold. The size and position of the footer
should not be changed and should be the same as the Template.
When printing the document, a blank page may be inserted before and after the title page.
4.3 Notices
The notices page includes the disclaimer statement, report availability information, suggested
citation, cover graphic/photo credits (optional), and acknowledgments (optional). This page
follows the title page, precedes the Contents, and has no page number.
4.3.1 Disclaimer Statement
A disclaimer statement is required in reports produced by non-BSEE authors or
organizations. Include one of the following statements based on the type of award, filling in
the appropriate text and numbers where indicated.
Study concept, oversight, and funding were provided by the US Department of the Interior
(DOI), Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE), Oil Spill Preparedness
Division (OSPD), Sterling, VA, under Contract Number _________________. This report
has been technically reviewed by BSEE, and it has been approved for publication. The
views and conclusions contained in this document are those of the authors and should not
be interpreted as representing the opinions or policies of the US Government, nor does
mention of trade names or commercial products constitute endorsement or
recommendation for use.
Interagency and Intra-Agency Agreements (select “Interagency” for agreements with
Agencies outside of the US Department of the Interior (DOI) or “Intra-Agency” for Agencies
within DOI):
This study was funded, in part, by the US Department of the Interior, Bureau of Safety
and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE), Oil Spill Preparedness (OSPD), Sterling, VA,
through [Interagency or Intra-Agency] Agreement Number _________________ with the
_________________. This report has been technically reviewed by BSEE, and it has been
approved for publication. The views and conclusions contained in this document are those
of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing the opinions or policies of the
US Government, nor does mention of trade names or commercial products constitute
endorsement or recommendation for use.
Cooperative Agreements:
Study collaboration and funding were provided by the US Department of the Interior
(DOI), Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE), Oil Spill Preparedness
(OSPD), Sterling, VA, under Agreement Number _________________. This report has
been technically reviewed by BSEE, and it has been approved for publication. The views
and conclusions contained in this document are those of the authors and should not be
interpreted as representing the opinions or policies of the US Government, nor does
mention of trade names or commercial products constitute endorsement or
recommendation for use.
4.3.2 Report Availability
Include the following statement and table on how to obtain a copy of the report. The three
sources listed below are required. Include the appropriate information under the search term for
each document source. If available, list other sources for the report and associated information:
The PDF file for this report is available through the following sources. Click on the URL and
enter the appropriate search term to locate the PDF:
Document Source
Search Term
Bureau of Safety and
Environmental Enforcement
Project Number -
U.S. Department of the Interior
[Project Title]
National Technical Reports
[Project Title]
Sources: a) BSEE (2019), b) DOI [2021], c) National Technical Information Service (2021)
4.3.3 Citation
Include a suggested citation for the report on the Notices page. Use the same format as the
document references but include all of the authors’ names in this citation. Use the CSE 8
(CSE 2014) format for this citation. For additional citation format examples, see the Scientific
Style and Format Citation Quick Guide (CSE c2014).
Citation format for technical report produced by a contractor or partner and published by
Lastname IN, Lastname IN, Lastname IN (Contractor name, City, ST). Year. Report title in
sentence caps. City (ST): U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Safety and Environmental
Enforcement. xx p. Report No. xxxx. Contract No.: xxxxx.
Citation example:
Shigenaka G, Overton E, Meyer B, Gao H, Miles S. (NOAA, Seattle, WA) 2015. Comparison
of physical and chemical characteristics of in situ burn residue and other environmental oil
samples collected during the Deepwater Horizon spill responses. U.S. Department of the
Interior, Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement. 41 p. Report No.:1010. Contract
No.: E13PG0000120.
4.3.4 About the Cover
This section is optional and may be included for the cover photo credit. The photo credit may
also be listed under Acknowledgements (see Section 4.4.5).
About the Cover example:
Cover image by BSEE. OSRR Project 1101 - Testing of the Active Ice Management System at
Ohmsett in a 70% ice field used to improve Arctic oil spill recovery.”
4.3.5 Acknowledgments
Acknowledgments are optional and may be included on the Notices page after all other elements
or, if additional space is needed, on a separate page immediately after the disclaimer page. Copyrighted Material
Copyrighted material (including photographs and figures) cannot be used unless authorized in
writing by the copyright holder. Provide a copy of each authorization to the COR with the draft
report. Copyright permissions should be listed under Acknowledgements.
4.4 Graphical Abstract
A Graphical Abstract is required. Insert a single, concise, pictorial and visual summary of the
project’s main [significant] findings. The Graphical Abstract should capture the content of the
project report for readers at a single glance. See an example published Graphical Abstract below.
The Graphical Abstract should be followed by a page break.
Graphical Abstract Image size: Include an image with a minimum of 531 × 1328 pixels (h × w)
using a minimum resolution of 300 pixels per inch(ppi), highest resolution possible is preferred.
The image should be scaled proportionally to fit within the page margins. Check the resolution
details of your image by saving the image on your computer. Right click on the File> Properties>
Details> Image.
No additional text, outline or synopsis should be included for the Graphical Abstract. However,
for Section 508 compliance, provide an “alt text”
description for the Graphical Abstract that
provides a brief description of what is shown. Right click on the image and select “Edit Alt Text”
to add a description. Text within a graphical abstract must meet color contrast standards.
Standard text less than 12 pt regular must have a contrast ratio of 4.5 :1. Large text (14 pt bold or
18 pt regular) must have a contrast ratio of 3:1.
Example Reference: Elsevier Science Authors Instructions:
Alternative text, or alt text, provides a description to an image or figure that a screen reader uses to describe what
is being shown. This provides context to images for those who may be visually impaired. It can also be useful for
those who encounters a broken image or disables image loading.
Kaminskasa L, Porter C.J.H. 2011.Targeting the lymphatics using dendritic polymers
(dendrimers). Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews, 63:10-11. [accessed 2021 Apr 07]
4.5 Executive Summary
In this section include an Executive Summary about the study. The Executive Summary should
be concise, written in plain language, and provide an overview about the research in
approximately 500-1,000 words. The summary should be followed by a page break.
4.6 Contents and Other Front Matter Lists
Include a table of contents (labeled “Contents”). In the Contents, include the first three levels of
section headings with correct page numbers. Include any appendixes in the Contents. Provide
separate lists for figures and tables. These lists follow the Contents and are to be referenced in
the Contents. Generate these lists using the references features in Microsoft® Word.
4.7 Report Body
See Section 5 of these specifications for guidance on report body style. See Chapter 7 in the CSE
Edition (CSE 2014) for guidance on prose style and word choice.
4.8 References
Contractors should use in-text and end references and are encouraged to do so using EndNote or
other similar software or the citation function in Microsoft® Word. In the end references, include
every source referenced or quoted in the report, including unpublished material, personal
communications, and references cited in figures and tables.
Use a Name-Year reference system consistently throughout the document. In-text and end
references in this document are in the recommended format of the CSE 8th Edition (CSE 2014).
For citation format examples, see the Scientific Style and Format Citation Quick Guide (CSE
c2014). Additional CSE 8
Edition citation format samples can be found in Appendix B.
4.9 Appendixes
A report may have appendixes as needed for supplemental information. Include appendixes in
the Contents. If a report has more than one appendix, number or letter them consecutively.
Appendixes should be placed after the References preceded by a half-title page labeled
“Appendix” or “Appendixes” as appropriate.
4.9.1 Technical Summary
A technical summary is required for each report and must be the first item listed in the Appendix.
Refer to the technical summary in the Template for required elements. The order of the required
elements should follow the Template.
4.10 Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Symbols
Spell out acronyms and abbreviations on first use in the text. Use an acronym if the phrase it
represents appears more than three times in the document or if the acronym is more commonly
known than the phrase. Abbreviations in common use do not need to be included in the list of
If the document includes five or more abbreviations, acronyms, and/or symbols, include an
alphabetical list of them in left-aligned columns (a borderless table is recommended), in the
back matter of the report. This list is placed after the Appendix.
4.11 Back Cover
Place the DOI and BSEE logos and mission statements on the back cover as shown on the last
page of the Template. The layout and wording of the back cover is shown exactly in these
specifications and the accompanying Template, with no alterations permitted. Place the back
cover facing outward when formatting for printing.
4.12 Multiple Volumes
If the report is very long, it may be prepared in multiple volumes. Number multiple volumes
consecutively and list all volumes in the Contents. Each separate volume must have front and
back covers, a disclaimer page, a title page, Contents and other front matter lists, and references
as described in this document. Volumes should be numbered consecutively started with Arabic
numeral 1. Each volume should have the same title, volumes may be differentiated by adding a
subtitle. The volume should be listed under the title on both the cover and title page.
5 Report Body Style Specifications
Use consistent formatting throughout the document. When printing, a blank page does not need
to be added between sections.
5.1 Spacing
Use single line spacing.
Use spacing between paragraphs as set by the paragraph styles.
Use one space after end-of-sentence punctuation.
5.2 Paragraph Formatting
Set body text paragraph justification to left justified with a ragged right margin.
Use 0 pt space before and after the paragraph with the box checked for “Don’t add
spaces between paragraphs of the same style.”
“Widow/Orphan control” should be used. This option is located in the Paragraph section
under Line and Page Breaks tab.
5.3 Fonts
Use the paragraph and character styles provided in the Template.
Do not change the style settings provided by BSEE. Add new styles only if necessary.
The body text should be 12 point, Times New Roman.
Titles and Section Titles should be Arial font using the font size listed in the Template.
5.4 Numbers
Separate every three digits to the left of the decimal point with a comma (e.g., 1,234).
Do not use a separator comma in the numbers after a decimal and where the use of a
comma is inappropriate, such as in a US ZIP code.
Use a period (not a comma) as a decimal point.
For numbers less than 1.0, use a zero to the left of the decimal point (e.g., 0.12).
List dates in the sequence of day, month, and year (e.g., 23 April 2021).
5.5 Units
Metric units are preferred, but the standard unit for the discipline may be used.
Maintain consistency in the units throughout the report. If a change in the unit is
required, it must be clearly stated to avoid confusion.
If appropriate, both standard and metric units may be provided by adding standard units
in parenthesis. (e.g. 12.2 to 15.2 m (40 ft to 50 ft))
5.6 Hyperlinks
Avoid adding hyperlinks and URLs in the body of the report when possible.
Treat Internet-based documents like references; cite them in the text and include
them in the References list.
If used, URLs must be correct, complete, and linked to an active webpage. Provide a
for each URL.
5.7 Figures and Tables
Insert figures and tables as closely as possible after the text that refers to them.
If there are many consecutive figures or tables, or if a single figure or table
occupies multiple pages (and so disrupts the continuity of the text of the report),
these figures or tables may be grouped at the end of the chapter or placed in an
Figure captions appear below the figure; table titles appear above the table. Figure
captions and table titles appear on the same page as the figure or table, are left
justified, and in bold text.
Include spacing above and below figures, tables, and the associated text.
To keep the caption or title length to a minimum, use the caption or title to provide a
unique number and descriptive name, not to explain the figure or table. Discuss the
meaning of the figure or table in the corresponding body text or in a note beneath the
figure or table.
Figure captions and table titles are single phrases with sentence-style capitalization.
Acronyms are permitted if they were spelled out ahead of the figure or table.
Footnote references are not permitted in the title caption. Include references just
below the figure or table.
5.7.1 Figures
Provide the individual file for each figure to BSEE OSPD with the final report.
The minimum resolution for graphic files is 300 ppi. In File > Options > Advanced, set
the default resolution to 300 ppi and check the box for “do not compress images.” For
Section 508 compliance, provide an alternative text description for each figure if the
figure caption and notes do not sufficiently describe the contents.
Set the text wrapping style (when you click on the image, use the Layout Options icon)
to “in line with text.”
Use the Figure Caption and Figure Notes styles within the Report Template for the
caption and description of the figure respectively.
Photo credit can be given in the following format at the end of the figure caption (Photo:
Organization, Year)
Figure 1 provides a sample figure to show the caption and description (if desired) as
flush left.
When more than one figure is included in the report, label each figure caption as “Fig.”
and number them consecutively in Arabic numerals. For example: Fig. 1, Fig. 2
Figure notes should consist of a short phrase without a closing period in sentence case.
5.7.2 Tables
Use the table style as shown in the Template.
ScreenTips can be added in Microsoft® Word by going to the Insert tab and clicking the Link icon. The URL can
be added to the address line and the text to display should remain unchanged. The ScreenTip can be added by
clicking on the ScreenTip button next to the Text to Display bar. The ScreenTip text should describe where the link
Tables may include footnotes at the bottom of the table.
Tables must include units where applicable.
Even if the table fits on one page and does not break across pages, select the
following table properties:
Repeat header row on every page of the table
Do not allow table rows to break across pages
Align numbers in a column on the decimal point (see example in Appendix B).
Use the “Table Cell (left)” style.
Select the cells you want to align.
Double click on the lower part of the ruler around the place you want to put the
decimal (or go to Paragraph > Tabs and enter an amount for the distance of the
decimal from the left cell margin).
Select “Decimal,” “Set,” and “OK.”
Per Section 508 requirements, leave cells empty if there is no content; do not merge or
split cells.
Fig. 1 P16400 Marco skimmer
A combined team of personnel from Navy SUPSALV and Global PCCI measure the capabilities of P16400 Marco
Class V Skimmer Vessel equipped with an Elastec Grooved X-Disc at Ohmsett (Photo: BSEE, 2021)
Fig. 2 MC 252 Target aromatics
Target analyte profiles for aromatics in fresh MC2552 source oil (riser fluid) (Shigenaka, 2015)
C3- Fluors
C3- DBTs
C1- Pyrs
C2- Pyrs
C3- Pyrs
C4- Pyrs
C-1 NBTs
C-2 NBTs
C-3 NBTs
C1- Chrys
C2- Chrys
C3- Chrys
C4- Chrys
Conc (mg/kg)
Total Target Aromatics = 11,900 mg/kg
5.8 Endnotes and Footnotes
Endnotes may be shown in a smaller font size than the body text but must be at least 9
pts in size.
Use a consistent style for all endnotes.
Put the endnote section at the end of each volume before the References section.
Endnotes and end references are preferred, but footnotes may be used if appropriate for
the area of study.
Footnotes can be added by using the Footnotes feature under the References tab in
Microsoft® Word.
6 References
Note: The following references are in the recommended format of the CSE 8
Edition (CSE
2014). For more citation format examples, see Appendix B. See additional instructions in
Section 3.6.
BOEM. [date unknown]. ESP data and information systems. Sterling (VA): US Department of
Interior, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management; [accessed 2021 Apr 07].
[CSE] Council of Science Editors. 2014. Scientific style and format: the CSE manual for
authors, editors, and publishers. 8th ed. Chicago (IL): University of Chicago Press. 722 p.
CSE. c2014. Scientific style and format citation quick guide. Chicago (IL): University of
Chicago Press; [accessed 2021 Feb 02].
Kaminskasa L, Porter C.J.H. 2011.Targeting the lymphatics using dendritic polymers
(dendrimers). Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews, 63:10-11. [accessed 2021 Apr 07]
National Technical Information Service. c2014. National Technical Reports Library. National
Technical Information Service; [accessed 2021 Feb 02].
Shigenaka G, Overton E, Meyer B, Gao H, Miles S. 2015. Comparison of Physical and
Chemical Characteristics of in situ burn residue and other environmental oil samples
collected during the Deepwater Horizon spill responses. Seattle (WA). US Department of
the Interior, Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement. Figure 11. Target analyte
profiles for n-alkanes and aromatics in fresh MC252 source oil (riser fluid). p. 20.
US Government Publishing Office. [date unknown]. Welcome to the Federal Depository
Library Directory (FDLD). Washington (DC): US Government Publishing Office;
[accessed 2017 May 15].
Appendix A: Technical Data Specifications
A.1 Purpose
The Appendix is a back matter section to include relevant project/contract details including
detailed data, tables, graphs, charts, and other supporting images.
A.2 Required Elements
At a minimum, the following informational elements shall be included in the Appendix.
* The affiliation of the Principal Investigators(s) may be different than that listed for Project
A.3 Optional Elements
Optional elements include any additional information, data, or exhibits that support or amplify
text contained in the report. These elements could include tables, figures, maps, text, etc.
Appendix B: Council of Science Editors 8th Edition Bibliography
Formatting Examples
This appendix provides examples of CSE 8th Edition references (in Name-Year format) that are
commonly found in environmental study reports. Items in works cited or reference lists should
not break across pages.
B.1 Technical Report
Authors(s). Year. Title of report in sentence caps. Edition. Place of publication: Publisher.
Extent. Report No.: xx. Contract No.: xx. Notes.
Feller BA. 1981. Health characteristics of persons with chronic activity limitations. United
States, 1979. Hyattsville (MD): National Center for Health Statistics (US). 68 p.
Report No. VHS- 2345. Available from: NTIS, Springfield, VA; PB88-284858.
Sheridan P. 2008. Seasonal foods, gonadal maturation, and length-weight relationships for
nine fishes commonly captured by shrimp trawl on the northwest Gulf of Mexico
continental shelf. Panama City Beach (FL): National Marine Fisheries Service,
Southeast Fisheries Science Center. 40 p. Report No.: NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-
Written by a Performing Organization and Published by a Sponsoring Organization or Agency
Authors(s) (performing org [contractor] name, City, ST). Year. Title of report in sentence
caps. Edition. Place of publication: Publisher. xx p. Report No.: xx. Contract No.: xx.
Grant No.: xx. Notes.
Ford B, Borgens A, Bryant W, Marshall D, Hitchcock P, Arias C, Hamilton D (Texas
A&M University, College Station, TX). 2008. Archaeological excavation of the
Mardi Gras Shipwreck (16GM01), Gulf of Mexico Continental Slope. New
Orleans (LA): U.S. Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service.
326 p. Report No.: OCS Report MMS 2008-037. Contract No.: 1435-01-04-CA-
32806-39902 (M08AC12864).
Jochens A, Biggs D, Benoit-Bird K, Engelhardt D, Gordon J, et al. (Texas A&M University,
College Station, TX). 2008. Sperm whale seismic study in the Gulf of Mexico:
synthesis report. New Orleans (LA): U.S. Department of the Interior, Minerals
Management Service. 500 p. Report No.: OCS Study MMS 2008-006. Contract No.:
Stunz GW, Ajemian MJ, Streich MK, Brewton R, Downey C, et al. Texas A&M
UniversityCorpus Christi Hate Research Institute for Gulf of Mexico Studies,
Corpus Christi, TX). 2016. Investigation of the relative habitat value of oil and/or
gas platforms and natural banks in enhancing stock building of reef fish in the
western Gulf of Mexico. St. Petersburg (FL): National Marine Fisheries Service,
Southeast Regional Office. 109 p. Grant No.: NA14NMF4330219. Report No.:
Wood J, Southall BL, Tollit DJ (Environmental Resources Management [ERM] Group,
Inc.). 2012. PG&E offshore 3‐D seismic survey project EIR–marine mammal
technical draft report. St. Andrews (GB)
: SMRU Ltd. 78 p. Report No.:
B.2 Article in a Journal
Author(s). Year. Article title in sentence caps. Journal title [use ISO 4 journal
abbreviations for titles of journals
]. Volume(issue): location.
Conmy, RN, Coble PG, Farr J, Wood AM, Lee K, Pegau S, Walsh I, Koch C, Abercrombie
MI, Miles MS, Lewis M, Ryan S, Robinson B, King T, Kelble C, and Lacoste J.
2014. Performance of submersible fluorometers exposed to chemically-dispersed
crude oil: Wave tank simulations for improved oil spill monitoring and evaluation of
Deepwater Horizon spill measurements. Environmental Science and Technology
Article Accepted for Publication and in Review
If the article has been accepted for publication, designate as “Forthcoming.” as in Author.
Forthcoming Year. Article title. Journal name, etc. If it has been submitted but not yet
accepted, *and* it is available to the public, treat it as an unpublished manuscript.
Roulee RA, Getty RG, Rascal CA, Peterson AD. Forthcoming 2020. Listening to
fish: passive acoustics and fisheries science. Fisheries.
(Roulee et al. Forthcoming 2020)
B.3 Book
Author(s). Year. Title of book in sentence caps. Edition. Place of publication:
Publisher. Extent [optional]. Notes.
Richardson WJ, Greene Jr CR, Malme CI, Thomson DH. 1995. Marine mammals and
noise. San Diego (CA): Academic Press. 502 p.
Multi-volume Book When All Volumes Are Referenced
Mica WJ, Baca Jr CR, Malme CI, Thomson DH. 1995. Marine mammals and family
hierarchy. San Mateo (CA): Blimey Press. 4 vol.
Two-letter ISO Country Codes, see the full list at
The full list of journal title abbreviations:
Part of Book When Author of the Part Is Same as Book Author
Bobsled IL, Pratt YN. 2009. Marine mammals and ocean noise. Wilmington (NC):
University of North Carolina-Wilmington. Chapter 4: Toothed whales; p. 70
Part of a Book When the Author is Not the Author or Editor of the Book
Author(s). Year. Title of part or chapter in sentence caps. In: Editors names, editors.
Name of the book. Edition [ed.]. Place of publication: publisher. Extent of cited part or
Andriolo A, de Castro FR, Amorim T, Miranda G, Di Tullio J, et al. 2018. Marine
mammal bioacoustics using towed array systems in the western South Atlantic
Ocean. In: Rossi-Santos MR, Finkl CW, editors. Advances in marine vertebrate
research in Latin America. Vol. 2. Cham (CH): Springer International Publishing
AG. p. 113147.
Ludwig S, Kreimeyer R, Knoll M. 2016. Comparison of PAM systems for acoustic
monitoring and further risk mitigation application. In: Popper A, Hawkins A,
editors. The effects of noise on aquatic life II: advances in experimental medicine
and biology. Vol 875. New York (NY): Springer. p. 655663.
Book in a Series
Salvador A. 1991. Origin and development of the Gulf of Mexico Basin. In: Salvador A,
editor. The Gulf of Mexico Basin. The geology of North America, Volume J. Boulder
(CO): Geological Society of America. p. 389444.
Contribution to a Book [Author of the Contribution is Not Author or Editor of Book]
Hazeltine WA. 2009. Kidney disease. In: Michaelson PE, Odetta LF, editors. The
encyclopedia of medicine. Berlin (DE): Verlag. p. 365390.
Stanley DR, Wilson CA. 2003. Seasonal and spatial variation in the biomass and size
frequency distribution of fish associated with oil and gas platforms in the
northern Gulf of Mexico. In: Stanley DR, Scarborough-Bull A, editors. Fisheries,
reefs, and offshore development. American Fisheries Society Symposium 36.
Bethesda (MD): American Fisheries Society. p. 123153.
B.4 Conference Proceedings and Poster Presentations
These are one of the only formats that takes title caps (for the proceedings and the conference
Conference Paper in Published Proceedings
Author(s) of paper. Year. Title of paper in sentence caps. In: Title of Book in Title Caps.
Number and name of conference; date of conference; place of conference. Place of
publication: publisher. Location. Notes.
Coolbaugh T, Nicoll A, Montgomery A, Varghese G, Heathcote L. 2017. Effective
planning for dispersant operations Making decisions, analyzing options and
establishing capability. In: International Oil Spill Conference Proceedings, Vol 1.
2017 May 15-18, Long Beach, CA, p. 2791-2810.
Yoshioka R, Salem A, Swerdon S, Loper C, Pritchett Z. 2016. Turning FPUs into hubs:
opportunities and constraints. Proceedings of the Annual Offshore Technology
Conference, Vol. 1; 2016 May 25; Houston, TX. Richardson (TX): Offshore
Technology Conference. p. 32493257. OTC-27167-MS. doi:10.4043/27167-MS.
Published Proceedings (Entire Proceedings)
Author(s) of paper. Year. Title of book in title caps. Number and name of conference; date
of conference; place of conference. Place of publication: publisher. Location. Notes.
Callaos N, Malmgern K, Cooke J, editors. c2003. Proceedings of the 7th World
Multiconference on Systemics, Informatics, and Cybernetics. SCI: 7, 2003; 2003
Jul 2730; Orlando, FL. Orlando (FL): International Institute of Informatics.
Unpublished Conference
Author. Year of conference. Title of paper in sentence caps. Paper presented at: Title of
conference. Number and name of conference: Place of conference.
Beppo KL, Svoboda TR. 2018. Assessments of congregations of red fish at drilling
platforms in the Gulf of Mexico. Paper presented at: Where Things Stand: Gulf of
Mexico 5th Annual Species Status Conference; 2016 Nov 1014; Biloxi, MS.
Poster or Paper Presentation
Bourque JR, Demopoulos AWJ, Fisher CR. 2015. Temporal variability of deep-sea coral-
associated macrofauna in the Gulf of Mexico after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.
Poster presented at: 14th Deep Sea Biology Symposium; 2015 Aug 13 ֪ Sep 04;
Aveiro, Portugal.
Rowe J, Morandi A, Li Z, Blanc P. 2017. Oil spill response technologies (OSR) since
Macondo A review of improvements and novelties. Paper presented at:
International Oil Spill Conference, 2017 May 15-18, Long Beach, CA.
Wells, S, Tupelo P, Edmonson S. 2019. Variability of oyster beds in the Gulf of Mexico
after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Paper presented at: 14th Deep Sea Biology
Symposium; 2018 Aug 13֪Sep 04; Madrid, Spain.
B.5 Dissertation or Thesis
Author(s). Year. Title of dissertation or thesis in sentence caps [content designator].
Place of publication: publisher. Extent.
Evans AM. 2012. Out of site but not out of mind: submerged landscapes on the
northwestern Gulf of Mexico Outer Continental Shelf [dissertation]. Baton Rouge:
Louisiana State University.
B.6 Maps
Author, cartographer. Year. Title of map in sentence caps [map type]. Place of
publication: publisher. Physical description. Notes.
Heinrich PV, Snead J, cartographers. 2003. Crowley 30 × 60 minute geologic
quadrangle. Baton Rouge (LA): Louisiana Geological Survey. Scale
Winker CD, compiler. 1990. Quaternary geology, northwestern Gulf Coast. In: Morrison
RB, editor. Quaternary non-glacial geology: conterminous United States. The
geology of North America, volume K-2. Boulder (CO): Geological Society of
America. Plate 8. Scale 1:2,000,000.
B.7 Websites and Other Online Formats
References to websites and other online formats follow the same general principles as for
printed references, with the addition of a date of update and/or revision (if available) along
with an access date and a web address. NOTE: Providing only a web address is NOT
Title of Homepage. Year. Edition. Place of publication: publisher; [date updated; date
accessed]. Notes.
If no date of publication can be determined, use a copyright date (if available), preceded by
“c”. Include the web address in the notes.
GNOME. c2018. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
[accessed 2018 Mar 7]
For the in-text reference, include only the first word or two of the title (enough to distinguish it
from other titles in the reference list), followed by an ellipsis.
(GNOME c2018)
Online Data or Datasets c2017a. Buck Island turtles [dataset]. Durham (NC): Duke
University, Ocean Biogeographic Information System Spatial Ecological
Analysis of Megavertebrate Populations; [accessed 2017 Jun 20].
( c2017a) c2017b. Satellite tracking: Alabama sea turtles. Durham (NC): US
Department of the Interior, US Geological Survey National Resource Damage
Assessment; [accessed 2017 Jun 20].
( c2017b)
Journal Article (if also available online)
Perkins S. 2006. Intrepid explorer: An oceangoing rover gathers unprecedented data.
Science News Online, 170(5):72. [Accessed 2007 Dec 27];
Online Journal Article
Author(s) of article. Year. Title of article in sentence caps. Title of journal (edition).
Volume(issue):location. [date updated; date accessed]; web address. Notes.
A DOI (Digital Object Identifier) may be included in the notes in addition to a web address, if
Savage E, Ramsay M, White J, Beard S, Lawson H, Hunjan R, Brown D. 2005. Mumps
outbreaks across England and Wales in 2004: observational study. BMJ.
330(7500):11191120. [accessed 2005 May 31];
Online Report
Author(s) of article. Year. Title of article in sentence caps. Place of publication: Publisher.
Extent. Report No.: xx. Contract No.: xx. [date updated; date accessed];
Volume(issue):location. Notes.
Schirripa MJ, Legault CM. 1999. Status of the red snapper in U.S. waters of the Gulf of
Mexico: updated through 1998. Miami (FL): National Marine Fisheries Service,
Southeast Fisheries Science Center. 106 p. Report No.: SFD-99/00-75. [accessed
2020 March 30];
[SEDAR] Southeast Data, Assessment, and Review. 2005. Stock assessment report of
SEDAR 7: Gulf of Mexico red snapper. SEDAR7 assessment report 1. Charleston
(SC): SEDAR. 480 p. [accessed 2020 March 30];
Online Database
Title of database in sentence caps. Beginning dateending date. Edition. Place of
publication: Publisher. [date updated; date accessed]. Notes.
Author(s). Year. Title of book in sentence caps. Edition. Place of publication: publisher;
[date updated; date accessed]. Notes.
Brogden KA, Guthmille JM, editors. 2002. Polymicrobial diseases. Washington (DC):
ASM Press; [accessed 2014 Feb 28].
Author(s). Year. Title of post in sentence caps [descriptive word]. Title of blog. [accessed
date]. Web address.
Fogarty M. 2012 Aug 14. Formatting titles on Twitter and Facebook [blog]. Grammar Girl:
Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing. [accessed 2012 Oct 19].
B.8 ISO Journal Title Abbreviations: Links
If the full journal name is not listed, and some are not, just use the abbreviation for each word.
Full list:
Other resources:
Appendix C: Sample Table in Landscape Orientation
Table B-2 Sample table in landscape orientation with data in columns aligned on the decimal (mg/m2)
chl c2
chl b
chl a
Abbreviations and Acronyms
Autonomous Underwater Vehicle
Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement
Contracting Officer
Contracting Officer’s Representative
Council of Science Editors
Departmental Manual
Department of the Interior
National Response System
National Technical Reports Library
Oil Spill Preparedness Division
Oil Spill Response Research
Pixels Per Inch
Preparedness Verification
Oil Spill Preparedness Division Report Template
Department of the Interior (DOI)
The Department of the Interior protects and manages the Nation's
natural resources and cultural heritage; provides scientific and other
information about those resources; and honors the Nation’s trust
responsibilities or special commitments to American Indians, Alaska
Natives, and affiliated island communities.
Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE)
The mission of the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement
works to promote safety, protect the environment, and conserve
resources offshore through vigorous regulatory oversight and
BSEE Oil Spill Preparedness Program
BSEE administers a robust Oil Spill Preparedness Program through its
Oil Spill Preparedness Division (OSPD) to ensure owners and
operators of offshore facilities are ready to mitigate and respond to
substantial threats of actual oil spills that may result from their
activities. The Program draws its mandate and purpose from the
Federal Water Pollution Control Act of October 18, 1972, as amended,
and the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (October 18, 1991). It is framed by
the regulations in 30 CFR Part 254 Oil Spill Response Requirements
for Facilities Located Seaward of the Coastline, and 40 CFR Part 300
National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan.
Acknowledging these authorities and their associated responsibilities,
BSEE established the program with three primary and interdependent
Preparedness Verification,
Oil Spill Response Research, and
Management of Ohmsett - the National Oil Spill Response
Research and Renewable Energy Test Facility.
The research conducted for this Program aims to improve oil spill
response and preparedness by advancing the state of the science and the
technologies needed for these emergencies. The research supports the
Bureau’s needs while ensuring the highest level of scientific integrity
by adhering to BSEE’s peer review protocols. The proposal, selection,
research, review, collaboration, production, and dissemination of
OSPD’s technical reports and studies follows the appropriate
requirements and guidance such as the Federal Acquisition Regulation
and the Department of Interior’s policies on scientific and scholarly